Issue Date: 20/03/2020
Their Jamaican Forebears
To do:
Marriage of George Chapman & Jane McClay.
Footnotes removed before websave.
1: Civil BMD Records 2. Parish Records.
3. IGI/AF. 4. Census.
5. Family interview. 6: Newspaper & other
7: Wills 8: Tombstone
9. HAP Family History 9p: Photo Albums.
10: trade directory
Sources for NGM and family are a mix of Bert Poole, DSM and A3M.
The International Natural Rubber Market, 1870-1930
1/1. Francis George Maitland - 1905,
1/2. John Armstrong Maitland - 1906
1/3. Otis Edward Maitland - 1909
1/1. John Andrew Maitland - 1863.
1/2. Francis Maitland. – 1865.
1/3. Edward William Maitland - 1867
1/4. Harriet Matilda Maitland ("Aunt Daisy")
This chapter describes our branch of the Maitland family which descends
from Francis Maitland (3rd) and includes what is known of his life and that of
his children and their offspring. It also includes the ancestors of his wife,
Annie Chapman from Newcastle.
Francis was the son of Francis Maitland, born Jamaica 1809, and Harriet
Carpenter from Devon. He was born in Liverpool, but his younger brother, John
Andrew was Jamaican born. As their father died at sea in 1842, they would have
been brought up by their mother, who remarried and lived in Fulham, London.
They had 4 sons, John Andrew, Francis, Edward William and Nathaniel George
(“NG”), and one daughter, Harriet Matilda. All the sons had children, but
Harriet did not: she became a doctor. 3 of the sons spent much of their working
lives in the Far East. Only Edward and NG left continuing family.
Little definite is known about Francis, except that he was not a success
financially (he left £136 [10k in 2003], in his will while his brother, the
well known "Uncle JAM", left £220,000 [£14M 2003]), and probably
spent much time away from home. He would have travelled to Jamaica in his
youth, but was brought up with his mother's second husband. He lived most of
his life in London, but is reputed to have chased his fortune around the gold
fields. Existing photographs of him show him looking rather disreputable!
An interesting consequence of this and the fact that his sons mostly spent
their time away in the East, is that no family stories existed in this branch
about the Jamaica connection. The last person in this branch with any knowledge
of Jamaica, Harriet (Carpenter) Maitland, died in 1867, and Francis's father in
1842. In contrast, Francis 3's "1st cousin-in-law", the wife of his
cousin, Andrew Wright (2), did not die until 1978, 77 years after Francis
Two interesting puzzles concern the family connections between Newcastle
upon Tyne and London. The first concerns Annie Chapman, who was born in
Newcastle, but whose grandfather, Edward Cleugh married one Ann Braxton from
Southwark in London: there is no doubt about this as Edward’s children’s record
specifically state that his wife was the daughter of Anthony Braxton from
Southwark. Anthony, and two of his sons were watermen on the Thames. How a
currier from Newcastle (Edward) and the daughter of a Thames waterman met is a
real puzzle: perhaps Edward had leather connections in London?
The second puzzle is how or why Francis Maitland was set up as a grocer
and tea merchant in Newcastle. He was not there for very long, but long enough
to go bankrupt there in 1861, within weeks of his getting married there – a
good start to married life!
Septimus Maitland (b. 1821, d 1902) must have been the impetus for the family's
extensive connections in the Far East. Born in Jamaica, Septimus had been in
Shanghai between 1848 and 1854, but was resident in London by 1856 and a
partner in a London teabrokers 1875-79: his two sons Francis John (b. 1856)
& Harry Maitland (b. 1862) and AW Maitland (b 1853), his nephew by Andrew
Wright Maitland, were all out in the Far East. His nephew by brother Francis,
John Andrew (born 1839), was Septimus' executor quoted in his will of 1876 and
was known to have been very successful financially. The original hand written Maitland
Tree was probably sorted out by these and NGM when they were all in Shanghai.
FJ and H would have known via Septimus their grandparents history.
The probable sequence would seem to be Septimus establishing trading
connections with the Far East in the mid 19thC, and early on sending or
encouraging his nephew John Andrew out to China, probably in the late 1850's.
Soon after that, Andrew Wright (1853) probably soon followed (he was in
Shanghai by about 1875) and Septimus's sons, Frank John & Harry a little
later. Of the next generation, NG Maitland, JA Maitland's nephew arrived in
1898, by which time NG's brothers EW and Francis were already there. NG's
brother Francis was a tea clerk in 1881 in London, but ended his time in Hong
Andrew Wright Maitland jnr (1st cousin of Francis 3) was hired by
the Hongkong & Shanghai Bank in Shanghai (most of their staff was hired in
England), and was an employee of the Bank for some 20 years, c.1875-1895. He
rose to be chief accountant before being appointed as the first General Manager
of the Imperial Chinese Bank for International Commerce, and returning to
Shanghai about 1904.
Septimus was an early trader in Shanghai, the 1st “Treaty Ports”
were only opened after the Treaty of Nanking in 1842, but there are no records
relevant to the period when Septimus was there.
1850’s: no Maitlands listed in the North China Herald, only a couple about
Maitland, Australia, one referring to gold trading.
In addition to our direct family, there were:
Robert Kelly Maitland, of Maitland, Bush & Co, from 1861, appeared
to have had a short & chequered history, going bust in 1867; RK Maitland
last appears in connection with the Lyceum Theatre in 1871. No indication of
whence he came.
1861: China Directory, Turner & Co, clerk, Canton
1862: China Directory, Maitland, Bush & Co, merchant, Newchang. H Bush also
1867: China Directory, Maitland, Bush & Co, merchant, Newchang.
Charles S Maitland, eurasian, who appears from time to time in the
papers, being sued usually, between 1912-26!
1892 & 94: C. Maitland, manager, Sungei Ujong Railway, Port Dickson.
1899: Cree Maitland, manager, Sungei Ujong Railway, Port Dickson, Negri
William Maitland, 4 newspaper entries, 1871-1899.
1889, 92 & 94: W. Maitland, Superintendent, Paper Mills Co, Shanghai.
1904: Hong List, WR Maitland, China Paper Mills Co, Shanghai.
Twentieth Century Impression of Hongkong, Shanghai and other Treaty Ports,
1908: P818 ref to William Maitland, injured in 1841 during the 1st
Opium War
JM Maitland: 1892, 94, clerk (assistant 1899, 1905, 08, director 1917),
Findlay, Richardson & Co., Kobe.
1867: F Maitland, Kempter & Co, Yokohama, & G Maitland, tidewaiter,
1874: TW Maitland, tidewaiter, Customs, Kewkiang & J Maitland, 2nd
officer gunboat.
1917 Directory:
AJ Maitland, assistant, Harvie, Cooke & Co, Shanghai (also 1920).
AK Maitland, manager, Lobok China Estate, Malacca (on leave) (also 1920)
1920 directory: AG Maitland, assistant, Standard Oil, Tientsin.
1922 who’s who: AG Maitland, Tientsin Press, priv. 68, Rue St Louis
John Maitland, was a prominent figure in Shanghai from 1860 onwards when
he appears joining George Thorburn in partnership. By 1862, he appears to be
trading on his own behalf, with ships consigned to J Maitland & Co. In May,
1863, Peter Maclean joined him and the business was renamed Maitland, Maclean
& Co, this may have ceased trading in the mid 1860’s, and John started
trading as J. Maitland & Co., with many ships consigned to him. Of the many
entries for John Maitland in the papers between 1860 and 1892, it is not known
if they all relate to the same John Maitland, but they are all of a type of
activity for them to be him.
Agent for the San Francisco News Letter in Columbo, 1872.
1859: J Maitland listed in HK directory as a clerk in Shanghai. P Maclean also
1860, March 1: Notice. The business of the undersigned will in future be
carried on under the name of George Thorburn & Co. Mr John Maitland, is
authorised to sign the name of the firm. George Thorburn, Shanghai 1st March 1860.[1]
1862: China Directory, merchant, Shanghai.
1864: land renter in Shanghai.
1867: China Directory, merchant, Shanghai.
1869, November 2: “I have this day established myself as Merchant and
Commission Agent under the style of J.Maitland & Co, JM&Co, Shanghai 2
Nov 1869.”[2]
1870: Directory & Chronicle (google books):
2 entries: Olyphant & Co, clerk, Shanghai & FHB Jenkins, clerk,
1872: directory – 2 entries, Olyphant & Co, clerk, Shanghai & simply
1870, October 18: To Yokohama, returned 18 October 1870.
1874: China Directory, merchant, Moller Maitland & Co, Shanghai.
1879 directory: (J. Maitland & Co) merchant, Shanghai.
1879 directory: Shanghai, P Mclean & Co, merchants.
1882: Hong List, J Maitland & Co, 41 Rue Montauban
1884: Chronicle of China, J Maitland & Co, 41 Rue Montauban.
1889, 92 Directory: Maitland, J. merchant, Maitland & Co, Shanghai.
1892: The death of Mr John Maitland deprives Shanghai of one of its oldest
residents. The deceased gentleman arrived here in 1856 or 1857, and we
understand that with the exception of two short trips to Japan, he never left
this country during all these years. His geniality and kindness of disposition
win him many friends, who will greatly deplore his loss. The funeral took place
in the Cemetery at 5.30pm on Tuesday and was largely attended by the friends of
the deceased.[3]
There is no indication of his origins.
Born1,5: Shanghai, 28/8/1918, resident at 15a Weihaiwei Rd (now
called Weihai Rd).
Parents: Nathaniel & Eleanor (Poole) Maitland (AM04/01 & 02)
Married1,5: Rosemary Joyce Lister Parkes (AM03/01) 8/11/1941, Codsall Parish Church, Staffordshire.
Died1,5: 20/9/1999, at home, The Dower House, Oaken, Wolverhampton.
For further details see his own file: DSM Life
For More Parkes Details.
1/1. Antony Arthur Armstrong Maitland.
The author of this work.
1/2. Eleanor Lindley Maitland,
B/C held.
Born1,5: 9/11/1875, @ 6, Upper Boston St, Marylebone
Parents: Francis & Anne Jane (Chapman) Maitland. (AM05/01 & 02)
Married5: Eleanor Isabella Poole, at Christ Church, Yokohama, on September
Died5: 14/2/1951 at West Byfleet.
EIP born 16/12/1878, Chicago, Ill, see the Poole
files compiled by H.A. Poole.
Named after mother's brother.
Notice in North China Herald, 23 September 1904:
Maitland-Poole - On the 14th of September, 1904, at HBM's Consulate-General,
Yokohama, before E.M. Hobart-Hampden, esq, and afterwards at Christ Church, by
the Rev W.P.G. Field, M.A., Nathaniel George, youngest son of the late Francis
Maitland. of London, to Eleanor Isabella, the only daughter of Otis Augustus
Poole, Esq, of Yokohama.
A very pretty wedding took place at Christ Church, Yokohama, on Sept 14, the
contracting parties being Mr Nathaniel George Maitland and Miss Eleanor
Isabella Poole. The bridesmaids were Miss Zaidee Rogers and Miss Kathleen Hall,
the best man being Mr W.B. White. Immediately after the ceremony at the church
a largely attended reception was held at the residence of the bride's parents,
No.80a, Bluff, Dr Wheeler proposing the toast, after which the newly-wedded
couple departed to spend their honeymoon in Nikko.[4]
Both NGM and EIM were active in the amateur dramatic life, both in Shanghai and
in Japan. The North China Herald carried extensive reports of the plays and
concerts in which they appeared. EIM did not appear as often as NGM, when she
did, it was playing the piano accompaniment; by the time that were back in
Shanghai, EIM was probably more involved with family life, she appears in a
number of plays in the family albums. NGM also played in golf tournaments and
tennis matches, as reported from time to time in the Herald. An early report
has him rowing in a coxless 4. He Appeared in a few Shanghai Amateur Dramatic
Club plays between 1899 & 1920’s. Frank also appeared, NGM’s brother or
cousin FJM. NGM in the early plays appeared in the cast as Mr. George &
Frank as Mr Frank. They are identified by photographs of a couple of the plays
in one of the China/Japan albums. He was latterly more of a singer than actor.
NG & Eleanor left Shanghai in mid 1926, probably to get back to England for
semi retirement, but there would have been the beginnings of unrest leading up
to the early days of the Chinese Civil War.
1881 Census: 11, Grove Rd, Finsbury. age 8.
1891 Census: 6, Yerbury Rd, Islington, Clerk.
1898, 29 October, SS City of Calcutta, Liverpool-Calcutta: Mr G Maitland - this
may be NG, but looks too late to be in Shanghai by the end of November.
1898, November: Arrived Shanghai (from title in NGM Album print).
1898, December 5: Appears in ADC.
1899: Directory, sub-accountant, Chartered Bank of India, A, & China,
1900, 12 Feb: SS Weimar, Mr G Maitland single male Southampton for Shanghai,
was this him? Probably not, there was a George Maitland as an engineer who also
sailed periodically to Shanghai.
1900, April: sub-accountant, Chartered Bank of India etc, Kobe.[5]
1900, April 25: arrived from Kobe.
1900, May 16: Departed to Kobe.
1904, January: NGM arrived by Hakui Maru from Japan.[6]
1904, February: NGM per Siberia for Hong Kong.[7]
1905: Directory – not listed.
1905, September 5: arrives from Yokohama:
We note with pleasure the return to Shanghai of Mr N.G. Maitland, who arrived
by the N.D.L.S. Preussen yesterday from Japan, where he has lately been
stationed. This is a welcome reinforcement to out musical community.
1905, September: Per str Preussen from Yokohama, NGM.[8]
1905, November 24: Mrs M from Yokohama.
1905, February: Maitland from Nagasaki – was this EWM?[9]
1905, December: per Sachsen, from Yokohama, Mrs Maitland.[10]
1906, July 20: Mrs NGM for Yokohama.
1906, September 21: Mrs NGM & family + Mrs Poole from Yokohama.
1908, June 27: Mrs M & 2 children to Nagasaki – probably Mrs NGM
1908: Directory, NGM, bullion broker, Edmondston & Maitland, Shanghai.
1908, September 19: Mr & Mrs M from Yokohama – probably NGM.
1909, February 13: NGM for London per Lurzow, dep Feb 6.
1909, August 10: EIM in London – Otis birth.
1909, August 15: NGM from Yokohama, per Oriental.
1909, October: NGM – 2 reports, both NGM, one for HK per Delta, 1 per Prinz
Eital Freidrich – he probably missed the first sailing and took the 2nd.
1910, 18 September, SS Princess Alice, Southampton-Shanghai, Family + Emily
1910, Oct 23rd: arrived from Southampton NGM with family (referred
to as G Maitland).
1910: bullion-broker, Maitland, Fearn & Co, Shanghai.
1912, June 8: Mrs NGM & 3 children to Yokohama.
1912, July 20: NGM & RI Fearon (Maitland & Fearon) beat WD Graham &
C Weymouth (Sun Insurance Office) in 3rd round Hong Kong Doubles
1912, August 17: NGM to Yokohama.
1912, September 21: Mr & Mrs NGM & 3 children from Japan.
1913, July 5: NGM & family for Japan.
1913, August 30: NGM in Shanghai.
1914, June 27: Mr. NGM & 3 children for Yokohama + Emily.
1916, June 10: Mr & Mrs NG Maitland left for Japan on Thursday. Mr Maitland
will return about a fortnight hence, but Mrs Maitland with her family will
remain on in Japan for the summer. (NGM back by 6 July for Bukit AGM).
1916, September 11: Mrs NGM & 3 children & Emily from Japan.
1917: Directory, Bbullion Broker, Maitland & Fearon, Shanghai.
1917, June 6: NGM at Kelantan AGM.
1917, July 24: NGM at Bukit AGM.
1917, September 12: Mrs NGM & 3 children & Emily from Japan.
1914-1919: wrote an occasional exchange bulletin in the North China Herald.
1918: Maitland & Co listed, with Maitland & Fearon, as bodies to whom
articles exported to China may be consigned[12].
1918: exchange broker (DSM birth).
1919: China Chronicle Maitland & Fearon, Bill and Bullion Brokers, 1, The
Bund. NGM & RI Fearon.
1919, September 6: Mr NGM left Shanghai on Saturday for Japan, where he will join
Mrs Maitland and his boys, all then going on to Europe by Empress of Russia.
1919, September 22: arr Victoria BC, Empress of Russia, from Yokohama. Saloon
passengers, all Listed as Scotch, destination London England, Nathianel G (43,
England, Broker), Eleanor (39, USA), Francis (14, Japan), Jack (12, China),
Otis (10, England), Donald (1, China) Also Emily Scotrell (spelt Scotrad) (30,
London, nurse)
1919, October 9: Departed Montreal, arr Liverpool on “Melita” Canadian Pacific,
c/o TW Bennett of London, 3 boys to school.
1920: Directory, bullion broker, Maitland, Fearon, Shnghai.
1920, 1st Feb: NGM, exch Broker, departed Plymouth, for China,
arr NY 11 Feb 1920.
arr NY in transit on SS Niew Amsterdam from Plymouth, age 44, Broker, contact
in country of origin: Mr IW Bennett, 122 Stroud Green Road, Finsbury.
1920 13 Nov Dep London to Shanghai on “Kaga Mam”:
Eleanor Maitland & DSM for China residence
1921, January 8: Mrs NGM & child from Hong Kong.
