Note: The following is a section of a family history compiled by Herbert Armstrong Poole between 1905 & 1960, transcribed by AAA Maitland 1998. Subject numbers are HAP's originals. HAP's page divisions are shown: after subject page numbers are complete document page numbers in brackets and issue dates. The original text had generations indented in turn: here, generation numbers are added to each individual: the children of the title subject are "1/--". Subject 714. (391) RICHARD LOWDEN. The following is from "Charlestown Genealogies", page 632, by Thomas Bellows Wyman. Richard Lowden was born 1612 and died July 12/1700. He was styled Sergeant and was an inhabitant of Charlestown in 1638. He married Mary Cole, born 1618, died October 6/1683. His Will left to his son James, his house on two acres of land, and 21.125 acres of other land. To daughters Hannah and Elizabeth, 5 acres: to Mary, 1.5 acres; to Martha and Sarah, 3.5 acres each. The inventory of his estate was œ38l.O.O. Issue:- 1. John Lowden. Born March 10/1641, died April 4/1678. He married on May 29/1662, Sarah Stevenson and had five children by her: she married, 2nd, in 1679, Jams Kibbe. John left her an estate of œ150. 2. Jeremie Lowden. Born August 1/1643, died December 7/1643. 3. Mary Lowden. Born December 24/1644. She married Peter Frothingham. 4. James Lowden. Born 1647, died January 6/1740. He married on October 22/1679, Mary Bunker who died October 29/1706 and had three children. 5. Samuel Lowden. Born 1649, died September 1682. 6. Hannah Lowden. Married John Orris. 7. Elizabeth Lowden. Born September 23/1656. Married Michael Willis. 8. Martha Lowden. Born February 6/1659. She married John Call, born January 1658, died May 4/1713. See subject 356 for issue and further particulars. 9. Sarah Lowden. She married in 1683, A. McQuedy.