Maitland Home'Tis a long way to Tipperary. ================
================ PRIVATELY PRINTED, FOR FAMILY USE ONLY CONTAINS MUCH THAT IF OF INTEREST TO THE FAMILY ONLY, AND NOT INTENDED FOR, NOR SUITABLE FOR, ANY WORK PRINTED FOR PUBLICATION ================ 30th NOVEMBER 1914 TORONTO DAVIS & HENDERSON LIMITED 1914 Note: This document was copied from an original held by Carolyn (Chadwick) Porter, daughter of Frederick Stewart Chadwick. The original page numbers are given in brackets. It is however printed as fits the modern page size. Line drawn coats of arms are included, but the few photographs in the original are not. Unfortunately, the limitations of the system (or my knowledge) prevented showing more of the Fonts used in the original. A. Maitland 22 November 2001
Page Chart index 5 Chadwicks of Lancashire and Yorkshire 9 Armorials, etc. 13-17-19 Chadwicks in Ireland 21 Ballinard family, Main line 22 Tipperary family, "Big Billy" 33 Richard-Barclay branch 34 Michael, etc Wales and Michigan. 37 "Parson Dick" family 39 Major James, son of "Parson Dick" 41 Barnascounce, Thomas of 42 James, son of Richard & Rebecca 44 Littleton, Frederick of 45 Names in Army lists (and a few others) not identified 46 Topographical Notes 48 Family Names 52 Canadian Family 56 " John Craven, Junior 57 " Frederick Jasper 59 " Edward Marion 61 " Austin Cooper 66 Bell Family 67 " Royal descent 72 " Saxon 74 " Irish (ancient) 75 " Scottish (Stewart, Gordon, Barclay) 78 " English 81 Addendum; Catherine Fry's letter 82 INDEX OF CERTAIN SPECIAL ITEMS Page Page Page Armorials 13 Cooper-Chadwick 31 Liveries 16 Ballinard Mansion 48 DeLastre or DeLatre 12 Macdonald 43 Barclay 80 DeRochdale 12 Margaret of Scotland 75 Bourchier 35 Dorsetshire family 41 Orte of Martlets 11 Boyd 44 Fordyce 44 Rishdall 12 Buxton 67 Head 68 Rochdale 9 Chadwick, name 9-l1 Joan of Kent 77 Turner (& Nelles) 67 " Manor or Hall 10 Lismacue 49 Wakefield 67 (2) ABOUT forty years ago Mrs. Letitia Chadwick, of Dunmore, County Waterford, who had been for some years getting information regarding the family put in pedigree form, placed the results of her work at my disposal, and I issued an account of the family. Since then much more information has become available, and some errors and inaccuracies discovered; I have therefore decided to issue the present work. If anyone should feel disposed to continue this work in the future, he should make such searches as he might require from the beginning of the Nineteenth Century, subsequent to which time I have made no searches of wills and settlements and the like, for although these are public records and may be examined by anyone, I have felt that my doing so might seem like prying into other people's affairs, and in any case I would not have cared to print information thus obtained, making it needlessly public, to the possible annoyance of living persons. I have not been able to make much use of parochial records for I have not found the Irish clergy (some at least) much disposed to assist such searches. When such Registers are in the Record Office in Dublin they may be searched easily and at no great expense. When beginning this work, requiring some searches to be made, I was advised in Ulster's Office to engage the services of Mr. Philip Crossle, whom I found to be a very competent and careful searcher, and whose fees I considered very moderate, so much so that I continued the searches much beyond what I had intended, with very satisfactory results. (I may observe that Mr. Crossle claims a sort of cousinship, through the Cardens.) The information since the beginning of the Nineteenth Century which I have obtained is derived chiefly from personal recollections of those who had been born about that time, and well knew many of the previous generation. My own personal knowledge of the family in Ireland reaches back to 1845, and includes six generations. E.M. CHADWICK. (4)
Chart Index WILLIAM CHADWICK RICHARD CHADWICK Of Gortnekilleen of Ballinard m. Elizabeth Gabbett m. Mary Baker, d.s.p. | WILLIAM d. 1748, m. Jane Greene | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | RICHARD William, of Tipperary Rudolphus Michael d. in 1770 "Big Billy" m. Anna Maria Connor m. (1) Rebecca Ellard m. 2) Jane Sadlier m. Mary Lockwood | | | | | | | | | | Lackey -------------------------------------------- Michael Richard | | | | | | m. Mgt Dwyer (Barclay) Despard | | | | | WILLIAM Richard Capt. Richard Thomas, d.s.p. "Billy Snug" "Parson Dick" (Wales etc.) Michael - 'Major" m. (1) Christian Carden m. (2)Sophia Carden Thomas of Nicholas, "Big Nick" | No issue Barnascounce Nicholas Benjamin | James m. Anne Sadlier Rodolph | Frederick ane Adams | of Littleton ELizabeth Neligan | For these | separately | See below ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | | | JOHN CRAVEN Rebecca Beere Clarinda Collins Elizabeth Power Charlotte Bourchier Harriet, d. unm Isabella, d. inf. m. Elizabeth Cooper | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | | | | | WILLIAM Samuel Cooper Austin Cooper JOHN CRAVEN Richard. d. unm. Frances, m. Seymour m. (1) Willma. Seymour, (2) Charlotte Bourchier m. Letitia Hall m. Anne Millett of Guelph, Canada ---- ---- | (no issue) d.s.p. (left issue) Frederick, m. Christiana, m. Forsayeth | and left issue ---- ----------------------------- ---- Elizabeth. m. Bryan | | Edward Butler ---- CATHERINE Frances d. unm. Caroline Damer m. Richard Austin m. Armstrong Cooper Chadwick | WILLIAM, LT. COL. m. Anna R.H.M. Langley | -------------------------------------- | | FRANCES VIOLET KATHLEEN LILLIAN m. Allen Baker RICHARD THOMAS FREDERICK "Parson Dick" of Barnascounce of Littleton, &c. m.Margaret Sadleir m. Sarah Lockwood m. Susannah Minchin ( Richard, murdered Richard, Capt. Richard, m. Cornwall Richard, Capt.( Rebecca, unm. Thomas, Col. Catherine Ellard ( Alicia Massey William, Capt. Rebecca Boyle *James, Major Michael, m. Mary Anne Dickson Clarinda Homan William, Major Rebecca Harper Letitia Bagwell Thomas, d.1808 *Jane Macdonald Nicholas. d.s.p. Elizabeth Blackhall Anne Braddish §Arahella Boyd (Kissane Sophia Bell Elizabeth ( (Casement (Armstrong Sarah (Graham Rebecca Cooper ( | Phoebe, Lady Fordyce Alicia Sadleir Ellen Scott Adelaide Margaret d. unm. ---- ---- *Ancs. of Macdonald of Peterhorough and Toronto *Grandfather of Col. Edward Frederick, §Ancs. of Boyd of Bobcaygeon Dorsetshire Josephine, Toronto Margaret, Toronto and others
De Lastre De Rochdale De Cheddewyck (original in red)
IN East Lancashire, not far from the borders of Yorkshire, is situate the important town of Rochdale. A short distance from Rochdale there was a wick or hamlet anciently called Ceadda's Wyck or St. Chad's Wick (Chaddewyck). The parish church of Rochdale, a fine old church of the Twelfth Century partly rebuilt and largely added to, bears the name of St. Chad's. Although there is no positive evidence of the fact, it is probable that the church was built on or near the site of an earlier small church. There would seem to have been some close connection between St. Chad's Church and St. Chad's Wick. In the early endowment of the church there was included one acre at Chaddewyck. St. Chad was a missionary to the Saxons of Mercia, which comprised a large eastern and middle part of England, who became Bishop of York and afterwards of Lichfield. There are many churches And other places in the midland and northern counties of England which bear his name. Chadwick, originally Chaddewyck, no doubt derived its name from the church, and manifestly the family, anciently DeChaddewyck, in more modern form Chadwick, derived their name from Chaddewyck. The early history of the family is obscure but there is abundant evidence that they were extensive land owners in Spotland in the Thirteenth Century (Fishwick's History of the Parish of Rochdale). The parish of Rochdale is large, including a number of Townships of which that in which Chadwick is situated is Spotland, anciently Spoddenland, named from a River Spod. Foster's Feudal Coats of Arms mentions 9 Sir John Chidiock, Ed.. III. Roll, and Sir J. Chadwick of Chadwick and Healey, Hen. VI. Roll, both bearing Cules, an inescutcheon within an orle of martlets argent; also Sir John Chideoke, Ed. II. Roll, bearing a different and no doubt derivative coat. In the Ancestor, No. II, page III, there is mention of William Fitzwarine, Governor of Montgomery Castle, said to have been summoned (i.e., to the House of Lords) as a Baron, who died leaving a son and heir, Ives Fitzwarine, who died s.p.m. 1414, leaving a daughter and heir, Eleanor, married, as second wife to Sir John Chedeoke, whose two daughters, co-heirs, carried the representation of his line and of the Barony, if any ever existed, to the Arundels and Stourtons. As the two latter are names of some distinction this may be worth noting. From the Fifteenth Century there are records of many transactions in the acquisition and disposal of lands by Chadwicks. The ancient Wick subsequently became the Manor House of Chadwick, and as such was long in the possession of the family. It was pulled down and rebuilt by Oliver Chadwick in 1610, which date is cut in the stone lintel over the front door. Chadwick Hall, as it is now called, was a low rambling structure quite in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century style of Lancashire houses. It consisted of a central part with gabled transverse wing on the east and a similar but larger wing on the west. The house, as it now stands consists of the east wing and about one-half of the main part, and is used as a farm house. Near the house on the west side is now a large stone barn. It is quite likely that this barn is actually the west wing of the Manor House, cut off from the house by the intermediate part of it having been taken down, and altered to its present condition. The main line of the family, known as Chadwick of Chadwick during their occupancy of the Manor, died out in 1722, terminating in a sole heiress, Sarah Chadwick, who died in that year and disposed of her property by will in favour of strangers. The representation of this principal or best known branch of the family devolved upon Chadwick of Healey. Mavesyn Ridware, etc., the head of whom is now Sir Charles Chadwick-Healey. The Healeys or Helye of Helye were an ancient and important Lancashire family. There was in 1889, and probably still is, a large silver "dish" (offertory plate?) in St. Chad's 10 given by Sarah Chadwick, as is stated in an inscription engraved on the back of it. There is a window in the church, one of twelve in the Clerestory of the Choir representing the Twelve Apostles, to the Memory of George Chadwick, Nineteenth Century. From the Fourteenth Century, and perhaps earlier, down to comparatively recent times, Chadwicks were very numerous in the parish of Rochdale and especially in Spotland. In records of the period down from the Fourteenth to the Seventeenth Century the name constantly appears. In 1672 the Speaker of the House of Commons ordered that people should be required to sign a certain "Protestacion" of loyalty to King etc. This "Protestacion" was signed by 2,079 male inhabitants of the parish of Rocbdale, "none refusing," a list of whom is printed in Fenwick's History. Of these there were 59 Chadwicks, 27 in Spotland and 32 in other townships. Since then, however, they seem to have drifted away into adjoining counties and into wider fields, and indeed seem to have been always of a roving disposition, and are probably now to be found wherever the English language is spoken. In Rochdale itself, the writer, who visited that town in 1910, could only find or hear of one person of the name. A few years ago Chadwick Hall was occupied by a Mr. Chadwick but only as a tenant and not for long. His son, Kenneth Chadwick, C.E., came to Canada and lived for some time in Toronto and then went to Vancouver. The names of English families of long continuance usually show changes in form. The name of Chadwick has had quite a number of variations. Omitting the original De, there have been Ceaddewyck, Cheddewyk, Chaddewyc, Chadwyk, Chadweke, Schadweke, Chadwek, Chadwik, Chadwic, Chadwyke, Chadwycke, Chadwike, Chadioke; Chidiock, Chideock, Chadock, Chadoke and perhaps Chidwick. The name has also been transformed to Sedgewick, which is usually, and properly, of quite different derivation; but Burke's Armory gives one of this name as bearing an inescutcheon and orle of martlets. The early history of the family is, as already mentioned, quite obscure, and it is curious that the only light so far known to have been thrown upon it is heraldic in connection with the orle of martlets, a bearing, which has been something of a puzzle for archaeologists and 11 armorists; which seems to remain altogether unsolved. The orle of martlets, usually with an inescutcheon for which other charges are sometimes substituted, is of exceptional character, being quite unlike any other heraldic composition of the same early period. The arms are believed to have been in the first instance borne by the family of De-Rochdale, who took their name from the town of Rochdale, and by the Borough of Rochdale, anciently and until about the middle of the Nineteenth Century, when they were hideously modernised, and are now borne in the unsightly form then adopted. The arms of Chadwick are the same as DeRochdale with a difference of tincture. The writer upon a study of the arms came to the conclusion that the arms of Chadwick or DeChaddewyck were a derivative from the arms of Rochdale or DeRochdale, indicating either a close relationship or close feudal connection. Colonel Fishwick, the historian of Rochdale, seems to doubt the existence of the family of DeRochdale, but he is evidently too skeptical. The family certainly existed in Lancashire and elsewhere, with variations of the name, but always the same arms, and do in fact still exist under the names of Rashdall or Rishdall. The writer further formed the opinion that the arms of DeRochdale were not an original coat but a derivative from an earlier one which he considered would, if ever discovered, probably be found in France, and that the tinctures would be, Argent, an one of eight martlets sable. Some time after the writer had come to this conclusion he, in quite an accidental manner, met with the original coat exactly in the form he expected it to be in, borne by Colonel DeLatre, a gentleman of French family anciently DeLastre, from the neighbourhood of Tours, who was in the military service of England from 1795 for many years, and who afterwards came to Canada in 1833 and lived at Lundy's Lane and at Niagara and died in 1848. Among his descendants now living are Lady Falconbridge, wife of Sir Glenhome Falcontridge, and Lady Moss, widow of the late Sir Charles Moss, and Mrs. Moss, widow of Chief Justice Thomas Moss. The arms of DeLatre are engraved on an old seal in the possession of Lady Falconbridge which does not show the tinctures, but they are probably Argent with an orle of eight martlets sable. Those of DeRochdale are the reverse, Sable and an orle of eight martlets argent, with an ines- 12 cutcheon of the last. Those of Chadwick of Chadwick are gules with an orle of martlets and inescutcheon argent. Derivatives from the original coat are borne by about forty Families in England. One borne by a family named Erpingham is precisely the same as Rochdale with a change of tincture. Among those who have borne the arms there was a family of great distinction, closely connected with royalty, named DeValence. Two of this family are buried in Westminster Abbey, and one of them has a tomb which is very well known to archaeologists; it has on it a full-sized effigy in armour with a shield which still retains its original colours. In St. Alban's Cathedral in Hertfordshire among a number of carved shields there is one of Valoynes, a name which seems to be identical with DeValence; and Foster's Feudal Coat of Arms gives another for the same name; both of these arms are sub- derivatives from some one or other of the derivatives of Rochdale.Chadwick, Yorkshire and Co. Tipperary The arms borne by the Tipperary Chadwicks are varied from those of Chadwick of Chadwick by the addition of a cross gules, according to an old drawing of apparently the Seventeenth Century still preserved at Ballinard in 1910, on which these arms are stated to be those of a Yorkshire branch of the family. The same arms with the same crest, namely, a martlet argent, were borne by a family of Chadock or Chedocke of Ormskirk in West Lancashire, and also with a slight variation of the crest are attributed by Burke to Chadwick of Cornwall. Both of these would appear to be derivatives from those borne in Yorkshire. The crests of the different branches of the name are generally either a white lily stemmed and leaved proper, or a silver martlet, and in some instances a combination of both. Chadwick of Chadwick had 13 the lily, and Chadwick of Healey the same, while the Yorkshire branch bore the silver martlet, as also the Ormskirk branch and that of Cornwall, but the latter added a crest coronet. The Ballinard branch has also the silver martlet but the crest now borne with the differenced coat mentioned above includes the white lily also; carried by the martlet feseways, i.e., horizontally. Of the two crests of the Cooper-Chadwicks, now obsolete, one was a sable martlet bearing the lily erect. The lily of the Chadwicks is said to be a white flag, but it seems to be invariably drawn as an Easter lily. It is frequently drawn with five petals but that is not correct as there should be six. The motto of the Chadwicks generally is In Candore decus, which has a double meaning and may be rendered Beauty in whiteness, presumably with reference to the white lily, or in a secondary sense Honour in uprightness. The Latin Candor may be translated whiteness, purity or uprightness; and Decus means beauty, grace or honour. Truly a motto well worth trying to "live up to," as is also the second motto of the Ballinard branch, Toujours pret, Always ready. The motto of the Chadwicks of Healey is another good one, Stans cum Rege, Standing with (i.e., loyally supporting) the King. This was used by Richard Cooper- Chadwick, but not properly, as it is a motto adopted by the Chadwicks of Healey from a family allied to them, but not to our branch. Richard Chadwick, Barclay branch, used on his seal as a motto, "Juxta Salopiam," but that is rather a statement of the locality in which he resided. On the marriage in 1855 of Catherine, eldest daughter of William Chadwick of Ballinard, to Richard Austin Cooper, who by Royal license assumed the name of Chadwick, a new grant of arms was made, that being required by Irish heraldic rule in such cases. When this was done it does not seem that there was any evidence of the arms borne by either family produced to Ulster King of Arms and consequently the arms as then granted were varied unduly from those previously borne. This grant of arms was to Richard and Catherine and the descendants of their marriage, and consequently are now borne only by Frances Violet Baker, and her husband in her right, and Kathleen Lillian Cooper-Chadwick, and the two crests granted at the same time are obsolete. The 14 descendants of Richard Austin Cooper-Chadwick's second marriage are entitled to the arms of Cooper only (unless they have obtained a confirmation or new grant). The arms of Cooper Chadwick so granted are:
Cooper-Chadwick Quarterly, I and 4, Gold, an inescutcheon gules charged with a lily leaved and slipped proper, within an orle of martlets sable, for Chadwick; 2 and 3, per pale indented silver and sable, three bulls passant counterchanged, a canton azure, for Cooper. Crests: 1st, a martlet sable charged on the breast with a silver crescent holding in the bill a lily stemmed and leaved proper, for Chadwick; 2nd, on a mount vert, a bull passant per pale silver and sable gorged with a collar dancettee azure, for Cooper. There was at Ballinard (now at Lismacue) a silver salver on which are engraved the arms of Chadwick, partially and incorrectly tinctured, impaling Azure, two swords in saltire points upwards, which the writer has been unable to identify. This impaled coat is attributed by Papworth to the name of Gabb, and also to the Scottish family of Bonar. The same coat is on an old monument in Muckross Abbey, Killarney, and is said to be a coat granted to McCarthy More on his being created an Earl by Queen Elizabeth. But we have no record of any alliance with any of these families. In consequence of the grant having been made to Cooper-Chadwick, and in order to prevent further misapprehension regarding the ancient arms, application was made to Ulster and a confirmation of the ancient arms taken out, on behalf of ll descendants of John Craven Chadwick of Ballinard other than the Cooper- Chadwicks. The arms so confirmed 15 are slightly and very satisfactorily differenced from the Yorkshire coat. All of the Ballinard branch of the family not descended from the above John Craven Chadwick are entitled to the Yorkshire coat. The children of the writer are, according to a dictum of the Lyon King of Arms, entitled to quarter the arms of Fisher in accordance with and subject to Scottish rules, which differ materially from English and Irish, the eldest son or male heir only being so entitled as of course, any other desiring to do so being required to "matriculate," that is, to show his right by birth or descent, and have the arms duly assigned to him. The Lyon King of Arms also accords to the eldest male descendant of the writer the right to use the crest of Fisher, a lion rampant azure (probably the lion of Clan Ross) holding a maple leaf vert, an addition made to it by Lyon to distinguish. the Canadian family, and the motto, Hope wins success, which is an echo or antithesis of the Clan Ross motto which may be rendered in English as Success encourages hope. In connection with armorials it may not be out of place to refer to liveries. The writer was informed by his aunt, Letitia Chadwick, that the servants at Ballinard used formerly to wear a livery of drab and scarlet or crimson, but how disposed is not known. Scarlet being now regarded as reserved for the use of Royalty, the writer is of opinion that the descendants of John Craven Chadwick of Ballinard should use a coat of claret colour with buff facings, and black breeches, and all others a coat of claret colour with buff breeches. The former might very well use for waistcoat the racing colour used in the early part of the Nineteenth. Century (query, if previously?), namely, blue, yellow and white, composed in a tartan pattern of nine equal stripes, Strong blue, light blue, strong yellow, light yellow and white, with the first four repeated in reversed order. 16
Colours: Gold and Silver; usually termed Or and Argent, but the writer prefers to describe them in English, following the example set in recent years by some eminent Armorists in England; Gules, red; Azure, blue; Vert, green; Sable, black; Ermine describes a surface of silver on which are scattered black spots and tails. Any object in its natural colour is described as proper. The divisions of the surface of a shield requiring explanation are:- Chief, the upper third of the shield; objects placed in this part of a shield are described as "in chief." Fess, the middle third horizontally of the shield; fesseways, is horizontally placed. Bar, is similar, but narrower, and not necessarily in the middle. Pale, the middle third perpendicularly of the shield; objects placed one directly above the other are described as "in pale"; Paly is a shield divided into several parts by perpendicular lines. Bend, is a band drawn across the shield usually from the "dexter" upper corner to the "sinister" base, but occasionally from the sinister upper corner to the dexter base. Dexter is the right hand of a person standing behind a shield, and sinister is his left. Bendy is a surface divided by a number of lines drawn bendways. Saltire, is a cross formed by two bends; a St. Andrew's or St. Patrick's Cross. Chevron, is the lower parts of two bends drawn from both sides of the base of the shield until they join. Bordure, is a border around the outer edges of the shield. When described as compony it is divided into nominally equal parts of alternate colour; this is used in Scottish armory to distinguish a junior branch of a family from the elder. Orle, is a narrow inside border around the shield, not touching the edges; objects placed in this position are described as "in orle," or as "an orle of, etc." Treasure is similar to the orle, but narrower. 17 Quarter, is the fourth of a shield. Quarterly primarily denotes a shield divided in four nominally equal parts by perpendicular and horizontal lines; but the term may comprise more divisions of similar form. Canton, is similar to a quarter but smaller. Chequy, describes a surface divided into small squares or "panes" of alternate colour. Inescutcheon, is a small shield placed in a target one. Indented, describes a partition or dividing line formed like the teeth of a saw. Wavy, a line in waved form. Nebulee, a line deeply waved. Engrailed, means with scolloped edges. Masoned, describes a surface divided by lines resembling masonry. Semee, indicates small objects scattered over a surface. Animals are described as to their attitudes by various terms; thus rampant is standing in a threatening attitude upon one hind leg; passant is walking or passing by; trippant means the same, referring to animals of the deer kind. Displayed, describes a bird of prey affixed with his back to the shield and with wings and legs spread out. Naiant, swimming Couped, is cut off with a smooth edge. Erased, is torn off with a jagged edge. Pitched, applied to a cross, signifies, that. the foot is pointed. Cross-crosslet, describes a cross with the head and each arm crossed. Gorged, is wearing a collar; Ducally gorged is wearing a collar in the form of a Duke's coronet. "Heraldic" objects are innumerable.. The following which occur in this work require explanation:-. Martlet, is a mythical bird, part pigeon and part swallow, with no feet, the legs terminating in feathers. Griffin, is a mythical beast, part eagle and part lion. Pheon, is a broad arrow head, point downwards. 18. Mascle, is a lozenge with the middle part "voided," allowing the field on which it is placed to be seen through it. Cinquefoil, is a flower of five petals, all showing equally. Fleur-de-Lis; a lily, conventionally represented. Flory describes an Object or figure ornamented with fleurs-de-lis. Mullet, is a star of five points straight edged. When a mullet is pierced it is more correctly a mollette or spur-rowel. Cross patee, is what is usually known as a Maltese cross. Lymphad, is an ancient ship of one mast. Carb, is a wheat sheaf The description with colours of the arms shown in outline only in the illustrations in this work is as follows, in terms not too technical for the usual reader:- Barclay, Azure, a chevron and in chief three crosses pattee all silver. Battersby, Gold, a saltire paly of twelve ermine and gules, in chief a crescent sable. Beatty, Azure, a silver fess, embattled, masoned sable; between three Golden pheons. Beaufort, Quarterly; 1 and 4 gules, three golden lions passant gardant; 2 and 3, Azure, three golden fleur-de-lis; all within a bordure compony silver and azure. Ermine, on a chief azure an escallop shell between two church bells all silver. Carden, Silver, a mascle gules between three pheons sable. Cooper, Sable, a chevron wavy ermine between three golden lions rampant. Craven, Silver, a fess between six crosses-crosslet fitched all gules. Eade, Azure, a chevron engrailed between three leopard's faces, all silver. Edmund of Woodstock, Gules, three golden lions passant gardant within a silver bordure. It is a little curious that the sons of the second marriage of Edward I bore these arms, being England with a bordure for cadency, but the sons of his first marriage bore France Ancient and England quarterly with due marks of cadency. No doubt the explanation of this is that the second wife. was a French 19 Princess, and the assumption of the arms of France by Edward I being a claim to sovereignty over France, the withholding from the sons of that marriage of the quarter for France would be in consequence of some point of etiquette or agreement. Ellard, Sable, on a bend ermine three hearts gules. Fisher, Azure, three silver fishes naiant in pale, on a golden chief a king- fisher proper between two cinquefoils gules. Gabbett, Gules, a golden griffin rampant holding erect a flag staff, bendy silver and sable, with a white banner charged with a two-headed eagle displayed sable. Cordon, Azure, three golden boar's heads couped. Greene, Azure, three golden stags trippant. Holland, Azure, semee of silver fleurs-de-lis, and a lion rampant silver. Nicholson, Azure, two bars ermine, and in chief three suns "in splendour" (i.e., with rays) gold. Sadleir, Cold, a lion rampant, per less azure and gules. Stewart (Guelph), Gold, a fess chequy azure and silver between three lions rampant gules. Another somewhat complicated coat is shown in Ontarian Families, but the writer is advised by Ulster King of Arms to use the simpler coat as preferable to the other one. Stewart of Athole, Quarterly; I and 4, Gold, a fess cbequy azure and argent; 2 and 3, Silver, a lymphad sable. Stuart, Gold, a lion rampant gules within a double tressure fiory and counterflory also gules. Vaur, Gold, a fess chequy gules and gold between three garbs gules. 20
BRANCHES of English families who settled in Ireland in the Seventeenth Century have generally been careless about preserving a record of their connection with the English families from which they sprung, and such connection is now generally very difficult to ascertain or establish, "as is well known to experts in Genealogy" (so says Mr J. Horace Round, an eminent Genealogist, The Ancestor, No.5, page 53). The evidence of the connection of our family with the English parent stem is only the statement in the old drawing of arms previously mentioned that we came "of an ancient and worthy family out of Yorkshire." Chadwicks in Yorkshire, offshoots from Lancashire, have been numerous, as appears from recorded wills since the beginning of the Fifteenth Century (Temp. Henry IV). The writer had two or three of such wills searched but without finding any connection. There are two wills, however, which seem suggestive. The will of William Chadwyck, of Screeby, Yorkshire, who died in 1557. There is no mention in this will of any widow or children; he left his house and land to his nephew, Richard Chadywicke, son of his brother, Nycolas Chadwycke; he also refers to a brother, Richard Chadwycke; and gave his goods to be divided among the children of his brother and sisters. These people seem to have been of good social position as the will referred to is witnessed by a Sir Edward Wyngrea (Wyngrove?). Then the will in 1558 of Richard Chadwike of the parish of West Markham, who was evidently a man of some position as he directs that he should be buried in the church. He refers to his brothers Nicolas and Roger Chadwicke. His wife's name was Joan, and he left a daughter Rachel, under age, no other children being mentioned. The first of our family in Ireland seem to have been two brothers, Richard, of Ballinard, County Tipperary, and William, of Gortnekilleen, Counties Tipperary and Limerick. RICHARD CHADWICK, of Ballinard, was, about the middle or latter part of the Seventeenth Century, in possession of Ballinard and Ballin- 21 glanna, which have been always held together and are included herin under the one name Ballinard. The extent of this estate was 434 acres Irish plantation measure, equal to about 700 acres English. By his will, dated 18th February, 1720/21, proved 1722, he left Ballinard and other lands to his nephew William (styled "Senior"), of Gortukilleen; for life, then to his eldest son Richard in tail, with successive remainders to his sons, William, Rodolph (or Rudolphus) and Michael. He left to his wife a legacy of £590 and his plate and other articles; and a legacy of £10 to his niece. Grace Sadleir, and £60 to her children; and £30 to Pires Baron and his daughter Elizabeth. Also he gave a farm to his nephew, Richard Ballard1. He died S.P. He married Mary Baker, who survived him, and lived with her brother, Walter Baker, of Ballywire2. By her will, proved 3rd January, 1729, she left, besides other legacies, a legacy to her piece Mary, daughter of Barnaby (?) Baker, provided she married with consent of William Baker of Lismacue, and a legacy and also the residue to Walter Baker, son of William Baker of Lismacue. WILLIAM CHADWICK, of Gortnekilleen, brother of Richard above named, will dated 1715, proved 1717. Was living in Gortnekilleen in 1665. He purchased, on 17th January, 1684, by lease for lives renewable for 300 years (a tenure usual in Ireland and similar to ancient feudal custom in England, but quite unknown in Canada) Gortnekilleen and the East Stanges alias Stangesmore, 150 acres, I.P.M. (about equal to 243 English), part of the Manor of Cullen in the parishes of Ulla and Cullen in Coies Tipperary and Limerick. Gortnekilleen and East Stanges or Stangesmore were always united as one holding as long as the Chadwicks held them, and Stangesmore will herein be understood as included wherever Gortnekilleen is mentioned. He married Elizabeth, daughter of William Gabbett, of Caherline, County Limerick (he died 1693), and Alicia, his wife, daughter of Richard England,3 of Lifford, County Clare, and had issue, viz:- 1 A Richard Ballard was living in Ballinard previous to 1665. He died in 1666 2 Or Ballywyre.. Names of places are spelled in deeds and wills with a good deal of variation. The writer usually adopts the modern spelling. 3 The late Bishop Fuller was a descendant of Richard England.22 Gabbett William, of Gortnekilleen, the above named "Senior," of whom below. Grace, married, firstly, 1692, to Richard Ballard and had a son Richard, and secondly, to Clement Sadleir, who died 1715, leaving sons, John Clement, William, Oliver, Nicholas, and Ambrose. Elizabeth, married to Hamersley, and had two sons, John and and Richard. (?) Another daughter married to Pires or Pierce Barron, who had a daughter Elizabeth.