July: New arrivals at the Mamei Hotel are Mrs N.G. Maitland, child and nurse of
Changhai, China... – summer holiday?
1922: Who’s Who of China: NGM, Shanghai, Bullion Broker, with Maitland, Fearon
and Brand, arr C(hina) November 1898, vcs 7 years [Volunteer Corps service],
add, 1 The Bund.
1922, 12 March; SS Silver State, arr Seattle, in transit to Liverpool.
George Maitland, 46, Broker, Scotch, Res Shanghai, ref Dr Brand Maitland,
Shanghai, last permanent residence, Shanghai, Eleanor Isab. Maitland, 43, wife,
Donald Maitland, 3, son, Scotch Emily Scottrell, 37, Nurse.
1922, April 17: arr Liverpool from NY on Adriatic, Maitland, Nathaniel G, c/o
Chartered bank of India, Bishopsgate, London, 1st, Broker, 46,
Eleanor E, Wife 43, Donald S, Child 3, Emily Scotrell, Nurse, 37.
1922, September 29: Dep Liverpool to Shanghai on P&O SS “Karsala” NGM (c/o
Chartered Bank of India of Bishopsgate St E.C., Indigo Broker, res China) Mrs
Eleanor & Donald & Miss Emily Scottrell, nurse.
1923, July 26: NGM at AGM.
1923, September 1: EIM & DSM in Japanese hills – Tokyo/Yokohama Earthquake.
NG was in Shanghai at the time, but went to Japan to collect EIM from Karuizawa[14].
1924, July: Arr Southampton from Montreal on Melita to 5, Belevedere Terrace, Burton, Derbyshire, Maitland, Nathaniel (Exchange Broker, 48), Donald (child 4), Eleanor
(H’wife, 43).
1924: From War to Nationalism: China's Turning Point, 1924-1925, Maitland,
Fearon & Brand quoted on page 139 re cotton trade & Sino Japanese war.
A well-known Shanghai resident who is travelling home on the P. and O. Macedonia
is Mr. N. G. Maitland, who has spent 28 years in the East. Mr. Maitland went to
Shanghai on the staff of the Chartered Bank of India. Australia and China, arriving
there from the London office at the end of 1898. Early in 1900 he went to
Japan, and while in Yokohama in 1903 joined the International Banking Corporation.
In the service of this Bank he was transferred to Shanghai at the end of 1905,
and a year latter he left to become an exchange broker, joining the late Mr. L.
C. B. Edmonston. From this connection has developed the firm of Maitland,
Fearon and Brand. Mr. Maitland has been a distinguished member of the Shanghai
A.D.C., and Mrs. Maitland, like her husband, has also been a prominent figure
in Shanghai musical circles.
1936 Dep on Highland Princess (Royal Mail Lines) London for Buenos Aires 23
May, contracted to Rio de Janeiro
Nathaniel Maitland, 60, secretary, Frandon, West Byfleet, Secretary
Eleanor Maitland, 57, none, ditto.
1941: Company Director.
NGM had interests in 7 rubber estates in Malaya but controlled from Shanghai.
They had varying degrees of success, most having at least a restructuring
period, and one, Ulobri, closing down completely in 1920, towards the end of
one of the downturns in the rubber trade.
These estates in the Malay peninsula were owned by Shanghai based European
investors and managed by local managers and agents. It seems doubtful if any of
the investors visited their properties or had much idea of the industry, but
depended on the reports from their agents and managers. There was a buying
spree in about 1910 of rubber estates; the bubble began to burst in about 1915
as prices dropped. By about 1919-20, most were in trouble due to over supply
& low prices, compounded by labour difficulties caused by the influenza
pandemic of the time. Of those who survived, most had to restructure to reduce
their book capital so as to get in new finance. More trouble came up in the
late 1920’s with world recession. The surviving ones would have effectively finished
with the Japanese invasion of the 2nd World War, although there is
evidence that they reappeared after the war. An example of the volatility of
prices was in the space of about 12 months in 1924-5, prices rose from 1/9 per
lb to 4/-. A quota scheme came into operation about 1921 to stabilise prices,
but which was to some extent thwarted by the Dutch growers who carried on to
fill the capacity.
Another variable was the currencies used: the accounts were presented in Taels,
the local Chinese silver based currency, but costs were incurred mostly in
Straits dollars.
The Straits dollar was pegged to Sterling, and so effectively a gold standard
currency. The effect of the subsequent relative rise in silver price meant
strengthened the value of the tael, this devaluing the estates and their income
in the Straits area. These changes were substantial, a doubling of the silver
price (and the sterling/dollar value of the Tael) between September 1915 an
1917. Liquidity seemed to have been problematical: there were instances of
profits being made, but retained to maintain cash reserves for the future.
Often, assets such as plant, machinery and buildings were written off out of
the p&l account to reduce the capital employed.
Extra financing was provided by issuing debentures which ranked ahead of
ordinary shareholders at liquidation.
Of those in which NGM had an interest (with dates when he first appears in the
AGM reports):
Alma Estates: (1912 on) made profits most years and was still trading in
1937. Probably his best investment.
Bukit Toh Alang: (1911 on) made profit and paid dividend some years,
reconstructed 1923, liquidated 1932.
Kota Bahroe: (1921 on). NGM appears at the reconstruction of the
company. After that, it made some profits and was still trading profitably in
1936. It was finally dissolved in 1955, from an incorporation in 1946.
Ulobri Rubber: (1912-1920). Mostly losses. Liquidated in 1920, nothing
to shareholders.
Shanghai Pahang: (1915 on). Made some profits from the mid 1920’s on and
paid dividends. Still trading 1936, with dividend.
Sungei Duri Rubber: (1916 on). Mostly profitable, and paid dividends
some years. Still trading profitably in 1936. In existence in 1951.
Shanghai Kelantan: (1916 on). NGM appears as director of reconstructed
company in 1915, moved from sterling to Taels. Further reconstruction in 1925
after a period in liquidation 1921-25 after disputed over debenture interest
payments. Still in profit in 1936. the 1925 company finally dissolved in 2013.
It is not known what shareholding NGM had in these companies, but probably
substantial as a director of all and chairman of several. When they paid a
dividend, it was significant, 10% or more of capital invested. It is also
unknown if NGM retained his holdings after retiring back to England: if he did,
it must have contributed significantly to his income; this income would have
stopped during the 2nd war.
Alma Estates:
Several previous meetings in 1910 do not refer to NGM
27/1/1912: 2nd AGM – referred to as FG Maitland, present, app director.
29/12/1912: 3rd AGM, NGM presides.
27/12/1913 – 28/12/1917: 4th & on AGMs – NGM director. Divi
1920: in profit & Dividend paid.
31/12/1921: AGM – NGM director – small loss.
22/12/1923: AGM – NGM director – in profit & dividend paid.
15/1/1924: AGM – NGM director – in profit, no dividend.
19/12/1925: AGM – NGM director – good profit & dividends, the last
appearance of NGM.
1926: good profits & dividends.
1937: company still trading.
Bukit Toh Alang Co
29/7/1910: AGM no NGM
5/8/1911: 1st AGM – NGM app director.
10/8/1912: 2nd AGM – NGM director – disappointing reports
16/8/1913: 3rd AGM – NGM Director -
11/7/1914: 4th AGM, NGM not mentioned. Debtor problems.
12/6/1915: ref AGM – nor report, but paying dividends 5%.
8/7/1916: 6th AGM – NGM Chairman – 8% dividend.
28/7/1917: AGM – NGM presides. Pays dividend, talk of extra 1700 acres.
13/7/1918: 8th AGM – NGM Chairman. Profit poor. Investment in new
12/7/1919: 9th AGM – NGM Chairman. Difficult year, Yields &
profits very low.
17/7/1920: 10th AGM – NGM presiding. Yields up, better year. Ref to
$ Exchange
30/7/1921: 11th AGM – NGM presiding. Results deteriorating.
1/7/1922: 12th AGM – NGM not there. Running out of cash unless sell
17/2/1923: Reconstruction Scheme – NGM presiding. Share changes.
4/1923: Several later meetings.
28/7/1923: AGM – NGM presiding. In profit. Quotas affecting
26/7/1924: AGM. NGM not there. Finances much improved. No divi.
18/7/1925: AGM – NGM presiding. Position good, but conservative divi. –
26/6/1926: AGM – NGM mentioned as retired from the East. Good Profits.
July 1929: AGM: Good profits, but liquid assets small. No Divi.
July 1931: AGM & merger discussions with The Rubber Trust Ltd, a Kadoorie enterprise. Motion passed.
May 1932: In liquidation, then comprising 2 estates,
totalling about 2800 acres.
Kota Bahroe Rubber:
March 1910: company floated – 12 times oversubscribed.
July 1914: nearing self supporting. Costs reduced. No Divi.
July 1916: after writing off assets, still in good profit –
20% divi.
July 1917: pays dividend.
July 1918: market poor. Still in profit, but no divi after writing off assets.
Jan 1920: in profit, but not much, prices low. Losses on silver & exchange rates.
Dec 1920: Still in small profit. Reconstruction scheme to
reduce capital value of company.
7/1/1921: Market deteriorated since December. Old company to be liquidated and
new company Kota Bahroe Rubber Estates (1921) formed by the liquidator.
24/1/1921: NGM 1st appears at an extra-ordinary meeting for the
reconstruction of the company.
Nov 1921: AGM. No sales, reviewing capital etc. Tapping to restart.
Oct 1923: AGM, NGM director. Small profit.
Oct 1924: AGM, no NGM, small profit. Quota scheme in place.
Oct 1925: AGM: NGM director. Sale of Sikamat property. Suggested release of
capital as a result by reducing nominal vale of shares. Prices better. In
Oct 1936: still in profit.
1955: Kota Bahroe Estates (1921) ltd inc 22/8/1946. Dissolved 1955.
Ulobri Rubber:
July 1910: 1st mention – no NGM. Re additional land.
Jan 1912: AGM – NGM director
Nov 1912: 2nd AGM – NGM Chairman.
Nov 1914 4th AGM – NGM Presides. Ref to Debentures for further
development finance.
Nov 1916: AGM – NGM Presides. Further debentures required.
Nov 1917: 7th AGM – NGM Presides. Small profit.
Further capital from sale of unsuitable land.
Dec 1918 & 1919: 8th AGM. Poor results – running out of cash.
Aug 1920: NGM Presides: liquidation agreed on. After sale, debenture holders
received 28% and shareholders none.
Shanghai Pahang Rubber Estate:
Nov 1915: 2nd AGM: NGM director. Tapping just started. Adding 2nd
Oct 1916: 3rd AGM: NGM presides. High costs of new estate, but 10%
Oct 1917: NGM chairman. 19% divi for year.
Oct 1918: NGM Chairman. No divi. Market deteriorating.
Oct 1919: No NGM. Poor year, low prices and ‘flu outbreak, many deaths.
Oct 1920: NGM chairman. Small profit, exchange losses. No divi. Quotas
Oct 1921: NGM Chairman. Reduced crop due quota. Loss making. Maybe raise more
Oct 1922: No NGM. Losses. But prices rising due quota.
Oct 1923: NGM Chairman. Back in profit. Carried forward.
Sept 1924: No NGM. Profit carried forward.
Oct 1925: NGM Presides. Satisfactory year. Divi 15%.
Oct 1926: Good year. 25% divi.
Oct 1929: good profits & dividend.
Oct 1930: Still in profit, but market crashing. No dividend.
Oct 1934: Profit made, but carried forward to P&L account which was in
debit – losses in previous years?
Oct 1935: Small profit & dividend.
Sept 1936: Profit made. Dividend of 10%.
Sungei Duri Rubber Estates.
Aug 1910: Subscribers meeting.
Nov 1912: dividend declared.
Oct 1914: rubber price -40% compared with previous year. No dividend.
Oct 1915: profit made & dividend paid.
Oct 1916: NGM 1st appears as Director. Good profits & dividends.
Oct 1917: NGM director. Reasonable profits & dividend, exchange rates
against them.
Oct 1918: NGM director. Still in profit, but less, due to exchange rates. No
Oct 1919: No NGM, but re-elected. In profit & dividend paid. Ref to flu
outbreak affect production.
Oct 1920: No NGM. Reasonable profits, but prospects poor. No dividend.
Oct 1921: NGM Presides. Output reduced by quota. Small loss.
Oct 1922: No NGM. Small profit – carried forward.
Oct 1923: NGM presided. Good profits. Dividend paid.
Oct 1924: No NGM, small profit. No dividend.
Oct 1925: NGM Director. Sale of Sungei Duri, retain Selama. Prices rose from
1/9 to 4/- in the year after agreement to sell SD estate. Quotas increased. In
profit & dividend paid.
Oct 1926: Profits & dividend paid.
Oct 1929: good profits & dividend.
Oct 1931: difficult year, but small profit. No dividend, but remain in
Oct 1934: In profit & paid dividend,
Sept 1936: Good profit & dividend. Quota to rise in 1936.
June 1951: Still exists, but within group.
Shanghai Kelantan Estates.
Formed 1910.
Dec 1915: reconstruction of capital by liquidation of existing company, and
reforming, with assets in Taels in place of sterling.
April 1916: NGM director of new company.
June 1917: NGM director. Set up costs etc.
July 1919: NGM presides. Losses & unpaid debenture interest.
May 1920: NGM Presides. Small profit, debenture interest unpaid.
Oct 1921: NGM present. In liquidation, but carry on trading.
1923-4 Liquidators reports.
Nov 1925: NGM present. To form new company Shanghai Kelantan Rubber Estates
(1925) Ld. NGM buys shares in new company.
June 1926. Dividend paid.
April 1929: small loss.
April 1933: refinancing required.
April 1936: profit, but less than 1935.
2013: company dissolved.
North China Herald May 1, 1926
For Twenty-Eight Years a Well-Known Resident of the Far
East: Interesting Connexion with the Local Stage
Yet another well-known resident is being lost to Shanghai.
More than any man in any other year, this spring has seen the departure for good
from the port of a large number of well-known people, and the number was added
to on Tuesday when Mr. N. G. Maitland left for home on the P. & O. S.
Macedonia, after a residence of 28 years in this part of the world. His
departure is a matter for great regret, for not only has he built up during his
stay here, widespread business connexions, but in the work he has done on the
local stage he has made himself extremely popular with the community.
Banker, Then Broker
Mr. Maitland came to Shanghai on the staff of the Chartered Bank of India Australia & China, arriving here from the London office at the end of l898. Early in 1990, he went to Japan, and while in Yokohama in 1903 joined the International Banking Corporation. In the service of this bank he was transferred to Shanghai at the end of 1905, and a year later he left this organization to become an exchange broker, joining the late Mr. L. C. B. Edmonston. From this connexion he developed the Firm of Maitland, Fearon & Brand.
It is unnecessary to mention the wide business connexions of
this organization, but it is of interest to note the important statistical work
which has been carried out in connexion with exchange by Mr. Maitland and the
invaluable chart of rates which he instituted in 1917 During the time that Mr.
Maitland has been A member of the Exchange Brokers' Association its membership
has risen from 23 to 51, while It is interesting to recall that exchange has
varied from over nine shillings to under three.
On the Local Stage
Perhaps Mr. Maitland will best remain in the affections of Shanghai through a recollection of the work he has done under the auspices of the A. D. C. His first appearance on the local stage was in 1899 when he took the part of the Marquis in "Les Cloches de Corneville." Incidentally, his last appearance was in a similar type of play "The Mikado," last year--when he gave an excellent representation of Pish Tush. In the interval he played a leading part in many noteworthy productions. Outstanding among which was "The Yeoman of the Guard," which is considered as one of the best efforts in the history of the A. D. C. He played the part of Colonel Fairfax with conspicuous SUCCCESS on that occasion. In "The Gondoliers" he played Luiz, while he undertook the ro1e of Squire Weston in "Tom Jones." More serious musical work was also in his line, and when "Pagliacci" was produced under the direction of Mme. Thus he played Canio, while he was also heard in the tenor role in "Mignon."
It was, however, not alone in musical pieces that he made successful appearances on the stage, for as far back as 1899 he appeared as Squire Chivy in “David Garrick." In ”you never Can Tell” he was Valentine, while he showed his versatility in taking the'part of the Colonel in "The Pausing of the Third Floor Back."
Other Activities
Among other local activities which Mr. Maitland has to his credit must be mentioned the organization of the Shanghai Chamber Music Society. In 1907, while from the time that Professor Buck took over the control of the Municipal Orchestra until last years he was on the Sub-Committee. Also he served for many years on the Cathedral School Committee.
For 12 years Mr. Maitland was a volunteer—principally a private in the Reserve Co. He resigned only last month.
Mrs. Maitland
An account of Mr. Maitland's life in the east and his activities could hardly be considered complete without mention of Mrs. Maitland, who, like her husband, was a prominent figure in Shanghai musical circles.
Mrs. Maitland, who was a Miss Poole, daughter of Mr. Otis A. Poole, a well-known merchant, was born in Japan, where, in 1904, she married Mr. Maitland, with whom she arrived here in 1905, and apart from visits to England every three or four years, she has lived here continuously-
On the committee of the Musical Section of the British
Women's Association, with the exception of last year, since it was first
inaugurated, Mrs. Maitland has twice been Chairman. Both she and her husband
became members of the Shanghai Musical Society when it was formed last winter
and besides these, Mrs. Maitland belonged to the Monday Club, a private club
which, as may be seen by its name, held its meetings on Mondays. Thus not only
Shanghai society in general but the musical world here, too, will lose by her
departure to-day a very valuable friend.
