Issue Date: 27/11/2023. (colour prints June 2020)
Freddy & Jack – more newspapers 7/5/21 – also endnotes.
Home Page
Irish Emigrants to Canada – Expectations
Her life, from conversation, albums etc:
8.1 WILLIAM CHADWICK – “Billy snug”
10.1 WILLIAM CHADWICK, of Gortnekillen
5.2 ROBERT FREAME – D bef 1695
Barclays Bank and its Quaker roots
7.1 David England - his descendants
4/3. The descendancy from Abigail England, dau of David
7.3 Daniel Bell and Other Letters 1720-1885
7.3.1 Letters to Jonathan Bell, b 1658
Letter from Jonathan Bell to Jacob Bell,
Letter from Fras. Kenshall to Frances Owen
7.3.2 Daniel Bell in North America
7.3.3 Agatha (Barclay) Gurney Death
7.3.4 Daniel Bell, later generations, Letters
7.4 Letters from Maria Bell to her daughter Maria in Bordeaux
7.5 Vaux Family by Jonathan Bell, 1850’s
7.6 “Battersby & Others, Deed of Release”
7.9 Murder of Richard Chadwick (1800-1827)
7.10 Beatty Family: EMC's wife's family
1/2. Richard Austin Cooper-Chadwick, of Ballinard House,
1/2. Elizabeth Cooper b abt 1778, M. John Craven Chadwick
7.13 The Ancient History of the Surname Chidwick
7.15 Donald MacDonald of Sanda
7.16 William Eade Will – proved 1824
7.18 Turtle Bunbury Histories.
The appendices in this volume contain stories relating directly to members of
the (extended) family.
There is a separate volume containing descrptions of the various towns and
other background information, the contents of which are:
Numbering system:
Generation 1 is that for Isabel & Oliver Maitland. Within each generation,
the direct line ancestors are listed, usually with the father as n.n, and the
mothers without numbers.
External links are:
emarioncf.htm EMC main page
hend0001f.htm Henderson Genealogy
owen0001f.htm Kirk Owen Family
vernon01.htm Richard Vernon Family
RSThomas.htm RS Thomas
stewart1f.htm The Stewarts of Antrim and Ontario
Priscilla Bell
|Grace Goggin
|WILLIAM CHADWICK, of Gurthakilleen
| | |James Ellard
| |Christiana Carden
| | |Robert Craven
| |Elizabeth Craven
| |Rose Alway
| |ELIZABETH COOPER (abt 1778-1831)
| |
| | |JONATHAN BELL (1654-1721)
| | |DANIEL BELL (1685-1758)
| | |DANIEL BELL (1726-1802)
| |
| | | |
| | | | DAVID BARCLAY (1580)
| | | | |David Barclay, Col
| | | | |ROBERT BARCLAY (1648-90)
| | | | |DAVID BARCLAY (1682-1769)
| | | | | |Christian Mollison
| | | | |Robert Freame
| | | | |John Freame (1666-1745)
| | | |Priscilla Freame (1702-1769)
| | | | |Thomas Gould
| | | |Priscilla Gould
| | John Vaux
| | |Edward Vaux (1741-1803)
| | Sarah Haggard
| |Maria Vaux (1771-1852)
| |Mary Johnson (1744-1829)
| |ELIZABETH STEWART (1839-1894)
Alice (Kirk-Owen) Maitland's mother Elisabeth Chadwick was born in 1915 in
Canada, but of an Irish family who were the descendants of William Chadwick (b
1636, the first documented Irish Chadwick and were latterly always known as the
Chadwicks of Ballinard) who established himself in Tipperary. The families,
even in Canada, seem to have stuck with the Irish diaspora: the only non Irish
line was that of the Bells & Barclays: John Craven Chadwick, jnr, married
Louisa Bell before moving to Canada.
The family was thoroughly researched and documented by Edward Marion
Chadwick, a barrister in Toronto and brother of Frederick Jasper Chadwick,
around about 1900. EM Chadwick’s researches were extensive, but in summary, “the
family of Chadwick is said to have descended from a Saxon Chieftain, Cedde, or
Caedde, who, at the time of the Norman conquest, lived near Rochdale on the
border of Yorkshire and Lancashire in a place named from him Caeddes-wyck:
Chad's stronghold, from which his descendants subsequently took the surname
The Canadian branch of the family descended from William who, possibly
under Cromwellian influence, moved to Tipperary, William to Gortnekilleen
Cullen, and his brother Richard to Ballinard, Tipperary, Ireland. Both
properties were close together, about half way between Limerick and Tipperary.
On Richard’s death, Ballinard came under the ownership of William and remained
within the family until the 20thC.
Several generations later, John Craven Chadwick (1811-1889) emigrated with
his wife Louisa Bell to Ontario, Canada, soon after his wedding in Ireland in
1837. Little is known of him except for his militia service and a church
involvement. One of their sons, Frederick Jasper became a prominent businessman
and newspaper owner in Guelph. Frederick married Elizabeth Stewart also of
Ontario but from a Northern Irish family (Antrim), her Great Aunt and Godmother
(Kitty Pakenham) married Arthur Wellesley and became Duchess of Wellington. Their
3rd son, Frederick Austin Pakenham Chadwick was raised in Ontario.
He took Holy Orders, and started his ministry in Arthur, Ontario, where he met
his future 1st wife, Alberta Dice; while in Windsor, Ont, he met his
2nd wife, Creina Henderson; their daughter was Elisabeth Chadwick.
He later took on a parish in Vancouver, BC. See the Henderson
Louisa Bell was of a family of Quaker merchants, originally from
Cumberland, but moved to London in 1703. Her great grandfather, Daniel, was an
eminent minister in the Society of Friends. He had a variety of commercial and
industrial interests via the Society. One real puzzle is how John Craven
Chadwick from Tipperary met Louisa Bell from Tottenham in London. There is no
indication how John Craven Chadwick and Louisa Bell met: there is no sign
anywhere of any connection, and their almost immediate emigration to Canada,
but I makes some speculation in the Bell family section.
The Stewart & Pakenham familes are described in more detail in their
own volume, but they descend from the Stewarts of Tyrcallen, sometime lawyers
in Antrim, and the Pakenham family, also of Antrim, the titled branch being the
Lords Longford. The Pakenhams have a genealogy stretching back to Norman times.
The Stewart volume has some interesting letters from Edward Michael, the
Canadian emigrant to his parents.
One of the early English ancestors was David Barclay, whose son was one of
the founders of Barclays Bank, along with Joseph Freame. Katherine Barclay was
the grandmother of Louisa Bell.
Footnote to EMC Page 44: David Barclay was of Royal descent thus:
Sir John Beaufort, Earl of Somerset and Marquis of Dorset, son of John of
Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster and grandson of King Edward the III married Margaret
daughter of Thomas Holland, Earl of Kent and grandson of Joan the "Fair
Maid of Kent", who was granddaughter of King Edward I. Their daughter,
Joan was married to King James I of Scotland, whose daughter, the Princess
Annabella was married to George Gordon, Earl of Huntly, from whom descended
Catherine Gordon, married in 1648 to Col David Barclay of Urie, co. Kincardine,
whose son Robert Barclay was the father of the said David Barclay. These were
the Barclay family who became bankers.
This house was the seat of the Chadwick family in the 18th and 19th
centuries. The present house dates from the early 19th century and incorporates
parts of an older building. John Chadwick was resident in 1814 and William
Chadwick in 1837 and at the time of Griffith's Valuation. The house was valued
at £33 and held from the Earl of Portarlington. The Chadwicks were still living
at Ballinard at the beginning of the 20th century.[1]
By the end of the 17th century the Chadwick family was established at
Ballinard, county Tipperary. In 1738 Richard Chadwick of Ballinard married as
his first wife Rebecca Ellard. In 1799 John Craven Chadwick married Elizabeth
daughter of Samuel Cooper of Killenure Castle, county Tipperary. They had seven
sons and four daughters. The eldest son William had three daughters and when he
died in 1876 he was succeeded by his son in law Richard Austin Cooper, who
assumed the additional name of Chadwick. At the time of Griffith's Valuation
William Chadwick held land in the parishes of Shronell and Solloghodmore,
barony of Clanwilliam and Donohill, barony of Kilnamanagh Lower, while Mrs Anne
Chadwick held land in the parish of Shronell and the representatives of Richard
Chadwick in the parish of Cullen. In the 1870s William's grandson William
Cooper Chadwick owned 882 acres in county Tipperary. In November 1882 the
estate of Thomas Dowling at Clonbrick and Cotifiagh, barony of Clanwilliam, was
advertised for sale. Richard Cooper Chadwick was the tenant.[2]
John Kelly of Hillview, Chadville, Cappawhite Co. Tipperary Ireland wrote in
…… the Houses of the Chadwick Family Ballinard and Chadville formerly known as
Bearna Dhearg were owned by two different Denis Kelly's. Bearna Dhearg's name
was changed to Chadville owning to the name Chadwick and the "Ville"
meaning house or place….. See under Rev Richard Chadwick (Appendix 7.8) for
more on these houses.
