1        Armstrong Summary Genealogy


Issue Date: 20/03/2020

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Poole Ancestor List

Our Armstrong ancestors originated in County Leitrim, Ireland. John Armstrong (2nd) emigrated to the US in the mid 19thC to Illinois, where he produced a large extended family by his wives, the sisters Eleanor and Henrietta Wilson. The late 18thC and 19thC families are documented by some original written work by Dr William Armstrong writing in the 1850's.
This paper contains the individuals directly related to the Maitland family; the outline is that researched by HA Poole. Not all the lines contained in his original work are shown here.
Additional research by A Maitland is shown here.


1      Armstrong Summary Genealogy 1


1.2      Sources 2

1.3      OTIS AUGUSTUS POOLE - 1848 4



1.4      JOHN ARMSTRONG - 1820 6


1.5      JOHN ARMSTRONG (Capt, 1762) 8

Will of John Armstrong - notes 8



THE 52nd REGIMENT Part History 13

1.6      CHARLES WILSON - 1791 15


1.7      WILLIAM ARMSTRONG (Rev 1720) 16


1/2. William Armstrong, 1752 22

1/3. Thomas Armstrong, 1756 26

Killashandra Church: 31


1.8      ANDREW KIRK 35


1.9      JOHN WILSON 35


1.10        Sir MICHAEL MULLARKEY 36


1.11        WILLIAM HAUGHTON 36


Scottish O.P.R.'s 43

Records of Sazines 46


Irish Genealogist Magazine, Oct 1945: 47

Griffiths Valuations & Tithe Applotments: 48

Irish Marriages: 48

PRO Northern Ireland: 48

Cherry Valley 52


3.1      Stair Park Dalrymple, General 54

Glencairn Dalrymple 55

3.2      William Park, Dr 55

Sarah Dalrymple 56


Macrae McGuire 57


3.5      HUGH McGUIRE 58


Charles Dalrymple 59





4      The Armstrong of Deans Hill Papers (D/3737) 65

Armstrong Papers (D3727) 68

Holly Park Map & Aerial View 69

Will of John Armstrong, Abbreviated: 71

5      EDWARD CORNELIUS, Descendants of 74

5.1      18th Irish Catholics - notes 85

6      MULLARKEY EstateS 87

Associated Families 87

Description 87

Houses 87

6.1      Estate: Sandford/Wills Sandford 88

Associated Families 88

Houses 88

Modern printed sources 90

Archival sources 90

Contemporary printed sources 91

Family: Stewart (Roscommon) 92

Family: Stewart (Roscommon) 92

Modern printed sources 92

Contemporary printed sources 92

7      Changes: 93



Muster Records of Royal George for John Armstrong bef 1779
PRONI D2475/80-90: Docs mentioning Col Dalrymple in India.


1.2             Sources

This is a summary; there are references to HA Poole's original text which may contain extra information.
Other Sources:
Kathi Sittner
Tom Reilly 18 Aug 2002
EC[i] of Puerto Rico - much info on William Armstrong (1752) descendants (2006/7).
PRONI D3727: Armstrongs of Deans Hill, Armagh (William A who married Margaret Tew), Not our but of interest for elimination.
PRONI D2475/80-90: Docs mentioning Col Dalrymple in India.

The Dalrymples of Langlands, by John Shaw esq, privately printed.
Copy in the Scottish National Library, seen by AM 11/2012 & much of it copied.
This copy inscribed :
Alexr Mackintosh Shaw esqr witht eh author’s complements August 1881.
It also has a number of hand corrections & additions in at least 2 different hands.

Standard Sources:
1: Civil BMD Records            2. Parish Records.
3. IGI/AF.                      4. Census.
5. Family interview.            6: Newspaper & other publications
7: Wills                        8: Tombstone
9. HAP Family History           9p: Photo Albums.
10: trade directory

    |Otis A Poole

    |     |      |Otis Manchester

    |     |Maria Manchester

    |            |Hannah Ingols

EI Poole

    |                   |William Armstrong

    |            |John Armstrong

    |            |      |       |David Irvine

    |            |      |Jane Irvine

    |     |John Armstrong

    |     |      |Helen Kirk

    |Eleanor Armstrong

          |             |John Wilson

          |      |Charles Wilson

          |      |      |Eleanor Gardner

          |Eleanor Wilson

                 |      |Michael Mullarkey

                 |Eleanor Mullarkey

                                |William Haughton

                        |Isabella Haughton


Dublin 12/12/05

Re: Armstrongs of Kiltoghert

1.3             OTIS AUGUSTUS POOLE - 1848

AM05/03  HP2

Poole Family

BornHAP: 20/12/1848, Beloit, Ohio
Parents: Augustus & Mary Bishop (Manchester) Poole
DiedHAP: 1/4/1904, Berkeley, Ca.
MarriedHAP, 17/2/1876, Chicago, Ill:


AM05/04 HP3

BornHAP: 14/9/1841, Holly Park, Leitrim, Antrim, NI.
Parents: John & Eleanor Isabella (Wilson) Armstrong
Married 1st: Arcola, Illinois, on November 7/1871, Colonel John Washington Young. They were divorced in 1872.
DiedHAP: 14/6/1918, Yokohama, Japan. Bur Yokohama Foreign General Cemetery[1]

Issue: (Details)
1/1. Herbert Armstrong Poole, born Forest Ave, Chicago,

15/10/1877, Died 1965.    Author of "Bert's Begats"  HP1

1/2. Eleanor Isabella Poole, born 16/11/1878.

Married NG Maitland. Grandmother to Antony Maitland

1/3. Otis Manchester Poole, Born 6/9/1880, Forest Av, Chicago,

Died Missing Acres, Crozet, Charlottesville, Va, 21/10/1978.



The downward Career of Col. John W. Young – First a Deacon, than an Army Officer, and then a Stump orator for Grant.
From the Boston Globe. (an undated cutting) Repeated in “The Sun” Friday August 8 1873.

The Globe, several days ago, announced the arrest by an officer acting under the orders of Gen. Horace C. Lee, Postmaster at Springfield, of Col. J. w. Young, two days after he had entered upon a clerkship in the office of the Connecticut River Railroad at Northampton. This arrest was pursuant to circulars from the Post Office Department describing him as a man "about thirty-five years of age, but looks younger. five feet four inches in height, weighs about 135 pounds, hazel eyes, heavy, prominent, full mouth, light brown hair, formerly wore a light moustache, walks with head and right shoulders thrown back and with a pompous strut, carries a light, gold-headed cane, has been an army officer, and is a braggart in his conversation." As soon as arrested, Special Agent Camp went to Springfield and brought Young to this city and lodged him in the Suffolk County Jail, while Special Agent Hawley came on from the West to take charge of the prisoner and escort him to Chicago for trial. Yesterday he was taken before Judge Lowell upon a petition of mandamus, which was presented by District Attorney Sanger. An order was at once granted for the removal of the accused from the State, and Special Agent Hawley started for Chicago with his prisoner at 9 o'clock last evening. While in company with the officers and in court Young manifested the coolness which has hitherto characterised him.


His trunk was brought In—a large Saratoga covered with zinc, from which the initials J. W. Y." had been erased. It bore labels from Mexico, Havana, and numerous cities in the United States. The trunk contained a large quantity of fine linen. from which he made a change, and also numerous proofs of evident preparations on the part of the possessor to engage in an extensive system of forgery. Among other things were a lot of bank checks, some of which were partially filled out two for $1200 each, two drawn on the Parker Savings Bank of Parker Landing. Pa., in favor of J.J, Campbell and signed by Peter Grace . one signed "Marshall Bros, & Co." Of Pittsburgh. Pa., for $25.25, and others which were not filled up. The trunk also contained several passports in Spanish, a commission Issued to John W. Young as a deacon of a church In Wisconsin, and a policy of insurance upon the farm buildings of the father of Young to the amount of $10,000, which are believed to be forgeries. Among the clothing in the trunk was a richly-embroidered military coat, which Young asserts he wore when an officer under Maximilian in Mexico.


The military career of Young would form an interesting chapter in itself. Either before or after serving in Mexico he joined the insurgents in Cuba, when a price was set upon his head. Even with this hanging over him he had  an interview with the Captain-General of Cuba in his castle in Havana, He was at one time a  Captain and afterward a Major during the war of the rebellion, in which he says he was taken prisoner by the rebels and subsequently became a Colonel of a confederate regiment. Commissions duly signed and attested found in his trunk verily the first part of this story.   After the war he went West. and last fall stumped Illinois for Grant, and presided at a Congressional Convention. As a reward of his services, he secured a position in the Chicago Post Office, having previously married a beautiful and accomplished lady, the daughter of a wealthy gentleman in Arcola, and once the belle of Chicago. Being discharged from his position on 15th  of June, for an indiscretion in relation to a young lady, Young made preparations to embark in the nefarious business for which he was arrested on the 1st.


He procured dies and stamps and copies of “advices" and "orders." Portions of the former were found in his trunk. He then purchased a "Novelty" printing press and a font of type corresponding to those used in printing money orders, and advertising for a printer to take charge of a job office, secured the services of one James A. Burke, who had seen better days, but who had been reduced to penury through the influence of strong drink. He had an interesting family, was out of employment, and was just the man to be made a tool of by the crafty adventurer, who represented that he was publishing a paper at Waukesha, Wis., and wanted a man to take charge of the mechanical department. By his aid 200 money order blanks were printed, and Young started out to raise the wind. At Indianapolis Young presented three counterfeit money orders for $50 each, upon which he obtained the cash. He succeeded in cashing three orders for $50 each at Milwaukee. and two for $60 each at Kankakee. On the 7th of July he presented six $50 orders at the post office In Cincinnati, the officers of which had been advised by telegraph to look out and capture a man answering to his description, but they allowed him to slip through their fingers.


Young then started for the East, visiting, according to his own story, Washington, Philadelphia, New York, and Albany, and finally bringing up at Springfield. where he played the sympathetic dodge with admirable success. Representing himself as an ex-Confederate Colonel, he enlisted the sympathies of a number of the leading citizens, who induced the managers of the Connecticut River Railroad to give him a berth in the Northampton office. Meanwhile, one of the parties to whom Burke applied to have the printing executed, suspecting that all was not right, wrote on the 24th of June to Gen. McArthur, informing him of what was going on. For some reason not fully explained this letter was not received until the 27th, previous to which day Young left Chicago, first telling Burke that he had some important business to attend to in the country, and that he would return on the 3rd of July and take him up to his country printing office in Wisconsin. But Young did not put in an appearance at the Continental, and the first intimation that poor Burke had of any irregularity was the appearance of the special agent, who took him into custody. This occurred on the 3d of July. Burke made a free and full confession, and was allowed to go al large upon his own recognizance.


In a letter which Young addressed to a prominent United States official dated August 4, while he was in jail, he says :

Knowing that I could establish my innocence of the charge, I did   voluntarily surrender myself to an officer at Springfield, Mass by sending to him a messenger informing him that I was the Col. Young referred to in the telegraphic dispatches relative to the above charge. In conversation  with a United States special  Post Office agent, I informed him that I knew there were parties engaged in printing Post Office money orders, and whenever the Government discovered it and exposed the defect the parties would rectify it and merely change the name of the office from whence the order purported to be drawn, and in this way it would be almost impossible to detect them, and that if you would enter a “nolle pros." in my case and commission me as a detective, I would procure the arrest of these parties and secure their blanks, as detection at the  department at Washington, owing to the accumulation of business, is almost impossible.
In a conversation in this city, however, Young admitted his complicity in the crime of which he is charged, and said that he should take his punishment like a man. He says he was driven to desperation by the lack of money to support his wife, whose father measured him (Young) by his pecuniary standard. He admits giving Burke, the printer, a copy in pencil of the "letters of advice ' and "money order." and of paying him $26 in money. He further says that the whole money-order system is flimsy, and open to frauds, which are being perpetrated upon the Government every day.

************************** GENERATION 6 ************************

1.4             JOHN ARMSTRONG - 1820

AM06/07  HP6

BornHAP: 29/12/1820, Cherry Valley, Antrim (from his own story, parish records probably lost)
Parents: Capt. John & Helen (Kirk) Armstrong
DiedHAP: 24/9/1892, Chicago, Ill.

1820-1832: Cherry Valley with father & Charles William A.
1832-40: with cousin, John Goodfellow at Shannon Lodge, Leitrim.
6/1853: emigrated to USA, direct to Chicago.
1860 Census, Chicago Ward 8, Cook, Ill:
Jno Armstrong (39, Coms Nest??, $1000, Ireland), Henrietta (33, Ire), Eleanor I (19, Ire), Henrietta (16, Ire), Wm (5 (Ill), Jennie (2, Ill), Jno (2/12, Ill), Jno Goodfellow (63, Ire), Mary Goodfellow (60, Ire) + 1 servant.
1870 Census, 18th ward, Chicago:
John Armstrong (46, Book-keeper in elevator, Ireland), Henrietta (43, Keeping Boarding House, Ireland), William (15, Attending school, Ill), Jane (12, attending school), John (9, attending school, Ill), Percy (3, Ill), Ellen I (28, At home, Ireland), Haughton Vaugh (19, Book-keeper in elevator), Ireland), Thomas Little (18, Attending school, Ireland). +2 servants.
1880 Census, Arcola, District 82, Douglas, Ill:
Henrietta Armstrong, (51, Keeps House, Ire x3), William (23, Manager of Farm, Ill, Ire, Ire), Anamode (20, sons wife, Ill, Ohio, Ohio), Jennie E (21, living at home, Ill, Ire, Ire), John G (20, living at home, Ill, Ire, Ire), Percy W (12, Away at school, Ill, Ire, Ire).
1870: bought Maple Grove, Arcola, family lived there and he still worked in Chicago.
He was in the grain business in Chicago, and lived in various houses in the area, and became a man of note in the area. His life is well recounted in HA Poole’s history.

Married (1st), Dublin, 20/1/1840: Eleanor Isabella Wilson



BornHAP: 8/1817, Roscommon, Ireland
Parents: Charles & Eleanor (Mullarkey) Wilson
DiedHAP: 28/4/1848, Leitrim, Ireland.

1/1. Eleanor Isabella Armstrong, b. 14/9/1841, Leitrim.
1/2. Henrietta Armstrong, b. 11/6/1843, Leitrim, died Chicago

24/6/1870. Married 30/11/1865, Eugene Wheeler. Dau. Bertha 28/5/1868-3/2/1875.

2 boys died young.

John Armstrong married, 22/10/1949, in Ireland, 2nd:
Henrietta Wilson, sister of Eleanor (6/1/1826-16/4/1914).

From a letter from Susannah (Armstrong) Coleman to EIP, John & Henrietta had for their 25th wedding anniversary a party whose invitations were engraved on silver dollars! She a Brussels lace handkerchief at that occasion which g/dau Susannah carried at her 25th anniversary.

1/1. John Henry Armstrong: 23/9/1850-28/10/1850 in Ireland
1/2. Mary Goodfellow Armstrong: 28/4/1852-21/12/1853, Chicago
1/3. William Rufus Armstrong: 18/10/1854-10/7/1906 in Chicago
1/4. Jennie Elvira Armstrong: 13/11/1857-22/8/1935 in Saginaw
1/5. John Edmond Armstrong: 18/3/1860-23/3/1912 in Beloit
1/6. Charles Wilson Armstrong: 22/5/1862-11/11/1862 in Chicago
1/7. Maud Mary Armstrong: 22/9/1863-22/2/1865 in Chicago
1/8. Eugene Charles Armstrong: 22/1/1866-5/8/1866 in Chicago
1/9. Percy Wilson Armstrong: 27/3/1867- Lives in Glencoe Ill

(1960). Poss death, Oct 1969, Chicago, Cook, Ill. DoB given as 1/1/1889.
Married Jennie Tilt.
2/1. Susannah Armstrong, 10/3/1897,

married Laurence Vail Coleman 2/9/1939.
1965: res 1500 Massachusetts Av. NW, Washington DC 2005 apt 449.
Ref US SS death index, possibility at 22202 Arlington, Va.
Poss death Susannah Coleman, b. 11/3/1897, d. 7/1985.
Poss death Laurence Coleman, b. 19/9/1893, d. 7/1982.

2/2. John Tilt Armstrong, b. 23/5/1898

3/1. Elizabeth Giles Armstrong

Sat, 22 Dec 2007 16:17:14 -0500
From: "Elizabeth Ligon"[ii]
I am an Armstrong by birth (Elizabeth Giles Armstrong) and am descended from the John Armstrong who moved to Chicago directly from Ireland.
My father was John Tilt Armstrong, my grandfather Percy Armstrong.  I have the compilation written by the Pooles.  I believe I am a direct descendent of Johnnie Armstrong, "the Robin Hood of Scotland", who was captured and killed by the King of Scotland.  Do you have any information which would show that linkage?

4/1. John Bryce Harrison

3/2. Joanne Armstrong, b. 14/1/1934.

1/10. Alice Maud Armstrong: 25/4/1868-21/7/1868 in Chicago

************************* GENERATION 7 *************************

1.5             JOHN ARMSTRONG (Capt, 1762)

AM07/13  HP12

BornHAP: 1762, Killashandra, Cavan, Ireland
Bapt2: 16/1/1764, (PR) – Killashandra records film poor – Presbyterian record – of William of Longfield Mic/1P/164/3.
Parents: William & Jane (Irvine) Armstrong.
Note William Armstrong will leaves lease of Longfield – this is therefore probably the same.
Died2: 8/8/1830, Leamington Priors, Warwickshire, England, aged 68.
(PR checked by AM, also brother William).

From HAP, he had a varied and exciting career, mainly in the army.
Extract from HP12: ”... became a midshipman in the same ship and at the same time as our late sovereign, William the Fourth.  (Prince William Henry commenced his naval career as a midshipman under Capt. Digby, in the "Royal George" of 98 guns in the year 1779)."
Prince William recorded as in Royal George 1779

ADM 36/8206 (9/1778-5/1779):
Jno Armstrong as AB in Prince George entered 16 May 1778 from Victory (row 318). Left 8 September 1779 Portsmouth. Was this him?? Probably not – Captain wrong, and he would have been too young to be an AB.

Was agent to Honourable Robert Pakenham.

PRONI 5/11/96:
Further check of Killashandra:
P 37: 3/4/1749 Mary dau of Wm and Jane Armstrong bapt of "Derry??"
No trace of any further relevant bapts: 2 William Armstrongs married 1773 poss one of ours, but seems that Rev WA went elsewhere.
Checked Clergy lists for Dioceses of Drum, Kilmore, Dromore, Derry, Raphoe, Connor, Armagh, Cloghur: no sign of Rev William A.

Try Dublin and South for him.

Ref Capt John: checked PR Glenavy nil sig.
Crumlin in Killead Parish: all relevant records destroyed in Dublin.

Tithe Apportionments: (FIN/5A/147)
John Armstrong Commissioner for Vicarial Tithes 3/2/1827 for
Camlin parish:
John Armstrong of Cherry Valley owned 206 acres.

a John Armstrong owned 52 acres in 5 holdings in Ballydonaghen, Camlin Parish.

Griffiths Valuation (said to be 1861-64, so the Armstrongs may not be relevant):
Armstrong, John, Ballydonaghy, Camlin     Antrim

Armstrong, John, Ballytromery, Camlin     Antrim

Armstrong, John, Main Street, Crumlin     Camlin     Antrim

Armstrong, John, Jr. Ballydonaghy   Camlin     Antrim

Armstrong, John, Sr. Ballydonaghy   Camlin     Antrim

Pakenham Rev. Arth. H. Ballygortgarve          Camlin     Antrim

Pakenham Rev. Arth. H. Ballymacrevan           Camlin     Antrim

Pakenham Rev. Arth. H. Ballytromery            Camlin     Antrim

Will of John Armstrong - notes

A fuller version is given later in this paper, with the full text recorded in the file Irish Wills.

of Cherry Valley, Glenavy, Co Antrim
Dated 13/5/1830, proved Canterbury 5/11/1832.

David Shaw of Ard, Scotland
Alexander Mckay of Stockwell, Middlesex
Son Edward Pakenham Armstrong
townlands of Cherry Valley Civer?? Court Ballygortgarve and Ballytromery[2]

son Edward Pakenham Armstrong
Daughters: Anna Maria Armstrong,
Glencairn Dalrymple Shaw, otherwise Armstrong
Son Charles William Armstrong, residuary legatee.

Refers to his Agency for Honourable Robert Pakenham going to Charles, or possibly Edward taking it.

Owned 9 bonds from Baroness Longford totalling £11624, Conditioned to £6037.
These left to his children and to pay off debts by him to Margaret Park of Cherry Valley and his sister in law, Elizabeth Isabella Dalrymple, both for £1000, conditioned to £500.
(Margaret Park was decd wife’s aunt).

Owed £1000 by Robert Pakenham, of which:
£500 to Elizabeth Dalrymple,
£400 to John Armstrong the younger
£100 to Alexander Mckay.
Also PRONI T700/1 Bk9 p36
Will extracts in Stewart Kennedy Notebooks (TCD Library):
Book 9 36:
Will of John Armstrong of Cherry Valley, Glenavy, Co Antrim
David Shaw of Ayr NB,
Alex Maelley? Stockwell Middlesex
Son Edward Pakenham Armstrong
Son Charles Wm Armstrong,
Dau Glencairn Dalrymple Shaw,
Dau Anne Martha

For Glenavy info: http://www.glenavyhistory.com/index.html

Married 2nd, at Cherry Valley, 12/1818(HAP):
Ellen/Helen Kirk, No entry on Scottish OPR’s (9/2008).



Born2: Girvan, 20/3/1783 (SPR)
Parents: Andrew & Margaret (McCutcheon) Kirk.
DiedHAP: 1820, Antrim, NI (in or result of child birth?).

These parents are a likely line from Scottish records - Bert Poole showed her as being "Ellen" from somewhere in Scotland. Helen Kirk is the right age and Girvan is in the Ayr area: maybe she was the nanny employed to look after John's children after Macrae died. No trace of her marriage or death have been found.

Glenavy burials 1815-20 illegible. Gartree records pre 1900 destroyed.

JA’s will is interesting. He leaves substantial legacies to his four children by Macrae Dalrymple, referring to each as his son/daughter. A relatively small legacy is left to “John Armstrong the younger”, no mention of this being a son. As there is no record of him marrying Miss Kirk (although the Irish PR of the time are fragmentary), and the reported animosity between John & his elder half brothers after their father’s death, it may well be that Miss Kirk and Capt John were not in fact married; she may well have been there looking after his younger children by Macrae. John Armstrong the younger’s own story in HAP mentions an annuity of £500pa from his father’s will: the will as probated makes no mention of that. The best he looked to get was £400 capital. These two stories do not tie in!


Parish of Camlin

Gentlemen's Seats

Cherry valley, the residence of Charles Armstrong Esquire, J.P., agent to the Honourable Colonel Pakenham, is a modern and gentleman - like 2 storey house, pleasantly situated in the town land of Ballymacrevan near the shore of Lough Neagh, and 1 and one-eighth miles west of Crumlin. It commands a tolerable (crossed out: beautiful) view of Lough Neagh and its distant shores. There is a good deal of planting and some old oaks (apparently natural timber) about the house.


At Cherry Valley are a few old oaks, evidently the remains of the natural woods. It is within memory of some old people since there (were) more evident vestiges of natural wood, and Boate, in his Natural history of Ireland, says, "There were in his time great forests in the county Antrim, particularly in Killultagh" (the manor in which this parish is included.


Cherry Valley, the residence of John Armstrong, Esquire…

Issue of John & Helen Armstrong:
1/1. John Armstrong. Born (HAP) December 21/1820 at Cherry Valley.

Married, 1st, 12/3/1801 (HAP):


Parents: General Stair Park & Glencairn Dalrymple

Glencairn died August 1816, buried Crumlin Church.
From Gentleman's Magazine, 11/1801: "At Dundalk, by special licence, John Armstrong, esq, lieutenant and adjutant of the 71st foot, to Miss Macrae Dalrymple, eldest daughter of Brigadier General Dalrymple."

The 71st was in Dundalk & Dublin at this time: Colonel Dalrymple promoted from command of the 71st in about May 1800.

She died 2/6/1811 (Scot PR) (ref HAP: in childbirth, bur Governor Macrae's private burial ground, Orangefield.)

7/2004: Orangefield House said to have been the site of the control tower at Prestwick Airport. There is no sign of it now, the airport having removed all trace. A burial ground nearby was visited, but was 100 years too young.

HAP has Macrae's death as 1818.

Issue by Macrae Dalrymple (from her diary & SRO):
1/1. Glencairn, b 12/5/1802, cut tooth 24/3/1803

SRO 1/7/93:  M: David Shaw 28/10/1826 Ayr FR223
HAP: married[3] on November 1/1826, David Shaw of Ayr, Scotland, (5/11/1788 - May 1902) at the remarkable age of 114 years:
They lived in Ayreshire. See HAP 12 for details.

1841 Census, Wellington Sq, Ayr:
Margret Beggs (20), Ann Duffeneagh (30), Margret Guthrie (20), Janet Hower (40), Margret Podon (20), Barbara Shaw (12), Charles Shaw (10), David Shaw (50), Edwd Shaw (3), Elisabeth Shaw (6), Glencairn Shaw (1), Glencairn Shaw (35), John Shaw (13), Ackeson Smith (6), Ann Smith (30), Chls Smith (4).

There is a road near Prestwick Airport called Shawfarm Rd (7/2004).
2/1. John Shaw, b. September 5/1827, m. Sophia Alicia Byam

3/1. David James Shaw.
3/2. Margaret Glencairn Dalrymple Shaw.
3/3. John Byam Diston Shaw.

2/2. Charles George Shaw, born November 3/1830.

 M. Flora Whiteside,
3/1. David William Shaw.
3/2. Patrick John Shaw, Rev.
3/3. Charles Alexander Shaw.
3/4. Flora Glencairn Whiteside Shaw.
3/5. Elizabeth Dalrymple Shaw.
3/6. James Edward Shaw. ("This is the man who sent me the
   above history of John Armstrong. I, (H.A.P.) visited him
   on July 18/1905 at his residence, Martnaham lodge, near
3/7. Philip Armstrong Shaw.

From “Sundisc” Ancestry.com 2/2012:
Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries .
The Bury and Norwich Post, and Suffolk Standard (Bury Saint Edmunds, England), Tuesday, June 12, 1900; pg. 8; Issue 6310. 19th Century British Library Newspapers: Part II
SHAW-WILSON On 5th June at Trinity (episcopal church Kilmarnock, Ayreshire by the Rev Patrick Shaw brother of the bridegroom, Phillip Armstrong fourth son of Mr Charles G. Shaw, solicitor, Aye, to Helen Ursula second daughter of the Rev T.Holt Wilson, rector of Redgrave and Botesdale, and grand-daughter of the late Mr Edward Greene M.P.

2/3. David Shaw. Born June 7/1832, died April 7/1834;
2/4. Elizabeth Dalrymple Shaw, born June 20/1835, died July
2/5. Edward William Shaw. Born July 24/1837,

 M. Jane Isabella, Houldsworth of Cranstoun Hill.
3/1. Helen Dalrymple Shaw.

2/6. Reverend Glencairn Alexander Shaw, born January 17/1840.
2/7. Carolina Anna Shaw, born February 6/1840.
2/8. Barbara Jane Shaw.

1/2. Charles William Armstrong, b 18/5/1805, cut tooth 24/1/1806

Inherited Cherry Valley & became agent to Pakenhams.
Married, September 4/1844, Louise Isabelle, dau. of Richard Boyle Bagley, by Alicia, dau. of Richard, 2nd Baron Castlemain
1843 directory of Antrim:
Charles William Armstrong, Esq., Cherry Valley, Crumlin.
Crumlin - Charles W. Armstrong, Cherry Valley
\Magistrates Presiding, Crumlin:
Sir. H. Pakenham, C. W. Armstrong
Died without issue on February 7/1858.
Will Calendars on PRONI website:
Date of Death: 7 February 1858

Date of Grant: 7 May 1858
Effects under £2000.
Letters of Administration of the Personal estate of Charles William Armstrong late of Cherryvally near Crumlin in the County of Antrim Esquire deceased who died 7 February 1858 at same place were granted at Belfast to the Reverend Edward Pakenham Armstrong of Lincoln in Lincolnshire England Clerk the surviving Brother one of the next of kin of said deceased.
Glenavy Church:
Charles William Armstrong, late of Cherry Valley, esq, J.P. who died 8 February 1858 in the 53rd year of his life, inscribed on Glencairn Dalrymple's (his g/mother) tomb.

1/3. Anna Maria Armstrong, b 28/3/1807, ct 29/9/1807.

Married on March 21/1833, William Dysart Smith of Antrim.

1/4. Rev Edward Pakenham Armstrong, b 31/12/1808, ct 3/7/1809. Unmarried.
All listed in Officers List of time

ENTRY in OPR 1811 Kilmarnock SRO597/4 FR1026:
All recorded on one entry in 1811.
Glencairn Dalrymple 1st child of John Armstrong Capt in the 7th Regiment and McKay Dalrymple, his wife, was born May 12 1802.
Charles William their 2nd child born March 28 1805.
Anna Maria their 3rd child was born March 28 1807.
Edward Pakenham their 4th child was born December 31st 1808.
John Armstrong Life Summary from various sources:
(OL: Officers on Full & Half Pay in 1828, WO/25/749)
(AL: Army List) (HAP: Bert Poole & Dr William Armstrong)

1779 (HAP): Midshipman under Capt Digby, "Royal George", 2 yrs.
1781-2 (HAP): Enlisted 52nd Regt, soon NCO, India for abt 15 yrs
& Nova Scotia (prob. war with Tippoo & expedition against Ceylon 1795)
1792 (HAP): @ siege of Seringapatem.
10/12/1794: 1st Entry OL - 52nd Foot - Purch from S/Maj.
10/12/1794 (AL): Ensign 52nd Foot.
1795 (AL): Lt 92nd Regt of Foot seniority 31/5/94.
1/1/1796 (OL): 71st Foot - Purchased.
1796: already Sgt Major of 52nd Foot: promoted to be Ensign (in 75th Foot).
1797 (HAP): Lt Ensign, 71st Foot: Col Dalrymple CO (Donald Harrow Paymaster). Soon Adjutant.
29/11/1800 (OL): 71st Foot, purch
1800 (HAP): Adjutant (Col Dalrymple now Brigadier)
    Regt to Scotland & Dalrymple to Langlands (wife + 3 daughters)
1800 (AL): Lt 71st Highland Regt of Foot, seniority 1/9/95.
   Lt Col Stair Park Dalrymple 1/9/95, in Army Col 1/1/98.
   SPD there in 1805.
1801 (AL): Lt 71st (1/1/96).
15/10/1801 (OL): 71st Foot - Purchase Capt.
1/10/1802 (OL): 64th Foot - Purchased.
1802 (AL): J. M. Armstrong Illegible.
1803 (AL): JM Armstrong Capt 15/10/1801, Regt 1/10/1802.
       EM Pakenham, Lt Col, 17/10/1799, wounded at ????
1803 (HAP): Genl D purchased Coy for S-in-l in 64th stationed in St Croix.
   Promoted Capt.
   Sir Edward Pakenham CO, who disliked brother Wm Armstrong, planter.
   Took St Lucia and Capt A. served Col P.
28/11/1804 (OL): 7th Foot
1805 (AL): 7th Regt of Foot (Royal Fuzileers) Paymaster 23/11/1804, Lt 28/8/04.
1806 (HAP): Capt A. Paymaster of 7th Royal Fusileers from Capt Pakenham (now recovered) & now Capt of this Regt.
    1st Btln to Copenhagen, N.S., Martinique, Spain, Portugal.
1808 (HAP): Halifax, NS.
1812 (HAP): retired & became agent to Sir Edward Pakenham. Lived at Cherry Valley, Crumlin, Antrim.
1811: Grand Juror
11/3/1813 (OL): Retired.
1813 (SRO): Langlands conveyed to Capt A.
6/8/1813: Arrived Cherry Valley.
1816 (SRO): "of Langlands".
1817 (SRO): "of Cherry Valley".
16/9/1816 (PRONI D2051/1): 3478 mixed trees @ Cherry Valley (refer Col Pakenham)
“Take Notice:
That I have planted or casued to be planted within these twelve calendar months last past on the farm land I hold under you oin the Townland of CherryValley (Alias Ballymacrevan) in the Parish of Glenavy Upper Half Barony of Massereen and County of Antrim. The following trees
800 Oaks
168 Birch
585 Beech
50 Alders
50 Balsam Poplars
500 Scotch Firs
2290 Larch
375 Silver Firs
310 Balon of C’hed Firs
310 Spruce Firs and that ??
Registering the same according to Law at the next Quarter Sessions of the Peace to be held at Antrim
Cherry Valley Sept 16 1816
To the Honble Rbt Pakenham,
Langford Lodge.

13/4/1822 (PRONI): 9700 mixed trees @ Cherry Valley. (D2051/1)
I John Armstrong of Cherry Valley in the County of Antrim Esquire do swear that I have caused to be planted within twelve calendar months last past on the lands of Ballygortgan and Cherryvalley otherwise Ballymacrevan situate in the Parish of Glenavy Upper Half Barony of Massereen and county of Antrim aforedaid held by me from the Honrble Hercules Robert Pakenham the following trees vis 2800 Larch 1200 Scotch 1220 Silver Birch 1650 Spruce and 270 Balk of Gilead Firs, 700 Beech 1550 Oak 25 turkey oak 50 Limes 100 English Elm 25 mountain Ash 25 Horse Chesnut 25 Sycamore 200 Alders and 25 Black American Spruce In all nine thousand eight hundred and sixty five trees – and that I have given notice in writing to the said Hercules Robert Pakenham the head Landlord or owner of said lands and under whom I immediately desire of my Intention to Register said trees twenty days at the last previous date hereof Dated this 13 day of April 1822
Sworn before me at Antrim this 13 day of April 1822

D491/101: Cherry Valley papers: map of property dated 24/11/1801, showing 404 acres on either side of road past site of house (not yet built) & bounded by river to NW of road.

D2051/2: Memorandum of Agreement 9th August 1858 between Rev Edward Pakenham Armstrong and Mr William McConnell to sell at 1050 pounds Cherry Valley.

THE 52nd REGIMENT Part History

JA in the regiment until 1797.

American War of Independence

Twenty years after its founding, the regiment saw active service in the American War of Independence, from 1774 to 1778. The 52nd was shipped to America from Canada, arriving in Boston, and fought in the battles of Lexington and Bunker Hill in 1775.[32] Major-General William Howe led the main assault at Bunker Hill with Brigadier Robert Pigot leading the 52nd and 43rd Foot in support.[33] This was the first occasion that the 52nd fought alongside the 43rd.[34] They suffered heavy casualties at Bunker Hill, and in their grenadier company, only 8 men were left unwounded.[28] In August, 1778, the men were drafted into other regiments and the officers returned to England.[35] The regiment obtained new recruits and in 1782 the introduction of county titles for regiments resulted in the 52nd adding "Oxfordshire" to their name.[28]

[edit]Indian Wars

In 1783, the 52nd arrived in Madras, for nine years of war spanning the Second and Third Anglo-Mysore Wars.[32] The Second War had begun in 1778, when the British responded to news of war against France by moving against French-held bases in India. Hyder Ali, then ruler of Mysore, sided with the French and marched against the British.[36] Hyder died in 1782, and was succeeded by his son, Tippu Sultan, who continued the war through some minor campaigns until a peace treaty was signed in 1784.[37] Shortly afterwards, a detachment from the 52nd took part in the 1785 siege of Cannanore.[28] The 52nd stormed the breach at Cannanore, under command of Sir Martin Hunter.[38]

In 1786, Lord Cornwallis was appointed Governor-general, and the war against Tippu Sultan was resumed after Tippu attacked British allies in India. (This was known as the Third Mysore war).[37] Initially, military actions were fairly minor. In 1790, the 52nd were involved at Pollighautcherry and in a battle near Seringapatam.[38] In 1791, the regiment fought at Bangalore in March, and Arikera (or Seringapatam) in May.[39] In December that year, the flank companies from the 52nd and 76th Foot, with sepoy grenadiers, formed the storming party during the assault on Savandroog; the defenders abandoned the fortress, and it was successfully taken at the cost of just one British soldier wounded. Throughout the assault, the band of the 52nd played to spur on the attackers.[40] The 52nd were also present at the February 1792 siege of Seringapatam, where the battalion's grenadier company received heavy casualties while crossing the river.[41] During that battle, the 52nd came to the aid of Lord Cornwallis, whose companies were exposed and in danger of capture.[38] Tippu Sultan sued for peace during the siege, and a treaty was signed in 1792, ending the war.[37] However, in August 1793 the regiment took part in an assault on Pondicherry.[39]

[edit]French Revolutionary Wars

See also: French Revolutionary Wars

With the outbreak of the French Revolutionary Wars in 1793, the British renewed their intermittent war against Holland; amongst the action was an assault on the Dutch colony at Ceylon. In 1795, a force commanded by Colonel James Stuart, of the 72nd Foot, and including the 52nd, left India for Ceylon, laying siege to Trincomalee; by February 1796 the island was in British hands.[42][10] The 52nd returned to Britain in 1798 where, bolstered by new recruits, a second battalion was created.[10]

The 64th were in the West Indies at the start of the Napoleonic Wars and helped to recapture Martinque and Gaudeloupe (which was returned to France By treaty) before spending five years on garrison duties in the UK and Gibraltar In 1801, the 64th returned to the West Indies, capturing Danish, Swedish and Dutch possessions, including St Croix, St Lucia and Surinam (later Dutch Guiana): the 64th was fated to remain in garrison there and in Nova Scotia for the remainder of the Napoleonic Wars.

Within months the 64th had returned to the West Indies for a campaign of seizing islands held by, variously, France, The Netherlands and Denmark. The first island to fall was the Franco-Dutch island of Saint Martin. This was followed by the Dutch island of St Eustatius and the Danish islands of Saint Thomas, Saint John and Saint Croix.[26] With the signing of the Treaty of Amiens, which restored to France and its allies all territories conquered by the British,[27] the 64th were withdrawn to Barbados. Peace did not last long and in 1803 war with France broke out again. The 64th was immediately in action being part of an expeditionary force that took St Lucia,[28] earning the battle honour ST LUCIA 1803 — the award of this honour was more timely, it being awarded in 1818.[29] The expedition continued onto the South American mainland with the capture of Dutch held Surinam in 1804.[30] A fourth battle honour, SURINAM, was awarded — again in 1818.[29]. Garrison duties kept the 64th in Surinam for the next nine years meaning that the regiment played no further part in the Napoleonic Wars.[31]

A move to Halifax, Nova Scotia in 1813 found the 64th providing the funeral guard for James Lawrence, Captain of the USS Chesapeake after the capture of the Chesapeake.[32] In 1815 the regiment returned to Europe to be sent to France as part of the Army of Occupation after the Battle of Waterloo[32]


1.6             CHARLES WILSON - 1791

AM07/15 HP14

Born: 1791, Ireland. Source of this date unknown!
Parents: John & Eleanor (Gardner) Wilson.
DiedHAP: 7/1/1841.
Griffiths Valuation Kiltoghert parish (inc Carrick on Shannon, 1834:
Holly Park: appears as Charles Wilson as owner, seems total about 6.5 acres, most untitheable.
Holly Park was owned by Eleanor Mullarkey's maternal grandfather, William Haughton.




Born: ???
ParentsHAP: Sir Michael & Eleanor Isabella (Haughton) Mullarkey.
DiedHAP: abt 1828.

Issue of Charles & Eleanor (Mullarkey) Wilson:
1/1. Eleanor Isabella Wilson.
1/3. Isabella Wilson. Born 1819, died November 22/1852.

Married in 1838, John George Little, born 1800, died October 10/1870 in Ireland. After her death he married, 2nd, Margaret Munns, but had no children by her.
Issue :- (by his first wife).
2/1. John Wilson Little, born August 22/1840, who in 1905

lived at Longford,  Ireland. He married Matilda J. Cody.
Issue (quote from HAP):-
3/1. George Edward Little. Born July 19/1857. Lives in  
3/2. Walter Joseph Little. Born Sept 10/1868. M. Eva
3/3. John Armstrong Little. B. June 24/---- Lives in New
3/4. Herbert Wilson Little. B. March 7/1878. Lived in
   Canada 1905.
3/5. Jane Isabella Little. B. Feb 24/ 1888. Live in
   Longford 1905.

Longford Church, 1995: The main headstone was (copying correct??):
Annabel Turner died 23/6/1921, age 63
Dau Mary Evelyn Little, died 30/8/1939, age 69,
Husband Walter Joseph Little, died 2/12/1945, age 72,
Dau Norma Learmouth (Little), 28/3/1946-25/6/1969
Randolph Irwin Little, 3/8/1951-16/6/1978
A new stone: Cecil Little, 20/4/1992.

1/4. Mary Wilson. Born 1821, died March 10/1876 in Arcola, Ill,

and is buried at Graceland Cemetery, Chicago. She married, 1st, her cousin Launcelot Vaugh of Sligo County, Ireland. They were brought over from Ireland to Chicago by John Armstrong. After her husband's death she
married, 2nd, John Stewart and went out to Australia.  Many years later, after his death, she returned to Arcola and lived with John Armstrong's family. No children by her second husband.
2/1. Isabelle Vaugh. Born 1843, died 1854.
2/2. Christiana Vaugh. Born December 25/1849 in Ireland, died

June 21/1897 in Chicago. She married on July 19/1873 in Arcola, James P. Slater, born March 26/1843 in Edinburgh, Scotland, died September 10/1916 in Chicago of heart failure.
3/1. John Wesley Slater. Born September 6/1876 in Chicago,

died June 28/1933 in the Great Lakes Hospital, North Chicago. He married, 1st. about 1900, Jeanette May Osborne, they were divorced. Soon after arriving in Lansing he married in 1907 Ethel King.
Issue:- (by his second wife)
4/1. Avis Irene Slater, born October 28/1911 in Jackson

and married in Detroit in 1934, Lloyd Beemer, a druggist. They moved to Port Huron, Michigan.
Died (US SS) 26/5/1993, res 48236 Grosse Pointe, Wayne.
LB (US SS) b. 23/10/1910, d. 12/1978. Wayne, Michigan.
5/1. Barbara Avis Beemer, born in Port Huron May 12/1937.

3/2. Mary Isabella Slater. Born January 19/1879 in Chicago.
3/3. James Garfield Slater, born October 5/1880 in Chicago, died September 1/1936. No children by either wife.
3/4. Martha (Mattie) Irene Slater. Born May 30/1882 in Chicago.          
No children.