A number of reports of his tennis playing appear in the North China Herald.
Quote from Poole Family History by H.A.Poole, expanded by DSM:
Nathaniel George Maitland was born at London England, on November 9/1875,
and died at West Byfleet, Surrey, England on February 14/1951 of cancer, was
the fourth son and fifth child of Francis and Annie Jane (Chapman) Maitland of
N.G.Maitland, after a short period with a Discount Bank in London, joined
the Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China, quite probably using
contacts of his uncle JAM’s, (at 18 The Bund), arriving in Shanghai in November
1898 where he came under the wing of his elder brother, Edward William (EWM).
Their leisure time was spent in amateur dramatics and sport; photographs show
him rowing in an the "Scotch Eight" (#4) for a club in Shanghai, sailing and partying. A cartoon of him in Celebrities of the Shanghai Turf
indicate he was a supporter of horse racing. When he arrived, he seems to have
become friendly with the Wilcoxson family, whose daughter Ethel EW married in
October 1899; Eleanor later became a close friend of Ethel's, whose father was
in the silk trade.
He moved to Yokohama for the Chartered Bank in 1902, (AM: photographs show
him in Yokohama in 1901) when he met Eleanor Poole, who he married in 1904. In
1903, he resigned from the Chartered Bank and joined the International Banking
Corp of New York in Yokohama , a subsidiary of the National City Bank of N.Y.
(the for-runner of Citibank) which at that time opened branches in the Orient.
He was soon (1904) transferred to their Shanghai branch, where Eleanor joined
him after the birth of their first son, Francis, in Yokohama in 1905, and they
lived there until he retired in 1926.
Jack the second son was born in Shanghai in 1906 and Otis in London in
1909. When in London, EIM found Emily Scotrell who was working for NG's mother:
Emily became Nanny for Otis and later DSM. She lived with the Maitlands for the
rest of her life, fondly remembered as a tiny tyrant by the grand children.
After some years with the International Banking Corporation, Maitland was
able to accomplish his long cherished desire to set himself up in Shanghai as a
Bill & Bullion Exchange Broker, and bought into a partnership with a Mr
Edminston, who died a year later, and he carried on this business with great
success until he retired with a fortune. Maitland took in a well known Shanghai
young man, named Fearn, and for many years was one of the principal and most
highly honoured brokers in Shanghai. (DSM: trading as Maitland, Fearn &
Brand at No 1, The Bund, Shanghai). He built a fine house at No 5 Route Ghisi
in the French Settlement of Shanghai ("Cravenhurst" 9/1910-1914),
later selling it to the Standard Oil Co., after which they lived in rented
houses in Wei-hai-wei Road (where DSM was born) and Ferry Road, No 15, owned by
another broker, Mr Edblad**, who married a relative of NGM's. In 1919, they
took their 3 oldest sons to England, and left them in school and returned for seven
more years in Shanghai, leaving in 1926. During this time, Francis, Jack &
Otis lived under the care of Aunt Daisy, who lived in Buxton.
At West Byfleet, he bought "Oakhurst" with 2 acres of garden,
lived there for ten years, and then bought "Frandon" near by, naming
it from the first syllables of their eldest and youngest sons names. (DSM:
replacing the original South African name of Umvoti, considered unpronounceable
in 1933, Highfield Rd, W. Byfleet).
He had a fine baritone voice, sang exceptionally well, and took many solo
parts in the Amateur Dramatic operas. They were married at Christ Church,
Yokohama, on September 14/1904, and lived first at 84 Bluff. According to DSM,
he was a good musician and had considered a career on the stage (light opera)
before deciding to go East. Both his future wife (piano), her brother (violin)
and her mother were musicians and this led to their meeting.
There are many photographs in albums of NG & EI acting in amateur
dramatics in China. DSM was also musical, being head of choir at school and
playing piano jazz in pubs in Cambridge.
Worked with Fordyce Jones on return from the East; they manufactured
rubber products such as bathing hats and hot water bottles. Reliance Rubber and
Fordyce Jones himself were advocates of the introduction of Powdered Rubber in
place of sheet and crepe.
DSM said he bought a share in the business, maybe in "Reliance
Rubber" (Fordyce Jones was owner of the company), at whose jubilee he was
photographed in 1939. Fordyce Jones seems to have been in the UK rubber
industry. Reliance Rubber was a company in Hemel Hempstead. The Reliance Rubber
Company Ltd was founded in 1889 in Upper Thames Street in the City of London.
It grew to become the largest manufacturer of moulded seamless hot water
bottles in the world. The company had pioneered the production of these hot
water bottles and together with an American company was producing 1.5 million a
year! The company also made many other rubber products, including table mats.
By the time its factory was fully operational in Hemel Hempstead employed 200
people. Reliance Rubber Company ceased trading and was dissolved on 23rd June
1947: Reliance Rubber Co, of Cremorne Works, Lots Road, Chelsea, SW10.
Telephone: Flaxman 6200 and 0985. Cables: "Doorstep, Fulroad, London"
1947 Listed Exhibitor - British Industries Fair. Manufacturers of Original
British Moulded-Seamless Rubber Hot Water Bottles, Moulded Bathing Caps,
Tobacco Pouches, Syringes, Mouldings for Drug Packing Industry, and General
Precision Moulding for Mechanical Rubber Trades. (Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand
No. A.1342)
According to HA Poole, neither of his parents ever left England although
this does not agree with other family stories, but all his brothers came out to
China, where his uncle, J.A. Maitland, amassed a large fortune in the import
trade of English piece goods. (see under Francis Maitland (2)).
DSM: after NGM's death, EIM moved to a part of a house in West Byfleet,
called "Ranmoor", AM remembers it as being full of heavy oriental
furniture and ornaments: Otis lived for some years in a caravan in the garden
after the death of his wife, Peggy. EIM lived at Ranmoor until her death with
Emily Scotrell, her children's nanny. Emily had been with EIM since they
returned to China after Otis's birth in 1909, before which she had worked for
NGM's parents.
1942: Frandon, Highfield Rd, West Byfleet.
DSM remembers his father referring to "Uncle Jam".
** A3M: Harold Edblad married Emma, widow of Andrew Maitland, NGM's father's
1st cousin, son of Andrew Wright Maitland, who appeared staying with Septimus M
in 1861 Census. Harold was Swedish consul in Shanghai, and died in 1916. Emma
lived on until 1978, and passed a lot of information on to her grandson, Peter
NGM an exchange broker at DSM's birth.
NGM's will summary (19/11/1950, of Frandon): Executors Wife, John Armstrong
Maitland, and his solicitor Howard Burt.
Probate: 22/4/50, £26584-7-4d.
Left all to wife if she survived him by over a month; otherwise, £500 to Emily
Scotrell and the rest 1/8th to Rosella Maitland and the remainder between his 3
surviving sons. He left 3 annuity bonds of unstated value.
N.G.Maitland's four sons are as follows:-
1/1. Francis George Maitland - 1905
Born Sept 3rd, 1905 at Yokohama.
Quote from Poole Family History by H.A.Poole (corrected by DSM):
Born at 84, Bluff, Yokohama, September 3/1905. He was educated first at
Shanghai schools, then at the University College School, Hastings, Sussex, and
later from Clare College Cambridge University, as a medical doctor. After the
usual long internship at St Thomas Hospital, London, he was duly qualified as a
doctor and surgeon, and entered practice at Norwich. On Oct 2nd, 1937 he
married at Christ Church, Eaton, (& afterwards at Fairmile, Newmarket Rd,
Norwich) Ella Joyce Master, born June 4th, 1910, but their life was tragically
interrupted by his untimely death at Norwich, England, April 25/1938 of spinal
meningitis, after only a few days illness, a great tragedy, as he had only been
married six months before.
Medical Register for 1938: @ 52, St Giles St Norwich; registered 1930, Aug 8 E;
MRCS Eng 1930; LRCP Lond 1930; MB B Chir 1933, U Camb. Granted MD 31/7/30.
Ella Joyce Master born June 4/1910, daughter of Dr. Humphrey Claude and Violet
Maude Master. Ella married, 2nd, 14/2/1945, as his second wife, Angus Campbell
Walker of Norfolk, a widower, born 1892, with two children, Ian, born 1929, and
Dorothy, born 1935. In 1950 they lived at Horning on the Norfolk Broads. Walker
was for many years in Government service in the Sudan, Africa.
Eastern Daily Press, 28 April 1938:
Dr. F. G. Maitland's Service to Local Causes
At Christ Church, Eaton, where just over six months ago he was married, the funeral service was held yesterday for Dr. Francis George Maitland, whose death occurred on Monday at a Norwich nursing home after three days' illness following a severe chill.
Dr. Maitland, who was 32 years of age, was born at Yokohama, the eldest of four sons of Mr. and Mrs. N. G. Maitland, who spent many years in the Far East, and now reside at West Byfleet, Surrey. He came to England at the age of fourteen, and was educated at University School, Hastings, Clare College, Cambridge, and St. Thomas' Hospital, gaining the degree of M.B. (Camb.). After holding various hospital posts he came to Norwich three years ago as partner to Dr. F. Preston. His surgery was at 52, St. Giles' Street, and he lived at 83, Cecil Road. He married on October 2nd last Ella, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Humphrey Master, of Fairmile, Newmarket Road.
This sudden ending to a very promising career came as a great shock to a wide circle of friends. Among his local activities he had given valuable service to Norwich Lads' Club as one of its honorary surgeons, and to the local St. John Ambulance Brigade, he was a member of the Union Lodge of Freemasons, and he held the rank of captain in the 161st East Anglian Field Ambulance, R.A.M.C. (T.). He was a keen sailing man, being an owner in the Norfolk Punt Class. He was also a member of the Norwich Frostbite Sailing Club.
Many of his professional colleagues were present at the funeral service, which was conducted by the Rev. H. T. Hall in the absence from the city of the Rev. R, L. Whytehead, vicar of Eaton. Two hymns were sung, "O Perfect Love" and "Jesus Lives," and Mrs. T. Wisken, who was at the organ, played "Pavane" (Ravel) and "Invocation" (Karg-Elert), and other music as the congregation was assembling, and "Jesus, Joy of Man's Desiring" (Bach) at the close. The service was followed by cremation at Norwich Crematorium.
The family mourners were : The widow, Mr. and Mrs. N. G. Maitland (father and mother), Mr. E. W. Maitland (uncle), Mr. Donald Maitland (brother), Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey Master, Mr. Dudley Master, Mr. Gerry Master, Mr. Henry Master, Mr. Tony Master, Mr and Mrs. Alec Sutton. Mr. John Bunting, Mrs. M. Nicholson, and Miss B. Batch.
Among those also present at the church were Dr. and Mrs. F. Preston, Dr. L. H. Barfoot Mills, Mr. Blaxland, Mr. G. S. Bousfield Long, Dr. J. A. Small (chairman Norwich Division, British Medical Association), Mr, R. A. Highmoor (also representing the Medico-Chirurgical Society) Dr. Ian C. Robertson, Dr. J. S. Whiteside, Dr. J. Davenport Bailey, Dr. Frewen Moor, Dr. George Day, Dr. Napier, Dr. A. W. Taylor, Dr B M. Tracy, Dr. Rice, Dr. Carlson, Dr. E. F. Claridge, Dr. Macdonald, Dr. Bramell, Dr. Rickford, Surgeon-Captain A. W. B. Livesay, Col. Stewart Cox (representing Territorial Army Association), Capt. Gonin (161st East Anglian Field Ambulance) , Lt.-Col. E. N. P. Martland (163rd E.A.F.A.) Inspector Baker (representing the Chief Constable and Norwich Lads' Club), Col. Leonard B Cane (A.D.M.S., 54th (East Anglian) Division' T.A.), Mr. Geoffrey Borrett (84th Field Brigade Royal Artillery, (T.), Mr. Alan Russell (Tibenham, also representing Norfolk Punt Club) and Mrs, Russell. Dr. May Rutledge (Lady County Officer), Corps Superintendent S. E. R, Scott, Corps Treasurer H. O. Clark, Divisional Superintendent H. G Linder, Lady Ambulance Officer K. M. Morley, Ambulance Sisters C. High and G. Bickers, and Privates J. W. Gant and J. C. Ayton (representing Norwich Corps, St. John Ambulance Brigade) Mr. P. P. Andrews (Hethersett), Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bunting, Mrs. Rogerson, Mrs. Bernard Hanly, Mr. James L. Hanly, Miss Joy Hanly, Mr. P. G. Beard, Mr. J. W. Copelaiid (Norwich Insurance Committee), Mr. Donald F. Mitchell. Mr. C. W. R. Francis, Mr. F. W. Palmer, the Misses Maidwell, Mr. R. E. Dixon, Miss Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Creighton, Miss Betts, Mr. J R. Mealing Mills (Union Lodge Freemasons), Mrs. Balderston, Mrs. Ridley Thomas, Mrs. Evans, Miss Joan Evans, Mr. R. O. Bond, Mr R. P. Colman, Mrs. K. Colman, Mr. J. T. Woolsey, Mr. John Ellis, Mr. W. K. Angus. Mr. Robert Dawar Mr. J, Wedderburn, Mr. and Mrs. "Donald Boston, Mrs. Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. D. F Burton, Miss Prowse, Capt. and Mrs. C. G. Tyce Mrs. McKee, Mrs. Tuck, Miss Lathan, Mr. G. L Sayer, Mr. F. L. Long, Mr. John Wood, Mr F. W. P. Marriott, and Nurse Beech.
Those unavoidably absent included Mr. B. J Hanly, Dr. Branford Morgan, Dr. Ian Dickson Dr. H. J. Starling, Dr. Rogerson, Mr. G. Sambrooke Sturgess, Mr. M. Bulman, Mr C. & Weston, Mr. A. T. Chittock, Dr. Arthur Greene Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Master, Mrs. Dorothy Mower, Mr. and Mrs. William Smith, and Mr, J. Owen Bond.
Wreaths were sent by: Ellie. All at Fairmile. Mother and father. Uncle Edward and Aunt Ethel. Alice and Baubs. Cousin Daisy. Cousin Jean. Donald. Emily. John and Joan Bunting. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Tanner. City of Norwich Corps, St. John Ambulance Brigade. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Cushion and family. Miss A. G. King. Mr. and Mrs. Sambrooke Sturgess. Dorothy and Clifford Tyce. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bunting. Union Lodge, No. 52. Miss Cook. Mr. and Mrs. R. Sutton (Joan and Dick). Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Palmer. Norwich Division, British Medical Association. Mr. and Mrs. John Ellis and Mrs. G. W. Dipple. The Norfolk Territorial Army Association. Mrs. J Thistleton-Smith. The Norwich Lads' Club The Norwich Medico-Chirurgical Society. Uncle Riv. and Hilda. Mr. and Mrs. Daubeny. E. J Chapman and family. Col. and Mrs. H. V. Walsh. Mr. and Mrs. J. Owen Bond. Sam and Madge. Bill Richardson. Sheila. Dorothy Braithwaite. G. and K. Sayer. Dr. and Mrs. Napier. Mrs. Gilbert Plumbly and Mr. Charles Plumbly. 54th Division, Medical Services (N.C.Os.). 54th Division, Medical Services (Officers), Ken and Sylvia. Paul and Barba Andrews. Alec, Sylvia, Sheila and Richard Lindy. Dorothy. Ronnie and Ray. Uncle and Aunt Hankie. Owen and Betty. Dr. and Mrs. Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. Hanly. Capt. and Mrs, Livesay. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hanly. Mr, and Mrs. Batch. Betty and Frank Brett. Dr and Mrs. Rogerson. Dr. and Mrs. Preston. Mr, and Mrs, Dixie. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Russell All at 2, Leopold Road.
The funeral arrangements were
carried out by Chamberlins Ltd, Norwich who were represented by Mr G.W. Murphy.
The British Medical Journal, May 21 1938:
The sudden death at the early age of 32 of Dr. FRANCIS GEORGE MAITLAND has come
as a great shock to a large number of friends and patients. He died at Norwich
on April 25 from a pneumococcal infection. Dr. Maitland was educated at
University School, Hastings, and Clare College, Cambridge, and took his
hospital course at St. Thomas's. After qualifying in 1930 he held resident
appointments at St. Thomas's, the Lying-in Hospital, York Road, and the Royal
Surrey County Hospital, Guildford, and proceeded to the degree of M.B., B.Chir.
before going to Norwich three years ago as partner to Dr. Preston. He was
devoted to his work, and because of this and his charming manner he quickly
became established as a successful doctor. A man of wide interests, he would
spend his leisure hours racing a Norfolk punt on the Broads, or listening to
music, which he had studied since his boyhood. Francis Maitland was a
public-spirited man who gave valued service to the Norwich Lads' Club as an
honorary surgeon and to the St. John Ambulance Brigade as divisional surgeon.
He held the rank of captain in the 161st East Anglian Field Ambulance, R.A.M.C.
(T.), and was working on its behalf within a day of his fatal illness.
2/1. Frances Rosella Maitland, born at Norwich, 3/12/1938,
seven months after her father's death.