Greene WILLIAM CHADWICK, of Gortnekilleen and Ballinard, son of William above named, married, October, 1713, Jane, daughter of Rodolphus Greene, of Kilmanahan, County Waterford, and his wife Mary, daughter of Michael Carey; with a portion of £300; she died September, 1779. By his will, dated 1748, proved 1750, he left his widow £300 4, with plate, 4 A specified sum of money at that date, and long after, represented a much greater measure of wealth than the same figure would represent now. Even as comparatively recently as the middle of the 19th Century the writer recollects a manservant in his uncle's house whose year's wages were very little more than is now paid for a month's wages to a maidservant in Toronto. 23 jewels and numerous. articles. of value, and "her chaise and best chaise horse" and an annuity of £50. He bequeathed to his son Rodolphus £100; to his son, Michael £10, he being "already provided for"; to his grand-daughter, Jane Chadwick, £300; and to his daughters, Ann Blood, Grace Bunbury,* and Catherine Hunt, each £10 "to buy mourning." He had issue, viz:- Richard, of whom below. William, of Tipperary, "Big Billy." Rudolphus. In a former account of the family his name appears with the simple note "of whom nothing is known," but we now know something of him, assuming the very unusual name to be evidence of his identity with Rudolphus Chadwick, who appears to have settled in Cork and to have been a merchant there, and to have married, in 1739, Prudence Healy, of the parish of St. Mary Shandon5. The following persons whose names occur in Cork records are probably their descendants, and they seem to have gone down rather in the social scale. Charles Chadwick in 1765 had an interest in Rathmore, a small property in the suburbs of Cork. His eldest son, William, married Mary Rebecca White in 1776. And there were the following marriages also; 1767, Mary, of St. Mary Shandon, to Joseph Merrick; 1778, Mary Elizabeth to Thomas Cooke; 1797, Mary, of Cork, to Henry Duggan, son of John Duggan, with an annuity if left a widow of £50 charged on certain lands. The following also appear: Edward Chadwick, of 32nd Regiment, married, in 1780, Mary Ray, of Youghal, and Edward Chadwick, of Leitrim, revenue officer, perhaps the same man, married, in 1809, Margaret Homan. The Cork Directory of 1914 gives two or three persons of the name, of whom the writer has not obtained any particulars6. * Earl Roberts, who has just recently died at the seat of war in France, was descended maternally from the Tipperary Bunburys, but whether from Grace Chadwick or not the writer cannot say. 5 It is to be hoped that she was a belle of Shandon, and that she had rung in her honour the famous "Bells of Shandon that sound so grand on the pleasant waters of the River Lee," according to a local poet - if they were then in existence. 6 If desired, a good deal of information regarding this family could be obtained from the parochial registers of St. Ann's, Shandon, in the Record Office, Dublin, and from the Register of St. Mary's, which is in the possession of the Rector of that parish. 24 Michael, a Quarter Master in 1743, married Anna Maria, daughter of William Connor, of Clonmel, who survived him; he died between 1752 and 1757; had a daughter Jane, married, 1759, to Francis, eldest son of George Davies, of Bunreagh, County Clare; and a daughter Mary, married to John Lackey, of Clonmmel and of Kilkenny, who had issue, viz: (besides others) a daughter Maria, married to Francis Despard, of Fethard, eldest son of William Despard, of Killaghy Castle, County Tipperary7. Catherine, married Vere Hunt, of Curragh, County Limerick, and had issue one son who died inf. Vere Hunt's eldest son of a second marriage was created a baronet. Grace, married to Bunbury. Ann, married in 1748 to William Blood, of Roxton, County Clare, some time High Sheriff. She had a marriage portion of £1,000 and an annuity of £100 a year if left a widow. RICHARD CHADWICK, of Ballinard, eldest son of William last named, married, firstly, February, 1738, Rebecca, eldest daughter of James Ellard, of Newtown, County Limerick. She had a settlement secured
ELLARD SADLIER on Ballinard, Gortnekilleen and three other estates. Richard married secondly, February, 1768, Jane, second daughter of Nicholas Sadleir of Golden Garden, County Tipperary. She had a jointure of £1,000 if left a widow. She survived him and was married, secondly, in 1772, to Anthony Armstrong, of Emly, and had several children. Richard 7 It is not certain that Jane and Mary were the only children of Michael and Anna Maria. It appears that there was (in 1759), in the office of William Connor, attorney-at-law in Dublin, apparently a relative of Anna Maria, a William Chadwick, very probably a son of Michael and Anna Maria. Also it is possible that Surgeon Michael Chadwick, 69th Regt., who has not been identified, may have been of this family. 25 died 1770 or 1771. By his will he gave to his son Thomas £1,000; to his son Frederick, the lands of Gortnebarna and Ballyhenry; to his son, Capt. James, £5,000, having already advanced him £2,000. Gave Gortnekilleen to his son Michael, with remainder to his son Nicholas. Directed certain lands to be sold for the benefit of his wife, and he left her his household effects "except plate and family pictures." He had issue, viz:- Of the first marriage:- William, "Billy Snug." Richard, "Parson Dick," see infra. Thomas, of Barnascounce, see infra. James, see infra. Frederick, of Littleton, see infra. Alice, married December, 1765, to John Minchin, of Busherstown; and had issue, Richard, Captain of Dragoons, died unmarried; George; Rebecca, married to William Minchin, of Greenhills.8 And of the second marriage:- Michael, see infra (Wales, etc.). Nicholas, nicknamed "Posy," born 1771, died January, 1854, was sometime a merchant in Cork, and was living in Mitchelstown in 1749. Married in 1792 Anne Sadleir, who died May, 1826 (Marriage Settlement £1,200), and had issue, Clement, died 1809; Richard, bpt. 1798; Nicholas, bpt. 1802; Michael, bpt. 1804, died 1885; William, bpt. 1806; Nathaniel, bpt. 1808. None of these left issue, so far as the writer has been able to ascertain. Jane, bpt. 1797, d.v.p. WILLIAM CHADWICK, of Ballinard, "Billy Snug," born 1741, died March, 1825. Married firstly, November, 1767, Christiana Carden (sister of Sir John Craven Carden, Baronet), second daughter of John Carden, of Templemore, County Tipperary, and his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Rev. Robert Craven and his wife Rose Otway9. She had a marriage portion of £2,500 secured on Ballinard, Illanemeene and 9 There is some confusion about the Minchin marriages. The pedigrees of that family furnished to Burke, and printed in the Landed Gentry (eds. 1895 and 1912), are confused and plainly incomplete and inaccurate. The statements made here are therefore not certain. 26 another estate. She died February, 1782. He married, secondly, in 1793, Sophia Carden, only daughter of John Carden, of Barnane, and
Craven Carden his wife, Anna Sophia Roe, a cousin of his first wife; she survived her husband and died September 1825, aged 82 10. She had a marriage portion of £1,000 and an annuity of £80 a year as a widow. William had issue of the first marriage only, viz:- Richard, who seems to have died quite young as William describes John Craven in his Marriage Settlement as his "only son." He probably died under two years of age because his name does not appear in the Cullen Register now existing which dates from 1770 only, those prior to that date having long ago disappeared. John Craven, born 1778 (query if accurate; he is styled "esquire" in 1796 as a witness to his sister's settlement). See infra. Elizabeth, married 15th November, 1796, to Edmond Power, eldest son of John Power of Tipperary, and his wife, Mary Middleton, and had issue Catherine (married to her cousin and had issue), Elizabeth, Madeline. Rebecca, married April, 1807, to Ussher Beere, of Dublin, son of Thomas Beere, of Liskevoon, County Tipperary; died s.p. Clarinda, married 1828 to John Collins, Major in the Army. 9There are two silver cups at Ballinard bearing the arms of Rose Craven (Otway) arranged as those of a widow. Her portrait, painted by Sir Peter Lely, a portrait painter of note, was given by William Chadwick of Ballinard to his brother to John Craven Chadwick (Canada) and is now in the possession of the writer. 10 The writer has Sophia's ring, containing hair of "Billy Snug," which was sent to him from Ireland by Elizabeth M. C. Barnes, his first cousin, named infra. 27 Charlotte, married 10th August, 1797, to John Bourchier, eldest son of John James Bourchier, 11 of Baggotstown, County Limerick, and his wife Mary, daughter of Joseph Gubbins, of Killrush, and had issue: their daughter Charlotte was married to William Chadwick (infra), and a grand-daughter, also Charlotte, was married to Richard Cooper-Chadwick. (infra). Harriet, died March, 1782. Isabella, born February, 1782, and died shortly afterwards. William, "Billy Snug," probably on his son John Craven becoming of age, left Ballinard, and in 1799 was residing in Limerick. In 1807 he was living at Willmount, County Tipperary. He seems to have maintained a greater measure of social dignity than any of those who came after him have been disposed to do. JOHN CRAVEN CHADWICK, of Ballinard, born 1778 (?), died March, 1851. Married, March, 1799, Elizabeth, only daughter of Samuel
Cooper Cooper, then of Cashel, afterwards of Killenure Castle, County Tipperary, and his wife Frances, daughter of David Butler, of Garranleagh, County Tipperary. She had a marriage portion of £3,000 and an annuity if left a widow of £250 secured on the mansion and 158 I.P.M. (or about 280) acres, of Ballinard, with Ballinglanna 45 acres. He had issue as follows:- 11 The name of Bourchier is pronounced Boucher and has been frequently so written, but incorrectly. The Bourchiers are an ancient English family who appear to have come originally from Bourcieres in France. The Bourchiers of Baggotstown bear for arms, Sable, three lions passant of silver. The other family, with whom John Barclay Bourchier Chadwick is connected, and also Col. Edward Frederick Chadwick of Dorsetshire, bear arms quite different. 28 William, born 1800, see below. Samuel Cooper, of Dunmore, County Waterford, born January, 1801, married Letitia, daughter of Thomas Hall, of Tipperary, son of Rev. Leak Hall, of Trim. She died 1886. Samuel Cooper died 15th June, 1890, s.p. Austin Cooper, of Damerville, County Tipperary, an attorney, married 1829, Anna Matilda, only daughter of Edward Millett, M.D., of Cove Queenstown), County Cork. He died April, 1846, leaving his widow surviving, having had issue, namely:- 1. Frederick William, horn 1830, settled in Australia and had issue. 2. John Craven, born 1834, went to Australia. 3 Edward Thomas Millett, born 1833, went to Australia. 4. Austin Cooper, born 1836, formerly in Australia, afterwards of Colman and Damerville, County Tipperary, was married twice, the second marriage being to a German named Alberta; had issue one daughter Muriel. 5. Samuel Richard, born 1841, died inf. 6. Henry Carden, born 1844, of Damerville. 7. Anna Maria, born 1834, married 29th November, 1855, to Robert Pratt, of Gawsworth, County Cork, and had issue five sons and eight daughters; see Burke's Landed G., ed. 1912. 8. Elizabeth Wilhelmina, born 1837, married to Thomas in Australia, afterwards living in England. 9. Fanny Matilda, born 1839. John Craven, born 6th April, 1811, settled in Canada. Richard, baptised 8th April, 1813, died unmarried. Frederick, baptised 16th February, 1815, of Foxhoro', near Moneygall, Kings County. Married Julia, daughter of Patrick Quinlisk, of Clonamohan, Kings County, and had issue :- 1. Edward, went to Australia; died, leaving issue, William, Mary. 2. John, of Foxhoro, married Mary Jane Mooney, and has issue, John Frederick; Charlotte Mary; Frances Victoria; Emily; Florence; Christina. 3. William, dec. 4. Charlotte, dec. 5. Maria Bessie, married to Ralph Hayes, and has issue, John, Frederick, Ralph. 6. Caroline, dec. 29 Edward Butler, a barrister-at-law, baptised 24th October, 1817; died unmarried 13th April, 1859. Frances, married 1833 to Rev. John Seymour (brother of Wilhelmina, wife of William, infra) [Arms: gules, a pair of golden wings conjoined in lure; i.e., displayed with points downward and joined in the form of a hawk's lure], of Clonloughan, near Clonghjordan, County Tipperary, died 1879, leaving issue: John Hobart, dec.; William, dec.; Edward, dec.; Frances Elizabeth Susan, living in 1914; Catherine Mina, dec.; Rosa, dec. Christiana (or Catherine) Carden, married 30th June, 1832, to Richard Martin Forsayeth, M.D., and died 1871, leaving issue. 12 Richard William, M.D., Surgeon Colonel in the Army, married Harriet Margaret Baird and had issue; Elizabeth, married to Patrick, in Holy Orders, of Mocollop Rectory, Lismore, in 1898, and had issue:- 1. William, District Inspector Royal Constabulary, in 1898. 2. Livingstone, C.E. 3. Thomas. 4. Another son in King's Royal Rifles, 1897. 5. Eunice. 6. Christiana. 7. John, had issue. 8. Jane, married to Robert Tynan Huston, M.D. [Arms of Forsayeth: Silver, a chevron azure between three griffins rampant vert.] Elizabeth Cooper, married 3rd July, 1827, to William Bryan, in Holy Orders, of Gurteen, near Clonmel, County Tipperary, son of Thomas Bryan and his wife Elizabeth Aldwell, and had issue:- Thomas, died 15th June, 1880; Elizabeth Mary Christiana (died December, 1905), married 8th April, 1874, to John Barnes, of Ballyglasheen, County Tipperary; Mary Louisa; John Craven, died 12th December, 1869; Basil William, died March, 1873; Samuel Cooper; Caroline Damer, married 1868 to Patrick Barnes, of Graigue, County Tipperary; Edward Butler, in Australia; Rosa Josephine, married to John William Hughes, of Annsgift, County Tipperary, died October, 1887; Frederick Austin, of Gurteen; Arthur, of Priestown, County Tipperary, married October, 1889, Anne Kathleen, daughter of Benjamin Barton, of Kilkerran; Charlotte. 12 Some of these particulars are from the "Memorial book of the Forsyth Family by Vicomte Forsyth de Fronsac," which is not always reliable for accuracy. 30 (Note by A Maitland: inserted facing EMC page 31 photographs of Frances Violet Baker and Kathleen Lillian Cooper-Chadwick) Caroline Damer, baptised 29th June, 1809; married 1838 to Joseph Cooke Armstrong, in Holy Orders, of Ballyporeen, County Tipperary, and d.s.p. about New Year's, 1856. Her husband died not long after. WILLIAM Chadwick; of Ballinard, born 1800, married firstly, 1832, Wilhelmina, daughter of John Seymour, in Holy Orders, Rector of Shronell (son of John Seymour, in Holy Orders, Rector of Palace, County Limerick, a descendant of Sir Henry Seymour, High Admiral of England, brother of King Henry VIII's Queen Jane) and his wife Catharine, widow of Jacob, sister of Dr. Millett, of Cove, County Cork. On the marriage of William and Wilhelmina there was a settlement made of Ballinard, Ballinglanna and Illameene, in all 518 acres Irish measure or 840 acres English measure. She died December, 1836. William married secondly, Charlotte (died 1874), daughter of John Bourchier, of Baggotstown, and Charlotte Chadwick (see supra), his wife. He had issue of the first marriage only, namely:- Catherine, see below. Elizabeth, baptised 3Jst August, 1834, died April, 1839. Fanny, baptised 3rd July, 1836, died January, 1885, unmarried. CATHERINE CHADWICK, baptised 1st February, 1833, died 12th December, 1855. She was married 6th February, 1855, to Richard Austin, son of Samuel Cooper, of Killenure Castle, and his wife, Louisa Salisbury daughter of Richard Long, of Longfield, County Tipperary. Richard Austin Cooper assumed by Royal License the additional surname of Chadwick. They had issue:- WILLIAM COOPER-CHADWICK, born 14th November, 1855, died 24th November, 1895. Honorary Colonel Tipperary Artillery. Married, February, 1880, Anna Maria Robertina Hephzibah, daughter of John Langley, of Knockanure, County Tipperary, J.P., and his wife, Sarah Elizabeth Neville. (Arms of Langley: Silver a fess sable, in chief three roundles azure.) She died November, 1911, leaving issue:- Frances Violet, married 7th July, 1910, to Allen Baker, of Lismacue, Member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, eldest son of Charles Conyers Massy Baker and his wife, Harriet Booth, daughter of George Allen, of Oakdale, Oakley, County 31 Surrey, England, and has issue, William, Mary. (Arms of Baker: Azure, three swan's heads of silver ducally gorged gold.) Kathleen Lillian. Richard Austin Cooper-Chadwick married, secondly, Charlotte Sophia, daughter of John Bourchier, of Baggotstown (brother of Charlotte, wife of William Chadwick above named), and Sarah Eyre, his wife; be died 19th January, 1893, leaving issue of the second marriage of whom particulars are set out in Burke's Landed Gentry of Ireland, ed. 1912. 32
WILLIAM CHADWICK, of Tipperary ("Big Billy"), was second son of William; of Ballinard, and his wife, Jane Greene. He married, 1754, Mary youngest daughter of Richard Lockwood, of Cashel, who survived him. She had a marriage portion of £1,500 and an annuity of £150 if left a widow. By his will, dated 1799, proved 1804, he leaves to his widow all his plate, furniture, etc.; gives nothing to his eldest son, "he being already well provided for"; appoints £1,000 from his marriage settlement to be divided between his daughters Elizabeth Neligan and Jane Adams and his sons, Lieut. Michael and Thomas; and leaves to his son, Benjamin Lockwood, five shillings "to dispose of as he thinks proper" ; 13 and bequeaths certain articles to Surgeon Michael Chadwick of 69th Regiment (whom the writer has been unable to identify). He had issue, namely:- Richard, barrister-at-law, see infra. Michael, "Major," Lieut. Tipperary Militia and 1st Royal Veteran Battalion; married February, 1800, Mary Ann McCausland, of Rush Hall, County Londonderry; she had a fortune of £1,000; from his will it would seem that he survived his wife, and d.s.p. about 1819. Thomas, died May, 1826, s.p. Nicholas, called "Big Nick." Benjamin Lockwood, a Sergeant in the 7th Dragoon Guards in 1799; married 1816, Catherine Hughes. Rudolph, killed in Ballinard lawn by a fall from his horse. Jane, called "the Beautiful," married, firstly, 1783, Henry Adams, of Cork (who died before 1799), and had issue:- 1. William, of Tipperary. 2. Henry, of Tipperary, who married Alicia 13 "Big Billy" seems to indulge in a little satire at the expense of his Serjeant son. But on his behalf it may be pointed out that a commissioned officer might be a very objectionable man and so long as he scrambled through his duties and avoided being found out in any serious mischief, nobody cared. And a private might be a bad man but if he appeared clean on parade and did his proper share of sentry go and aid not get drunk too often, he might pass muster; but a Serjeant must of necessity be steady, well conducted and capable. Among the host of Chadwicks past and present whose names this little work records, there have, no doubt, been, and may perhaps be now, some whom we would be less willing to recognize as cousins than a Serjeant in the 7th Dragoon Guards. 33 Murray and had issue, Henry, William, Godfrey. 3 Eliza, married to -- O'Donnell, and had issue, John, Jane, married to Bartlett, and others. Jane (Adams) married, secondly, 1801, Philip Corbett, of High Park and Tipperary (whom she survived), and had issue (besides two daughters, Jane and Anna Maria, who married and had issue), Philip, of Shrewsbury, Shropshire, and of Bittern, Southampton, described as "only surviving son" in 1834, who married Caroline -- and had issue viz:- 1. Roland, in the Royal Navy. 2. Cyril, in the Royal Navy. 3. Bertie, in the P. & 0. Service. 4. Edith, married to - Taylor, of the Abbey, Shrewsbury. 5. Pauline, married to - Seaton, of Southampton. 6. Fanny, went to South America. 7. Dora, married to - Brook, of Bittern. 8. Mary, married to - Usborne, of Bittern. Elizabeth, called "Beautiful Betty," married 1781 to Frederick Neligan, in Holy Orders; she was a widow in 1834; and had issue:- 1. William Chadwick, in Holy Orders, D.D., of Landscape, County Cork. 2. Catherine. 3. Charlotte. RICHARD OR BARCLAY BRANCH. RICHARD CHADWICK, barrister-at-law, eldest son of William Chadwick, of Tipperary ("Big Billy"), sometime of Limerick, of Dublin in 1823, of London in 1824, afterwards of Berwick Hall, Shropshire, and in 1830 of Belvidere Place, County Surrey. Married December, 1784 (or January, 1785), Bridget, 14 eldest daughter of Thomas Barclay,* of Ballyartney, County Clare (then deceased) and Anne, his wife. She had a marriage portion of £1,000. She died before 1830. Had (besides a daughter Anne, married to Griffith, who was a widow living at Bangor in Carnarvonshire, in 1830) one son:- 14 Her sister Anne was married to Col. Muttlebury, of a family some of whom resided in Guelph when it was a village. Some also in Toronto at a later date. * Possibly a descendant of John Barclay, son of David Barclay, of Urie (see Bell, infra), who settled in Ireland. 34 WILLIAM BARCLAY CHADWICK, born about 1790, died in London, 1861; of Brighton in 1823 and of 15 Connaught Square, Hyde Park, London, in 1844. Was Captain in 2nd Royal Surrey Militia. Married Ludee Elizabeth, daughter of Dr. Sharpe, who was an explorer and visited islands in the South Seas named Ludee and Alba Thule and others, and wrote a book of his travels; he was a friend of Sir Bartle Frere, noted in South African history. He had issue a daughter Fanny, who died young, and one son:- RICHARD WELLER CHADWICK, born 1812, died in London, November, 1864. When a young man he saved a son of Lord Brougham from drowning at Boulogne, and through Lord Brougham's influence obtained a commission in the army, which, however, he did not long retain; he served in the Spanish army in the Carlist Rebellion; was Manager of the Eastern Counties Railway, and Afterwards of the Eastern Bengal Railway in India; married in 1851 Georgiana Anne, daughter of the Rev. Charles Spencer Bourchier, Rector of Great Hallingbury, County Essex, and Vicar of Sandridge, County Hertford, and his wife Eliza, daughter of Samuel Harman, and had issue (besides a daughter Georgiana Ludee Frere, married to Robert Balderston Mackay, son of James Mackay, of Blair Castle, but d.s.p. 12th April, 1891) one son:- JOHN BARCLAY BOURCHIER CHADWICK, of Hollywood, California, born August 5th, 1853; was sometime of the Civil Service and local Military Service in Jamaica, and is a Captain in the Reserve of Officers of that island; married 2nd September, 1898, at Trinity Church, New York, Helen Sophia, daughter of James Porter, of Sarnia, Canada, widow of Henry Morgan. The Rev. Charles Spencer Bourchier was a descendant of Charles Bourchier of "the Regiment of Horse commanded by the Lord Windsor," M..P. for Dungarvan between 1692 and 1699, and for Armagh in 1715, and his wife, Barbara Harrison, a descendant of Thomas of Brotherton, son of King Edward I (see Foster's Royal Lineages, p.603, etc., in which, however, there is an error in the name of Col. Edward Frederick Chadwick being there wrongly placed, but it is correctly given at p. 609 of the same work). 35 William Bourchier and John O'Brien Bourchier, sons of Capt. John Bourchier, R.N., came to Canada and settled in Georgina, near Lake Simoce; and two others, Admiral Bourchier and General Bourchier were also some time in Canada, but did not remain. Helen Sophia Porter, wife of John Barclay Bourchier Chadwick, is the great grand-daughter of Benedict Arnold, General in the American Army, a descendant of a Welsh family of importance and of ancient British or Welsh royal descent. He was the son of Capt. Benedict Arnold, of Norwich, Connecticut, and his wife, Hannah, widow of Absalom King. and daughter of John Waterman (who according to a pedigree in possession of the widow was a descendant of King Alfred the Great through the family of Lucy of Charlecote) and great Grandson of Benedict Arnold, Governor of Rhode Island, 1657-1658. During the progress of the Revolutionary War General Arnold became of the opinion that he had done wrong in joining the Revolutionary party and he returned to his allegiance, for which the Americans have overwhelmed him with unreasoning, bitter and merciless vituperation. This was unjust because if one should be misguided and induced to take up arms against his lawful sovereign, hut should return to his allegiance, he is not deserving of such condemnation as was accorded to General Arnold by the Americans. It has been said that there were many who changed sides during the Revolutionary War who have not been mentioned in history, but General Arnold was a man of importance and therefore was not let off so easily. After the war he went to England and the Americans confiscated his property, for which he received an indemnity from the British Government. He was married twice; of his sons (four) of the second marriage all were officers in the British Army, two of whom attained high rank; and his only daughter of that marriage married a colonel in the army. (See Burke's L. G. ed 1853.) His first marriage was on the 22nd February, 1767, to Margaret, daughter of Samuel Mansfield, High Sheriff, of New Haven, Connecticut, of which marriage he had three sons, Benedict, who died unmarried; Henry, who had one daughter, married to Henry Sill; and Richard, born 22nd April, 1769, died 1847, who came to Canada a United Empire Loyalist; he married Margaret Weatherhead, of Augusta, Canada. Their daughter, Ellen 36 Amelia, born 1819, died 1906, was married to James Porter, of Sarnia in Ontario; their daughter is Helen Sophia above mentioned. The arms of Arnold are, Gules, three silver pheons, on a chief also silver a bar nebulee azure.