The hope of emigrants is that they and their families will have a better life in their new country, including improved employment opportunities for themselves and educational and employment opportunities for their children. For many of the early Irish immigrants to Upper Canada (Ontario), who were predominantly landed gentry, this meant the opportunity to become part of a colonial landed gentry class that owned rather than leased their land as they had in Ireland.
Many of the landed class may also have expected to recreate
the life they had enjoyed in Ireland, that is, that they would have large
landholdings and lease out smallholdings to those who would actually farm the
land. However, in Upper Canada, while farmers commonly used hired labour to
assist them, government land grants generally reflected the family size,
particularly the number of sons, and thus a landowner could not initially
expect to accumulate large estates or to live off rents from their land.
Instead, their land allocations reflected what they and their older sons could
realistically farm themselves, they would be actively involved on the farm and
they depended on profits from the sale of their agricultural produce. (from a
paper on an unrelated family).
Sources are also given as endnotes in the form 1,2,3...
Footnotes contain other matters which should not be on web pages such as email
addresses etc and are in the form i,ii,iii....
The bulk of the Chadwick history up to about 1900 is from The works of
Edward Marion Chadwick, extended by other sources as given in the text. That of
the Bells and Barclays has been greatly extended from other sources.
Much of the earlier Chadwick information comes from a family history
compiled by Edward Marion Chadwick (his text here), of Toronto (EMC), at the end of the 19thC. Some is
quoted verbatim. Its veracity is not known, but agrees with other sources, but
it may in fact have been used as the primary source for other supposed
independent write-ups.
This volume contains relevant lines from EMC, but some of
the indirect lines are not included here unless additional information has come
to light.
Most internet databases are approximate, probably from sources such as EMC
inserted by others. All Ontario relevant entries are included.[3]
EMC: Edward Marion Chadwick
His diaries from 1858-1921 were microfilmed, and copies held by the Archives of the Diocese of Toronto, and another to the Canadian Heraldic Authority in Ottawa. (the former was reported as lost in 2001)[4]. This diary apparently has a lot of social content and might be worth looking at for other family references
CGT: The Chadwicks of Guelph and Toronto and Their Cousins, by EMC.
These two publications are very similar, and have been the primary sources for the outline of the Chadwick family. This outline has been “fleshed out” by other sources, particularly the Bell/Barclay lines.
GPS: Gerald Pakenham Stewart.
QPR: Quaker Birth, Marriage & Deaths, mainly from images online at – these, especially the marriages, contain biographcal details.
JBM: Jonathan Bell Memoirs
JS: Jonathan Sharpe.
BNY: “The Barclays of New York - who they are and who they are not - and
some other Barclays”, 1912, New York. This has a lot on the pre-American branches as well. Much of the American branch has not been transcribed here. They descend from John Barclay, 2nd son of Col David Barclay of Urie, on whom there is a section.
TPC: The – much based on Burke’s publications.
Hugh Montgomery-Massingberd, editor, Burke's Irish Family Records
LDS: Barclay Bell file, this is probably from one of the Barclay histories,
and seems accurate, except that many of the months are 2 behind as the Quaker records until about 1750 used numbers for the months, but changed year at the end of February, almost, but not the same as the established church.
FMP: Findmypast web site with many record images, eg
Bigland’s MI of Gloucestershire
FindaGrave: website with mainly accurate information, based on cemetary
Part of a small archive relating to this Bell family, the pedigree was written by one of their number in an otherwise blank booklet printed in the late 19th century. It is not clear whether some of the dates given relate to baptisms or births, the dates being pre-fixed solely with a ‘B’. Many of this family were staunch Quakers, and some of their correspondence is published separately (see under correspondence).
Landed Estates of Ireland database on NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF IRELAND
GALWAY website has useful background information.
“a Genealogical Account of the Barclays of Urie”, 1812
“The Descendants of John Bell” (of Cockermouth)
A family history collection (Bell.pdf). A descendancy listing with extensive branches and references. Includes Wakefields & Gurneys.
These range from the early 18thC to the late 19thC. Early
ones show the Bells with trading and shipping interests to the Americas.
She descends from a Chadwick Branch and researched the Australian Branch[5], Issue of Frederick
William, son of Austin Cooper, son of John craven snr.
EMC Chadwicks of Guelph etc.
FAP Chadwick & Elizabeth Stewart:
John Craven & Louisa (Bell) Chadwick
Jonathan Bell’s Journals, July 1848 – May 1853
Transcribed from the original with notes and illustrations added by great x4
grandson Timothy Edgcumbe Ford
Jonathan, Daniel, Maria (Vaux) & Catherine Bell:
Edward Vaux painting – origin unknown.
Edward Michael Pakenham, 2nd Baron Longford (1743-1792) by Robert Hunter
(national portrait gallery)
Catherine (Rowley) Pakenham and Kitty Pakenham (watercolour owned by
Betty and Creina, looks like it was taken at the cottage in Hampshire
Born5: 17/8/1915, Victoria BC, St John’s Rectory,
1611, Quadra Street.
Parents: Frederick Austin Pakenham & Creina (Henderson) Chadwick.
(She claimed to be born 1916 after Alice was born - no young mother should be
over 40!)
Married, 1st5, William Beatty-Chamberlain, Lt RNVR, married
16/3/1941 at St John's Church, Victoria BC. His father was a doctor in the Isle
of White. According to Betty, his sister married Wingate of Burma fame but this
does not appear to be so. Went to St John's Newfoundland June 1941 on SS
Baccalieu. EAC joined him for 1940/41. His parents had new house 1156 Goodwin
St, June 1940.
They were married on a Sunday as he was on a ship that had to go to the
Atlantic at 24 hours notice. Betty I later papers says she was married 1940,
but if it was on Sunday 16th, it must have been 1941 as I originally recorded.
Married, 2nd5, Reginald (Rex) Kirk-Owen, Victoria, BC, 25/3/1949; he
died 1959. More about Rex Kirk-Owen
Married, 3rd, Richard Leveson Vernon, 1978, Titley, Herefordshire.
Married, 4th, Ronald Stuart Thomas, 17/8/1995,
Died: 26/8/2012, Bryn Awelon Nursing Home, Criccieth, Wales at the age of 97.
Her funeral service was at St Johns Church, Porthmadog, Wales, with a cremation
afterwards at Bangor. The service was conducted by Dr Barry Morgan, Archbishop
of Wales, who referred to her as feisty lady in his address. A party, as
instructed in her will, followed at Portmerion Hotel in North Wales.
Issue5: Alice Charlotte Kirk-Owen, 3/10/56-14/3/97, married Antony
Maitland, author of this text.
Betty was born in Victoria BC to her father's second
wife, his first having died accidentally; he was, by her account an priest of
the old style, with an extensive knowledge of the classics. Their life sounded
rather Victorian in style: she had a governess until age about 10 when she went
to Norfolk House School, Victoria, staying there until about 16 or 17. She had
some further education at BC university. She did some volunteer nursing before
and during the war. She had 2 older, half brothers, Freddy and Jack, who seemed
to have spoilt her as a child: the arrival of her younger brother took some of
the attention away from her....
She married William Beatty-Chamberlain in 1941, moving with him to
Newfoundland almost immediately after their marriage, she travelling overland
by train, he by naval ship through the Panama canal. She was a Red Cross nurse
in St John's for a period between arrival in 1941 and her return to BC later in
the war, about the time the Japanese landed on Vancouver Island.
Worked at Comox Hospital (Vancouver Island BC) before marriage.
After she and Rex were married in 1949, they lived in Prince George (North
of Vancouver) for a while where Rex had a cold storage business which was not
She and Rex met first about 1940 (in a streetcar), but did not re-meet until
after the War, when Betty had been married to WBC, and Rex to Jocelyn Farmer.
In about 1950, they left BC for Toronto by car via California, Mexico and
Southern US, Washington etc, staying with brother Freddy in California. Worked
in The Whitney Block, Toronto. Lived in 83, Centre Street West, Richmond Hill,
Ontario, Nr. Toronto for about 12 months. Sailed from Montreal 25/10/1952.