   2/3. Haughton Vaugh. Born 1852, He went insane. Never

1/5. Henrietta Wilson. Born January 6/1826, died April 18/1914.

She married on October 22/1849, John Armstrong, as his second wife, his first wife having been Henrietta's elder sister, Eleanor Isabella, who died April 24/1845 after eight years of married life.

************************* GENERATION 8 *************************

1.7             WILLIAM ARMSTRONG (Rev 1720)

AM08/25  HP24


Born: Probably of the Armstrong family around Leitrim mid 18thC, although said by HAP 1720, Sligo Ireland
Died: abt 1809 of Longfield, Leitrim (ref Will)
Married 15/2/1746-7, Killashandra (ref PRONI PR) Jane Irwine, 15/2/1747.

Said by HAP to have been priest at Killashandra and to have died 1808. and  married a second time at an advanced age, but the name of this second wife is not known. – Mary Flin.

No supporting evidence has been found to support the theory that he was a priest, see below for discussion. He appears to have been Presbyterian at the time of his children’s birth, but if the will of 1810 is the correct one, and it appears to be, he had converted to the established church by then. He may perhaps have been a Presbyterian minister at one time.

There was an extensive Armstrong family in Cavan/Leitrim, many of whom were buried at Killashandra, and some of whom mention Longfield. In 1852, Longfield may have been inhabited by the Park family, several of whom is mentioned in William Armstrong’s will.
(1/4/1852: deaths, March 22, at Longfield Lodge, County Leitrim, Robert, fourth son of Robert PARK, Esq., much and deservedly regretted.)

Barony of Clonmoghan was owned by John Armstrong in 1670 (Down survey of Ireland) – some miles south of Killashandra.

Katthi Sittner:
William (born ca. 1720) probably descends from the Armstrongs of County Leitrim. However, this area is so close to County Fermanagh, that he could also be descended from those Armstrongs. Other names connected to the William A* family in Ireland are Richard Conoly/Connelly and Matthew Johnston of Ballinamore, Leonard Park Jr. of Lahana, William Brown, and the Biggs of St. Croix in the West Indies but originally of Co. Tipperary, Ireland. Names associated with the family in St. Croix 1740-1800 but possibly from Ireland are: Thomas Lake, Andrew Irwin, John Ryan, William Manning, John Johnson, and Captain Lorentz Nissen.

Will (PRONI ref MIC/15A/53 p 520 & T808/502):
William Armstrong:
dated 31/12/1801, proved 16/1/1810, Kilmore.
To be buried Drumreilly, Lease of Longfield to wife Mary & daughter Sarah, they remain members of Church of England.
£220 of St Croix Currency bequeathed to me by David Irwin, now in hands of son Wm Armstrong of St Croix to go to 2 daus Elizabeth Kiernen & Mary Goodfellow.
1 shilling to illegitimate son James.
Executors Richard Conoly of Ballinamore
Mathew Johnston of Ballinamore
Leonard Park junior of Lahana
Witnesses John Park, Wm Brown, Thos Parke.
Admon Mary Flin, widow of deceased. (From Kathi Sittner & PRONI film T808.)

This will sounds a correct, location, Irwin, St Croix & Goodfellow connections.
Son John’s Presbyterian baptism refers to William Armstrong of Longfield.

A Confirmation of Arms of Major General William Wallace Kenny, King’s Honorary Surgeon, younger son of Randall Young Kenny of Killashandra Co Leitrim by Anna Maria daughter and eventual co-heiress of William Armstrong of Kilbracken, & grandson of William Kenny of Drumheery, Co Monahan, (1922?) (NLI GO/MS 111cF31, P8293)


A pedigree of Armstrongs (NLI GO MS171 P134 Film P8304) has a family from Christopher Armstrong, Laird of Mangerton in Liddale, 2nd son William (brother Christopher alive 1583) settles in Fermanagh, whose son John settles in Longfield, Co Cavan, John’s younger brother, Alexander, had a son, Martin, in Leitrim. No suitable William given though. The Longfield connection makes this an attractive connection, Isabella, dau of Capt Thomas & g/daughter of John above, marries Rev Edmond Armstrong of Kings Co, he dies 1744 aged 65, she at 1748. They have several sons, inter alia, Martin (b 1700, d 1753), Edmond & Andrew – William could have been a son of these.

T808 for Irwins examined – no obvious connections.

T808/407-486 many random Armstrong deeds, many as repeated in 497-550

T808/497-550 starts with a tree, the earlier part of which is below. There are many connections with Longfield, Killashandra and a couple with Jamaica.
There follow document extracts from which the tree is derived. Amongst these are the will of our William Armstrong. There is no obvious connection with him and the Armstrongs on this tree, but it is very likely he was related to them.

Both sets of papers have many Irwin connections.

T808/497-8 tree:
A hand written tree
Christopher of Scotland
William settled c Fermanagh 1604 (bro Andrew)
1/1. John of Longfield

2/1. Capt Martin of Longfield, k in battle 1689 dsp wf Jennet (Beatty)
2/2. Capt Thomas succeeded to L wf Mary

3/1. Margaret m Capt Edward Johnston
3/2. Isabella co-heir of L, died 1751, m rev Edmund Armstrong

of Kilgolen Galway (ed Will 1/11/1739, 11/2/1747-8) – Ed poss son of Martin of Drumlevan whose will 4/7/1747.
4/1. Martin
4/2. Andrew
4/3. Ann
4/4. Margaret m Ringrose
4/5. Jane M Wilson
4/6. Isabella M Vere

2/3. Cornet Robert of Wolsley regt adm 21/11/1732

3/1. Robert junr of Ardlogher (b 1690?), Leitrim

Married a dau of John Irwin of Clonbogher
4/1. Martin M Ann Ward of Dublin 1783

heir to estate in Jamaica Duxley Hall Issue Ann Margaret Sarah John

4/2. Irwin Armstrong of Co Leitrim M Mary Houghton

Issue Charlotte Maria Ann Margaret Jean

4/3. John A of Lismore house, Cavan, living 1832, m Mrs Waugh

Issue, George William Christopher James Launcelot Thomas Margaret Jean

4/4. Lancelot of Dublin & Duxley Hall Jamaica 1796

Anne Chamberlaine dau of Thomas. L b 1768, d 23/6/1810. She d Detroit 1863. Owned DH with brother in .Jam 1799/. Issue many to Detroit.

3/2. Alexander
3/3. Elizabeth

1/2. Alexander of Carrickmagugan Leitrim m Frances

will dated 26/4/1721, mentions wife Frances. Daughters Sarah & Jean, brother Simon and Thomas and only son & heir Martin to whom was bequeathed Carrickmagugan and other lands which were Alexander Armstrong’s by inheritance. In the book of Survey and Distribution these lands were all mentioned as the property of Robert park a Protestant and were not among those confiscated. In 1734 all of these lands were mentioned on a lease and bond to John Irwin his eldest daughter Anne aged 19 and others to be held in trust subject to the terms of a bond (see reg of deeds in dublin)

2/2. Martin of Carrickmakeegan Farradine etc M Ann Irvin admon 2/12/1756 (503)

Died 1756, married 1734 Bublin Ann Irwin aged 19 eldest dau of John Irwin of Drumkillagh Leitrim. High Sheriff Leitrim 1737

1/3. Simon
1/4. Thomas

Brothers Martin (of Jamaica, Kinsman Capt Robert of Killashandra), William (sons Martin & Lancelot) & Lancelot (son Martin).
This Lancelot prob admon 17/11/1779 to wid Catherine of Likkdallon, Co Cavain also mentions Edmund of Kallashandra.

T808 & MIC/15A/53 contains many deed & Will extracts, which might reveal an ancestry of William Armstrong. This and the preceding film, 52 are copies of the earlier parts of T808, which has much Armstrong information.
Some of these deeds mention Longfield, which our William Armstrong appears to have rented: T808 contains a large number of papers which are not microfilmed, and which contain Irwin information as well as Armstrong. A major project to study these.

Other Document extracts in T808:
Jamaica Will: (LOS 53/220, PRONI MIC/15A/53f508) dated 1779 filed 1789
Martin Armstrong of St John’s Jamaica:
to sons of brother William Armstrong of Leitrim Martin & Lancelot when 21, £300.
Kinsman Robert Armstrong & his eldest dau.
Reputed mulatto son George Burgoyne Armstrong Rogersons farm & slaves
Retreat Plantation to Martin Armstrong son of deceased brother Lancelot gent of Summer Hill. Cavan.
Kinsman Capt Robert Armstrong of Killashandra,
Also Rogerson’s farm (Jamaica)
Execs Thomas Waller of St Johns, Thos Wynter of St Catherines, Rev Wm Standford curate of St Dorothy’s,
Capt Robert Armstrong,
Martin Armstrong son of deceased brother Lancelot.

Admon: 17/11/1779,
Catherine A. of Crohan, Killadallon, Cavan, wid of Lancelot A. & Edmund A. of Killashandra.

Admon 2/12/1756
Of Martin A. to widow Anne

Deeds Office of Dublin (PRONI MIC/15A/53 f511)
Vol 146 p499 98560 2 May 1751, dated 29 April 1751
Lease from James West to William Armstrong of Killbracken, Longfield Enaughnah Drumcross & Drumhalry? 356a plantation in currigullen Barony Co Leitrim to hold at £130 for lives of William & his son William.

vol 298 p476 no 198156 reg 16/11/1773, dated 10/9/1773.
Conveyed from William Armstrong senior of Kilbracken, co Leitrim, Gent to son William A junior of Killbracken
Killbrackin, Aughavese, Aunshanagh, Brownhill & Bredagh, all in co Leitrim.
The Demesne of Longfield Beinamona Brownhill & Bredagh all in Co Leitrim.
Wn A jnr not to sell or mortgage without consent of his father-in-law Simon Nicholls of Shancor co Cavan.

Vol 298 p475 no 198155 Reg 15 Nov 1773 marriage settlement dated 27 April 1773. of
William Armstrong of Killbracken, gent & Lucy Armstrong alias Nicholls to which Simon Nicholls is part, Charges ... desmesne of Longfield Belmona Brownhill and Bredagh with £40 pa...

Will 13/4/1721 & 4/5/1721
Simon A. of Arghamor Leitrim, gent
Bur Killashnadra
Bro John
Bro John’s son Martin
Bro Thomas’s son Christopher

Will Jan 1733, p 16/7 1735
Thomas of Agnavore, Leitrim gent
Bur K.
1/3 wife 2/3 to kids
Wf Elizabeth

Will 3/5/1725, p 11/2/1725-6
Robert A. of Legewell, co Cavan, miller
Mill at Ballnaught to 2nd son James
Cattle to sons John & William
Mary widow.

Will 2/1/1763 p 27/3/1764:
Robert A of Carrigallen, Leitrim
Bur K where my father were
Wf Elinor
Natyral son Frank A.
Bro |Christopher.
Wit Wm Esq & Capt Robt

A will that is mentioned in a number of places is probably not ours:
Rev William Armstrong married Margaret Tew, 1786, Dublin?? (re Ancestry.com, Walker's Hibernian Magazine (first issued in 1771 and discontinued in 1812).) Also seen elsewhere.
John Tew Armstrong a freeholder in Armagh:
Abode Dublin, Freehold in Derryhaw, Landlord: Representatives of John Maxwell, Value £20, reg Portadown 12 Nov 1832.

In March 1858 William, Simon and John Armstrong offered for sale the lands of Kilbracken, barony of Carrigallen. The property was held under a lease, dated 1740, between Richard Morgan and William Armstrong. This lease was renewed in 1810, this time between John Godley of Killegar and Simon Armstrong. Mrs. Elizabeth Browne, nee Armstrong, with this address, is listed as owner of lands in Leitrim in 1876. The house at Kilbracken was leased by her to Wm. Murray Hickson in 1856. The Browne estate also held land in the parish of Drumreilly, barony of Mohill. It would appear that this estate was also connected with the Jones family since John George Jones (Jones of Headfort family) is described as "of Kilbracken".

DRUMREILLY, a parish, partly in the barony of TULLAGHAGH, county of CAVAN, and province of LEINSTER, and partly in that of DROMAHAIRE, but chiefly in that of CARRIGALLEN, county of LEITRIM, and province of CONNAUGHT, 2½ miles (E. by N.) from Ballinamore, on the road to Killeshandra; containing 278 inhabitants.

This parish was separated from Templeport by act of council in 1835, and comprises 4373 statute acres, as applotted under the tithe act, besides a great portion of mountain. There are large grazing farms and a vast quantity of bog. Limestone is found here. The parish is intersected by Lake Gorradise, on which stands Goradise of W. C. Percy, Esq., and Bush Hill, of C. Gerard, Esq.; and in the vicinity is Corduff, the property of W. Penrose, Esq. There is a small island in the lake, called Robbers Island.

The living is a vicarage, in the diocese of Kilmore, and in the patronage of the Bishop The rectory is appropriate to the see. The tithes amount to £300, of which £200 is payable to the bishop, and £100 to the vicar. There is no glebe-house : the glebe comprises 365 acres, of which 282 are profitable land, valued at £322. 15s. 6 1/2d., per annum. The church is a plain structure, in good repair, built in 1737, by William Gore, Esq.

Found 5/2007:

From: JOY TWENEY[iii]
Date: Sat, 14 Oct 2000

To you all,
My knowledge of the Irwin/Erwin /Irvine/Irving etc. is very limited My Armstrong tie came from County Leitrim , Ireland. The surname Irwin was given as a given name to my 2X Great Grandfather IRWIN ARMSTRONG.

>From O’Harts, Irish Pedigree, Volume 2 P26 of the 1915 edition is the following:- QUOTE-
(Armstrong's here recorded a branch of the Armstrongs of Gallen Priory, King's County, settled in Sligo. Some of whom settled afterwards in the County of Leitrim; and after the death of Robert Armstrong, his family removed thence to Newton Gore in the County Cavan, where his son John Armstrong married a daughter of William Irwin (whose son married Miss Haughton * who had 3 bros. George, William, John) and had two sons John and Launcelot Armstrong) * Haughton: the three families of the Armstrongs, the Irwins, and the Haughtons lived convenient to each other and intermarried a great deal)....UNQUOTE

My Armstrongs were of the Scots-Irish persuasion and were Protestants.
I also note that one Ann Irwin (age 19) married in 1734 a Martin Armstrong ..She was the eldest daughter of John Irwin of Drumedillagh, County Leitrim, High Sheriff of Leitrim 1737....
If you have a map of Ireland handy it is easy to see how close the Counties were where families emigrated to BEAU/HUNT/CHAT...
The Irwins, who came in a large group of settlers from Quebec to Essex County I will check into soon ..I have been into Genealogy since 1960 and am researching over 400 Surnames, and being a physically, non-active, Senior Citizen it takes a bit of time to reel everyone in...
I wish I could tell you more at this sitting but as I find a clue or two I will gladly send on to you..
Irwin Armstrong's son Francis stayed in Ormstown and married a Stewart, I believe.. Checking this out...Have all your e-mails on hand in an IRWIN File and will keep in touch. Thank you for your mail....
Best Wishes...Joy Bell Austin-Tweney.

Married (2nd): Mary Flinn (ref Will) & had by her a daughter Sarah, under 21 in his will.

Married (1st): 15/2/1746-7, Killashandra (ref PRONI PR):
(Copy of PR held, MIC/1/220 PRONI). No abode given, so it may be assumed that they were resident in Killashandra



HAP gives her name as Irwin, there is a marriage in the Killashandra PR between William Armstrong and Jane Irwin, a common name around there. This is very likely the correct one.
Father: David Irwin, sometime of St Croix. Will 1777 Kilmore may be his.
HAP: she was said to have had a large mouth and thick lips.

Abstracts of Irwin Wills 1709-1820, National Library of Ireland MS 141 (filmP8295B) checked & nil relevant, amongst many wills.

Danish Consulate in US Virgin Islands: http://www.dkconsulateusvi.com/inhabitans_pdf.htm

A list of The names of INHABITANTS The Danish West Indian Islands (The VIRGIN ISLANDS) from 1650 – ca. 1825

Several Irvines: John Christiansted 17/9/1774.
John William, planter, 3/10/1792.

15 Feb 1788 Curator for underage William Irvin his brother David Irwin and relatives William Armstrong & James Irwin, of St. Croix, that although he will be of age soon since he against their wishes married a girl (Isabella MacGuire) from the states who is sickly by a priest from Tortola on a boat on the sea, that he not be allowed to have access to his estate until he changes and shows more responsibility.

Papers in PRO Dublin, D16576-649, T7038-7059, M1936-1986 contain a number of wills probably not relevant, and a collection of estate land papers which may be relevant, said to contain inter alia, Armstrong and Irwin references.

A Sugar estate shown in the Jamaica 1804 map a few miles east of Montego Bay called Irwin, on the Montego River, water powered. Was this the same family??

Irwin Family of Sligo: (http://www.landedestates.ie/LandedEstates/jsp/estate-show.jsp?id=116)
McTernan states that John Irwin, a Cromwellian soldier, was granted the lands at Tanrego in the seventeenth century. The Irwin family also had property in the parish of Achonry, barony of Leyny. Turlough O'Carolan was a frequent visitor to Tanrego and composed a number of tunes in honour of the family including "Colonel John Irwin". In 1855 John Lewis Irwin offered for sale lands in the baronies of Tireragh, Leyny and Carbury, including Tanragoe. The estate was acquired by the Olpherts and later the Verschoyle familie. The house was occupied in the 1850s by Capt. Richard Olpherts. The house and lands at Barnabrack were also part of the Irwin estate.

William N. Irwin, a medical doctor, held land at Beihy, parish of Cloone, barony of Mohill, county Leitrim, at the time of Griffith's Valuation. William N. Irwin of Terkeenan, county Monaghan, is recorded as holding over 800 acres in county Leitrim in 1878 as well as property in Armagh and Longford. He served as a magistrate in county Monaghan. McParlan records Richard Irwin of Dromsalla on his list of "resident gentlemen of property" in 1802. Ephraim Irwin continued to hold small amounts of land in the parish of Carrigallen at the time of Griffith's Valuation.

T808/8170-8236: Many Irwin deed references, but mostly earlier then David, and none immediately relevant.

8181 Ref Robert Irwin 1692 Co Roscommon ref Blackburn and transplant
also Irwins of Sligo

Possible PR found at Presb records of Kildallon (Croghan) bapt shown:
1/1. James Armstrong (PR 29/10/1767) ref to illegitimate son James in will.

Sittner: bp. 11 Apr. 1744 or 29 Oct. 1767? - a merchant - married and had several children, went to Demerara, British Guiana, got ship-wrecked and his wife and children died there.

1/2. William Armstrong, 1752

PR birth: 26/9/1751, of Ainlough? Presbyterian Reg.
PR: William Armstrong died Leamington Priors, 13/4/1830, age 78.
a quack doctor and merchant in London, spent much time in St. Croix.

Death Notice of the time (Leamington):
   "Died, at his residence in Regent Street, in this place, on the 9th inst, Wm Armstrong esq, in the 78th year of his age, leaving a wife and child to lament his death. He was of a noble family in the North of Ireland, and for many years a principal merchant of the city of London, of which he was a freeman. Mr Armstrong had also been for a long time resident in the West Indies, and the Danish Isle of St Croix. His remains were interred on the 13th Inst.


before 1780: First person from Cavan County known to have gone to St. Croix. Purchased Estates Lebanon Hill and Pearl. Also acquired Estate Mount Welcome and, perhaps, Estate Mount Pleasant.

A number of Armstrongs are recorded as having been in St Croix late 18th early 19thC in http://www.dkconsulateusvi.com/inhabitans_pdf.htm

15 Feb 1788 Curator for underage William Irvin his brother David Irwin and relatives William Armstrong & James Irwin, of St. Croix, that although he will be of age soon since he against their wishes married a girl (Isabella MacGuire) from the states who is sickly by a priest from Tortola on a boat on the sea, that he not be allowed to have access to his estate until he changes and shows more responsibility.

HAP’s original text quoting Dr William Armstrong, is confusing about the possible name of the William Armstrong’s wife; depending on how it is read, she could have been a Miss Jackson, or Keating.

EC (2/2009):
has a marriage cert of Mr. William Armstrong and Ms. Margaret Keating. They married in 31/8/1779 at St. Mary's Parish Church, London. This seems very likely to be the one. I (EC) believe also that this Margaret Keating is the sister of Mary Keating, wife of Sir Thomas Broughton 6th Baronet. As they did not have issue I believe that Anna Maria was in the house of her aunt as the book of H Poole said.

EC 9/2009:
the portrait of Mary Keating (sister of Margaret Keating, sister-in-law of William Armstrong, aunt of Anna Maria Armstrong and mother of Lady Maria Grey Egerton, who is mentioned in the last will of Anna Maria).
Mary Keating born in 1751/1752 and died in 1813. She was daughter of Michael Keating of Cork County, Ireland. Her first husband was Thomas Scott Jackson, a director of the Bank of England. After Jackson's death in 1791, she married, in 1794, the Reverend Sir Thomas Broughton, 6th Baronet, of Doddington Park, Cheshire (hence the traditional title of Lady Broughton).

Her only daughter was Lady Maria Grey-Egerton who also was the daughter and sole heir of Thomas Scott Jackson, one of the Directors of the Bank of England. Maria married Sir John Grey-Egerton, 8th Bt., of Oulton, on 9 April 1795. They had no children. Maria died in England in 1830.

This portrait of Mary Keating is placed at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., (West Main Floor Gallery 59) and the description is:

Mrs. Thomas Scott Jackson, c. 1770/1773
oil on canvas
overall: 239 x 147 cm (94 1/8 x 57 7/8 in.)
Andrew W. Mellon Collection


Married Margaret (ref Anna Maria's will):
2/1. James Armstrong, died at St. Croix, leaving a wife and

family. Possibly died St Croix 11/12/1812 (ref Danish Consular web site, US Virgin Islands 10/07). Sittner: maybe Susanna Marche 1805 St. Croix and died 1812.

2/2. Thomas Armstrong, no data.

Sittner: md. Widow Judith Aletta Heiliger Faucett 1813 St. Croix.

2/3. Catharina Armstrong, née Sophia Armstrong, died Puerto 

Rico in September 14, 1831.

The last will of Mary Catherine Armstrong, sister of Ann Mary ArmstrongEC:
   dated in September 7, 1831. Mary Catherine declared that she was converted to Roman Catholicism and in the time of her baptism, she changed her original name, Sophia Armstrong, to Mary Catherine Armstrong. She was single and never been married. She also declared that she born in the Danish island of St. Croix and was legitimate daughter of "Don William y Doña Margaret Armstrong" (At that time, Spanish equivalent to Sir William and Lady Margaret Armstrong). Also declared that her legitimate sister Anna Maria Armstrong-Cuveljé is her only successor of all her property. Also, declared that Anna Maria will inherit all the property left to her by their first cousin, Lady Mary Grey Egerton (Baronets of Egerton, Earls of Wilton, etc. but I cannot connect the line yet).
   Mary Catherine Armstrong also left 500 British Pounds to Elizabeth, widow of her brother James Julius Armstrong, who lived at that time in the Danish Island of St. Thomas. Also left some property to her brother Thomas Armstrong-Cuveljé, who lived in Great James Street-Bedford Row in London.

2/4. Anna Maria Armstrong,EC

HP:- ...who Dr. William Armstrong said he had the pleasure of meeting at Lady Broughton's house. She went to St. Croix, and married a Mr. Cuvalie, It is believed Lady Broughton left her three or four hundred Pounds per annum. Anna's husband died at St. Croix, and I don't know what became of her or her family.
(Dr William's history is quoted in HP24. A son of Thomas below.)
Died in Puerto Rico in July 25, 1855 and was buried in the Cemetery of the Roman Catholic Cathedral of Ponce, Puerto Rico

M. Abraham M. Cuvelje, b 10/10/1778, St Eustatius, 1811 St Croix.
Abraham Cuvelje and Anna Maria Armstrong arrived in Puerto Rico in 1820. For this reason and the data backside the picture we believe what Louis and Anna Juliana really born in Puerto Rico instead of St. Croix.
EC has Cert showing 1/6/1811.
Issue (dated 1827 Puerto Rico Census):
3/1. William Cuvelje
3/2. Jane Cuvelje.
3/3. Julius Cuvelje, b 1815.
3/4. Peter Cuvelje b 1819.
3/5. Mary Cuvelje, b 1817

married to Mr. Jose de la Rocha (Solicitor/Attorney at Law). She died young, in her 30's

3/6. Louis Cuvelje b 1824.

born in Ponce, Puerto Rico in August 25, 1822 and died in May 24, 1900 in Ponce.
4/1. Edward Torres-Cuvelje.

5/1. Amelia Torres-Cuvelje.

6/1. Martha leaving issue

3/7. Anna Julianne Cuvelje b 1826.
 + 3 others un-named.

Email: Sun, 06 Aug 2006   From: EC[iv]
As maybe you know, Anna Maria married (1811) in St. Croix to Mr. Abraham Cuvelje, a Dutchman of St. Eustatius, Netherlands Antilles.
Anna Maria Armstrong & Abraham M. Cuvelje have 10 children:
William, Jane, Julius, Peter, Mary, Louis and Anna Julianne (I don't remember the others).
They came to the island of Puerto Rico when the Spanish Government proclaimed the Royal Decree of 1815 (Cédula de Gracias). Abraham Cuvelje and Anna Armstrong became one of the most wealthy families with the business of coffee and sugar cane plantations. One of his children was Louis Cuvelje Armstrong (in Spanish we use both last names paternal and  maternal), who was a large landowner and became Mayor of Adjuntas, Puerto Rico in 1849 and in 1871. He was my great-grandfather. So Mr. Abraham Cuvelje and Mrs. Anna Armstrong were my great-great-grandparents.

Wed, 27 Sep 2006 11:15:39 -0400
   My maternal grandmother is a direct descendant of Mr. Abraham Cuvelje and Mrs. Anna Maria Armstrong. As I told you, they established in Puerto Rico in 1820 by virtue of the Royal Decree of 1815 issued by H.M. King Ferdinand VII of Spain. At that time, they figured as an untitled noble family in the census, military service lists, government papers, etc.
    (The ancient Puerto Rican nobility is recognized and regulated today only by the Spanish Nobility Authorities. As an actual United States territory, the U.S. government neither the Puerto Rico government recognizes it today.)
      Mrs. Anna Maria Armstrong died in Puerto Rico in July 25, 1855 and was buried in the Cemetery of the Roman Catholic Cathedral of Ponce, Puerto Rico (the cemetery does not exist today). She also always figured here in Puerto Rico as a Roman Catholic (I don't know if she really was Catholic but the place where she was buried can give you an idea of her status, etc).
      Note: Mrs. Anna Maria Armstrong was always knew in the city as "Madame Cuvelje".

      Curious note: I found a legal document in the National Archives of Puerto Rico, dated in 1831, about Ann Mary Armstrong-Cuvelje, widow (his husband passed away in 1830) who sent £ 5,000 annually to her brother Thomas Armstrong, who lived, in that year, in the courtship of London. (I don't know how many years she sent money to her brother).

Abraham Cuvelje was son of Mr. Peter Cuvelje, Council Lord of the Parliament of St. Eustatius, Netherlands Antilles, in 1790's, and Mrs. Elizabeth Doncker. Abraham has a first wife named Ellen Wildman. They married in St. Mary Priory Church, Lancaster, Lancashire, England in January 5, 1796. Abraham Cuvelje became a British subject in 1799 by an act of the UK Parliament. Abraham had a daughter and a son with Ellen and get divorced. She died in 1830 in England. After that, he returned to St. Eustatius and marry Anna Maria Armstrong in 1811 in St. Croix. This last will have not the name of Anna Maria parents, very rare but not unusual between aliens in Puerto Rico at that time. The last will of Anna Maria is in another book and she made it after the death of his husband Cuvelje in 1830. She was very wealthy, this information is recognized in the last will of Cuvelje. Now, I am looking for the last will of Anna Maria but the books summarizes last wills between 1831 and 1861 without any index so I have to check each page so I can get it. Abraham and Anna Maria had seven children.

From Dr Michael Winstanley, 1/2011[v]
He and his partner George Danson were bankrupts in 1802 (see the London Gazette online). He did not divorce his first wife Elizabeth Wildman; she died in July 1807 according to the Lancaster Gazette of 25 July 1807 when he was described as 'late of this town'.  I am not sure where he was at the time.
A Thomas Cuvelje appears in local Lancaster records as a lawyer and also of London by 1819.  Do you know anything about him?

Married 1st Ellen Wildman, Lancaster 5/1/1796, She died 23/7/1837.
1/1. Ellen Cuvelje
Probably baptized in 1799 in St. Mary Priory Church, Lancaster.
1/2. William Cuvelje
1881 Census, 11 Queen Sq, Lancaster:
Ellen Cuvelje (31 or 81, owner of house & Dividends, Lancster).

The Taylor-Armstrong letter which may be relevant, from the National Library of Ireland

Dear Billy (Armstrong),

I was in Bath last month and there got acquainted with a young lady about 16 year old very well accomplished. In a short time she told me that her mother wished to marry her to a gentleman whom she did not like and said she was perfectly independent of her parents as her grandfather had left her £50 a year. In Antigua we soon became more intimate and more fond and in short agreed to marry if we could attain consent. The mother was applied to & at length was prevailed on. The father is now at Antigua. He is the first merchant there. His name is Nicholas Taylor. The mother promises besides the lad’s own property, £2000 in hand & a dividend of his property on the fathers’ death which will be several thousand. We only wait now to have our mutual properties certified to each other and they have written both to Cork & Waterford. I believe John Bradshaw and John Carew will be consulted as I gave their names to Mrs. Taylor. I referred both of these to you for information & request Dear Billy that you will do everything you can for me in this very material business. I gave an exact account of my property to them & if any attorney or other person should call on your relative to me, you know how to give everything the best appearance. Murphy will inform you of everything near Tipperary. James Hennessey near Cahir of everything about Lough[kent] & Knockgraffon; the Hon Mr Kearney about Newcastle & Mr. Walker in Mallow about my professions there. The business of this letter was to request you would be prepared for these enquiries. There is no occasion that you should mention arrears or anything more than the term and profit rent. People here scarcely know what arrears are. If you think proper you may let my mother know this but let her keep it secret until everything is beyond a doubt. I am much pleased that there are such particular enquiries & certainly demanded on one side as it will entitle me to same on my side. I have wrote so much this day I am quite stupid 7 can not be more explicit at present. I request you will show this letter to my uncle F Garnet & let him know I will soon write to him.

I am Dear Billy with compliments to all friends, yours sincerely,

John Cooke

London, Grecian Coffee House   February 27th 1783.

1/3. Thomas Armstrong, 1756

PR: 19/11/1757, s of William, Prebyterian

md. Mary Aletta Biggs 1784 (HAP).

Thomas Armstrong, Sr.
before 1783: Manager at Estate Lebanon Hill
1783: Married Mary Aletta Biggs, daughter of Dr. & Mrs. (Heylinger) Biggs.
Sittner: Dr. Benjamin Biggs and Mary Aletta Meyer

copy of the University of Edinburgh graduation list in 1804 showing my William Armstrong, M.D. as "De Ophthalmis." Interestingly, there was also a Benjamin Biggs who graduated from there in 1803 "De Diabete Mellito[4].

In 1793, Mary Aletta married, 2nd, Mr. Luke Flood, an estated gentleman of Roundwood, whose name is found in "Vicar's List of Prerogative Wills", Dublin. Luke died within seven years, leaving three children. First, Fanny Flood, who married Milliard Stubbers and had nine children. Second, Edward Flood, who married, 1st, at 18 years of age, Miss Driscoll, by whom he had six children: she died after eight years, and he married another young lady by whom he had four children: his eldest son married an English lady who died leaving six children: his eldest daughter Fanny Flood married her cousin Sewall Milliard Stubbers: his next two children, Oliver and Caroline, are well married and comfortable: his two youngest children, William and Robert, spoke of going to America. third, Luke Flood, about whom I have no information. In 1810, Mary Aletta was persuaded by a friend to venture into matrimony for a third time, and the choice of herself and her friend, was James Horan, an estated gentleman, but of very cranky  and disagreeable disposition. She left him soon, after they had a child who died in infancy.

The Gentleman's Magazine: and historical Chronicle, From January to June, 1811, By Sylvanus Urban,. printer: John Nichols and Son, Fleet Street
on page 672, marriages 1811:
In Dublin, by special licence, Edward Flood, esq. of Middlemount, Queens county, to Catherine, second daughter of Timothy Driscoll, esq. of Harcourt Street.

Mar 14 2:37 PM GMT
Hi Antony I have been looking at your Poole/Maitland family tree and see that you have a connection with the Flood and Stubber families. I'm a descendant of Luke Flood and Frances Sharp, daughter Catherine who married Sewell Stubber and also Luke and Frances's grand son Sewell Maillard Stubber who married (cousin) Frances Flood (my GG grand parents), daughter of Luke Flood and Mary Aletta Biggs

From:     Raelene77,

Hi Antony
Great to get your reply.
Frances SHARP was only surviving child of Anthony SHARP (was a Quaker) of "Roundwood" Queens County, Ireland. Frances married Luke FLOOD. Their daughter Catherine married Sewell STUBBER, who was a Rev. of Moyne, Durrow, Queens County, Ireland. Sewell was left Stubber Estate by his brother Robert, for life, then it passed to Sewell and Catherine's daughter Eleanor and her husband Rev. Alexander HAMILTON of Thomastown, Kilkenny. Who had to take the name STUBBER, both of these was as instructed by Robert. Their other daughter Catherine married James Nicholas MAILLARD. This is my line. My Great Grand Father Edward Anthony Maillard STUBBER came to Australia with one of his brothers, Robert in 1858.(Edward, was a grand son of Catherine and James Maillard STUBBER.) Raelene

Issue, inter alia, 3 relevant lines shown, based on HAP Subject 24 with later additions.
2/1. Dr. William Armstrong b. 1786 prob. in Modreeny, Co.

Tipperary, Ireland d. 1871 Rathangan, Co. Kildare, md. Catherine Mary Taylor.
Copy of the University of Edinburgh graduation list in 1804 showing William Armstrong, M.D. as "De Ophthalmis."[5]
3/1. William Rufus Taylor Armstrong b. 1813 md. Catherine    

Greenwood. Resident of Wisconsin.
4/1. Catherine Armstrong md. James Cady Ellis

5/1. Benjamin James Ellis md. Miriam Grace Greenwood
   6/1. Katherine Melvina Ellis md. Melvin Miller
      7/1. Gordon Ellis Rader md. Ingeburg Antonie
         8/1. Kathleen Louise Rader
         Lives in Salt Lake City, Utah, m Mr Sittner
         - 4 children ages 30, 27, 14, 12 (4/2001)

2/2. Thomas Armstrong, (23/02/1787-3/8/1863),

Married: Catherine Louisa Cornelius (11/04/1792-5/5/1852)
IRISH CRUCIANS, Killashandra Internet:
1819: Arrived with wife Catherine (Cornelius) Armstrong, dau of Henry Cornelius. See Cornelius Family below.
Bought Estate Lebanon Hill from Dr. Benjamin Biggs. Also acquired Estate Mount Welcome (all St Croix).
1840: Re-acquired Estate Lebanon Hill from son-in-law Robert Beatty. Also had Estate Mount Pleasant.
1852: Left for Connecticut.
3/1. Charlotte Cornelia Armstrong (16/09/1821-30/5/1907)

M. 18/03/1847 John W. Culbert.
4/1. Aimee Culbert, M. Herbert Brunswick Harding, d. 
   5/1. Ethel Harding, b. 1881,
      M. 14/06/1900 Charles Stewart Mott
      6/1. Aimee Mott, M Patrick Butler.
         7/1. Patrick Butler[vi]. Of Alexandria, Va 

3/2. Ellen Augustine Armstrong, b. 16/07/1825 St Croix.

Married Otto Raupach.
4/1. Thomas Frederick Raupach (6/1848-1912)

(name corrected from HAP's Thomas Ford by William Victor Raupach, his g grandson 11/2007)
Raupach was a surgeon with the Danish military in DWI about 1800. For several generation the children would go back to Denmark for their education. My grandfather was born in 1886. He came to Hartford, Ct to find a wife. They settled in Hartford, CT, All of my cousins were born in Hartford. All of siblings and cousins live within 50 miles of Hartford. I am the only one that moved out of state. There are three Raupach brothers in Ca. that are from my line. There are six of seven other Raupach lines in America. They are connected with each other. I have not yet made the connection with my line.

3/3. Catherine Louise Armstrong, born Mountrath, Ireland,

May 13/1813 died at Brooklyn, N.Y., December 5/1891, buried in Green Wood Cemetery there. She married on May 21/1831, Robert Beatty, who died April 18/1850. In 1840 they lived in New York City. He left her $40,000 in securities to provide for her.
Issue: -
4/1. Margaret Beatty, born about 1832,

died December 25/1901.
She married, 1st, about 1851, Mr. Whittaker: 2nd, Mr, Timpson,
Issue:- (by her first husband)
5/1. Louisa Whittaker, born 1852.

4/2. Ann Catherine Beaty, born September 12/1833,

died April 19/l85O. She married on April 13/1852, Reverend Thomas Strafford Drowne, born July 9/1823, son of Henry B. and Julia (Strafford) Drowne.
5/1. Thomas Strafford Drowne.

4/3. Robert Beatty, died July 3/1901.

He married Sarah Moore, who died March 9/1880, daughter of John T. Moore,

4/4. Jane Almira Beatty, born December 8/1836,

died April 11/1918. She married Arthur Benson, born July 20/1836, died October 23/1911, (See Riker's History of Harlem for Benson ancestors).
5/1. Gertrude Benson.
5/2. Josephine Benson.

She married on April 15/1896, James Napper Jaffares.

5/3. Robert Beatty Benson, born April 6/1868,

died Oct 21/1904.

5/4. Arthur Benson.
5/5. John Walter Benson (Walter only in HAP),

16 May 2008 From: Patty Hertzler[vii].
Jane Almira Beatty was my great-grandmother. Her son, John Walter Benson was my paternal grandfather. I remember hearing that my great-grandmother came from the "West Indies" but I had no other information. Walter passed away in 1954 and my father passed away in 1980. He was an only child and was born when his parents were 40. I remember "the aunts" but have had no contact with any one since Aunt Jane passed away in the early 1960s. I am now going to look further into that.
Jane Beatty married Arthur Benson who was in the import/export business in New York City. His father, Alfred Grenville Benson, was in the same business and I have extensive information about the importing of guano from mid-Pacific islands.

5/6. Emma Hutchinson Benson, born September 30/1875.

She married on April 5/1899, Russell Johnson Perrine, born October 20/1876, son of Duncan Kendig and Mary Emma (Johnson Perrine. See Genealogy of Daniel Perrin, Huguenot, by Howland Delano Perrine.
6/1. Josephine Keziah Perrine, born April 17/1903.
6/2. Arthur Johnson Perrine, born January 19/1909.

5/7. Jane Benson, No data.

4/5. John Cumming Beatty, born at St, Croix, B.W.I,

January 8/1838, died March 10/1922. He married on January 28/1868, Hettie Bull, born June 26/1846, died August 9/1906, only daughter of William Gedney and Maria Matilda (Chetwood) Bull,
Issue:- (from the Barber Genealogy: N.Y. Gen & Biog Rec Vol 62),
5/1. William Gedney Beatty, born June 27/1869.

He was not married and was an architect in New York City, in 1930.

5/2. Robert Chetwood Beatty, born May 18/1872.

He graduated from Columbia University in 1894. He married, 1st, on January 30/1901, Jean Burlingame, daughter of Edward Livermore and Ella Frances (Badger) Burlingame: they were divorced and he married, 2nd, at Portland, Conn., on November 11/1911, Dee Burke, still living in 1923.
Issue:- (by his first wife Jean Burlingame)
6/1. Ann Burlingame Beatty, born in New York City,

March 15/l9O2, living in 1927.

6/2. Hettie Burlingame Beatty, b. New Canaan,

Conn., October 8/1906: living in 1923.

Issue:- (by his second wife Dee Burke)
6/3. James Chetwood Beatty,

born at Allenhurst, N.J. July 15/1920.

5/3. Alfred Chester Beatty, born in New York City,

February 7/1875. He graduated from Columbia University in 1898, and became a mining engineer at Denver. In 1930 he lived in London and became a British subject. He married, 1st, on April 18/1900, Ninette Grace Madelin Rickard: 2nd, at London, England, on June 21/1913, Edith Dunn, widow of a Mr. Stone: no children by her.
Issue:- (by his first wife Ninette Rickard)
6/1. Ninette Beatty, born Denver, June 1/1901.
6/2. Alfred Chester Beatty, b. NY City, 17/10/1907

4/6. Elizabeth Beatty, born at St. Croix, B.W.I,

May 19/1939. She married Richard Jones Timpson, born 1841, died December 15/1900. He was a salesman for many years with Tiffany & Co., Union Square, New York City. They had several children: one daughter married and lived for a while in South Africa, and may possibly live in Ireland now.

4/7. Frances Beatty. She, too, married a Timpson:

three sisters married three brothers. Frances and her husband lived in Ireland: was it Wexford? No children.

4/8. Catherine Beatty, b. 7/10/1841, d. 14/12/1848.

4/9. Emma Beatty, died May 24/1900.

She married, 1st, a Mr. Hutchinson, son of Samuel Hutchinson: 2nd, on April 24/1877, William Johnson Hutchinson, brother of her first husband.
5/1. Clara Elizabeth Hutchinson,

born February 8/1865. She married on October 22/1889, Thomas Ormiston Callander, born September 14/1862, died February 26/1919, son of James and Agnes (Hodge) Callander.
6/1. Ruth Callander, born December 18/1892.

She married on April 10/1917, Le Roy Martin, born March 29/1890, died February 28/1919. She married, 2nd, on November 8/1929, Julian Percy Fairchild, born August 15/1881, died June 15 1934, son of Julian D. and Florence (Bradley) Fairchild.
Issue:- (by her first husband Le Roy Martin)
7/1. Le Roy Callander Martin, born November  

6/2. Louise Hutchinson Callander,

born February 2O/1901. She married on April 25/1928, Ramon Ormiston Williams, born July 12/1899.

4/10. George Beatty, born February 10/1844,

died March 10/1882. He never married.

1/4. John Armstrong, 1762 (PR 16/1/1764)
1/5. Mary Armstrong,

abt 1764, who married John Goodfellow, and
whose son, John, lived with John Armstrong jnr in Chicago.
Mentioned in William’s Will.