MICHAEL CHADWICK, son of Richard Chadwick, of Ballinard, and his wife, Jane Sadleir, born 1769, married Margaret (Amelia Margaret), daughter of Jeremiah Dwyer, of Tipperary, attorney-at-law, and his wife, Alice Potter. The marriage was secret without the consent of parents or guardians, both Michael and Margaret being about fifteen years of age when married, and a bill in Chancery afterwards filed by Michael against his guardian for an account tells a pitiful tale of the straightened circumstances of himself and wife and children for some years although his father had left him well provided for and Margaret was "an heiress" entitled to an estate of her own. On their coming of age, however, in 1790 Margaret had, besides her own property, a settlement secured on Gortnekilleen, which came to Michael under the will of his father; it was sold in Michael's lifetime. 15 Margaret (if Amelia Margaret) died April, 1800. Michael lived some time in Jersey, and was living in Bangor in Northeast Wales in 1802. He had issue, Richard, baptised August, 1786; Jeremiah, died young; and Nicholas, died young. Richard, the eldest son, was a Captain in the Regiment of Shropshire Militia; be is stated by his descendants to have been engaged in raising recruits for the army (at this time constantly engaged in the Napoleonic and other wars of the period) and particularly for the Welsh Fusiliers. He is stated to have married, firstly, a daughter of "Sir John Moore Knighton, physician to George IV," but there is some error as to this, the physician to George IV was Sir W. Knighton. John Moore Knighton was of Greenofen House, Devon, and seems to have died 15 Lost through extravagance and mismanagement and the reckless style of living so prevalent among the Irish gentry at this period, to the ruin of many families. 37 s.p.m., leaving daughters co-heiresses, one of whom, Maria Saltern Knighton, was married 13th February, 1810, to Capt. George Drake. Capt. Richard had issue of the first marriage; one of whom, John Moore Knighton Chadwick, went to South Africa; Capt Richard married, secondly, Anne Roberts, who survived him and died about 1860, having had issue (besides three daughters, Sarah, d.s.p.; Harriet, married to Jones and had issue; and Mary, died young) four sons:- William, Agent for Estates of Lord Dudley, died about 1889, unmarried. Frederick, M.D., settled at Perrysburg in Indiana, died about 1867, unmarried. Edward, C.E., of London, died about 1878, unmarried. Thomas, died about 1907, aged 90, leaving a son who died about 1913, and a daughter living in Wales. Michael Richard, M.D., went to the United States in 1840, settling firstly at Detroit and after some changes of residence settled in 1867 at Hart, Oceana County. Moved to Florida in 1885, and died there about 1901. He married Caroline Goden, who died 19th April, 1905, daughter of Richard Seth Goden, and had issue, viz:- Ira Brown, M.D. born 18th April, 1851, of Carr, Colhoun County, Florida, is married and has one son. Harvey Jenner, M.D., born February, 1857, of Grand Rapids, Michigan, married, firstly, 14th October, 1885, Laura Estelle, daughter of James M. Teeple, and his wife, Harriet Wixon; she died 8th April, 1900; and secondly, 6th May, 1914, Rocina Hemkiss; and has issue of the first marriage:- Jenner Harvey, born 26th February, 1894; Eva Harriet, married to Fred Caro, of Grand Rapids, and has issue, Laura Lona, born 1909, Leonora and Nora May; Zela, married to James Hatch, living in Detroit. 38
RICHARD CHADWICK, in Holy Orders, second son of Richard, of Ballinard, and Rebecca Ellard; (nicknamed "Parson Dick"). Seems to have had several charges at different dates, among others the rectorship of Emly, Doon, and Kilvernon, and was later of Chadville, County Tipperary. Born 1751. Ordained deacon 1772, priest 1773; died May, 1817. He married; 1770, Margaret, daughter of Nicholas Sadleir, and had issue:- Richard, of whom below. William, Lieutenant 59th Regt., 1805, Captain 34th Regt. in 1812, Battalion disbanded in 1814. Born 1782, died June, 1855. James, see infra. Nicholas, Ensign 59th Regt. in 1808, Lieutenant in 1811, Captain 1814, and was at Waterloo; Captain 13th Regt., 1826. Died s.p. 1838. Thomas, born 1788, died December, 1S08. Anne, married 1791 to Joseph Braddish, of Kilkenny, eldest son of William Braddish, and had issue, Joseph, William. Elizabeth, married firstly, 1802, to Willian Kissane, of Ballykeen, County Tipperary, and had one son William, who married Aphra Haly; and secondly, to Robert Armstrong, in Holy Orders, of Clonoulty, and had issue, viz:- 1. Anthony, in Holy Orders. 2. Jane, married to Austin Cooper. 3. Elizabeth, unmarried. Rebecca, married in 1798 to William Cooper, of Killenure, only son of Samuel Cooper, of Cashel. By her marriage settlement she had an annuity of £200. The said William and Rebecca were grandparents of Richard Austin Cooper-Chadwick, previously named herein. Alicia, married in 1803 to William Sadleir, of Sadleir's Wells, and died in 1835, s.p.. Eleanor Elmina, married 1812 to John Scott, in Holy Orders, of Pallas, and had issue:- 1. John, in Holy Orders. 2. William, in Holy Orders. 3. Richard. 4. Samuel. 5. Margaret. 6. Ma- 39. tilda, married to - Bryan and had issue. 7. Anne. 8. Ellen, married to --Winter. 9. Nicholas. (There is some uncertainty as to the husband and children of Eleanor Elmira, records being partly illegible.) Margaret, died unmarried May, 1850, aged 55. And, as the writer has been informed, others, of whom no particulars have been obtained. Richard, above named, of Chadville (or Barnadarrigh) and of Perryville and of Ballynatt, was born 174, died July, 1836. He commanded. a company of volunteers in 1798. He married in 1796 Margaret, daughter of John Odell, then deceased, who had a settlement of £2,000, and had issue, namely:- Richard, who was murdered at Holy Cross, June, 1829. John, an attorney in Dublin, died 30th December, 1855, married 1826, Mary Anne Briscoe and had issue, Charles, M.D., of Broadwater, County Down, and another son and three or four daughters. Samuel, in Spanish military service, died in Spain, unmarried. Thomas, born 1812, died unmarried February, 1838. William, of Arravale, died 1874, married and had issue:- 1. Edward, bpt. 1850, in 7th Dragoon Guards, 1869; Captain 16th Lancers, 1879; Major, 1889; Adjutant Suffolk Yeomanry Cavalry, 1880 to 1885; Colonel commanding Imperial Yeomanry in the Boer War, and was mentioned in dispatches; was married and had one daughter. 2. Charles William, bpt. 1855, of Arravale, died unmarried (?). Nicholas, who settled in Australia and died unmarried. James, of Cashel, High Constable of County Tipperary, died 1875, married 1846 Wilhelmina White, of Springmount (?) who died 1910, and had issue, James Joseph, born 10th July, 1852. Margaret, married 1828 to William Taylor Peter Short, Lieutenant 17th Regiment, and had issue:- 1. Stewart. 2. Anne. 3. Catharine. 4. Jane. Catharine, married 28th April, 1824, to James Roe, of Roesborough, County Tipperary, M.P.; she had a jointure of £100 a year if 40 left a widow; and had issue:- 1. George 2, Kate, and another daughter. Rebecca, unmarried. Alicia, died 22nd June, 1874, married 1832 to John Massy, of Kingswell, County Tipperary, son of Charles Massy, and had issue:- Richard, of Listowel, County Kerry; Frances Elizabeth, married, firstly, to Hugh Baker, of Lismacue (uncle of Allen Baker who married Frances Violet Cooper-Chadwick as previously stated herein), and secondly, to Ralph Hall Bunbury; Millie; and others.
JAMES CHADWICK, second son of Rev. Richard, "Parson Dick", born 15th May, 1790, Lieutenant 59th (East Lancashire) Regiment; Captain 86th in 1815, retired ith rank of Major, 1839. Married firstly, Josephine Chapuis, believed to be the only one who escaped of a French family all others of whom were put to death in the French Revolution, and had issue, one son who died young; and secondly, Anne Isabella, daughter of George Markham, in Holy Orders, Dean of York, and grand- daughter of the Right Rev. William Markham; Archbishop of York, 1777, 16 and had issue:- 1. Edward Frederick, born 3rd March, 1829, Ensign 59th, 1845, Lieutenant 1849, Captain 1854, Major 1866, Lieutenant-Colonel 1875, transferred to 33rd (Duke of Wellington's) Regiment, retired with rank of Colonel 1878; late of Chesnole, now of Westfield, Dorchester, Dorsetshire; married in 1882, Amy, daughter of Charles Torkington 17 in Holy Orders, and Ellen Eliza Cookson, his wife, and has issue:- 16 The Marcons of Guelph, originally Markham, are of the same family as Archbishop Markham, see Burke's Ld. G;., ed. 1853. 17 The Rev. Charles Torkington was the son of James Torkington and his wife Elizabeth, dau of Charles Bourchier, descendant of Charles Bourchier, M.P. (see "Big Billy" family, ante), and thus a descendant of Thomas of Brotherton a son of King Edward I. (Foster's Royal Lineages, p.609). 41 Frederick James, born 1883, Captain 104th Wellesley Rifles, Bombay. Is serving (1914) in British-Indian, force in the Persian Gulf. Edward William, born 1884, Captain 101st Company, R. C. A. Richard Markham, born 1894, Lieutenant K. A. Josephine, resident in Toronto. Ellen. Amy Margaret, resident in Toronto, Norah Alicia. 2. Richard, wife Rachel, had issue:- James Markham, born 14th July, 1863, Captain Royal Munster Fusiliers in 1882, died unmarried. Redmond Arthur, living in U. S. A. Annie Isabella, married Arthur Babington Cartwright, in Holy Orders, Archdeaeon of Malta. 3. Isabella, died unmarried. 4. Josephine Adelaide, died unmarried. 5. Alicia, married to William Moyle Rogers, in Hely Orders, and has issue, Frederick, in Holy Orders in South Africa; Mary, unmarried. 6. Margaret Emma, married to Philip Sheppard, and had issue, Neville; Edward, died unmarried; Samuel Townsend, a journalist; Mary; Margery; Cecilia, married to Arthur Burney, in Holy Orders, and has issue. 7. Ellen, married George Hayton in Holy Orders, died, leaving issue.
THOMAS CHADWICK, of the 18th Dragoons in 1779, and of Barnascounce, and also of Pegsborough, County Tipperary, son of Richard, of Ballinard, and, Rebecca Ellard, born 1752, died July, 1812, married June, 1779, Sarah Lockwood, of Cashel, and had issue, viz:- Richard, baptised 1780; in the. Army; died in India, unmarried. 42. Thomas, baptised 1788; Colonel Bengal Engineers; married and had one daughter, Susan, married to her cousin, Thomas Chadwick Graham. William, was an officer in the Navy and saw much service, afterwards 1810 to 1821 in the Army, Captain of Pensioners at Chelsea, 1852 to 1868; married, firstly, and had issue, two sons, and secondly, and had issue one daughter, who was married, firstly, to Charles Ernest Mills, Bengal Artillery, and secondly, to Capt. Hopkins, and had issue. Michael, killed by a fall from his horse. Mary Ann (? Anna Maria, baptised 1781}, married 1802 to Francis Richard Dickson, Captain R. N. (who was drowned), and had issue, viz -1. Thomas, Colonel in the Bombay Army, and of Rahoon, County Galway, d.s.p. 2. John, Colonel in the Bengal Army, died 15th July, 1872, unmarried. 3. Richard Chadwick, of Dungarvan. 4. Sarah, married to Dr. R. Brown, Bengal Army, and had issue. Rebecca, married 3rd January, 1804, to William Harper, Surgeon 25th Regiment, and of Manchester. Jane, baptised October, 1791, married to Major Macdonald, 35th Regiment and of Holy Island by Beal, County Northumberland, and had issue, viz:-1. Frances. 2. Arabella Jane. 3. Sarah Flora, married 1844 to Raleigh Trevelyan. Elizabeth, baptised 1794, married to Robert Blackhall, Colonel Bengal Army, and had issue, viz :-1. Robert, Colonel Indian Army. 2. Andrew, in the Bengal Civil Service. 3. A daughter, married to James Graham, Colonel Bengal Army. 4. Sophia, married to Nightingale, in the Madras Army. 5. A daughter, married to James Graham, in the Bengal Civil Service (nephew of above Colonel Graham). Arabella, baptised 1796, married to Gardiner Boyd, Capt Hon. East India Company Service, and had issue, Mossom, who came to Canada and settled at Bobcaygeon, County Victoria; and Anne, married to Lieutenant-General John Macdonald, Indian Army, afterwards of Peterborough, Canada (see Ontarian Families 43 tit. Boyd), and had issue (besides others) Donald Macdonald, now of Toronto, who married Florence Bleecker Nichols, 18 and has issue, Donald Claude; Marjorie Cecily, married to Edward Stembrugge, of New York; and Carolyn Danvers. Sophia, baptised 1800, married to - Bell. Sarah, baptised 1802, married, firstly, to Major George Casement; secondly, to James Graham, Surgeon in the Bengal Army, and had issue, viz :-1. William Stewart, died inf. 1832. 2. William Stewart, Captain of Cavalry, Bengal Army. 3. James, in a Regiment of Horse, Bengal Army, killed in action at Lucknow, 1857; he had two infant daughters also killed at Lucknow. 4. Thomas Chadwick, married to his cousin Susan, above named. 5. George, died inf. 6. Phoebe, married 1847 (as third wife) to Lieutenant- General Sir John Fordyce, K.C.B., Bengal Artillery, who died in 1877, and had issue six sons and two daughters (see Family Records, by Alexander Dingwall Fordyce, of Fergus, Ontario). Adelaide. The Tipperary Register gives the following additional names of daughters of Thomas and Sarah, viz:-Alice and Eliza, twins, 1784; Sarah, 1786, died 1798; Bellinda, died 1799; another Sarah, 1802; these probably all died young.
JAMES CHADWICK, son of Richard, of Ballinard, and Rebecca Ellard, was an officer in the Army, married the daughter of a Pennsylvanian planter, and had issue, namely:- Peter, nicknamed "the Beggarman," who had a son Peter, who may have been the Peter Chadwick of Cashel, who married in June, 1810, Julia Vaughan, of the parish of St. Mark, Dublin. 18 Dau. of Alonzo Danvers Nichols and his wife Katharine Achorn, who was md. 2ndly. to Robert Murray, whose dau. Jessie Dorothea is md. to Lt.-Col. William Craven Vaux Chadwick (see infra.). 44 Richard, of Birr or Parsonstown, Kings County, married Maria. daughter of Falkiner Minchin, of Annagh, and his wife, Maria, daughter of William Gabbett, of Caherline, County Limerick; and had issue. Robert, nicknamed "Fivepenny," d.s.p. Thomas, of Birr, married 1819, Sophia Massy, and had issue. William, enlisted in the Army under an assumed name. Lucy, married 1809 to Christopher Bettesworth Waglin, 19 of Cashel.