On arrival in London, they first lived in Norfolk Sq, Holland Street (28A).
Rex worked as an engineer for London Council before studying for the Bar. While
in his pupillage, he worked late nights for the GPO to supplement their income
(trainee lawyers were not paid at the time). After Alice's birth, they moved
out of London to a cottage called Tudor Thatch Cottage, Oakhanger, Bordon,
Hampshire, owned by John Burton's wife, Jacqueline, who had lived near them in
London, and then to Ropley (Hampshire). They later bought Blagdon House,
Keevil, Wiltshire, where Rex died. Betty worked 6 months in Bath after Rex
Betty somewhat later moved to live with Richard Vernon, a friend from Keevil,
in a rented house in Bwlch, near Eglwsfach, where they met RS Thomas, who was
the incumbent at the time (1954-1967). They moved again to Bryn Gwyn, Llanegrin,
near Twyn, Wales where Alice grew up. After Alice left Dr Williams School in
Dolgellau for Hatherop Castle in Gloucestershire, about 1971, Betty and Richard
bought Burcher Cottage, Titley, Herefordshire, which was nearer for Alice's
schooling (a convenience so that Betty could get to the school more quickly to
extract Alice from scrapes). Here Betty involved herself extensively in the
local social scene and was a member of the Hereford sketching club.
I, Antony Maitland, can make an unusual claim: to have given my
mother-in-law away in marriage not just once, but twice; she came back each
Betty's travels in 1949/52.
Glacier National park, 7/1949.
Vernon, BC, 9/1950: Kirk-Owens lived in Barnard Av, Vernon, before the War.
Trip round N America 1951/2:
Pacific Coast 9/51 Fresno, ca, 9/51
Phoenix, 9/51. Mexico
Biloxi New Orleans
Gulf Coast 10/51 Washington DC 10/51
To Canada
Toronto - lived off Yonge St, Richmond Hill
Rex worked for Ontario Hydro @ Niagara.
Windsor Ont, Easter 52
Ottawa 9/52
Norwegian Cruise 13/9/1989-25/9: Bergen Trondenes, Nidaros, Alesund, Masoy,
Tromsdal, North Cape, Bodo,
Married, 3rd5 (30/5/1978), Richard Vernon (1900-19/7/1996), of
Hilton Park, Staffs & Keevil, Wilts; more about Richard
Vernon. Richard was in effect the father of Alice. Given away by Antony
Maitland; Betty spent the eve of her wedding at the Maitland’s flat at Evancoyd
Married, 4th5 (17/8/1996, Llanfairynghornwy, Anglesey), Rev Ronald
Stuart Thomas (1913-9/2000). Given away again by Antony Maitland, she kept
coming back.
More about RS Thomas, the poet.
As read (& Composed) by grand daughter Isabel at Betty’s
As I am sure you can all calculate, I came late onto the scene in Granny’s
life. From all accounts, before my arrival Granny had already seen and done so
much. Anecdotes from each part of her life suggest that her attitude was to
squeeze in as much as possible all done with enthusiasm and panache.
Elisabeth Agnes, or Betty as she was known, was born in the town of Victoria,
in British Columbia, Canada on 17th August 1915. The year of her birth had in
fact, until quite recently, been noted down as a year later, 1916. To all who
needed to know or indeed bravely asked, Betty would have had you believe that
she was born in 1916, not 1915. This discrepancy was only uncovered recently
when my father was undertaking some family history research. When he questioned
her about the year difference, Betty turned to Daddy and said “well, no young
mother should be over 40!” A neat reversal of her birth date by a year meant she
was 39 when Mummy was born! Betty remained in Canada for her school days and
young life before moving to London with Rex Kirk Owen, her then husband, in
1952. Granny may have left her home country behind when she was relatively
young but she successfully retained her distinctive Canadian twang for ever
more. They settled into life in England, with Rex studying at the Bar. After
mummy’s birth, in 1956, they moved out of London to Hampshire. Initially
renting a cottage, they soon bought Blagdon House in Keevil where they remained
until Rex died, three short years later, in 1959.
After this sad moment in Granny’s life, her tough survival attitude kicked in.
Not to be defeated, she dusted herself down and soon found friendship and
ultimately marriage with Richard Vernon. Richard was a kind, gentle country
loving man who became my mother’s father in all but name, known fondly as Uncle
Richard. They, with mummy, moved away from Hampshire to North Wales where
Granny’s love of this part of the world began. They spent ten happy years near
Twyn until practicalities required them to leave and move just over the border
to Titley, in Herefordshire. Here Granny involved herself extensively in the
local community and social scene. As a child, I can remember large Christmas
drinks parties, Lent soup lunches and the annual attendance at the local Point
to Point and Hunt Meets. Life at Burcher Cottage continued in this vein for
over 20 years until Richard’s death in 1996. During this time, Granny was not
wholly occupied with the social whirl of the area but was also dedicated to
looking after her daughter, my mother, during her illness. Granny tirelessly
gave support and practical help during this difficult time.
By the mid 1990’s, Granny was a woman in her 70’s. One would imagine,
therefore, that life would start to slow down. Not a bit. She found herself in
a whirlwind romance with the poet RS Thomas. Leaving Herefordshire behind, they
returned to North Wales to live firstly in Anglesey and then to the local
village of Pentrefelin. They married in 1996, on her 81st birthday I may add,
and Daddy believes he may be one of few to claim that he has given his
mother-in-law away not once but twice – to both Richard and Ronald!
Granny played a large role in the formative years of the life of me and my
brother. Here are some stories, albeit through the eyes of a child, which I
hope give a flavour of the Betty you all may have known and remember. When we
were small, she used to collect us from school and the parcel shelf of the car
was always so full of delicious treats that she quickly earned the title of
“Snack Trolley Granny”. She was a devil in the kitchen too. Historic roasts on
a Sunday; followed by vanilla ice-cream and butterscotch sauce; light fluffy
Angel cakes for everyone’s birthdays; and lashings of brandy butter at
In the school holidays, Granny would whisk Ollie and me off to stay in Tenby in
West Wales or to the Basil Street Hotel in London to give our parents a well
earned break. I distinctly remember how deeply impressed I was that you could
leave your shoes outside your bedroom door in the evening at the Basil Street
and they would reappear in the morning shining brilliantly. These trips were
always full of generous treats and fun activities but there was never any doubt
about who was in charge. Granny! Any step out of line and firm granny made a
brief appearance.
Trips away were not limited to the confines of the UK. In fact, Granny was
rather more adventurous than that. Quite regularly, even when she was in her
70s, she would disappear to a far flung part of Europe. I remember her
returning from Albania in the mid 80’s when it was far from being the most
stable country. She happily recounted to us that she had returned from the trip
with barely a thing left in her suitcase having given clothes and cosmetics to
women she had met who had nothing. Carefree, generous and adventurous indeed
she could be.
Much of what Granny did was finished with a jaunty twist. Her rather
traditional kilt skirts were always teamed with a matching jumper and tights
topped off by a quirky beret and a slick of red lipstick. If you looked closely
at home, little details hinted at her charming eccentricity - ribbons tied
around the TV remote control, corners of cupboards, and walking sticks so they
were easy to find; a bizarre collection of alcoholic drinks from herby
Chartreuse to the angostura bitters to make her famous drink, Pink Gin; and
funny little ornaments and keep sakes from every place she had ever visited.
Even the type of cigarette that Granny smoked was more colourful and exotic
than others. An annual Christmas request was a packet of the brightly coloured
cocktail cigarettes made by Sobraine. In fact, one artist painted her and
entitled the piece “Sobraine, So Beti”. Impressively, this twinkle and original
personality never went away. In the nursing home we did not make trips down the
lane in a wheel chair but in her “chariot”; she would tell me she didn’t want
to eat too much so that she could keep “her girlish figure”; and when
Christopher first met her she surreptitiously asked him to pop some gin into
her plastic beaker.
Finally, I leave you with a thought from Winston Churchill, perhaps less
serious than such a situation demands but certainly in keeping with the
carefree, slightly naughty livewire Granny was – “I am ready to meet my Maker,
Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another
FAPC & sons FAPC & Creina
Maitland collection.
Sources: EAC, newspapers, other family.
Born3,5,EMC: 9/6/1873 (IGI: Guelph, Wellington, Ont.). Baptized St
George's Guelph. (Also confirmed and ordained here).