PR only:
1/6. Elizabeth Armstrong - 3/2 or 27/8 1749. Elizabeth Kiernan in Will.
1/7. Robert Armstrong - 29/4/1762.

Another descendant from Henry Cornelius, father of Catherine Cornelius.

Henry Cornelius.
Parents: Henry Cornelius
born 1795 in Mountrath
Died 1868 in Ballytarsna, Borris-in-Ossory, Queens Co. Eire.
Married (1) Eleanor Fitzgerald 14 May 1819,
dau. of Alexander Fitzgerald, born Abt. 1799 in Castletown,
died 18 Jan 1823 in Ballytarsna, Borris-in-Ossory,.
Burial: Family vault in Mountrath
He married (2) Unknown 1824.

Children of Henry Cornelius and Eleanor Fitzgerald are:
1/1. Henry (Harry) Cornelius, b. 08 Mar 1820, Antrim;
   d. 16 Feb 1895, Castletown.
1/2. Ellen Cornelius, b. 08 Apr 1821.
1/3. Catherine Cornelius, b. 23 Jul 1822; d. 12 Nov 1822.

Children of Henry Cornelius and UFnknown are:
1/4. Alexander Cornelius, b. Abt. 1825;

d. 16 Aug 1894, Borris-in-Ossory.
Married Mary Lalor 28 Nov 1854 in Abbeyleix?, dau. of Joseph Lalor and Mina Large, born Abt. 1836 in Kylebeg House, Borris-in-Ossory, D. 17 May 1916 in Borris-in-Ossory.

2/1. Alexander Fitzgerald Cornelius born Abt. 1860,

Died 01 May 1928 in Ballytarsna, Borris-in-Ossory, Eire. Married Mary (Emma) Jane Townshend 01 Aug 1895 in Dublin, dau. of William Townshend, born 1871, and died 27 May 1951.

3/1. Emma (Eva) Eleanor Cornelius, b. 13 Sep 1895,

Ballytarsna, Borris-in-Ossory, Queens Co. Ireland; d. 11 May 1976, Derbyshire; m. John Gillies Shields, 26 Jul 1917, Borris-in-Ossory, b. 01 Feb 1882, Gateside Farm, Galston, Ayrshire, d. 18 May 1960, Isley Walton, Leics.
4/1. Dau Geraldine Shields

5/1. Dau Rosemary (Sheilds) Cryer[viii]. Retired after 39 years with the Hudson's Bay Company. Husband retired abt 1998 - a Prison Chaplain. Resident Vancouver BC 2006.

1/5. William Henry Cornelius.
1/6. Henrietta Cornelius.

    Sat, 09 Sep 2006  rosemary cryer

    I have found that we have a mutual connection with Henry Cornelius my gggg-grandfather.  My info differs from yours though. I did not do the research so I don’t know the sources.
    I have the children of Henry Cornelius as the children of Catherine Connor- married in 1791 and then Henry married Elizabeth Orr in 1814.  Maybe Orr could be mistaken for Rogers.  What is your source?
I come down through his son Henry and his son, Alexander. Rosemary Cryer

    22 Sept 2006.
    I am thinking that as Henry’s second wife was a widow, so maybe her maiden name was Orr and the married name was Rogers. Our records show that the second marriage wasn’t until 1814 and I only have the actual birthdates on one of Catherine’s siblings. Obviously there is  more research to be done!

    9 Oct 2006 22:30:45 -0700


    I am still trying to find out who mothered Henry’s son Alexander, after his wife, Eleanor Fitzgerald died at age 24 in 1823 having had 3 children.  It looks as if it could have been Eleanor’s sister-
a) because as the 2nd son he was named Alexander after Eleanor’s father,
b) Alexander’s son had Fitzgerald as a second name. I don’t think it was legal to marry one’s wife’s sister which is maybe why I can’t find any records!

    As I live in Vancouver, and as the Irish records haven’t survived too well, I am having trouble finding out if Eleanor had a sister and when Alexander was born. He died in 1894 at age 69 according to his gravestone so c1825.
    I am the granddaughter of Emma Eleanor (Eva) Cornelius through her eldest daughter, Geraldine.

Killashandra Church:

Visited by A Maitland, 1995.
Originally from medieval times, a Catholic Church on the site of an old fort. During Reformation converted to Protestants and remained in use until 1841 when new Parish Church built.

April 2001:
Hi, Antony - I'm glad you answered! I would be willing to send you a copy of the material I have which was written by Dr. William Armstrong. It comes from the St. Croix Landmark Society Archives. Evidently Dr. William sent a copy to his sons, and the one from Thomas John found its way into the Archives, only minus a few pages (at least). I understand that much of this information is also in the book, The Dalrymples of Langlands, a copy of which is in Edinburgh's library if I am understanding correctly. But I have not been able to get the book or copies of it yet. I've also been trying to get some other things in Edinburgh concerning Dr. William Armstrong but, as I mentioned, the researcher I hired has not sent the material he says he has found. Do you have any idea who one contacts in Scotland concerning researchers who are disreputable and walk away with your money? He is supposedly a "Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland." I'd like to report him!

Anyway... When my daughter and I were in Ireland, we found first went to The Church offices in Dublin to check for "Rev. Wm. Armstrong" and found that he was not on their books. Then we found his marriage record - William Armstrong to Jane Irwin, "daughter of David" - but did not get a copy. Might you be able to send me one? It's not available here on film. We were really pressed on time. The old church is being restored, by the way, and there are still Armstrongs living in the town. We noted that none of his children were baptized in the Church of Ireland records in Killashandra and began to wonder whether perhaps this was because he was simply married in the Church of Ireland to make it a legitimate marriage (a requirement at that time) but actually attended the Presbyterian Church. We had to go to Belfast to find the Presbyterian pastors lists and church records. He was also not a Presbyterian minister. But in the Presb. church records of Kildallon (formerly called Croghan - just outside of Killeshandra) we did find the following baptisms of children with William or William "of Longfeld" as the father: Elizabeth bp. 3 Feb. or 27 Aug. 1749 William bp. 26 Sep. 1751
Thomas bp. 19 Nov. 1757 Robert bp. 29 Apr. 1762 John bp. 16 Jan. 1764
James bp. 29 Oct. 1767
There are also several Mary's and many children without parents named.
And there are numerous Goodfellow and Keirnan/Kiernan (see below for significance) and Irwin families, at least three William Armstrongs who were having children around 1745-65, and including a William Armstrong Sr. and Jr., two other William Armstrongs,  and a "David Irwin & Company" (presumably because he was involved in trading in St. Croix - see below!) in the tithe records of 1746-47. Note that the above baptism dates are very close to what we would expect for the family of (Rev.?) William Armstrong and Jane Irwin as presented in your records and those of Dr. William Armstrong!

We also found in the Belfast Archives what I believe to be an abstract Of the will of this (Rev.?) William Armstrong... It was written 31 Dec. 1801 and proved 16 Jan. 1810, which is certainly not out of the question for someone who died "around 1808" (according to your uncle's information and my Dr. William Armstrong's accounts) and whose children had all moved elsewhere except perhaps for the youngest daughter. He named his wife, Mary (the second wife we already know existed!) and a young daughter, Sarah, by this wife. He also named his eldest son, William, "of St. Croix" (and I have evidence that this William was in St. Croix around this time!), and two daughters including one we already know about, Mary Goodfellow, and another named Elizabeth Keirnan. The other sons, unfortunately, were not named. He gave his land lease at Longfield (which lies just over the Co. Cavan line in Co. Leitrim) and 220 pounds of St. Croix currency which he had received from his father-in-law, David Irwin, to his son, William, and specified that his bequests were to be given only if the children remained in the Church of England (Ireland). He also requested that he be buried in the Church of England cemetery in Drumreilly, which also lies barely in Co. Leitrim just northwest of Killeshandra. The church is there in a very idyllic setting, but no gravestone remains for William or any other Armstrongs... Jane Irwin's father, David Irwin, also left a will in 1776, proved 1777 in the Kilmore Diocese, in which he is "of Coramahon" - also in Co. Leitrim, just south of Drumreilly and Longfield and west of Killeshandra. The will was not abstracted, so we have no record of its contents.

We also visited the home where John Armstrong lived at Cherry Valley and found out that someone from the U.S. who is also a descendant through John visited there last year. But the owners could not find his name and address...

And we visited a fabulous bed and breakfast place in Co. Laois which was actually the home of Luke Flood, the second husband of my Mary Aletta Biggs, mother of Dr. William Armstrong. Dr. William lived there between about 1790 and 1800, at which time he was sent to the University in Edinburgh. That's why I need the Scottish records....

I have tried to prove all of the information concerning your uncle's write-up and have found that, for the most part, it seems very accurate. I have no reason to disbelieve it. In this first generation, the only thing which really bothers me is the "Rev." tag... If it's true, I think he was not an official pastor ordained by the church, but he could have been an itinerant pastor, I suppose. It appears that he was originally Presbyterian but became persuaded of the Church of Ireland faith, as were his children.

Oh yes - Second wife Mary remarried to a Mr. Flin(n) by the 1810 proving of William Armstrong's will....

I'd like to go back and look at more of the church records and see if I can find more information. Also the Belfast Archives. I have a feeling we should be able to find more, such as something on that Longfield lease. There was another William Armstrong who OWNED land at Longfield in Co. Leitrim, but he is definitely not our William. And I certainly hope I'm not mixing up the two. But with the will, it certainly appears not, because there are too many connections - David Irwin, money in St. Croix, a second wife, an eldest son William in St. Croix, a daughter who married a Goodfellow, a death around 1808-9, etc.

I'll look forward to your thoughts and perhaps a copy of that marriage certificate if you have it. And if you'll send me your address, I'll send the papers from the St. Croix Archives.

Oh, I almost forgot - My line of descent is:
* (Rev.?) William Armstrong md. Jane Irwin
* Thomas Armstrong md. Mary Aletta Biggs
* Dr. William Armstrong b. 1786 prob. in Modreeny, Co. Tipperary, Ireland d. 1871 Rathangan, Co. Kildare
md. Catherine Mary Taylor

* William Rufus Taylor Armstrong b. 1813 md. Catherine Greenwood
* Catherine Armstrong md. James Cady Ellis
* Benjamin James Ellis md. Miriam Grace Greenwood
* Katherine Melvina Ellis md. Melvin Miller Rader
* Gordon Ellis Rader md. Ingeburg Antonie Schmidt
* Kathleen Louise Rader (me)

Address: Kathi Sittner[ix]

18 Aug 2002 From: Tom Reilly[x]
Dear Mr. Maitland, I stumbled on your "Armstrong " information site while looking for background on my own [more mundane] Armstrong, Montgomery and Irwin Families. A few loose threads caught my eye!!
Several internet sites mention the 9 gt.grandsons of Johnnie of Gilnockie brothers of Col. William Armstrong 1600-1664 who obtained land near Brookboro’ Co. Fermanagh. Three of his brothers are said to have moved to Carrickmakeggan and Longfield Townlands in Leitrim near Killashandra.
The Godley Papers mention a 1739 Irwin lease for Drumsillagh, Drumbrick, Aghavilla and Kilbracken Townlands These are on the Godley Estate of Ld. Kilbracken as is Longfield and which the Godleys bought from Richard Morgan [once known as Craigstown.]. A summary of these Irwins is in Irish Ancestor 1990, 278 in case you hav’nt seen it. Best Wishes, Tom Reilly

16 Sep 2002
Dear Antony, Many thanks for your Email. I am a retired geologist living in West Cork and Dublin, Ireland. My mothers Montgomery family also are found in the early Killashandra Anglican Church Registers, possibly from William Montgomery son of John christened there in 1746. I also have an Armstrong grandmother from Monoghan with suggested Johnnie of Kilnockie link hence my interest.
Loose threads!!! You probably are aware of all this but several Internet sites give details [not yet checked] of the 9 sons of Col. William Armstrong of Brookeborough. Of these Alexander [1631-1721] is said to have settled at Carrickmackeegan and John [1625-1695] and Robert [1610-] were said to have died in Longfield, both these being townlands near Killashandra but in Co. Leitrim. There is mention of a lease for Longfield of 26/6/1665 [Lawchill] as held by Martin Armstrong, in the Godley papers. The Godleys of Kilbracken took over the Leitrim part [Craigstown] of Richard Morgans estate, who had bought the Craig Plantation Estate in 1734. A paper in the Irish Genealogist mentions the local Irwin family who also held land from Richard Morgan and there is mention of many Irwins in the various Woodford, Arvagh and Killegar Rentals. some probably descendants?
Have you  been through these? I will keep an eye out for any Irwin/Armstrong mentions when I start looking at Deeds etc. if you could do likewise for Montgomerys.
Best wishes, Tom Reilly.

T282/3 PRONI:
Kilmore Will & Grant Book 1720-47:
Alice Armstrong of Pullakeil, Co Cavan, Widow
Son John A, Son William A, Daughter Alice Clindinning. Son James A, Son William A, Exec Archdeacon Arthur Moore, dated 26 Dec 1769, Proved 2 April 1770.

George Armstrong of Pullabawn, co Cavan,
Wife Sarah. Son Thomas, under 21. Brother John. Brother James, sister Clandinan. Date 18 Sept 1768, Proved 1 Oct 1768.

Alexander Armstrong of Carrickkinkaggan, Co Leitrim, Gent.
Eldest adu Sarah A, Youngest dau Jane A, Wife Frances, Only son & heir Martin A, Brother Simon, Brother Thomas a of Ahvora, Co Fermanagh.
Dated 21 Jan 1720-1,

Thomas Armstrong of Aghavore, Co Leitrim, Gent.
To be buried in Killeshandra. Lease of Drumhart, Co Cavan. Wife Elizabeth and children unnamed. Dated 4 Jan 1733 Proved 16 July 1735.



Associated Families

Armstrong (Kilbracken)
Browne (Kilbracken)

In March 1858 William, Simon and John Armstrong offered for sale the lands of Kilbracken, barony of Carrigallen. The property was held under a lease, dated 1740, between Richard Morgan and William Armstrong. This lease was renewed in 1810, this time between John Godley of Killegar and Simon Armstrong. Mrs. Elizabeth Browne, nee Armstrong, with this address, is listed as owner of lands in Leitrim in 1876. The house at Kilbracken was leased by her to Wm. Murray Hickson in 1856. The Browne estate also held land in the parish of Drumreilly, barony of Mohill. It would appear that this estate was also connected with the Jones family since John George Jones (Jones of Headfort family) is described as "of Kilbracken".

William Murray Hickson was leasing the house at Kilbracken, barony of Carrigallen, from Elizabeth Armstrong at the time of Griffith's Valuation when it was valued at £20. In 1814 a house at Kilbracken was recorded as the residence of Mr. Armstrong but it has been estimated that the present Kilbracken House was built around 1825. It is not named on the first edition Ordnance Survey map though there are buildings marked on the site. A poster in Leitrim County Library indicates that it was the property of Thomas S.Jones in 1905 when it was offered for sale. The house is still extant and undergoing restoration.


Roundwood at Mountrath was another house that looked set to sink into ruin before the Irish Georgian Society and the late Brian Molloy undertook it's restoration in 1970. Although once attributed to Francis Bindon, the actual architect of Roundwood is still shrouded in mystery. It is typical of that type of house classed by the architectural historian Maurice Craig as being a classic Irish house of the middle size. As at Cuffesborough and Aghaboe the carved stone doorcase is of a different quality from the rest of the stone work. It is a nice idea that in the 18th century you could go to the local hardware store and select your particular door case from the pattern books. It was built around 1750 for Mr Flood Sharp, a wool merchant, the front in cut stone the sides in rendered rubble stone. It has four rooms on each floor with a grand Chinese Chippendale galleried staircase leading to the first floor while the top floor is served only by the modest back stairs. It has cellars rather than a basement and the kitchens, normally to be found in the basement, were in the range of buildings which remained from the original late 17th/ early 18th century house. Roundwood is now the home of Frank and Rosemarie Kennan who run it as a most excellent country house hotel, despite the odd ghostly child in the bushes or the tombstone in the stables.


1.8             ANDREW KIRK


Assumed from PR for Helen's birth. No further information.
IGI has an Andrew Kirk marrying Margaret McAulay, 18/12/1772, New Kilpatrick, Dunbarton, Scotland - maybe the same??



Issue (ref Vanessa McFarlane, an abreviated line from genesreunitied):
1/1. John Kirk, b 1775.
1/2. Samuel Kirk, b 1778.
1/3. Andrew Kirk, b 1779.
1/4. Mary Kirk, b 1781.
1/5. Helen Kirk, 1783-1820.
1/6. Margaret Kirk, 1784-1789.
1/7. Agnes Kirk, b 1778.
1/8. William Kirk, b 1790, M. Marion Sawers

2/1. Sarah Kirk, 4/11/1824-1887

3/1. M. Peter McFarlane, 1822-1892.

Died of chronic bronchitis and paralysis. At time of death was an Engineers Storekeeper and a widower. In 1851 census living at 3 Lyon St, St George, Glasgow. In 1856 at birth of son Daniel was listed as a Cotton Spinner. In 1861 census was living at 4 Church Place, St George, Glasgow. In 1871 living at 8 Erroll St, Govan and was an Engineers labourer.
4/1. Daniel McFarlane, 1856-1919, M Jane Wood, b 1857.

Born at 5, Oakbank St, Glasgow. His mother Sarah registered his birth, although she was illiterate, her mark was witnessed by the registrar. In 1901 census living at 3 Clavering St. Paisley. Died of Cerebral Haemorrhage at 2, Clavering St., Paisley. he died exactly two months before his grandson David was born. He was 63 years old.
5/1. Peter McFarlane, 1883-1961,

M Annie Brown 1885-1968.
6/1. David McFarlane, 1919-1990,

M Margaret White, b 1926
7/1. Vanessa Mary Patricia McFarlane, b 1962.

M 1st: Nigel Palmer, b 1953, Issue

8/1. Niall McFarlane, b 1983.
8/2. Sayward McFarlane, b 1985.
M, 2nd 2004, Ian Tappin, 1969-2007.

1/9. Margaret Kirk, b 1793.

1.9             JOHN WILSON

AM08/29  HP28

of County Sligo, Ireland. no other information about his life.
(ref HAP & John Armstrong 2).



1/1. Charles Wilson. died January 7/1841.
1/2. John Wilson. died in India about 1845. Never married.
1/3. George Wilson. County Sligo, Ireland. 
   He married Mathilda Burrowes
1/4. Henry  Wilson.   died young.
1/5. Marianne Wilson. Married Russell Hunter.
1/6. Eleanor Wilson.  Married John Lilly.
1/7. Margaret Wilson. Never married, probably died young


1.10         Sir MICHAEL MULLARKEY

AM08/31  HP28

Ref HAP: Irish, a Justice of the Peace, and Queen's Counsel for County Sligo.

Ref Gearóid Ó Maelearcaidh[xi], 3/2009:
have found a Michael Mullarkey being a admitted as an attorney in the 1790's in Dublin. Catholics were allowed to become attorneys at the end of the 18th century and based on his name and origins as native Irish it would seem likely that your Michael was also Catholic. As I understand the situation the restrictions against Catholics becoming KC's / QC's did not relax until a little latter into the 19th Century so it is very interesting that your man had such status.

However if the Michael Mullarkey I have found is the same as yours then unfortunately this may be a instance of exaggeration creeping into the oral tradition.

A notice in the Irish Times of 10 June 1870 for the sale by the Landed Estates Court in Dublin of the Estate of Michael Mullarkey and Margaret Mullarkey his wife of Sligo. 5 lots to be sold 5 July 1870.

See later in this paper notes on Irish 17thC Catholics




Born: 1780, Father William Haughton (who died 6/1780, no further info. Ref HP 62)
Died: 1820
1/1. Eleanor Isabella Mullarkey

************************ NEXT GENERATION ***********************


AM09/63  HP62

William Haughton was of Holly Park, Leitrim, Ireland. Holly Park was old inherited property of the Haughtons for generations. Of his marriage nothing is known. He died in June 1780. (ref HAP & John Armstrong)

There is an extensive Haughton pedigree of Haughton families, produced by the  Quakers. No suitable William Haughton is present, though an Isaac Haughton of Edinderry married an Eleanor Wilson from Westmoreland and had issue in the later part of the 17thC (NLI film P5385).

Griffiths Valuation Kiltoghert parish (inc Carrick on Shannon, 1834:
Holly Park: appears as Charles Wilson as owner, seems total about 6.5 acres, most untitheable.
Holly Park listed http://www.buildingsofireland.ie
Location on Ordnance Survey 1:50,000
Sheet No : 33 Grid Letter : G  Grid Reference : 956044
Extract of the map is held (Holly Park Map & Pic).

Had land in Chaughduff Tullylumion Lismorefir & Bahin Bog

Issue:- (9 in all, born before 1800).

1/1. Jane Haughton. She married John Dickson,

Issue :-
2/1. Mary Jane Dickson, born 1799, died March 6/1866 in

Chicago and buried in Graceland Cemetery. She married John Goodfellow, born in Cavan, the first cousin of John Armstrong. John Goodfellow was the son of John Armstrong's aunt Mary Armstrong, the only daughter and sixth child of the Rev William Armstrong. Goodfellow was a carriage builder.

1/2. Anne Haughton.

She married abt Oct 1796, William Vaugh, Irish, a farmer, probably son of James Vaugh of Leitrim. Marriage evidently had broken up by 1821. John Dickson appointed to administer the lands left to Anne by her father which had been in the name of her husband. (ref marriage settlement deed of arrangement when marriage broke up)
2/1. Margaret Vaugh, married Sans Pierce,
2/2. George Vaugh, married Margaret Hewitt. Both died in America
2/3. James Vaugh, a trader in produce.
2/4. Maria Vaugh, married Francis Erwin,
2/5. John Vaugh, came to America.
died abt 1846. M. Miss Nichols.
2/6. Launcelot Vaugh, was an engineer and died in 1852.

He married Mary Wilson, daughter of Charles & Eleanor Isabella (Mullarkey) Wilson. She was born in 1821 and died March 10/1876 at Maple Grove, Arcola, and buried in Graceland Cemetery. Further details about her will be found under subject HP14.

2/7. Jane Vaugh, married William McCormick,

1/3. Isabella Haughton.

Married Richard Jordan, Irish, rank unknown.
Issue (with additions by Tom Colquhoun[xii], 4/2006 and Danielle Barry[xiii], 4/2010):-
2/1. Mary Isabella Jordan, b Carrickfergus abt 1803,

Married John Augustus Reid, b Dublin abt 1796 son of John Reid and Miss O'Mahony. Captain, 4th Dorset Regiment, and was at Waterloo 1815. HAP has John killed at Waterloo, but census 1851 shows that to be incorrect. In Glasgow 1851. GG Grand parents of Tom Colquhoun. Nine children.
3/1. Hannah Jemima Reid, M. Thomas Parks
3/2. Maria Jane Reid ( -  dec.)
3/3. James Jordan Reid b. 1822, Dublin Ireland,

d. 18 May 1895, Nth Deniliquin
DB: .. a remittance man, who immigrated to Australia c1845.  He had a relationship with Eliza Waite (nee Keene - married William Waite in 1849 - appears William left the scene very early as James Jordan and Eliza had the first of their 8 children in 1851, a son John Augustus Reid jnr). 

James Jordan Reid drowned in a watering hole behind his shack in 1895.  Inquest below:
May 25th 1895 - The Deniliquin Pastoral Times
Coroners Inquest
On Saturday last a report was furnished to Constable Heward, the lockup keeper at South Deniliquin, to the effect that the body of a man had been seen floating in a waterhole at the back of Sinclair's shop at North Deniliquin, and that the informant thought it was that of 'old Reid.' The constable went over and after divesting himself of a portion of his clothes, waded into the waterhole, and dragged the body out. On examining the body Constable Heward found as suspected by the finder, that it was that of James Jordan Reid, a man who has acted as bellringer at Deniliquin for many years past. He was according to some papers found in his hut by the police, born in 1822 in Dublin and was nearly 73 years of age. He was addicted to drink, and when under its influence was slightly eccentric in his habits. According to the evidence taken at the inquest at the Victoria Hotel, before Dr. Noyes, the District Coroner, and a jury of five, consisting of Messrs A. J. Mayger (foreman), J. W.H Wyse, R F Jewell, James Loy and J P Macarthy, there was nothing to show that he had been drinking just before his death. He was last seen alive on Friday afternoon last by a man named John Ashton and was then going towards his hut, near which is situated the waterhole in which the body was found. So far as could be traced he only had one drink on that day. According to the statement of the police he had been paid four shillings for some work which he had done. Out of that he paid for one drink, and with a portion of the rest be bought some food which he was taking home. One shilling and ninepence was found in his pockets when he was taken from the water. Amongst the papers found in his hut was a letter from his sister in Ireland, and another showing that he had a son-in-law named Watson, who occupied a good position at Rochester, near Echuca, Victoria. There was evidence to show how he got into the waterhole, but it is supposed that he did so accidentally as he never gave any indications of a suicidal tendency. His property in his hut was valued by the police at 10s or 15 s. The jury returned an open verdict of found drowned.

Partner: Eliza Keene b. Mar 1832, Westminster London Middlesex England, d. 25 May 1876, Victoria Australia
4/1. John Augustus (Augustine) Reid b. 10 Mar 1851, Benalla

Victoria Australia, d. 16 Dec 1925, Heathcote Victoria
M. Hannah Brown b. 1848, d. 1931, Heathcote Victoria.
Issue, born Heathcote Victoria Australia:
5/1. Hannah Madeline Reid b. 1873, d. 1955, Nort Victoria Australia
5/2. Walter John Reid b. 1876, d. Bef 1925
5/3. Susan Jane Reid b. 1880, d. Bef 1925
5/4. Leroy James Reid b. 1887, Victoria Australia
5/5. Percy James  Augustus Reid b. 1889, d.1935, Heathcote Victoria Australia

4/2. Mary Isabella Reid

b. 8 Feb 1853, Kangaroo Gully Vic Australia, d. 1940, Kurri Kurri Newcastle M. Thomas Willaim Rees d. 1926
5/1. William Thomas Rees b. Abt 1873, d. 1943, Kurri Kurri
5/2. James Henry Rees b. 1875, Lambton Nsw Australia, d. 1954, Kurri Kurri
5/3. Albert Austin (Herbert) Rees b. 1881, Wallsend Sydney Nsw
5/4. Ivy Lilian Rees b. 1883, Sydney Australia
5/5. Ada G Rees b. 1885, Minmi Nsw Australia
5/6. Elsie 'May' Rees b. 1893, Minmi Nsw Australia, d. 1912

4/3. Christiana Reid b. 27 Apr 1855, Kangaroo Gully Victoria

Australia, d. 9 Aug 1917, Rochester Melbourne Victoria Australia
M. Joseph Watson b. 1848, Derbyshire, d. 1933, Rochester Melbourne Victoria
Issue Born Rochester Melbourne Victoria Australia:
5/1. Christina Fanny Watson b. 1877, d. 1959, Perth WA
5/2. Mary Ellen Watson b. 1878, , d. 1879, Rochester Victoria
5/3. Joseph Watson b. 1879, d. 1953
5/4. James Leonard Watson b. 1881, d. 1969
5/5. William Henry Watson b. 1883, Nanw Victoria, d. 1903
5/6. George Watson b. 1885, d. 1974
5/7. Walter Edward Watson b. 1887, d. 1954
5/8. Alice Elizabeth Watson b. 1889,  d. 1970
5/9. Ernest Alfred Watson b. 1891, d. 1977
5/10. Mabel Victoria Watson b. 1894, d. 1971

4/4. Albert Edward Reid b. 25 Jul 1857,

Kangaroo Gully Vic Australia, d. 1938, St Peters Nsw Australia
M. Anastatia Hickey b. 1856, Tipperary Ireland, d. 1933
Issue born Wilcannia Nsw:
5/1. James Jordan Reid b. 1884, d. 1956, Sydney
5/2. Catharine Jane Anastasia Reid b. 26 Aug 1882, d. 1944, Sydney
5/3. John Albert Reid b. 1886, d. 1956, Albury Nsw
5/4. Mary Isabella Patricia Reid b. 1888, d. 1974
5/5. Joseph Walter Reid b. 1892, d. 1960, Willoughby Nsw
5/6. Patrick W Reid d. 1896,

4/5. Elizabeth Jane Reid b. Abt 1st Qtr 1860, Sandhurst

Bendigo Vic Australia, d. 20 Nov 1942, Reynolds Street Bowen Qld Australia
M. John McCallum b. 15 Jan 1853, Nanango Qld Australia, d. 19 Nov 1927, The Reserve Ipswich Road South Brisbane Qld Australia
5/1. Stewart St Clair McCallum b. 8 Dec 1883, Clermont Qld Australia, d. 23 Jul 1911, Winton Qld Australia
5/2. Winifred Maud ('Maudie') Victoria McCallum b. 24 May 1886, Winton Qld Australia, d. , Qld Australia
5/3. Florence Mabel McCallum b. 30/12/1888, Winton/Longreach.
5/4. John (Aka Jack) Reid McCallum b. 7 Feb 1893, Winton
5/5. Gertrude May (Marty) McCallum b. 25 Feb 1895, Winton Qld Australia, d. 25 Jan 1988, Proserpine, Qld Australia
5/6. William Winton McCallum b. 9 Jul 1900, Winton Qld Australia, d. 18 Sep 1924, Ayr Qld Australia
5/7. Mary Elizabeth McCallum b. 7 Jun 1902, Winton Qld

M. Walter John Davidson b. 1871, Qld Australia, d. 17 Oct 1941, Chillagoe Qld Australia

4/6. Theodore (Theodore 'Keen') Reid b. 26 Jun 1862,

Kangaroo Gully Victoria Australia, d. 14 Jul 1862, Kangaroo Gully Victoria Australia

4/7. Roderick (Rhoderick) Reid b. 13 Apr 1865, Kangaroo

Flat Victoria Australia, d. 28 Apr 1949, Rushworth Victoria
M. Phoebe Elizabeth Preston b. 1867, South Yarra Melbourne Victoria, d. 6 Sep 1932, Rushworth Melbourne Victoria Australia
5/1. Roderick Reid b. 1890, Rochester Melbourne Victoria Australia, d. 1890, Rochester Melbourne Victoria Australia
5/2. Christina Reid b. 1902, Rushworth Melbourne Victoria Australia, d. 1966, Rochester Melbourne Victoria Australia
5/3. Jordan Roderick (Jordan Roderick) Reid b. 1905, Rushworth Melbourne Victoria , d. 30 Jul 1965, Park Melbourne Victoria.
5/4. Leslie Reid b. 1908, Rushworth Melbourne Victoria Australia, d. 26 Dec 1967, Benalla Victoria Australia
5/5. Ruby Reid b. 31 Jul 1889, Deniliquin Australia, d. 1973, Beechworth Victoria Australia

4/8. Walter Reid b. Abt 1870, Bendigo Qld Australia

3/4. Christina Wilhelmina Reid B. Dublin 1828 -  dec.)
3/5. Matilda Edith Reid B. Dublin 1831 - 1900)

D. 16/12/1900 16 Battlefield Gardens, Glasgow, age 69. M. James Pollock Browne (B.1835) Gorbals, 20 Jun 1854, son of Mathew Browne and Mary McGill.  Married 2nd Christina McDonald.
4/1. John Reid Browne
4/2. Mary Browne
4/3. Edith Browne
4/4. Jane Reid Browne B. 2 Carlton Court,

Glasgow 12/6/1868 D. 20 Dec 1947 22 Midcroft Avenue, Glasgow, age 79 years M. Peter Gilchrist Colquhoun St Johns Ch, Sauchiehall St, Glasgow, 17 Dec 1889.  B. 109 West George Street, Glasgow 27 Jan 1863, son of John Colquhoun and Elizabeth Bain. D. 23 February 1920 No. 19 Dixon Avenue, Glasgow, at 57 years, watchmaker.
5/1. John Colquhoun B. Grangemouth 23 June 1891.
D. infancy
5/2. Matilda Edith Colquhoun B. 18/7/1892, Glasgow,

116 Waterloo Street M. Robert Ritchie Queens Park Parish Church, 18 Feb 1917. B. Inverkip 1891, s of James Ritchie & Catherine Darroch.
6/1. John Patrick Mitchell Ritchie ( -  dec.)
6/2. Jane Reid Colquhoun Ritchie ( -  dec.)
6/3. Robert Darroch Ritchie ( -  dec.)

7/1. Peter Ritchie ( -  )
7/2. Dawn Ritchie ( -  )
7/3. Rodger Edgar Thomas Ritchie ( -  )

5/3. Elizabeth Colquhoun B. Glasgow,

116 Waterloo street 5 October 1894. D 6/10/1894 Glasgow, 116 Waterloo Street

5/4. Peter Gilchrist Colquhoun born Glasgow,

116 Waterloo Street 20/10/1895 D. 20/11/1895 116 Waterloo Street.

5/5. James Browne Colquhoun B. 31/10/1897

116 Waterloo Street, Glasgow 31 Oct 1897, D. 11/9/1956 22 Midcroft Avenue, Glasgow, at 58 years.
M. Janet Scott Ritchie Hillhead, Skelmorlie, 01 Jun 1927. Born Langhouse, Inverkip 23/2/1902, dau of Thomas Ritchie and Janet McFarlane. D.14/11/1989 at 87 years of age.
6/1. James Iain Colquhoun B. 19 Dixon Avenue,

Glasgow 05 Feb 1929 (1929 -  )
M. Marjorie Alice Irvine (1933 - 1997)
7/1. Eileen Jane Colquhoun ( -  )

M. Victor Moore
8/1. Christine Moore
8/2. Jennifer Moore ( -  )

7/2. Alice Colquhoun

M. John Chesney
8/1. Kathryn Chesney
8/2. Eryn Chesney
8/3. Glenn Chesney (1988 -  )

7/3. Colin Irvine Colquhoun (1954 -  )

M. Dorothy
8/1. Daniel Colquhoun
9/1. Brianna Colquhoun
8/2. Jamie Colquhoun (1976 -  )
9/2. Connor Colquhoun
8/3. Pamela Colquhoun (1981 -  )
9/3. Nathaniel

6/2. Edna Ritchie Colquhoun (1931 -  )

M. Hermann Heinrich Gotthold  Clauss
7/1. Jurgen Robert Clauss

M. 1st Birgit
8/1. Eva Catriona Clauss (1993 -  )
8/2. Hannah Janice Clauss (1994 -  )
8/3. Karin Clauss
M. 2nd Bernd  Blümlein
8/4. Lisa Catriona Blümlein ( -  )

7/2. Barbara Clauss (1956 -  )

M. Ralf Dieter  Scheid
8/1. Claudia Scheid
8/2. Annette Scheid (1983 -  )
8/3. Daniella Scheid (1988 -  )

6/3. Thomas Ritchie Colquhoun (1941 -  )

Janice Underhill (1946 -  )
7/1. Gavin James Colquhoun (1970 - 1991)
7/2. Jennifer Jane Colquhoun (1973 -  )

M. Alan Masterson
8/1. Aedan Gavin Masterson (2005 -  )

7/3. Judith Anne Colquhoun (1973 -  )
   M. Angus Forsyth
7/4. Lesley Jill Colquhoun (1979 -  )

3/6. Eliza Reid B. Dublin 1831
   M. Hutchesontown, Glasgow, 26 April 1860, James Miller
3/7. Mary Reid B. Dublin 1836
   M. Hutchesontown, Glasgow, 1859 David Gray.
3/8. Meica Laura Reid B. Dublin 1842
   M. J. D. Porteous
3/9. Isabella Reid B. Dublin 1842
   M. James Gregory 1/3/1866.

2/2. Jane Jordan, married Mr Atkins,

1/4. Elizabeth Haughton. She married Oliver Haskin,

2/1. William Baskin, married Maria Deaker of Dublin.
2/2. Mary Baskin, married Robert Thompson of Dublin.
2/3. Isabella Baskin. Never married.

1/5. Eleanor Isabella Haughton.

She married Sir Michael Mullarkey,
Issue :- (handwritten: possibly part only)
2/1. Eleanor Isabella Mullarkey, married Charles Wilson




Year 1797 Vol 494 Page 566 Entry 337087

To the reg appointed for registering Deeds & so forth A Meml of an indented deed of sett bearing date the twenty second day of Oct one thousand seven hundred & Ninety six made between James VAUGH of Leitrim in the County of Leitrim of the one part & William HOUGHTON of said place Gentn of the second part & Wm VAUGH & Ann his wife of the third part Recting a Marriage having been solemized between the said Willm & Anne and reciting several annuities to be paid to the said William and Ann out of the lands of Chaughduff Tullylumion Lismorefir & Bahin Bog situate in the county of Leitrim and also reciting that for certain considerations in said deed mentioned the said James VAUGH assigns all his right title & interest to the lands of Mallaghbawn situate in said county aforesaid to the said William & Anne to hold for the term of their natural life & after their decease to the use of the issue of said marriage in such measure as the said William should die possessed of To go to and amongst such children share and all th... which sd contained several such clauses & covenants ....... thereunto had ... off... & which said deed & meml are witnessed by .... of the city of Dublin Attorney & John VAUGH Leitrim in the county of Leitrim Gentm James VAUGH Signed sealed in presence of Jsoai BOTHIER & John VAUGH the above memorial John VAUGH maketh oath & saith he is a subscribing witness to the said deed of which the above writing is a meml & saith he saw the said deed & this meml duly executed by the said James VAUGH who appears to be executing party to said deed this meml & saith the name Jno VAUGH signed as a witness to said deed & this meml is the Deponants proper name & handwriting sworn before me this 9th day of Nov 1796 A master appointed by commission for taking Affidavits in the county & I know the Dept John VAUGH


YEAR 1821 VOL 760 PAGE 252 ENTRY NUMBER 516187

To the registrar appointed by act of parliament for registering deeds conveyances and so forth
A memorial of an indented deed of Separation bearing date the second day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty one and made by and between William VAUGH of Rockbrook in the Coy of Leitrim Gent of the first part Anne VAUGH otherwise HOUGHTON his wife of the second part and John DICKSON of the city of Dublin Gent of the third part Whereby after reciting that divers disputes and unhappy differences had for some time past arisen between sd Wm and Anne and that in consequence the said Anne had for some time lived separate and apart from and sd Wm and Anne had mutually consented and agreed to live separate and apart from thence forward and recitg that sd Wm VAUGH was then seized and possessed of The Towns and lands of Mullaghbown Upper and Lower Drumhearney under & by virtue of leases thereof to him made and that the said Anne as one of the Co Heiresses of her late father Wm HOUGHTON Esqre deceased was entitled to one undivided fifth part of the Towns and Lands of Creaghduff Lismorefin & Tullylinmore with there Sub denominations all situate in the Barony and County of Leitrim and partition had then lately been made there of and reciting that the said Anne had consented and agreed to take upon herself the B____th of supporting cloathing maintaining and educating from thence forward all her unmarried children being nine in number all begotten by the said William VAUGH and to enable her so to do the said Wm VAUGH did remise release and for ever quit claim to the said Annes share or portion of said lands of Creaghduff Lismorefinn and Tullylimnon and did thereby not only charge the same and the sd lands of Mullaghbown upper and lower Drumhearny with one annuity or sum of fifty five pounds as and for the support maintenance and cloathing of the sd Anne and her children and said Wm did thereby for ever quit claim to all or any property which the said Anne then had or should thereafter acquire and did covenant not to institute any suit against her in the ecclesiastical or any other Courts for on acct of her
living apart from him and it was thereby covenanted and agreed that in case of nonpayment of the said annuity that it should be lawful for the sd John DICKSON to distrain for the same and in said deeds are contained other covenants and agreements and said deed and this memorial are witnessed by Sandys PIERS of Lisdalkey in the Coy of Leitrim Gent & John LAWDER of Ashfort in the Coy of Roscommon Atty at law Wm VAUGH (Seal) signed and sealed in presence of Sandys PIERS John LAWDER the above named Sandys PIERS maketh oath and saith he is a subscribing witness to and did see the deed whereof the above is a true memorial and the above memorial duly executed and saith the name Sandys PIERS set and subscribed as a witness to said deed and this memorial is the depts proper name and handwriting Sandys PIERS sworn before me this 2d day of March 1821 at Drumsna in the County of Leitrim by virtue of a commission to me directed for taking affidavits in said County and I know the dept John BUSH Comr
A true copy. B CANIEN

Dublin 12/12/05:
O'Hart Irish Pedigree, V2, p26: (National Library)

The family of Armstrong here recorded, which was a branch of the Armstrongs of Gallen Priory, King's Co., settled in Sligo. Some of them afterwards settled in Co Leitrim, and after the death of Robert Armstrong, his family removed to Newtown Gore, Co Cavan.

His son John m dau of William Irwin (whose son m. Miss Haughton, who had 3 brothers George, William and John).

Son of John: Launcelot,

Son of Launcelot: Thomas b abt 1807.

Footnote: The 3 families of Armstrong, Irwin and Haughton lived convenient to each other and intermarried a good deal.

Memoires of the Family of Haughton in Ireland, by Rev WB Steele of Enniskillen. (MS9869)

These Haughtons do not seem directly related to ours, and were Quakers. Wilfred Haughton was an adventurer who came with Cromwell (listed between 1642-6). He came from the North West of England, and may be from the de Hoghtons of Preston, related to Richard Vernon, Antony Maitland's step father-in-law.

Papers in PRO Dublin, D16576-649, T7038-7059, M1936-1986 contain a number of wills probably not relevant, and a collection of estate land papers which may be relevant, said to contain inter alia, Armstrong and Irwin references.