FREDERICK CHADWICK, of Littleton and of Newtown and Cullen, son of Richard, of Ballinard, and Rebecca Ellard, married 1789, Susannah Minchin, and had issue:- Richard Frederick, married, July, 1801, Sarah, daughter of John Cornwall, of Borrisokane, and had issue, Mary Anne, baptised 1802; Susannah, baptised 1805; Catherine, baptised i808; and sons of whom little is known, but apparently one was John Cornwall, of Kinsale, County Cork, in 1846. Catherine, baptised November, 1782, married 1803 to Thomas Ellard, and d.s.p. Rebecca, married, in 1807, to Alexander Boyle, Lieutenant Tyrone Militia. Clarinda, married, 1822, to Edwin Homan, of Ardinwood, County Dublin; she had a marriage portion of £700; and had issue, one daughter. Alicia, baptised 1800, died j88o; married in 1821 to John Armstrong Ragwell, in Holy Orders, and had issue, two or three sons, one of whom fell at Waterloo, another, M.D., resided at Pau, and a daughter married to - Pellew. 19 It is recorded that Christopher Bettesworth Waglin (query, if the same person?) md. in 1845 Elizabeth Chadwick whom the writer has been unable to identify. 45 THE following officers appearing in Army Lists, 1809 to 1841, seem, some at least, likely to be of our family, but are not identified:- Thomas Chadwick, Captain 22nd Light Dragoons, 17th June, 1805., John Chadwick, Lieutenant 9th Foot, 22nd. September, 1800. Michael Chadwick, Lieutenant 40th Foot, 25th March, 1800 (in List 1815). Thomas Chadwick, Lieutenant 7th West India Regiment Foot, 12th November, 1812. Disbanded and reduced in 1814, James Chadwick (Lieutenant, 15th July, 1813), from 2nd Dragoons. On the Irish half pay, Ensign Thomas Chadwick (Ensign 3rd November, 1808), List 1815. Permanent Quarter Master General on the Staff of the Army, Captain James Chadwick, Captain of Cavalry (assisting in the Riding School), 25th February, 1821 (Army Lists, 1822 and 1823); Riding Master, Royal Military College, 1st August, 1825 (Army Lists, 1826 to 1833). Richard Chadwick, Lieutenant 28th Foot 16th May, 1811, 7th Foot in Army Lists, 1822 to 1840; stated in Army List of 1841 to have died. He married in October, 1818, Esther Browne, of Portobello, parish of St Peter, Dublin. Thomas Chadwick, Lieutenant 7th West India Regiment, 12th November, 1812. Placed on English half pay 25th April, 1816. Lieutenant 45th Foot, 25th March, 1825. Placed on British half pay 9th July, 1829 (Army Lists, 1822 to 1832). Deaths since last publication, "Lieut. Chadwick, unattached," Army List, 1833. Thomas Chadwick, Ensign, 3rd November, 1800, 5th Foot in List of 1809, 7th Garrison Battalion in Lists 1826 to 1831 ; placed on Irish half pay 25th March, 1810, on British half pay 1826; not referred to in the List for 1832. In Officers of the late St. Helena Regiment who have local rank at St. Helena and eastward of the Cape of Good Hope, G. S. Chadwick, Ensign 20th December, 1832 (Army Lists, 1845 to 1855). 46 Thomas Massey Chadwick, born 19th November, 1828. Served in the ranks 92 days when under age and eight years and 306 days. Quarter Master 3rd Regiment, British German Legion, 20th September, 1855. Half pay same Regiment, 1st January, 1857. Quarter Master 8th Foot, 17th November, 1857. Quarter Master Brigade Depot, 16th December, 1876. Quarter Master 4th Battalion Liverpool Regiment (Duke of Lancaster's Own Militia), 1st April, 1878, from which he retired with honorary rank of Major, 19th November, 1886, having been made an Honorary Captain 1st July, 1881. Probably of an English family. George Minchin Chadwick, Ensign 9th Foot, 11th May, 1855; Lieutenant, 23rd July, 1858; Captain, 1st April, 1870. Placed on half pay 9th August, 1870. He died at 54 F. Kussowlie, 2nd August, 1875, aged 42. John Chadwick, born 21st August, 1843, Cornet 4th Dragoon Guards, 12th April, 1864; Lieutenant, 17th April, 1867; Captain, 4th June, 1873; Major 1st July, 1881. Retired with gratuity from 4th Dragoon Guards, 10th June, 1882; and placed on the Reserve of Officers. Richard Augustus Chadwick (Madras Staff Corps), Major, 5th N.I. Ensign, 12th December, 1849; Lieutenant, 11th September, 1853; Brevet Captain, 12th December, 1861; Captain, 1st August, 1864; Major, 12th December, 1869. Died at Seonee, 7th June, 1872, aged 39. NOTE.- There was, in 1711, a Thomas Chadwick, styled "Esq.," merchant and alderman, possessed of house property in Cashel, which he conveyed in 1715 to his eldest son, George Chadwick, who sold it in 1723. Not known if any relation to our family or not. There are also the following persons who have not been identified:- Michael Chadwick, Surgeon, 69th Regiment, to whom William, "Big Billy," left a legacy. It has been suggested that he may have been a son of Michael, the Quarter Master, and Anna Maria Connor, but this is merely a conjecture. There was connected with the family of Michael and Anna Maria a William Chadwick, a law student in Dublin; perhaps a son. Alicia Chadwick, married in 1805 to John Currie, Captain 47th Regiment. Marriage bond signed by Thomas Chadwick, of Tipperary, "Esq." 47
Cullen, is "the land of the holly trees." Oola, anciently Ulla, or more correctly Ubhla, means an orchard. The name comes from the word Abhall, which is nearly identical with the English word Apple, and is also a distant relation, so to speak, of the Latin Pomum and its French derivative Pomme. Ballinard, formerly called Ballynard and previously Ballynahardy (proably merely bad spelling), is "the town land on the high ground," no doubt so named with reference to the not far distant broad valley of the Arra; which is on a much lower level. Ballinard "Mansion" is a large house in the very plain style of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. The front, or "new part" as it used to be called, was built about the middle of the Eighteenth Century. Attached to it is a paved courtyard of, I think, some two or three acres in area, almost surrounded by buildings, stables and offices of various kinds, and entered by aft arched gateway. The house projects from a corner of the square. It has not been much modernized, though of recent years some minor improvements have been made, especially the refitting of the kitchen by "Mrs. Willie" with fine cooking ranges and floor of encaustic tiles, making it almost the "show part" of the house. Ballinglanna, is "the town land of the glen," but there is no glen there, and in fact it is on rather higher ground than Ballinard. Possibly the name may have travelled, a process with which we in Canada are familiar. ClanWilliam, the Barony in which Ballinard and places adjacent are situated, bears the name of the Clann or descendants of William Burke; query, who was he? 20 20 No doubt an ancestor of William "the last Chieftain" of the Burkes, whose wife was a virago and brought about a deadly quarrel between her husband and his brother Richard, to whom he had previously been much attached, in which William was stain. He had a us, or fortified dwelling, not far from where Lismacue is now, which after his death was demolished, but the site of it retained until a recent date, and perhaps does still, the name of the Hill of the last Chieftain. 48 Gortnekilleen, or Gurthakilleen, is probably "the tilled field of Cullen." "Killeen" is a better Anglicization of the Irish Coillin than "Cullen" is. It is situated in the parish of that name and about a quarter of a mile from the village. The word Gort, Garth, or Gurth, a tilled piece of land, is the same word as the Scottish and Northern English Garth and near akin to the English words Garden and Yard, the French Jardin, and also more distantly to the Latin Hortus. This estate went to the sons of Richard Chadwick and his second wife, Jane Sadleir, and was sold about the beginning of the Nineteenth Century. Illamecne, Illaunmeen, Illanameene, or Islandmeen, is "the Island of the Bog." It was formerly held with the Ballinard estate but was alienated, and was bought back in recent years by "Mrs. Willie" as she was commonly called, the widow of Col. William Chadwick. Lattin, on the same ridge as Shronell, seems to be "the small place of Tombs." Between Lattin and Shronell is Damerville, for many years the residence of Austin Cooper Chadwick and of his family after his death. It bears the name of the family of Damer, principal landlords of the locality. The head of that family commenced about 1845 the erection of what was to have been a large and handsome mansion between Shronell and Damerville, but it was never completed, and was taken down, and the stones, some handsomely carved, have been carried away. Joseph Damer was raised to the peerage in 1753 as Baron Milton of Shronehill, afterwards Viscount Milton and Earl of Dorchester; the family is now Dawson-Damer, Earls of Portarlington. Shronell, Scronell, or as it has been sometimes written Shronehill, means the edge or end (or nose, Irish Sron) of a hill or ridge. Lismacue, Lisnacum. (pronounced Coo), is "the Fort of the Valley." It is situated at the end of a valley of the Galtees, from which, however, it is in fact separated by the intervening bansha or level ground, in which the Galtee Mountain streams of the Arra and the Aherlow 49 unite, and in which the village of Bansha is situated. Lismacue is a large handsome house built about the beginning of the Nineteenth Century on ground near the elder house, which was removed but the site of it is still plainly visible, The drawing rooms of Lismacue were hung with wall paper so marvelously preserved that in 1910, after being in place for a hundred years or more, it was almost good enough for further service. There is a grand avenue of great length with a line of venerable lime trees on each side, leading to the house. Bansha is flat ground at the foot of a mountain. Barna, very common in Irish place names, is a mountain pass or gap. Stangesmore is "the great, or larger, parcel of land." Tipperary, in Irish Tiobraid-Araan or Tubrid-Auran, is "the well of the Ara." The well does not now exist, but the River Ara or Arra still flows past as it has done for thousands of years. Tipperary is a town of great antiquity. Cullen was the family parish church at first, and continued so until the early part of the Nineteenth Century, when they changed to Shronell, being nearer to Ballinard and the family having become intimately connected with two Rectors of Shronell. The Cullen Registers prior to 1770 have disappeared, and with them of course entries regarding the family up to that date. Cullen church was an ugly plain building. The writer visited it in 1872. The church was there then but has disappeared since. The family vault was at that time easily to he found, and was covered with a slab with an inscription on it of which the writer made a drawing, a copy of which is here printed. The letters were in relief and placed between parallel lines also in relief. There was no year stated in it. In 1910 the church yard was in the greatest state of disorder and neglect and the writer could find no trace of the covering of the vault. The whole ground, besides being in the utmost disorder, was overgrown with thick rank grass, making it most difficult to move about or find anything. 50 Shronell parish church was also a similar ugly building, and has now disappeared, but the church yard continues in use as a cemetery. HERE LYETH THE BODY OF Wm CHADWICK WHO DYED THE --- DAY --------YE HE. WmCH Style of lettering Cover of burial vault at Cullen 51
The particular or most usual names in our family have always been and still are, William and Richard. Those next in order as most frequent are Edward and Frederick. The name of Michael was formerly much used, but seems to have died out. The unusual name of Rodolphus, Rudolphus or Rudolf came from the Greenes. It only occurs twice. James seems to have come from the Ellards, and Nicholas from the Sadleirs. There is no instance of the very common name John being used until it came, with Craven, from the Cardens. Austin comes from the Coopers, having been borne by the first settler in Ireland of that family, by whom it has been used ever since. Caroline and Damer have come from Lady Caroline Damer, a friend of Elizabeth, wife of the first John Craven Chadwick, but not a relation.
Single names should never be given, unless perhaps a very unusual one, for such names cause difficulties and uncertainties of identification of individuals in a subsequent generation, as has indeed occurred, with most annoying results, to express it mildly, in our family. In our family single names have been repeated from father to son and to grandson, and among cousins near and cousins remote; so that the placing of the different members of the family is very difficult, though to some extent remedied by the Irish custom of nicknames. The writer in his legal experience has met with cases where such giving of a single name has been the cause of much difficulty; and it cannot be doubted that there have been cases where estates or moneys have been lost to their proper owners on account of the impossibility of identifying individuals with only single names, and those not uncommon. It should he a positive rule in all cases to have a second name for the purpose of identification and to avoid mistakes and confusion. 52 The same confusion might be caused by the giving of the same double names to different individuals, therefore such names should not be given without some marked change or the giving of a third distinctive name. Family names should always be preserved and frequently used. They afford valuable assistance to the genealogist and the legal practitioner. It is advisable to give to some children the mother's surname as a Christian name. The writer recollects the case of a London lawyer who, after some experience with difficult matters of title, laid it down as a rule that every child should have his or her mother's surname as a Christian name; but that would be carrying the suggestion too far. The giving of fancy or high-sounding names, not in any way connected with the family, such as Douglas, Percy, Howard, or similar names of great families, is very wrong for three reasons, firstly, because it is decidedly snobbish; secondly, it is misleading and untruthful for it is practically laying claim to a relationship which does not exist; and thirdly, a man's name is his own property and no person has the right to take it without a proper and correct reason for doing so; to appropriate a man's name without right or proper reason is an indefensible invasion of that man's rights. There appears to have been a custom in Ireland formerly of a married woman retaining for certain purposes her maiden name, which is a genera{ custom in Scotland even to the present time. This is quite a useful practice. For instance, "Mary Chadwick" borders on the indefinite, but "Mary Chadwick alias Baker" is a person readily identified. The Irish custom appears to have been to put the maiden surname last, while the Scottish practice is to place it before the surname, thus the writer's wife is recorded in the Lyon Court in Edinburgh as "Mistress Maria Martha Fisher or Chadwick." 53
Most surnames are derived from: 1. Locality of origin of the family. 2. Occupation of an ancestor. 3. Personal name of an ancestor. 4. Adjective, some characteristic of an ancestor. It is not always possible to determine the origin or the meaning of a name with certainty. Those given here therefore may not all be certain as stated. Many English surnames are derived from places in Normandy, Flanders, and parts adjacent.
Barclay, from Berkeley (? meadow of the birch trees) in Gloucestershire. Battersby, place in Yorkshire. Bourchier, from Bourchieres in Normandy. Bryan, the mansion. Carden, from Cawarden in Cheshire. Craven, from a district in Yorkshire so named. Cowley, the cow meadow; several places in England so named. Darcy, variously guessed at and unsatisfactorily interpreted, and frequently written D'Arcy but not properly for it is more than likely to come from a little village in the present seat of war in France named Darci. Forsayeth, a place in Scotland. Gordon, place in Scotland. Greene. Sandilands, the Sandy lands in Lanarkshire. Vaux, the Vallies; more than one place so named in Normandy, etc. Murray, from Moray in Scotland. Pakenham, a place in Suffolk.
Baker. Butler, anciently LeBoteler. Cooper is not one who makes barrels, but a keeper of cows. Ellard, from Aylward, the ale ward (?). Fisher. Sadleir. Stewart or Stuart (in Gaelic Stiubhart), the first of this name was High Steward of Scotland, Twelfth Century.
Beatty,. from Bartholomew. Nicholson. 54
Bell, probably LeBel, the handsome man. Eade (Saxon), happy. Mockler (French), Mauclerc, a bad scholar (?).
Gabbett, said to be Gare le bete, beware of the beast. Seymour, an alias for St Maur; who was he? MacCorquodale is curious. It is one of several names derived from places bearing the name of the ancient Saxon deity Thor. It is Thor's Kettle, referring no doubt to some round valley or hollow, such as in Ireland is called a devil's punchbowl. An equivalent English name is Thurkell or Thurtell, the latter a name which has been well known in Guelph. Names following the Gaelic prefix Mac are aspirated, and frequently inflected also, thus MacParson, the son of the parson, becomes Macphairson or Macpherson. When the name already begins with an aspirate it is doubly aspirated, with an effect imperceptible to an English ear and unpronounceable by an English tongue, and the aspiration then wholly disappears, thus MacPhilip becomes MacKillop. Furthermore, there is frequently a further aspirate introduced into the name. So MacThorketel becomes MacCorquodell, the quo being an aspirated and inflected equivalent of the ke. 55
JOHN CRAVAN CHADWICK,. born 6th April, 1811, died 10th November, 1889, came to Canada in 1836 and settled in Ancaster, County Wentworth, at at place which he named Cravendale, being the north half of the same lot as that on which at the south end is now situated the railway station of Jerseyville. Served as a volunteer trooper on the Niagara frontier in 1837-8; was gazetted Lieutenant in the first Regiment of Gore Militia, 27th November, 1838. Removed to Guelph, County Wellington, in 1849. Was J. P.; was several times member of the Diocesan Synod of Toronto, and some time a member of the Corporation of Trinity College, Toronto, as representative of the Diocese of Niagara. Married, firstly, 3rd January, 1836, Louisa, died 24th April, 1845, daughter of Jonathan Bell, of Kensington, Eng. (see Bell); secondly, 15th December, 1847, Caroline, died 5th September, 1874, daughter of Joseph Eade, of Newington, County Middlesex, and Hitchin, County Hertford, Eng., and his wife Eliza, daughter of Edward VauxVaux Bell (see Bell); and thirdly, 4th May, 1876, Elizabeth (who survives him), daughter of James Beatty, of Toronto, descendant of Capt. William Beatty, an officer in the garrison of Londonderry during the siege in 1688. (See Ontarian Families.) He had issue of the first marriage only, viz:- 1. John Craven. 2. Frederick Jasper. 3. Edward Marion. 4. Austin Cooper. 56 Facing Page 56 a photograph of John Craven Chadwick of Guelph.