Parents: Frederick Jasper & Elisabeth (Stewart) Chadwick
Died5: 21/12/1952, Oak Bay, Victoria BC. (BC Deaths Index)
Frederick Chadwick was born and raised in Ontario, the son of a local
businessman: both his parents were first generation Ontarians, of Irish
families. He entered the church in 1896 in Ontario. He was married twice, his
first wife dying of heart failure in 1902, leaving him with 2 sons. He married
his 2nd wife in 1912, by which time he had moved to Vancouver; she
was Creina Henderson, from Windsor Ontario. He spent the remainder of his life
in British Columbia, initially in Vancouver and later in Victoria.
He was a gentle, erudite man (keen on the Classical languages), helped by a
strong wife. He was a diabetic. He was a graduate of Trinity College Dublin (or
was this Trinity, Toronto?). According to his daughter, Betty, he was a good hunter,
and a number of photographs in his album (about 1906) show the evidence of his
success; also shown are the camping trips made into the interior of BC. These
were made with other friends and families, swimming and canoeing (Canadian
style canoes).
Lived early Life at "Rockmaple" near Guelph.
For a good insight into his ministry in St John's, Victoria, see extract from a
book, The Iron Church, Chadwick Appendix 1.3.
1881 Census, with parents in Guelph.
1891 Census: with parents in Guelph.
Ref Internet 26/11/00 (Archives of Diocese of Niagara):
1896 Ordained deacon, priest 1897.
1896-1902 Incumbent, Grace Church, Arthur.
1901 Census: Arthur, Wellington:
Rev Chadwick, B. 9/6/1872, Bertha, B. 8/4/1878, Rosa Chadwick (sister), B
22/6/1861, John F. B. 14/5/1899, Frederick, B. 30/9/1900.
1902-1904 St Paul's Dunnville.
1904-1910 Rector of All Saint's Windsor.
1910 Rector of St Paul's, Vancouver, BC. (by invitation of Bishop DePencier.
Abt 1915 Rector of St John's, Victoria.
1911 Census, not found.
1921 Census, Mason & Quadra ST. (places: bth, parents birth)
Frederick AP Chadwick( M,M, 47, Ontario, Ireland, Ireland, clergyman), Creina
(wife, F M, 35, Ontario, England, New Zealand), John P (son, M S, 21, Ontario,
Ontario, Ontario, Bank Clerk) Fred S. (Son, M S, 19, Ont, Ont, Ont, Insurance
Agent), Betty (Dau, S 5, BC, Ont, Ont), Ernest (Son M S, 1/12, BC), Mary
Gertrude Metcalfe (Housekeeper, F W, 40 England, England, England 1921 – to
Another Cutting, with faded print of FAPC, (undated, but about 1904, Windsor).
The accompanying picture is a good likeness of Rev. F.A.P. Chadwick, the
newly appointed rector of All Saint's church, who will preach his first sermon
on Sunday, Nov 15th.
Rev Mr Chadwick was educated at the public schools and Collegiate Institute
of Guelph, Trinity School College, Port Hope, and Trinity University, Toronto.
He graduated in 1890 and took an honour course in classics graduating in 1893.
Immediately after completing this course, he entered the divinity class winning
the Bishop's prize in 1895, and graduated in 1896.
The journal of the deanery of Haldimand in its correspondence from Dunville
says "Mr Chadwick has made himself a very popular indeed. He is a young
man full of energy and zeal, and under his ministry, the attendance and
interest in the church has greatly increased.
1910, July[6]:
"Rev. F. A. P Chadwick, who was recently appointed rector of St. Paul’s
Church, Vancouver, is expected to arrive in the city in about a month’s time to
assume his pastoral duties. Rev. Mr. Chadwick is at present rector of All
Saints, Windsor, Ont. He is a son of the late Frederick J. Chadwick of Guelph.
He was educated at Trinity College School, Port Hope, and at Trinity
University, Toronto, where he graduated with honor classics, also taking the
divinity course with several distinctions, amongst which were the bishop’s
prize for general proficiency and the Cooper prize in 1895. For two years Rev.
Mr. Chadwick was captain of both the cricket and football teams of Trinity
Rev. Mr. Chadwick was ordained in the diocese of Niagara by Archbishop Hamilton. He spent six years in a country charge at Arthur, Ont., going from there to Dunnville. In November, 1903. he was appointed rector of All Saints, Windsor. In 1905 he was made rural dean of Essex and did prominent work on the executive committee of the diocese and particu¬larly on the Sunday school and religious education committees.
Includes Photo."
Newspaper cuttings found in Album originally belonging to Creina Henderson.
(undated but about Dec 1912 on arrival at St Paul's, Vancouver)
"Rev F.A.P. Chadwick to be Inducted at St Paul's Church on Thursday
"Rev F.A.P. Chadwick, who has just arrived from his old parish in Windsor,
Ont., to take up his work as rector of St Paul's Church, preached his first
sermon to his new congregation on Sunday morning. The new rector has a quiet
style of speaking, with slow generous gestures, with which he emphasizes the many
natural illustrations of his discourse.
"For the first sermon at St Paul's Mr Chadwick chose the text from the
Eighty-fourth Psalm, "Blessed are they that dwell in thy house. They shall
go from Strength to Strength".
A précis of the sermon followed.
Cutting (undated but about Dec 1912)
More than two hundred of the congregation of St Paul's Church were present
at the reception which was given last night in the Church hall in honour of
their pastor, Rev FAP Chadwick and his bride, who have returned from their
honeymoon. Mr and Mrs Chadwick were married in Windsor, Ont., where Mr Chadwick
had charge of a congregation. The chair was occupied by Bishop De Pancier,
Archbishop Pentreath of Columbia, also being on the platform. In his address of
welcome, the bishop spoke of the warm feeling which existed between the pastor
of St Paul's and his congregation, and stated when he presented to Mrs Chadwick
a beautiful bouquet of chrysanthemums that it was a token from the congregation
of which she was to be one of the guardians.
In reply to the address Rev. Mr. Chadwick warmly thanked them for the welcome
they had given to himself and his wife on their return. There was a splendid
musical programme during the evening.
1928, Jan 28, Windsor Star: EX-WINDSORITE IS PROMOTED...
Rev. F. A. P. Chadwick, Once All Saints' Rector, Now Is Rural Dean
Interest for may Border Cities folk is found in the announcement in the
Victoria, B. C.. “Colonist," of the elevation of Rev. F. A. P. Chadwick, a
former rector of All Saints’ Anglican church, here, to a rural deanery In
British Columbia. Dean Chadwick is a son-in-law of the late Ernest G.
Henderson, former president of the Canadian Salt Company. The following
announcement of his elevation, as printed in the British Columbia newspaper, is
“Accepting the hearty nomination of the Anglican clergy of Southern Vancouver
Island, at the meeting of the Rural Deanery last Tuesday, the Bishop of
Columbia has appointed Rev. F. A. P. Chadwick, rector of St. John's Church, as
Rural Dean to succeed Rev. H. T. Archbold, who will leave shortly for Toronto.
“The position carries with it the responsibility of being presiding officer of
the meetings of the clergy of Victoria and neighbourhood, and also of the
ruri-decanal conference of both clergy and laity, which will be held previous
to the meeting of the Synod on February 15.
“The unanimity of the nomination is a testimony to the high esteem in which Mr.
Chadwick is held.
“In years of continuous service in one parish. Mr. Chadwick probably takes
first place in seniority. Next November he will have completed a term of
fifteen years as rector of John’s.
Newspaper clipping recd from his son, Maurice Chadwick.
The Globe and Mail, Dec 23rd/52.
Canon Chadwick - Clergyman Once Noted Athlete
Victoria, Dec 22 (CP) - Canon Frederick A.P. Chadwick, 79, Canadian
churchman, who for 27 years was rector of St. John's Anglican Church, Victoria,
died at his home here Sunday. He had been in ill health for many years.
Born near Guelph, he received his early education at Guelph public school
and Trinity College school, Port Hope. He graduated from Trinity College,
Toronto, with honours in classics, before entering the divinity class at that
He was captain of the school's cricket, football and baseball teams and in
1895 played on the Canadian championship rugby team.
His first church assignment was as deacon of St George's Church, Guelph,
in 1896. He served successively at Hamilton, Port Arthur, Dunnville and Windsor
before being transferred to St Paul's Church, (EAC: Vancouver then St John's
Victoria) Victoria, in 1913, and served there until his retirement in 1940.