Rosella was married twice, firstly about 1stQ 1963, Taunton, to Gordon
Westcott, having children by both husbands, and died 1stQ 1994
Bournemouth district. She worked for a period as secretary to the Bishop of
Bath & Wells.
Married 2nd, John Adlam.
3/1. Grace Adlam.
3/2. Gail Adlam.
3/3. Hugh Adlam.
1/2. John Armstrong Maitland - 1906
Born Nov 9th, 1906 at Shanghai. (also in NCH 16 Nov issue)
Died 30/5/1975, St Luke's Hospital, Malta.
Ref H.A.Poole (& DSM)
He first attended schools in Shanghai, and in 1919 entered the University College School, Hastings, Sussex, England: then graduated from Clare College of Cambridge University, with the degree of B.A. in
engineering. He joined the Anglo-Mexican Petroleum Co., of London, a Shell
subsidiary and was sent out to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1929, sailing via
Lisbon on the "Darra" (re photo album).
He was stationed also at Sao Paulo, Recife, and other branches: in 1948 he
returned to their head office in London, as manager. He married at Sao Paulo,
on April 22/1933, Jean Marjorie Macpherson, born at Sao Paulo, Brazil March
11/1911, daughter of John Gibb and Isabel Bowman (MacCreath) MacPherson, both
of Glasgow, Scotland, who went out to Brazil for the River Plate Bank, and
later entered commerce, and who lived at Nichteroy, Rio de Janeiro, Jean was
educated at St. Paul's school, Sao Paulo, and at Skerry's College, Glasgow,
Scotland. She was then appointed secretary to the Department of Commerce at Sao
Paulo from 1930 to 1932. Jean and her children have dual nationality, both
British and Brazilian: all of them speak Portuguese fluently.
1929, 2 March, Liverpool to BA, Parro (R-MSP co)
John A Maitland, Oakhurst, Oakridge Rd, West Byfleet, 1st, Rio,
Clerk, 22, future res. Brazil
1933, September, 14, “Highland Patriot”: London from Rio, John Armstrong
Maitland, Jean Marjorie. From Oakhurst, Oakcroft Rd, W Byfleet. Future Res
1934, February 17: John Armstrong Maitland, Jean Marjorie. To Oakhurst,
Oakcroft Rd, W Byfleet. Last Res Brazil
1934, 17 February, “Highland Brigade” (Royal Mail Lines) from London for BA,
contracted to Rio. John Armstrong Maitland, Oakehurst, Asst Manager, 27, to
Brazil Mrs Margaret Jean, 22.
1937, August 12, “Highland Monarch”: Arr Tilbury from Rio: John, Jean &
John A (Alistair), c/o Eagle Oil & Shipping co, Finsbury Circus, London,
last res Brazil, future res foreign.
1938, January 15, “Highland Monarch”: London to BA, John, Jean, Alistair
Maitland, of Frandon, for Brazil res.
1946, January 11, “Ungeni”: London to BA, John Maitland, Saloon, from Frandon,
res Brazil.
1947, December 27: Rio to Tilbury: John Armstrong Maitland (41), Jean Marjorie
Maitland (36), Ian George Maitland (8, schoolboy), all of Frandon. Last perm
res Brazil, future England.
1953, June 20, “Highland Princess”: London for BA, John Maitland Executive, c’o
Shell Petrol Co, Ltd. London, res Chile.
1956, 16 October, “Reina del Mar” (P&O) bound West Coast of South America.
Land at Valparaiso
John A Maitland (b 9/11/06, Executive), Jean M (11/3/11, housewife) UK address
c/o Passage Dept, Shell Petroleum Co, UK passports, res Chile.
1958, April 7, “Uraguay Star”: John A Maitland, executive from Rio, Jean M.
from BA, c/o Shell Petroleum co ltd, St Helen’s Court, London. Last Res Chile,
future Malta.
DSM: JAM was known to his parents and brothers as Jack, but to everyone else
(including his wife, universally known as Babs) as Jimmy after a character, Jim
Maitland, created by a very popular author "Sapper" during the
In NGM's will in November 1950, resident of "St Leonards", St
Leonards Rd, Thames Ditton, Surrey.
A3M: After a further spell in Chile, Jack's last Shell posting was as Manager
in Malta, were he was also a part time director of Simmonds, Farson and Cisk, a
local brewery, coincidentally with a second cousin, a relation of his grandmother,
Ann Chapman. He retired in Malta and lived in converted castle in Marsa-xlokk.
His favoured occupation there was sailing round the islands.
Issue (ref Ian):
2/1. Alastair John Maitland, born in Rio de Janeiro,
August 12/1935., died 24/9/2018
in Australia, where he had lived since the 1960’s.
Alastair sailed from Malta to Australia in a 20 metre Scottish M.F.V. And
Barbara who worked for British Airways (BEA) joined him in September 1967.
Married: Barbara Hawkes on the 02/03/1968 in Perth Western Australia.
3/1. Phillipa Maitland, b 4/5/1970.
3/2. James Armstrong born 31/07/1972
James married Tara Leslie Smith
on the 10/12/2004.
4/1. Jessica Rose Maitland who was born on the 05/10/2005.
2/2. Ian Maitland, Born at Sao Paulo in 29/7/1939. Cameron Highlanders;
Nestle Foods (Africa); Rothmans
International (tobacco).
Married: Carolinda Fox (b 1946) in Malta, 1966.
3/1. Samantha Colhoun Maitland
Married, 29/5/99, Alexander John
Trigg, at St Mary, Ambrosden, and afterwards at Kirtlington Park.
4/1. Charles Maitland b abt 2005.
4/2. James Maitland b 2007.
3/2. Annabel Maitland
Marrying James 8/12/2012.
Cutting found at Dower House
collection, Feb 05.
Maitland-Colquhoun Fox
The wedding took place last Saturday, between Mr. Ian George Maitland, son
of Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Maitland of Torre Kavallerizza, Marsa-xlokk and Miss
Carolinda Colquhoun Fox, only daughter of Brigadier and Mrs. Colquhoun Fox, of
Casa Fox, Lija, at St. Paul's Anglican Cathedral, Valetta. Rev. Donald Young
The bride, who was given away by her father, looked charming in a slender
dress and long train of heavy ice- white satin lightly embroidered with
delicate flowers in silver. The veil of French tulle was held in place by an
heir-loom diamond star and pearl ornament. The Hon. Harriet Beckett, daughter
of Brigadier the Lord and Lady Grimthorpe, was the trainbearer, and was wearing
a long Kate Greenaway style dress of shot white and silver gauze over white
satin with a little white coronet.
Mr. Sean Hennessy acted as best man while Sir John Martin, K.C.M.G. and Mr.
Donald Maitland were the witnesses. A reception was afterwards held at the
Auberge De Castile. On leaving for their honeymoon, which is being spent in
London and Nigeria, the bride wore a dress and coat of shot cerise Thai silk
lined with turquoise satin with brilliant embroidery of turquoise and crystal
Among the guests were Their Excellencies The Governor-General and Lady
Dorman, Sir John and Lady Martin, Sir Anthony and Lady Mamo and a large number
of distinguished personalities.
Donald Maitland remembered it as being very cold: Malta thinks it does not
have cold weather!
1/3. Otis Edward Maitland - 1909
Born August 10th, 1909 at London.
Died June 1977, of Lung Cancer in Woking, Surrey.
Confirmed 26 Nov 1922, Christ Church, St Leonards (Langley Place School).
Ref H.A.Poole:
He was educated at Shanghai schools, then Langley Place. St Leonard-on-Sea, and
then Lancing College, Sussex, but did not go to University. He joined the
Anglo-Grecian firm of Conte Michelos, and was sent to Egypt where he worked at
their Alexandria office, and later to their branch at Khartoum, Egyptian Sudan
- their business was in long staple cotton. He lived there several years and
learned to speak Arabic fluently. On the outbreak of the second World War, he
was drafted into the Intelligence Division of the British Army, on account of
his knowledge of Arabic, and was stationed throughout the war in Egypt and Syria as aide to the Commander in Chief, General Maitland, and possibly chief of police in
Jerusalem. From Rosemary Maitland’s letters, he was a man of some influence in
the Middle East: he could fix all sorts of things not normally possible.
During the war his family lived with his wife's parents in Byfleet. After being
demobilized (as a Lt. Col.), he joined several of his fellow army officers and
started farming in the south of England, where they lived in 1951 (in Diss,
Norfolk). He married at St John's, West Byfleet, on October 29/1932, Margaret
(Peggy) Joan Haslehurst, born July 17/1909, died at West Byfleet October
14/1955, of cerebral thrombosis, daughter of Guy Bartlett and Janet (Hicks)
Haslehurst, one of the partners in Otis' firm, Conte Micholos, then resident in
From newspaper cutting (P43-02):
The wedding took place at St. John's Church, West Byfleet, on Saturday of Miss
Margaret Jean Haslehust, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Haslehust, of
Claverburn, West Byfleet, to Mr. Otis Edward Maitland, third son of Mr. and
Mrs. N. G. Maitland, of Oakhurst, West Byfleet. The Rev. R. S. Morris (vicar of
St. John's, West Byfleet) officiated.
Mr. GB Haslehurst gave away the bride, who wore a navy blue coat and skirt,
with white hat, and carried a spray of orchids. There were no bridesmaids, and
Dr Francis Maitland was best man. A Dance reception was held at the West
Byfleet Golf Club in the evening, attended by 170 guests and the honeymoon is
being spent in Paris and Alexandria."
1955, resident of Ranmore, Old Woking Rd, West Byfleet.
After Peggy's death, he lived with his mother until he remarried. As a child
from school, Antony Maitland remembers him as being larger than life, with a
booming voice: to a young teenager, his greatest attribute was him living in a
caravan in the garden where he kept Beretta 9mm and Webley .45" automatics
complete with ammunition - left over from the War!
Otis later married Jean .... (who had a son & daughter) and lived with her
and her children in Byfleet until his death of cancer in the 1970's. He worked
for British Aircraft Corporation at Wisley.
2/1. Otis Ragan Haslehurst Maitland, born at West Byfleet,
August 17/1937, died South
Married: Pru Angus, Ayr, 1/9/1962
Issue (ref Paul):
3/1. Paul Maitland, Born Kilmarnock, Scotland, 1/8/1963.
Married Edna (Donna) Britancio
Hernandez (born Philippines)
They met in Tokyo, where Paul was working.
4/1. Topaz Hernandez Maitland, born London, 12/3/1998.
3/2. Benjamin Nigel Maitland,
born Sydney, Australia,
2/2. Colin Neil Maitland, born at West Byfleet, July 17/1940.
Married Judy Esme White, born
December 8 1941.
Died 4 July 2016, at home in West Kingsdown, Kent.
3/1. Mark Maitland, born Kent, March 2 1976.
Married Evrim
4/1. Oscar Gursel Maitland, b 29/12/2010.
3/2. Kate Maitland, born Kent, September 1 1978.
Married Damien White, 24 Sept
2011, St Edmunds
4/1. Jack David Maitland White, b 20/10/2012, London
3/3. Sam Maitland, born Kent, May 14 1980.
Married Helen, 18/6/2011, Kingswear, Devon
Colin & Judy hosted a magnificent and generous party for 100 relatives and
friends of all ages at their favourite hotel in Majorca over the weekend of 1
October 2005. The party started with a drinks party on Friday, and continued
with an expedition around south west Majorca, formed by a quiz whose answers
led the travellers to some of the most attractive places on the route. The
climax was a party on the Saturday evening, lasting until the early hours of
Sunday, when it was closed by the hotel as too noisy!
2/3. Frances Ann Maitland, born 13th August 1948.
Married March 1978, Richard Walter Winward, born about 1938. He has two daughters by a previous marriage, Charlotte & Sara[ii].
Born Aug 28th, 1918 at Shanghai. See above AM03/01
M/C & D/C held.
Born: Liverpool (abt Spring - September 1836, census 1851),
Ch: 18/9/1836, St Dunstan Stepney[16].
Parents: Francis & Harriet (Carpenter) Maitland (AM06/01 & 02)
Anne Jane Chapman
7/7/1861 @ Parish Church of All Saints, Newcastle on Tyne.
More Details of his parents
From death certificate age 64 in 1901, b between Nov 1836 & Oct 1837, but
the 1851 census places his birth between April 1836 & March 1837, which
ties in with the earlier part of 1836.
Died1: 16/11/1901 @ 3 Mercer's Rd, Islington, age 64
Buried in Highgate Cemetery, 34433 sq 25, Under Orchard Wall.
For full details, see after Children's entries.
His father was at sea from 25/1/1836 to 6/9/1836: he was probably born in
this period, probably in the latter part and christened when his father
returned from sea. He is described in 1881 as being born in Middlesex, and aged
42, but in 1851, he (presumably from information from his mother who should
have known) is given as being 14 and born in Liverpool, probably the port from
which father sailed. There are connections with Liverpool: his father used a
solicitor there as his executor (and a witness to his will was a resident of
Liverpool) as did his paternal grandfather. His younger brother was born in
Jamaica, and so he must have been there as a child, but was probably back in
England by 1847 when his mother remarried.
Between 1851 and 1875, he called himself a grocer, residing at various addresses
in London, in 1891 6, Yerbury Rd, Islington (see Album 9-02) and 1901 at 3
Mercer's Rd, Islington (See Album 9-14).
By 1881, he had entered the tea trade, firstly as a clerk, in 1891 as a tea
traveller, maybe explaining his absence from time to time, and by 1901 and when
he died, a tea merchant. This is notable: his uncle, Septimus (only 15 years
older, and who died 1902 - see Jamaica Maitlands for Septimus' details) was
also a teamerchant.
Francis' brother, John Andrew was a successful trader in the Far East and
was an executor and co-heir of Septimus; this and/or the tea trade connection
probably encouraged NGM & his brothers to seek their fortunes in China and
Japan. Herbert Poole states that Francis never left England, but family lore has
it that he went to some or all of the gold rushes of the late 19th Century.
DSM had a vague memory of talk of the Lower Transvaal (in the 1850's?). Another
of DSM’s suggestions was that he could have been in South Africa (Barberton
gold fields) from birth of EWM in 1865 to after 1871, but HMM born 1872
followed by NGM in 1875. From these memories and the dates, it is more likely
that he went to South Africa in the mid 1880’s. His family was in Newcastle in
1871: where was he in that Census??
His son, NGM, employed a nanny, Emily Scottrell, who always said that
Francis 3 was "no good", having started work with Francis & Ann
Maitland. Emily said that he had been on the Klondike and Australian Gold
Rushes and that he was a waster, drank too much and possibly strayed from
marriage! Emily, however, was a spinster and probably knew little about such
He left £136 to his wife in his will.
No trace of him has been found in the Post Office directories between 1875
& 1900.
There was a Queensland Gold Rush about 1871, other Australian ones were too
early for Francis. Barberton gold rush was about 1884, in the low veld. It may
be a coincidence, but the gold was first discovered on the Umvoti creek, the
name of NGM’s house in Byfleet.
Bankruptcies, London Daily News September 21, 1861[18]:
Francis Maitland, Newcastle upon Tyne, grocer & tea dealer, Oct 2 at 11½,
and Oct 30 at 12, at Newcastle upon Tyne Court. Sols, Watson and Armstrong,
Newcastle upon Tyne; off. Assign, Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
Note that Ann Chapman's maternal grandmother's father was of Southwick,
Surrey or Bermondsey: was this the connection - how they met?
B/C, M/C & D/C held.
MT: b.1840, d.1921.
Born1: 6/2/1840 @ Postern, St John's, Newcastle on Tyne
Parents: William & Matilda (Cleugh) Chapman.
Married1: Francis Maitland 7/7/1861 @ Parish Church of All Saints,
Newcastle on Tyne.
Witnesses at marriage: Anne Cleugh & William Sheldon (?)
Died1: 13/11/1921 @ 24, Rectory Gdns, Hornsey, N8, age 81, Wid of
FM, teamerchant, of Chronic Heart Disease & Bronchitis. EJC Chapman,
present also of 24 Rectory Gdns.
Probate7: London 7/7/22 to Harriet Matilda wf of Thomas Henry
Morrison, £669-7-10.
1841 Census: Postern, Newcastle on Tyne, with parents & Cleugh relatives.
1851 Census: 30, Melbourne St, Newcastle, with Cleugh relatives, parents not
1861 Census: 7, Wesley Terrace, Newcastle, with father (now widowed) and Cleugh
Uncles and Aunts.
1861 (marriage): age 21, Parish of All Saints.
1871 Census: 7, Wesley Terrace, Newcastle, with her father, John Andrew,
Francis, Edward W. Maitland & Cleugh uncles and aunts.
1881 Census, 11, Grove Rd, Finsbury, Upper Holloway
1921 (death): @ 24, Rectory Gdns with brother EJC.
DSM suggests that EJ Chapman (2), "whom I was taken to meet once or
twice (who manufactured gas mantles still used in 1920-30)" was nephew of
AJM's younger brother, EJC1, and that his son was a director of Simmonds
brewery and of Simmonds, Farson and Cisk brewery in Malta: in about 1962, DSM's
brother JAM became alternate director to EJC's son, but cannot remember his
name. It appears from her death certificate that EJ Chapman was her younger
brother, or his son also Edward J Chapman.