Eade Beatty Battersby JOHN CRAVEN CHADWICK, eldest son of above John Craven Chadwick. Resided for some time in the Township of Arthur and afterwards near Farnham in the Township of Puslinch. Born 12th February, 1837, died 8th April, 1890. Lieutenant, County Wellington Militia. 21 Married, firstly, 21st June, 1860, Elinor Tonee, died 9th January, 1868, daughter of Leslie Battersby, of Guelph, sometime a Lieutenant, Royal Navy (son of Leslie Battershy, in Holy Orders, of Skreene, County Sligo, Ireland, who married Anna Maria, daughter of Patrick Palmer), and his wife, Catherine Jones; and secondly, Sybella Annie, died 22nd February, 1891, aged 46, daughter of William Mockler, 22 of Durham, County Grey, in Holy Orders, who came to Canada from Fermoy, County Cork, Ireland, about 1850, and his wife, Anne Atkinson, of Huddersfield, County York, England. (William Mockler, born 1810, was the son of James Mockler, in Holy Orders, Rector of Castle Hyde 21 The Reserve Militia, prior to 1867, practically a force on paper only, not being embodied, its organization being of officers only, all men of arms-bearing age being liable to be called up, but it was expected to assemble, without arms, once a year, on the Queen's Birthday, 24th May, and did so sometimes, usually just a few of the men. The writer recollects going with his brother to one of such musters. There were two officers, the Captain whose name was Thompson, and the above Lieutenant John Craven Chadwick. About twenty or thirty men appeared and were drawn up in a line on one side of the road opposite a tavern. The writer being under age stood aside, and represented a crowd looking on. The Captain walked down the line and looked at the men, and back again, and the Lieutenant walked down the line and looked at the men, and back again. The Captain then did not seem to know quite what to do next, but with commendable presence of mind he gave the order: "Boys, come and have a drink," and started for the tavern across the road, and all the men after him. 22 The writer has been unable to ascertain the arms of Mockler. The crest is a greyhound's head couped, ducally gorged. 57 Dio. Cloyne, and his wife, Sybella Baker, of Lismacue, and grandson of James Mockder, in Holy Orders, Archdeacon of Cloyne.) He had issue, viz:- Of the first marriage:- 1. Craven Bell, formerly of Galt, County Waterloo, now of Melville, Saskatchewan. Born 2nd April, 1863. Married Florence Jennie, daughter of Robert Hinds (who was previously married to Alexander Carroll, who died 29th August, 1884, leaving issue one daughter, Isabella Margaret, who is married to Wheatley, of Saskatoon), and has had issue, viz:-Alexander Joseph, born 12th November, 1886; died 30th December, 1887. William Francis, of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan; born 9th January, 1889; married 6th August, 1912; Gertrude Helen (who died in 1913), daughter of George Oliver Webster, of Vancouver, and his wife, Sarah Charlotte Coulter, and had issue, George Craven Francis, who died in infancy. John Craven, born 15th September, 1902. Edward Thomas, born 21st March, 1905. Marion Adelaide, born 24th March, 1898. Florence Beatrice, born 9th March, 1901. 2. Leslie Charles Edward, born 8th January, 1865; died 27th September, 1865. 3. Francis Henry, born 11th August, 1866; some time of Lakeport, California, now of Globe, Arizona. Married 12th September, 1895, Rose Catherine (born 30th March, 1867; died 19th April, 1906, accidentally burnt by the explosion of a gasoline stove), daughter of William Dwight Fiske, son of Henry Fiske, of Fiskedale, Worcester County, Massachusetts (descendant of Fiske, of Stadhough, County Suffolk, Eng. 23), and his wife, Maria Elizabeth Hamlin, and has issue:-Theodore Ray, born 23rd July, 1896. Winnie Rose, born 14th February, 1901. Dorothy Dott, born 12th January, 1903. 1. Catharine Caroline, born 5th June, 1861; died 4th March, 1868. 23 Arms: Chequy, Silver and gules, on a pale sable three golden mullets, pierced. 58 And of the second marriage:- 4. William Herbert Austin, born 27th January, 1871; died at Tewksbury, in Massachusetts, 25th April, 1901; unmarried. 5. Richard Frederick, born 18th August, 1874. 6. Ethelred James Mockler, born 15th October, 1875. 7. Edwin Percy, born 18th August, 1880; died 9th December, 1880. 8. Reginald Beatty Atkinson, born 1883. 2. Sybella Eade Nicola, born 19th September, 1872, residing in Durham. 3. Norah Annie, born 2nd January, 1878; married Justus Roedding, late of Ayton, County Grey, now of Berlin, Ontario, son of Justus John Roedding and his wife, Elizabeth Hayrock, and has issue:-Gerald Harold, born 28th February, 1905. Mildred Sybella, born 18th April, 1906. Aileen Marion, born 20th August, 1911. FREDERICK JASPER CHADWICK, second son of John Craven Chadwick (Senior); born 19th November, 1838; died 20th June, 1891; Captain Wellington Militia; was a Provincial Land Surveyor and was for some time proprietor of the Guelph Herald newspaper; was several times a member of the County Council, County Wellington, and of the Town Council of Guelph, of which he was Mayor in 1877; married 3rd September, 1861, Elisabeth (died 3rd August, 1894), daughter of Edward Michael Stewart; in Holy Orders, of Guelph and afterwards of Clooney, County Derry, Ireland, 24 and his wife, Jane Renwick Jeffrey, daughter of John Jeffrey, of Allerbeck, County Dumfries, Scotland, and had issue, viz:- 1a. Jasper William, born 10th November, 1866, of the Bank of Toronto; married 26th November, 1896, Alexandrina Agatha, (an accomplished pianist), daughter of Samuel John Cowley, 24 See Burke's Landed Gentry; also Ontarian Families. Henry Stewart and the Hon. Elisabeth Pakenham, dau. of Edward Michael, Baron of Longford, sister of the first Duchess of Wellington. An embroidered underskirt worked by the Duchess was given by her to Elisabeth Pakenham, by whom it was worn at her wedding, as it was also at their weddings by Jane Renwick Jeffrey, Elisabeth Stewart, and Kathleen Chadwick (Pepler). 59
of Toronto, originally of County Devon, England, and his wife, Agatha Stevenson [Arms: Silver; a bull passant gules within a bordure sable bezantee], and has had issue, William, died inf.; William Gustavus, born 11th May, 1900. 2a. Edward Ernest Vaux, born 27th February, 1868; died 4th September, 1868. 3a. Frederick Austin Pakenham, born 9th June, 1873, M.A., in Holy Orders; ordained deacon, 1896; priest, 1897; Incumbent of Arthur, 1896; Dunnville, 1902; Rector All Saints, Windsor, Ontario, 1903; removed to British Columbia on the invitation of Bishop DePencier, 1910, and was Rector of St. Paul's; Vancouver; is now Rector of St. John's, Victoria, B.C Married, 22nd October, 1898, Alberta Louise, daughter of Samuel Dice, of Milton, Ontario; she died 16th January, 1902; and, secondly, Creina Russell, daughter of Ernest George Henderson, of Windsor, Ontario, and has issue of the first marriage, John Pakenham Dice, born 14th May, 1899; Frederick Stewart, born 31st August, 1900. 4a. John Craven Eade, born 22nd June, 1875, sometime of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, now of Vancouver, B.C.; served as Lieutenant 21st Essex Fusiliers; unmarried. 1a. Louisa Caroline Stewart, died unmarried. 2a. Charlotte Rose, unmarried. 3a. Kathleen Christiana Maria, married 12th June, 1895, to William Herbert Pepler, M.D., son of James Pepler and his wife, Emma Eyres [Arms: Silver, on a bend sable, between two bendlets dancettee gules, three silver eagles displayed] (see Ontarian Families), and has issue : Stewart Herbert, born 30th August, 1896. William Arthur Eyres, born 2nd January, 1899. Kathleen Gwladys, born 21st February, 1901. Doris Louise, born 27th June, 1905. 60 EDWARD MARION CHADWICK, third son of the above named John Craven Chadwick (Senior), born September 22nd, 1840; barrister-at-law, K.C. 1910. (An honour to which he was professionally entitled long before that and could have had if he bad applied for it, which he declined to do, as he was unwilling to have it unless it came to him unsolicited, which it did. He had long previously been recommended for the honour to the Government, but did not receive it then, possibly by an oversight, but more likely because he was a political opponent of the Ministers then in power.) Commenced practice in partnership with William Henry Beatty, in February, 1863, and after a number of changes of firm, and the said William Henry Beatty having died in 1912, celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of the firm in February, 1913, by an entertainment in his house to the partners of the firm with their wives and the students and male clerks, 26 persons, besides the family, and a very few intimate friends, and, the house not being large enough to accommodate all, the women clerks, 18 in number, were separately entertained at a dinner in a downtown restaurant. On this occasion his partners in the firm presented him with his portrait, painted by Wyly Grier. Is an amateur armorist and genealogist; Honorary Secretary for Canada of the Society of Genealogists of London (Eng.); a member of the Convention Internationale d'Heraldique (Switzerland, etc.); presented the Provincial Government of Ontario with an Ordinary of Arms, M.S., containing particulars of nearly 400 coats-of-arms borne in Ontario. Also executed a work in three volumes of such arms drawn and painted by himself. Is Honorary Genealogist to the United Empire Loyalists Association. Author of "Ontarian Families," containing Genealogies of United Empire Loyalist and other pioneer families of Upper Canada, and "The People of the Longhouse," a work on the Iroquois or Six Nations, and has been contributor of articles on heraldic subjects to magazines, etc. Composed an "Ecu Complet" of 56 quarters for the British Empire, his drawing of which was accorded a prominent place in the Genealogical Magazine (London, Eng.), and of which a more extended version in 96 quarters, drawn and coloured by him, was presented to and accepted by Queen Victoria; also illuminated a book (large folio) M.S. of the title deeds of St. Alban's Cathedral, which is preserved in the Cathedral. Was 61 invited in 1914 to become a member of the Authors' Club; of London, England, but felt unable to accept the honour. Was gazetted Ensign in the Queen's Own Rifles, then a volunteer regiment (now the 2nd Regiment, Queen's Own Rifles of Canada), 3rd November, 1866; Lieutenant, 31st July, 1868; Captain, 4th June, 1870; Major, 29th January, 1876, and retired with the rank of Major (Honorary) in 1882. Has been a delegate to Diocesan and Provincial Synods. Is a Lay Canon and Treasurer 25 of the Cathedral of St. Alban the Martyr, Toronto, to which Cathedral Church he had rendered thirty years' service (voluntary, without remuneration), having previously given ten years' service of a similar nature to St. George's Church, Toronto. Is a member of the Royal Colonial Institute, the Empire Club, and other patriotic associations. Is by adoption of the Chiefs in Council, an honorary Chief of the Six Nations, of the Anowara or Turtle Clan of the Kanienga or Mohawks, by the name of Shagotyohgwisaks (meaning One who gathers the people into bands, having reference to a proposal made by him in Conjunction with Lieut.-Col. William Hamilton Merritt, to raise a Six Nations Regiment). Married, firstly, 28th June, 1864, Ellen Byrne (who died February, 1865), daughter of James Beatty, of Toronto (see p. 56); and
Fisher secondly, February, 1868, Maria Martha, daughter of Alexander Fisher, of Toronto, and Mary his wife, daughter of William Brogdin, of Port Hope, and his wife, Elizabeth Wallace (the said Alexander Fisher was the eldest son of John Fisher, an Estate Factor, who came to Canada from Taim in Rosshire, Scotland, in 1833 and settled in the Township of Haldimand; County Northumberland, Ontario). The said Maria 25 By the Cathedral Statutes, the Treasurer is a "Principal Dignitary," ranking as such with the four Residentiary Canons. 62 Martha was adopted into the Oskenonton or Deer Clan of the Mobawks by the name of Kajijonhawe (the Bouquet carrier); and has had issue, viz:- 1. William Craven Vaux, born 6th December, 1868. Architect. Gazetted Lieutenant 36th Peel Regiment, 31st May, 1890; subsequently transferred to 10th Royal Grenadiers, and again to 36th Regiment, of which he was for some years Adjutant; was selected to reorganize and command the 9th Toronto Light Horse, now 9th Mississauga Horse, with rank of Major, March 5th, 1907; promoted Lieut-Colonel, November 15th, 1907; retired in 1913 on completion of his term of command and an extended term. That regiment when he took over the command had become reduced in strength and efficiency in consequence of the long illness of the officer previously in command, but he speedily brought it into such a state of smartness and efficiency as to win the approbation of the Militia Council, and gain popularity with the public. He handed the regiment over to his successor with a full establishment. Is now in command of a Regiment of Mounted Rifles being organized for war service. Was Brigade Major of the 4th Infantry Brigade, and of the 6th Infantry Brigade at Quebec on the occasion of the visit there of the Prince of Wales, now King George the Fifth. Has been Vice-President Canadian Cavalry Association and of the Canadian Military Institute, and a director of the Canadian National Horse Show Association. Is a member of the Toronto Hunt, and has been acting Master on many occasions. Married, 29th December, 1898, Jessie Dorothea, daughter of Robert Murray, merchant in New York, 26 and his wife Katharine, nee Achorn, widow of 26 This Robert Murray (who d. 1882) was the grandson of Mary Murray who was md. to John Cunningham, whose son Robert (B. 1787, 4. 1859) assumed the name of Murray by Act of the Legislature of the State of Massachusetts. Robert Murray (grandpere) was a descendant of an officer in the garrison of Londonderry in 1688. A pedigree (not fully complete) of this family is deposited in the office of Ulster King of Arms in Dublin, and the writer has been officially informed that upon an application being made the arms of Murray and Cunningham, duly differenced and properly marshaled with reference to the marriage of Mary Murray and John Cunnningham, will be assigned to Jessie Dorothea Chadwick and Her brother Herbert Murray. 63 Alonzo Danvers Nichols, M.D.; and had issue, Patricia Katharine, who died in infancy. 2. Edward Alister Eade, born 13th February, 1871, of Toronto. Served for some time as Lieutenant 25th (St. Thomas) Regt. Married Florence Edith, daughter of Thomas Campbell Kemp [Arms: Gules two cubit arms issuing from either side, holding a broken sword erect] and his second wife, Blanche Potter (widow of Loud), and has issue, viz -Edward Norman Loud, born 7th April, 1899; was permitted by his uncle above named to join the Cadet Corps (mounted) of the 9th Mississauga Horse at the age of 13, and was (perhaps) the youngest and smallest trooper in His Majesty's service: Austin Ralph, born r6th July, 1901. Edith Marion (birth registered in Montreal as Joan Marion), born 16th March, 1906. 3. George D'Arcy Austin, of Toronto Island, born 22nd February, 1880. Is an artist (not by profession) of great skill in the execution of fine and delicate work, a talent inherited from his grandmother, Louisa Bell. Has been a champion hockey player, being described as "the fastest man on ice. Married 3rd July, 1907, Bessie Carlisle, daughter of Capt. John Edward MacCorquodale, then deceased, son of MacCorquodale of MacCorquodell in Argyleshire, and his wife Bessie Carlisle [Arms: Silver, a demi-stag gules, issuing from a less wreathed gules and silver], and his wife, Theresa Amelia Porter, and has issue:-John D'Arcy, born 26th April, 1912; Mary Theresa, born 22nd April, 1914. 4. Richard Ellard Carden, horn i6th February, 1885. Civil engineer and contractor. Before taking up this profession he was a Lieutenant in the 36th Peel Regiment Active Militia. Entered upon a course of instruction in the School of Science, University of Toronto, graduating in 1906. Was Assistant Engineer in charge of Bridges and Docks for the City of Toronto, during which time he designed and built the Wilton Avenue bridge Over the River Don. Also designed the Queen Street East bridge over the Don. After remaining in the service of the City of Toronto 64 for about two years he became connected with the Foundation Company, of New York, engineers and contractors carrying on large operations in the United States and Canada. While in the employ of that company he was in charge of the construction of the foundations of the Woolworth Building; transferred to the Foundation Company, Limited, of Montreal, and was placed in charge of various works of that company in Canada at a number of places extending from New Brunswick to the Rocky Mountains. Was for a time in charge of all their construction works east of Winnipeg, and is now engineer of their business for all Canada. Is resident in Montreal. Married, 12th April, 1913, Josephine Potter, daughter of William Joseph Davis, then deceased, and his wife, Sidney Potter, and has issue, William Sidney and Mary Carden, twins, born 16th July, 1914. 5. Bryan Damer Seymour, born 24th June, 1888. Architect. When at school was member of a cadet corps and met with an accident which made him unable to take up military service, and he has therefore been active in promoting the Boy Scout organization. 1. Fanny Marion, born 10th January, 1873. Married to James Grayson Smith, of Toronto, barrister-at-law, son of James Grayson Smith, formerly of Stratford, Ontario, barrister-at-law, who came to Canada from near Whitehaven, Cumberland, England, and his wife Ellen, daughter of James Henderson. [Arms: Sable, on a fess engrailed gold, between three Squirrels of silver sejant, each holding a marigold slipped proper, as Many roundles barry of six silver and azure.] She was a clever amateur actress and musician and was for about thirteen years a chantress (voluntary) in St. Alban's Cathedral. She died 13th January, 1905, leaving one son, Hugh Henderson Grayson, born 16th May, 1900. 2. Louisa Mary Caroline, born 7th December, 1876, unmarried. 65 AUSTIN COOPER CHADWICK, fourth son of John Craven Chadwick (the elder), born 18th November, 1842. Called to the Bar, Easter Term, 1864; was appointed Junior Judge of the County Court of County Wellington, January 10th, 1873; local Judge of the High Court of Justice, March 14th, 1882. Became Senior Judge of the County Court, December 8th, 1891, and Judge of the Surrogate Court, County Wellington; retired as Judge of the County Court in 1914; on length of service, Being then the oldest Judge by length of service in Ontario and probably in the Dominion, retaining, however, the Judgeship of the Surrogate Court: appointed a member of the Board of County Judges, April, 1905. Married, December, 1867, Caroline Christie, daughter of Ralph Charles Nicholson, of Toronto, and Elizabeth Roy, his wife, and has issue:-
Nicholson 1. Henry Austin, born 15th April, 1883, barrister-at-law, some time practicing in Perth, Ontario, and now in Calgary, Alberta. Married, 30th September, 1908, Mary Helena, daughter of George William Sandilands, of Guelph, and his wife, Annie Grant, and grand-daughter of Thomas Sandilands, of Guelph, and has issue, Caroline Isabel. 2. Caroline Gladys May, unmarried. Opposite this page 66, a photograph of silhouette of Louisa Ball 66