A son is Lt.Cmdr. Ernest Maurice Chadwick, RCN, Ottawa.
Noted City Churchman, Canon Chadwick, Dies[7]
(his ancestry in this article is pretty inaccurate!)
Rev. Canon Frederick Austin Pakenham Chadwick, noted Canadian churchman who for
27, years served as rector of St. John's Anglican Church, Victoria, died Sunday
at his home. 2267 Pacific Avenue. He was 79.
He had been in ill-health for many years.
Bom near Guelph. Ont., he was the son of Edward Michael Chadwick, second Baron
of Longford, who served at one time as mayor' of Guelph. His mother was a
daughter of Sir Henry King.
He received his early education at Guelph Public School and the Trinity College
School, Port Hope. He graduated from Trinity College. Toronto, with honours in
classics, before entering the divinity class at that institution. A prominent
athlete, he was captain of the school's cricket, football and baseball teams,
and in 1895 played on the Canadian championship rugby team.
His first church assignment was as deacon of St. George’s Church, Guelph, in
1896. The following year he was made priest at Christ Church Cathedral,
Hamilton, and then, after his ordination, served in the mission field of Grace
Church, Arthur, Ont.
In 1902 he went to St. Paul's Church, Dunville, and during his two years
pastorate there a parish hall and rectory were built.
At All Saints’ Church, Windsor, where he went in 1902, he was responsible for
having, the church enlarged and a pipe organ installed.
His next posting was to St. Paul’s. Vancouver, where he saw a rectory and
parish hall constructed.
He commenced his ministry at St. John's Church. Victoria, in 1913, and served
in that church until his retirement in 1940.
He was appointed rural dean of Victoria in 1927 and installed as one of the
first canons of Christ Church Cathedral in 1929.
He was at one time a prominent member of the Victoria Rotary Club and wa4
active also in Masonic circles. His recreations were golf and fishing.
Canon Chadwick married twice. In 1898 he wed Berta Louis Dice, of Milton, Ont.
In 1915, he married Creina Russell Henderson, of Windsor.
Besides his wife, he is survived by four children: John P. D. C. Chadwick,
Victoria; Frederick Stewart Chadwick, Arcadia, Calif., Mrs. Elizabeth
Kirk-Owen, London. Eng., and Lieut.-Cmdr. Ernest Maurice Chadwick. RCN, Ottawa,
and two grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 2 p.m. at Christ Church Cathedral.
Hayward's Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements
FAPC Married 1stEMC,7:
22/10/1898 (inscription on back of photograph says October, as does EMC, paper
clipping says June) also Jeffrey Family, Alberta Louise, daughter of Samuel &
Abigail Dice.
Alberta Louise Dice daughter of Samuel Dice of Milton, Ont. (born 4/4/1878
(C01), and died 16/1/1902 (according to EAC, of an Accident, falling down
stairs while pregnant??), Death Reg has her aged 23, of Arthur, born Milton, of
heart failure, suddenly.
- At Grace church, Milton, on Wednesday, 22nd June, by the Rev. W.E. White,
assisted by the Rev. C.A. Seager and H.B. Gwyn, the Rev. Frederick Austin
Pakenham Chadwick, M.A., incumbent of Arthur, son of the late Frederick Jasper
Chadwick, of Guelph, to Berta Louise, daughter of Samuel Dice, Esq., Mayor of
Berta Dice
Canada marriage Records have her as being the daughter
of Samuel & Abigail Dice, she aged 19 of Milton, and born there.
IssueE of Frederick & Berta (Dice) Chadwick:
1/1. John Pakenham Dice Chadwick
born 14/5/1899, educated Trinity
College, Port Arthur. Died after falling down stairs and being pierced by glass
shard from a bottle, then resident in Victoria, BC.
According to Betty, he was a bon viveur, enjoyed the races & gambling! A
number of newspaper entries expand this a little.
His death notice[9]:
CHADWICK—On January 2, 1959. in Victoria, B.C., John Pakenham Dice Chadwick„
aged 60 years, of 4107 Holland Avenue, elder son of the late Canon F. A. P.
Chadwick. a resident here since 1914. He leaves his wife, Vivienne; a daughter,
Beverly Vivienne Baynton, of Vancouver; two grandchildren; two brothers, Frederick
In Los Angeles and Commander Maurice Chadwick. RC.N.; a sister, Mrs. Elizabeth
Kirk-Owen, of London, England; his stepmother, Mrs. Creina Chadwick, of
Victoria; also nieces and nephews. He was a member and former Secretary-manager
of the Pacific Club of Victoria and credit manager of Cee Fletcher’s Men’s Shop.
Funeral services from McCall
Bros, Floral Funeral Chapel on Monday, January 6. at 2 p m.. Rev. Canon George
Biddle officiating, followed by cremation.
Married Vivienne Dorothy Charlton, Victoria BC, 24/9/1921.
She died 9/11/1977, Victoria BC, born 3/1/1899, Spokane.
“CHADWICK — Vivienne D. in Victoria, B.C. on November 9, 1977. Born in Spokane,
Washington, U.S.A. January 3, 1899. Predeceased by her loving husband John P.
D., 1959, Mrs. Chadwick was well known for her theatre and writing in the U.S.,
Canada and Europe. Survived by her daughter Beverly and son-in-law Allan
Baynton of Victoria, two grandchildren Gregory and Michele. Also other family
members: Mrs. F. A. P. Chadwick, Comdr. and Mrs. E. M. Chadwick of Victoria,
Mrs. F. S. Chadwick of Palm Desert, and Mrs. B. Kirk-Owen of England. Private
Cremation. Flowers are declined with thanks, donations if desired may be sent
to the S.P.C.A. 3150 Napier Lane, Victoria, B.C. Arrangements by the Memorial
Society of B.C. and First Memorial Services Ltd[10].
2/1. Beverly Vivienne Chadwick, born 18/4/1928, d. 26/9/2012.
Married Alan Baynton. Born
Cutknife, Sask, died 27/10/2004, Victoria.
4106 Delmar Ave, Victoria, BC V82 5J6 Tel 479-2710, divorced? See obit
"Vivienne Chadwick, and Allan Leslie Baynton, at St. John’s Church.
Canon F. A. P. Chadwick, former rector of St. John’s Church, and grandfather of the bride, and Dean Spencer H. Elliott performed the nuptial service.
The bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John P. D. Chadwick, and the groom’s parents are William McMillan Baynton, Sidney, and Mrs. Baynton. Diaphanous white chiffon fashioned the bridal gown, with flowing lines in Grecian mode, and enriched in sparkling silver braid crossing the bodice and hip-line, worn by the bride. Her long lace mitts were in white, and white blossoms crowned her embroidered veil which cascaded floor-length. Pale lemon yellow gladioli, arranged in a waterfall bouquet, formed her sole note of color, and as her only ornament she chose an heirloom silver filigree cross on a silver chain.
Mrs. Elizabeth Chamberlain was matron of honor for her niece, and Miss Janet Whitmore came from Vancouver to attend as honor maid.
Their identical gowns of jewel-toned turquoise taffeta were fashioned with cap sleeves, basque waists, and full skirts. They wore long mitts in match¬ing hue. Fuchsia asters and anemones in their bouquets, matched those in their ban¬deaux.
“O Perfect Love was sung by Madame Lugrin-Fahey, while the register was being signed.
Guests were ushered to their seats by Leonard McCan and George McKeage, brother-in-law of the groom, from Nanton, Alta.
Charles Powers-Potts, of “Brook Royal,” Albert Head, who stood with the groom as best man, gave the toast to the bride at the reception.
Guests were welcomed by the bridal party, assisted by Mrs. Chadwick, who wore for the occasion, an ensemble of rose-crepe, with accessories of deep brown, accented with turquoise.
White candles in silver holders, bowls of sweet peas, and satin ribbons decked the bride’s table where the double-tiered wedding cake was set.
A wedding trip to Banff is planned by the newlyweds, who will return to the city to make their home.