Scottish Record Office: 1/7/93

Jane Armstrong: b: 25/5/1840 Kilmarnock FR2133
          Parents: Charles Armstrong/Alice Thornhill

Jessie Gowlay: c:11/6/1843 Colmanell FR173


Charles: c:19/10/1721 Ayr FR797
          Parents: James Dalrymple/Margaret Ramsay
Glencairn: c: 10/9/50 Monkton FR57
          Father: Charles Dalrymple
James: c: 21/6/1752 Monkton FR59
          Father: Charles Dalrymple
Charles: c: 28/11/1753 Monkton FR62
          Father: Charles Dalrymple
McRae: b: 19/6/1758 Ayr FR386
          Parents: William Dalrymple/Susannah Hunter.
Margaret:  c: 13/7/59 Monkton FR73
          Father: Charles Dalrymple
William: c: 11/8/1762 Monkton FR82
          Father: Charles Dalrymple
Williamina: c: 9/10/1804 Monkton FR376
          Parents: Charles Dalrymple/Margaret Boswell
Charles: c: ?/8/1790 Monkton SRO606/1FR251
          Parents: James Dalrymple/Jannet Dunlop
Charles: c: 11/12/1773 Monkton FR180
Macrae: c: 21/9/1785 Monkton SRO606/1FR230
          Parents: James Dalrymple/Jannet Dunlop
James: c: ?/3/1787 Monkton SRO606/1FR238
          Parents: James Dalrymple/Jannet Dunlop
Glencairn: c: 26/1/84 Monkton SRO606/1FR222
          Parents: James Dalrymple/Jannet Dunlop
Betty: c: 30/4/1767 Monkton SRO606/1FR99
Sarah: b:28/2/1777 Monkton FR180
          Parents: James Dalrymple/Susanna Cunningham

CUNNINGHAM Susannah: c: 29/1/1727 Irvine FR88
          Parents: Robert Cunningham/Isbel Bennermose

KIRK Helen: b:20/3/1783 Girvan FR258
          Parents: Andrew Kirk/Margaret McCuttcheon

Scottish O.P.R.'s

OPR Monkton SRO606/1FR99
Betty Dalrymple lawful daughter to Charles Dalrymple of Orangefield was born on 21st April and baptised on 30th April 1767 before the witnesses William Campbell of Fairfield and Mr David Shaw Minister in Cayltoonn (Campbelltown??) Baptised by William Dalrymple minister in Ayr.

OPR Monkton SRO606/1FR222:
Glencairn Dalrymple Dunlop natural son to Jannet Dunlop whom she fathered on Mr Dalrymple of Orangefield was born on 3rd January and baptised on 26th January 1784 and represented by Duncan Good.

OPR Monkton SRO606/1FR230:
Macrae Dalrymple Natural daughter to James Dalrymple esq of Orangefield and Jannet Dunlop was born on 3rd August and baptised on the 25th September 1785 and represented by Duncan McKelvie was sponsor for the child.

OPR Monkton SRO606/1FR238
James Dalrymple natural son to J Dalrymple esq of Orangefield and Jannet Dunlop was born on February 1787 and baptised in March following.

OPR: a Stair Dalrymple born 30/7/1743 Inveresk of James Baronet/Dalrymple and Christian Hamilton (689/8 FR2544).
(Sir James. 2nd Baronet, Stair died in infancy)

1     02/01/1679  DALRYMPLE   JAMES CATHARINE DUNDASS/FR1110      M      Edinburgh   EDINBURGH CITY/MIDLOTHIAN     685/001 0440 0196 VIEW (5 CREDITS)    ORDER

2     30/12/1693  DALRYMPLE   JAMES JANNET MACKIE/    M     Kennoway      /FIFE 434/ 0020 0028    VIEW (5 CREDITS)  ORDER

3     11/05/1700  DALRYMPLE   JAMES CATHRINE DALRYMPLE/     M     Markinch      /FIFE 447/ 0010 0040    VIEW (5 CREDITS)  ORDER

4     11/12/1701  DALRYMPLE   JAMES AGNES MORTOUNE/   M     Glasgow      GLASGOW CITY/LANARK     644/001 0240 0086 VIEW (5 CREDITS)  ORDER

5     24/11/1704  DALRYMPLE   JAMES MARGARET DALL/FR261 1172      M      Kettle      /FIFE 435/ 0010 0262    VIEW (5 CREDITS)  ORDER

6     24/11/1704  DALRYMPLE   JAMES MARGARET DALL/FR261 1172      M      Kettle      /FIFE 435/ 0010 0262    VIEW (5 CREDITS)  ORDER

7     28/06/1706  DALRYMPLE   JAMES JANNET HEUGH/     M     Kennoway      /FIFE 434/ 0020 0125    VIEW (5 CREDITS)  ORDER

8     24/04/1712  DALRYMPLE   JAMES JANET SANDERS OR LETHIM FR1468      U      Edinburgh   EDINBURGH CITY/MIDLOTHIAN     685/001 0460 0122 VIEW (5 CREDITS)    ORDER

9     24/04/1712  DALRYMPLE   JAMES JANET SANDERS OR LETHEM FR4283      U      St Cuthbert's     EDINBURGH CITY/MIDLOTHIAN     685/002 0150 0149      VIEW (5 CREDITS)  ORDER

10    30/09/1720  DALRYMPLE   JAMES MARTHA CRAWFURD/FR102   M      Borthwick   /MIDLOTHIAN 674/ 0010 0131    VIEW (5 CREDITS)  ORDER

11    30/09/1720  DALRYMPLE   JAMES MARTHA CRAWFORD/FR115   M     Renfrew      /RENFREW    575/ 0010 0106    VIEW (5 CREDITS)  ORDER

12    01/01/1722  DALRYMPLE   JAMES JANET GLOG/ M     Kennoway    /FIFE      434/ 0020 0215    VIEW (5 CREDITS)  ORDER

13    17/12/1725  DALRYMPLE   JAMES L.    M     Whitekirk and Tynninghame      /EAST LOTHIAN     723/ 0010 0220    VIEW (5 CREDITS)  ORDER

14    29/07/1729  DALRYMPLE   JAMES JANET RUCHATT/FR2272    M     Falkirk      /STIRLING   479/ 0080 0075    VIEW (5 CREDITS)  ORDER

15    02/12/1731  DALRYMPLE   JAMES MARY HUNTER/FR1050      M     Abercorn      /WEST LOTHIAN     661/ 0040 0131    VIEW (5 CREDITS)  ORDER

16    29/01/1731  DALRYMPLE   JAMES JANET GRAHAME/FR855     M     Kilsyth      /STIRLING   483/ 0030 0110    VIEW (5 CREDITS)  ORDER

17    19/04/1733  DALRYMPLE   JAMES BARBARA MCCLAIREN/FR4404      M     St Cuthbert's  EDINBURGH CITY/MIDLOTHIAN     685/002 0150 0269 VIEW (5 CREDITS)    ORDER

18    24/03/1733  DALRYMPLE   JAMES BARBARY MCCLERAN/FR679  M     Colinton (or Hailes) EDINBURGH CITY/MIDLOTHIAN     677/ 0030 0094    VIEW (5 CREDITS)    ORDER

19    19/04/1734  DALRYMPLE   JAMES JANET HENDERSON/  M     Kettle      /FIFE 435/ 0030 0254    VIEW (5 CREDITS)  ORDER

20    01/08/1734  DALRYMPLE   JAMES JANET IMRIE/FR929 M     Kettle      /FIFE 435/ 0030 0254    VIEW (5 CREDITS)  ORDER

21    23/10/1736  DALRYMPLE   JAMES ELIZABETH WISHART/      M     Markinch      /FIFE 447/ 0010 0474    VIEW (5 CREDITS)  ORDER

22    13/08/1739  DALRYMPLE   JAMES GRACE MCDOWAL/FR283     M     Old Luce or Glenluce /WIGTOWN    894/ 0020 0011    VIEW (5 CREDITS)  ORDER

23    15/03/1740  DALRYMPLE   JAMES MARGARET BRYAN/   M     Dundonald      /AYR  590/ 0020 0023    VIEW (5 CREDITS)  ORDER

24    23/11/1741  DALRYMPLE   JAMES MARGARET DOUGHTIE/FR4458      M     St Cuthbert's  EDINBURGH CITY/MIDLOTHIAN     685/002 0160 0009 VIEW (5 CREDITS)    ORDER

25    01/07/1746  DALRYMPLE   JAMES LUCINA MAXWELL/FR292    M     Old Luce or Glenluce /WIGTOWN    894/ 0020 0020    VIEW (5 CREDITS)  ORDER


26    15/06/1749  DALRYMPLE   JAMES JANNET DOUGLASS/FR295   M     Old Luce or Glenluce /WIGTOWN    894/ 0020 0023    VIEW (5 CREDITS)  ORDER

27    20/10/1754  DALRYMPLE   JAMES JANET STEVENSON/FR499   M     Denny      /STIRLING   476/ 0020 0134    VIEW (5 CREDITS)  ORDER

28    23/05/1755  DALRYMPLE   JAMES JANE BUCHANAN/FR4095    M      Canongate   EDINBURGH CITY/MIDLOTHIAN     685/003 0150 0110 VIEW (5 CREDITS)    ORDER

29    22/03/1755  DALRYMPLE   JAMES JANET HUTCHEON/   M     Markinch      /FIFE 447/ 0010 0516    VIEW (5 CREDITS)  ORDER

30    17/01/1756  DALRYMPLE   JAMES JANET RUSSEL/     M     Aberdour (Fife)      /FIFE 401/ 0020 0295    VIEW (5 CREDITS)  ORDER

31    17/01/1756  DALRYMPLE   JAMES JANET RUSSEL/     M     Abbotshall      /FIFE 399/ 0030 0254    VIEW (5 CREDITS)  ORDER

32    23/12/1757  DALRYMPLE   JAMES CHRISTIAN GROSARD/FR2347      M      Falkirk     /STIRLING   479/ 0080 0225    VIEW (5 CREDITS)  ORDER

33    02/10/1761  DALRYMPLE   JAMES ANNE PHILP/ M     Markinch    /FIFE      447/ 0010 0530    VIEW (5 CREDITS)  ORDER

34    10/12/1762  DALRYMPLE   JAMES ISOBEL BIRROL/    M     Ceres /FIFE      415/ 0020 0530    VIEW (5 CREDITS)  ORDER

35    03/01/1762  DALRYMPLE   JAMES MARGARET DOUGLASS/FR4536      M     St Cuthbert's  EDINBURGH CITY/MIDLOTHIAN     685/002 0160 0146 VIEW (5 CREDITS)    ORDER

36    19/04/1763  DALRYMPLE   JAMES MARGARET MILNEA/FR311   M     Old Luce or Glenluce /WIGTOWN    894/ 0020 0039    VIEW (5 CREDITS)  ORDER

37    27/12/1765  DALRYMPLE   JAMES JEAN LECKIE/FR1085      M     Kilsyth      /STIRLING   483/ 0040 0262    VIEW (5 CREDITS)  ORDER

38    14/12/1765  DALRYMPLE   JAMES JEAN LECKIE/FR517 M     Denny      /STIRLING   476/ 0020 0152    VIEW (5 CREDITS)  ORDER

39    23/06/1766  DALRYMPLE   JAMES SUSANNA BLAIR/    M     Dundonald      /AYR  590/ 0020 0042    VIEW (5 CREDITS)  ORDER

40    17/05/1767  DALRYMPLE   JAMES JEAN PATERSON/FR519     M     Denny      /STIRLING   476/ 0020 0154    VIEW (5 CREDITS)  ORDER

41    08/07/1768  DALRYMPLE   JAMES MARGARET CUNNYBURGH/FR1240    M      Kilsyth     /STIRLING   483/ 0050 0280    VIEW (5 CREDITS)  ORDER

42    06/05/1768  DALRYMPLE   JAMES AGNES WILLIAMSON/ M     Kennoway      /FIFE 434/ 0020 0391    VIEW (5 CREDITS)  ORDER

43    07/09/1701  DALRYMPLE   JAMES BARONET     JEAN HALKET OR GORDON FR1348      U     Edinburgh   EDINBURGH CITY/MIDLOTHIAN     685/001 0450 0101  VIEW (5 CREDITS)  ORDER

44    17/12/1725  DALRYMPLE   JAMES BARONET     CHRISTIAN HAMILTON/FR153      U     Prestonkirk /EAST LOTHIAN     717/ 0010 0288    VIEW (5 CREDITS)    ORDER

45    21/08/1737  DALRYMPLE   JAMES CAPTAIN     MARGARET CUNINGHAM/FR1707      M     Edinburgh   EDINBURGH CITY/MIDLOTHIAN     685/001 0470 0197      VIEW (5 CREDITS)  ORDER

No    Date  Surname     Forename    Parent Names/Frame No.  Sex   Parish      City/County GROS Data   Image Extract

1     12/03/1658  DALRYMPLE   JAMES JOSEPH DALRYMPLE/ELSPETH YOUNG FR1636      M     Edinburgh   EDINBURGH CITY/MIDLOTHIAN     685/001 0060 0067      VIEW (5 CREDITS)  ORDER

2     04/06/1663  DALRYMPLE   JAMES JOHN DALRYMPLE/RACHELL CAMPBELL FR1761      M     Edinburgh   EDINBURGH CITY/MIDLOTHIAN     685/001 0060 0312      VIEW (5 CREDITS)  ORDER


4     15/12/1667  DALRYMPLE   JAMES ADAM DALRYMPLE/MARGARET KENNEDIE FR94      M     Ayr   /AYR  578/ 0010 0088    VIEW (5 CREDITS)  ORDER

5     13/03/1668  DALRYMPLE   JAMES DAVID DALRYMPLE/  M     Kirkintilloch      /DUNBARTON  498/ 0010 0057    VIEW (5 CREDITS)  ORDER



8     07/07/1672  DALRYMPLE   JAMES ADAM DALRYMPLE/MARGARET KENNEDIE FR175      U     Ayr   /AYR  578/ 0010 0168    VIEW (5 CREDITS)  ORDER

9     05/03/1676  DALRYMPLE   JAMES JAMES DALRYMPLE/  M     Mauchline      /AYR  604/ 0010 0043    VIEW (5 CREDITS)  ORDER


11    13/05/1679  DALRYMPLE   JAMES ROBERT DALRYMPLE/ELIZABETH KENNEDY FR292 M     Ayr   /AYR  578/ 0010 0280    VIEW (5 CREDITS)  ORDER


13    18/09/1684  DALRYMPLE   JAMES HEUGH DALRYMPLE/MARION HAMILTON FR2832      M     Edinburgh   EDINBURGH CITY/MIDLOTHIAN     685/001 0090 0263      VIEW (5 CREDITS)  ORDER

14    28/08/1684  DALRYMPLE   JAMES GEORGE DALRYMPLE/JENET DEWAR  U      Burntisland /FIFE 411/ 0010 0076    VIEW (5 CREDITS)  ORDER

15    31/08/1692  DALRYMPLE   JAMES JOHN DALRYMPLE/   M     Cockpen      /MIDLOTHIAN 676/ 0010 0006    VIEW (5 CREDITS)  ORDER


Records of Sazines

Langlands/Stair Park/Armstrong.
Examination of the at SRO (30/3/94).

Langlands, Stair Park Dalrymple and John Armstrong are covered by many entries, relating mainly to SPD's mismanaged affairs.

ref Ayr 9962:
The trustees for the creditors of Major General Stair Park Dalrymple of Langlands seized 7/1/1811 (misc property in Kilmarnock) on Disp of Mrs McRae Dalrymple, with the consent of John Armstrong, her husband, Paymaster of 7th regiment of foot, Elizabeth D., daughter of SPD and Glencairn D, his relict. 3/6/1807.

Further property seized 22/6/1813.

Loan by Donald Harrow entered.

In 1816, John Armstrong described as "of Langlands", but during sale of properties to James Dunlop in 1817 he was "of Cherry Valley".

1819: seized property from SPD to General Alan Dyce.

9487: 19/9/1809: £1500 loan seized to Robert Reid, 20/9/1784, by Capt SPD.

7815: 30/4/1805:
Brig Gen SPD as heir to Sarah Dalrymple of Langlands and Dr William Park MD, her husband, his mother and father, seized 6/4/1805 in land, houses and yards in and about Kilmarnock. on Pr CC by commissions of the Marchioness of Tichfield 20/3/1805.



Irish Genealogist Magazine, Oct 1945:

Abstract of Wills from Swazey Collection.
Armstrong, Alexander of Carrickmakeggan, Leitrim, Gent.
Dau Sarah, Jane, Wf Francis, Son Martin, Brothers Simon & Thomas (of Ahavora, Fermanagh).

Armstrong, Simon of Aghamor, Leitrim, gent.
To be buried at Killeshandra. Brother John & his son Martin, and brother Thomas & his son Christopher.

Armstrong, Thomas of Ahavore, Leitrim, gent.
To be buried at Killeshandra. Lease of Drumhart, Cavan. Wife Elizabeth & unnamed children.
4/1/1733, proved 16/7/1735

Armstrong, James of Coothill, Cavan, gent.
Wf Anne (Bradshaw), 3 ch, Valentine, Thomas & John.
Bro Thomas, John & Conway, sister Margaret.
3 daus of John A of Scarvy: Margaret, Mary & Elinor.
Exec. John Bradshaw of Lysabrack Monahan & bro William of Cavin, Monahan. 21/7/1752, proved 2/3/1753.

Armstrong, Christopher of Gortemore, Leitrim, esq.
Wf Elizabeth, ch James, William & John. Son-in-law William Ingram of Gortemore. 24/2/1753, proved 26/5/1755.

Armstrong, Robert of Carrigellan, Leitrim.
To be buried at Killeshandra (where my dear father was).
Wf Elinor, natural son Frank, brother Christopher.
Exec. William A. esq & Captain Robert A.
2/1/1763, proved 27/3/1764.

Armstrong, George of Pullebacon, Cavan.
Wf Sarah, Son Thomas (<21), Brother John, James Sister Alice.
18/9/1769, proved 1/10/1768.

Armstrong, Alice of Pullakeil, Cavan, Widow.
Son John, dau Alice Clindinning, Sons James & William.
26/12/1769, proved 2/4/1770.

Armstrong, James of Lisgool, Fermanagh, esq.
Nephews John (s of brother Thomas of Castle Balfour) & James.
10/1/1777, proved 22/11/1782.

Armstrong, William of Killbracken, Leitrim, esq.
To be buried at Killeshandra.
Son Simon, Now Wf Lucy (Nicholls).
19/9/1777, proved 3/8/1778.

Armstrong, Nemon of Chapleizod, Dublin.
Military man in Dublin. 27/5/1789, proved 2/1/1790.

Armstrong, Hugh of Derrycheldy, Fernamagh
N/A, 10/1/1793, proved 22/9/1793.

Also reference to a will of James Armstrong of Killeshandra, 1797.

Irish Genealogical Office: Ms111f fol 265:
Confirmation of Arms to descendants of Surgeon Major Robert Alleyne, Indian Army (?), and to his grandson, James Robert Alleyne, only son of Charles William Alleyne of SHANNON LODGE, Co Leitrim, Dec 21 1940.
(Shannon Lodge was John Goodfellow's house in 1840's).

Irish Genealogical Office: Ms111c fol 31:
Grant of Arms to Maj Gen William Wallace Kenny 1922.
Younger son of Randall Young Kenny of Killashandra co Cavan, & Anna Maria his wife, dau & co-heiress of William Armstrong of Kilbraken, Leitrim, and grandson of William Kenny of Drumboory, co Monahan.

Griffiths Valuations & Tithe Applotments:

Wilsons in Leitrim: none relevant for Leitrim GV 1856

GV for Kiltoghert parish (inc Carrick on Shannon), many Vaugh's & Irwins in Bellanaboy Village. Some Armstrongs, but none recognisable.

Tithes 1834:
Holly Park: appears as Charles Wilson as owner, seems total about 6.5 acres, most untitheable.

Haughton, Leitrim: GV nil relevant.

Armstrong, Antrim: GV 1862, Camlin, nil relevant, but much of village owned by Rev Arthur H Pakenham.

Buried @ Leamington Priors:
John Armstrong 11/8/1830 aged 68
William Armstrong 13/4/1830, age 78.

Irish Marriages:

     Rev William Armstrong m. Margaret Tew Marlbore St, Killester, Co Dublin, Sept 1786.

PRO Northern Ireland:

Killashandra PR:
Microfilm records start in 1735, but are difficult to read until about 1747. A number of Armstrongs were active in the Surrounding villages.

Page 20:
Marriage of William Armstrong and Jane Irvin (note v not w) 15/2/1747, at Killashandra and presumed resident there, other entries had place name attached.
No other relevant entries in christenings until 1770, or deaths until 1790 except as follows:
Burial: John Irvin esq of Drumvilla(?), Carrigallen 6/10/1772: Jane's father?
Burial: Jane Irvin of Drumskelly(?) 16/5/1782.
Perhaps as the priest here, the children were christened at Kilmore Cathedral?
Other parts of the parish are Kilmont, Drumkeern, Corlespratten, Derrylane.

Land Records:
Pakenham Estate papers, Crumlin. 14630 acres, £15601 value.
     Includes maps & leases by William Armstrong.

PRONI: 13/1/99
John Armstrong name card index: nil sig
(references to JA as agent to Viscount Montgomery)
Glenavy for marriage of John Armstrong & Ellen Kirk & deaths: nil

D491/101: Cherry Valley papers: map of property dated 24/11/1801, showing 404 acres on either side of road past site of house (not yet built) & bounded by river to NW of road.  Other papers in file, not relevant to us.

D2051/2: Memorandum of Agreement made this day 9th August 1858 between Rev Edward Pakenham Armstrong and Mr William McConnell. Mr Armstrong agrees to sell and Mr McConnell agrees to buy at 1050 pounds all the estate and interests of his and said Edward Pakenham Armstrong subject to an annuity payable to Mrs Louisa Isabella Armstrong during her life and to the trusts of the will of the late Mr John Armstrong esq liable to come into force after the death of the said Edward Pakenham Armstrong.
(Louisa Isabella Armstrong was widow of EPA's elder brother, Charles William who died earlier in the year).

D2051/1: Statements to Pakenhams of tree planting by John Armstrong at Cherry Valley:
16/9/1816, 3478 mixed trees (refer Col Pakenham)
13/4/1822, 9700 mixed trees.

Army Lists for John Armstrong:
1795: Lt 92nd Regt of Foot seniority 31/5/94.
1800: Lt 71st Highland Regt of Foot, seniority 1/9/95.
      Lt Col Stair Park Dalrymple 1/9/95, in Army Col 1/1/98.
      SPD there in 1805.
1805: JA 7th Regt of Foot (Royal Fuzileers) Paymaster 23/11/1804, Lt 28/8/04.

Re: Armstrongs of Kiltoghert
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2005 15:20:33 +1300
From: "Patricia O'Shea"[xiv]

Hello Antony. I have just come across your webpage and notice references to Armstrongs of Kiltoghert, Leitrim. I have a 3xggrandfather, Thomas Armstrong, who gives birthplace as Kiltoghert.
    I have what I think is his marriage and children who lead on to my line but have just discovered this link to Kiltoghert from his Militia discharge papers.
    I'm not sure from your webpage if this is one of your lines - if not, do you have links to others researching this family? I would love to confirm the data I have.

Here is the direct line you speak of (working backwards):

Patricia K O'SHEA b 1940 Matamata, New Zealand daughter of Ernest Frederick (O) SHEA and Maisie Jean CAVANAGH

Ernest b Boyle Roscommon, 1903 son of James Bartley (O) SHEA and Jane Elizabeth ARMSTRONG

Jane Elizabeth b Boyle, Roscommon 1878 daughter of Francis ARMSTRONG and Wilhelmina LOANE

Francis b Manchester, England 1845 son of Francis ARMSTRONG and Mary Ann JOHNSON

Francis b Boyle, Roscommon 1817 son of Thomas ARMSTRONG and Catherine CARNEY

Thomas may be the Thomas ARMSTRONG for whom I have militia discharge papers. Discharged 1835. Residence Boyle, Roscommon. Age 58 yrs. Birthplace Kiltoghert. Occupation shoemaker.

All these ARMSTRONGs seem to have strong links with the Roscommon Militia/Connaught Rangers. Both Thomas and Francis the elder were shoemakers. Francis the younger was on the permanent staff of the militia and the Rangers for over 30 years.

I have most of the marriage and sibling information etc (mainly from COI registers at the RCB library) and am presently working on the disappearance of the sons of Francis and Wilhelmina - I suspect they may have gone to South Africa for the Boer War perhaps and stayed on there. This is a hunch based on the fact that Francis' cause of death in 1916 was cerebral malaria, which would be unusual given that he appears to have spent most of his life in Boyle. His Army records do not indicate any overseas service so I am guessing at a visit to his sons in SA around 1910.

In your experience, is there any possibility that he would have left a will? Wilhelmina died in 1927 in Boyle - I have visited Boyle several times, frustratingly I find out more after each visit which makes me want to go back for another search!! I'm sure you know this feeling!!

Irish Trip August 1995.

Visited Cavan, a thriving market town, much changed since HAP's visit in 1905! Its most notable feature is the relatively new and very attractive Catholic Cathedral for the diocese. Stayed the night in Killeshandra, where the Rev William Armstrong was a priest in the 1750's: Captain John Armstrong and his brothers and sister were born there, between about 1742 and 1765.
The present Church of Ireland Church is a mid 19th Century building on the Cavan side of town, and is in good repair, with a new sign and some recent graves. On the road west of the village centre, opposite a large creamery, is the old burial ground. It contains graves of both Catholics and Protestants.
The burial ground encloses a derelict church with the date 1688 engraved on a crest above the west door. It was built in the restoration style. It is overgrown with trees growing out of the walls, no roof and, most extraordinary of all, several graves in what was the nave and a family crypt. The west end has a set of steps between floors. The present floor level is well below the present ground floor.
A side room with a brick vaulted ceiling was off to one side: the caretakers said that it was said to have been used for gambling and drinking when the building was in better order (the caretaker was in her 70's and this was a story relayed from what she described as an old person in the village). On the west wall was a plaque commemorating James Hamilton of Castle Hamilton. I think that this was probably the church over which the reverend William Armstrong presided in the 1750's. The graveyard was very overgrown, but a project is in hand to restore the whole site: EEC money!
Some graves were visible, two of which were Armstrongs:
John Armstrong, died April 13 1888, age 75, erected by his son Thomas.
Alexander Armstrong, died 5/1/1883, age 68, and daughter Lucinda died 29/12/1913, age 62.
Also  John Sheridan, died 1818.

We picked up a boat at Carrick-on-Shannon. It was another busy town, making much out of the tourist traffic on the river. The Church of Ireland was not too old, but had a few graves in it of interest:
William Armstrong, died 17/2/1879, aged 7 yrs & 9mths.
Also Henry aged 1 year.
John Irwin died 24/10/1847, aged 76 + family.

We moored at Leitrim for the night. It is probably not much changed in layout since HAP's visit in 1905, but considerably more prosperous. There appears to have been little extra building recently. There is a small recently built RC church. The main local churches were at Carrick and Drumshando.

We tried to stay the night on the way from Dublin at Roundwood House in Queen's County (now Co Laois), which was owned by The Reverend William Armstrong's son, William: it is now a high class Bed & Breakfast establishment. It was fully booked, unfortunately.

We moored for the night at Cootehall, from where some Armstrongs came, but the RC church was fairly new: a notice referred to the refurbishment of the burial ground.

We passed through Longford on the way back to Dublin: the Church of Ireland Church was in good repair, but the graveyard had been let go, but was being tidied up. It was the church for the nearby barracks. We found a Little grave:

The main headstone was:
Annabel Turner died 23/6/1921, age 63
Dau Mary Evelyn Little, died 30/8/1939, age 69,
Husband Walter Joseph Little, died 2/12/1945, age 72,
Dau Norma Learmouth (Little), 28/3/1946-25/6/196
Randolph Irwin Little, 3/8/1951-16/6/1978
A new stone: Cecil Little, 20/4/1992.

Visit to Glenavy & Gartree Churches 24/9/98

Glenavy: only monument relevant:
Large Slate Monument with grave plot surrounded by iron railings, inscribed as follows:

"Erected by John Armstrong of Cherry Valley, 1819.
In memory of Glencairn Dalrymple, widow of General Stair Park Dalrymple, died Aug 1816.

Charles William Armstrong, late of Cherry Valley, esq, J.P. who died 8 February 1858 in the 53rd year of his life.

Gartree Church.

The family church of the Pakenhams of Langford Lodge, built in its present state by General Hercules Pakenham. Now surrounded by disused RAF Airfield, the buildings of which are used by an engineering firm. The monument to John Armstrong as seen by HA Poole in 1905 still exists in good condition over the arched gateway. The church was restored within the past 15 years.  The walls are full of memorials to Gen HRP and his offspring.

   in memory of Isabella
   died 9 nov 1965
   James Armstrong Died 9 May 1980.
2. In memory of our dear father Thomas Saunders who died 3 March 1889 aged 72 years.
Also Joseph Campbell our stepfather who died 13 April 1911 aged 54 years.
Our dear mother Alice Campbell who died 11 Feb 1927 aged 77 years. Her dau Margaret Armstrong who died 19March 1941 aged 71 William Armstrong of Ballynadrentagh, Crumlin, who died 15 Feb 1966 aged 71
His loving wife Margaret Armstrong who died 25 November 1990 aged 89
Erected by Herbert & Mary Freyne. (not in N Irish phone book!)

3. Hercules Dermot William Pakenham born 29/7/1901, died 2/6/1940
4. Thomas Henry P, Lt Gen b 26/5/1826, died 20/2/1913.
5. Under seat by door, relating to Glebe House,
Hon Emily, Lady Pakenham, deceased 26/1/1875, erected by son Arthur.

Inside on the walls:
1. Lt Col Charles Wellesley Pakenham, Grenadier Guards, youngest son of Lt Gen Hon Sir Hercules Pakenham & Emily, 4th dau of 22nd Lord Le De Spencer.  Born 21/6/1840, died 15/10/1873 on "Hydaspes" in Red Sea.

2. Elizabeth Catherine, wife of Thomas Thistlethwaite, 2nd dau of Lt. Gen. Hercules Rowley Pakenham & Emily died 22/1/1885.

3. Edmund Powerscourt Pakenham, 6th son of Sir Hercules Pakenham & Emily, born 23/12/1832, died India 28/9/1861.

4. Lt Col Edward William Pakenham, eldest son of Lt Gen Hercules Rowley Pakenham & Emily, born 9/1819, died Inkerman (Crimea) 5/11/1854.

5. Lt Gen Sir Hercules Rowley Pakenham KCB, Col of 43 Light Infantry, Deputy Lt of Co Antrim and for 8 years Lt Gov of Portsmouth, commanding the SW district of England. He was 3rd son of 2nd Lord Longford and grandson of the Countess of Longford who survived her son. Born 1781, he entered the Army 1803, in which he served with highest distinction, having been engaged at the siege & capture of Copenhagen 1807, also in the peninsular campaigns of 1809, 10, 11 & 12, including the Battles of Elkadeir, Roleia Viniera, Ponchal, Foz d'Aronca, Salincal, Busaco, & Fuentes d'Onor and siege & storm of Cuidad Rodrico, 2 sieges & storm of Badajoz, at the assault of which he was severely wounded. He received the Gold Medal for Busaco, Foz d'Aronca, Cuidad Rodrico & Badajoz and Silver Medal for Roleira Viniera and 2 clasps.
(names may not be correctly spelt by A3M!)
He married Hon Emily Stapleton, dau of Lord Le Despencer, by whom he left 6 sons ad 3 daughters.
He died suddenly at Langford Lodge 8 March 1850.

6. Lt Gen TH Pakenham of Langford Lodge, born 26/6/1826 died 20/2/1913

7. Elizabeth Staples wife of Lt Gen TH Pakenham born 7/3/1836, died 6/2/1919, by son Arthur Pakenham.

8. Robert Maxwell Pakenham, 4th son of Lt Gen Hercules Rowley Pakenham & Emily born 4/1834 died 26/2/1857, Lucknow.

9. Hon Emily, 4th dau of Thomas, 22nd Lord Le Despencer and wife of Hercules Rowley Pakenham born 9/12/1798, died 26/1/1875.

Visit to Cherry Valley House, 17/8/1998.

15, Cherry Valley Rd, Crumlin, Antrim BT29 4QN
Visited during stopover at Aldergrove.
Owned by Joe Ballance, who bought it as a wreck about 2 years ago on his return from 25 years in Australia as building services manager for Camden Hospital (near Sydney).
Previously owned by family Jordan, farmers in the area, and before that by the Lignite mining company, and before that by McConnels, who were there in 1905 when HA Poole visited the house. McConnels were Presbyterians buried in Crumlin Church.
Owners now well advanced in restoring the house. House is set well back from the road (100 yds), original drive was curved round from road with 2 entrances, with stone pillars at the entrance. Some specimen trees still remain in the garden.
Front of the house is now painted rendering with moulded quoins and pretty moulded (or carved) drip shields ("eyebrows") over the windows. A range of outbuildings are attached to the rear of the house surrounding a small courtyard.
The interior ground floor consists of a large hall with one reception room on either side, both nice sized rooms, and a small study at the rear of the hall. Passage through to old kitchen at the back, and a scullery beyond; there had also been a lean-to room at one side, now demolished. The staircase had been renewed, but used to be swept round at the intermediate level, at which point a passage led to the small bedrooms over the kitchen wing. The intermediate landing is semicircular with pretty moulded panels either side of a similarly curved doorway to the back landing; the door has been removed by previous occupants. On the main bedroom floor, there were 2 good sized bedrooms and a smaller one over the study. There were also attic rooms, presumably for servants. At the rear of the house, the main outbuildings referred to by HA Poole have been replaced by a decaying pig unit. The foundations of the bell tower still exist.

Cherry Valley

The following is an extract from the Ordnance Survey Memoirs of Ireland. Parishes of County Antrim VII 1832 - 1838.

Parish of Camlin

Gentlemen's Seats

Cherry valley, the residence of Charles Armstrong Esquire, J.P., agent to the Honourable Colonel Pakenham, is a modern and gentleman - like 2- storey house, pleasantly situated in the town land of Ballymacrevan near the shore of Lough Neagh, and 1 and one-eighth miles west of Crumlin. It commands a tolerable (crossed out: beautiful) view of Lough Neagh and its distant shores. There is a good deal of planting and some old oaks (apparently natural timber) about the house.

At Cherry Valley are a few old oaks, evidently the remains of the natural woods. It is within memory of some old people since there (were) more evident vestiges of natural wood, and Boate, in his Natural history of Ireland, says, "There were in his time great forests in the county Antrim, particularly in Killultagh" (the manor in which this parish is included.

Cherry Valley, the residence of John Armstrong, Esquire…

1786: About three quarters of a mile to the L. of Crumlin, is Cherry Valley, the seat of Mr. Gorman.



These notes on this family are included as background to the story of Capt John Armstrong, and his family. It is a combinations of various sources, including his own history and others found on the internet.
Much of HAP’s information came from “The Dalrymples of Langlands”. By John Shaw (probably John Armstrong’s grand-son by his daughter Glencairn who married David Shaw).
A copy of this exists in the Scottish National library in Edinburgh, and was copied by myself. Copies are also on the internet (2/2019)

     It seems probable that SPD may have been born surnamed Park, and maybe his children also. He married Glencairn Dalrymple of Langlands. He inherited Langlands from his mother's side, who was a Dalrymple. He seemed to have spent a life fraught with financial difficulties, but seemed to have succeeded in dying leaving a number of long term, unsettled debts which appear to have taken John Armstrong about 10 years to sort out.
     Some property was only transferred to him in 1805 from his parents, Sarah and Dr William Park. His property was seized for his trustees in early 1811, but the entry has a date of 1807 attached.
      A Stair Dalrymple died in the Black Hole of Calcutta in 1756, possible a brother of Sir Hew Dalrymple, son of Sir Robert of North Berwick. He does not appear in the Dalrymples of Langlands.

************************* GENERATION 8 *************************

3.1             Stair Park Dalrymple, General

From Original:

spd m 2nd cousin Glencairn (who d 20/8/1817), dau of Charles D of Orangefield & had 3 dau
Sarah d unm at L 3/5/1805 aged 24
Elizabeth Isabella d unm Ayr 23 April 1860

AF Has:
Born: abt 1750, or 1747 Ayr.  (OPR & IGI have no relevant entry – may have been under different ch names?)
Parents: Dr William & Sarah (Dalrymple) Park
Died: 2/12/1805, Ballinasloe

Quoted as heir to Dr William Park in record of seizines
7815: 30/4/1805:

A history of Lord Macloed’s Highlanders 1777-98 makes reference to Major Dalrymple’s part in the Indian actions and his later career with them until his promotion to Brigadier General in 1800.

Westmeath MI:
In memory of Stair Park Dalrymple Esq. of Langlands Ayrshire, North Britain, Lieut. Col. of the 71st Regt. of foot and Major General of his Majesty's forces. He departed this life suddenly at Ballinasloe, from where his remains were removed to this place the 2nd day of Decr. A.D. MDSSSV. aged 55 years.
London Gazette,

London Gazette, 9 April 1774:
2nd Battalion of Royals, Lieutenant Alexander Campbell to be Captain, vice James Douglas; by purchase.
Ditto, Ensign Stair Park Dalrymple to be Quartermaster, vice Alexander Campbell; by purchase.

Scots magazine vol 37, ref London Gazette
7 Oct 1775:
2d bat of the Royals: Ensign Stair Park Dalrymple to be Lieutenant, vice Thomas Erskine; by purchase.
Ditto: John Hawthorne, Gent. To be Ensign, vice Stair Park Dalrymple; by purchase.

London Gazette, June 19 1779
1st (71st?) Regiment of Foot, 2nd battalion, Ensign John Grant to be Lieutenant, vice Park Stair Dalrymple.

London Gazette, 11 Dec 1790:
71st Foot, Major David Baird to be Lieutenant Colonel, by Purchase, vice John Mercier, who retires.
ditto, Captain Stair Park Dalrymple to be Major, vice David Baird.
Ditto, Lieutenant Hugh Cuthbert to be Captain of a Company, vice Stair Park Dalrymple.

Annual Register Vol 40:
(Also the London Gazette)
Promotions Jan 8th 1798:
To Lt Col: Stair Park Dalrymple of the 71st Foot

(also William Dalrymple to Lt General)

71st Highland Regiment History:
May 1800: Brigadier-General and relinquished command of 71st Regiment.
May 1800/1 Regt at Dundalk.


Glencairn Dalrymple

Born: 8/9/1750 (OPR, of Charles D), ch Monkton, Ayr, 10/9/1750.
Parents: Charles & Macrae (McGuire) Dalrymple
Died: 20/8/1816 (internet download)
OPR: Glencairn Dalrymple lawful daughter to Charles Dalrymple of Orangefield was born upon ye eighth day of September 1750 & baptised upon ye tenth day of ye sd month before theses witnesses the Earl of Glencairn & Lord Cathcart & several others.

Note: Earl of Glencairn was Glencairn Dalrymple’s uncle, her mother’s brother in law.

Buried in Crumlin Church, 8/1816: her memorial was in good condition when photographed 4/2004.
HAP's extracts from "The Dalrymples of Langlands" gives Mrs D death as 1818, but the monument shows Aug 1816.

************************* GENERATION 9 *************************

3.2             William Park, Dr

Born: Abt 1707 (age at death).

IGI: William Park ch 8/8/1708, Glasgow of Wm Park & Helen Findlay
William Park Married Helen Finlay, 27/7/1705, Kilmarnock

At some time, this family adopted the surname of Dalrymple, perhaps to do with the Langlands estate.
A mason, master of St Marnock in 1767, then of Langlands.
Ref “The Masonic, Ayrshire”
...In 1767.. St Marnock... The first Right Worshipful Master of St Marnock was William Park of Langlands, surgeon. In 1770 that office was held by William, Earl of Glencairn; honourary members John Cunningham, brother to the Eal of Glancairn, James Dalrymple Esg. Of Orange-field etc.

... St John’s.. instituted in 1734... last Earl of Kilmarnock, William Boyd, was one of its originators...influential gentlemen...Sir David Cunningham, Thomas Boyd of Picton, Alexander Mongomery of Coilsfield, Peter Cunningham of Boutreehill, Charles Dalrymple of Langlands, William Park, surgeon...

Death Notice in the Scots magazine (rootsweb extract):
1795: Nov 29-Kilmarnock, Dr. William PARK, 88, Langlands.
Dr William Park listed as a vote of the Earl of Glencairn in Renfrewshire, 1788, Kilmarnock.
(ref: http://www.archive.org/stream/viewofpoliticals00adamrich /viewofpoliticals00adamrich_djvu.txt)

Married (AF) 1745 – no other info on this marriage

Sarah Dalrymple

AF: b 13/6/1715,
dau of Charles Dalrymple (1678-30/12/1749) & Elizabeth Cunningham (M 11/9/1709 & she d. 5/3/1748) & g/dau of Charles & Elizabeth (Wallace) Dalrymple of Langlands.

Sarah succeeded to Langlands & M abt 1745 William Park physician of Kilmarnock & had issue
1/1. Elizabeth M Dr McQuhae of St Quivox
1/2. Stair Park (Dalrymple): who took the name of Stair Park Dalrymple when he succeeded to the estate of Langlands.
1/3. Sally d unm 16/3/1822 aged 73
1/4. Margaret d unm Ayr 27 Aug 1840 aged 90
1/5. Charles
1/6. John who became a surgeon * D in America
1/7. Ritchie who d unm.

OR: 14/8/1718, Ayr, of James & Margaret Ramsay.

Issue, inter alia:
1/1. Stair Park (Dalrymple)
1/2. Margaret Park (referred to in Capt John Armstrong’s will)
1/3. Sarah Park.
1/4. Elizabeth Isabella Dalrymple

3.3             CHARLES DALRYMPLE

Of Orangefield.

Born:– OPR 19/10/1721 at Ayr. (DoL & AF: 30/10/1721)
Parents: James & Margaret (Ramsay) Dalrymple
Died: 10/8/1781 DofL

OPR Ayr:
Charles Dalrymple son law’ll to James Dalrymple Sheriff Clk and Margt Ramsay his spouse was born ?? Sept? 1721 baptized by Mr John Mcdermit Thursday 19 of the sd (ie Oct) month witnesses Wm Ramsay (or Lamsay?) Chyr Apy in Ayr and uncle to the child and John Gardner Clk Loputo?

Orangefield House


Monkton House was rebuilt by James MacRae (1684 - 1746) and renamed Orangefield as he was a great admirer of William of Orange, William III.[8] He gave the property to his daughter, who married Charles Dalrymple, the sheriff clerk of Ayrshire.[9] The MacRae Monument or memorial was built around 1750 by John Swan and is of the Corinthian style, with alcove, urns and obelisk.[10]It collapsed shortly after construction and had to be rebuilt before slowly deteriorating and undergoing restoration in more recent times. Colonel William Fullarton had acquired Orangefield in 1786, however he sold it, together with Fairfield, circa 1803.[11]
The estate was purchased by the Campbells of Fairfield and later in 1943 the building became the main terminal building for Prestwick Airport. An extraordinary alteration was the placing the airport control tower on the roof. The building of a new airport building resulted in the demolition of Orangefield in the 1960s.[12]

Married: AF 12/8/1742:
Not found on OPR.


Macrae McGuire

Parents: Hugh McGuire & Bell Gardner

She inherited Orangefield, Ayr, from James Macrae, her mother’s cousin.