DANIEL BELL, of Stamford, Middlesex (son of Daniel Bell), died 29th October, 1802, aged 76. Married, February, 1760, Catherine Barclay (q.v.), born June, 1727, died October, 1784, having had issue, viz:- Daniel Bell, of Wandle House, Wandsworth, born 11th August, 1753, died 4th December, 1834. Married, 16th April, 1789, Elinor, daughter of John Turner (a), of London. She died 8th January, 1836, leaving issue (b). Jonathan, of Hornsey, of whom below. Priscilla, married to Edward Wakefield and had issue, one of whom was Edward Gibbon Wakefield, founder of the Colony of New Zealand; and another, Arthur Wakefield, Commander R. N., was in the expedition in 1813 under General Ross (Ross-of-Bladensburg) which, after having defeated a defending force of twice their strength (in which action Wakefield captured a standard), took Washington, and burnt all public stores and buildings, almost in presence of an American army of more than four times their strength, and then withdrew in good order. Katherine, married to John Gurney, of Earlham, County Norfolk, and was mother of Elizabeth Fry, the philanthropist also of Hannah, wife of Sir Thomas Powell Buxton, Baronet, and grandmother of Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton, lately Governor of South Australia, and of the Rt. Hon. Sydney Charles Buxton, lately raised to the peerage as Baron Buxton, and now Governor- General of South Africa. Elizabeth, married to John Hanbury. Charlotte, married to Capel Hanbury. (a) Of the same family as the Turners (and Nelleses) of Guelph. (b) Mary Bell, a granddau. of Daniel and Elinor Bell was md. to John G. Kotze, Chief Justice of the Transvaal before the war of 1900, who was dismissed from office by Kruger for giving a judgment according to law but contrary to Kruger's orders, in an action before him. This case was that of one Brown, an American, for whom the law firm of which E. M. Chadwick was a partner were subsequently solicitors, and Mr. Galt, of that firm, went to S. Africa and remained there for some time endeavouring to procure a settlement the matter further became the subject of diplomatic correspondence between the British, American, and Transvaal Governments, but the war occurred and Brown died, and so it ended fruitlessly. 67 Rebecca, married to Abel Chapman (c). Christiana, married, first, to N. Springall, and secondly, to Thomas Hankin. Caroline, married to John Plead (4). JONATHAN BELL, above named, of Hornsey and Kensington, born 9th November, 1769; died 9th May, 1855; married 3rd November, 1794, Maria, daughter of Edward Vaux, in Holy Orders, of London. She died 28th January, 1852, having had four sons and seven daughters, viz:- 1. Edward Matthew (Bell), Vice-Consul at Bordeaux, born 1st November, 1796; died 24th October, 1864; married June, 1817, Fanny, daughter of Rev. J. Matthews, of Cirencester. She died 19th January, 1870, having had six sons and five daughters (ia) Edward William Wilbraham (Bell), born 13th September, 1820; died April, 1854; married and had two daughters. (2a) Henry Angelo, born 16th August, 1821; died 8th March, 1842. (3a) Sir Francis Dillon (Bell), K.C.M.G. 1881, C.B. 1886, Agent-General for New Zealand, Commissioner to England from the Colony 1870, Knighted on his appointment as Speaker of House of Representatives, New Zealand, 1871-6, Minister for Native Affairs, Treasurer, etc., in various ministries, 1854-81; Member of Legislative Council, 1876- 8; born 8th October, 1822; married 2nd April, 1849, Margaret, daughter of A. Hort, and has had six sons and two daughters:- (ib) Francis Henry Dillon (Bell), of St; John's Coll., Camb., admitted to the Middle Temple, 8th November, 1871, called to the bar 6th June, 1876; born 31st March, 1851; married April, 1877, Caroline, daughter of William Robinson, and has issue:- Francis, Margaret, Iris. (c) One of this family was the Rev. Edward Michael Bland of Ingersoll and Hamilton, who md. Marie Augusta dau. of Auguste Erbs and his wife Marie Magdalen Hespelor. (d) Supposed to be of the same family as Sir Francis Bond Head, Lieut.-Governor of Upper Canada, 1837, and Sir Edmund Walker Head, Governor-General of Canada, 1854, but the compiler of this genealogy has been unable to trace the connection.. 68 (2b) Alfred, born 8th December, 1852. (3b) Edward, born 26th July, 1854. (4b) Arthur Wilbraham, born 5th April, 1856. (5b) Ernest, born 26th June, 1857. (6b) Frank, born 20th March, 1860. (7b) Jessy Adela, married 28th June, 1876, to Mackay John Scobie Mackenzie, and has issue:-Alexander (Mackenzie), Frank, Sheila, Mary. (8b) Ethel, died 19th January, 1860. (2a) Alfred (Bell), born 7th September, 1828; married 12th August, 1886, Jessie, third daughter of Joseph Wells, of Chelmsford. (3a) Frederick FitzEdward, horn 24th September, 1830; died 1832. (4a) Ferdinand, born 14th December, 1833; died 4th October, 1854. (5a) Frances Katharine Eschanzier, died young 1826. (6a) Marie Adele, married to Michael George Mitchell (or Michele), Director of the Indian Mails, Marseilles; he died in Paris, 23rd July, 1880, having had two sons and two daughters, viz:- (lb) Francis George (Mitchell or Michele), born 2nd April, 1853; in the French military service and was killed in Franco-Prussian War, 19th January, 1871. (2b) Harry Gustavus, born 30th December, 1854; died 10th April, 1871. (3b) Matilda Georgina, born 16th November, 1858; d. mi. (4b) Clarissa Maria, married 11th July, 1881, to Paul Jean, of Marseilles. (7a) Wilhelmina Isabel, died unmarried 1876, aged 53. (8a) Julia Brenda and (9a) Ida Elizabeth, nuns. 2.Jonathan, born November, 1863; died young. 3. Jonathan, born 11th November, 1805; died February, 1831. 4. Jasper Higginson (Bell), Colonel Madras Engineers, Secretary to Board of Revenue F. W. D., Mint Master Madras, officiating Mint Master Calcutta, Chief Engineer F. W. D. Madras; born 69 9th July, 1809; married 27th July, 1843, Elizabeth, daughter of William Castell Damant, of Lammas, Norfolk; d.s.p. 5. Katharine, born 1st November, 1795; died 18th February, 1841; married 25th April, 1821, to Joseph Dillon, of Finchley (son of Capt. Joseph Dillon, R.N., and his wife Joanna, daughter of Gerrit van Horne), and had issue three sons and four daughters, viz:- (1a) Edward (Dillon), born 16th December, 1822; married -- Barbage and had a daughter Katherine, who died unmarried 1882. (2a) Wentworth Joseph (Dillon), born 3rd August, 1829; died June, 1850. (3a) Logan Robert, born 5th October, 1831; died in Australia, 1860. (4a) Anna Maria, born 30th November, 1824; married to Dr. George Buist, who died at Calcutta, having had a son and two daughters. (1b) George (Buist), died in infancy. (2b) Katherine Anna. (3b) Margaret Jefferson. (5a) Katherine Augusta (Dillon), born 6th March; 1827; died October, 1844. (6a) Rose Elizabeth, born 5th August, 1834; married as second wife to George Chancellor Collyer, of Hill House, Norfolk, Colonel retired from (Madras) R. E., sometime Secretary to the Revenue Board P. W. D. Served in the Indian Mutiny. (7a) Louisa Ellen, born 29th August, 1837; died 11th June, 1869; married 19th October, 1864, to Edwin Bostock, of Stone, Stafford, and had a son and three daughters,. viz:- Edwin Dillon (Bostock), born 7th December, 1865. Joanna Dorothea, born 2nd April, 1867; died 5th April, 1868. Hilda Louisa, born 2nd June, 1868. Rose Collyer, born 5th May, 1869. 6. Maria (Bell), born 1st July, 1798 died unmarried 23rd June, 1873. 70 7. Eliza, born 13th June, 1800; died 25th September, 1867; married to Thomas Bolton, Agent in Ireland for the Earl of Derby, resident at Baltykisteen, between Cullen and Tipperary; he died 1852, having had two sons and three daughters, viz:- (1a) William (Bolton), died unmarried. (2a) Jasper (Bolton), married 1862, the widow of William Jonathan de Pledge, of Tynemouth, daughter of John Grey. She re-married to Frederick Thomas, of Elmbridge Farm, Bristol. (3a) Emily, married October, 1852, as first wife, to Charles Grey, Receiver to Greenwich Hospital Northern Estates, and Chief Valuer to Irish Land Commission, and had six children, of whom four died unmarried (before 1887). (4a) Elizabeth, married 22nd April, 1867, to Thomas Henry Mathews, of Tipperary, Master of Erastus Smith School there; he died 25th December, 1874 (after which she went to the State of Iowa), having had two sons and four daughters, viz:- Thomas Henry William Bolton (Matthews), born 17th. January, 1869, died 13th February following; Henry de Vaux, born 14th March, 1874; Emily Mary Bolton; Stella Kathleen Bolton; Dorothea; Elizabeth, died 19th July, 1872. (5a) Frances (Bolton), married 14th August, 1874, to William Henry Massy Bennett, of Glenefy, County Limerick, and had issue, viz :George Latham (Bennett), born 1st January, 1876; William Francis, born 22nd June, 1877; Hugh Francis Massy, born 11th September, 1883; Brenda. 8. Emma, married 3rd January, 1828, to David Gray, whom she survived, and died s.p. 9. Louisa, married 3rd January, 1836, as first wife to John Craven Chadwick, of Cravendale, Ancaster, County Wentworth, Canada, afterwards of Guelph. The foregoing is chiefly taken from Foster's Families of Royal Lineage, published 1887, with some additional particulars, and there are no doubt other changes not known to the present compiler. 71
ROYAL DESCENT" will seem to be a very big thing to those to whom the expression is not familiar, but genealogists place little value on it, for they know that most of the middle class families of England are in fact descendants of the Angevin and Plantagenet kings, though it is only those whose lineage happens to have been preserved who can trace the descent. That we can do so is due to the scrupulous care with which births, marriages and deaths were recorded by the principal Quaker families of England, at a period when most others were careless in such matters. Our maternal ancestors, the Barclays, were Quakers in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, just the period which is often one of despair to genealogists. Descent from the Angevin and Plantagenet kings enables those who care to do so, to carry lines of descent back into the dim past in a manner truly surprising, as will be seen in the following pages. 72 DESCENT of Louisa, wife of John Craven Chadwick, from several Royal personages and from other persons less notable. [From the Genealogical Magazine I. 164, and from Posters Royal Lineages, pp. 671, etc.] CHARLES MARTELL, who defeated the Saracens' or Mahommedan attempt to overrun Western Europe, died 741. | | Pepin, King of the Franks. | | Charlemagne, The Great Emperor of the West. | | Louis the Debonair, Emperor. | | Charles the Bald, Emperor, married Richelda, daughter of Bovinus, Count Aldemar Waldi. | | Judith, married to Baudoin Bras de Fer, Count of Flanders. | | Baudoin, Count of Flanders and Artois, married Elfreda, daughter Of Alfred the Great, King of England. | | Arnulph le Vieux, Count of Flanders, etc., married Elisa, daughter of Herbert, Count of Vermandois. | | Baudoin, Count of Flanders, married Mechtild, daughter of Hermand Billund, Duke of Saxony. | |Arnulph, Count of Flanders, etc., married Rosala, daughter of Berenger, King of Italy, etc. | | Baudoin Fairbeard, Count of Flanders, etc. | |Baudoin de L'Isle, Count of Flanders, etc., married Alisa, daughter of Robert I, King of France, son of Hugh Capet. | 73 Matilda, married to William the Conqueror, King of England. | |Henry I, King of England, married Edith or Matilda, daughter of Malcolm Cean Mohr, King of Scotland. | | [From Genealogical Magazine V.1, 501; II, 557, and Burke's Peerage.] An interesting article on the Saxon kings in the Genealogical Magazine V1, 501, traces descent of Alfred the Great by seventeen named generations from the semi-mythical deified Saxon King Odin or Woden (whose memory survives to the present time in the name of the fourth day of the week, Woden's day, Anglice Wednesday), which each person may accept with as much or as little confidence as he pleases. The most notable person in this line of descent was Egbert, one of the greatest of the Saxon kings, whose son, Ethelwulf, married Osburga, daughter of Oslac, and had four sons, Ethelbald, Ethelbert, Ethelred and Alfred. He married secondly, Judith, daughter of Charles III. The last named son was ALFRED THE GREAT, King of England, 871 to 901; married Elswitha, daughter of Ethelred, a Mercian Earl; she died 904; from whom as follows:- Edward the Elder, King, died 924, married Edgiva (third wife), daughter of Earl Sigeline. | | Edmund, King, murdered 924, married Elgiva. | | Edgar, King, 957, married (second wife) Elfrida, widow o£ Ethelword and daughter of Ongar. Earl Domaner of Devonshire. | | Ethelred the Unready, King, died, 1016, married (first wife) Elgiva. | | Edmund Ironside, murdered 1018, married Edith, widow of Sigeferth, a Danish Thane. ---------------------------------------- | | Edgar Atheling Margaret 74 Edgar Atheling 1 Margaret (died 1093 2), married 1068-9 to the above named Malcolm Cean Molir, King of Scotland. | Editha, or Matilda as she was re-named on her marriage, married to Henry I, King of England. Matilda, Queen of Henry I, was also a descendant of Nial of the Nine Hostages, King of Ireland, A.D. 376, from whom was descended Fergus Mar MacEarcha, first King of Scotland of the Milesian race, from whom was descended Kenneth MacAlpin, 850 to 860, from whom Malcolm Cean Mohr (Gen. Mag. II, 264, and III, 116; and Peerage). 3 Another line of descent from CHARLEMAGNE to Henry II is given in Gen. Mag. II, 506. See also Gen. Mag. III, 270, 318. Another very curious and interesting line of descent is as follows:- Frederic I, Barbarossa, Emperor Isaac Angelos, Emperor of the of the West (German), died East (Byzantine), 1186, great 1190; married Beatrice, daug- grandson of the Emperor Alex- ter of Renaud III, Count of ius I Comnenus; his daughter Burgundy; his son | | | Philip of Suabia, Holy Roman Irene (alias Mary, alias Cecilia, Married Emperor of the West, widow of Roger, King of Sicily). 1 Strickland's Queens of England gives the details of descent slightly different at this point, inserting another generation, Edward Atheling, who md. Agatha dau. of Henry II., Emperor of Germany, as the father of Edgar Atheling and his sister Margaret. 2 A woman of estimable character and great piety, highly educated and beautiful, and so beloved by her people that after her death they named her "Saint Margaret," and her memory was so venerated that at the Reformation her tomb was desecrated, and her head removed. This was preserved at the Scots' College at Donay in France, where it was seen in 1785, still perfect, with long tresses of beautiful fair hair. This account of Queen Margaret's head was first found by the writer in Strickland's Queens of England, and seemed to him to be so interesting that he made further enquiries, thinking that possibly the head might be still in existence, and with the aid of a friend, Mr. Angus Claude Macdonell, M.P., and the courtesy of the Rev. Alexander Macdonell, priest (R.C.) of Ladysmith in British Columbia, obtained the complete account. If the head, so marvellously preserved for nearly seven hundred years, had remained a century and a quarter longer, it would have been possible to have obtained a photograph of a person who had been dead for more than eight hundred years! That the saintly Queen is not forgotten is evidenced by the fact of there being an Anglican Church in a Western Canadian Diocese dedicated to "Saint Margaret of Scotland." 75 | Mary of Suabia, married to Henry II, Duke of Lothier and Brabant, and King of Thessalonica. | Henry III, Duke of Lothier and Brabant, etc., died 1260; married Aleyde or Alice, daughter of Hugh IV, Duke of Burgundy | Mary of Brabant, died 1321; married to Philip III, King of France, died 1285. | Margaret of France, second wife of Edward I, King of England. | Edmund of Woodstock. | Joan, the Fair Maid of Kent, see infra. [From Gen. Mag VII, 246; also see p. 261.] | Henry I, King of England, married Edith or Matilda, daughter of Malcolm Cean Mohr, above named. | Matilda or Maude (also named Adelais), married (firstly) to Henry V; Emperor of Germany, who d.s.p.; and secondly, to Geoffrey Plantagenet, Count of Anjou (descendant also of Charlemagne, see Gen. Mag. II, 506). | Henry II, King of England, died 1189, married Eleanor, daughter of William, Duke of Aquitaine. | -------------------------------------- | | Richard I., d.s.p. John, King, married Isabel, daughter of Aylmer, Count of Angouleme. 3 It is believed by some that the Kings of England were descended from King David (Judea) through the eldest daughter of King Zedekiah who, with her younger sister, fled from Jerusalem in charge of the prophet Jeremiah, then a very old man, and was married to Heremon King of Ulster. A pedigree of this (supposed) descent is preserved at Windsor. Query: Upon what evidence is this founded? N.B.- How does Herernon connect with the line of descent through Malcolm Ceann Mohr of Scotland, or otherwise, with Edward I.? 76 Henry III, died 1272; married Eleanor, daughter of Raymond, Count of Provence (grandson of King Alphonso, of Arragon, Spain). | Edward I, died 1307. ---------------------Edward I married, secondly, Married, first, Eleanor, daugh- Margaret, daughter of Philip III, ter of Ferdinand III, King of King of France. Castile in Spain. | | | Edward II, died 1327 (mur- Edmond, of Woodstock, Earl of dered) ; married Isabel, daugh- Kent, born 1301, died 1329. ter of Philip IV, King of Beheaded because of loyalty to France, and his wife, Jane, the King, his half-brother. Mar- Queen of Navarre. ried Margaret, daughter of John, Lord Wake of Liddell. | | | Edward III, died 1327; married | Philippa, daughter of William, Joan, "the fair maid of Kent," Count of Hainault. married to Thomas Holland, | one of the founders of the Gar- 1. Edward, Prince of Wales, the ter, Earl of Kent, commanded Black Prince, married his cousin the van of the army of the Black Joan, widow of Thomas Hol- Prince at Cressy. He died 1360. land, Earl of Kent. Joan was reputed to be the most | beautiful woman of the age in 2. Richard II, d.s.p. which she lived.Edmund P Holland
77 Stuart Beaufort Thomas Holland, second Earl of Kent and Baron Wake; married Alice, second daughter of Richard FitzAlan, K.G., Earl of Arundel (and his second wife, Eleanor, daughter of Henry, third Earl of Lancaster) ; she died 17th March, 1417, having had, with other issue, Margaret Holland (third daughter), died 31st December, 1440; married first to Sir John Beaufort (eldest son of John of Gaunt), Earl of Somerset and Marquis of Dorset, who died 21st April, 1410; and secondly, to Thomas, Duke of Clarence, son of Henry IV. Of the first marriage she had, with other issue, a daughter. Joane, Queen of Scots; died 1445; married, firstly, February, 1423-4, to James Stuart I, King of Scotland (who was murdered by the faction of Walter, Earl of Athole, his uncle), and had, besides a son, James II, King of Scotland, a daughter
Stewart of Athole Gordon Princess Annabella, or Arabella; married as first wife to George, Earl of Huntly, who died 8th June, 1501, leaving, with other issue, a son. Alexander, Gordon third Earl of Huntly, who married his cousin (of the half- blood) Janet, daughter of Sir John Stewart, Earl of Athole, of whom presently. 78 | The said Joane, Dowager Queen of Scots, married, secondly, 1439, to Sir | James Stewart, the Black Knight of Lorn (third son of Sir John Stewart, of | Lorn and Innermeath), and had, with other issue, a son, | Sir John Stewart, of Balveny, created Earl of Athole, who married, first, | Margaret (dowager of William, eighth Earl of Douglas), only daughter of | Archibald, fifth Earl of Douglas, Duke of Touraine; he married, secondly, | Eleanora, daughter of William Sinclair, Earl of Orkney and Caithness, and had | issue; of his first marriage he had two daughters, of whom the elder was the above named Janet Stewart, married 1474, as first wife to Alexander Gordon, third Earl of Huntly, named above. He commanded the left wing of the Scottish army with Lord Home at the battle of Flodden, 9th September, 1513; died 16th January, 1523-4, having had, with other issue, a son, John, Lord Gordon, died in his father's lifetime, 5th December, 1517, married Margaret, natural daughter of James IV (she re-married to Sir John Drummond, of Innerpeffry), and had two sons, viz: George, fourth Earl of Huntly, and Alexander Gordon, Titular Archbishop of Athens 1547, Bishop of the Isles and Abbot of Inchaffray and Icolmkill 1553, Bishop of Galloway 1558, relinquished his Episcopacy; died 11th November, 1575; married Barbara Logie, life renter of the lands of Kessogton in Swanwick, daughter of the Laird of Logie, and had six sons and a daughter, of whom the eldest son, John Gordon, had the revenues of the Bishopric of Galloway resigned in his favour, mentioned as Bishop of Galloway 1583, does not appear to have been consecrated, demitted before 8th July, 1586, "became one of the gentlemen of the bedchamber to Charles IX, Henry III and Henry IV." Dean of Salisbury 1603, created D.D. Oxon, 13th August, 1605 "because he was to dispute before the King his kinsman," died 3rd September, 1619, aged 75. He married, first, 1576, Antoinette de Maroles, by whom he obtained the lordship of Longormes, in France; and secondly, 1594, Genevieve Betaw, daughter of Gideon Betaw, lord of Maulet, first president of the parliament of Brittany; she died 6th December, 1643, aged 83, leaving an only daughter, 79 Louisa Gordon, born 20th December, 1597; married 16th February, 1613, to Sir Robert Gordon, of Gordonstoun, the historian of his family (son of Alexander, eleventh Earl of Sutherland), gentleman of the bedchamber to King James, 1606, knighted 1609, gentleman of the bedchamber to Charles I, who created him baronet of Nova Scotia, 28th May, 1625, being the first of that order, sheriff principal of Invernessshire 1629, vice-chamberlain 1630, P.C. Scotland 1634; he died 1656, aged 76, haying had, with five sons, four daughters, of whom the second, Catherine Gordon, born 11th January, 1621, died March, 1663, married 26th January, 1648, to Col. David Barclay, 4 of Urie, County
Barclay Kincardine, who had been a volunteer in the Swedish army under Gustavus Adolphus, and attained the rank of Major, returned to Scotland, and was Colonel of a Regiment of horse; dislodged and routed Montrose 1646, relieved Inverness, made governor of Strathbogie; after the battle of Preston he was deprived of all employments by Cromwell; represented Forfarshire and Kincardineshire (Angus and Mearns) 1654-6, 1656-8; imprisoned in Edinburgh Castle about 1664, joined the Society of Friends, or Quakers, in 1666, imprisoned in Aberdeen 21st March, 1676, "for going to worship contrary to law," and again the year following; died October, 1686, aged 76, having had three sons and two daughters, of whom the second son, Robert, of Perth Amboy, in the Colony of New Jersey, was Governor of East Jersey, and the eldest was 4 A pedigree of the Barclay family is printed in Foster's Families of Royal Lineage, p.161. One of this family, Capt. Robert Barclay, who lived in the early part of the 19th Century, was a man of extraordinary athletic power and a famous pedestrian; among other notable feats, he undertook to walk 1,000 miles in 1,000 hours, which he successfully accomplished. 80 Robert Barclay, of Urie, a noted writer on Quaker tenets, Governor of East or New Jersey for life 1682 born 23rd December, 1648, died August, 1690; married 1st February, 1670, Christian, daughter of Gilbert Molyson, Baillie of Aberdeen; she died 14th December, 1722-3, aged 76, having had with five daughters, four sons, of whom the third son was David Barclay, a merchant in London; entertained at his house in Cheapside, Queen Anne, George I, George II and George III when they visited the city on Lord Mayor's day. 5 Born 17th July, 1682; died 18th March, 1769; married, first, 12th April, 1707, Anne, daughter of James Taylor, of London; she died in 1720, aged 31, having had four sons and five daughters, and secondly, 8th June, 1723, Priscilla, daughter of John Freame, of London; she died 9th October, 1769, having had two sons and six daughters, 6 of whom the second daughter was Catherine Barclay, born April, 1727; died 19th October, 1784; married 17th February, 1750, to Daniel Bell, of Stamford Hill, London; he died 19th October, 1802, aged 76, having had two sons and eight daughters, of whom the third son was Jonathan Bell, of Hornsey and Kensington, born 9th November, 1769 (see Bell). 5 A picture representing one of these occasions was printed in the Leisure Hour for 1888, p.69. 6 The 6th dau. Christiana was md. 1stly to Joseph Gurney of Norwich, 2ndl. to John Freame of London; and 3rdly to Sir William Watson, F.R.S., M.D., a Trustee of the British Museum.