Mrs. Baynton chose navy blue
accessories with her suit of yellow gabardine, and yellow roses trimmed her
navy straw hat.[11]"
"BAYNTON, Beverly Vivienne (Chadwick)
April 18th, 1928 - September 26th, 2012
Our Mum, grandmother, great grandmother and friend known as Gigi, BB, Babe, Bevie and Bev has passed away. Beverly died peacefully at dawn on September 26th in the comfort of her two loving children Greg and Michele. She is survived by her loving sister-in-law Mary McKeage, her family and the Bayntons in Alberta, including Bruce and Barb who were all a big part of Beverly's life, as was her life long friend and bridesmaid Janet Bingham. Beverly was born in Petaluma. California and moved to Vancouver Island in 1942 where she graduated from Strathcona College. One of Beverly's great passions was singing, which she did for many years with The Victoria chapter of Sweet Adeline's. This special group of women filled her heart and life with music as well as wonderful friendships. She also loved the water and became a competent boater. Beverly particularly loved the Gulf Islands. She held a special place in her heart for the care of dogs and was an advocate for the SPCA. Beverly was witty with a great sense of humour and had a wonderful appreciation for the beauty of nature. Not so long ago Beverly said her fondest memories were of her family, close friends, Sweet Adeline's and the time spent on the water. Although the last few years were tough for her. Beverly tackled everything life threw at her with a smile and a fierce determination that only she could pull off. Beverly has left us all with an abundance of cherished memories of her love of life and ability to live her life authentically. The family would like to extend their gratitude for the exceptional and loving care Beverly received from the staff at Qualicum Manor in Qualicum Beach.
In lieu of flowers donations may
be made in Memory of Beverly Baynton to the SPCA. A Celebration of Life will
take place Saturday. October 20th. l-3pm at the OkJ Dutch Inn. 2690 Island
Highway. Qualicum Beach[12]"
"BAYNTON - Allan Leslie died peacefully on October 27, 2004 with his
family by his side. He was born in Cutknife, Sask. and spent most of his life
in Victoria. His greatest passion was the sea. He was a Honourary Member and
Past Commodore of the Victoria Cruising Club and a longtime member of Capital
City Yacht Club. Allan was a patient, kind and loving husband, father and
friend and will be deeply missed by his beloved wife, Heather; son, Greg
(Sandy); daughter, Michele (Greg); stepchildren, Marty Tucker (April), Cindy
Dollemore (Dan); sister, Mary; nieces and nephews and grandchildren, Jordy,
Scotty, Maddie, Emily, Russell, Nathalie and Jason. Our thanks to Dr. Stanwood,
Dr. Ivorchuk, Dr. Horgan, Dr. Mann and the wonderful staff at Royal Jubilee
A memorial service will be held
on Wednesday, November 3, 2004 at 2:00 p.m. at First Memorial Funeral Chapel,
4725 Falaise Drive, Victoria, BC.[13]"
3/1. Gregory Baynton.
3/2. Michael Baynton.
1/2. Frederick Stewart Chadwick. born 30/9/1900 Arthur, Ontario.
educated at Trinity College, Port
Died: 2/1976, Palm Desert (US SSI Deaths).
Married 1st, Helen Naomi Nugent, born 29/11/1904 Iowa, M 3/7/1928, Victoria BC,
died Glendale LA 12/4/1943
Married 2nd, 22/11/1944, Gertrude Alice Nugent, born 26/10/1902, sister of
Helen, both of Iowa.
Alice & Antony Maitland stayed with Aunt Gertrude in Palm Springs October
1976: a very engaging lady. Also there was Cindy (Faulkner), her
step-Granddaughter, who lived there part time. Aunt Gertrude died 9/6/1992,
having lived her last few years with the Faulkners.
An Interesting wedding took place quietly yesterday afternoon at St. John's
Church when Miss Helen Nugent of Los Angeles, Cal., became the bride of Mr.
Frederick L. Chadwick of Los Angeles, son of Rev. F. A. P. Chadwick, rector of
St. John's. The ceremony was performed by the groom’s father, and the church
was beautifully decorated with masses of Summer flowers. Given In marriage by
Mr. J. C. E. Chadwick, uncle of the groom, the bride was charming In a frock of
white satin, made with close-fitting bodice and a bouffant lace skirt. She wore
a becoming wlde-brlmmed white hat and carried a bouquet of lilies and pale pink
roses. Mrs. J. P. D. Chadwick, of Napa, California, was matron of honor,
wearing a beaded beige georgette frock and picture hat to match, carrying pink
and mauve sweet peas and fern. Little Miss Betty Chadwick was a charming
bridesmaid In a frock of orchid silk, carrying a basket of mauve and pink sweet
peas. During the cere¬mony the wedding music was played by Mr. G. Jennings
Burnett. After the wedding breakfast, served at the rectory, the bride and
groom left for a motor trip up the Island, and will later make their home In
San Francisco[14].
He applied for US nationality in 1942, then a salesman os 2117 LaSalle, LA, and
named his wife Helen & Carolyn and Diane, 1st arrival in US
28/4/1928 at Seattle,
Issue of Frederick & Helen Chadwick:
2/1. Carolyn Louis Chadwick, born 28/2/1931, died 24/11/2023, California.
Married: William Porter (later
divorced: Carolyn’s later partner is Alan Gadney, a film producer). Alice &
Antony Maitland stayed with them (Carolyn & Alan) in Hollywood, and met up
with Holly and Cindy, her daughters.
William Porter became a school principal and lives (6/2000) in Las Vegas with
2nd wife, Kathy. William's sister, Jerry has daughter Nancy Ward, married to Mr
Westerfield. Daughter Lauren (d.o.b. 1/1985).
3/1. Helen (Holly) Porter born 29/5/1950,
(6/2000, working for the school
district administration).
Married, 4/1/1976, Peter T Christos, of Greek extraction, worked in sales. Peter
was born 1952, Died 3rd September 2011.
4/1. Theodore John William Christos, 18/7/1979, Shell Beach.
8/2001 student at UC, Berkley
reading English & Philosophy.
Partner Cherie
5/1. Peter William Alexander Christos, b 13/10/2009 Santa Rosa.
4/2. Alexander Peter Chadwick Christos, 26/9/1981.
Married Daniela,
5/1. Lucas Alexander Christos, b 15/9/2015.
4/3. William Peter Lampis Christos, 21/4/1985.
Partner Jessika
5/1. Zoe Christos, b 5/2/2016
3/2. Cindy Lynn Porter, 18/5/1956, Pasadena.
Married 4/11/1978, Mostyn
Faulkner b. 3/8/1947, San Gabriel, Ca.
4/1. Laurel Alison Faulkner, 27/3/1981, Van Nuys.
Married 25/9/2010, Marcus
Rothschild (b. 11/11/1980)
5/1. Violet Rothschild, b 12/1/2012
5/2. Abigail Isla Rothschild, b 15/12/2015.
4/2. Bryn Andrew Faulkner, 23/8/1982, Van Nuys.
Married Emma Fewell, 23 July 2017
at Fallbrook, Ca.
5/1. Avalon Rose Faulkner, b abt 3/2021.
3/3. Robert Frederick Porter, b
3/4. Sandra Louise Porter, 26/2/1954, LA.
2/2. Dianne Helen Chadwick, b. 11/8/1933BC, Hollywood,
died 19/7/1983, Riverside Ca.
Diane Chadwick's Engagement Told[15]
1954, Dec 1: Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Stewart Chadwick, of Arcadia entertained
with a buffet supper to announce the betrothal of their daughter Diane Helen to
David Nesbitt Moody, son of Mr. and Mrs. Barnard N. Moody of Monrovia.
The bride-elect is an alumna of Pasadena City College. Her fiancée served in
the Army in Korea.
This engagement evidently did not last: David Nesbit Moody (born 14/2/1929, San
Rafael, Ca), died 4/11/2010 in Michigan, leaving a spouse Adonna Marie Demski,
and children and grandchildren[16]
1956, April 19: Diane Chadwick Nuptial Read[17]
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Colby
Prowse Jr. (Diane Helen Chadwick) will live in Arcadia after honeymooning in
Mexico. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Stewart Chadwick of Arcadia and
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Colby Prowse of Glendora were wed in the chapel
of St. Edmund’s Episcopal Church, San Marino.
The bride was attended by her sister, Mrs. William C. Sorter, whose husband
served as usher. Howard A. Prowse was his brother's best man.
Married Charles Colby Prowse, a Christian scientist, he was born 24/1/1936, and
died in Riverside, Ca 20/11/1993. His father, of the same name, was born in
Illinois, 3/5/1909 and died in LA 21/12/1988.
3/1. Charles C. Prowse, b 9/6/1957, d Ca 9/6/2010
Married Frances K. Laurisden,
15/6/1976, Nevada (although in Ca Index). He 19, she 26.
4/1. Alana Prowse. Bth Reg: Alana Frances Prowse, b 5/5/1979,
Riverside, Ca, mother Lauridsen.
4/2 Nathan Michael Prowse, B Riverside, Ca, 2/5/1982BC
3/2. Colleen D. Prowse, b 16/3/1959, Riverside Ca.
