Note: The following is a section of a family history compiled by Herbert Armstrong Poole between 1905 & 1960, transcribed by AAA Maitland 1998. Subject numbers are HAP's originals. HAP's page divisions are shown: after subject page numbers are complete document page numbers in brackets and issue dates. The original text had generations indented in turn: here, generation numbers are added to each individual: the children of the title subject are "1/--". Subject 688. (378) ROBERT DENNIS. The following is from "Jeese Dennis of Sussex County, New Jersey, and his Descendants", by Charles E. Stickney, on file at the New England Historical & Genealogical Society of Boston. Robert Dennis was born in England in 16--, an was Master of the ship "Truelove", which sailed from England in 1635 and landed at Lynn or Tiverton, and upon which ship also came William Welles of Southold, Long Island. He was at Portsmouth in 1645. Name of wife unknown. Issue:- 1. Robert Dennis. born at Portsmouth, R.I. in 1645, died there June 5/1691. He married on November 19/1672, Starah Howland, born 1645, died at Duxbwy, Mass, October 2/1712. See subject 344 for issue and further particulars. 2. Probably other children. names unknown.