Issue, inter alia:
1/1. Glencairn Dalrymple, wife of General Stair Park D.
1/3. Margaret Dalrymple, 13/7/1759, Monkton (IGI)
1/2. Charles Dalrymple, Captain in the Army died unm
1/2. James Dalrymple, (DoL p38)

DoL & IGI shows him marrying Susannah Cunningham, not a PR though.

Dalrymple, James (1752 — 1795)
The son of Charles Dalrymple of Ayr, James Dalrymple married Miss Macrae M'Guire in 1750. She was the heiress to the estate of Orangefield in Monkton Parish, and the sister of Elizabeth, Countess of Glencairn. James Dalrymple succeeded to the estate in 1785.
The 'pulse too hot' proved his undoing. A keen hunter, he dissipated his fortune and was declared bankrupt in 1791, his trustees being the Rev William Dalrymple, Robert Aiken and John Ballantine.
The house of Orangefield for some years formed part of the terminal hotel buildings at Prestwick Airport, but has since been demolished.

(This article has the wrong Dalrymple marrying Macrae M’Guire).

************************* GENERATION 10 ************************


3.4             JAMES DALRYMPLE

Born: AF 1680
Parents: AF Charles & Elizabeth (Wallace) Dalrymple
Probably a Mason.
Sheriff Clerk of Ayr, 1725.
Married: AF 1719, Margaret Ramsay, sister of Dr Ramsay of Montford
1/1. Charles Dalrymple of Orangefield who M Macrae McGuire
1/2. Ann, who died unmarried.
1/3. Sarah, who married John Aiken, ship-master in Ayr.
1/4. Margaret, who married John Smith, also a ship-master in Ayr.
1/5. Marion, who married the Rev. David Shaw, D.D., Minister of Coylton.
1/6. Elizabeth, who died unmarried in America.
1/7. Catharine, who married David Tennant.
1/8. William Dalrymple, Rev Dr of Ayr

B 9/9/1723, M cousin Susannah Hunter & D 18/1/1814. Had issue.

William Dalrymple was the younger son of the Sheriff-Clerk of Ayr, James Dalrymple. He was licensed to preach in 1745, and became junior minister of Ayr Parish in 1746, where he remained so for 10 years. In June 1756, however, he was, preferred to the first Ministry. Burns's father, William Burnes, sat under Dalrymple, no doubt approving of the mild flavour of liberalism which modified the minister's Calvinism, though never brought him into conflict with the orthodox. Dalrymple baptised Robert Burns when the poet was one day old. In 1779, St Andrews University conferred the degree of Doctor of Divinity on Dalrymple, and in 1781 he became Moderator of the General Assembly. Dalrymple at one time owned the estate of Mount Charles, and was an uncle of Burns's lawyer friend Robert Aiken.
In 'The Twa Herds' Burns depicted Dalrymple as having been 'lang' the 'fae' of the Auld Licht faction, and in 'The Kirk's Alarm' Burns called him 'D'rymple mild, D'rymple mild'.

Dalrymple contributed the article on Ayr Parish to Sir John Sinclair's Statistical Account.

3.5             HUGH McGUIRE

Of Drumdow, originally a squarewright, or carpenter, in Ayr was raised from poverty to affluence by the return from Indai with a  large fortune of a cousin of his wife’s named James Maacrae.
1/1. Elizabeth Macguire, b abt 1723,

Extract from James McCrae story (not entirely correct!):
married 1744, William, 13th Earl Glencairn
2/2. James Cunningham, 1749-91, 14th earl Glencairn

Scots Peerage:
WILLIAM, twelfth Earl of Glencairn, entered the Army in 1729, and succeeded his father in the governorship of Dumbarton Castle. He was a captain in the '7th Foot, major in the 52nd Foot in 1741, and lieutenant-colonel in the 9th Foot in 1747; major-general in the Army 1770, and died at Finlaystoun 9 September 1775. He married, 6 August 1744, Elizabeth, daughter and co-heiress of Hugh Macguire of Drumdow, co. Ayr, and by her, who died at Coates, near Edinburgh, 24 June 1801, in her seventy-seventh year,
had issue:—
2/1. William, Lord Kilmaurs, born at Houstoun 29 May, and baptized 6 June,

1748.3 He entered the Army as a cornet in the 3rd Dragoon Guards, but died vita patris at Coventry 3 February 1768.

2/2. JAMES, thirteenth Earl of Glencairn.
2/3. JOHN, fourteenth Earl of Glencairn.
2/4. Alexander, born 28 June 1754, died young.
2/5. Henrietta, born at Finlaystoun 23 September 1752

married in 1778 to Sir Alexander Don of Newton Don, Bart., with issue.  She died 12 March 1801,5

2/6. Elizabeth, died unmarried at Coates 6 August 1804.


1/2. Dau 2, who m. James Erskine, advocate, Lord Alva.
1/3. Dau 3, who m. James MacRae
1/4. Macrae McGuire, who married Charles Dalrymple.

************************* GENERATION 11 ************************

3.6             CHARLES DALRYMPLE

Born: AF 1650
Alive: 1715 when son Charles was described as “younger” at Sarah Dalrymple’s baptism.
Married: AF Elizabeth Wallace (AF b 1656):

From DoL:
Charles D of Langlands writer in Kilmarnock, in 1688, Factor to the Earl of Kilmarnock in 1695, Baillie of the Barony of Kilmarnock in 1700, a town Councillor in 1695 etc
He married Elizabeth Wallace, and had 2 sons
Charles of Langlands
James who married Margaret Ramsay, sister of Dr Ramsay of Montford

Issue (correct from D’s of L):
1/1. Charles Dalrymple, b 1678

DoL: prob b m later than 1680, and appears to have taken an active part in the proceeding os the town Council of Kilmarnock as early as 1709. He must have been married bef 1716
Of Langlands.
Married Elizabeth Cunningham one of the 15 children of Cuningham, Laird of Craigend, in Renfrewshire by Elizabeth, daughter of George Houston of Johnstone, to whom he was married in 1671.
His death must have taken place before November 1768, for there is among Mr Dunlop papers a feu contract dated 3 November 1768, between William, Earl of Glencairn (by whom Lord Kilmarnock’s forfeited estates granted) and Dr William Park, of Langlands & an instrument of sasine, dated 1769 in favour of Sarah Dalrymple, spouse to Dr William Park, physician of Kilmarnock, heir of Charles Dalrymple, of Langlands, her father.
2/1. Elizabeth Dalrymple, b 13/6/1711 m Bailie Rankine
2/2. Sarah Dalrymple, 13/6/1715

Married: Dr William Park, father of Gen Stair Park Dalrymple abt 1745.

1/2. James Dalrymple, b abt 1680 – see above


Charles Dalrymple

Born: AF 1678
Parents: AF: Charles & Elizabeth (Wallace) Dalrymple
(at daughter’s ch referred to as Charles D the younger).
Died: AF 30/12/1749

OPR: only relevant Charles Dalrymple 9/9/1677, Kirkliston of Earl John & Elizabeth Dundas. (back to 1670). This Charles was said to have died young in “Scottish Peerage”.

IGI: has a Charles Dalrymple ch 31/1//1689 of Langlands, no parents.

IGI, Married: Elizabeth Houstone, 11/11/1709 (OPR Index OK). Father Laird Johnstone Houstone (IGI).
OPR: Kilmarnock 1709:
11th Nov: Charles Dalrymple son eldest to Charles Dalrymple, Laird of Langlands and Mrs Elizabeth Houston, eldest daughter to the Laird of Jonstone in the parish of Kilbarchan, were booked and consigned their penalties on Thursday Nov 11 witnesses Adam Stuart in grange? And James Thomson merchant in Kilmarnock. And after orderly proclamation three several Sabbaths were married in the house of Jonstone by Mr ?? Johnstone Minr ?? the ???.

Laird of Johnstone’s family name was Houstone.

Married, 11/9/1709 (AF has Cunningham):


Ch: 6/6/1690 of William & Margaret Uplaw, Kilbarchan, Renfrew, William Mar Margaret Uplan 26 DEC 1673 Kirktown, Renfrew.
William Houstoune ch 5/8/1653, Kilbarchan of James.

Or: 23/11/1690 of Robert Houstoun & Isabell Crawford. – Robert s of William Houston, 21/9/1651

Died: AF 5/3/1748

Issue (ch Kilmarnock, Ayr, IGI):
1/1. CHRISTIAN DALRYMPLE Birth: 01 JUL 1714 Christening: 04 JUL 1714
1/2. ELIZABETH DALRYMPLE Birth: 13 JUN 1711 Ch: 15 JUN 1711 (AF also)
1/3. Sarah Dalrymple OPR.

OPR: Sarah Dalrymple,
27/11/1715, Kilmarnock, of Charles & Elizabeth Houston (IGI b 25/11)
OPR: Charles Dalrymple younger of Langlands and Elizabeth Houston, both ye 1st Marriage, had ye 5th child born on Friday Nov 25th 1715 & Sarah baptised by Mr Wright on Sabbath the 27th witnesses Wm Mores, Apothecary & Mather Dickie Cutler both in Kilk.

1/4. Charles Dalrymple, Kilmarnock, 6/12/1716 OPR.
1/5. Charles Dalrymple, Kilmarnock, 20/4/1718 OPR.
1/5. MARGARET DALRYMPLE Christening: 07 JAN 1720.
1/6. JEAN DALRYMPLE Birth: 15 FEB 1721 Christening: 19 FEB 1721

Johnstone was largely a planned community which grew up around the house of Easter Cochrane, later known as Johnstone Castle, seat of the Houston or Houstoun family who gained their name from the nearby village of Houston. In 1782, the Laird, George Houstoun, commissioned designs for a series of regular residential streets which now form the town centre. At this early stage of development, the town’s population including the local estate and rural hinterland was around 1,500. [4] Two mirroring civic squares were also constructed in the town: Houstoun Square and Ludovic Square,[5] and by 1794 the town had gained its current parish church.[6] Johnstone was raised to the status of a police burgh with significant local powers, a status which is now defunct.[7]

Industrial development brought both prosperity and poverty to the community. Coal mining occurred in Johnstone, although its main industry was related to the thread and cotton industries, with mills powered by the Black Cart Water which runs to the north of Johnstone.[8] As the community expanded, slum conditions formed in part of the town: the population by 1831 had increased to a sizeable 5,600. [9] This was addressed in the 1930s by a significant expansion of the size of Johnstone to include a number of purpose-built residential estates.

- Much of Johnstone’s feudal heritage has disappeared. With the death of the last Laird in 1931, Johnstone Castle found some other uses before falling into disrepair and being largely demolished. [10]



The Anecdotage of Glasgow:
Romantic Story of Governor MacRae, Donor of King William's Statue

JAMES MACRAE, Esq., Governor of the Presidency of Madras, in the year 1734 gifted the equestrian statue of King William, which still stands at the Cross, to the city of Glasgow, of which he was then a burgess.

The story of the donor, and of the recipients of his immense fortune, is a most romantic one. It appears that during the reign of Charles II. there lived in a small cottage in the town of Ayr a decent washerwoman, whose name was Widow Macrae, but was commonly called Bell Gardner, her own name. The widow had a little son Jamie, who, by and by, went to sea, and nothing more was heard of him in his native place for some forty long years. Meanwhile he became Governor of the Madras Presidency in 1725, and amassed a great fortune.

On his return home he sought out his relatives, namely, a cousin, Bell Gardner, wife of an itinerant fiddler, named Hugh M’Guire, in whose house his mother had latterly lived and died. M’Guire, the fiddler, and his wife had four daughters, who, as the prospective heiresses of their mother’s cousin, were educated and brought out in a style befitting their position. The eldest (Lizzie or Leezie) became the wife of William, thirteenth Earl of Glencairn, in 1744; and on the day of her marriage received as tocher the Barony of Ochiltree, which cost £25,000, as well as diamonds to the value of £45,000. Her second son, James, fourteenth Earl of Glencairn, was the patron and friend of Robert Burns.

The second daughter received the estate of Aila, and was married in 1749 to James Erskine, an advocate, who was raised to the bench as Lord Alva; the third daughter married James MacRae, a nephew (or, as some said, a natural son) of the Governor; her dowry being the estate of Houston in Dumfriesshire; the fourth daughter, who was the Governor’s favourite, received the estate of Orangefield in Ayrshire, and was married to Charles Dalrymple, nephew of Charles Dalrymple of Langlands, and brother of the Rev, Dr. William Dalrymple, formerly minister of Ayr.

The History of Glasgow

Volume 3 - Chapter XIX - James Macrae, Governor of Madras, and Glasgow's First Equestrian Statue

Next in date came Glasgow's first equestrian statue, the representation of King William II. and III., which stood for more than a century and a half at Glasgow Cross, but, as part of the work of widening the thoroughfares, has now been removed to a grassy plot among the trees in Cathedral Square. This statue was presented to the city in 1734 by a very remarkable personage, whose figure, as he passed along the streets in his gold-laced hat and coat, must have been regarded by most of the townsfolk with not a little curious awe. The steed and its rider were looked upon by the citizens of its time with pride and wonder. John McUre, whose History of Glasgow was published just two years after the erection of the statue, bursts into enthusiastic song on the subject:

Methinks the steed doth spread with corps the plain,

Tears up the turf, and pulls the curbing rein,

Exalts his thunder neck and lofty crest,

To force through ranks and files his stately breast!

His nostrils glow, sonorous war he hears,

He leapeth, jumpeth, pricketh up his ears,

Hoofs up the turf, spreads havoc all around,

Till blood in torrents overflows the ground!

But the actual life story of the donor was still more calculated to inspire the epic muse. James Macrae was the son of a poor washerwoman at Ayr, and was born in 1677. Against his mother's wishes, it is said, he ran away to sea in 1692. The years that followed are clouded with a good deal of mystery. The ship in which he sailed is said to have been captured by pirates, and it has even been suggested that Macrae himself sailed for a time, willingly or unwillingly, under the black flag. Ultimately he entered the service of the Honourable East India Company, and in 1720, as Captain Macrae, was sent on a special mission to the west coast of Siam. There he dealt so shrewdly and successfully with the commercial abuses which were imperilling trade, that on his return he was made Deputy Governor of Fort St. David. From that post he was promoted presently to Fort St. George, and in 1725 took over the Presidency of Madras. There he effected great reforms, reducing expenditure and rearranging the mint. At the same time he appears to have "shaken the pagoda tree" in not less effective fashion, for in 1731 he returned home with an immense fortune in specie and precious stones. In his native town he made enquiries regarding his mother. She was dead, but he learned that in her last years she had been cared for by her niece, Bell Gardner, the wife of Hugh McGuire, a joiner, who was also in request as a fiddler at penny weddings and other merrymakings, in the Newton of Ayr. McGuire and his wife had a family of four, a son and three daughters, and, by way of return, Macrae undertook to educate and provide for them. This he did in no perfunctory fashion. To the eldest, Lizzie, when she married the Earl of Glencairn, he gave the fine estate of Ochiltree, with diamonds, it is said, to the value of £40,000. The second daughter, Margaret, he dowered with the estate of Alva, and she married James Erskine of Barjarg, who, as a judge of the Court of Session, took the title of Lord Alva. The third daughter, Macrae, married Charles Dalrymple, sheriff-clerk of Ayr, and succeeded the benefactor of the family in the neighbouring estate of Orangefield. To the son, James McGuire, who adopted the name Macrae, the nabob gave the Renfrew-shire estate of Houston. The son of this laird of Houston was the notorious swashbuckler who shot Sir George Ramsay in a duel on illusselburgh links, and was in consequence outlawed and died in poverty.

Meanwhile Macrae had become a burgess of Glasgow, and presented the city in 1735 with the bronze equestrian statue of King 'William which, for over a century and a half, stood, the pride of the citizens, at the Cross. [A curious and perhaps unique feature of the statue is the horse's tail, which is hung on a ball and socket joint, and waves in the wind. Four cannon planted at the corners of the pedestal in the statue's original situation are said to have been relics from King WiIliam's great victory at the Boyne. (Burgh Records, 24th March, 1737.) Two of these cannon have disappeared. The remaining two, no longer required to protect the pedestal from street traffic after the removal of the statue to Cathedral Square, were presented to the author of these pages by the Town Council in 1932.] He resided chiefly on his estate of Orangefield near Ayr, though in the title-deeds of that property he is designated as "of Blackheath in Kent"; and he died at Orangefield on 21st July, 1744. But Glasgow was still to benefit in another detail from the wealth of the mysterious old nabob. In December, 1745, when Prince Charles Edward and his army took up their quarters in the city, and made heavy demands for money and clothing, Macrae's adoptive son-in-law, the Earl of Glencairn, lent the magistrates £1500 at 42 per cent, to meet the requisition. [It was the son of this Earl of Glencairn and Lizzie McGuire who proved so useful a friend to Robert Burns when he made his first venture in Edinburgh, and he owed his information regarding the poet to his cousin, the laird of Orangefield.] Macrae himself lies in Monkton churchyard, where a monument was erected to his memory in 1750. [Curiosities of Glasgow Citizenship, p. 29; Glasgow Past and Present, i. 362 Paterson's History of Ayrshire, 596; Cochrane Correspondence in Maitland Club, p. 123; Cleland's Annals, i. 102; Burgh Records, 2nd January and 23rd July, 1733, 15th September, 1736.]

The gift of King William's statue was all the more acceptable to the citizens of Glasgow, since it made a very elegant ornament for the front of their new Town Hall and Assembly Rooms, the erection of which followed almost immediately.


Cunningham, James, fourteenth Earl of Glencairn (1749 — 91)
He was born at Finlayston, the second son of the thirteenth earl. For a time he served as a Captain in the West Fencible Regiment. His elder brother having predeceased him, James Cunningham succeeded his father as fourteenth Earl in 1774. From 1780 to 1784 he was one of the Representative Scots Peers in the House of Lords. While there, he supported Fox's India Bill. In 1784, Glencairn, as patron of Kilmarnock parish, presented a staunch Conservative, the Rev William Mackinlay, to fill the vacancy, though Glencairn himself was not apparently an Auld Licht supporter, his desire being to fulfil the wishes of the majority of the parishioners. The appointment, however, produced Burns's satire 'The Ordination'. Glencairn's factor, Alexander Dalziel, drew the Earl's attention to the Kilmarnock Edition by which he was much impressed. When Burns arrived in Edinburgh in 1786, armed with a letter of introduction from Dalrymple of Orangefield (who was married to Lady Glencairn's sister), the Earl received the poet warmly in his house and introduced him to his friends. On of these was the Dean of the Faculty of Advocates, Henry Erskin, who in his turn introduced Burns to the Duchess of Gordon. Another was the publisher, William Creech, who had once been Glencairn's tutor and travelling companion. Burns afterwards described Glencairn as his 'titular Protector'. He told Mrs Dunlop, in a letter of 22nd March 1787: 'The noble Earl of Glencairn, to whom I owe more than any man of earth, does me the honour of giving me his strictures; his hints, with respect to impropriety or indelicacy, I follow implicitly.' Clearly, Glencairn was able to extend to Burns the benefits of his patronage without upsetting the poet's sensibility. In fact, he was to Burns in Edinburgh pretty much what Gavin Hamilton had been to Burns in Ayrshire. When the subscription list for the 1787 edition of Burns's Poems was opened, Glencairn and his mother took 24 copies. As a result of the Earl's influence, within 10 days of the poet's arrival in Edinburgh, the Caledonian Hunt subscribed 'universally one and all', accounting for 100 copies. When the book was about to appear, Burns asked the Earl's permission to publish in an Edinburgh newspaper his 'Verses Intended to be written below a Noble Earl's Picture'. Glencairn did not give his permission, however, possibly feeling that such advertising would be too blatant.
On 4th May 1787, when Burns was leaving Edinburgh he sent Glencairn a somewhat stilted but obviously sincere letter thanking him for 'all that patronage, that benevolence, and that friendship with which you have honoured me.'
In January 1788, when Burns had decided that he must enter the Excise service, he wrote to Glencairn asking his assistance in getting him an appointment.
Glencairn never married and never enjoyed good health. In the autumn of 1790 his health began to fail and he went to Lisbon in search of relief. He returned soon after landing, on 30th January 1791.
In the letter accompanying his 'Lament for James, Earl of Glencairn', which Burns sent to Dalziel on 10th March he says 'God knows what I have suffered at the loss of my best Friend, my first my dearest Patron and Benefactor; the man to whom I owe all that I am and have!'

Ref Masons:
In 1767 another Lodge was formed in the town, and called the St Marnock; but it does not now exist. Its last meeting was in 1818. The first Right Worshipful Master of St Marnock was William Park of Langlands, surgeon. In 1770 that office was held by William, Earl of Glencairn. The Rev. Mr Mutrie of the low church was chaplain; and among the honorary members were the honorable John Cunningham, brother to the Earl of Glencairn, James Dalrymple, Esq. of Orange-field, &c.


The Laigland or Lagland, now belonging to James Oswald, Esq. of Auchincruive, is associated  with the heroic deeds of Wallace Amongst the  woods of Laigland he is said to have often found a "silent and a safe retreat " The property, lying  on the river Ayr, above the Over Mill, seems to  have l>een early acquired by a branch of the Cuninghames of Capringtoun.* The first we find is  Alexander Cuninghame of "Laglane," who, in  1530, is accused, along with John Cuninghame of  Caprington, and others, of the slaughter of one  John Tod.f Hugh Cuninghame of " Laglen'' died  before 21st March, 1621. He had a son,  Cuninghame, who predeceased his father, and left  a son, Andrew Cuninghame of Laglen, who was  retoured heir to his grandfather, Hugh, in the half  of the lands of Laglcn-James, with half of Knock gulran, in Kyle-regis.J Andrew Cuninghame of  Laigland, however, did not immediately succeed  his grandfather Hugh, but his brother William, whose heir he was retoured on the 1st February, 1643. IT William and Andrew may have been sons  of the first Andrew, who was in all likelihood succeeded by William; and, at his death, he may have  been succeeded b\ T the second Andrew, who was retoured heir in general to his brother, William,  1st February, 1643. All we know of the latter  Andrew is from the Presbytery books of Ayr, in  which he figures throughout several pages. In  1642 (May 19), he and his wife, Helen Caproun,  are charged with having taken their seats at the  Lord's table, in defiance of the minister. They  were summoned to appear, and adjudged to be  censured by the Presbytery. In 1643 (13th September), he and the laird of Carbieston were accused of " wrangling and offering to strike ane  anither in the kirk of Cuilton, on the Sabbath  day." The quarrel referred to the right of a seat  which each claimed. Laigland again appears  before the Presbytery (14th August, 1644) for  having attempted to force a testimonial of his  having satisfied for his last misdemeanour from  the session-clerk of Coylton, by threatening to  cudgel him. The last time his name occurs is on  the 4th June, 1645, when he supplicates the Presbytery to permit him to " give signs of repentance  in the church of Affleck to-morrow," being on the  eve of leaving for Ireland. The property of Laigland was in all probability sold about this time, as  we find no farther notice of it as a distinct possession.



We notice this small property chiefly with the  view of mentioning a few facts that may be interesting to the local reader. In a previous part of

* Douglas's Peerage, p. 291. In 1359, the wardship of  Laiglaiu'. was sold for ten merks, by Alexr. Gelyoc, lieutenant to the Karl of Mar, who was then Chamberlain of S<-otlaiul. Chamberlain Rolls.
t Pitoairn's Criminal Trials.
J Ayrshire Retours. I General Retours, No. 2803.


this work we showed that the course of the Doon  at the foot of the river, had been changed; that  the stream flowed much nearer Ayr than it does at  present. This is unquestionable; but it farther  appears that the Doon had entered the sea in two  different directions one arm by its present course,  and the other between Cuningpark and the main  land, which latter terminating, as before remarked,  near Blackburn. Cuningpark, thus isolated, was  called the Isle. It is no described in the retour of  John Kennedy of Culzean, heir of Sir Alexander  Kennedy of Culzean, Knight, his father, in lC5(i.  Amongst other possessions are mentioned the" forty  shilling land of the Kirk-maynes of Oreinond, with  the lands and Yle of Cunyngpark"* In 1656,  therefore, Cuningpark was an island, the Doon  encompassing it on all sides. In 1673, the kirk  session of Ayr made an exemption, as formerly  mentioned, with James Gordon of Newark, who  appears to have acquired the property from  Culzean, of certain lands which they possessed  on the Carrick side of the Doon, and the Isle  of Cuningpark. It was about this period, in  all probability, and when the Low Bridge of Doon  was built, that the northerly arm of the river was  blocked up, and Cuningpark connected with the  mainland. From the kirk session the property  was purchased by Captain John Dalrymple of  Mack or Mache, whom we find in possession of it  in 1750. From whom this person was descended  we have been unable to discover. There was, in  1725, a James Dalrymple, sheriff-clerk of Ayr, whom  we take to have been either his father or a near relation. The successor of Captain John was Hew  Whiteford Dalrymple, his son, by Mary Ross, born  November 22, 1750. In 1754, when the barony  of Alloway was broken up, Gairholm and Windyhall were purchased for behoof of Hew Whiteford  Dalrymple, by William Duff of Crombie, sheriff Depute of Ayr, who, married to Elizabeth Dalrymple, was probably uncle and guardian of Hew.  In the disposition of these properties, granted by  the magistrates of Ayr at the time, special reference  is made to the right of the inhabitants of the burgh  to "wash and dry clothes at the Doon foot," a  piece of unenclosed ground having been reserved for that purpose in the contract of sale between  Captain Dalrymple and the kirk session. In 1772,  Captain Hew Dalrymple of Mack sold the lands of Cuningpark, Windy hall, and Gairholm, to John  Christian, merchant in Ayr. These lands were  again disposed of, by public sale, in 1785, at the  instance of the creditors of Douglas, Heron & Co.,  the purchaser being David Cathcart of Greenfield.  They now belong to Hunter of Doonholm.

* In 1584, this property belonged to Michael Wallace,  a younger son of Sir John Wallace of Oa-igie, who was  provost of Aye in 1550.


3.7             James Dalrymple, 1st Viscount of Stair



From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

James Dalrymple, 1st Viscount of Stair (May 1619 -November 29, 1695), Scottish lawyer and statesman, was born at Drummurchie, Barr, South Ayrshire.



1 Biography

2 Influence on the law

3 Offspring

4 Published works

5 Notes

6 References

7 Further reading

8 External links


James Dalrymple descended several generations of a family inclined to the principles of the Reformation. He had ancestors both on the father's and the mother's side among the Lollards of Kyle. His father, James Dalrymple, laird of the small estate of Stair in the District of Kyle, Ayrshire, died when he was an infant. His mother, Janet Kennedy of Knockdaw, is described as "a woman of excellent spirit", who took care to have him well-educated. From the grammar school at Mauchline he went, in 1633, to the University of Glasgow, where he graduated in arts on 26 July 1637. Next year he went to Edinburgh, probably with the intention of studying law, but the troubles of the times, then approaching a crisis, led him to change his course, and we next find him serving in the Earl of Glencairn's regiment in the War of the Covenant.

What part he took in it is not certainly known, but he was in command of a troop when recalled in 1641 to compete for a regency (as a tutorship or professorship was then called) in the University of Glasgow. He was elected in March. Mathematicslogicethics and politics were the chief subjects of his lectures, and a notebook on logic by one of his students has been preserved. His activity and skill in matters of college business were praised by his colleagues, who numbered amongst them some of the leading Covenanting divines, and his zeal in teaching was gratefully acknowledged by his students. After nearly seven years' service he resigned his regency, and removed to Edinburgh, where he was admitted to the bar on 17 February 1648.

This step had probably been rendered easier by his marriage, four years before, to Margaret Ross, co-heiress of Balneil in Wigtown. Stair's practice at the bar does not appear to have been large. His talents lay rather in the direction of learning and business than of oratory or advocacy. His reputation and the confidence reposed in him were shown by his appointment in 1649 as secretary to the commission sent to the Hague to treat with Charles II by the Scots Parliament. The negotiation having been broken off through the unwillingness of the young king to accept the terms of the Covenanters, Stair was again sent in the following year to Breda, where the failure of Montrose's expedition forced Charles to change his attitude and to return to Scotland as the covenanted king. Stair had preceded him, and met him on his landing in Aberdeenshire, probably carrying with him the news of the execution of Montrose, which he had witnessed.

During the Commonwealth of England, Stair continued to practise at the bar, but like most of his brethren he refused in 1654 to take the oath of allegiance to the Commonwealth. Three years later, on the death of Lord Balcomie, Stair was appointed one of the Commissioners for the Administration of Justice in Scotland, on the recommendation of Monk. His appointment to the bench on 1 July 1657, by Monk, was confirmed by Oliver Cromwell on the 26th. Stair's association with the English judges at this time must have enlarged his acquaintance with English law, as his travels had extended his knowledge of the civil law and the modern European systems which followed it. He thus acquired a singular advantage when he came to write on law, regarding it from a cosmopolitan, or international, rather than a merely local or national point of view.

His actual discharge of judicial duty at this time was short, for after the death of Cromwell the courts in Scotland were shut--a new commission issued in 1660 not having taken effect, it being uncertain in whose name the commission ought to run. It was during this period that Stair became intimate with Monk, who is said to have been advised by him when he left Scotland to call a full and free parliament. Soon after the Restoration Stair went to London, where he was received with favour by Charles, knighted, and included in the new nomination of judges in the Court of Session on 13 February 1661.

He was also put on various important commissions, busied himself with local and agricultural affairs, and, like most of the Scottish judges of this and the following century, acted with zest and credit the part of a good country gentleman. In 1662 he was one of the judges who refused to take the declaration that the National Covenant and the Solemn League and Covenantwere unlawful oaths, and, forestalling the deposition which had been threatened as the penalty of continued non-compliance, he placed his resignation in the king's hands. The king, however, summoned him to London, and allowed him to take the declaration under an implied reservation.

The next five years of Stair's life were comparatively uneventful, but in 1669 a family calamity, the exact facts of which will probably never be ascertained, overtook him. His daughter Janet, who had been betrothed to Lord Rutherfurd, was married to Dunbar of Baldoon, and some tragic incident occurred on the wedding night, from the effects of which she never recovered. As the traditions vary on the central fact, whether it was the bride who stabbed her husband, or the husband who stabbed the bride, no credence can be given to the mass of superstitions and spiteful slander which surrounded it, principally levelled at Lady Stair.

In 1670 Stair served as one of the Scottish commissioners who went to London to treat of the Union, but the project, not seriously pressed by Charles and his ministers, broke down through a claim on the part of the Scots to what was deemed an excessive representation in the British parliament. In January 1671 Stair was appointed Lord President of the Court of Session. In the following year, and again in 1673, he was returned to parliament for Wigtownshire, and took part in the important legislation of those years in the department of private law. During the bad time of Lauderdale's government Stair used his influence in the Privy Council and with Lauderdale to mitigate the severity of the orders passed against ecclesiastical offenders, but for the most part he abstained from attending a board whose policy he could not approve.

In 1679 he went to London to defend the court against charges of partiality and injustice which had been made against it, and was thanked by his brethren for his success. When, in the following year, the Duke of York came to Scotland Stair distinguished himself by a bold speech, in which he congratulated the duke on his coming amongst a nation which was entirely Protestant. This speech can have been little relished, and the duke was henceforth his implacable enemy. His influence prevented Stair from being made Chancellor in 1681, on the death of the Duke of Rothes.

The parliament of this year, in which Stair again sat, was memorable for two statutes, one in private and the other in public law. The former, relating to the testing of deeds, was drawn by Stair, and is sometimes called by his name. The other was the infamous Test Act, probably the worst of the many measures devised at this period with the object of fettering the conscience by oaths. Stair also had a minor share in the form which this law finally took, but it was confined to the insertion of a definition of "the Protestant religion", by which he hoped to make the test harmless, but his expectation was disappointed. Yet, self-contradictory and absurd as it was, the Test Act was at once rigidly enforced. Argyll, who declared he took it only insofar as it was consistent with itself and the Protestant religion, was tried and condemned for treason and narrowly saved his life by escaping from Edinburgh Castle the day before that fixed for his execution. Stair, dreading a similar fate, went to London to seek a personal interview with the king, who had more than once befriended him, perhaps remembering his services in the Netherlands, but the Duke of York intercepted his access to the royal ear, and when he returned to Scotland he found a new commission of judges issued, from which his name was omitted.

He retired to his wife's estate in Galloway, and occupied himself with preparing for the press his great work, The Institutions of the Law of Scotland, which he published in the autumn of 1681, with a dedication to the king. He was not, however, allowed to pursue his legal studies in peaceful retirement. His wife was charged with attending conventicles, his factor and tenants severely fined, and he was himself not safe from prosecution at any moment. A fierce dispute arose between Claverhouse and Stair's son, John, Master of Stair, relative to the regality ofGlenluce, and, both having appealed to the Privy Council, Claverhouse, as might have been expected, was cleared of all the charges brought against him and the Master was deprived of the regality. Stair had still powerful friends, but his opponents were more powerful, and he received advice to quit the country.

He repaired to Holland in October 1684, and took up his residence, along with his wife and some of his younger children, at Leiden. While there he published the Decisions of the Court of Session between 1666 and 1671, of which he had kept a daily record, and a small treatise on natural philosophy, entitled Physiologia nova experimentalis. In his absence a prosecution for treason was raised1 against him and others of the exiles by Sir George Mackenzie, the Lord Advocate. He was charged with accession to the rebellion of 1679, the Rye House Plot, and the expedition of Argyll. With the first two he had no connexion. With Argyll's unfortunate attempt he had no doubt sympathized, but the only proof of his complicity was slight, and was obtained by torture.

The proceedings against him were never brought to an issue, having been continued by successive adjournments until 1687, when they were dropped. The cause of their abandonment was the appointment of his son, the Master of Stair, who had made his peace with James II, as Lord Advocate in place of Mackenzie, who was dismissed from office for refusing to relax the penal laws against the Roman Catholics. The Master only held office as Lord Advocate for a year, when he was "degraded to be Justice Clerk" the king and his advisers finding him not a fit tool for their purpose. Stair remained in Holland till the following year, when he returned under happier auspices in the suite of William of Orange. William, who had made his acquaintance through FagelGrand Pensionary of the States of Holland, was ever afterwards the firm friend of Stair and his family.

The Master was made Lord Advocate, and, on the murder of Lockhart of Carnwath in the following year, Stair was again placed at the head of the Court of Session. An unscrupulous opposition, headed by Montgomery of Skelmorlie who coveted the office of Secretary for Scotland, and Lord Ross, who aimed at the presidency of the court, sprang up in the Scottish parliament, and an anonymous pamphleteer, perhaps Montgomery himself or Ferguson the Plotter, attacked Stair in a pamphlet entitled The Late Proceedings of the Parliament of Scotland Stated and Vindicated. He defended himself by publishing an Apology, which, in the opinion of impartial judges, was a complete vindication. Shortly after its issue he was created Viscount Stair (1690). He had now reached the summit of his prosperity, and the few years which remained of his old age were saddened by private and public cares. In 1692 he lost his wife, the faithful partner of his good and evil fortune for nearly fifty years.

The massacre of the Macdonalds of Glencoe (13 February 1692), which has marked his son, the Master of Stair, with a stain which his great services to the state cannot efface--for he was undoubtedly the principal adviser of William in that treacherous and cruel deed, as a signal way of repressing rebellion in the Highlands--was used as an opportunity by his adversaries of renewing their attack on the old president. His own share in the crime was remote. It was alleged that he had as a privy councillor declined to receive Glencoe's oath of allegiance, though tendered, on the technical ground that it was given after the day fixed, but even this was not clearly proved. But some share of the odium which attached to his son was naturally reflected on him. Other grounds of complaint were not difficult to make up, which found willing supporters in the opposition members of parliament.

A disappointed suitor brought in a bill in 1693 complaining of his partiality. He was also accused of domineering over the other judges and of favouring the clients of his sons. Two bills were introduced without naming him but really aimed at him--one to disqualify peers from being judges and the other to confer on the Crown a power to appoint temporary presidents of the court. The complaint against him was remitted to a committee, which, after full inquiry, completely exculpated him, and the two bills, whose incompetency he demonstrated in an able paper addressed to the commission and parliament, were allowed to drop. He was also one of a parliamentary commission which prepared a report on the regulation of the judicatures, afterwards made the basis of a statute in 1695 supplementary to that of 1672, and forming the foundation of the judicial procedure in the Scottish courts for many years.

On 29 November 1695 Stair, who had been for some time in failing health, died in Edinburgh, aged 76, and was buried in the church of St Giles.

In 1695 there was published in London a small volume with the title A Vindication of the Divine Perfections, Illustrating the Glory of God in them by Reason and Revelation, methodically digested By a Person of Honour. It was edited by the two Nonconformist divines, William Bates and John Howe, who had been in exile in the Netherlands along with Stair, and is undoubtedly his work. Perhaps it had been a sketch of the " Inquiry Concerning Natural Theology " which he had contemplated writing in 1681. It is of no value as a theological work, for Stair was no more a theologian than he was a man of science, but it is of interest as showing the serious bent of his thoughts and the genuine piety of his character.

[edit]Influence on the law

Stair's great legal work, The Institutions of the Law of Scotland deduced from its Originals, and collated with the Civil, Canon and Feudal Laws and with the Customs of Neighbouring Nations, affords evidence of the advantage he had enjoyed from his philosophical training, his foreign travels and his intercourse with Continental jurists as well as English lawyers. Unfortunately for its permanent fame and use, much of the law elucidated in it has now become antiquated through the decay of the feudal part of Scottish law and the large introduction of English law, especially in the departments of commercial law and equity. The Physiologia was favourably noticed by Boyle, and is interesting as showing the activity of mind of the exiled judge, who returned to the studies of his youth with fresh zest when physical science was approaching its new birth. But he was not able to emancipate himself from formulae which had cramped the education of his generation, and had not caught the light which Newton spread at this very time by the communication of his Principia to the Royal Society of London.


Stair was fortunate in his descendants. "The family of Dalrymple", observed Sir Walter Scott, "produced within two centuries as many men of talent, civil and military, of literary, political and professional eminence, as any house in Scotland."

His five sons were all remarkable in their professions:

John, Master of Stair (1648-1707), who was succeeded as 2nd Viscount of Stair and was later created 1st Earl of Stair in 1703, an able lawyer and politician, who is, however, principally remembered for his part in the massacre of Glencoe, is dealt with above.

Sir James Dalrymple, 1st Baronet, created a baronet in 1698, was one of the principal Clerks of Session, and a very thorough and accurate historical antiquary.

Sir Hew Dalrymple of North Berwick (1652-1737) succeeded his father as president, and was reckoned one of the best lawyers and speakers of his time. He, too, was created a baronet in 1698.

Thomas Dalrymple became physician to Queen Anne.

Sir David Dalrymple, 1st Baronet (1665-1721), who was created a baronet in 1701, was Lord Advocate under Anne and George I, and his grandson was the famous judge and historian,Lord Hailes.

Stair's grandson, John (1673-1747), rose to be a field-marshal and gained equal credit in war and diplomacy. He was ambassador in Paris (1715-1720), and, besides seeing service underMarlborough, was commander-in-chief of the British forces on the Continent in 1742, showing great gallantry at Dettingen. He had no son, and in 1707 had selected his nephew John (1720-1789) as heir to the title, but through a decision of the House of Lords in 1748 he only became 5th Earl, after his cousin James and James's son had succeeded as 3rd and 4th Earls. John's son, the 6th Earl, died without issue, and a cousin again succeeded as 7th Earl, his two sons becoming 8th and 9th Earls. The 8th Earl (1771–1853) was a general in the army, and Keeper of the Great Seal of Scotland. The 9th Earl's son and grandson succeeded as l0th and 11th Earls.

[edit]Published works

An apology for Sir James Dalrymple of Stair, President of the Session, by himself ... Edinburgh, 1690 (which responds to the pamphlet by Robert Ferguson: The late proceedings and votes of the Parliament of Scotland)

The decisions of the Lords of Council & Session, in the most important cases debate before them, with the Acts of Sederunt. As also, an alphabetical compend of the decisions, with an index of the Acts of Sederunt, and the pursuers and defenders names. From June 1661. to July 1681. ... observed by Sir James Dalrymple of Stair. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1683

The institutions of the law of Scotland, deduced from its originals, and collated with the civil, canon and feudal laws; and with the customs of neighbouring nations ... . Edinburgh, 1681 (which includes his:Modus litigandi, or form of process observed before the Lords of Council and Session in Scotland. Edinburgh, 1681)

The institutions of the law of Scotland, deduced from its originals, and collated with the civil, canon and feudal laws, and with the customs of neighbouring nations. 2nd ed. Edinburgh, 1693

The institutions of the law of Scotland, deduced from its originals, and collated with the civil, and feudal-laws, and with the customs of neighbouring nations. 3rd ed. Edinburgh, 1759

The institutions of the law of Scotland deduced from its originals and collated with the civil, canon and feudal laws and with the customs of neighbouring nations. New ed. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1832.

The institutions of the law of Scotland deduced from its originals, and collated with the civil, canon and feudal laws, and with the customs of neighbouring nations … ; edited by David M. Walker. Edinburgh : University Presses of Edinburgh and Glasgow, 1981. ISBN 0-85224-397-9 (Text based on the 1693 edition)

The laws of Scotland : Stair memorial encyclopaedia. Edinburgh : Butterworths, 1999-

Physiologia nova experimentalis in qua generales notiones Aristotelis, Epicuri, & Cartesii supplentur errores deteguntur & emendantur …. Lugduni-Batavorum [Leiden], [1686]


1Sir Walter Scott took the plot of his Bride of Lammermoor from this incident, but he disclaimed any intention of making Lord Stair the basis for Sir William Ashton.


This article incorporates text from the Encyclopædia Britannica, Eleventh Edition, a publication now in the public domain.

[edit]Further reading

J.M. Graham: Annals and correspondence of the Viscount and the first and second Earls of Stair, Edinburgh, 1875, 2 volumes.

AJG Mackay, Memoir of Sir James Dalrymple, first Viscount Stair ...: a study in the history of Scotland and Scotch law during the seventeenth century. Edinburgh, 1873

Sir James Balfour PaulThe Scots' Peerage, founded on Wood's edition of Sir Robert Douglas's Peerage of Scotland, Edinburgh, 9 vols., 1904-1914

[edit]External links

The Stair Society - founded in 1934 "to encourage the study and to advance the knowledge of Scots law."

Legal offices

Preceded by
Sir John Gilmour of Craigmillar

Lord President of the Court of Session

Succeeded by
The Earl of Aberdeen

Preceded by
Sir George Lockhart of Carnwath

Lord President of the Court of Session

Succeeded by
Lord North Berwick

Peerage of Scotland

Preceded by
New Creation

Viscount of Stair

Succeeded by
John Dalrymple


4        The Armstrong of Deans Hill Papers (D/3737)



The papers of the Armstrong family of Deans Hill (i.e. the former Church of Ireland Deanery, on the outskirts of Armagh City) consist of c.5,000 documents and volumes, almost all of them documents, spanning the period 1823-1960, but principally that between 1850 and 1940.