The following letter, which came to the writer through Mrs. Desbarres; the wife of a clergyman who lived some time in Toronto, is so interesting and so graphically describes life among the great bankers and merchants of London, and class of "Empire Builders," in the early half of the Nineteenth Century that it is well worth preserving in print. From Katherine Fry to F. and R F. Cresswell. 7 Upton Lane, Tuesday, February 1st, 1842. All is well over - the King has been and we are like people awaking from a dream, and truly grieved are we, my dearest Frank and Rachel, that you and all your children were not here, though Frank Joseph was to represent you. The King asked his surname and where his father and mother lived. With your exception and Raymond, who was detained in London, all the children and grandchildren were present. I wrote to you on Sunday night and mentioned the intimation we had received of the intended honour - for truly an honour do we feel it. I can hardly tell you what a weight it was on Monday morning. Lady Pelly, Sophia and I worked just like housemaids. We went from room to room arranging and placing and doing and ordering, first one thing and then another. We had the hall, stone steps and gravel at the entrance laid in Indian matting. The porch was beautifully dressed with hot house flowers, lilacs, etc., in full bloom. We cleared the hall of all furniture, and in the front of the stair case opposite the entrance were glorious camelias and other flowers--quite a parterre--the drawing-room was cleared of all tables but one and all secondary ornaments; a new carpet had been down the week before; most rare and lovely flowers, both out as a nose-gay on the table and in a basket in pots, were in the room. Still at one o'clock we felt all behind; the tables in the dining-room not fully laid, no messenger from London, nor any tidings of the guests or the dinner, or luncheon or whatever it was to be called. When Gurney arrived from town with the certain information that the King intended to be here 7 See particulars of persons named in this letter, page 88. 82 punctually at two. Crowds began to assemble in groups in the lane, and it was droll to see from the windows many a familiar face fixed firmly for a front view. Lady Pelly went home to dress, Sophia and I upstairs, which it was a real difficulty to accomplish, but we did dress. Sophia in salmon coloured water silk elegantly trimmed with good lace and a lace cardinal. I in my green velvet and pale pink and white gauze cap. Buxtons, Hoares, began to arrive, and were without scruple sent on to Ham House. When I went down the change was magical, from the real bustle and movement, all was still and finished-the servants all in the hall, and the family arriving in rapid succession, really elegantly dressed, which was wonderful considering the deep winter season and that there was no time to have anything made up for the occasion. Brothers and sisters, our Uncle and Aunt Buxton, Uncle and Aunt Gurney, Sir Henry and Lady Pelly, Aunt Elizabeth Fry and Mr. Hankinson, who came as he said to represent our Uncle Hoare (we were most happy to see him, though it gave us a momentary sensation of difficulty), and our Frank, were in the drawing-room, all children and nurses in the bow window room, and the Gurneys and the other cousins "ladies" at my bedroom and dressing-room windows. Gentlemen cousins on the lawn in front of the house. Every corner of the house was (to our mortification) filled by degrees with one crowd of people. Out of doors such a scene our quiet lane never shewed before, whilst every corner of the yard and servants' entrance, particularly the steps of the area, were filled and crowded with those ladies and gentlemen of the neighbourhood who could frame the least excuse to come in - whilst to peep through the shrubs of the flower garden was granted by the gardener as a great favour to ladies and children who were strangers to us. The police came on in considerable numbers both in and outside the gates. Eight men cooks; a head cook, and a maitre d'hotel as they call him, arrived in a van and a cab, and took entire possession of our kitchen and were so businesslike and respectable in their appearance that my mind was assured on that point. Our father emerged dressed from his apartments, and an hour and a half of most tedious waiting commenced. Our mother was gone to Newgate, and as time crept on some began to think we 83 should surely be disappointed; we talked and speculated on possibilities. Some looked out at the windows at the crowd which covered the road all the way to West Ham. Carriages also, were drawn up all along and mounted police, up and down to keep a clear road. The bells were ringing and flags displayed in West Ham. We heard that the charity children were all ranged along the wall of the churchyard, and that the crowds were really considerable both there and at Stratford. Still this was but an apology for passing the time pleasantly. When some mounted police galloped into the gate and passing under the windows said "the King is in West Ham," some of the party previously said they heard shouting there. My father and his sons, eight in number, immediately went down the steps on to the gravel where it was matted. There were John, William, Joseph, Gurney and Henry, Foster, [probably Foster Reynolds, a brother-in-law], Champion [probably William Champion Streatfield, a brother-in-law] and Frank Joseph. The servants stood along the sides of the hall, twelve in number lining it completely;, seven in our brothers' livery drab and scarlet and five out of livery. We ladies all ranged ourselves in the outer drawing-room; but it was after all only the Lady Mayoress, our mother and the two sheriffs in the Lord Mayor's coach. We gathered nothing but that the King was changing for post horses at the Stone's End. Mamma hurried up to take off her bonnet and shawl and soon came down. In about five minutes an outrider rode in and was instantly followed by the Royal carriage and four. I did not see what passed, but those in, the upper windows describe the scene as perfectly beautiful, the sons standing there, and the father and mother at the bottom of the steps. Lord Hardwick, Mons. Bunsen, and the Count de Stolberg got out first. When the King was on the carriage steps, he took off his hat and every-body bowed; when on the ground he made a profound bow to the brothers, which they returned in kind of course, and taking our father and mother, one in each hand ascended the steps saying with energy three times, "Thank God, I am here at last." He wore plain clothes and the blue riband. under his coat. When he entered the drawing-room he bowed again. I crept behind the door; I thought I should have wept. 84 The simultaneous curtsey of the sisters was beautiful. Before he passed on leading our mother he paused and every sister was named by her individually. The King said, "'All your children?" When Sophia's name came, he said her father was known and loved in Prussia. The "gentlemen followed in and were individually presented. The King then retired for a few minutes to our father's dressing-room, and having brushed his hair with one of papa's hat brushes, said, "There, I think I look better now." He also washed his hands; and then returned to the drawing-room. Meanwhile all the grandchildren had been brought down, and arranged amphitheatre fashion, little in front and large behind and the nurses with the babies in their arms at the back at the end of the room. When our father said with a loud voice, "The King"', all the company formed on either side instantaneously, but he was already in the midst of the group looking at the children. Our mother said they were all her grandchildren. His Majesty lifted up both his hands, and giving a sort of "Oh!" half scream, half crow, said, "So many!" or "How many! How many!" Frank was reluctantly drawn forth and it was there his name was told and regrets for your absence expressed. Luncheon was now announced. The King led our mother. They sat in the two great arm chairs at the head of the table. Our father followed with the Lady Mayoress. Lord Hardwick and Lady Pelly; Count Stolberg and Sophia, because of her German, for he speaks neither English nor French; Mr. Bunsen and Lady Buxton; Mr. Sheriff Magnay and Rachel Fry; Mr. Sheriff Rogers and Alice, whom he knew before; Sir Henry Pelly and Aunt Gurney; Sir Fowell Buxton and Elizabeth Fry, etc. The table was in the shape of a T. A few could not sit down, as it was impossible to crowd, but they did not mind as they stood near the King and saw and heard far better than those seated near the door. I allowed no hired ornament on the table; it was the family silver, for instance, four or six wine coolers with flowers in them alternating with 85 the high red Berlin, glass dishes from Ham House; most richly filled with mixed fruits and finished with a pineapple. All the centre of the table was one line of fruit and flowers. The side dishes were preserves, cakes, jellies, etc. Every hot dish was handed from the sideboard. When the party were seated we had a solemn pause. The King eat heartily. He had never eaten oyster soup before, and when he had finished his first plateful it was sent to have it replenished. He helped himself a second time to one or two dishes, and my mother says made a really good meal and seemed to enjoy the excellent French cookery presented to him. It was precisely his usual dinner hour, and having done much since breakfast, the man was hungry. He looked most beaming and sweet at the head of the table, our mother by his side. We could hardly believe after all we had heard of him in his own country that the King of Prussia was really sitting at dinner at Upton Lane!!! How little did it enter any of our imaginations when our mother's remarkable history in Silesia was related to us that the first of all those then told about whether gentle or simple who would sit down to a meal at Upton Lane would be the King of Prussia himself! However, so it is. At table our mother told him she was glad he should see how the people in the middle classes lived. The King said, "You do not call yourself the middle classes." Our mother answered, "In education we are quite on an equality with the highest class; but we are not people of rank; this is private life." Lord Hardwick did not admit it was the middle rank. Mamma, "It is the most privileged rank." "It is indeed," said Lord Hardwick. Count Stolberg said at dinner to those about him, "I feel that the blessing of God rests on this house." After being, about half an hour at table the King rose, and so did all instantly and another pause, when our mother said she "believed it was the prayer of every heart present that grace, mercy and peace might rest on the beloved Sovereign present, on his family, and his country for the sake of Jesus Christ, our Lord." A voice from the bottom of the table, I believe Mr. Hankinson, said "Amen." The King also uttered a sort of prayer or blessing, "That the blessing that rested on this house might continue." Every one then drew back and the King and our mother passed out. In the drawing-room were all the Gurneys, Emma Reynolds, Elizabeth 86 Hoare, Richarda Buxton, Edward and Catherine, etc. They were all presented; and a deputation of Friends were also there to present an address. "This was by the King"s own appointment; and Lord Hardwick had sent for them, but we did not know it, so it appeared to us that a mistake was made. They were shown into the drawing-room, and the King went in to them, whereas had we known we would have arranged another room for their reception and, then had them come to the King. However, as he seemed to like the address all was well. "Are those your words, Allen?" "No, they are addressed to the King for the Society of Friends by a Committee." The King, "They are divine words." The tears were in his eyes when he took our mother's hand and expressed his wish and hope to come again here and bring "my Eliza," meaning the Queen. Our mother turned deadly pale, and her face quivered as "she said, "If we never meet again on earth, may we meet hereafter." The King wept aloud, so as to be heard all over the room and stood holding her hand. There was hardly a dry eye there, and all in silence the most profound. It was a wonderfully interesting and touching scene. He then turned quickly round and his eyes streaming with tears went in to the hall. When our father and William assisted him to put on his great coat, he again took mother's hand, and hardly able to articulate for agitation, said, "I know not how to part with you. I pray God we may meet again," and so jumped quickly into the carriage, and threw himself back - but in a moment or two leant over Lord Hardwick, and leaning out of the window waved his hand at her several times, his eyes streaming with tears. But she had turned away overcome, and away they drove amidst the shouts of the crowd outside. And so that memorable visit was over. It lasted about an hour but was so extremely full of events it seemed two hours. The King told our mother he was an hour late in leaving Windsor, owing to the Queen taking him to see her cottage in the park, or he should have stayed here another hour. He more than once repeated his regret that he had not this second hour to remain with us; another quarter of an hour at table would have been agreeable, and perhaps a little less sense of haste throughout, but I doubt an hour more having answered, and it is well we are content. Our meal was I think perfect, and the French cookery first rate. Our table looked really hand- 87 some not just only pretty and neat. In another hour all were gone. It was a most exhausted feeling afterwards. The servants' hall was not empty till night. All the police had to dine; first inspectors, waited on by footmen with wine, etc., then sergeants in another place, and lastly men. I am completely, unwell and overdone. Yours very. affectionately, (Sgd.) Katherine Fry. How different from the friendship of his ancestor with Voltaire! [I think we may add to Katherine's P.S. another - How different from 1914!] To illustrate the foregoing letter it may be well to add an explanation of who some of the persons named in it were. The King was Frederick William IV of Prussia in 1840, in which year his father died. He was a sentimental and emotional man, and "weeping would be quite in his line." As the writer is informed. He d.s.p. and therefore the present Kaiser is not his descendant. His "Eliza" was Elizabeth, the Queen of Prussia. The Host and Hostess were Joseph Fry and Elizabeth Fry, the philanthropist, daughter of John Gurney and Catherine Bell Katherine Fry was their eldest daughter aged about 40. When Elizabeth Fry devoted herself to philanthropic work she gave the management of the household to Katherine. Rachel Elizabeth Cresswell was a daughter of Elizabeth Fry, and Francis Cresswell was her husband. Frank Joseph was the eldest son, aged about 20. Lady Pelly was the wife of Sir John Henry Pelly, Governor of the Hudson Bay Company. Whether she was a relation or not the writer is not informed, but there have been several marriages between Frys and Pellys. Miss Annie Evelyn Pelly, lady in waiting to H.R.H. the Duchess of Connaught in Canada, is a descendant of the above Sir John Henry and Lady Pelly, being the daughter of Sir Henry Carstairs Pelly, Bart. In 1913 she was married to Capt Rivers Bulkeley, A.D.C. to H.R.H. the Duke of Connaught, who was lately killed in action in France. Sophia, probably the wife of Samuel Gurney Fry, Katherine's brother. The others named, excepting official persons, were all near relations of the Gurneys. Elizabeth Fry's family. Some of them are namely in the foregoing Bell genealogy.