Note: The following is a section of a family history compiled by Herbert Armstrong Poole between 1905 & 1960, transcribed by AAA Maitland 1998. Subject numbers are HAP's originals. HAP's page divisions are shown: after subject page numbers are complete document page numbers in brackets and issue dates. The original text had generations indented in turn: here, generation numbers are added to each individual: the children of the title subject are "1/--". Subject 284 P1 (273) 22/9/1940 LAWRENCE ELLISON The following is from Benjamin F. Thompson's History of Long Island and from "The Allison Family in America, by Leonard Allison Morrison, Grand Rapids, Mich, l926, who says the name was spelled Ellison in Long Island, and by many of the descendants. Lawrence Ellison (or Allison), the progenitor of this family in America was a Puritan who came from Halifax, Yorkshire, England, and settled first in Watertown, Mass, then Wethersfield, Conn., Stamford, and finally came to Hempstead, L.I.,. with Richard Denton in 1644. In 1658 he had land allotted to him and was chosen a townsman in 1659. He died in Hempstead in 1664. On January 2/1665, letters of administration for his estate were granted to his three sons, Richard, Thomas and John. His wife's name is not known. Issue:- (all lived in Hempstead.) 1/1. Richard Ellison. Born probably before 1620. He was evidently at one time a resident of Braintree, Mass., as the record of the births of his children appear on Braintree records, showing he was resident there in 1645 to as late as 1660: He appears on the Hempstead records in 1663. The name of his wife Thomasin appears on the Braintree records, and it appears in his will. In 1663 he lived at Mao Nan's Neck, a strip of land which was granted that same year to his brothers a John and Thomas, and to Thomas Hicks. He was granted several pieces of land in Hempstead and was living there in l682. His will dated February 14/1680 at the Surrogate's Office in New York City, proved June l3/1683, gave his wife œ10 and the bed and its furniture "she now lyeth on". To son John, 150 acres of land to: to Thomas, 22 acres. He remembered his sons in law Jonathan Smith and Joshua Jannock. Issue:- (all born in Braintree, Mass). 2/1. Mary Ellison, born June 15/1646. 2/2. Hannah Ellison, born May 24/1648. 2/3. John Ellison, born June 20/1650, died an unmarried: will dated November 8/1684, giving his property to his brother Thomas. 2/4 Sarah Ellison, born October 4/1852. Perhaps married Joshua Jannock. 2/5. Thomas Ellison, born January 1/1855: he was living on January 10/1688 2/6. Experience Ellison, born June 2/1857. She married at Hempstead in 1677-78, Richard Gildersleeve of Freehold, born l655, died 1717, son of Richard and Dorcas Gildersleeve.. 2/7. Richard Ellison, born February 7/1660. He was in Hempstead in 1685 and was living in 1715 in Monmouth County, N.J. His wife was Alice or Elsie ---. He gave his Hempstead lands to his sons. Issue :- 3/1. Daniel Ellison. 3/2. Richard Ellison. 3/3. Samuel Ellison. 3/4. Sarah Ellison. 3/5. Ruth Ellison. 3/6. Mary Ellison. 3/7. Susannah Ellison. 2/8. Rachel Ellison. She married Jonathan Smith. This Jonathan cannot be the man who married an Ellison as his will named her Elizabeth: Rachel's birth date is not given but it was after 1660, and Bunker gives Elizabeth's birth date as 1708. 1/2. Thomas Ellison. born about 1622, died 1697. He was allotted land in Hempstead in 1658, and was chosen townsman in 1662. His will Subject 284 P2 (274) names his wife Martha ---. Issue:- 2/1. Thomas Ellison.. He was in East Jersey in 1702. 2/2. John Ellison. 2/3. Grace Ellison. 2/4. Mary Ellison. 2/5. Elizabeth Ellison. Was she wife of Jonathan Smith, subject 70? 2/6. Martha Ellison. 1/3. John Ellison. Born about 1624. In 1677 he got land in Hempstead. He left no will. He had a son John who went to Kikiat, Orange County, N.J. and died 1754. He had perhaps a son Thomas, wife unknown, with nine children. 1/4. Daughter. Who married John Ellington.