In 1901, 2 EJ Chapmans were listed in the PO Directory of London, one a
beer retailer, the other a publican. Probably not ours. An EJ Chapman was in
London by the early 20's as he was witness at Ann Jane Maitland's death.
Hong Kong, 1889: Maitland & Co, Freight Forwarders Hong Kong.
The Straits Times, June 28 1900: It is reported in the Malay Mail that Mr
McClymont is succeeding Mr Maitland as manager of the Sungei Ujong Railway.
Issue of Francis & Ann Jane (Chapman) Maitland:
1/1. John Andrew Maitland - 1863.
Born 8/9/1863 @ 199 Fulham Rd,
rest as for NGM.
Died 8.12.1946 aged 83 buried Chingford Mount Cemetery
Married 1st: Mamie (MT) (possibly in China).
Partner 2nd: Eliza Emma (Clark) String
Ann Robertson supplied much of this info.
Michael Feldwick[iii].
It seem likely that he became estranged from his younger brothers, possibly as
a result of his marital arrangements. DSM knew very little about him, in spite
of JAM’s not dying until 1946. It does appear that he too was in Shanghai in
the early part of the 20thC, possibly returning to England about 1914.
The facts that there is no trace of him (or son Frank) on the 1891, 1901 &
1911 Censuses, and the listings in Shanghai in 1904 & 08, long after Uncle
JAM had left, support HAP’s assertion that at least at some time, he was in
China. From a 1939 census, he was by then on a Railway pension, living with his
second partner. There is also no obvious marriage record of him. It is probable
that HAP was more accurate on the brothers’ early lives than DSM as HAP would
probably have met them in the early 1900’s in China.
Note: NGM sold his house in Shanghai to Standard Oil Co. This is the only JAM
alive at the time of our family – was this for him??
1871 Census: 7, Wesley Terrace, Newcastle with mother and uncles and aunts.
1881 Census: 11, Grove Rd, Finsbury, Upper Holloway, Clerk (tea) with parents.
1939: 96, Glenarm Rd, Hackney:
John A Maitland (8 Sept 63 M Pension (Railway Service), Elizabeth Maitland
(Eliza Stringer added after, 20 May 1881 Unpaid domestic) Peggy Green/Maitland
(13 Apr 1919, Clerk Comptometer, Single)
These may be him:
1893, June 7: London from Colombo, John A Maitland, age 26, clerk, cabin
1893, October 20: London to Colombo, JA Maitland, age 28, Cabin.
1904: Hong List, JA Maitland, East. Ext.A. & C. Tel.Co.Ltd.
1908: Directory, JA Maitland, assistant, Standard Oil Co. of New York,
Quote from Poole Family History by H.A.Poole:
The eldest Maitland son never amounted to much and lived (up to 1914) in
London, supported by his brothers: he had been married and divorced.
JAM worked for Gt Eastern Railway @ Liverpool St. (contrary to HA Poole who
said all sons of Francis 3 went to Far East).
DSM "..thought he had an uncle called Andrew, so maybe he was known by his
second name - it would reduce the number of John's around. I don't think he
ever went abroad and was seldom referred to in the family."
2/1. Frank Maitland, m Winnie Warner.
Worked for NGM in Shanghai.
DSM: Frank was a bright chap and spent many years in India finally heading
Insurance Division of Andrew Yule (see end of this paper for a history of them).
3/1. Alan Maitland (1922-45).
From RJLM letter, Cairo,
9/1/1945: Alan Maitland, "Donald's young cousin turned up to see us on
Saturday and stayed till Sunday. He's a nice boy, a sub-lieutenant in the Fleet
Air arm and just like a baby, thin Donald. He's on his way to Australia".
In letter from RJLM 11/9/45, missing believed killed over Tokyo.
Ref DSM: killed in RAF.
(ref Ann Robinson[iv]):
Second Partner: Eliza Emma (Clark) Stringer Born 20/5/1881 (dau of George &
Eliza Clark)
Married Arthur Stringer Sept 1907 - 1 daughter Doris born 5.10.10 (still living
Doris Stringer married Harold Barnes - 3 children Brian 1935, Graham 1942,
Marilyn 1946.
2/2. Stanley Maitland, born 4.4.1917
Salvation Army Mothers hospital
Aged 18 became apprentice printer for Daily Mirror (app. papers witnessed by
JAM 15.7.1935)
Married: Rosetta Louisa Nunn (b. 5.2.1916) M. 26.9.1953 Hackney.
Lived in Petts Wood Kent, divorced in early seventies.
Stanley was with partner Rose until he died 2004. He had been in ill health for
some years after an horrific road accident.
Rosetta lived in St Albans for some years - moved to Eynsford, Kent about 2
years ago to be nearer to children
3/1. Barbara Maitland born 20.1.1955
married Reginald Purton
4/1. James Purton, born 1983 (twin)
4/2. Paul Purton, born 1983
3/2. Andrew John Maitland born 7.3.1958
M. Helen Louise Mellish born 6.9.1963 (Sister of Ann Robertson) Andrew and Helen live in Bexley, Kent. Andrew is a design consultant and Helen works for the met (no children).
2/3. Peggy Maitland born 13.4.1919 (still living 6/05)
M. Charles Green born 10.1.1912
3/1. Barrie Green b. 6.8.1951
married Janet Mary Boyes Ainslee
b. 7.5.1956
4/1. Matthew Green 1986,
4/2. Lydia Green 1988
3/2. Kevin Green, b. 10.8.1954
married Christine McCulloch b.
4/1. Jonathan Green 1984,
4/2. Emma Green 1986
3/3. Josephine Green, b. 10.4.1956
married Michael Feldwick b.
4/1. Sarah Emily Feldwick, b. 1981,
4/2. James Alexander Feldwick, b. 1984.
Josephine Feldwick
Nov 25, 2019
Hi Antony,
Yes that’s what I thought. The information that I have is that JAM was a lodger in my grandmothers house whilst her husband Arthur Stringer was away at war. They had a relationship resulting in my uncle Stanley Maitland and then my mother Peggy (1912). I believe that Arthur came home and they all lived together in the house. AS was mentally unwell, probably suffering from we now know as post traumatic stress.
I never knew my grandfather but remember my grandmother well. She died when I was about 16. My brothers and I didn’t know they were never married until her funeral. My brother noticed that the name on her coffin was Clarke (her maiden name). This was never really spoken about. I think JAM was a heavy drinker and a gambler probably the black sheep of the family. Mum always said that he was a good ‘dad.’ However my Aunt, mum’s half sister Doris had a different version of events. She was about 8 years older
I have photographs of my grandfather with his siblings so I assume that Nathaniel is in the photo.
My email address is and Mike’s is now
We live in Worcester Park Surrey. I would be very interested in any information that you have.
Thank you
1/2. Francis Maitland. – 1865.
Born[19] 21/5/1865 @ 18, Charlton Kings Rd, Kentish Town.
rest as for NGM.
The marriage took place at St. John's Cathedral, on Nov. 19, [1901] of Mr.
Frank Maitland, of the firm of Messrs. Linstead and Davis, merchants, Des
Voeux-road Central, with Miss Alice Fraser Smith Stopani, youngest daughter of
the late Captain Stopani. After the ceremony a reception was held at the house,
in Peak-road, of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Gordon.
On Nov. 18, at the Cricket Ground, Mr. T. Sercombe Smith, President of the Hong
Kong C.C., presented Mr-Frank Maitland with two handsome silver filigree bowls
as a wedding gift. The bowls had been subscribed for by members of the Cricket
He was an active cricketer, with a number of press entries. A director of Batu
Kawan Sugar & Canton Insurance.
1871 Census: 7, Wesley Terrace, Newcastle with mother and uncles and aunts.
1881 Census: with family, in London aged 15, Clerk (Tea). Probably working for
Septimus, a tea broker at the time.
1887: Arrived Hong Kong[21].
1892, 94, 99: Directory, clerk, Linstead & Davis, Hongkong.
The annual report of the Hongkong Cricket Club shows a credit of $4000. Mr F
Maitland heads the batting averages for 1899 1900 with 42.34, Mr J.E. Lee being
the first in the bowling with a record 27 wickets for 13.4 runs each.
1901, 05, 08: Directory, Merchant, Linstead & Davis, Hongkong.
1902: Jurors List, Hongkong, of Upper Richmond Rd.
1902: 24 Nov to arrive Singapore on P&O Himalaya, connecting at Columbo
with steamer Valetta from London Oct 31, due 30 Nov[23]
1894-1909: appears on HK Jurors List, address Upper Richmond Rd, for Linstead
1906: Who’s Who: Hong kong, merchant, b Ma7 21 1865; m Nov 1901, Alice Stopani.
Educ: Private schools. Arrived in Colony, April 12, 1887. Club, Hongkong.
Address: Alexandra Buildings, HK; Nettlewood, Robinson Road, HK.
1910: real estate agent, Linstead Davis, Hongkong.
1911, November 16, SS Nyanza, London to Hong-Kong:
Mr & Mrs F Maitland + Mrs WE Maitland to Yokohama.
1912: director of the Dairy Farm Company[24]
1914: auditor to HSBC 1913-1922 (Straits Times)
1915, Oct 20: London to HK, “Kashmir”: Mr F Maitland, Mrs Aa. For HK, Estate
Agent, 50 & 35. Res China.
1917, 20: Directory, estate agent, Linstead Davis, Hongkong.
1918, 11 April, 1918, Empress of Asia, Hong Kong to Vancouver:
Francis Maitland, 52, Agent, Ref Mr EJ Chapman (cousin), Alba?? Building, Hong Kong.
Alice Maitland, 38, Ref Mrs AG Gordon (sister), The Peak, Hong Kong.
1921, 4 November: SS Dongola (P&O) from London to Hong Kong.
Francis Maitland (Land Agent, 56), Mrs Alice (41, wife), for Hong Kong, last UK
res 25 Broad Walk, Buxton permanent res China.
Thos Henry Morrison (43, musician), Mrs Harriet (Wife, 47) for Hong Kong, last
UK res 5 Belvedere Terrace, permanent res England.
1922: Died: 4/3/1922, of Victoria, Hong Kong, at Fristen Cottage, May Rd, Hong
Kong, Prob London 22/7/1922, to Alice Fraser Smith Maitland £890
Bur Hongkong Cemetery, plot Ref 45---/08/07-, along with Alice (no date, but
post 2nd war, re DSM)[25].
Probably him: FO 917/2321 1922 Shanghai.
Hongkong, March 4.[26]
The death has occurred of Mr. Frank Maitland, a partner in the firm of Linstead
& Davis, Estate Agents.—Reuter.
Mr. Maitland, who was a well-known figure in racing circles in China, came
to Hongkong in 1887, joining the firm of Linstead & Davis, and at the time
of his death he was senior partner. He had always taken an active share in the
work and sport of the Colony, and in addition to racing was in his youth an
active member of the Hongkong Cricket Club, of which at the time of his death
he was President. In racing he was an owner or part owner at every meeting, nor
did he confine his interest in the sport to Hongkong. Very often he was seen at
the autumn races here, and accordingly had a large circle of friends in the
He had been home on leave last year and only returned in the autumn. His
health, unfortunately, had been failing ever since, death being due to heart
failure. He is survived by a widow and two brothers— Mr. N. G. Maitland of
Shanghai, and Mr. E. W. Maitland, manager of the Yokohama office of the Union
Insurance Society of Canton, for whom the deepest sympathy will be expressed.
1929, November 29: London for HK: Alice Maitland (49), 114 Finchley Rd, NW3.
1935, September 13: London for HK: Alice Maitland (55), Dawsson Place,
Pembridge Sq, London.
Who’s Who in the Far East 1906-7:
Merchant, b. May 21, 1865;
m. Nov.,1901, Alice Stopani.
Educ.: Private Schools.
Arrived in Colony, April 12, 1887.
Club: Hongkong.
Address: Alexandra Building, Hongkong
“Nettlewood," Robinson Road, Hongkong.
Eleanor (Poole) Maitland's album shows a Frank Maitland (as an amateur player)
in Shanghai, January 1900. This could be JA Maitland's son who worked for NGM,
but looks too old in the photograph. It might therefore be this Frank, but is
probably Francis John, son of Septimus, who was also in Shanghai in 1901. A
possible photograph of him is in EIP's album C, page 15. Quote from Poole Family
History by H.A.Poole: The second Maitland son Frank Maitland lived in Hong
Kong, where he was head of the firm of Linstead & Davis: he married 1905
Alice Stopani, a girl born in Hong Kong, part Italian: no children.
From Alan Stopani[v],
May 2008.
For the last fifty years or so, I have lived with a surname that very few
people spell correctly the first time. That surname....STOPANI.
I am a First Cousin 3x removed of Alice Fraser Stopani who married your Francis
Maitland in 1905 in Hong Kong. You have her down on your tree as Stepani.
Alice was born in Hong Kong of my great great uncle and aunt, Alexander Stopani
and his wife Isabella nee Graham. Alexander was the youngest of the ten Stopani
children, my great great grandfather, George, being the ninth.
Alexander was a sea captain and literally sailed the seven seas and that is how
Alice came to be born in Hong Kong. Her five siblings were born in the UK.
Alexander and Isabella both came from Aberdeen, Scotland and that is where Alex
is buried, alongside his parents, John and Christina. John, my great great
great grandfather came from the Lombardy region of Italy.
I never knew what happened to Alice but I assume you have no further
1/3. Edward William Maitland - 1867
Born1 21/6/1867 @ 18, Charlton Kings Rd, Kentish Town. rest as for NGM.
Died9 June 27 1943.
1871 Census: 7, Wesley Terrace, Newcastle with mother and uncles and aunts.
1881 Census: with family in London.
1891 Census: not found.
1892, 94: directory, EWM, clerk, Chinas Traders Insurance Co. Hongkong.
1899: directory, EWM, acting agent, Chinas Traders Insurance Co. Hongkong.
1899, October 10: At HBM's Consulate General and afterwards at the Holy Trinity
Cathedral, Shanghai, by the Rev HC Hidges, MA, on the 10th October.
1896-1898: appears on the Hong Kong Jurors List as assistant at China Traders
1901: acting agent, China Traders Insurance Co Ltd, Yokohama.
A photograph in an album of Eleanor Poole (to be Maitland) of his wedding in
Shanghai Cathedral to Ethel Wilcoxon is dated 10 October 1899. EW and NGM
appeared from photographs to have got on well, and it looks as if Eleanor Poole
also was contemporary with Ethel.
1903, Nov 17: SS Bayern dep Southampton for Yokohama, Mr EW Maitland & Mrs
& Master Maitland
1904, January: EWM to HK per Bayern.[28]
1904, February: EWM per Doric from Hong Kong.[29]
1904, July: Maitland from Hong Kong – was this EWM?[30]
1905: directory, EWM, agent, Chinas Traders Insurance Co. Hongkong.
1905, April: Mr & Mrs Mrs Maitland & child from Yokohama, per Amand Behic.-
probably him, NGM had no child then.[31]
1911, March 18: Mrs EWM London from Calcutta, “Nyanza”.
1911, November 16, SS Nyanza, London to Hong-Kong.
Mr & Mrs F Maitland + Mrs WE Maitland to Yokohama.
1917, 20: Directory, agent, Union Insurance Society of Canton, Yokohama.
1917, 19 June, SS Venezuela, Yokohama to San Francisco.
Edward W Maitland, 49, Underwriter, ref Mrs EW Maitland, Wife, Yokohama.
1919, 27 June, SS Venezuela, dep Yokohama to San Francisco arr 16/7/1919.
All ref RH Wright, Manager, Hongkong & Shanghai Bank Corp. Yoko.
Edward W Maitland, 52; Ethel M, 42 wife of EW; Margaret A. 17, Student, dau of
EW; Alice E. 15, Student, dau of EW; Jean E. 10 mths, Infant dau of EW.
1919, November: Edward William Maitland, Empress of France from Liverpool,
underwriter, last perm res Japan.
1920, March 20: London for Japan, Maitland, Ethel M (46), Margaret A (18),
Alice Eleanor (16), Jean Ethel (1-12).
1920: ref umpiring for Kobe team in cricket in Yokohama, Mrs Daubeny mentioned.[32]
1928, 29 July, SS Celtic, Liverpool to New York arr 8 Aug, res Eastbourne.
Edward William, 60, Ethel Mary, 54, Housewife, Jean Ethel, 9, scholar.
Quote from Poole Family History by H.A.Poole:
The third son, Edward W. Maitland, for many years the manager of the Yokohama branch of the China Traders Insurance Co, married in 1900, Ethel Wilcoxson, born
in Shanghai of English parents: Wilcoxson was the head of the silk department
for Arnold Karberg & Co, Shanghai. They came to live in Yokohama after
their marriage, and after retiring, lived some years in Switzerland (to avoid high English taxes) and then settled in West Byfleet, Surrey, where he died
June 27 1943 of cancer.
The China Traders' Insurance Company, Limited: Branch Office for New Zealand,
Featherston Street, Wellington. Committee:—Mr. Harold Beauchamp (Messrs. W. M.
Bannatyne and Co.,) Mr. James Whittall, Manager for the Colony. Telephone 432.