M Asby B Perry (b 1960) 12/4/1980, Riveside, Ca.
3/3. Cathleen Chadwick Prowse, b 20/5/1961, Los Angeles,
died of cystic fibrosis 21/5/1980, Riverside, Ca.
3/4. Michele A Prowse, B Los Angeles, 29/1/1963.
Married 2ndE, Creina Henderson 22/10/1912.
at All Saint’s Windsor, his residence Vanouver, Witness Kathleen Chadwick[18].
IssueE of Frederick & Creina (Henderson) Chadwick:
1/1. Elisabeth Chadwick.
1/2. Ernest Maurice Chadwick. born 6/5/1921, Victoria, BC.
Died Victoria BC, 19 May 2008 –
Obituary in Appendix 7.7.
Married 28/2/1948, Halifax:
Olga Munro (born 29/5/1921, Halifax, died Victoria BC about 2005). See later
for his Obituary.
Issue (with corrections by Julia Chadwick 9/2003:
2/1. Edward Michael Pakenham Chadwick, born 19/6/1950.
Married, 1st, Pauline Sternagle,
2nd, Julia Anne Bray (div 1997)
6/2000: as Dr Michael Chadwick, fishery scientist based in Moncton, working for
Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans.
Issue of Michael & Julia:
3/1. Samara Grace Chadwick, born 5/9/1982.
3/2. Claire Elizabeth Chadwick, born 12/12/1984.
2/2. Richard Austin Brian Chadwick,
b. 26/9/1952 (Kingston, Ont) (EAC:
an entrepreneur).
Married, 1st, Wendy Mcleod.
Issue of Richard & Wendy:
3/1. Rebecca Anne Katherine Chadwick, born 15/1/1974
3/2. Melanie Rose Chadwick, born 1/5/1977.
Married, 2nd, Antigoni Gastis
Issue of Richard & Antigoni (Dinah):
3/3. Christopher Austen Chadwick, born 27/2/1985.
3/4. Rena Alexsandra Chadwick, born 18/3/1987.
2/3. Creina Chadwick, born
2/4. William Nicholas Munro Chadwick, born 10/6/1959.
Married, 1st, Nichola Ker (dau
of Robin Ker).
Married, 2nd, abt 1995, Deborah Gillingham.
Issue of William & Deborah:
3/1. Catherine Emma Chadwick.
3/2. Henry James Munro Chadwick, abt 1999.
Olga had married, 1st, Alan Maclachlan, had a daughter, Dianne Maclachlan (born
in August 1944 after her father’s death), Dianne was moving back to BC in
6/2000 with 2nd husband. Alan was lost in the Frigate Valleyfield when it was
torpedoed on convoy duty in the Atlantic in May 1944 (see newspaper reports).
Maurice had been engaged to one Clare Ryan, as announced in the papers in July
1947: history does not relate how he extracted himself from that to marry Olga
some 7 months later in Halifax, where he was stationed in the Navy at the time,
commanding a weather ship. This may explain some of sister Betty’s vituperative
remarks about Olga – Betty was to have been a bride attendant, so must have
been a good friend of Clare!
In 1966, Creina and Aunt Kitty visited England, which her grand daughter, Alice
Miss Kathleen Henderson and her sister, Mrs. F. A. P. Chadwick, are back in
their home on Victoria Ave. after a several months' stay in Victoria, B.C.
Before going out west, Mrs. Chadwick went to Britain to visit her daughter,
Mrs. Reginald Kirk-Owen, in Llanegryn. Wales, and her son and daughter-in-law,
Cmdr. E. Maurice Chadwick, who is with NATO in Europe, and Mrs. Chadwick, and
their family in Gerrard's Crossing. She’s been gone since last spring[19].
Creina also visited Betty in England in 1957.
Margaret Dice, b 1864 Samuel Dice
Samuel Dice was the second son of George and Agnes Dice who were born in
Ireland. Samuel was born in Nelson Township. In 1862 he married Sarah Martin.
They had two daughters. His second wife was A. Dorothy Shuert. They had one
daughter. He was Mayor of Milton and also served on the Town Council. He served
for a number of years as Justice of the Police and Police Magistrate.[20]
He had been described as a farmer and insurance agent.
He was born 14/1/1837, in Ontario (he claims, but there are no records found
yet), of Irish born parents, George & Agnes (Anderson) and died of Arterio
Sclerosis 17/5/1924 of Milton, Ontario. He probably had a younger brother,
George who was a doctor (and married Margaret Martin, sister of Sarah).[21] On George’s death
17/5/1872, he was described as of German origin.
Married 1st: 5/6/1862, Halton, to Sarah Martin of Milton, he was
22 of Nelson, parents George & N. (Anderson) Dice, she was aged 22, of
Milton, parents Jonathan & M. Hume. She died 7/12/1871, Milton, born
3/8/1839, Milton, Parents John & Margaret Martin, child Sarah Jane Dice[22]. The Martin family were
the founders of Milton city.
He had 2 daughters by this marriage: Margaret (b 1864) and Sarah Jane (b 1866).
Betty Chadwick remembered great aunt "Maggie"5[23]
Married 2nd: Abigail Dorothy Shuert, 1/10/1872, he was 35, a farmer
and widower, born in and of Nelson (Ont?), parents George and Agnes; she was
19, spinster, of Nelson, born Trafalgar, of Nelson and Louisa (Burtoh) Shuert,
the parents were described as “Penn. Dutch”. She died Milton, 10/10/1939, and
was born Palermo Ont, 16/3/1855, parents Nelson Shuert (b St George, Ont),
& Louisa Burtoh (b Palermo, Ont). Chronic thrombosis, chronic rheumatism
and endocarditis.
1891 Census, Milton:
Samuel Dice (54, Ont, Ireland, Ireland, Insurance Agent), Abigail D (37, Ont,
Ont, Ont), Maggie (27, Ont, Ont, Ont, Milliner), Sarah J (25, Ont, Ont, Ont),
Berta L. (11, Ont, Ont, Ont), Martha Shuert (Spin., 21, Ont, Ont, Ont
Farmer, Real estate and insurance agent. Mayor. 1837-1924.
Born3,EMC. 19th November 1838 (Ancaster, Ont. Re DC)
Parents: John Craven & Louisa (Bell) Chadwick.
DiedEMC,8: 20th June 1891 (Guelph, an Estate Agent, age 52 yrs 7
months - DC)
Buried Woodlawn Cemetary, Guelph, Ont.
"Be kindly affectionate to
one another". Rom XII 18.
Also bur here dau Louisa, son Edward Vaux, wife Elizabeth.
Plot record refers to Miss CR Chadwick, 884, Bute St, Vancouver.
He and his brother John jnr were gazetted Ensigns in the County Wellington
Militia, Guelph Rifles, No 1 Company, 11 February 1857[24] & Lieut. 26 August
1869, and later Captain. Served in County Council, co. Wellington and in Town
Council of Guelph for several years; and was Mayor of Guelph in 1877.EMC
Jasper was a prominent businessman, a Provincial Land Surveyor who served
on the town and county council and was elected Mayor of Guelph in 1877. It was
a big year for Guelph, the 50th anniversary of its founding, and Jasper must
have presided over many celebratory events. He was from 1871 to 1885 the
proprietor of the conservative Guelph Herald newspaper, and under his tenure it
went in 1872 from a weekly to a daily edition. (The Herald was eventually
bought up in 1924 by its lifelong rival the radical Guelph Mercury, which still
publishes to this day.)
Guelph Town Hall which housed the mayoral offices (as well as courts,
market stalls, jail and library) had been built in 1856, during a period of
prosperity triggered by the arrival of the Grand Trunk Railroad in the town
that year. Guelph itself had only been granted town status a year earlier. That
prosperity was soon boosted with another rail connection to the outside world
by the Great Western Railway.
Guelph Board of Trade was determined to capitalise on these transport links and attract manufacturers to the town, and Jasper Chadwick was a founding director of the Guelph Gas Works, one of the Board’s schemes to that end. Its gas first came on stream on 18th January 1871. Gas meant heat and light, which in turn meant longer working hours in factories; and like moths to a flame, industries were indeed drawn to Guelph. (The gasworks survived until they were demolished in the 1960s.)