Papers and background notes
There is a small quantity of estate material comprising rentals, accounts, receipts, bank books, investment ledgers, deeds, etc, 1823-1825 and c.1850-1960, the rentals relating mainly to Balteagh, Carricklane, Derryhaw, Lisslanly, Killylea, Doogary and Naul, parish of Tynan, Co. Armagh, and to property in Armagh City, but also to Boolabwee and Coolaneqague, Co. Cork, Cloonbearla, Co. Longford ('the Bawn estate'), and town property on Usher's Quay, Dublin. The main component of the archive, however, is correspondence covering the period 1820-1940 and deriving mainly from two generations of the family, William Jones Armstrong of Kippure Park, Blessington, Co. Wicklow, and subsequently of Glenaule, Mount Irwin and Killylea, Co. Armagh (1794-1872), and his two sons, William Fortescue and Henry Bruce.

The papers include (D/3737/J) a sub-section on family history, biographies and obituaries of members of the family, etc, some of which provide useful introductory information. Among this material is a draft biographical notice of himself compiled by William Jones Armstrong, [c.1860?], presumably for insertion in some work of reference:

'Armstrong, William Jones, of Killylea, Co. Armagh, eldest son of the late Rev. W.J. Armstrong, Rector of the Union of Termonfeckin, Co. Louth, [who had] married in 1784 Margaret, daughter of Alderman John Tew of Dublin, sister to Helen, wife to the Rev. Sir James M. Stronge, Bt. ...
Alderman John Tew, who died in 1771, had by his wife, Margaret Maxwell of Fellows Hall, Co. Armagh: ... Robert Tew, 49[th] Foot, died unmarried ... in 1809; Grace Tew, died in 1840; Elizabeth Tew, married to Gerald Fortescue Esq., Ulster King at Arms and elder brother of Rear-Admiral Sir Chichester Fortescue, R.N., and had issue Thomas, Commissioner at Delhi, and daughter Anne, married to William Hopkyns Northey, [?Tring], Bucks, and secondly to the Rev. Blackhall Vincent; Margaret Tew, widow of the Rev. William Jones Armstrong; and Helen, married firstly to the Rev. Sir J. M. Stronge, Bt, and secondly William Holmes, M.P., Treasurer of H.M. Ordnance. ...

[William Jones Armstrong was] born 1794, succeeded 1825, married 1842 Frances Elizabeth, Lady McCreagh, relict of the late Colonel Sir Michael McCreagh, C.B., K.C.H., etc, and only daughter of Major C. Wilson, 22nd foot; educated at the Royal School of Dungannon and is B.A. and M.A. of the University of Dublin; called to the Irish and English Bar; appointed King's Advocate and Colonel of Militia in 1819 and subsequently A.D.C. to Governor Bentinck, Deputy Colonial Secretary, King's Receiver-General, etc, etc, in the colonies of Demerera and Essequibo, South America, in 1820; has been a magistrate of the county of Wicklow and is a magistrate and Deputy-Lieutenant of Armagh County, of which he was High Sheriff in 1840.

This family is another branch of the ancient Border family of Armstrong, deriving traditionally from a common ancestor with the King's County family, [and] is maternally descended from the second branch of the Maxwells of Farnham ... . William Armstrong by Jane Garvey, his wife, was father of Edward Armstrong Esq., who married in 1760 Grace Jones, descended traditionally from Colonel Michael Jones, Commander-in-Chief of the Parliamentary Forces in Leinster and Governor of Dublin, A.D. 1649, an officer much in the confidence of the Protector Cromwell and ancestral [sic] to some of the Jones families settled in Leitrim and Sligo. He had two sons, William Jones and Edward.

The elder, the Rev. William Jones Armstrong, married as above and had issue: William Jones, now of Killylea; second, John Tew, who married Anne, daughter of Ralph Tew of Roddinstown, Co. Meath, and had issue: Maxwell, John, Thomas and Anne; thirdly, Thomas Knox of Fellows Hall, a magistrate of Co. Armagh, who married Catherine Frances, second daughter of Wallop Brabazon of Rath House, Co. Louth, by Jane, his first wife, daughter of Josias Dupre of Milton Park, Bucks, and died in Rome in January 1840, leaving Jane, Rebecca and Diana Lucinda; Helen, married to the Rev. John Kerr; Archibald, Captain 26[th] Madras Fusiliers; and John, also Lieutenant in the 26[th] East India Native Infantry; Anne married to Walter Newton, Womersley Grove, Pontefract, formerly of the 21[st] Light Dragoons, and has issue three sons and four daughters; Diana Jane, died unmarried. ...'

D/3737/J also contains a newspaper report of Senator H.B. Armstrong's retirement from one of his county offices, in 1931, which makes incidental mention of a number of other positions in public life which he filled:

'Senator H. B. Armstrong ..., H.M.L., has retired from the chairmanship of the County Armagh Regional Education Committee, a position he has held since the committee was formed under the Education Act of 1923. Senator Armstrong devoted a great deal of time to educational matters throughout the county, and he led the committee to undertaken the erection of many fine new schools ... . He is now 87 years of age, and in 1873 he became a member of the grand jury of Co. Armagh. He was an original member of the County Council when it was formed in 1899 [and Chairman of its Finance Committee, 1899-1920], and he remained a member until 1920. From 1906 till 1909 he was Vice-Chairman, and Chairman from 1909 till his retirement. In 1875 Senator Armstrong was High Sheriff of Co. Armagh and in 1894 he filled the same office in Longford. In 1920 he became a member of the Senate of Queen's University [Belfast], and in 1921 was returned unopposed to represent Mid-Armagh in the Imperial Parliament. For a quarter of a century [actually, 1897-1921] he has been a member of the Representative Body of the Church of Ireland. In his earlier days he travelled extensively in the East and Far East. Just this week he has been appointed Vice-Chairman of the Board of Governors of Armagh Royal School.'

These biographical, genealogical and official details are important to an understanding of the connections subsisting between the Armstrongs and their correspondents and of the various public offices which the correspondence reflects.

The correspondence of William Jones Armstrong (1794-1872) runs from 1820 to 1872 and relates initially to Guyana, where he held office in the 1820s as King's Advocate in Berbice and Deputy Colonial Secretary in Demerera and Essequibo. Thereafter, it relates to Armagh estate business and to landlord-tenant relations generally, to the situation of those who, like Armstrong, were chief tenants of Trinity College, Dublin, to railway development in Ulster, to the affairs of Armstrong's family and friends (notably Thomas Fortescue of Suffolk Hall, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire), and to Armstrong's quarrel in 1865 with his younger brother and solicitor, John Tew Armstrong of Dominick Street, Dublin.
The few letters and papers, 1860-1871, of Armstrong's elder son, Lieutenant William Fortescue Armstrong (b. 1843; d. 18710, are mainly about business, social events and his short-lived career in the 7th Hussars in India.

The numerous letters and papers, 1868-1943, of Armstrong's younger son and successor, Senator the Rt Hon. Henry Bruce Armstrong, H.M.L., of Killylea and Deans Hill, Co. Armagh (1844-1943), concern family, estate and financial affairs, the situation of the tenants of T.C.D. under the successive Land Acts, Land Purchase generally, Armstrong's youthful career at the Inner Temple and the London Bar and youthful travels in North America, India, China and Japan, the financial and Co. Wexford estate affairs of Thomas Fortescue (his mother's first cousin), which occupied Armstrong as an executor from Fortescue's death in 1872 until 1902, Co. Armagh local politics and administration (from 1873, when Armstrong first served on the grand jury to 1939, when he retired as H.M.L. for the county), the Co. Longford shrievalty (which he held in 1894), the Irish Convention, 1917-1918 (of which he was a member), his service as a Unionist M.P. for Mid-Armagh at Westminster, 1921-1922, and as a Senator, Privy Councillor and Lord Justice (in the absence of the Governor) of Northern Ireland, 1921-1938, the affairs of the Church of Ireland, in the archdiocese of Armagh and generally, and architectural operations or projects involving Armagh Cathedral and Infirmary, Deans Hill, Killymoon Castle (Cookstown, Co. Tyrone), Killylea Church and the Usher's Quay property in Dublin. (Armstrong bought Deans Hill from the Representative Church Body of the Church of Ireland in 1888, and moved in as soon as alterations and refurbishments permitted.)

Among Armstrong's noteworthy correspondents are: J.T. Agg-Gardner, M.P. for Cheltenham, 1874-1880, 1885-1892 and 1900-1906, and other members of his family, 1877-1921; William Alexander, Archbishop of Armagh, 1896-1911 (the letters cover roughly the same period); Frederick A. Butler, a Dublin-based architect, who attended to the Usher's Quay property of H.B. Armstrong as well as being concerned with various architectural commissions in Armagh (the cathedral and infirmary, Killylea Church, etc), 1869-1890; Sir John B. Lonsdale, Bt, H.M.L for the county, 1910-1924; the Hon. Albert D. Ryder, a friend of Armstrong's at Trinity College, Cambridge, and his companion on some of his foreign travels, c.1870-1881; Charles Vane-Tempest-Stewart, 7th Marquess of Londonderry, Leader of the Northern Ireland Senate and Northern Ireland Minister of Education, 1927-1931; and H.D. Traill of The St James's Gazette, c.1875-1885.

In addition, there are diaries and correspondence, c.1910-1950, of Armstrong's daughter, Miss Margaret Armstrong, a few letters and papers, 1949-1953, of his grandson and successor, Capt. Michael H. Armstrong, M.B.D., D.L. (1924-1982), and sundry newspapers, newspaper cuttings, photographs and printed matter, c.1860-c.1940, mainly bearing on Co. Armagh and local Unionist politics.

A.P.W. Malcomson

Armstrong Papers (D3727)

Table of Contents
Papers and background notes3

Armstrong (of Deans Hill) Papers
Public Record Office of Northern Ireland 2
The papers of the Armstrong family of Deans Hill (i.e. the former Church of Ireland Deanery, on the outskirts of Armagh City) consist of c.5,000 documents and volumes, almost all of them documents, spanning the period 1823-1960, but principally that between 1850 and 1940.
Crown Copyright 2007

Armstrong (of Deans Hill) Papers
Public Record Office of Northern Ireland 3
Papers and background notes
There is a small quantity of estate material comprising rentals, accounts, receipts, bank books, investment ledgers, deeds, etc, 1823-1825 and c.1850-1960, the rentals relating mainly to Balteagh, Carricklane, Derryhaw, Lisslanly, Killylea, Doogary and Naul, parish of Tynan, Co. Armagh, and to property in Armagh City, but also to Boolabwee and Coolaneqague, Co. Cork, Cloonbearla, Co. Longford ('the Bawn estate'), and town

property on Usher's Quay, Dublin. The main component of the archive, however, is correspondence covering the period 1820-1940 and deriving mainly from two generations of the family, William Jones Armstrong of Kippure Park, Blessington, Co. Wicklow, and subsequently of Glenaule, Mount Irwin and Killylea, Co. Armagh (1794-1872), and his two sons, William Fortescue and Henry Bruce.
The papers include (D3727/J) a sub-section on family history, biographies and obituaries of members of the family, etc, some of which provide useful introductory information. Among this material is a draft biographical notice of himself compiled by William Jones Armstrong, [c.1860?], presumably for insertion in some work of reference:
'Armstrong, William Jones, of Killylea, Co. Armagh, eldest son of the late Rev. W.J. Armstrong, Rector of the Union of Termonfeckin, Co. Louth, [who had] married in 1784 Margaret, daughter of Alderman John Tew of Dublin, sister to Helen, wife to the Rev. Sir James M. Stronge, Bt. ...
Alderman John Tew, who died in 1771, had by his wife, Margaret Maxwell of Fellows Hall, Co. Armagh:... Robert Tew, 49[th] Foot, died unmarried ... in 1809; Grace Tew, died in 1840; Elizabeth Tew, married to Gerald Fortescue Esq., Ulster King at Arms and elder brother of Rear-Admiral Sir Chichester Fortescue, R.N., and had issue Thomas, Commissioner at Delhi, and daughter Anne, married to William Hopkyns Northey, [?Tring], Bucks, and secondly to the Rev. Blackhall Vincent; Margaret Tew, widow of the Rev. William Jones Armstrong; and Helen, married firstly to the Rev. Sir J.M. Stronge, Bt, and secondly William Holmes, M.P., Treasurer of H.M. Ordnance. ...
[William Jones Armstrong was] born 1794, succeeded 1825, married 1842 Frances Elizabeth, Lady McCreagh, relict of the late Colonel Sir Michael McCreagh, C.B., K.C.H., etc, and only daughter of Major C. Wilson, 22nd foot; educated at the Royal School of Dungannon and is B.A. and M.A. of the University of Dublin; called to the Irish and English Bar; appointed King's Advocate and Colonel of Militia in 1819 and subsequently A.D.C. to Governor Bentinck, Deputy Colonial Secretary, King's Receiver-General, etc, etc, in the colonies of Demerera and Essequibo, South America, in 1820; has been a magistrate of the county of Wicklow and is a magistrate and Deputy-Lieutenant of Armagh County, of which he was High Sheriff in 1840.
This family is another branch of the ancient Border family of Armstrong, deriving traditionally from a common ancestor with the King's County family, [and] is maternally descended from the second branch of the Maxwells of Farnham ... . William Armstrong Crown Copyright 2007
Armstrong (of Deans Hill) Papers Public Record Office of Northern Ireland 4
by Jane Garvey, his wife, was father of Edward Armstrong Esq., who married in 1760 Grace Jones, descended traditionally from Colonel Michael Jones, Commander-in-Chief of the Parliamentary Forces in Leinster and Governor of Dublin, A.D. 1649, an officer much in the confidence of the Protector Cromwell and ancestral [sic] to some of the Jones families settled in Leitrim and Sligo. He had two sons, William Jones and Edward.
The elder, the Rev. William Jones Armstrong, married as above and had issue: William Jones, now of Killylea; second, John Tew, who married Anne, daughter of Ralph Tew of Roddinstown, Co. Meath, and had issue: Maxwell, John, Thomas and Anne; thirdly, Thomas Knox of Fellows Hall, a magistrate of Co. Armagh, who married Catherine Frances, second daughter of Wallop Brabazon of Rath House, Co. Louth, by Jane, his first wife, daughter of Josias Dupre of Milton Park, Bucks, and died in Rome in January 1840, leaving Jane, Rebecca and Diana Lucinda; Helen, married to the Rev. John Kerr; Archibald, Captain 26[th] Madras Fusiliers; and John, also Lieutenant in the 26[th] East India Native Infantry; Anne married to Walter Newton, Womersley Grove, Pontefract, formerly of the 21[st] Light Dragoons, and has issue three sons and four daughters; Diana Jane, died unmarried. ...'
D3727/J also contains a newspaper report of Senator H.B. Armstrong's retirement from one of his county offices, in 1931, which makes incidental mention of a number of other position in public life which he filled:
'Senator H.B. Armstrong ..., H.M.L., has retired from the chairmanship of the County Armagh Regional Education Committee, a position he has held since the committee was formed under the Education Act of 1923. Senator Armstrong devoted a great deal of time to educational matters throughout the county, and he led the committee to undertaken the erection of many fine new schools ... . He is now 87 years of age, and in 1873 he became a member of the grand jury of Co. Armagh. He was an original member of the County Council when it was formed in 1899 [and Chairman of its Finance Committee, 1899-1920], and he remained a member until 1920. From 1906 till 1909 he was Vice-Chairman, and Chairman from 1909 till his retirement. In 1875 Senator Armstrong was High Sheriff of Co. Armagh and in 1894 he filled the same office in Longford. In 1920 he became a member of the Senate of Queen's University [Belfast], and in 1921 was returned unopposed to represent Mid-Armagh in the Imperial Parliament. For a quarter of a century [actually, 1897-1921] he has been a member of the Representative Body of the Church of Ireland. In his earlier days he travelled extensively in the East and Far East. Just this week he has been appointed Vice-Chairman of the Board of Governors of Armagh Royal School.'
These biographical, genealogical and official details are important to an understanding of the connections subsisting between the Armstrongs and their correspondents and of the various public offices which the correspondence reflects.

Holly Park Map & Aerial View

Will of John Armstrong, Abbreviated:

I John Armstrong of Cherry Valley in the Parish of Glenavy and county of Antrim being of sound disposing mind and memory and understanding do make and publish this my last will and testament

Trustees: David Shaw of Ard in Scotland esq
Alexander MacKay Of Stockwell in Middlesex in England esq
and my son Edward Pakenham Armstrong of Cherry Valley

they do and shall hereby and herewith as soon as conveniently may be after my decease pay and satisfy my funeral and testamentary expenses debts and legacies all of which I hereby declare a charge and chargeable upon all my estate as well real as personal and upon further trust as to and concerning all and every my lands and tenements in the town lands of Cherry Valley Civer?? Court Ballygortgarve and Ballytromery[6] with their appurtenants and all my term for lives and years and interest thereon that they do ...

out of the rents issue and profit thereof pay unto my son Edward Pakenham Armstrong ... annuity ... of one hundred pounds

provided that in case my eldest son Charles William Armstrong at any time hereafter be appointed agent to the estate of the Honourable Hercules Robert Pakenham which agency is enjoyed at present by myself and shall be in receipt of the Emoluments of the said agency then ... for such period as the said Charles William Armstrong shall continue in such Agency and Enjoyment of its Emoluments .. the annuity of one hundred pounds hereby made payable to Edward Pakenham Armstrong shall be increased by the additional sum of fifty pounds sterling

Provided further and it is hereby expressly declared and my Will is that in case the said Edward Pakenham Armstrong shall at any time be appointed to the agency hereinbefore mentioned ... shall not enjoy at the same time both the said annuity aforesaid and the Emoluments of the said annuity (does this mean the agency??)

Lands and Tenements aforesaid ... subject nevertheless to the said annuity hereinbefore charges thereon in favour of the said Edward Pakenham Armstrong upon trust for the sole use ... of Charles William Armstrong and his children ...
for default of such issue upon trust for my second son Edwd Pakenham Armstrong ..

and for default of such issue

... do and shall dispose of sell all and singular the said lands and tenements with the appurtenances ... the monies or proceeds arising from such sale or sales as to our one moiety thereof upon trust for the use and behoof of my daughter Glencairn Dalrymple Shaw otherwise Armstrong the wife of the said David Shaw ...

the remaining moiety of the monies ... use of my daughter Anna Maria Armstrong

... and I hereby declare my Will to be that it shall and may be lawful for my son Charles William Armstrong by deed of marriage settlement to be executed previous to his marriage ... to direct and appoint that from and after his decease an annuity ... not exceeding the annual sum of one hundred pounds sterling ... unto any wife

provided also ... in case the said EDWARD PAKENHAM ARMSTRONG shall at any time .. in possession benefit of the trust estate ... it shall be lawful for the said EDWARD PAKENHAM ARMSTRONG by Deed of Marriage Settlement

And whereas I am interested in and possessed of the four several bonds following with the judgements thereon respectively ?? that is to say

Bonds from Catherine, Baroness of Longford:
20/5/1797 to William Marshall, £350
20/6/1797 to George Burleigh, £274, conditioned to £137
1/11/1806 to George Burleigh, £2600, conditioned to £1300
26/5/1814 to George Burleigh, £300, conditioned to £150

entered in the Court of Exchequer of Hilary term 1816.
Page 6

... four several bonds and judgements ... into the proper hands of my said daughter Glencairn Dalrymple Shaw ...
in case there shall be no child of mine living in such case the same shall fall into the residue of my personal Estate and remain for the use and benefit of my residuary legatee

And whereas I am also interested in and possessed of the two other Bonds with Judgements entered thereon respectively that is to say

Bonds from Baroness Longford to George Burleigh:
22/5/1813, £1700, conditioned to £850
26/5/1814, £1700, conditioned to £850
entered into the Court of Exchequer Hilary term 1816.
...into the proper hands of my daughter Anna Maria Armstrong

of my personal Estate and remain for the use and benefit of my residuary legatee hereinafter named as Executors and Abuttors and Assigns (the will copy duplicates this – elsewhere a total of 9 bonds is mentioned)

And whereas I am likewise interested in and possessed of a certain other Bonds and Judgement

Bonds from Baroness Longford to George Burleigh:
1/12/1812, £1700, conditioned to £900


...for the use and benefit of my residuary legatee hereinafter named his executors Abuttors and Assigns

And whereas I am likewise interested in and possessed of a certain other Bond and Judgement

Bonds from Baroness Longford to George Burleigh:
1/7/1810, £2000, conditioned to £1000

...either by assignment of the said Bond and Judgement or with the proceeds arising from a sale thereof or with the monies thereby secured or otherwise pay off satisfy and discharge a certain judgement debt entered upon a
bond 20/1/1819
whereby I became bound to one Margaret Park of Cherry Valley Spinster for £2000, conditioned to £1000.
And whereas I am likewise interested in and possessed of a certain other Bond and Judgement
Bonds from Baroness Longford to George Burleigh:
31/12/1812, £1000, conditioned to £500

after my decease thereby and therewith either by assignment of the said Bond and Judgement or with the proceeds arising from a sale thereof
discharge a certain judgement debt entered upon a bond of 20/1/1819 whereby I became to my sister in Law Elizabeth Isabella Dalrymple spinster
£1000 Irish, conditioned to £500

Owed £1000 + 4% interest from ... Honourable Hercules Robt Pakenham stands indebted to me in the sum of one thousand pounds sterling bearing interest at the rate if four per cent per annum for which debt I hold his letter of acknowledgement dated the first day of January one thousand eight hundred and twenty eight

one moiety, £500, with interest at 4% ... use of my said sister in law Elizabeth Isabella Dalrymple

... and as to the £400 ... other part ... for the proper use of John Armstrong the younger of Cherry Valley

... and as to the £100 ... other part ... for the proper use of John McKay of Cherry Valley ... in consideration of the trouble which I expect that the said John McKay will have and which I request he will undertake in assisting my Executors to arrange and settle my affairs

9 judgements bear interest at 5%.

And Whereas a large sum of money is due to my in right of my deceased wife by the Honourable East India Company

for the proper use and behoof of  my four children hereinbefore mentioned to wit CHARLES WILLIAM ARMSTRONG EDWARD PAKENHAM ARMSTRONG Glencairn Armstrong Shaw and ANNA MARIA ARMSTRONG

... my farming stock and crop, my plate, books, household furniture and the ready money, all half pay and other monies ... which shall be in the hands of Alexander MacKay one of the trustees as Agent to the Honourable Colonel Pakenham aforesaid and all arrears of interest which shall be due on the aforesaid nine several bonds and judgements
... I hereby declare that the same are bequeathed ... for the proper use and behoof of my said eldest son CHARLES WILLIAM ARMSTRONG
... also to the payment of the legacies
£20 each to ANNA MARIA ARMSTRONG, Miss Margaret Park, my sister in law Elizabeth Isabella Dalrymple, my nephew Dr William Armstrong and John Goodfellow

And I nominate and appoint the said David Shaw Alexander McKay and CHARLES WILLIAM ARMSTRONG to be Executors of this my last will and testament

Witnessed: Richard Davison of Belfast Attorney at Law
Alexander Arthur of same Attorney at law
John Montgomery of same Attorney at law.

Proved at London 5th November 1832

5        EDWARD CORNELIUS, Descendants of

A download http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/c/r/y/Rosemary-Cryer-Vancouver/GENE1-0001.html.

Rosemary Cryer researched this line and was from Vancouver in 2009.

Generation No. 1

  CAPT. EDWARD1 CORNELIUS was born in Dromore, Coote Hill, Co. Monahan.  He married SOPHIA ATKINSON.  She died aged 101 years and is buried with her daughter at St Andrew's Church, Suffolk Street, Dublin.

An officer in "The Green Horse" who came from Orange-Nassau, over to Ireland with William 111, married Sophia Atkinson- the daughter of a fellow officer- and after the Treaty of Limerick, was granted the land of Dromore, Coote Hill, Co. Monahan.
He was at the siege of "Darry in 1688"
The family became agents to Lord Farnham of Cavan and the Coote family (Lord Bellamont, Earl of Mountrath) and the Uniack family of Mount Uniack.

1/1. HENRY CORNELIUS, b. 1707, Dromore; d. 1792, Dromore.

John lived at Bally-Haise, Co. Cavan and his name appears in various registers and deeds from 1708-1820 when land at Galoone, Dromore was assigned to him.


Generation No. 2

HENRY CORNELIUS, born 1707 in Dromore,

died 1792 in Dromore.  He married (1) UNKNOWN WALSH.  She died Abt. 1744.  He married (2) UNKNOWN HENNESY 1767.

In 1729 left his mother in Dublin and became the agent to Lord Farnham of Cavan. and later Judge Coote of Bellamont Forest and after the death of Judgee Coote, he moved to Munster to manage the Coote lands there. He left Munster in 1785 and returned to Coote Hill where he died in 1792 aged 85.
Both he and his wife are buried in the church yard of Coote Hill.

His wife was the Daughter of Anthony Walsh, agent to Mr. Ankettle of Ankettle Grove, Co. Monahan.
2/1. JOHN CORNELIUS, b. 1738, Dromore, Galoone.
2/2. HENRY CORNELIUS, b. 1740, Mountrath; d. 1826, Mountrath.

2/5. CHARLES CORNELIUS, b. 1782, Kilmallock.

Generation No. 3

HENRY CORNELIUS b.1740, Mountrath,

Died 1826 in Mountrath. 
He married (1) CATHERINE CONNER 1791.  She was born Abt. 1768 in Cloyne. 
He married (2) ELIZABETH ROGERS 1814.

His mother died when he was very young and he and his brother John, were sent to live with their maternal grandmother, Mrs. Atkinson, in Dublin. A magistrate of the Queen's Bench.  He was a "Vicars Choral" or  Lord of (Vicars Choral) in Cloyne Cathedral. Land was gradually acquired through marriage or assignment- Shamrock Lawn, Myrtle Hill, Spring Field, and Cloyne in Cork, Monaghbeg;  Ross-na-clonagh;  Coolnagower; Bally-tarsna, Mountrath; Rosscrea, Bally Laise, Co. Cavan: Dromore, Co. Monahan; Caher Lusky, Castle Town, Bally Fin, Gossbrooke and Westmeath etc. The marriages were to local landed or farming families e.g. Fitzgeralds (the Geraldines) of Kildare and Castle Town; the Whites of Castle Town; the Lalor of Kylebeg; the Penrose Robinson, the Robert's, Watson's, Roe's, Short's, Armstrong's, Jackson's, Townshend's, Moore's (Earl of Mount Cashel), Kemmis, Hydes, Jestin's, Giles, Carroll's, Gort's, Croker's, Dickson's, McCrea's, Doherty's, McLoughlin's, and in NZ the Girdwoods and Walkers etc. "They appear to have wasted their talents on their love of horses, women and whisky"
Obit: "1826, at Mountrath at an advanced age, Henry Cornelius, a magistrate of the Queen's Bench and one of the Lords of Cloyne Cathedral, agent to Sir J.H. Coote, Bard of Ballyfin.  His urbanity of  manners and amiability of disposition endeared him to a large circle of friends."
Notes for ELIZABETH ROGERS: ref Henry’s will: Mrs. Rogers was the widow of the Rev. James Roberts and had a daughter Mary Anne who is mentioned in Henry's will. This is not verified but seems likely! He left Mary Anne, her second daughter, 50 pounds sterling.


b. 11 Apr 1792, Springfield, Cork, Ireland; d. 05 May 1852, New London, Connecticut, USA1;
m. THOMAS ARMSTRONG, 21 May 1810; b. 23 Feb 1787, Carrick, Meath, Ireland; d. 03 Aug 1863, New London, Connecticut, USA1.

Thomas Armstrong born at Carrick, West Meath,
on February 23/1787, died at New London, Conn., August 3/1863, buried here with his wife.
Nothing is known of his early youth or education.  He married on May 31 1810, Catherine Louisa Cornelius, born at Springfield, County Cork, Ireland, April 11/1792, died at New London, Conn. May 5/1852.  Her father, Henry Cornelius was said to have come from Holland and was twice married, probably living at Springfield, Cork, with his first wife, the pretty Kate Connor of Cork. Henry married, 2nd, a widow named Mrs. Rogers, many years younger than himself, and they lived at Montrath, Queen's County, where Henry was agent of the Earl of Mountrath. This probably explains how Catherine met Thomas Armstrong. Catherine was the daughter of Henry Cornelius' second marriage, and she had two sisters, Margaret, who married William Penrose Robinson of Shaxarook Lawn, Douglas, County Cork, and Bessie Cornelius.
Catherine also had three brothers, Henry Cornelius, Captain Charles Cornelius of the 71st Regiment, and Richard Cornelius a captain in the army. Through the interest of her father Henry Cornelius, Thomas Armstrong got a sinecure position in Dublin worth £300, and they lived there nine years. This position he resigned to go to St.  Croix.  During their nine years in Ireland, eight children were born, four of whom lived to grow up.
     In 1819, Thomas and Catherine Armstrong went out to St. Croix, leaving five daughters behind. At St. Croix he bought an estate called Lebanon Hill from Dr. Biggs: he also got an estate named Mount Welcome which he got from his uncle William.  The five daughters left in Ireland were placed in the care of relatives, and were sent to a school kept by Madame Despard in Dublin, and were taught music, dancing and deportment In St. Croix, seven children had been added to the family. Then preparations were made for the five sisters to come out from Ireland in the care of Dr.  William Armstrong, who wanted his family to come over also.
      So on September 25/1825, the regular packet ship "Silas Richards", sailed from Liverpool, having on board as passengers, the five sisters, and their twin boy cousins, all under charge of the boys' grandmother Mrs. Taylor. After a somewhat tempestuous voyage, the ship arrived at New York on October 28/1828, with dry goods to Fish, Grinnell & Co. The ship was built in New York about 1822 for Grinnell, Minturn & Co., who established the Swallow Tail Line of packets: she was of 453 tons. The girl's father Thomas Armstrong, who had become acquainted with Captain Joseph W. Alsop of Middletown, Conn.  was doing business with him, and arranged that the little girls should go to St.  Croix in Captain Alsop's brig "Condor", Captain Goodrich commanding.
      The next outward voyage was not for two months, so the little girls had a delightful visit in New York. They stayed with a friend of Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Cadwallader Golden, whom she had met in England. They visited the Museum and other places of interest.
      Mrs.  Taylor liked to show them off when walking on Broadway and they often heard persons passing by say:-"there go the little English girls". The "Condor" sailed on December 23/1828 from New York for St.  Croix. The boys must have remained in New York with their father, and I'm sure Mrs. Taylor never went to St. Croix: I don't know what became of her.  The little girls were in the care of the captain and the voyage was progressing favorably, when one day the Captain observed a strange sail on the horizon, coming nearer and nearer. The Captain, not liking the looks or the vessel, grew very uneasy as it was in the days of piracy.
      The Captain made the girls go down into the cabin and locked them in, telling them to remain very quiet. The vessel turned out to be a pirate, but unfortunately for the latter, the men were in a half starved condition and weak from want of food, and told the Captain that if he would only give them food, they would not molest them. The Captain considered they had had a most fortunate escape, and told the girls they might have been taken, but that he was prepared to shoot them before letting them fall into the pirate's hands. The voyage must have taken about three weeks, so around January 20/1829, they arrived at St. Croix, to be greeted by the mother who they had not seen for ten years, and by brothers and sisters they had never seen. I doubt that there were any opportunities for education at St. Croix. Up to the present, Thomas and Catherine had had fifteen children, several of them having passed away, and ere eight years had flown by, three more were added to the household. The name of the estate they lived at was Mount Pleasant, though the name Mount Welcome comes to my mind. In December 1832 the family were in Middletown, Conn., at what is now 180 Washington St. At this time their child Anna Maria received burns from the fireplace in the dining room, which caused her death. Thomas Armstrong was in New London in June 1839, and still there in June 1940.
      He was offered a lot by Captain Mather for $4000: the western half was 98 ft on Washington St. and 93 ft on the Rope Walk. At this time the Robert Beattys came back to the States, and Thomas Armstrong and his family went back to St. Croix, having bought the "Lebanon" estate from Robert Beatty for $14,474.97.  There was also a fountain which cost $300. The family were in St. Croix in August 1844, by which time their son Thomas had gone out west to where his brother William was living, on the border of a lake where the hunting and fishing were excellent: Thomas was devoted to both sports. Thomas had left a name in St. Croix of being the most correct young man in business, and it was a pity that his talents should have been wasted in the back woods. Thomas and Catherine were still at Lebanon in 1849: there must have been an insurrection previous to this time end many people feared there would be another. There was a very strict Governor who was determined to have the strict laws obeyed. They were still there in 1851.  Catherine had been in St. Thomas, as she was not well, and it was decided to send her to the States in Captain Tikiole's vessel to New Haven, as the doctors said it was the only chance for her health.  Her husband Thomas had the hardest time that summer to get along: he was anxious to sell out and the family were anxious to leave St. Croix. Lebanon Hill was an estate of 500 acres, and was appraised on November 2/1849 for $24,424.  The crops were sugar rum and molasses, which for the year 1849 were:-84 hogsheads and 145 barrels of sugar, 41 puns and 3 barrels of rum, and 53 casks of molasses, and the net proceeds were $3165.17. Mount Pleasant estate was rented to Mr. S. Kelton for $298. Lebanon Hill would rent for $200. Mrs. Mary Cummings, who died in 1846, and Mrs Wittroz were interested in the Lebanon Hill property. Thomas, Catherine and their family must have come to the states in 1852, the year in which Catherine died unexpectedly. Their coming may have been hastened by the insurrection. They did not have a large supply of this world's goods to bring with them. Thomas Armstrong's last years were spent in New London with his daughters Frances and Elizabeth keeping house for him.  Amongst some of the silver of Thomas and Catherine which has come down through the family, is a spoon, with the crest of the Armstrongs of King's County, Ireland, which was "An armed hand holding a broken ulig spear, ppr". The motto is "Vi at Armis". The spoon has the hall mark of John Pitter, Dublin, 1810.

Listed here are the children of Catherine and Thomas taken from One World Tree:
William Armstrong M 22 May 1811 in Dublin, Ireland
Mary Aletta Armstrong     F     22 Jun 1812 in Montrath,
Catherine Louise Armstrong      13 May 1813 in Montrath, Ireland
Margaret Elinor Armstrong 27 Jun 1814 in Mountrath, Ireland
Frances Armstrong   F     2 Jul 1816 in Mountrath
Elizabeth Armstrong F     1 Dec 1817 in Castletown, Ireland
John Armstrong            M     28 Nov 1818 in Castletown,
Thomas Armstrong    M     14 Jun 1820 in St Croix, Bwi,
Charlotte Cornelia Armstrong    16 Sep 1821 in St Croix,
Anna Maria Armstrong      F     3 Mar 1823 in St Croix,
Henry Cornelius Armstrong 21 Mar 1824 in St Croix, Bwi,
Ellen Augustine Armstrong 16 Jul 1825 in St Croix, Bwi,
William Armstrong   M     2 Jun 1828 in St Croix, Bwi,
Emma Armstrong      F     2 Nov 1829 in St Croix, Bwi,
Louisa Armstrong    F     16 Jul 1834 in St Croix, Bwi
Thomas Henry Armstrong M 12 Dec 1836 in St Croix, Bwi,

1/2. MARGARET ELEANORA CORNELIUS2, b. Abt. 1793; m. WILLIAM PENROSE ROBINSON2, 1832, Cork, Co. Cork, Ireland2; b. Shamrock Lawn, Co. Cork, Ireland.

1/3. ELISABETH ANNE CORNELIUS, b. Abt. 1794; m. JAMES SHORT, 11 Jun 1819; b. Newton, Later Weston, Mountrath, Queens Co..

1/4. HENRY CORNELIUS, b. 1795, Mountrath; d. 1868, Ballytarsna, Borris-in-Ossory, Queens Co. Eire.

1/5. CAPT. RICHARD LONGFIELD CORNELIUS3, b. Abt. 1797; d. Jun 1848, London, Middlesex, United Kingdom3.
Capt in Royal Artillery and Richmand St.    M.S. 13 May 1819
Issue son Richard Longfield Cornelius who died in New Zealand

1/6. DR. CHARLES HENRY CORNELIUS, b. 1804; d. 1821.

Generation No. 4

was born 1795 in Mountrath, and died 1868 in Ballytarsna, Borris-in-Ossory, Queens Co. Eire.  He married (1) ELEANOR FITZGERALD 14 May 1819, daughter of ALEXANDER FITZGERALD and UNKNOWN.  She was born Abt. 1799 in Castletown, and died 18 Jan 1823 in Ballytarsna, Borris-in-Ossory,.  He married (2) UNKNOWN 1824.

Burial: Family vault in Mountrath

1/1. HENRY CORNELIUS, b. 08 Mar 1820, Antrim; d. 16 Feb 1895, Castletown.
1/2 ELLEN CORNELIUS, b. 08 Apr 1821.
1/3. CATHERINE CORNELIUS, b. 23 Jul 1822; d. 12 Nov 1822.

Children of HENRY CORNELIUS and UNKNOWN are:
1/4. ALEXANDER5 CORNELIUS, b. Abt. 1825; d. 16 Aug 1894, Borris-in-Ossory.
1/6. H

Generation No. 5



was born 08 Mar 1820 in Antrim, and died 16 Feb 1895 in Castletown.  He married ELIZABETH MARY WHITE NEE GILES 04 Sep 1844 in Rathfarnham, Dublin, daughter of RICHARD GILES and ELIZABETH KEMMIS.  She was born 06 Apr 1818 in Castletown, and died 21 Dec 1893.


Born in Antrim he lived in Ballytarsna, Borris-in-Ossory and later at Ross na Clonagh, Mountrath and shortly before his death in a home called Shanderry ( according to a letter from his nephew written in 1894).
Burial: Old Anatrim graveyard

Residence: Ballytarsna and later Rossneclonagh

Widow of James White of Cootehill.
There is a story on the family that one day a gypsy went to Ross na Clonagh selling clothespegs. When Elizabeth refused to buy any, the gypsy cursed her saying that her daughters would all be barren and her sons would only bear daughters. Of her 9 daughters,only one had children (Susannah) and her son, Harry, had only the one daughter. Thomas died without children.
Burial: Old Anatrim graveyard

1/1. THOMAS KEMMIS6 CORNELIUS, b. 06 Apr 1845, Ross na clonagh, Mountrath, Ireland; d. 22 Jun 1893, Rossnaclonagh.
Baptized in Anatrim Church
1/2. ELEANOR (ELLEN) GERALDINE CORNELIUS, b. 23 Jul 1846, Ross na clonagh, Mountrath, Ireland; d. 01 Nov 1921; m. JOSEPH ALFRED ROE, 16 Mar 1893.
No children.
1/3. SUSANNAH VICTORIA CORNELIUS, b. 10 Jun 1847, Ross na clonagh, Mountrath, Ireland; d. 21 Aug 1849, Mountrath. Bur  Mountrath Vault
1/4. MARGARET ELEANORA CORNELIUS, b. 21 May 1849, Ross na clonagh, Mountrath, Ireland; d. 11 May 1872, Rossnaclonagh.
Baptized in Mountrath Church.  Never married.
1/5. GEORGIANNA GILES CORNELIUS, b. 03 Feb 1851, Ross na clonagh, Mountrath, Ireland; d. 12 Jun 1875, Shanderry House, Anatrim.
According to a letter written by Alexander-her cousin- she was in poor health and was sent "to the sea"- Dublin- for the air. Maybe she had a respiratory illness? She died aged 24.
Burial: Anatrim Cemetery
1/6. SUSANNA KEMMIS CORNELIUS, b. 29 Jun 1852, Ross na clonagh, Mountrath, Ireland; d. 1896, NZ.
1/7. CATHERINE LOUISA CORNELIUS, b. 23 May 1855, Ross na clonagh, Mountrath, Ireland; d. 03 Sep 1922;
*Married Richard Carroll Hyde at Anatrim church by Canon Kellett and his son Rev. Richard Kellet. 08 Feb 1898
They had no children.
They clothed and educated their nephews Harry and Billy- seemingly a common practice when the families were so large.
* From the family bible
1/8 HENRY (HARRY) CORNELIUS, b. 25 Sep 1856, Ross na clonagh, Mountrath, Ireland; d. 08 Mar 1931, Pahiatua, New Zealand.
1/9. ANNA WILHEMINA CORNELIUS, b. 20 Feb 1858, Ross na clonagh, Mountrath, Ireland; d. Aft. 1923; m. REV. ROBERT DOHERTY, Ballinamore, Co Leitrim.
They had no children. Refer to a letter in the scrapbook written after the death of her sister Louisa, to her brother Harry in NZ.
1/10. CHARLOTTE HENRIETTA CORNELIUS, b. 15 Aug 1859, Ross na clonagh, Mountrath, Ireland; d. 31 May 1919; m. JOHN MCLOUGHLIN.
She had an adopted daughter, Lilian who died on the ship Adriatic on Nov. 1st 1923. Burial: Kilworth
1/11. FLORENCE CORNELIUS, b. 20 Aug 1862, Ross na clonagh, Mountrath, Ireland; d. Aft. 1923; m. CHARLES WM. MORE, 5TH EARL OF MOUNTCASHELL, 17 Oct 1893; b. Moore Park, Kilworth, Co. Cork; d. 21 Feb 1898.

Godmother and cousin of Emma Eleanor aka Eva Geraldine Cornelius


was born Abt. 1825, and died 16 Aug 1894 in Borris-in-Ossory.  He married MARY LALOR 28 Nov 1854 in Abbeyleix?, daughter of JOSEPH LALOR and MINA LARGE.  She was born Abt. 1836 in Kylebeg House, Borris-in-Ossory, and died 17 May 1916 in Borris-in-Ossory.

The Cornelius grave is at St Judes Church (Church of Ireland) at Coolrain (you will need help to find Coolrain)  near The Pike of Rush Hall, but it is not far from Bally Colla where the Lalor's live or from the old farm at Bally Tarsna .
there is a newish church and just past this is the ruins of an old church with a high stone wall around it and high locked gates. It was totally overgrown and we had to scale the wall . The grave is to the left of the graveyard about 1/3rd of the way down .
The full head stone is as follows

    In Loving Memory


     Alexander Cornelius

     of Ballytarsna  Borris-in-Ossory

     who died  16th August 1894

     Aged 69 years


    And his wife Mary

     who died 17th May 1916

    aged 80 years.