P.O. Box 101. Bankers, Bank of New Zealand This Company was established in the
year 1865 in the British colony of Hong Kong, China, to undertake the business
of marine insurance. The subscribed capital of the Company is $2,000,000, of
which $600,000 is paid-up. The operations of the Company have been most
successful. No better evidence of this fact could be adduced than the figures represented
by the reserve fund, which has gradually been increased until it now stands at
$900,000, an amount which exceeds the paid-up capital of the Company by
$300,000. The Board of Directors consists of Messrs. Thurburn, Manager of the
Mercantile Bank of India, Limited (chairman); P. Sachse, of Messrs. Carlowitz
and Co.; J. Kramer, of Messrs. Arnhold, Karberg and Co.; St. C. Michaelsen, of
Messrs. Melchers and Co.; M. D. Ezekiel, of Messrs. E. D. Sassoon and Co. Mr.
W. H. Ray is the secretary of the Company. The China Traders' Insurance Company
is represented in the greater part of the civilized world. The Shanghai
branch is managed by a committee composed of Messrs. P. Arnhold, of Messrs. Arnhold,
Karberg and Co.; C. Schlee, of Messrs. Robert Anderson and Co.; James
Jones, agent for the American Trading Company; the local agent being Mr. J. E.
Reding. In Japan the Company has a branch office at Yokohama, which is
entrusted to the care of Mr. A. S. Garfit. The London office, at number 10
Cornhill, E.C., was founded many years ago. The following gentlemen form a
committee of management, viz., Messrs. J. A. Maitland (Messrs. Maitland
and Co., Limited); David Reid (Director of the National Bank of India,
Limited); T. Cuthbertson (Messrs. Edward Boustead and Co.); L. Poesnecker
(Messrs. Arnhold, Karberg and Co.) Mr. Waldemar Schmidt is the manager of the
Company's business in England. Sub-agents have been appointed in Glasgow,
Manchester and Bradford. In America, on the Continent of Europe, and in most
seaports of importance the agents of this progressive Company are to be found.
His Will: "of Shirley, Madeira Rd W Byfleet, died at Withypool Oak,
Endway, New Haw, Addlestone, Surrey; probate Llandudno 20/12/1943 to Ethel Mary
Maitland £5606-10-1d.
Probate Record:
Ethel Mary Maitland “of the Oaklands Hotel, Hazlemere Surrey widow died 13 June
1951 at Gateway Chambers 72 Bishopsbridge Road, W2, Probate 3 September (1951)
to the Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank (Trustee) Ltd, Effects £6104-12s
They had three daughters (Quotes from HAP abt 1950),
2/1. Daisy Maitland (Margaret Amelia, b 8/6/1902)
(…..who married in Yokohama, an
American named Eddy Adams at that time in one of the American banks which
sprung up in the Orient during the First World War: they have since lived in
Hartford, Conn, and had two children, three more died young. Born about 1902:
prob present at NGM/EIP wedding photo.
Photo of NGM with small girl (abt 2) "Margaret Amelia & Uncle George,
Oct 1902, (Farsari, Yokohama). This was her.
Margaret A. Adams
SSN: 294-36-5080
Last Residence: 85219 Apache Junction, Pinal, Arizona, United States of America
Born: 8 Jun 1902
Died: 26 Mar 1990
State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (1957-1959 )
3/1. Jill Adams
2/2. Alice E. Maitland, b 23/2/1904.
who married a man named Daubeny
of the Rising Sun Petroleum Co in Yokohama (the beginning of the Shell Oil
company) and lived in Yokohama before retiring to West Byfleet, he had two
Was this her, note the connection with Hartford and sister Daisy:
Birth Date: 23 Feb 1904
Death Date: Dec 1982
Social Security Number: 043-30-2731
State or Territory Where Number Was Issued: Connecticut
Death Residence Localities
ZIP Code: 06109
Localities: Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut
Hfd, Hartford, Connecticut
Htfd, Hartford, Connecticut
Weth, Hartford, Connecticut
Wethersfield, Hartford, Connecticut
Wethersfld, Hartford, Connecticut
2/3. Jean Ethel Maitland, born in 1918 at Yokohama,
who married on December 31/1938,
Donald Foster, at West Byfleet, Surrey.[vi]
3/1. Anthony Edward Foster, born 20 Jan 1940, Woking.
3/2. John Maitland Foster, b 29 Jan 1942 Woking.
Married Sally Jackson, 1972
1962, 13 Nov: commissioned as Act PO, cadet (5200403, 11/9/1962
2010, added GCGRZ Magni M24C 24-10-6004 to UK register.
4/1. Graham Foster, b 28/2/1974, M Sarah Williams
4/2. David Foster 1/9/1976
Issue 2 daughters
DSM: I believe there was a second child, name and sex unknown. Don and Jean
emigrated to Kenya (or Uganda) about 1946 to farm, about which neither knew
anything. I believe Jean left Don and the children and disappeared despite
strong efforts by NGM, her uncle, to keep in touch.
1946, 30 June, “Mantola” (Brit India SNC), London to Beira
Jean Ethel Foster (27, housewife), Anthony Edward (6), John Maitland (4) UK
Cotteridge Hotel, Woking, res Kenya.
Interport Cricket - Hong Kong v. Shanghai
The Interport teams of Hong Kong and Shanghai from October 1892 - click for a
larger picture
The first Interport cricket match between Hong Kong and Shanghai was played in
1866, 15 years after the founding of the Hong Kong Cricket Club. The series of
home and away matches continued until 1948, just prior to the Communist
takeover of China in 1949.
The following passage regarding the 1892 Interport matches between Hong Kong
and Shanghai is taken from Peter Hall's book '150 Years of Cricket in Hong
"Two matches were played in this year, the first in Hong Kong during an
'excessively' hot February, when a very strong Hong Kong side defeated Shanghai
by an innings and 132 runs. Captain John Dunn, although dropped on 45, 89 and in
the 90's, batted 'brilliantly' to score the first Interport century. EW
Maitland (No. 9) and G Taylor (No. 10), each with half centuries, helped the
side amass over 400 runs.
Shanghai were bowled out by EJ Coxon and Dr JA Lowson, who had match analyses
of 12 for 121 and 8 for 98 respectively.
Hong Kong: 429
Shanghai: 163 and 134
When Hong Kong visited Shanghai in October that same year, certain leading Hong Kong players were unable to make the trip. The same 'for business or other reasons'
problem applied equally to Shanghai, when the Interport took place in Hong
The match result was reversed in equally dominant fashion, Shanghai winning by
157 runs. Lowson took the first eight wickets for 66 runs in Shanghai's first
innings, but was 'lamed' again when batting and couldn't bowl in Shanghai's
second innings! Sgt Mumford, with his 'underhand grubbers', had the Shanghai
players mesmerised and captured 6-68. But it was AGH Carruthers who devastated
Hong Kong with 5-29 and 8-41 respectively.
Shanghai: 112 and 202
Hong Kong: 78 and 79"
1/4. Harriet Matilda Maitland ("Aunt Daisy")
Born: no St C entry found to
ref Census 1881: born Lambeth 5/1872-4/73.
Married: Tom Morrison 1905. September 1905 (re emails 5/2005).
Issue: nil
Census 1881: 11, Grove Rd, Finsbury. age 8.
Died: 31/3/1937 of Cancer (ref HP).
1901 (father's death & Census): @ 3, Mercer's Rd, Islington.
Named Harriet Matilda presumably after her two grand mothers.
Quote from Poole Family History by H.A.Poole:
"The fourth child was Daisy Maitland, who married in 1903, Tom Morrison,
first violin in the London Symphony Orchestra, a very fine violinist. No
children: Daisy died of cancer, March 31st, 1937. Tom then became the manager
of some hotel in the Midlands."
Tom in army in 1st war from photographs.
DSM: HMM qualified as MD 6/8/1897 at Edinburgh, the only university admitting
women to medicine. The medical register for 1938: of Woodleigh, 2 Upper Park
Rd, Broughton, Manchester (LRCP Edin 1897; LRCS Edin 1897; LFPS Glasgow 1897).
She was in loco parentis for her nephews, Francis, Jack & Otis while NGM
was in China in the 1920’s.
M/C, 4/8/1903, All Saints, Tufnell Park, Islington:
He: 25, Bachelor, Violinist, 3, Mercer’s Rd, Ralph Morrison, violinist
She: 20, Spin, 3 Mercer’s Rd, Francis decd, retired.
Post Office Directories:
1900: Miss Harriet Matilda Maitland, physician & surgeon, 98 Blackfriars Rd & 3 Mercer's Lane.
1905: now Maitland-Morrison, at Blackfriars only.
1920: went to Hong Kong with brother Francis. Res 5 Belvedere Terrace, Buxton.
Ref BBC: Thomas Henry Morrison, born 25/11/1878, "appointed Musical
Director of the BBC's Manchester station on May 11th 1924, having previously
led the station orchestra. He became North Region Music Director with the
creation of the BBC regions in 1929. He retired with effect from 30 September
1937,".. on the grounds of ill health. From the Times, he joined the
Queen's Hall Orchestra at the age of 18 and became its leader two years later.
He also played for nine years in the London Symphony Orchestra and for 17 years
as leader. He was founder and conductor of the Northern Wireless Orchestra.
DSM said he was a violinist.
Legacy of £1000 in Uncle JA Maitland's will 1914.
1/5. Nathaniel George Maitland. born 9/11/1875
St Dunstan's Stepney Parish Records (at LRO) show: "Francis Maitland
christened 18/9/1836, abode Mile End Old Town, parents Francis and Harriet,
father's profession Master Mariner."
(LRO m/film X24/19).
1841 Census: not found, may have been in Jamaica.
1851 Census: 72, Upper Stamford St, London, with mother (now Harriet Halahan).
A scholar aged 14, born Liverpool.
1861 Census: 26, Percy St, Newcastle, lodger, 24, tea merchant, b London.
1861 (marriage): Age 24, bachelor, occupation Grocer, residence the Parish of
St Andrew (assumed London, but perhaps Newcastle??).
Marriage Certificate (Newcastle 10b7 9/1861) gives:
7 July 1861. Francis Maitland (Age 24, bachelor, occupation Grocer, residence
the Parish of St Andrew) married Anne Jane Chapman (Age 21, spinster, residence
this Parish) at the Parish Church of All Saints (?) in Northumberland.
Fathers Francis Maitland (Master Mariner) and William Chapman (Clerk?).
Witnesses: Anne Cleugh & William Sheldon (?)
1863 (son JAM birth): 199, Fulham Rd, Chelsea, a grocer.
1865 (son FM birth): 18 Charlton Kings Rd, Kentish Town, a grocer.
1867 (son EWM birth): as above.
1871 Census: not with rest of family in Newcastle: was he abroad?
1875 (son NGM birth): 6, Upper Boston St, Marylebone, a grocer.
Not found in 1871 index.
1881 Census, 11, Grove Rd, Finsbury, Upper Holloway
RG11 277, F54 P37 Islington,
Francis M.: Clerk (Tea) age 42 b Middx, Poplar, Ann M.: 39, Newcastle, John A.,
17, Clerk (Tea), Mid, Brompton; Francis, Clerk (Tea), 15, Mid, Kentish Town;
Edward W., 13, Kentish Town; Harriet, 8, Lambeth; Nathaniel G, 5, Lambeth.
1891 Census: 6, Yerbury Rd, Islington. (see Album 9-02)
Francis Maitland (54, Tea traveller, London, Bow) Annie J (wf, 50, Newcastle),
Harriet M. (dau, 18, Vauxhall), George N. (Clerk, Marylebone), Anatole Pasquiet
(Lodger, Foreign Correspondent, France), Mary A Spooner (lodger, wid, own
means, Taunton Somerset).
1901 Census, 3, Mercers Rd, Islington (see Album 9-14):
Francis Maitland (64, Tea Merchant, St Pancras), Anne J. (61, Newcastle)
Harriet (28, Doctor of Medicine, St Pancras).
1901 (death): 3, Mercer's Rd, Islington (also there: dau Harriet).
Buried5: in Highgate Cemetery, 34433 sq 25, Under Orchard Wall Died
16/11/1901, Aged 64.
Death registered at Islington 12/1901, 1B 132:
Died: 16/11/1901 @ 3 Mercer's Rd, Islington, age 64, Teamerchant, of Dilation
of the Heart & Exhaustion, informant H.M. Maitland, dau, also res at
Mercer's Rd.
Prob 1/2/1902, London to AJM, £136-10-1d.
The London Gazette 19 June 1868
NATHANIEL ELLISON, Esq., Her Majesty’s Commissioner of the
Newcastle-upon-Tyne District Court of Bankruptcy, the Commissioner authorized
to act under a Petition for adjudication of Bankruptcy, filed on the 13th day
of September, 1861, against Francis Maitland, of the borough and county of
Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Grocer and Tea Dealer, will sit on the 3rd day of December
next, at twelve of the clock at noon precisely, at the District Court of
Bankruptcy, in the Royal-arcade, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, in order to make a
Dividend of the estate and effects of the said bankrupt; when and where the
creditors, who have not already proved their debts, are to come prepared to
prove the same, or they will be excluded the benefit of the said Dividend. And
all claims not then proved will be disallowed.
The London Gazette 1861 November 8
NATHANIEL ELLISON, Esq., Her Majesty's Commissioner of the Court of Bankruptcy
for the Newcastle-upon-Tyne District, the Commissioner authorized to act under
a Petition for adjudication of Bankruptcy, filed the 13th day of-September,
1861, against Francis Maitland, of the borough and county of
Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Grocer and Tea Dealer, will sit on the 13lh day of July
next, at twelve o'clock at noou precisely, at the said District Court of
bankruptcy in the Royal Arcade, at New¬castle-upon-Tyne, in order to make a
Dividend of the estate and effects of the said bankrupt, when and where the
creditors who have not already proved their debts, are to come prepared to
prove the same, or they will be excluded the benefit of the said Dividend. And
all claims not then proved will be disallowed.
The London Gazette 1865 December 29
NOTICE is hereby given, that an Order of Discharge under the hand of Theophilus
Bennet Hoskyns Abrahall (there was a Hoskin Abrahall at school with Antony
Maitland in the 1950’s!), Esq., the Commissioner of Her Majesty's District
Court of Bankruptcy, in the Royal-arcade, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and under the
Seal of the Court, was, on the 22nd day of December, 1865, granted to Francis
Maitland. of the borough and county of Newcastle-upon-Tyne,-Grocer and Tea
Dealer, who was adjudged bankrupt on the 13th day of September, 1861, an who
passed his Last Examination, but did not apply for a certificate of conformity
in accordance with the then law of Bankruptcy; and that such Order of
Discharge will be drawn up and delivered to the said bankrupt unless an appeal
be duly entered within thirty days.
Dividend Declared (Morning Chronicle, London 7/12/1861): Francis Maitlannd,
Newcastle upon Tyne 4s 6d, any Saturday, at Bakers, Newcastle upon Tyne.
This family branch was predominantly in Northumberland, although William
Chapman’s mother-in-law was born in the Dock are of London where her father was
a waterman. The Chapmans seemed to have been in the coal mines, but the line
cannot be traced with any real certainty further back than the mid to late
18thC. Matilda’s Cleugh (or Clough) forebears seem to have originated around
Morpeth, and probably moved into Newcastle as it grew.
GENERATION 6 *************************
Proof: PR/PRM/DC & dau’s b/c.
The father of Ann Jane Chapman.
Born2,3 Newburn 13/9/1809, ch 8/10/1809, 5th son of George Chapman,
Pitman, native of Parish of Wickham & Jane McClay, native of Heworth.
Born: 1809-10 in Newburn (ref Census) (agrees with D/C exactly).
Parents: George Chapman & Jane McClay (no IGI details)
Married2,3: Matilda Cleugh 23/2/1834, St Nicholas Parish, Newcastle, he OTP, she of All Saints, by licence.
(PR, IGI & Boyd's Marriages).
Died1: 30/1/1887, aged 77, Home for Incurables (Newcastle?),
Formerly Inspector of Coke, Paraplegic 12 months, Exhaustion, EJ Chapman, son,
1 Alma Street, Newcastle
His census records show him as being born in Newburn: this is born out by a
suitable baptism record at Newburn. He was an officer of customs when daughter
Ann was born, but no record of his service in the Customs in Newcastle or
neighbouring ports have been found: the records are not very complete. He also
does not appear on the superannuation records. His Customs service may have
been short. He was at the Customs House as a "Glut Tide Waiter" (as a
widower) in the 1851 census (presumably on duty), but his children were with
his wife's parents: she had died by then. For the rest of his life recorded in
the census's, he was a clerk or agent. In 1841, he lived in the Postern
District of Newcastle, close the centre of town. After his wife's death, he and
his children lived with his sisters and their families, daughter Ann, by then
married, visiting in 1871.
Interestingly, an Albert J Chapman aged 44, born London, lived next door to
the Maitlands in 1891. No obvious relation.
Newcastle 1801 directory shows John & Robert Chapman as ship &
insurance brokers and merchants of Folly, Sandgate, and a John Chapman as a
housse carpenter, Bigg-market. No Cleughs found.
Born2: 23/7/1809, Newcastle, Ch 22/10/1809, St John, Newcastle.
dau of Edward Clough, carter, native of South Shields, Co
Durham and wife Ann, dau of Anthony Braxton of Bermondsey.
NB PR has surname Cl-O-ugh, IGI has her listed under this.
Parents: Edward & Ann. Cleugh/Clough
Married2: William Chapman 23/2/1834, St Nicholas Parish, Newcastle,
(PR, IGI & Boyd's Marriages).
