Note: The following is a section of a family history compiled by Herbert Armstrong Poole between 1905 & 1960, transcribed by AAA Maitland 1998. Subject numbers are HAP's originals. HAP's page divisions are shown: after subject page numbers are complete document page numbers in brackets and issue dates. The original text had generations indented in turn: here, generation numbers are added to each individual: the children of the title subject are "1/--". Subject 640 (363) HENRY DE MANCESTRE The following is from "Colonial Families" by the American Historical Society of New York (1929), on file at the New England Historical Society of Boston. Henry de Mancestre, being a younger son of Simon de Mancestre, see subject 1280, little of him is preserved. He was living in the 17th year of Edward 1 and probably much later. It is very probable that he was the father of Thomas Manchester, as below. Issue:- 1. Thomas Manchester. Born in England, and came over to America to Quinnipiac, later called New Haven, Conn, with the company of men from Yorkshire. See subject 320 for issue and further particulars. Note by A Maitland, 14/12/1997: copied from HA Poole's work: there seems to be confusion over the English kings: Edward 1 was alive centuries before the discovery of America!