    And their children


    Henry Charles

    Joseph Lalor

    Charles Henry

    Margretta Eleanora


    Mary Cornelius Dickson


    Alexander Reginald Townshend Cornelius



1/3. ALEXANDER FITZGERALD CORNELIUS, b. Abt. 1860; d. 01 May 1928, Ballytarsna, Borris-in-Ossory, Eire.
1/6. ALICE CORNELIUS, d. 19 Apr 1960. Spinster
1/7. ELLEN CORNELIUS, d. 19 Apr 1960.

1/8. EMMA CORNELIUS, d. 05 Mar 1929; m. COL. EDWARD MCCREA, 1915, Loughry, Helen's Bay, Bangor; b. Loughry, Helen's Bay, Bangor.


She married G.V. WATSON.  He was born in Monkstown, Dublin.

Generation No. 6



was born 29 Jun 1852 in Ross na clonagh, Mountrath, Ireland, and died 1896 in NZ.  She married THOMAS PRICE GIRDWOOD in N Z.  Susanna went to NZ with her brother, Harry in 1894.


       i.     SAMUEL7 GIRDWOOD.


      iii.  AGNES GIRDWOOD.






was born 25 Sep 1856 in Ross na clonagh, Mountrath, Ireland, and died 08 Mar 1931 in Pahiatua, New Zealand.  He married MARGARET DALZIEL REESE 21 Sep 1905 in Christchurch, NZ, daughter of DANIEL REESE and CECILIA WILSON.  She was born 14 Apr 1869 in Christchurch, NZ, and died 04 Apr 1962 in Rossnaclonagh, NZ.
Along with his sister Susannah Kemmis C.-Harry was the first of the Cornelius clan to go to NZ, in 1874. He sponsored his 5 nephews who emigrated. He paid the boat fare for 4 of the brothers and they worked for him to repay the fare. His nephew George and his son-in-law Teddy Walker, found him dead on horseback on his farm at Ross na Clonagh, Pahiatua.

Excerpt from Tui Country:
"Then on 8th March 1831,that old stalwart of the Pahiatua County Council, Councillor Harry Cornelius, died in office. The minute book records the following tribute to him by Chairman Sam Bolton:
"He had been a councillor for the Mangahao Riding for over 30 years and in public office for more than 40 years.  He had been widely known for his many labours on behalf of the Pahiatua County and had been held in the highest esteem and respect by his fellow members.
He had occupied the position of Chairman for eight years as well as being a member of the Wairarapa Hospital Board, the Tararua Electric Power Board and the Manawatu Gorge Board of Control during its existence and filled these offices with much credit to himself and much benefit to the county.
His great ideal in life had been work and he passed away just as he himself would have desired, in the midst of his labours and with undiminished mental or physical powers.
The Chairman then moved that "a record of the great services rendered to the Council by Cr. Cornelius, and the high esteem by which he was held by the council and staff be recorded in the minutes of the council.  That we mourn the loss of a good friend and the rate payers a valued councillor in his passing."
More About HENRY (HARRY) CORNELIUS: Burial: Mangahao, Pahiatua
More About MARGARET DALZIEL REESE: Burial: Mangahao, Pahiatua

1/1. CLONAGH7 CORNELIUS, b. 08 Jul 1907, Rossnaclonagh, NZ; d. 29 Jun 1980. Burial: Mangahoa, Pahiatua



10.  ALEXANDER FITZGERALD6 CORNELIUS (ALEXANDER5, HENRY4, HENRY3, HENRY2, EDWARD1) was born Abt. 1860, and died 01 May 1928 in Ballytarsna, Borris-in-Ossory, Eire.  He married MARY (EMMA) JANE TOWNSHEND 01 Aug 1895 in Dublin, Eire, daughter of WILLIAM TOWNSHEND.  She was born 1871, and died 27 May 1951.



Alexander went to New York and took the family silver with him. He lost all his money and later returned to Ireland.


Alexander inherited Ballytarsna after the death of his brothers. He was a train driver and a reluctant farmer


He had a great love of horses and after his marriage, he settled down to farming, brood mares and racing. He also had a large family. In his later years he suffered from rheumatism and gout.  Just before his death, his horses were brought to the windows of his downstairs room so he could say goodbye to them!


She may have come from Lime Tree House, Ballykeepe, Kilkenny.
She had a brother who was in the Scots Guards and Gillies had his medal- John probably has it now.
A "domineering and haughty" lady.When she visited her daughter Eva and son-in-law Johnny Shields- Johnny used to leave the train and boat schedules prominently displayed.  Apparently there was no love lost between them!
After the death of her husband,  and  after Ireland became independent in 1926, Mary Jane (always known as Emma)  did not want to live in a "Papist State". With only one son, Charlie, remaining in Ireland, 1932 aged 61years of age, she decided to move to NZ., where she died in 1951 aged 80. She is buried in Pahiatua Cemetery along with Gerry. She would be horrified to know that her gravestone carries the name Mary Jane as she was known as Emma.
To her grandchildren, she was known as Granny Cornelius or "Granny Cornie" and moved around between her sons and her niece, Clonagh Walker, not owning property in NZ.
Apparently she always referred to Bertie's boys as "Bertie's Brats"!
Recollections from Colin Cornelius:
Firstly Emma Cornelius, we called her Granny Cornelius, came out to New Zealand in 1932 (letter from W.C.Cornelius re. Charles T.Cornelius' will) dated Nov 1976) at about 61 years and she died in 1951 at the age of 80 years.
I well remember Granny Cornelius in 1949 when she looked after us ( Barry,Colin and Kevin) while Mum was away at the time of our sister Gerraldine's birth. She was a stern, grumpy old lady who would "switch" us around the legs with an apple tree stick or the riding crop( for no go reason at all of course?). She also growled at us for being too hard on our horses - especially for riding fast up and down steep country, and for galloping along the metal roads.
Another pet hate was Kevin's ears. They did stick out a bit and she wanted to stick them in with sticking plaster. Apparently this worked for dogs in Ireland. Anyway in the end she had to be content with just jamming his hat down hard over the top of his ears.
Granny Cornelius was the one that first called us "Berties' Brats" and this was carried on with gusto by Uncle George. We had the last laugh as Uncle George was later blessed with 5 boys of his own. Come to think about it "Berties Brats" sounds like it might have been the fore-runner of  Polly Shields' "Bitch Pack".
We found it difficult to understand how we earnt the "Berties' Brats" tag!  Maybe it had something to do with an incident in about 1947 while we were staying at Uncle George's farm in Hukanui. Uncle George had been skiting about this great motor car he owned - a Morris Eight. Now every 11-12 year old boy knows that all you needed to start a Morris 8 was to jam a small screw-driver in the ignition. Brother Barry decided that we should go for a test drive. I was about 9 years old at the time and I can still vividly see the stern-face reception committee lining the driveway as we returned home. Apparently there had been much conjecture as to who might have taken the car, but Mum knew - she was just praying that we would drive straight past and not turn up the drive.


      i.    EMMA (EVA) ELEANOR7 CORNELIUS, b. 13 Sep 1895, Ballytarsna, Borris-in-Ossory, Queens Co. Ireland; d. 11 May 1976, Derbyshire; m. JOHN GILLIES SHIELDS4, 26 Jul 1917, Borris-in-Ossory, Queens Co. Eire; b. 01 Feb 1882, Gateside Farm, Galston, Ayrshire, Scotland; d. 18 May 1960, Isley Walton, Leics.



Always known as Eva Geraldine, her father got drunk on the way to register her birth and couldn't remember the correct names so named her after his sisters, Emma and Eleanor!  This was not discovered until the birth certificate was produced for the wedding.
She met her future husband, Johnny Shields, when he was serving in WW 1 for the Leics. Regiment and was sent to Ireland to recover from the effects of gassing in the trenches.  There he met Eva at the home of the Countess of Mouncashell (Eva's cousin, Florence).
The story about Eva  marrying  John Shields was handed down to all the children in N.Z by the 5 brothers. I think there were either rather envious or totally stunned that their big sister could sit on the front fence of the farm and "snare"  a very eligible English army officer , and  then leave  Ireland for a life of perceived luxury in England, where as they were sent to  N.Z where they had to work extremely hard for their uncle to repay their boat fare. I get the impression things were pretty tough in Ireland at the time and that the family was living on past glories.


      "The Marriage of Lieut. J.G. Shields R.F.A. with Miss Eva Geraldine Cornelius

      July 26th 1917

      (As taken from a newspaper account)


The marriage of Lieutenant John Shields R.F.A. to Miss Eva Geraldine Cornelius, took place at the parish church, Borris-in Ossory, Queens Co. Ireland, the home of the bride, on Wednesday.  The bridegroom is the eldest son of Mr. John Gillies Shields J.P. C.C. (the agent for the executors of Lord Donington and Major Gretton of Donington Park), and a well-known agriculturist, and of Mrs. Shields, of the Manor House, Isley Walton, Leicestershire.  Mr. Shields, who volunteered for service when the war began, will be best remembered as the popular captain of Leicestershire County Cricket Club and a member of the M.C.C.  The bride, who is a cousin of the Countess of Mount Cashel, is the daughter of Mr. Alexander Fitzgerald Cornelius and Mrs. Cornelius of Ballytarsna House, Borris-in -Ossory, Ireland. The Rev. Robert Mollen, rector of Borris-in-Ossory performed the ceremony and the church was crowded. Mr. Reginald Cornelius, brother of the bride, was best man, the bridegroom having come from France on short leave for the wedding. There was one bridesmaid, Miss Ruby Cornelius, sister of the bride.  The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a dress made in German style of an old gold satin and nigger brown and a picture hat.
A reception was held afterwards at Ballytarsna House and the newly married pair crossed to England on Thursday and motored home from Birmingham on Friday morning.  This was the bride’s first visit to England.  They will reside in Breedon Hall.  A large number of presents awaited them and the approaches to Isley Walton were gaily decorated."




Burial: All Saints, Isley Walton, Leics.


Born in Scotland, his family moved to Leicestershire in 1883.

He served in WW 1 for the Leics. Regiment and was sent to Ireland to recover from the effects of gassing in the trenches.  There he met Eva at the home of the Countess of Mount Cashel (Eva's cousin, Florence).  They met again later when he was out riding past Ballytarsna and Eva was sitting on the fence watching for him.  He told his fellow soldier that he was going to marry "that red-head"!
They married July 26th 1917 and the notes for Eva contain an account of their wedding.
He took over as the Land Agent from his father and managed the estates and farms owned by the family- the farms were rented out- around the Castle Donnington, Isley Walton area of Leicestershire.
Capt. of Leics. Cricket team and wicket keeper.  The story goes that he bought steaks en route to a game and stuffed them into his gloves, to prevent bruising!  He also played for the Gentlemen v the Players at Lords.
He was an excellent horseman and one of the best shots in the county.
After his death, his son J. Gilles Shields inherited, in trust,  all the lands with the exception of the Manor House and grounds along with the living of the United Benefice of Breedon and Worthington, and Longcliffe Quarry. In 1976, Gillies broke the Trust and sold Donnington Hall to British Midland Airlines and the Race Track and the lands at the Coppice where a Racing museum now stands.




Residence: 1901, Castle Donnington, Leicestershire, England4,4


      ii.   ALEXANDER REGINALD TOWNSHEND CORNELIUS, b. 1897, Ireland; d. 1918, Coolrain, Ireland.



Reggie came home from the front in 1917 to be a witness at the marriage of his sister, Eva to Johnny Shields.

After he returned home from the war, he died shortly thereafter of influenza and is buried with his grandparents Alexander and Mary.


      iii.  RUBY FLORENCE CORNELIUS, b. 10 Oct 1898, Ireland; d. 16 Mar 1979, Leics.; m. JACK HARPUR.

      iv.   CHARLES TOWNSHEND CORNELIUS, b. 13 Mar 1900, Ireland; d. 01 Jun 1976, Rathangan, Kildare, Eire; m. EDITH GERALDINE JACKSON; d. 19 Apr 1960.



No Children.


He raised race horses for the Curragh.  He lived at Guidanstoun House, Rathangan, Kildare



Widow of Brig. F. Jackson


      v.    ALBERT (BERTIE) EDWARD CORNELIUS, b. 29 Apr 1901, Donnybrook, Co. Dublin, Eire; d. 14 Jan 1956, Omana, Northland, New Zealand; m. MARY EVA HORNCY, 19 Mar 1934, St Matthews Church, Hastings, NZ; b. 22 Dec 1911, Horton, Mddx England; d. 04 Dec 1996, Whangerai, NZ.


The only one who paid his way out was Bertie, who at the time had a job in a bank in Dublin and was seen to have a job for life and his parents wanted him to stay in Ireland (probably to support them). He  boarded the ship with 2 of his brothers apparently with out his parents knowledge. He was the most successful of the 5 brothers , but unfortunately died of Kidney Disease in his  50's. I can still just remember the drama of the 4 brothers going up to the funeral. Dad  had just brought a new car, and none of the others would help with the driving and he was just about asleep at the wheel when the cops pulled him up for weaving over the road. They took some convincing that he was not drunk , then after the funeral and presumably after the wake they were heading home over a long one way bridge and met another car in the middle. The 4 very stubborn Irishmen refused to back up and apparently there was a bit of a stoutish and they were probably lucky they were not locked up for the night. All of the brothers had really broad Irish accents and were something to behold when they got excited.

ALBERT EDWARD CORNELIUS-submitted by Colin Cornelius
Also affectionately known as BERTIE or PADDY

Born in Donnybrook, Dublin County, Ireland in 1901 where he did well at school, interested in sport especially tennis. Worked in the Bank for 6 years and had to learn to speak and write the Gaelic language.
Emigrated to New Zealand in 1925 with two of his brothers (George and Gerry). A rushed decision for him as his family had deliberately kept his brothers' travel plans secret. Worked on Harry Cornelius' sheep station at Mangahao, and afterwards at other sheep stations in the district. Became an excellent shepherd and an exceptional trainer and breeder of sheep dogs.
In the early 1930's he managed the Shamrock Hotel in Wellington before buying his first farm, in partnership with his brother Gerry (Cornelius Bros.), at Makarau, North Auckland in 1934. This farm ran south from the Makarau railway station to the tunnel. Eventually "The Bros" hard work resulted in a good mixed farm unit of dairy and sheep. Paddy bought out Gerry's half in about 1939-40. In 1945 he sold the Makarau Farm and bought 229 acres (Sanatorium) at Omana North Auckland and in 1948 bought another farm of about 400 acres (Kaitaringa Farm). On Sanatorium he ran mainly sheep and on the Kaitaringa Farm dairy and beef cattle. Also, leased the "Kauri Workings" for winter grazing - this was cutover native forest in the Tangihua Range.
He was a successful farmer.
In 1955 he was admitted to Greenlane Hospital with a kidney complaint and then followed nine dreadful months with eight major operations. Paddy died at his home at Omana on 14 January 1956 following a Coronary Thrombosis. 
This quietly spoken Irishman was known far and wide as "Paddy" - a pet name.

Remembered by his wife Eve, for his courage, hard work for his family, his loving caring nature, and so cheerful, always.

Cause of Death: Coronary thrombosis following kidney problems

      vi.   HENRY WILLIAM CORNELIUS5, b. 11 Oct 1902, Kingstown, Dublin, Ireland; d. 11 May 1994, Levin, New Zealand; m. AMY GWENETH RUSSELL, 26 Jun 1930, Pahiatua, NZ; b. 06 Jul 1901; d. 19 Feb 1995, Levin, New Zealand.






Burial: Manakua Cemetery

Occupation: Farmer


      vii.  GEORGE TOWNSHEND CORNELIUS, b. 04 Nov 1903, Sandycove, Dublin, Ireland; d. 18 Dec 1967, Napier Hawkes Bay, NZ; m. MAUDE EVELYN BAKER, 11 Jun 1946, Holy Trinity, Gisborne,  NZ; b. 02 Nov 1918, Gisborne, NZ; d. 17 Jul 1994, Hawkes Bay, Napier, NZ.



At a young age, George was sent off to live with his maiden aunt, Alice, in Dublin. We are not sure why George was chosen but believe this might have been common practice amongst large families.
We believe he went to Dublin for his schooling so it could have being about 1910 when he left home. We know that he was in Dublin in 1916 (aged 13) as he was arrested during the Easter uprising for being in the wrong place at the wrong time (and probably throwing stones!!)  much to the families consternation. From what Dad told us it was an experience he never wished to repeat, and it was only the efforts of Alice and his Mother that got him out of jail .  These were rather interesting times in Dublin and not a time to be a teenager roaming the streets!

He emigrated to NZ in 1926 and worked for Harry Cornelius at Mangahao for a number of years. (Later, in 1931, he found Harry, dead and still on horseback, at Ross na Clonagh). He then milked cows at Ranfurly Road, just out of Pahiatua until he went to WW11. He joined the Hawkes Bay Territorial regiment in 1937, and then enlisted in the regular force on 23/10/1940. He served in the 1st battalion N.Z Scottish regiment as part of the New Zealand Army Service Corp.  He entered camp in July 1942 and went overseas on the 10/11/1942 as a Driver, transporting ammunition to the front. He saw action in both the North Africa and Italian campaign arriving back in N.Z on the 20/11/1945. His army records show that he had pay deducted for speeding and reckless driving, and for being AWOL.

On returning to N.Z after the war the government of the day had a program to settle returning soldiers on to farms and George took advantage of this program.  He purchased a dairy farm at Hukanui , south of Pahiatua where he farmed until his retirement in 1966. He married Maude Baker in 1946 and they had 5 sons.  He died of a cerebral hemorrhage in 1967 aged 64 and is buried at Taradale.



      viii. FITZGERALD (GERRY) CORNELIUS, b. 18 Dec 1905, Dun Laoghaire, Ireland; d. 29 Jul 1988, Pahiatua, New Zealand; m. RELLIS ALINDER GICHARD, 1940; b. 1912, Pahiatua, NZ.



Emigrated to NZ in 1926 aged 21.


      ix.   WILLIAM CALBECK CORNELIUS, b. 13 May 1908, Ireland; d. 1989, Lower Hutt, NZ; m. DORIS BOYD.









Buried with her grandparents, Alexander and Mary Cornelius





1.  Ancestry.com, One World Tree (sm), Provo, UT, USA: MyFamily.com, Inc., n.d., Online publication - Ancestry.com. OneWorldTree [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: MyFamily.com, Inc.

2.  Platt, Lyman, Irish Records Extraction Database, Provo, UT, USA: MyFamily.com, Inc., 1999, Online publication - Platt, Lyman. Irish Records Extraction Database [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: MyFamily.com, Inc., 1999.
3.  FreeBMD, England and Wales, Death Index: 1837-1983, Provo, UT, USA: MyFamily.com, Inc., 2006, Online publication - FreeBMD. England & Wales, FreeBMD Death Index: 1837-1983 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: MyFamily.com, Inc., 2006.Original data - General Register Office. England and Wales Civil Registration Indexes. London, England: General Register Office, © Crown copyright. Published by permission of the Controller of HMSO and the Office for National Statistics. You must not copy on, transfer or reproduce records without the prior permission of ONS. Database Copyright © 1998-2003 Graham Hart, Ben Laurie, Camilla von Massenbach and David Mayall.
4.  Ancestry.com, 1901 England Census, Provo, UT, USA: MyFamily.com, Inc., 2005, Ancestry.co.uk. 1901 England Census [database online]. Provo, Utah: MyFamily.com, Inc., 2004. Indexed by MyFamily.com, Inc. from microfilmed schedules of the England 1901 Census. Data imaged from the National Archives, London, England. The National Archives gives no warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or fitness for the purpose of the information provided. Images may be used only for purposes of research, private study or education. Applications for any other use should be made to the National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 4DU. Infringement of the above condition may result in legal action.
5.  Birth Certificate copy.

1.1                  HENRY CORNELIUS WILL

From email Rosemary Cryer:

In the Name of God, Amen:
I, Henry Cornelius of Mountrath in the Queens County, Ireland, being in health and of sound and disposing mind, memory and understanding, praise be Almighty God for same do make and publish this my last will and Testament, in manner following.  I recommend my soul to Almighty God, hoping for Salvation through the Merits and Intercession of my Blessed Lord Saviour, Jesus Christ and I desire that I may be interred, without parade, but decent, with my first wife Catherine and that all my just debts together with my funeral expenses be discharged as soon as convenient after my decease.

I leave and bequeath to my dearly beloved wife Elizabeth,  this dwelling house, garden and appurtenances thereunto belonging in which I now reside and devised to me by the late Miss Morton and I also devise to my said dear wife, the yard and concerns adjoining said dwelling house and lately enclosed and taken by me from John Carroll  and also the fields called Crab Hill and the bleach yard near the town of Mountrath which I hold under Sir Charles Henry Coote (Bart). To hold said dwelling house and concerns, yards and fields unto my said dear wife and every part of these for and during the term of her natural life in case she shall continue as a widow and unmarried and no longer subject to the head rents payable out of same and after the decease of my said dear wife, or after she shall marry, I leave, devise and bequeath my interest in the said dwelling house and concerns in the said yard adjoining thereto and the said fields near Mountrath called Crab Hill and the bleach yard unto my son, Henry Cornelius, and to his heirs and assigns. I leave, devise and bequeath to my said dear wife the use of all my household furniture, plate, china glass and household linen, jaunting car, horse and cows for and during the term of her natural life providing she continues a widow and unmarried and after her decease or after she shall marry, I leave, devise all the said household furniture, plate, china glass and household linen, jaunting car, horse and cows to my son, Henry Cornelius and I order and direct that my house clock shall at all times continue in the possession of one of my family.

And whereas I have purchased an annuity of eighty pounds a year from Mr. Gabriel Stokes, arising out of premises situate in Prussia Street, in the County of Dublin, to hold to me for the term of the natural life of the said Gabriel Stokes and for the purchase of which I paid the sum of five hundred pounds and have insured the life of the said Gabriel Stokes with the Norwich Life Insurance Company to secure the sum of four  hundred and ninety pounds on the death of the said Gabriel Stokes. I hereby will and direct my trustees and executors, hereafter named, shall continue to pay to the said Insurance Company, the necessary premium to ensure the payment of the said sum of four hundred and ninety pounds, on the death of the said Gabriel Stokes and that my said trustees do retain a sufficient sum in their hands out of said annuity to enable them to make and continue the necessary payments during the life of said Gabriel Stokes to secure the payment of the said sum on the death of the said Gabriel Stokes and that the said sum when paid by said Insurance Company or by the said Gabriel Stokes or his assigns, shall become part of my personal property and be applied by my said trustees and executors in the manner hereafter directed by this will.

I leave, devise and bequeath unto my said dearly beloved wife,  the said annuity of eighty pounds a year for the term of her natural life, provided the said Gabriel Stokes shall long live and that said annuity shall continue to be paid and provided she shall continue a widow and unmarried, subject however to the payment of the necessary  premium to be paid as aforesaid to the Insurance of the Life of the said Gabriel Stokes, the first payment of the said annuity to be made on the first gale day that shall follow after my decease and in case the said Gabriel Stokes should happen to die or pay in the said sum during the lifetime of my said wife and that said sum of four hundred and ninety pounds shall be paid to my said executors and trustees or either of them, then in such case I order and direct that said sum of four hundred and ninety pounds shall be placed out at interest on good and sufficient security by my said executors and trustees and that the interest thereof shall be paid to my said dear wife in place and stead of the said annuity hereby devised to my said wife. And in case it shall happen that my said wife shall die in the lifetime of the said Gabriel Stokes or should marry, then, in such case I leave, devise and bequeath the said annuity of eighty pounds a year subject to the premium to be paid to said Insurance Company, to my son Henry Cornelius and in case the said Gabriel Stokes should happen to die during the life time of my said dear wife, and that said sum of four hundred and ninety pounds shall be placed  out at interest or that said sum at anytime hereafter as aforesaid shall be paid, I will order and direct that after the death of my dear said wife, the sum of four hundred and ninety pounds shall be paid by my trustees and executors to my son Henry Cornelius, his executors and administrators and whereas I am entitled to a leasehold interest in the farm or lands called the South Division of Caherluskey, situate in the County of Cork, for the term of the natural lives of my sons Richard and Henry and of my daughters Catherine and Margaret, I leave and bequeath the said lands unto my son Richard, subject to the head rent payable out of same and also subject to and chargeable with an annuity or yearly rent charge of fifty pounds sterling for my said dearly beloved wife, said fifty pounds yearly to be paid and payable to my said dear wife out of my said lands called the South Division of Caherluskey, by two half-yearly payments on every twenty fifth day of March and every twenty ninth day of September, during the term of her natural life in case she shall continue a widow and unmarried, the first payment of said annuity  to be made on the first gale day after my decease, and in case the said annuity or rent charge shall remain unpaid for the space of twenty one days after either of said days of payment, then and as often as it shall so happen, my said wife to have full power and authority to distrain the said lands for non payment of same, and all expenses, costs and charges attending the enforcing the payment of said rent charge and all arrears thereof, and in case my son Richard shall happen to die unmarried and without lawful issue, then in such case, I devise the said lands subject as aforesaid to my daughter Margaret.

I leave, devise and bequeath to my son Henry, the farm and lands situate in the County of Cork called the North Division of Caherluskey, as held by David Lane, to hold to my said son Henry during the term of my interest in said lands subject to the head rent payable out of same. I leave, devise and bequest to my son Henry and to his heirs forever, my interest in the dwelling house and concerns situate in the town of Mountrath in the Queens County in which the Rev. Valentine Griffith now resides with the appurtenances thereunto belonging to hold same unto my said son Henry forever, subject to the head rent payable out of same and also subject to an annuity of ten pounds yearly  to be paid out- same to Margaret Meagher under the will of the late Miss Morton.

I leave, devise and bequeath unto my son Richard, my interest  in the farm of Springfield situate in the County of Cork as now devised to Mr. John Brunett.  I leave, devise and bequeath unto my son Henry my interest in the holdings situate in Cloyne in the County of Cork and to which I am entitled in right of my first wife, Catherine subject to the head rent payable out of same and in case my said son Henry should die without lawful issue, than and in such case, I leave my said holdings situate in Cloyne to my grand daughter Catherine Armstrong. I leave devise and bequeath unto my friend Samuel Randel Wily all money due to me by the executors of the late Timothy Lane of Cloyne and which now amounts to about one thousand pounds, in trust for the use and benefit of my daughter Margaret.

I leave and bequeath unto my daughter Catherine Armstrong and Elizabeth Ann Short and to my daughter-in-law Elenor Cornelius, the sum of one hundred pounds sterling each, to be paid to them and each of them out of the residue of my effects.
I leave and bequeath unto Mary Anne Rogers, second daughter of the late Rev. James Rogers, the sum of fifty pounds sterling, same to be paid to her in twelve months after my decease.

And whereas my said wife Elizabeth was entitled to money due to her by Richard Palmer Esq.  and by______ Cornwall Esq. part of which has been received by my said wife, and part may still remain due. I leave devise and bequeath unto my said dear wife Elizabeth, all such sums of money as she was entitled to and was her own property at the time of her marriage with me and all such sums and such parts thereof as she may have received since her marriage and also such parts thereof which may remain due to her at the time of my decease, it being my will and desire that all such sums of money as she possessed of our entitled to previous to her marriage with me should be received, recovered and applied to and for her own use and benefit and to be at her entire disposal not withstanding her coverture.

I leave and bequeath to my son Henry, my gold watch made by Pilkington with my gold chain and seals.  I leave devise and bequeath to my friend the said Samuel Randall Wily twenty pounds to purchase a ring as a small token of my affection ad sincere regard and as to all the residue and remainder of my personal  and effects not hereby disposed of, I leave devise and bequeath same and every part thereof subject to my debts and to the several legacies mentioned in this my  will, to my son Richard Cornelius and do hereby appoint my said son Richard, Residuary Legatee and do nominate constitute and appoint my esteemed and beloved friend the same Samuel Randel Wily Esq. of Shamrock Lodge in the County of Cork and my said son Richard, Trustees and Executors of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all former and other wills and Codicils heretofore made by me and do declare this as my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my seal this Fifteenth day of December, one thousand, eight hundred and twenty one. Signed, sealed by Henry Cornelius and witnessed by E.H. Dempsey, Joseph Rogers, James Templeton



5.1             18th Irish Catholics - notes

Gearóid Ó Maelearcaidh   

The problems with penalties on Catholics in Ireland go back to the Reformation and as in England legislation was introduced piecemeal to limit Catholic participation in national administration. The legislation in Ireland was held back to some extent up to the time of James 1 because there was a Catholic majority in the Irish Parliament. But in the time of James 1 that parliamentary majority of Old English Catholic MP's was by a variety of means overcome. Some MP's converted to preserve position and wealth, yet more MP's were either intimidated from attending Parliament, some assassinated and others accused of treason and fled the country. With a bare Protestant majority laws were introduced which financially penalised Catholics so that many more of the wealthier Catholics began to leave the country.

Nevertheless a Catholic presence in the Irish Parliament did have some effect to delay legislation against Catholics from being enforced effectively. It was not until the 1690's with the Irish backing of the Stuarts counter rebellion, the Cromwellian repression and period up to the mid 1700's that draconian laws became effectively enforced. This creates a huge black hole for Irish genealogy as Catholics become non persons and disappear from official records. It's here that old estate papers are often the only hope to find native Irish and hence why detailed research by persons such as yourself are so valuable.

A few of the wealthiest Catholics did by means of very clever lawyers manage to use the law by means of trusts and clever devises / arrangements to hang on to some wealth. The one area where Catholics were not proscribed was commerce and from the ranks of such people who managed to survive the 18th century a small class were able to rebuild their status when the establishment began to ease the constraints on all Dissenters. It's possible that this is where Michael Mullarkey fits into ambitious late 18th century Sligo society.

The Inns of Court were one area which proscribed Catholics from the 1690's so that Catholics were unable to become JP's, solicitors or attorneys. Attorneys were a lower level of lawyer perhaps equivalent to a legal executive. Additionally should a man marry a Catholic, or have his children be brought up as Catholic he would be disbarred from any legal office. This was designed amongst a raft of other administrative measures to prevent people just pretending to convert to the Established church to gain some advantage. Eventually Catholics were proscribed from receiving any form of education which it was hoped would finally ensure an end to a case for their role in administration.

There was as a result a slow but gradual conversion process throughout the 17th century as people became desperate to escape their state. But rather conversely that conversion process resulted in some Catholics converting not to the Established church but to Presbyterianism. The constraints on Dissenters and the opening of America with it's welcome to Dissenters then resulted in many of these new converts together with Scottish settlers (Scots Irish) emigrating to America, thereby weakening Protestantism in rural Ireland. With the Stuart cause failed and the lack of a Catholic elite to oppose the establishment and the emergence of freethinking, a new enlightenment gradually spread amongst Protestant radicals who had influence in the Irish Parliament and slowly the whole structure of repression was slowly unpicked, or allowed to gradually fall into disuse.

The 1780's and 1790's were the turning point in the radicalisation of Irish politics and because of the mood of emancipation interweaved with politics there was a re-invigoration of Catholicism and a sudden halt if not reversal of the conversion process. Nevertheless County Sligo where Michael Mullarkey came from was one county outside the North of Ireland and the old Pale counties of Leinster where the Established church did have some success with conversions.

There was good sense in the liberalisation of laws as there were fears in the establishment not just in Ireland but in England that social injustice had to be addressed or that the masses of the poor would simply sweep the old system away. Catholics in Ireland were therefore allowed to join the British army.  This was hoped to counter the emigration of Irish (wild geese) into the armies of England's enemies especially France. By the time of Waterloo there were 20,000 Irish with Wellington at Waterloo but still there were almost a similar number of Irish (though a generation older) in Napoleon's army.

Similarly the English government encouraged and funded the creation of Maynooth college to train Catholic priests in Ireland again to counter the effect of Irish going into foreign seminaries and returning to Ireland radicalised with republican ideas.

In this context there are a number of possible points about Michael Mullarkey. He could have been a convert to the established church and as a result he may have become a KC and JP. Because of the benefits conferred by conversion Parliament in a series of enactments laid down a highly structured process to record conversion. The records of conversions were sadly destroyed, but indexes to survive. Unfortunately the indexes do not give enough detail to accurately identify individuals but information in the indexes may perhaps be indicative of possible conversion.

It was difficult often to administer justice at the end of the 18th century in rural Ireland. To have someone as JP who might be seen as poacher turned gamekeeper would have been something which would have been encouraged especially in revolutionary times when local courts might have had to prosecute local men for all kinds of offences linked to treason. If Michael had been a JP and a prosecution KC against enemies of the State even at a local level I think it not impossible that such a person might have been rewarded for his loyalty by elevation to the Peerage. The problem as I see it is that I have been totally unable to find state lists which show lists of JP's for Sligo for the relevant period and I have no idea where I might find details of KC's in Ireland. If Michael was elevated to the Peerage again I do not know where I am going to find definitive information.


6        MULLARKEY EstateS




Associated Families



The Mullarkey family held lands in the barony of Leyny, county Sligo. At the time of Griffith's Valuation, Patrick Mullarkey was leasing over 130 acres from the Ffolliott estate at Ballyara, and almost 300 acres from the Phibbs estate, both in the parish of Achonry. In 1870 Michael and Margaret Mullarkey offered for sale lands in the parishes of Achonry and Ballisodare, in the Landed Estates Court. The Mullarkey family owned almost 800 acres in the 1870s. Margaret Mullarkey offered for sale over 280 acres of lands at Drumartin, barony of Leyny, in the Land Judges' Court in June 1885. The sale notice indicates that the property at Drumartin was originally held on lease between Eliza Cooper and Patrick Mullarkey dated March 1790. The family are also associated with a famous racehorse, called The Pride of Ballyara, which won them substantial monies in the mid-nineteenth century and is buried on the perimeter of the graveyard in Ballyara.


Ballyara or Ballyhara
The original Ballyara Castle was formerly associated with the O'Hara family. At the time of Griffith's Valuation, Patrick Mullarkey was leasing a building valued at £3 at Ballyara, barony of Leyny, from the Ffolliott estate.

At the time of Griffith's Valuation, Drummartin House was being leased by Joseph McCarthy, MD, from Caleb Digby. It was valued at £12. In the 1870s it is recorded as the address of Mrs. Mullarkey. The sale notice of June 1885 indicates that it was a modern house erected at a cost of over £2000 and the main tenant was William Evans.


House Name / Description


Civil Parish





OS Grid Reference / Map

Ballyara or Ballyhara

Ballyara or Falduff  



Tobercurry 84  



G501116 Discovery map #25. OS Sheet #37.








G440131 Discovery map #24. OS Sheet #37, 31.





6.1             Estate: Sandford/Wills Sandford

Associated Families

Sandford (Baron Mount Sandford)


Wills (Castlereagh)


The descendants of Captain Theophilus Sandford of Moyglare, county Meath, settled at Castlerea, county Roscommon, in the late 17th century and represented the county in Parliament. Henry Moore Sandford (1751-1814) was created Baron Mount Sandford of Castlerea in July 1800. The title became extinct in 1846 following the death of George Sandford, 3rd Baron and the Sandford estates which were in the parishes of Dysart, barony of Athlone, Drumatemple, barony of Ballymoe and Ballintober, Kilkeevin and Kiltullagh, barony of Castlereagh, passed to the families of his sisters Wills of Willsgrove, Pakenham and Newenham. In the 1870s Thomas G. Wills Sandford owned 24,410 acres in county Roscommon and 949 acres in county Dublin. Over 1,200 acres of the Wills Sandford estate was vested in the Congested Districts' Board on 5 Nov 1911.


Fortwilliam (Castlereagh)
The estate of William W.R. Sandford was leasing the house at Ballyfinegan, barony of Castlereagh, to Patrick Tighe at the time of Griffith's Valuation when it was valued at £11. Lewis records a house called Fortwilliam in the parish of Ballintober as the seat of P. Teighe in 1837. The Census of Elphin recorded William Compton as resident at Ballyfinegan in 1749.

At the time of Griffith's Valuation, the estate of William W.R. Sandford was leasing a property valued at £12 at Frenchlawn, barony of Castlereagh, to James Glancey. In 1837 Lewis recorded Frenchlawn as the seat of Mrs. French. In 1814 it was the residence of Christopher French. There is still an occupied house at this site.
William W.R. Sandford's estate was the lessor of two properties at Willsgrove, barony of Castlereagh, at the time of Griffith's Valuation. One, valued at £10, was vacant while the second was leased to Anne Glancey together with 260 acres. In 1837 Lewis records Willsgrove as the seat of W.R. Wills. The 1749 Census of Elphin records that Godfrey Wills was resident at Willsgrove. In 1783 Taylor and Skinner note Willsgrove as a seat of the Wills family.
Patrick Sweeney was leasing a house valued at £12 at Cloonkeen, barony of Castlereagh, from the Sandford estate at the time of Griffith's Valuation.
Castlereagh House
The principal residence of the Sandford estate was at Castlereagh House, barony of Castlereagh. It was valued at £80 at the time of Griffith's Valuation. Castlereagh House has since been demolished. Gate lodges, one of which functions as Gaynor's Funeral Home, survive while part of the demesne lands is a public park for Castlerea town.
Charles Broderick was leasing a property valued at £10 at Termonbeg, barony of Castlereagh, from the Sandford estate at the time of Griffith's Valuation. The house is not marked on the 1st edition of the Ordnance Survey.
Originally a property of the Wills family who inherited the Sandford estate through Mrs. Mary Wills. In the 1850s Willsbrook was leased by Michael O'Connor. In 1814 it had been the seat of Daniel O'Connor.
Rev. Robert Blundell was leasing a property valued at £16 at Ballinlough, parish of Kiltullagh, from the Sandford estate at the time of Griffith's Valuation.
Henry Sampy was leasing a property valued at £3 10s + 155 acres at Willsborough, barony of Castlereagh, from the Sandford estate at the time of Griffith's Valuation. In 1814 this property was the residence of Walter Jordan. The site of Willsborough House is now occupied by the Community Centre and pitches of Michael Glaveys GAA Club. A memorial stone for a dog owned by Helen Sampey is preserved against the wall of the building.
Cashlieve House
Lewis describes a house at Cashla in the parish of Kiltullagh as a sporting lodge belonging to W.R. Wills in 1837. In the 1850s William Sandford owned a property valued at £24 at Cashlieve, barony of Castlereagh. The house now known as Cashlieve House was built in the later nineteenth century.
Derry Lodge
At the time of Griffith's Valuation, Elizabeth Sandford was leasing a house at Derry, barony of Frenchpark, valued at £6 from the French estate. The house is described in the Ordnance Survey Field Name books of 1837 as "a good house, two stories high and thatched". The first edition of the Ordnance Survey map indicates a mill on the site also.

House Name / Description


Civil Parish





OS Grid Reference / Map

Fortwilliam (Castlereagh)




Ballintober 60  



M726 742 Discovery map #40. OS Sheet #34.





Ballintober 60  



M711741 Discovery map #39. OS Sheet #34.





Ballintober 60  



M736754 Discovery map #40. OS Sheet #27.





Coolougher 67  



M647 788 Discovery map #33. OS Sheet #26.

imageCastlereagh House




Castlereagh 65  



M647788 Discovery map #39. OS Sheet #26.





Castlereagh 65  



M709809 Discovery map #32. OS Sheet #21.





Coolougher 67  



M691756 Discovery map #39. OS Sheet #26.





Ballinlough 64  



M580769 Discovery map #39. OS Sheet #25.





Ballinlough 64  



M583783 Discovery map #39. OS Sheet #25.

imageCashlieve House




Ballinlough 64  



M608773 Discovery map #39. OS Sheet #26.

Derry Lodge




Artagh North 55  



M580869 Discovery map #32. OS Sheet #19.

Modern printed sources

Jnl. of the Roscommon Archaeological and Historical Society.: ROCHFORD, Rhona. The Sandfords, Landlords of Castlerea, 1641-1914. V (1994), 99-101

BURKE, Sir Bernard. A genealogical history of the Dormant, Abeyant, Forfeited and Extinct Peerages of the British Empire. London: Harrison, 1883: 470

GLIN, Knight of, GRIFFIN, D. J. & ROBINSON, N.K (eds). Vanishing Country Houses of Ireland. Dublin: Irish Architectural Archive/Irish Georgian Society, 1989. : 125 (Castlerea House)

Archival sources

National Archives of Ireland: Deeds and maps relating to Sandford family estates in county Roscommon, from 1723. D.8002-8160, M.531-544.

National Archives of Ireland: Two maps of Lord Mount Sandford's estate in Ballindrimley, county Roscommon, 1770 & 1812. M.542a, M542e.

National Archives of Ireland: Map of Sandford estate, Kilkeevan parish, 1781. M.540.

National Archives of Ireland: Map of Sandford estate, Malthouse park, Castlerea, 1785. M.542b.

National Archives of Ireland: Boyd map of Sandford estates in Ballintober barony, 1795. M. 532.

National Archives of Ireland: Map of boundaries of estates of Lords de Freyne and Mount Sandford. n.d.

National Archives of Ireland: Deeds, maps & other documents re the Sandford Wills estates, 18th-19th centuries. Small Accs. Index 40, See Report of Deputy Keeper of the Public Records, No. 58 page 34

National Archives of Ireland: Baker, Ringwood & Gordon, solicitors' collection, includes papers re Court of Appeal case in matter of estate of Thomas George Wills Sandford, Co Roscommon, 1904. Small Accs. Index 105, M.4086(1-9)

National Library of Ireland: Longfield maps - surveys and maps of the Sandford estate in the barony of Athlone & in the barony of Castlereagh, no date. 21 F 43 (12 & 13) & 21 F 44 (61)

National Library of Ireland: Rentals of Lord Mount Sandford's estates in Roscommon & Westmeath, 1835-1845. MSS. 4281-4289.

National Library of Ireland: Rental,1718 & leases circa 1750. MS 10,152

National Library of Ireland: Letter from J. Redding of Castlerea to G.R. Wills Sandford re vacancy for gamekeeper on estate of Major O'Hara, 1 Dec 1910. MS 24,197

Parliamentary Archives: Private Act, House of Lords, to enable the Devisees under the last Will and Testament of the Right Honourable Henry Lord Mount-Sandford, deceased, to make Leases etc, 1830. HL/PO/PB/1/1830/1W4n252

Private Possession: Pakenham Papers, Tullynally, Co Westmeath, contain estate material re the Sandford family of Castlerea, Co Roscommon. See introduction to archive by Anthony Malcomson at T/3763 in PRONI.

Royal Irish Academy Library: Papers including rentals of the Mount Sandford estate, Castlereagh, 18th-19th centuries. !2 S 35.