Died: 21/7/1850, Whitley – (DC & Newcastle Courant 26 July 1850).
DC: 21/7/1850, 40, Whitby Village, Wife of William Chapman, HM Customs, Newcastle,
Haemorrhage from cancer, William Chapman, Upper Buxton St, Newcastle, Newcastle,
Q3 25 286, 23/7/1850
From the Newcastle Courant 26 July 1850:
At Whitley, on the 21st Inst, aged 40, deeply regretted, Matilda,
wife of Mr William Chapman, and third daughter of the late Mr Edward Cleugh,
currier of this town. (thanks to Rob Taylor for this).
Issue of William & Matilda (Cleugh) Chapman:
1/1. Edward William Chapman, ch 20/3/1838, Newcastle St John, Res Postern,
William and Agent, buried 22/3/1838, age 3 weeks.
1/1. Ann Jane Chapman. Born 6/2/1840 (B/C)
Ch 12/3/1840 Newcastle St John, William of Postern, Agent of Customs.BT
1/2. Edward J. Chapman, Born Newcastle abt 1843 (census)
1861 Census, Wesley Terrace, age
18, pupil teacher.
1871 Census, with family, Wesley Terrace.
1881 Census: 4, West Front, Jesmond, Newcastle:
Ed. Jno. Chapman (38, Clerk in Timber Merchant's Office), Frances (wf, 33),
Frances Ann (d. 6), Ed. Jno (s. 5), Percy (3), Matilda (2). All born Newcastle.
1887 1 Alma St, Newcastle, (father’s death).
1901 Census: 5, Manor House Rd, Jesmond, Newcastle-on-Tyne:
Edward J. (Hd, 58, Secretary to Timber Merchants, Newcl), Frances (53, Newcl),
Frances A. (26, Newcl), Edward J. (25, Clerk in Timber Merchant's Office,
Newcl), Percy (23, Railway warehouseman, Benton, N'umberland), Matilda (22,
Shop Assistant to Lace Mercer, Newcl), Amy (13, Newcl), Elizabeth Bulman
(S-in-law, Wid, 45, Living on own Means, North Shields), Ernest Bulman (nephew,
9, Newcl).
Issue of Edward & Frances Chapman:
2/1. Frances Ann Chapman, born 1875, Newcastle.
2/2. Edward John Chapman, born 1876, Newcastle.
2/3. Percy Chapman, born 1878, Newcastle or Benton.
2/4. Matilda Chapman, born 1879, Newcastle.
2/5. Amy Chapman, born 1888, Newcastle.
1/3. Frances Mary Chapman, Born Newcastle abt 1847 (census) Ch 7/2/1847.
Bur 25/9/1851, Newcastle all Saints, of Melbourne St, age 4BT.
1840 (bth of Ann Jane): Officer of Customs.
1841 Census Postern, Newcastle:
Frances Cleugh (Dressmaker, 30), Nathaniel Cleugh (Taylor, 25), Robert
(Coachman, 20), William Chapman (unreadable, 30), Matilda Chapman (30), Ann
Chapman (1), all born in county.
1851 Census: 30 Melbourne St, Newcastle (all B. Newcastle)
Frances Cleugh (Hd, 43, Dressmaker), Nathaniel Cleugh (Bro, 35, Journeyman
Tailor), Annie Cleugh (Sis, 33), Robert Cleugh (Bro, 31, Carriage Maker), Ann
J. Chapman (Niece, 11, Scholar), Edward Chapman(Nephew, 8), Frances Chapman
(Niece, 4)
1850 Matilda’s death: HM Customs, res Upper Buxton St, Newcastle.
1851 Census, Custom House, Low lights, Tynemouth:
William Chapman (41, wid, Glut Tide Waiter, Newburn).
A Tide Waiter: Customs officer or tide waiter; one who waited on the tide to
collect duty on goods brought in.
1861 Census: at 7, Wesley Terrace, Newcastle, with sisters & brothers in
law, children Ann & Edward. Widower Age 51, an Agent, born Newburn.
1861 (dau marriage): Clerk (rest unreadable), Newcastle.
1871 Census: at 7, Wesley Terrace, Newcastle, with sisters & brothers in
law. Age 61, Clerk in head Merchant Office.
1881 Census: at 41, Copeland Terrace, Newcastle, with sisters & brothers in
law. Age 71, Clerk, born Newburn.
GENERATION 7 *************************
Proof: children’s birth records specific about their parents: George here fits
Ch2,3: 3/3/1776, Newburn: PR shows parents of Newburn.
Parents: Matthew & Isabel (Anderson) (IGI/PR)
Bur 22/6/1847, age 68 of FellingFMP.
This seems a highly probable individual, age is reasonable, birth place seems
Seems to have lived around Gateshead for his life, having been born north of
the Tyne at Newburn. He was a pitman.
Ref children's bapt:
A pitman, native of parish of Wickham. (now Whickham, nr Gateshead). of Bell's Close, Newburn 1799-1809.
Chapmans an old Border clan.
OR: 20/7/1780, All Sts, Newcastle (prob too young)
Parent: Matthew.
Married: Jane McClay
(no IGI info or on Newburn PR 1790-96, but specifically named in children’s
birth entries).
Whickham, 16/4/1785.
The spelling of McClay is clear in all the references, but
there seems
The only baptism remotely like this was of Jane McClaud, 17/8/1766 North
Shields, Non conformist register.
Dau of George McClaud & Elizabeth his wife “Tmmo Barreck”
They must have been Scottish, but even the Scots records have nothing that
resembles this Jane. George looks as though he was in, or at least associated
with, the army. The forces were winding down about this time after the seven
years war, so they could come from anywhere.
No marriage found.
No further information 9/2008.
Ref children's bapt:
1799: of Hewith 1802: of Hueth
1805: of Gateshead 1809: of Heworth.
Married: George Chapman
Issue of George Chapman & Jane McClay (all PR):
1/1. Thomas Chapman, ch Newburn, 13/3/1796, of Bells Close.
1/2. John Chapman, born 23/3/1799,
ch Newburn, 21/4/1799, 2nd son of George & Jane.
1/3. George Chapman, born 23/12/1801, of Bells Close.
ch Newburn, 24/1/1802. 3rd son of George & Jane
1/4. Andrew Chapman, born 12/10/1804, of Bells Close,
ch Newburn, 3/2/1805. 4th son. of Bells Close, 4th son of GC, Pitman, native of Whickham Parish by his wife Jane McClay native of Gateshead.
1/5. William Chapman, ch Newburn, 8/10/1809, b.
13/9/09, of George & Jane McClay.
The father of Matilda Cleugh or Clough. She seems to have been the only child
to have married.
A currier (leather worker).
Proof: Edward appears in PR for eldest dau’s birth. Correct family in PR shown
by Census’s. DC age.
Bapt3: South Shields 16/7/1780. This is an accurate date from his
Parents: William & Margaret Cleugh.
Married: Ann Braxton. 20/11/1804, St Giles, Camberwell (IGI).
Died: 10/3/1839, aged 58, @ Postern, St John, Newcastle, a Currier, Asthma,
informant: Edward Cleugh (Newcastle, 1839 Q1, XXV 257 11/3/1839)
No information on who the informant, Edward Cleugh, was.
There is a Newcastle Courant (15th March 18390) entry; the 12th
(Mar 1839) in the Postern aged 58, Mr Edward Cleugh.
1807-09: a currier, native of South Shields. (children's Bapt).
1828 Pigot’s: Edward Cleugh Currier, Queen Street, Newcastle.
1850, dead by daughter Matilda’s death. Was a currier of Whitley.
Cleugh/Clough was a relatively common name in the Newcastle area:
Voters of Newcastle:
1837/8: Edward Cleugh, Postern. Not on any other voters list.
Also on several:
Edward Walton Chapman, freeman of 36, Northumberland St.
John Mellor Chapman, freeman of Bensham.
Thomas Cleugh, freeman, 61 Newgate St, later (1858) of 58 Grey St, with George
Edward Cleugh re a Meeting of the Gentlemane Shipowners and tradesmen in the
town of Sunderland an Bishops Wearmouth.
Edward Cleugh occupying the Golden Lion Inn near the Market Place, South
Shields. 2 kitchens, 3 parlours, 2 dining rooms, stabling several lodging rooms
etc (being relet).
notice referring to the dividend (presumable of a bankruptcy) of Edward Cleugh
of the Golden Lion Inn, South Shields.
“The creditors of Edward Cleugh, late of the Golden Lion Inn, in South
Shields... are requested to take notice, that the time allowed for executing
the deed of assignment made by Edward Cleugh to certain persons his creditors
(as trustees for the mutual and equal benefit of such creditors as should
execute the same) will expire on the twenty first day of January instant,
therefore such creditors as have not by themselves or their agents executed the
assignment, are hereby desired to execute the same within the above period,
otherwise they will loose all benefit of the dividend arising from the sale of
the effects of Edward Cleugh.
NB the assignment lies at the office of Mr C Bainbridge, attorney at law in
South Shields, 9th Jan 1800.”
Notice. Having discharged John Madley, my late Foreman, in the Newcastle and
Staffordshire Boot and Shoe Warehouse, Mosley St, Newcastle, from my service,
he is no longer authorised to receive Monies on my Account. Edward Cleugh.
Ch Nanny Braxton, 6/2/1781, B 11/1/1781, of Anthony &
Ann Braxton, Waterman, of Jacob St, Bermondsey. – this must be her, there was
an earlier daughter, Ann who died young.
Parent: Anthony & Ann Braxton (of Southwick, Surrey) (of Bermondsey)
Southwick may be Southwark, next to Bermondsey.
Anthony Braxton confirmed by Matilda’s birth BT entry.
Ann Cleugh Bur Newcastle All Saints, 20/11/1818, aged 38 – looks very likely,
transcript only, probably after the birth of Robert.
Issue of Edward & Ann (Braxton) Cleugh:
There is no trace of a daughter before Frances.
1/1. Frances Clough, born 16/6/1807, ch 2/8/1807, All Saints,
PR St John's, Newcastle. 2nd dau
of Edward Clough, carter, native of South Shields, Co Durham, and his wife Ann,
dau of Anthony Baxter, waln. of Southwick, Surrey(?).
Unmarried, dressmaker, died btw 1881 & 1891.
1827 Pearson & White: Frances Cleugh, dressmaker, 2 Pudding Close??, Newcastle
1850 Watts Directory: Frances Cleugh, dressmaker, 2 Upper Buxton St, Newcastle. (note William Chapman at Upper Buxton St, 1850)
1/2. Matilda Clough. Born 23/7/1809BT
3rd dau of Edward Clough, currier, native of South Shields, Durham, by his wife Ann Dau of Anthony Braxton of Bermondsey, Southwark. B July 23rd bap Oct 22nd. Newcastle St JohnBT.
1/3. Nathaniel Cleugh, ch 13/8/1815, Hexham (IGI & Census).
Unmarried, taylor, died between 1871 & 1881.
1/4. Ann Cleugh. ch 19/1/1817, Newcastle, All Saints, High Bridge, CurrierBT.
Unmarried, dressmaker, died aft 1891.
1/5. Robert Cleugh, ch 8/11/1818, Newcastle All Saints, High Bridge, Currier
Unmarried Carriage maker, died
aft 1891.
Prob not this one: 1850 Watts: Robert Cleugh, ship owner, 1, Northumberland Sq, North Shields.
1827: George & John Cleugh, both of Heron Street, South
Shields, shipowners.
Also found: marriage of Margaret Cleugh at St Nicholas, Newcastle, father
Edward Cleugh, joiner??, to John Armstrong, a pitman, son of Henry Armstrong,
pitman, 23/12/1838.
1841 Census Postern, Newcastle:
Frances Cleugh (Dressmaker, 30), Nathaniel Cleugh (Taylor, 25), Robert
(Coachman, 20), William Chapman (unreadable, 30), Matilda Chapman (30), Ann
Chapman (1), all born in county.
1851 Census: 30 Melbourne Terrace, Newcastle: (HO107/2407-124)
Frances Cleugh (Hd), 43, Dressmaker, Newcastle.
Nathaniel Cleugh (Bro), 35, Tailor Journeyman, Newcastle
Ann Cleugh (sis), 33, Newcastle
Robert Cleugh (bro), 31 Carriage Maker, Newcastle.
Ann J. Chapman, (niece), 11, scholar, Newcastle
Edward Chapman, nephew, 8, Newcastle,
Frances Chapman, niece, 4, Newcastle.
1861 Census: 7, Wesley Terrace, Newcastle: (RG9/3827-106)
Frances Cleugh (Hd), 53, Dressmaker, Newcastle.
Nathaniel Cleugh (Bro), 45, Tailor, Newcastle
Ann Cleugh (sis), 43, Newcastle
Robert Cleugh (bro), 41 Carriage Maker, Newcastle.
William Chapman (bro-in-law), 51, widower, Clerk, Newburn.
Ann J. Chapman, (niece), 21, teacher, Newcastle
Edward Chapman, nephew, 18, pupil teacher, Newcastle,
1871 Census: 7, Wesley Terrace, Newcastle: (RG10/5098-11)
Frances Cleugh (Hd), 63, Former Dressmaker, Newcastle.
Nathaniel Cleugh (Bro), 55, Tailor, Newcastle
Ann Cleugh (sis), 53, Newcastle
Robert Cleugh (bro), 51 Carriage Maker, Newcastle.
William Chapman (bro-in-law), 61, Clerk, Newburn.
Ann J. Maitland, (niece), 31, teacher, Newcastle
John Andrew Maitland (G/neph), 7, scholar, Chelsea
Francis Maitland, (G/neph), 5, Scholar, Kentish Town
Edward W. Maitland, (G/neph), 3, Chelsea.
1881 Census: 41, Copeland Terrace, Newcastle: (RG11/5063-99)
Frances Cleugh (Hd, unm), 73, Former Dressmaker, Newcastle.
Ann Cleugh (sis, unm), 63, Newcastle
Robert Cleugh (bro, unm), 61 Carriage Maker, Newcastle.
William Chapman (bro-in-law, wid), 71, Clerk, Newburn.
1891 Census: 41, Copeland St, Newcastle (RG12/4211 f114):
Ann Clough (Hd, 73), Robert Clough (brother, 71, carriage maker)
Ref Web site:
A family line from Northumberland:
Nicola Cleugh[vii]
Eric Arthur Cleugh (1894-1965), diplomat.
James Cleugh (B Beadnel, Northumberland, 1842), Customs Officer, Surrey.
James Cleugh, a gardener.
M Jane Richardson, Howick Northumberland, 28/5/1837.
Poss ref IGI:
James Cleugh b 28/4/1809, ch 20 Jan 1810 Earsdon By North Shields, Of James
& Margaret Purvis (no marriage found)
GENERATION 8 *************************
The father of George Chapman
Many on IGI: non obvious, nor on Findmypast, 6/2019.
C: 17 Aug 1740 Father: Ralph Chapman, Chester Le Street, Durham,
C: 24 Mar 1742 Father: William Chapman, Greatham, Durham, England
Mother: Elizabeth
B: Abt 1752 Spouse: Margaret Nielson Of Airdrie, Lanark, Scotland
B: Abt 1754 Spouse: Elizabeth Nilson Of New Monkland, Lanark,
B: 17 Sep 1758 Father: William Chapman, Sanquhar, Dumfries,
Mother: Martha Gibson
C: 11 Aug 1765 Father: Matthew Chapman Tanfield, Durham, England
C: 26 Oct 1766 Father: Ralph Chapman, Whitburn, Durham, England
Married: Isabel Anderson, Newburn, 19/7/1773, both OTP, by banns (banns 27/6/1773,
4/7 & 11/7).
Many on IGI: non obvious.
Issue of Matthew & Isabel (Anderson) Chapman:
1/1. Joseph Chapman, ch 20/3/1774, Newburn.
1/2. George Chapman Ch: 3/3/1776, Newburn:
PR/BT’s shows parents of Newburn.
There is no obvious baptism for William, but there was a concentration of
Cleugh’s round Morpeth, so it is reasonable to assume he came from around there.
Eg: ch Morpeth 4/10/1750 of William & Mary, William M Mary Dodds, 26/5/1736
William Clough married: Margaret Gallon, 17/10/1779, Jarrow.
Margaret Gallon
ch 19/7/1765, Sunderland, Durham, of William & Susanna
ch 22/2/1756, Hartburn, Northumberland, of John & Mary.
Issue of William & Margaret, BT’s, Parochila Chapel of St Hilda, CO Durham
1/1. Edward Cleugh, Ch. 16/7/1780, South Shields
1/2. William Cleugh ch 20/10/1782, South Shields.
1784: A William Cleugh as a member of a group of Country Butchers at Newcastle
Market Newcastle Weekly Courant 18 Sept 1784,
Newcastle Market Newcastle Weekly Courant 14 Jul 1792. William Cleugh of
Morpeth signatory as one of “the Gentlemen, Clergy and Freeholders of the
County of Northumberland” Loyal address.
1785: Stolen on Monday night, July 18th from Dean Houses, near
Newcastle upon Tyne, a Bay William Cleugh, Butcher, Dean Houses, 2
gns reward.[37]
1824: Run away, and left his wife and family chargeable to All Saints Parish,
in Newcastle upon Tyne, WILLIAM CLEUGH, currier. He is 40 years of age, of the
middle stature, stout made, speaks Newcastle dialect; passed through Manchester
on 5th July last; Had on when he went away, a black coat and
waistcoat and fustian trouser and blue handkerchief. Whoever will give such
information to the officers of the said parish as shall lead to the
apprehension of the said William Cleugh will be handsomely rewarded – Newcastle
10 September 1824.[38]
1688: One William Cleugh, about 25 yeas old lately went away from his Master at
Newcastle upon Tyne; he is a lust fellow, with flaxen hair, in a grey hat, a
light coloured cloth coat with gold and silver coloured L?ce about his sleeves
and pocket holes. Whoever secures him and gives notice thereof to Captain John
Wilkinson of Newcastle, or Mr Thomas Fuller, Stationer, at the Campbden’s Head
under the Royal Exchange, London, shall have 3 guineas Reward.[39]
Anthony Braxton C: 6 Mar 1736
Parents: Nicholas Braxton & Frances
St. Mary Whitechapel, Stepney, London, England
He was a Thames Waterman (this is confirmed by his Cleugh grandchildren’s
baptism records).
Buried 17/5/1791 aged 54 Bermondsey, of Jacob St. Confirmed the correct one as
Ann Braxton as master to her sons as apprentices.
Married Ann Wyly, 9/12/1764, Newington
The spelling in the transcript is Wyly, there are no births listed with that
spelling, but there are several with similar surnames in London, but there is
no clue which if any is correct.
Issue of Anthony & Ann Braxton, Bermondsey:
1/1. Ann Pasby Braxton Ch 24/12/1771, Waterman, Salisbury St. No Bur found.
1/2. James Braxton Ch. 03/04/1774, Waterman of Salisbury St
James Anthony Braxton, apprentice
to Ann Braxton of Bermondsey, 14/2/1793 to 6/3/1800 as Waterman (Thames
Watermen & Lightermen 1688-2010).
He was still listed as a waterman in April 1827.
There is no indication that he ever married.
Buried 3/1/1830 aged 51 Southwark, Cancer of the tongue.
1/3. Nanny (Ann) Braxton, B. 11/1/1781 Ch 06/02/1781, Waterman of Jacob St
1/4. Sarah Braxton B. 30/3/1776. Ch 28/04/1776, Waterman of Jacob St
1/5. William Braxton, B 30/11/1786, Ch. 10/12/1786, Waterman of Jacob St
William Braxton, apprentice to
Ann Braxton of Bermondsey, 2/4/1801 to 21/4/1808 as Waterman (Thames Watermen
& Lightermen 1688-2010).
He was not listed as a waterman in April 1827.
Bur 12/1/1845, of Tysons Yard, age 57 Southwark St Olave.
Married Sarah Frederick, Southwark, St Saviour, 27/7/1826.
Census 41: Tyso St, Southwark, St Olave:
William Braxton (50, waterman, Y), Sarah (50, Y), William (11, Y), James (8,
Sarah was still at Tyson’s Yard in 1851 as a Seamstress, born Bermondsey.
2/1. William Braxton b abt 1830
2/2. James Braxton, ch 15/3/1833, Bermondsey.
Ch 15/12/1706, Stepney of William & Constance.
Issue of Nicholas & Frances Braxton, St Mary Whitechapel (IGI):
No Marriage found.
1/1. Charles Braxton C: 21 Sep 1735
1/2. Anthony Braxton C: 6 Mar 1736
1/3. Henry Braxton C: 16 Aug 1740, of Hampshire Court, Stepney?
No suitable Birth or marriage found.
Issue of William & Constance/Constant Braxton
1/1. Nicholas Braxton, Ch Stepney, 15/12/1706, of Constant
1/2. Anne Braxton, ch Whitehapel, also Stepney, 12/10/1718
1/3. Sarah Braxton ch. 8/10/1721
1/4. William Braxton, ch 23/10/1715, of George Yard, also of Stepney
Possible dau of William &
2/1. Nicholas Braxton of William & Mary, Stepney,
ch 23/6/1745, Bur 26/3/1746, Age
1, Whitechapel.
The only issue of these two found.
No Braxton wills found, although a William Braxton appears as a “friend” in
wills of the 1690’s in Bermondsey.
A false line!
Ch: 15 Apr 1731, Morpeth, Northumberland. (IGI & FMP – text only)
Father: John Cleugh.
Ann Brows, 6/6/1754
Margaret Jowsey, 29/5/1760. Bur 28/11/1766. Possibly ch Stannington, Morpeth,
23/9/1734 of Joseph, but no certainty!
Ann Liddle, 18/11/1767 (FMP T/script): there are a number of Ann Liddles listed
around Morpeth, but generally too old, so there is no real evidence of her
origins, the youngest being ch at Stannington, 3/12/1738 of James.
An earlier marriage of (a) Francis Clough to Jane Hare, 29/11/1741, was too
early for this one, and was probably Francis Clough born 1704.
Issue of Francis Clough, ch Morpeth (FMP):
1/1. Thomas Cleugh, 27/4/1755 – of Francis & Ann.
was he from a previous marriage, maybe Ann Brows, who (a) Francis married at Morpeth 6/6/1754? No identifiable Burial of Ann.
These are probably by Margaret Jowsey:
1/1. Frances Clough Ch 29/03/1761,
1/2. John Clough Ch 29/93/1761,
1/3. William Cleugh, 31/10/1762.
1/4. George Clough Ch 20/12/1764,
1/5. Robert Clough ch 02/11/1766,
These are probably by Ann Liddle:
1/1. Ann Clough C: 8 Jan 1769
1/2. Margaret Cleugh b. 6/8/1770, ch. 16/9/1770BT
1/3. Elizabeth Clough . 16/2/1772, ch 5/4/1772
1/4. Edward Clough C: 13 Jun 1773BT
1/5. James Clough b. 31/1/1775, ch 5/11/1775BT
1/6. Phillip Clough C: 3 Aug 1777
This may be the end of the line, but further investigation required:---
Issue of John Cleugh, ch Morpeth (IGI):
Francis Cleugh C: 15 Apr 1731
William Cleugh C: 31 Jan 1734
Robert Cleugh C: 22 Dec 1737
Isabel Cleugh C: 8 Jan 1741
John Cleugh C: 5 Jun 1729
Robert Cleugh C: 4 Jul 1728
Thomas Cleugh C: 4 Jul 1728
Phillip Cleugh C: 20 Oct 1726
Mary Cleugh C: 11 Nov 1725
Ann Cleugh C: 2 Jul 1724
John Cleugh C: 21 Feb 1723
Isabel Cleugh C: 4 Aug 1720
Ralph Cleugh C: 24 Jul 1718
Margaret Cleugh C: 28 Feb 1717
Isabel Cleugh C: 28 Jun 1716
Elizabeth Cleugh C: 9 Dec 1714
George Cleugh C: 7 Oct 1714
William Cleugh C: 8 Jun 1708
Robert Cleugh C: 18 Apr 1706
Elizabeth Cleugh C: 3 Dec 1701
Ann Cleugh C: 24 Oct 1700
John Cleugh's of Morpeth, Northumberland:-
John Cleugh C: 9 Jul 1688 Father: Ralph Cleugh,
John Cleugh C: 23 Jul 1698 Father: John Cleugh,
John Cleugh C: 4 Feb 1703 Father: Cuthbert Cleugh,
John Cleugh C: 22 Jun 1710 Father: William Cleugh,
John Cleugh C: 21 Feb 1723 Father: John Cleugh,
Album 9 (Dower House collection):
Bubbling Well Rd, Shanghai, "my first Sunday in Shanghai", NGM's
This album was compiled by NGM in Shanghai over a couple of years before he
went to Yokohama and before he met Eleanor Poole. It shows him with his elder
brother, EW Maitland, and the Wilcoxson family whose daughter Ethel EW married
in 1899. There are some pictures of the Maitland homes in London: 6 Yerbury Rd where NGM lived before leaving London, and what is probably 3 Mercer's Rd where
his parents lived in 1901. The interiors are interesting, and must be the same
family as some ornaments are in both houses. The latter house has a photograph
of EW's wedding on the wall, just identifiable from the arrangement of the
people in the group (a good copy is in EI Poole's early album): this shows that
the photograph must have been taken no earlier than November 1899! Mercer's Rd
has a portrait of what looks to be Francis's mother Harriett Carpenter,
although she looks thinner faced (may be younger) than another portrait owned
by James Maitland. The characteristic downsloping eyes are the same in both,
and shared by Francis 3 and his sons EW and Francis. The group at Yerbury Rd
includes Francis, looking very hirsute! A photograph of AJM at Mercer's Rd
shows her to be a substantial woman.
Album 9-01 85 Bubbling Well Rd, Nov 1898 my first Sunday in Shanghai, Tiffin
at Mrs Wilcoxon's
Album 9-02 Plays & 2 prints of 6, Yerbury Road
Album 9-02A Front View of 6, Yerbury Rd
Album 9-02B Drawing Room, 6 Yerbury Rd.
Album 9-03 Plays Shanghai, 1899.
Album 9-04 Groups 85 Bubbling Well Rd
Album 9-05 Days out, sailing 1899
Album 9-06 Groups 85 Bubbling Well Rd
Album 9-06A Early Morning group at 6, Yerbury Rd. FM3, AJM, HMM.
Album 9-07 Wilcoxons etc
Album 9-08 House Party on Boat, "David Garrick"
Album 9-09 "David Garrick" & rowing 8 with NGM
Album 9-10 "David Garrick" & rowing 8 with NGM
Album 9-11 "David Garrick" & rowing 4
Album 9-12 Wilcoxons etc
Album 9-13 Shanghai May 1900
Album 9-14 London House views, probably 3, Mercer's Rd Islington, where
Francis 3 lived in 1901.
Album 9-14A London House, Sitting Room, Photograph of EWM's wedding lower right
on wall.
Album 9-14B London House, Sitting Room
Album 9-14C London House, Bedroom? With portrait of Harriet Carpenter
Album 9-14D London House, AJ (Chapman) Maitland (looks more like Yerbury Rd
garden, although with Mercer's Rd.)
Album 9-14E London House, Outside View
Album 9-15 Cinderella, 2 fairies
Englishman Andrew Yule traveled to India in 1858, where his family's business
interests stemmed from the late 18th century. Andrew Yule began building his
own fold of businesses through acquisitions, one of the first being the
Hoolungpooree Tea company, which later became part of Andrew Yule &
Company, established in 1863 in Calcutta, then the Indian capitol.
Yule's company soon began acting as a shipping agent, and by 1866 had become
the Indian representative for a number of insurance companies, as well as a
textile company. Over the following decade, Yule continued to develop his
business empire, adding, in 1875, coal, jute, and cotton companies as well. In
that year, Yule was joined by two other family members, brother George Yule and
their nephew David Yule. George Yule took over the leadership of the Yule
companies, retiring in 1891. In that year, David Yule took over as head of
Andrew Yule & Company. By then, the Yule company's holdings consisted of
four jute mills, three tea companies, its own insurance company, and a cotton
Under David Yule, the company grew into a major shipping agent between India
and the rest of the United Kingdom, and Yule himself became one of the
kingdom's wealthiest men. Yule began expanding the company, with a particular
interest in its tea and jute operations. After buying out his uncles and
becoming sole owner in 1902, Yule expanded the company's interests to include
18 tea companies and eight jute mills. Yule also added an inland shipping
business, four coal companies, two flour mills, and an oil mill. Other
acquisitions in the years leading up to World War I included a small railroad
and a real estate company.
In 1911, David Yule sold the company to merchant banker Morgan Grenfell, the
British arm of the JP Morgan banking empire. Yule remained on as chairman of
the company, which retained the Andrew Yule & Co. name. Joining Yule at the
company was Thomas Catto, who was named the company's vice-chairman. Catto
quickly became the driving force behind the company, as the older Yule, by then
Sir David, approached retirement. In 1920, the company's name was changed to
Yule Catto. Thomas Catto, later Lord Catto, was named as managing director of
Morgan Grenfell at the end of the 1920s.
16/8/00: added EW Maitlands will. Details of Regan's sons.
16/1/01: added IGI Braxton.
4/2/01: note re Edward Cleugh alt birth.
14/6/2001: resaved HTML from Word
22/3/2002: Index & edited.
7/7/2002: Otis issue details.
23/7/2002: edited
1/10/2002: 1901 Census.
17/5/2004: more census
18/2/2005: Ian & Carolinda wedding cutting.
9/6/2005: John Andrew Maitland Family
18/4/2006: Winward Issue etc
24/11/2006: editing
14/1/2007: china connection
27/3/2007: Ian M g/children & formatting
6/6/2007: more formatting
20/7/2008: misc extra information & formatting.
19/1/2010: small changes
24/10/2012: small changes
21/2/2014: More on Alastair Maitland
13/10/2105: web frame
24/6/2019: revised Chapman & Cleugh families
20/3/2020: small changes, links corrected
[i] These details from Barbara, 2/2014: James is an accountant working for Rio Tinto, Pippa is a veterinary nurse working mainly with horses.
[ii] "sara winward" <>
[iv] Ann Robertson []
[v] Alan Stopani, May 2008.
John Foster 5/2013
my mother Jean, my brother Tony and I sailed on the SS Mantola to Kenya in
1946. Our father, Donald Cecil Foster had gone out a couple of months earlier
to prepare the ground. He took a farm at a place called Kitale near the Uganda
After their divorce was ratified Jean married another Kenya settler, Lawrence
Stern. When independence loomed they decided, as did the majority of other
white settlers - including my father, that they would not stay in post
independence Kenya. They were not keen to return to UK. As your records show
Jean's older sisters, Daisy and Alice were already living in the USA. Jean and
Lawrence decided to try their luck there and emigrated direct from Kenya to
Hartford in Connecticutt USA in 1961. They lived happily there until 1987 when
Lawrence died aged 74. Jean stayed in Hartford for a short while but then
moved to Fort Myers , Florida where she lived until her death on 02 July 2004
age 85. My brother, Anthony Edward Foster married Carole Strange in 1974 and
they moved to the USA in 1977 to join Jean and Lawrence. They also later moved
to Florida and are still living there in retirement. They have no children.
Tony was born in Woking on 20 Jan 1940 (slight error in your records)
I was born on 29 Jan 1942 - also in Woking
I married Sally Maud nee Jackson in 1972 and we have 2 sons, Graham DoB
28-02-1974 and David DoB 01-09 1976. David has 2 daughters ages 10 and 7 by a
partner - now separated and Graham is married to Sarah nee Williams and they
have no children as yet.
I joined the RAF in Mar '62 as a pilot. I flew Jet Provost, Varsity, Beverley,
Hastings, C130 Hercules and VC10.
After leaving the RAF in 1974 I flew Heron and Trislander for Sierra Leone
Airways then BAC111 and DC10-30 for British Caledonian Airways. Latterly I have
been with Isles of Scilly Skybus on Islanders and Twin Otter. Finished up with
easyJet on B737 for 7 years before retiring at 63. With a PPL(A) I have dabbled
with Chipmunk and Cessna 172 and took my PPL(G) about 3 years ago. We bought
the Magni M24 Orion gyro and have had a lot of fun with it ( Sally flew it too)
before selling it a few weeks ago. I have about 18000 hrs total - not a vast
amount by today's standards. The RAF do not count taxying time so I suppose
that would add a few hundred hours !
We live in the far West of Cornwall near St Ives which is about 2 to 3 hrs by
road from Dunkerswell !
[vii] 12/2005
[1] North China Herald March 17, 1860
[2] North China Herald February 8, 1870
[3] North China Herald July 29, 1892
[4] London And China Telegraph October 24, 1904, Newspaper Archive.
[5] North China Herald April 25, 1900
[6] North China Herald January 29, 1904
[7] North China Herald February 5, 1904
[8] North China Herald September 8, 1905
[9] North China Herald February 17, 1905
[10] North China Herald November 24, 1905
[11] North China Herald Newspaper Archive: July 20, 1912 - Page 41.
[12] Kenya Gazette 27 Feb 1918, Google Books.
[14] Death of the Old Yokohama, OMP.
[15] The Singapore Free Press, 10 May 1926, Page 12
[16] LRO Film X24/19
[17] Civil Reg: Newcastle 10b7 9/1861
[18] Newspaper Archives.
[19] Civil BMD Records
[20] London And China Telegraph December 23, 1901
[21] Who’s Who in the far East 1906-7
[22] The Straits Times, 13 September 1900, Page 2
[23] The Straits Times, 24 November 1902, Page 2
[24] Weekly Sun, 7 September 1912, Page 9
[26] North China Herald March 11, 1922
[27] North China Herald October 16, 1899
[28] North China Herald January 22, 1904
[29] North China Herald February 5, 1904
[30] North China Herald July 15, 1904
[31] North China Herald April 28, 1905
[32] Japan Advertiser October 20, 1920
[33] The Newcastle Weekly Courant 04 Mar 1797, Sat
[34] 2/11/1799, Newcastle Weekly Courant
[35] Newcastle Weekly Courant, 11 Jan 1800
[36] Newcastle Weekly Courant 20 Feb 1819.
[37] Newcastle Weekly Courant 30 Jul 1785.
[38] Newcastle Weekly Courant, 2 Oct 1824.
[39] London Gazette 1 October 1688.