Contemporary printed sources

GRIFFITH'S VALUATION OF IRELAND, 1850-1858.: Castlerea Union, 11 (Ballyfinegan [Fortwilliam]), 14 (Frenchlawn), 17 (Willsgrove), 56 (Cloonkeen), 61 (Castlereagh House), 68 (Termonbeg), 70 (Willsbrook), 71 (Ballinlough), 75 (Cashlieve), 103 (Willsborough), 143 (Derry Lodge)

HUSSEY DE BURGH, U. H. The Landowners of Ireland. An alphabetical list of the owners of estates of 500 acres or £500 valuation and upwards in Ireland. Dublin: Hodges, Foster and Figgis, 1878: 478

HUSSEY DE BURGH, U. H. The Landowners of Ireland. An alphabetical list of the owners of estates of 500 acres or £500 valuation and upwards in Ireland. Dublin: Hodges, Foster and Figgis, 1878: 478

LEWIS, Samuel. A Topographical Dictionary of Ireland. London: S. Lewis & Co., 1837: Vol.I, 118.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS. 15th Annual Report of the Commissioners of Public Records Ireland, 1825. Vol XVI, Appendix I, Grants under Acts of Settlement: 95 & 212

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS. 24th Annual Report of the Congested Districts' Board for Ireland, [Cd 8356], HC 1916, vi, 564-586. Appendix VIII: 57

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS. Return of owners of land of one acre and upwards, in the several counties .... in Ireland. HC 1876, LXXX: 319.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS. Return of owners of land of one acre and upwards, in the several counties .... in Ireland. HC 1876, LXXX: 319

TAYLOR, George & SKINNER, Andrew. Maps of the Roads of Ireland, surveyed in 1777 and corrected down to 1783. Facsimile of 2nd edition. Shannon: Irish University Press, 1969: 238

WELD, Isaac. Statistical Survey of the county of Roscommon. Dublin: Royal Dublin Society, 1832. : 483.




Landed Estates Database, 1.1.1 3 Sep 2008. Email: mailto:info@landedestates.ie.

Bottom of Page


Pakenham - The Honourable and Reverend Henry Pakenham was the fifth son of Edward Michael Pakenham 2nd Baron Longford. He married in 1822 Eliza Catherine Sandford, sister and co heiress of Henry Sandford 2nd Lord Mountsandford. At the time of Griffith's Valuation the Pakenham estate in county Roscommon was in the parishes of Dysart and Fuerty, barony of Athlone, Kilbride and Roscommon, barony of Ballintober South and Ballintober, Baslick and Kilcorkey, barony of Castlereagh. It amounted to over 3,000 acres.


Mahon/Pakenham-Mahon - In February 1666 Captain Nicholas Mahon was granted over 2,700 acres in the barony of Roscommon and in July 1678 he was granted over 3,000 acres in the baronies of Roscommon and Ballintober county Roscommon. The latter became the Manor of Ballynamully or Strokestown, 500 acres to be held as demesne. Thomas Mahon represented the borough of Roscommon 1739-1763 and the county from 1763-1782. His son and heir Maurice Mahon was created Baron Hartland of Strokestown in July 1800. The Honourable S. Mahon was a member of the Grand Panel of county Roscommon in 1828. The title died out with the death in 1845 of Maurice 3rd Baron Hartland. He was succeeded by his cousin Major Denis Mahon who was murdered in 1847. Grace Catherine Mahon the heiress married Henry Sandford Pakenham, eldest son of the Honourable and Reverend Henry Pakenham and they took the additional name of Mahon. Their only son Henry had one child, a daughter Olive. The Ordnance Survey Field Name Books record Thomas Conry as agent to Lord Hartland. In the 1850s Henry Sandford Pakenham-Mahon held land in the county Roscommon parishes of Dysart, barony of Athlone, Kilglass and Kilmore, barony of Ballintober North, Kilbride, Kilgefin, barony of Ballintober South, Cloonfinlough, Bumlin, Aughrim, Elphin, Kilbride, Kiltrustan, Lissonuffy, barony of Roscommon. In the 1870s the Pakenham Mahon estate amounted to almost 27,000 acres in county Roscommon. Over 8,600 acres of the Mahon estate was vested in the Congested Districts' Board in March 1911 and July 1912.


Family: Stewart (Roscommon)

Family name:

Stewart (Roscommon)

Family title:





Stewart (Roscommon) - In the 1870s James Robert Stewart of Gortheitragh, Kingstown, county Dublin, owned 482 acres in county Roscommon and 802 acres in county Longford. He was the fifth son of Henry Stewart of Tyrcallen, county Donegal and his wife Elizabeth Pakenham, daughter of the 2nd Lord Longford.


Family: Stewart (Roscommon)

Family name:

Stewart (Roscommon)

Family title:





Stewart (Roscommon) - In the 1870s James Robert Stewart of Gortheitragh, Kingstown, county Dublin, owned 482 acres in county Roscommon and 802 acres in county Longford. He was the fifth son of Henry Stewart of Tyrcallen, county Donegal and his wife Elizabeth Pakenham, daughter of the 2nd Lord Longford.

Modern printed sources

BURKE, Sir Bernard. A genealogical and heraldic history of the Landed Gentry of Ireland. London: Harrison & Sons, 1904: 566-567

Contemporary printed sources

HUSSEY DE BURGH, U. H. The Landowners of Ireland. An alphabetical list of the owners of estates of 500 acres or £500 valuation and upwards in Ireland. Dublin: Hodges, Foster and Figgis, 1878: 427

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS. Return of owners of land of one acre and upwards, in the several counties .... in Ireland. HC 1876, LXXX: 319



7        Will of John Armstrong, 1830

Extracted from the Registry of His Majesty’s Court of Prerogative in Ireland. (PRO Prob 11/1807)

I John Armstrong of Cherry Valley in the Parish of Glenavy and county of Antrim being of sound disposing mind and memory and understanding do make and publish this my last will and testament hereby revoking all former and other wills by me at any time heretofore made

I give devise and bequeath all my lands tenements and hereditaments goods chattels ?? and effects Estate real and personal and property of ?? or nature so-ever and whatsoever unto David Shaw of Ard in Scotland esq Alexander MacKay Of Stockwell in Middlesex in England esq and my son Edward Pakenham Armstrong of Cherry Valley aforesaid their heirs executors administrators and assigns to the use of them the said David Shaw Alexander McKay and Edward Pakenham Armstrong their executors adudes and assigns nevertheless upon the trusts and to and for the ends intents and purposes and under and subject to the powers provisos and declarations hereinafter expressed and declared of and concerning the same that is to say upon trust that

they do and shall hereby and herewith as soon as conveniently may be after my decease pay and satisfy my funeral and testamentary expenses debts and legacies all of which I hereby declare a charge and chargeable upon all my estate as well real as personal and upon further trust as to and concerning all and every my lands and tenements in the town lands of Cherry Valley Civer?? Court Ballygortgarve and Ballytromery[xv] with their appurtenants and all my term for lives and years and interest thereon that they do

and shall by and out of the rents issue and profit thereof pay unto my son Edward Pakenham Armstrong and to his assigns yearly and every year being the term of his natural life one annuity yearly rent charge or that annual sum of one hundred pounds sterling by equal half yearly payments on the first day of January and first day of July in every year during the life of the said Edward Pakenham Armstrong the first payment thereof to be made on which ever of the said days of payment as shall next appear after my death which said annuity of one hundred pounds is hereby declared a charge upon all and singular the lands and tenements aforesaid

provided always that in case my eldest son Charles William Armstrong at any time hereafter be appointed agent to the estate of the Honourable Hercules Robert Pakenham which agency is enjoyed at present by myself and shall be in possession and receipt of the Emoluments of the said agency then and in such case and for such period as the said Charles William Armstrong shall continue in such Agency and Enjoyment of its Emoluments it is hereby declared that the said annuity of one hundred pounds hereby made payable to the said Edward Pakenham Armstrong shall be increased by the additional sum of fifty pounds sterling and that the said Increased annuity amounting in the whole to the yearly sum of one hundred and fifty pounds shall in the event and for the period aforesaid be regarded and rechargeable upon the Lands and Tenements aforesaid and paid and payable by the said trustees out of the rents issues and profits thereof to the said Edward Pakenham Armstrong during his life in lieu of said annuity of one hundred pounds in manner and form and upon the days of payment hereinbefore expressed in respect of the said annuity of one hundred pounds

Provided further and it is hereby expressly declared and my Will is that in case the said Edward Pakenham Armstrong shall at any time be appointed to the agency hereinbefore mentioned and shall be in possession and receipt of the Emoluments thereof then and in such case and for same period as the said Edward Pakenham Armstrong shall at any time be appointed to the Agency hereinbefore mentioned and shall continue in same agency and enjoyment of its emoluments the said annuity hereinbefore limited in favour of the said Edward Pakenham Armstrong shall totally cease and determine? Or be suspended as the case may require it being hereby expressly declared that the said the said Edward Pakenham Armstrong shall not enjoy at the same time both the said annuity aforesaid and the Emoluments of the said annuity (does this mean the agency??)

and upon further trust as to my Lands and Tenements aforesaid and the appurtenances that my said trustees ?? shall stand seized and possessed of the same and of the legal Estate therein subject nevertheless to the said annuity hereinbefore charges thereon in favour of the said Edward Pakenham Armstrong upon trust for the sole use and behoof of my said eldest son Charles William Armstrong and his assigns for and during the time of his natural life and from and after the decease of the said Charles William Armstrong
upon trust for the first son of the body of the said Charles William Armstrong and for the heirs of the body of such first son lawfully issuing and for default of such issue upon trust for the  second third fourth fifth and all and every son and sons of the body of the said Charles William Armstrong severally successively and in remainder one after another as they and every of them shall in seniority of age or priority of birth and for the several and respective heirs of the body and bodies of all and every such son and sons lawfully issuing the elder of such sons and the heirs of his body issuing being always preferred and to take before the younger of such sons

and the heirs of his and their body and respective bodies issuing and for default of such issue upon trust for all and every daughter and daughters of the said Chas William Armstrong equally to be divided between or amongst them share and share alike as tenants in common and for the several and respective heirs of the body and bodies of all and every such daughter and daughters lawfully issuing and in case there shall be failure of issue of any one or more of such daughters then as well as the original share or shares of as the share or shares surviving or accruing to such last mentioned daughter and daughters or her or their issue upon trust for all and every other the daughter and daughters of the said Chas William Armstrong equally to be divided between them if more than one share and share alike as tenants in common and

for the several and respective heirs of their bodies issuing and in case all such daughters but one shall happen to be without issue or if there shall be but one such daughter upon trust for such one daughter and for the heirs of her body lawfully issuing and for default of such issue upon trust for my second son Edwd Pakenham Armstrong and for his assigns for and during the term of his natural life and from and after the decease of the said Edward Pakenham Armstrong upon trust for the first son of the body of the said Edward Pakenham Armstrong and for the heirs of the body of the first son lawfully issuing and for default of such issue upon trust for the second third fourth fifth and all and every other the son and sons of the body of the said EDWARD PAKENHAM ARMSTRONG severally successively in remainder one after another as they and every of them shall in seniority of age or priority of birth and for the several and respective heirs of the body and bodies of all and every such son and sons lawfully issuing the Elder of such sons and the heirs of his body issuing being always to be preferred and to take before the younger of such sons and the heirs of his and their body and respective bodies issuing and for default of such issue upon trust for all and every daughter and daughters of the said EDWARD PAKENHAM ARMSTRONG equally to be divided between or amongst them share and share alike as tenants in common and for the several and respective heirs of the body and bodies of all and every daughter and daughters lawfully issuing and in case there shall be a failure of issue of any one of more of such daughters then as well as the original share or shares of as the share or shares surviving or arriving to such last mentioned daughter of daughters or her of their issue upon trust for all and every of them the daughter and daughters of the said EDWARD PAKENHAM ARMSTRONG equally to be divided between or amongst them if more than one share and share alike as tenants in common and for their several and respective heirs of their bodies issuing and in case all such daughters but one shall happen to die without issue or if there shall be but one such daughter then upon trust for such one daughter and the heirs of her body lawfully issuing and for default of such issue upon trust that they my said trustees and the survivor and survivors of them and the heirs executors admons and assigns of such survivor or other the trustees or trustee for the time being of this my will

do and shall dispose of sell all and singular the said lands and tenements with the appurtenances for the best price or prices sum or sums of money that can be had or gotten for the same and that they do and shall stand possessed of the monies or proceeds arising from such sale or sales as to our one moiety thereof upon trust for the use and behoof of my daughter Glencairn Dalrymple Shaw otherwise Armstrong the wife of the said David Shaw and of her assigns for and during the term of he natural life for her own sole and separate use and benefit exclusively of and without being in any wise subject to the dominion or control or liable for the debts or engagements of her present or any future husband from and after her decease upon trust for all and every child or children of her body lawfully issuing whether by the present of any future husband who shall be living at the time of her death to take if more than one in equal shares as tenants in common and in case there shall be no such child or children then living upon trust to the said Glencairn Dalrymple Shaw her Executors admons and assigns for ever

and as to for and concerning the remaining moiety of the monies and proceeds arising from such sale of sales upon trust for the use and behoof of my daughter Anna Maria Armstrong and her assigns for and during the term of her natural life for her own and separate use and benefit exclusively of and without being in any wise subject to the dominion or control or liable for the debts and engagements of any husband she may marry and from and after her decease upon trust for all and every child and children of her body lawfully issuing who shall be living at the time of her decease to take if more than one in equal shares as tenants in common in case there shall be no such child or children then living upon trust for the said Anna Maria Armstrong her executors admons and assigns
provided always that in the event of such sale or sales being effected by my said trustees the purchaser or purchasers shall not be liable for the misapplication or non application of the purchase money or bound to see to the application thereof but the receipt or receipts of the trustees asserting such sale or sales shall be sufficient discharge or sufficient discharges for the sums therein respectively expressed to be raised
provided always and I hereby declare my Will to be that it shall and may be lawful for my son Charles William Armstrong by deed of marriage settlement to be executed previous to his marriage under the hand and seal and attested by two or more credible witnesses to direct and appoint that from and after his decease an annuity or yearly rent charge not exceeding the annual sum of one hundred pounds sterling shall be paid and payable by and out of the rent issues and profits of the said lands and premises unto any wife of the said Charles William Armstrong who may survive him and to her assigns for and during the term of her natural life in such manner and upon such days of payment as the said CHARLES WILLIAM ARMSTRONG shall direct and it is hereby declared that the trustees or other the trustees for the time of this my will in the event of such appointment being made by my said son as aforesaid shall and they are hereby directed and required by and out of the rents issues and profits of the said lands and tenements to pay after the decease of the said CHARLES WILLIAM ARMSTRONG to his surviving wife and her assigns during her life such annuity as aforesaid pursuant to such Deed of Marriage Settlement to be executed by the said CHARLES WILLIAM ARMSTRONG as hereinbefore mentioned
provided also and I hereby further declared that in case the said EDWARD PAKENHAM ARMSTRONG shall at any time hereafter under the limitations hereinbefore contained become entitled in possession benefit of the trust estate limited in his favour for life as aforesaid it shall be lawful for the said EDWARD PAKENHAM ARMSTRONG by Deed of Marriage Settlement to be executed previous to his marriage under his hand and seal and attested by two or more credible witnesses to direct and appoint that from and after his decease an annuity or yearly rent charge not exceeding the annual sum of one hundred pounds stg shall be paid an payable out of the rents issues and profits of said lands and Tenements unto any wife of the said EDWARD PAKENHAM ARMSTRONG who may survive him and to her assigns for and during the term of her natural life in such manner and upon such days of payment as the said EDWARD PAKENHAM ARMSTRONG shall direct and it is hereby declared that the said trustees or other the trustees for the time being of this my will in the event of such appointment being made by the said EDWARD PAKENHAM ARMSTRONG while in possession as aforesaid shall and they are hereby directed and required by and out of the rents and profits of the said Lands and premises and tenements to pay after the decease of the said EDWARD PAKENHAM ARMSTRONG to his surviving wife and her assigns during her life such annuity as aforesaid pursuant to such Deed of Marriage Settlement to be executed by the said EDWARD PAKENHAM ARMSTRONG as hereinbefore mentioned

And whereas I am interested in and possessed of the four several bonds following with the judgements thereon respectively ?? that is to say a Bond bearing date the twentieth day of May one thousand seven hundred and ninety seven from Catherine late Baroness of Longford to William Marshall In the penal sum of three hundred and fifty pounds like currency
A further Bond bearing date the twentieth June one thousand seven hundred and ninety seven for the said Baroness of Longford to George Burleigh in the penal sum of two hundred pounds and seventy four pounds like currency conditioned for the payment of one hundred and thirty seven pounds
a further bond bearing date first of November one thousand eight hundred and six from the said Baroness of Longford to the said George Burleigh in the penal sum of two thousand six hundred pounds like currency conditioned for the payment of the sum of one thousand three hundred pounds and
a further bond bearing date the twenty sixth of May one thousand eight hundred and fourteen from the said Baroness of Longford to Roberta afterwards the wife of the said George Burleigh in the penal sum of three hundred pounds like currency conditioned for the payment of one hundred and fifty pounds
upon all of which four several bonds judgement was entered respectively in the Court of Exchequer of Hilary term one thousand eight hundred and sixteen

Page 6

Now I hereby declare that the said four several bonds and judgements are hereby bequeathed to my trustees before named and that they shall stand possessed of the same and all monies thereby reserved and of all benefit and advantage thereof from time to time as the same shall arise or arrive
into the proper hands of my said daughter Glencairn Dalrymple Shaw or of her assigns for and during the term of her natural life for her own sole and separate use and benefit exclusively of and without being in any wise subject to the Dominion or liable for the debts or Engagements of her present or any future husband and it is hereby declared that the separate receipt in writing of the said GLENCAIRN DALRYMPLE SHAW or of such person or persons as she shall form time to time appoint to receive such trust monies as aforesaid shall notwithstanding her ?? be sufficient discharges in the Law for the sums therein respectively expressed to be reserved and from and after the decease of my said daughter GLENCAIRN DALRYMPLE SHAW upon trust as to the same part of the said trust premises to void the four several Bonds and Judgements hereinbefore specified that the said trustees or other the trustees for the time being of this my will do and shall convey and assure the same and the monies thereby secured as well principal sums as interest unto all and every the children and child of the said GLENCAIRN DALRYMPLE SHAW whether by her present or any future husband who being a son or sons shall respectively attain the ages of twenty one years or being a daughter or daughters shall respectively attain their age or marry to be conveyed to such child if more than one in equal shares as tenants in common and if such one child the whole to share and it is hereby declared that such shares shall not vest either in Interest or possession until the said respective periods of age or marriage hereinbefore mentioned provided always and it is hereby declared that if any one or more of the said children being a son or sons shall depart this life under the age of twenty one years or being a daughter or daughters shall depart this life under that age without being or having been married that as well their share or shares hereby originally provided for such child or children so dying as the share or shares which by virtue of this present proviso shall have survived to him her or them of and in the said trust premises shall remain for the benefit and advantage of such child and be conveyed and assigned to the other or others of the said children and if more than one in equal shares as tenants in common and shall vest in and be paid to them respectively such trusts and in such manner as hereinbefore declared in respect of their original shares provided that after the decease of my said daughter GLENCAIRN DALRYMPLE SHAW during such time as the said children or any of them being a son or sons shall be under the age of twenty one years and being a daughter or daughters shall be under the said age and unmarried the said trustees or other the trustees for the time being of this my will shall pay and apply the interest or other annual proceeds of that part of my said trust premises to which such child shall for the time being be entitled in expectancy under the limitations hereinbefore contained or a competent part thereof towards the maintenance and education or otherwise for the use and benefit of such child respectively and in case there shall be no child of the said GLENCAIRN DALRYMPLE SHAW who shall become entitled to the said trust premises under the trusts hereinbefore declared of and concerning the same hereafter the decease of the said GLENCAIRN DALRYMPLE SHAW and such failure of children as aforesaid upon trust as to such part of the trust premises hereby assigned as aforesaid and as before specified to wit the four several Bonds and Judgements aforesaid and the monies thereby secured that the trustees aforesaid do and shall stand possessed of the rent for the proper use and benefit of all and every such of my children as said David Shaw the husband of the said GLENCAIRN DALRYMPLE SHAW and of his assigns for and during the term of his natural life and from and after his decease for the proper use and benefit of all and every such of my children as shall be living at the time of the decease of the survivor of the said GLENCAIRN DALRYMPLE SHAW and David Shaw if more than one in equal

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shares as tenants in common and of their respective Executors Admons and assigns and in case there shall be no child of mine living in such case the same shall fall into the residue of my personal Estate and remain for the use and benefit of my
residuary legatee hereinafter named his Executors Admons and Assigns

And whereas I am also interested in and possessed of the two other Bonds with Judgements entered thereon respectively that is to say
a bond bearing date the twenty second of May one thousand eight hundred and thirteen from the said Baroness of Longford to the said George Burleigh in the penal sum of one thousand seven hundred late currency conditioned for the payment of eight hundred and fifty like currency and
a further bond bearing date the twenty sixth of May one thousand eight hundred and fourteen from the said Baroness of Longford to the said George Burleigh in the penal sum of one thousand seven hundred like late currency conditioned for the payment of eight hundred and fifty pounds upon each of which said last mentioned bonds judgement was entered into the Court of Exchequer as of Hilary term one thousand eight hundred and sixteen ??

Now I hereby declare that the said several bonds and judgements are hereby bequeathed to my trustees named and that they shall stand possessed of all money secured thereby and all benefits and advantages thereof upon trust that they do and shall pay the interest or other annual proceeds thereof from time to time as the same shall arise or accrue into the proper hands of my daughter Anna Maria Armstrong or her assigns for and during the term of her natural life for her own sole and separate use and benefit exclusively of and without being in nay wise subject to the Dominion or Control or liable for the debts and engagements of any husband she may marry and it is hereby declared that the separate receipts in writing of the said ANNA MARIA ARMSTRONG or of such person or persons as she shall from time to time appoint to receive such trust monies aforesaid shall notwithstanding any future coverture of the said ANNA MARIA ARMSTRONG be sufficient discharge in the law for the sums therein respectively expressed to be received and from and after the decease of the said ANNA MARIA ARMSTRONG upon trust as to the same parts of the said trust premises to wit the two Bonds and Judgements last herein specified that the said trusts for the time being of this my will do and shall convey and assure and monies thereby secured as well principal sums of as interest unto tall and every the children and child of the said ANNA MARIA ARMSTRONG by any husband she may marry who being a son or sons respectively attain the age of twenty one years being a daughter or daughters shall attain that age or marry to be conveyed to such child or children if more than one in equal shares as tenants in common and if but one child the whole to such one and it is hereby declared that such shares shall not vest when in interest or possession until the respective periods of age or marriage hereinbefore mentioned provided always that if any one of more of such children shall depart this life before the shares hereby intended for them respectively shall become vested as aforesaid then as well as the shares hereby originally provided for such child or children so dying as the shares were by virtue of the present proviso shall have survived or arrived to them respectively of and in the said trust premises shall remain for the benefit and advantage and be assigned and conveyed to the other or others of the said children if more than one in equal shares and as tenants in common and shall vest in and be paid to them respectively at such times and in such manner as are hereinbefore declared in respect of their original shares provided also that after the decease of my said daughter ANNA MARIA ARMSTRONG during such time as her said Children or any of them being a son or sons shall be under the age of twenty one years and being a daughter or daughters shall be under the age of twenty one years and unmarried the said trustees for the time being of this my will shall pay and apply the interest or other annual proceeds of that part of the said trust premises to which each such Child shall for the time being be entitled in Expectancy under the limitations hereinbefore contained or of a competent part of the same towards the maintenance and education or otherwise for the use and

Page 7 end.

Shares as tenants in common and of their respective Executors Admons and Assigns and in case there shall be no child of mine then living in such case the same shall fall into the residue of my personal Estate and remain for the use and benefit of my residuary legatee hereinafter named as Executors and Abuttors and Assigns

And whereas I am also interested in and possessed of the two other Bonds with Judgement entered thereon respectively that is to say
a bond bearing date the twenty second of May one thousand eight hundred and thirteen from the said Baroness of Longford to the said George Burleigh in the penal sum of one thousand seven hundred late currency conditioned for the payment of eight hundred and fifty like currency and
a further bond bearing date the twenty sixth of May one thousand eight hundred and fourteen from the said Baroness of Longford to the said George Burleigh in the penal sum of one thousand seven hundred like late currency conditioned for the payment of eight hundred and fifty pounds upon each of which said last mentioned bonds judgement was entered into the Court of Exchequer as of Hilary term one thousand eight hundred and sixteen
Now I hereby declare that the said two several bonds and judgements are hereby bequeathed to my trustees named and that they shall stand possessed of all money secured thereby and all benefits and advantages thereof upon trust that they do and shall pay the interest or other annual proceeds thereof from time to time as the same shall arise or accrue into the proper hands of my daughter Anna Maria Armstrong or of her assigns for and during the term of her natural life for her own sole and separate use and benefit exclusively of and without being in any wise subject to the Dominion or Control or liable for the debts and engagements of any husband she may marry and it is hereby declared that the separate receipts in writing of the said ANNA MARIA ARMSTRONG or of such person or persons as she shall from time to time appoint to receive such trust monies aforesaid shall notwithstanding any future Coverture of the said ANNA MARIA ARMSTRONG be sufficient discharge in the law for the sums therein respectively expressed to be received and from and after the decease of the said ANNA MARIA ARMSTRONG upon trust as to the same parts of the said trust premises to wit the two Bonds and Judgements last herein specified that the said trusts for the time being of this my will do and shall convey and assure and monies thereby secured as well principal sums of as interest unto all and every the children and child of the said ANNA MARIA ARMSTRONG by any husband she may marry who being a son or sons respectively attain the age of twenty one years being a daughter or daughters shall attain that age or marry to be conveyed to such child or children if more than one in equal shares as tenants in common and if but one child the whole to such one
and it is hereby declared that such shares shall not vest when in interest or possession until the respective periods of age or marriage hereinbefore mentioned provided always that if any one of more of such children shall depart this life before the shares hereby intended for them respectively shall become vested as aforesaid then as well as the shares hereby originally provided for such child or children so dying as the shares were by virtue of the present proviso shall have survived or arrived to them respectively of and in the said trust premises shall remain for the benefit and advantage and be assigned and conveyed to the other or others of the said children if more than one in equal shares and as tenants in common and shall vest in and be paid to them respectively at such times and in such manner as are hereinbefore declared in respect of their original shares provided also that after the decease of my said daughter ANNA MARIA ARMSTRONG during such time as her said Children or any of them being a son or sons shall be under the age of twenty one years and being a daughter or daughters shall be under the age of twenty one years and unmarried the said trustees for the time being of this my will shall pay and apply the interest or other annual proceeds of that part of the said trust premises to which each such Child shall for the time being be entitled in Expectancy under the limitations hereinbefore contained or of a competent part of the same towards the maintenance and education or otherwise for the use and

benefit of such child respectively and in case there shall be no child of the said ANNA MARIA ARMSTRONG who shall become entitled to the said trust premises under the trust hereinafter declared concerning the same then after the decease of the said ANNA MARIA ARMSTRONG and such failure of children as aforesaid upon trust as to the same part of the said trust premises to wit the judgements hereinbefore settles upon ANNA MARIA ARMSTRONG for life that the trustees aforesaid do and shall stand possessed of the same for the proper use and benefit of any husband the said ANNA MARIA ARMSTRONG may marry and of his assigns during the term of his natural life and from and after his decease for the proper use and benefit of all and every such of my children as shall be living at the time of the decease of the survivor of the said ANNA MARIA ARMSTRONG and such husband as the said ANNA MARIA ARMSTRONG as aforesaid if m ore than one in equal shares as tenants in common and their respective executors Abuttors and Assigns and in case there shall be no child of mine then living in such case the same shall fall into the residue of my personal estate and remain for the use and benefit of my residuary legatee hereinafter named executors Abuttors and assigns

And whereas I am likewise interested in and possessed of a certain other Bonds and Judgement
the bond bearing date the first of December one thousand eight hundred and twelve and having been executed by the said Baroness of Longford to the said George Burleigh in the penal sum of one thousand seven hundred late currency conditioned for the payment of nine hundred pounds
Now I hereby declare that the said last mentioned bond and judgement are hereby bequeathed to my trustees aforesaid and that they shall stand possessed of the same and the monies secured thereby and all benefit and advantage thereof upon trust that they do and shall from and immediately after my decease pay the interest or other annual proceeds thereof from time to time as the same shall arise or accrue
Unto my said son EDWARD PAKENHAM ARMSTRONG and his assigns for and during the term of his natural life and from and after the decease of the said EDWARD PAKENHAM ARMSTRONG upon trust that they do and shall convey and assign the said last mentioned bond and judgement and the monies thereby secured as well as principal as interest unto all and every the children and child of the said EDWARD PAKENHAM ARMSTRONG who being a son or sons shall respectively attain the age of twenty one years or being a daughter or daughters shall respectively attain that age or marry to be conveyed to such children if more than one in equal shares as tenants in common and if but one child the whole to such one and it is hereby declared that such shares shall not vest either in interest or possession until the respective periods of age or marriage hereinbefore mentioned provided always that if any one of more of such children shall depart this life before the shares hereby intended for them respectively shall become vested as aforesaid then as well the shares hereby originally provided for such child or children so dying as the shares were by virtue of the present proviso shall have survived or accrued to them respectively of and in the said trust premises shall remain for the benefit and advantage of and be assigned and conveyed to the other or others of the said children if more than one in equal shares and as tenants in common and shall vest in and be paid to them respectively and is such manner as are hereinbefore declared in respect of their original shares provided also that after the decease of my said son EDWARD PAKENHAM ARMSTRONG during such time as the said children or any of them being a son or sons shall be under the age of twenty one years and being a daughter or daughters shall be under the said age and unmarried the trustees aforesaid shall pay and apply the interest or other annual proceeds of that part of the said trust premises to which each child shall for the time being be entitled in expectancy under the limitations hereinbefore mentioned or a component part of the same towards the maintenance and education or otherwise for the use and benefit of such child respectively and in case there shall be no child of the said EDWARD PAKENHAM ARMSTRONG show shall become entitled to the said trust premises under the trustees hereinbefore declared concerning the same then after the decease of the said EDWARD PAKENHAM ARMSTRONG and such failure of children as aforesaid  upon trust as to the said last mentioned bond and judgement and the monies

Part 2 page 2 end

thereby secured that the trustees aforesaid do and shall stand seized and possessed of the same for the proper use and benefit of all and every such children as shall be living at the time of the decease of the survivor of the said EDWARD PAKENHAM ARMSTRONG as aforesaid if more than one in equal shares as tenants in common and of their respective heirs Abuttors and assigns for ever and in case there shall be no child of mine then living in such case the same shall fall into the residue of my personal estate and remain for the use and benefit of my residuary legatee hereinafter named his executors Abuttors and Assigns

And whereas I am likewise interested in and possessed of a certain other Bond and Judgement
bearing date the first day of July one thousand eight hundred and ten having been executed by the said Baroness of Longford to the said George Burleigh in the penal sum of two thousand hundred late currency conditioned for the payment of one thousand pounds
Now I hereby declare that the said last mentioned bond and judgement are bequeathed to my trustees aforesaid and that they shall stand possessed of the same and the monies secured thereby and all benefit and advantage thereof in trust that they do and shall with all convenient speed after my decease thereby and therewith either by assignment of the said Bond and Judgement or with the proceeds arising from a sale thereof or with the monies thereby secured or otherwise pay off satisfy and discharge a certain judgement debt entered upon a bond bearing date the twentieth day of January one thousand eight hundred and nineteen whereby I became bound to one Margaret Park of Cherry Valley Spinster in the penal sum of two thousand pounds late currency conditioned for the payment of one thousand pounds like currency together with all arrears of Inst upon said Judgement debt and until such judgement debt shall be paid off as aforesaid that they do and shall discharge the interest from time to time becoming due with the interest and other annual proceeds from time to time arising upon the said judgement hereby bequeathed in trust as last aforesaid to wit Judgement entered upon the said bond of the first of July one thousand eight hundred and ten and in case such judgement debt due by me to the said Margaret Park shall be discharged in my lifetime or out of other funds than those hereby appointed for that purpose or in case from any other Clause the said Bond of the first of July one thousand eight hundred and ten and the judgement entered thereon and monies thereby secured shall not be applicable either in whole of part to the purpose aforesaid the trustees aforesaid shall stand possessed of the same as part of the residue of my personal estate in trust for the use and benefit of the residuary legatee hereinafter named his executors Abuttors and Assigns.

And whereas I am likewise interested in and possessed of a certain other Bond and Judgement
the bond bearing date the first of thirty first day of January one thousand eight hundred and twelve and having been executed by the said Baroness of Longford to the said George Burleigh in the penal sum of one thousand pounds late currency conditioned for the payment of five hundred pounds
Now I hereby declare that the said last mentioned bond and judgement are hereby bequeathed to my trustees aforesaid and that they shall stand possessed of the same and the monies secured thereby and all benefit and advantage thereof upon trust that they do and shall

with all convenient speed after my decease thereby and therewith either by assignment of the said Bond and Judgement or with the proceeds arising from a sale thereof or with the monies thereby secured or otherwise pay off satisfy and discharge a certain judgement debt entered upon a bond bearing date the twentieth day of January one thousand eight hundred and nineteen whereby I became to my sister in Law Elizabeth Isabella Dalrymple spinster in the penal sum of one thousand pounds late Irish currency conditioned for the payment of five hundred pounds late Irish currency together with all arrears of interest upon said Judgement debt and until such judgement debt shall be paid off as aforesaid that they do and shall discharge the interest from time to time becoming due thereon by and out of and with the interest and other annual proceeds from time to time arising and accruing upon the said judgement hereby bequeathed in trust as last aforesaid to wit the Judgement entered upon said bond of the thirty first January one thousand

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eight hundred and twelve

and in case such last mentioned debt due by me shall be discharged in my lifetime or out of other funds than those hereby appointed for that purpose or in case from any other Clause the said Bond of the thirty first of January one thousand eight hundred and twelve and the judgement entered thereon and monies thereby secured shall not be applicable either in whole of part to the purpose aforesaid the trustees aforesaid shall stand possessed of the same as part of the residue of my personal estate in trust for the use and benefit of the residuary legatee hereinafter named his executors Abuttors and Assigns.

And whereas the Honourable Hercules Robt Pakenham stands indebted to me in the sum of one thousand pounds sterling bearing interest at the rate if four per cent per annum for which debt I hold his letter of acknowledgement dated the first day of January one thousand eight hundred and twenty eight

Now I hereby declare that the said debt is hereby bequeathed to my said trustees aforesaid and that they shall stand possessed of the same and the said letter of acknowledgement and all benefit and advantages thereof upon trust as to one moiety thereof to wit the sum of five hundred pounds sterling with interest thereon from my death at the rate of four per cent per annum for the proper use and behoof of my said sister in law Elizabeth Isabella Dalrymple or in case she shall die before me for the use and behoof of her executors provided she or in case of her dying before me provided her executors or admond consent to accept of the said sum of five hundred pounds with interest as aforesaid in satisfaction and discharge of all claims and demands whatsoever which she or they may have upon or against me my heirs executors or  Admons or my estate real or personal but in case she or they shall not so consent as aforesaid the trustees aforesaid shall stand possessed of said sum of five hundred pounds and interest as part of the residue of  my personal estate in trust for the proper use and behoof of my residuary legatee hereinafter named his heirs Executors Admon and Assigns and as to the sum of four hundred pounds other part of the said sum of one thousand pounds the said trustees shall stand possessed of the same with interest thereon as aforesaid for the proper use and behoof of John Armstrong the younger of Cherry Valley his executors Admons and Assigns
Provided that in case the said John Armstrong the younger shall be under the age of thirty years and without having a wife or lawful issue of his body him surviving in which case after the decease of the said JOHN ARMSTRONG the younger the said trustees shall stand possessed of the said sum of four hundred pounds and interest as aforesaid upon trust for the proper use and behoof of all and every such of my children as shall be living at the time of the decease of the said JOHN ARMSTRONG the younger if more than one in equal shares and as tenants in common and of their respective Excutors Admons and Assigns and in case there shall be no child of mine living in such case my said trustees shall stand possessed of the same as a part of the residue of my estate for the proper use and behoof of my residuary legatee hereinafter named his Executors Admons and Assigns and as to the said sum of one hundred pounds other part of the said sum of one thousand pounds hereby assigned the said trustees shall stand possessed of the same and interest thereon as aforesaid upon trust for the proper use and behoof of John McKay of Cherry Valley aforesaid has heirs exors admons and assigns in consideration of the trouble which I expect that the said John McKay will have and which I request he will undertake in assisting my Executors to arrange and settle my affairs

And I hereby declare that the said nine several Judgements hereby bequeathed in trust as aforesaid and the sums thereby secured shall bear interest respectively at the rate of five percent per annum and that the said debt or sum of one thousand pounds also hereby bequeathed in trust shall bear interest at the rate of four percent per annum and that the said trustees or other the trustee or trustees for the time being of this my will shall not be compelled or bound or required to demand or for the payment of interest upon the aforesaid respective securities at higher rates than the respective rates before mentioned

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And Whereas a large sum of money is due to my in right of my deceased wife by the Honourable East India Company

Now I do hereby direct and declare that my said Trustees shall stand possessed of that same when  received for the proper use and behoof of  my four children hereinbefore mentioned to wit CHARLES WILLIAM ARMSTRONG EDWARD PAKENHAM ARMSTRONG Glencairn Armstrong Shaw and ANNA MARIA ARMSTRONG and of their respective Executors and Aduttors in equal shares and as tenants in common

and as to and concerning all and every my farming stock and crop my plate books household furniture and the ready money of which I may be possessed of all half pay and other monies to arise to me belonging which shall be in the hands of Alexander MacKay one of the trustees as Agent to the Honourable Colonel Pakenham aforesaid and all arrears of interest which shall be due on the aforesaid nine several bonds and judgements up to and to the time of my decease and all and every other property and estate as well real as personal goods I may be seized or possessed or whereto I may be entitled I hereby declare that the same are devised and bequeathed to my trustees before named in trust for the proper use and behoof of my said eldest son CHARLES WILLIAM ARMSTRONG his heirs executors aduttors and assigns subject nevertheless to the payment of my funeral and testamentary exp’tures debts and also to the payment of the legacies hereinafter bequeathed by me that is to say to my said son EDWARD PAKENHAM ARMSTRONG the sum of thirty pounds to my daughter ANNA MARIA ARMSTRONG Miss Margaret Park my sister in law Elizabeth Isabella Dalrymple my nephew Dr William Armstrong and John Goodfellow the sum of twenty pounds sterling each making in the whole the sum of one hundred and twenty pounds
I hereby declare that the said several trustees and other trustees for the time being of this my will and each and every of them and their respective executors and Admons shall be charged and chargeable only foe such monies as they respectively shall actually receive by virtue of the trusts hereby in them reposed and any one of more of them shall not be responsible or accountable for the other or others of them but each and of them only for this and their own costs receipts neglects or default respectively and that it shall and may be lawful for them and every of them with and out of the monies that shall come to their respective hands by virtue of the trusts aforesaid to retain and reimburse himself and themselves respectively and also to allow to his and their the trustees all costs charges demands and expenses be at or be part to in or about the execution of the aforesaid trusts or in relations thereto

And I nominate and appoint the said David Shaw Alexander McKay and CHARLES WILLIAM ARMSTRONG to be Executors of this my last will and testament

In witness whereof I have hereunto signed my name and affixed my seal this thirteen day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty

John Armstrong

Witnessed: Richard Davison of Belfast Attorney at Law
Alexander Arthur of same Attorney at law
John Montgomery of same Attorney at law.

Proved at London 5th November 1832

8         Changes:

Issue Date: 25/4/2001
15/6/2001: resaved HTML from Word                           
7/1/2002: added email detail & edited
23/10/2002: email info.
18/2/2004: Thomas Armstrong (1787) issue and Tom Reilly info
25/6/2004: Tree layout
22/3/2005: Vaugh Documents
14/12/2005: Minor additions from Dublin
17/1/2006: Patricia O'Shea info
10/5/2006: Additions to William Haughton line
7/8/2006: Ann Maria Armstrong descendants.
20/10/2006: Cornelius Line
10/5/2007: reformatting and additions
27/9/2008: Captain John Armstrong Will
2/4/2009: Mullarkey info
8/12/2011: minor additions
26/2/12: minor additions
8/2/2014: reissued with a number of small corrections, especially Irwin not Irvine.
13/10/2015: web frame
9/12/2015: Incorporated Mullarkey Notes
20/3/2020: small changes – links etc

[i] Eduardo Colón y Semidei, Costas y Torres-Cuvelje "Eduardo C.S." eduardocs_@hotmail.com

[ii] eligon2401@msn.com Elizabeth Ligon, 12/2007

[iii] JOY TWENEY joybat@sympatico.ca Dec 2001.

[iv] Eduardo Colón y Semidei

[v] m.winstanley@lancaster.ac.uk

[vi] 18 Mar 2003  "Patrick Butler" pbutler2@bellatlantic.net

[vii] Patty <pbhertzler@gmail.com> Williamsburg, Virginia USA, May 2008.

[viii] rcryer@shaw.ca 1/2009.

[ix] I live in Salt Lake City, Utah - Have four children ages 30, 27, 14, and 12....    Kathi ksittner@prodigy.net (2003)
Address: Kathi Sittner 1560 Tomahawk Dr. Salt Lake City, UT 84103

[x] tom reilly tomareilly@yahoo.com

[xi] GOMaelearcaidh@pobail.ie

[xii] "TOM COLQUHOUN" tom.colquhoun@btopenworld.com 4/2006

[xiii] chris_danielle@aapt.net.au

[xiv] "Patricia O'Shea" pkoshea@xtra.co.nz

[xv] Looks like Ballybromery in will, but John Armstrong was show on Griffiths Valuation as having property in Ballytromery as well as in Ballygortgarve

[1] Find a Grave .com

[2] Looks like Ballybromery in will, but John Armstrong was show on Griffiths Valuation as having property in Ballytromery as well as in Ballygortgarve

[3] Edinburgh Advertiser November 7, 1826, confirms 1st Nov.

[4] Kathi Sitner, 10 2013

[5] Kathi Sitner, 10/2013.

[6] Looks like Ballybromery in will, but John Armstrong was show on Griffiths Valuation as having property in Ballytromery as well as in Ballygortgarve