In 1879, two years after Jasper’s mayorship, he could
take some credit when Guelph was declared a city. Three years later, when the
Grand Trunk and Great Western Railways merged, fears of a monopoly of rail
access to the city prompted Chadwick and several other leading citizens to
found the city-owned Guelph Junction Railway.[25]
F.J. Chadwick served on city council several times and in 1877 was elected
mayor, he was a founding director of the Guelph Gas Company and an
incorporator, along with Innes and other prominent business people, of the
Guelph Junction Railway in 1884; among his numerous other roles he was an
officer in the local militia and a member of the Guelph Cricket Club.
In 1882, Chadwick left Guelph for the Northwest, and in a dinner tendered in
his honour he talked of the deep satisfaction he took in seeing Guelph grow and
prosper. His remarks must have had a special resonance for many of the city's
prominent builders:
"When I came to Guelph in 1848, it was a small place; the spot on which is
now erected the Wellington Hotel [where the testimonial dinner was held] being
a lumber yard, and scarcely a building of any pretensions between here and the
market place. Her population at that time being counted in hundreds where now
there are thousands. Coming here at an early period of my life I might almost
claim to be a native, and as you have been kind enough to express in the
address I have been identified with everything that has made Guelph what she
is. Nothing, since I was able to take my share has been done for the
advancement of our good city in which I have not taken an active part."
A quote from the paper: “The new owner, former Mayor F.J. Chadwick was a
Grit who had seriously damaged the Tory campaign of the previous year. The
owner refused to reprimand the paper’s editor and the Herald was becoming Guelph’s
Roman Catholic voice. In the next decade, Catholics had a forum for presenting
their side in wars of the editorial page initiated by Rev. Dixon[27].
The Herald under the new and vigorous ownership of F. J. Chadwick turned
daily probably in 1872. With the death of the Advertiser, Guelph now had two
clearly competitive papers, The Mercury, a dedicated Reform journal and The
Herald an unabashedly Conservative partisan. According to Acton Burrows
(editor, and subsequently part-owner of the Herald 1874-78) everything at The
Herald was improved under Chadwick. "The only feature in the paper,
indeed, which did not undergo a change," he wrote, "was its
unswerving support of the principles of the Conservative Party.. .
One of the first things Chadwick did was to move the Herald offices to a
new location above the Queen's Hotel. He was also soon to persuade a man who
had once been the Mercury's best writer, James Fahey, to leave a new position
in Hamilton and come and reinvigorate the Herald as editor. Innes in a letter
written to a fiend in late 1871 acknowledged Fahey's talent during his time on
The Mercury:
Jim Fahey has left me having made an engagement with [Jonathan] Wilkinson
[publisher of the Guelph Advertiser 1858-1870] to edit the Hamilton Standard which
he proposes to start on the 1st of January. I might have kept him had I been
willing to pay him enough, but the fact is he did not altogether suit me. For
writing an article there was none better, but he was of little use on the local
work, and you know on a country paper that is as important - even more so………..
In spite of Chadwick's energy and willingness to hire the best available
talent, there were money problems at the Herald. A former editor, writing of
Fahey recalled that "[he] knew what it was to work hard for his wages and
work harder to get them when they were earned. I think some of the wage cheques
issued at that time by me Guelph Herald are still in circulation. The paper's
own history published in 1895 recalls that 'the labor and money lavished by
[Chadwick] on The Herald failed largely of accomplishing the desired results…….
F.J. Chadwick went through several partners in an effort to make the paper
a success, but finally in 1885 The Herald was sold under chattel mortgage to
Henry Gummer.
1861: District 3 Guelph: Frame House, 2 stories.
J Craven Chadwick (farmer, Ireland, 45) Caroline (England, 40), Frdk (U
Canada,22), Austin (U Canada, 18)
1867 Directory: Concession 2e, lot fb, freeholder.
Regimental Division of the South Riding of Wellington (Militia), No4 Company
Division, (Guelph): To be Captain Lieutenant Frederick Jasper Chadwick, from
late 1st Non-Service Battalion.
1871 Census, Ontario, Dist 33, Guelph, page 51: All b Ontario, origin Irish, C
of E..
Frederick Chadwick (32, Estate Agent), Emma (30), Louisa (8), Charlotte (6)
Jasper (4), Christian (F 0)
1872: Frederick & Elizabeth Chadwick sold some land in Guelph – they were
of Rockmaple, Guelph.[29]
1881 Census, Ontario, Guelph, Wellington, All born Ontario, of Irish origin.
Fred etc Chadwick (name unreadable, 41, b. Ont, Cof E, Irish, Estate Agent),
Elizabeth (40, Ont, CofE, Irish), Rose C. (16, Ont) Louise (18), William (14),
Kathleen (10), Pakenham (7) John CE (5)
1891 Census, Disct 127, Wellington South, Guelph, 20 April 1891, children b Ontario.
Fred (52, Surveyor, born, Ireland, mother, England), Elizabeth (50, Ont,
Ireland, Scotland), Louise (28, D Ont, Ont, Ont), Charlotte (D, 26,), Jasper
(S, 24, Bank Clerk), Kathleen (20, D) Pakenham (17, S, Student?) John CE (15,
S, Student).
It appears FJC was married once before Elizabeth Stewart, although there is no
records elsewhere, even of this wife’s death[30]:
Berlin, (Ontario!)
13 Feb 1856. On the 22nd ult., at the residence of the bride's
father, by the Rev JD McGregor, Frederick J. Chadwick, Esq., of Guelph, to Miss
Emily Schabbamogger, second daughter of Henry Schabbamagger, Esq.
MarriedEMC, 3 September 1861:
FJC aged 22, of Guelph, born Canada, of John Craven &
Louisa to Elizabeth Stewart, of Guelph, Canada, Edward Michael & Jane
According to Elisabeth Chadwick, their grand-daughter), all the offspring of
Jasper and Elizabeth were born in Ireland, Elisabeth returning there to give
birth - this looks unlikely, as the births are shown as Ontario born in the census’s.
Sources: EMC, IGI, Newspaper, Cemetery (ref Wellington Hist Soc)
ParentsEMC: Rev Edward Michael and Jane (Renwick/Jeffery) Stewart,
His parents were Parents: Henry Stewart and Elizabeth Pakenham.
Ref Grave:
BornPR: 13/10/1839, Ontario from census’s.
DiedPR: 3/8/1894, buried Woodlawn Cemy, Guelph.
For further description of this family, see the Stewart
Ref EMC: An embroidered underskirt worked by first Duchess
of Wellington was given by her to Elisabeth Pakenham, by whom it was worn at
her wedding, as it was also at their weddings by Jane Renwick Jeffrey,
Elisabeth Stewart, and Kathleen Chadwick (Pepler).
This is a photo taken in Guelph, 1869 with Fred Chadwick & his wife from an
album of Chadwick photos sent by Tim Ford, 2015, probably of Louise &
Also in there are some of the same family in Dublin, a little earlier judging
from the children. They are earlier than the portraits at the beginning of this
section, and are probably the same couple, but there is no evidence of FJ &
his wife going to Dublin.
Issue3,EMC of Jasper & Elizabeth (Stewart) Chadwick (EMC &
(IGI born Guelph)
1/1. Louise Caroline Stewart Chadwick, b. 8 June 1862
Died 8/6/1901, bur Woodlawn Cemetery,
Guelph: named Chadwick. Unm.
Ref EAC: married a well known artist. (Doubtful see above).
1/2. Charlotte Rose Chadwick, EMC: b. 6 July 1864, unm.
Died 27/2/1938 aged 72, (ref
Victoria Daily Times, 1938.03.01,11)
Census 1901: Rosa Chadwick, sister of FAPC, with him b. 22/6/1861. aged 39. The
original image confirms listed data. This is probably an error in the census,
parents married after her quoted birthday.
Remembered by EAC as Aunt Nonnie5: she lived with FAPC for much of
her life.
1/3. Jasper William Chadwick, b. Guelph 10 November 1866
(d. 29/1/1920, JF). (IGI) of the
Bank of Toronto;
Married 26th November, 1896, Alexandrina Agatha, (an accomplished pianist
28/4/1864-17/11/1943), daughter of Samuel John Cowley, of Toronto, parents
William & Patience Cowley, born June 1835, Honiton, Devon, England, and his
wife, Agatha Stevenson parents Gustavus & Jane (Stinson) Stevenson of York,
[Arms: Silver; a bull passant gules within a bordure sable bezantee]
Additional information from Kim Tate[ii],
6/2005 from Stevenson Book P95, whose husband descends from Alexandrina's
brother Armstrong: "A Record of the Descendants of Gustavus and Jane
Stevenson; Fermanagh County, Ireland and York Township, Ontario."
published 1993 by John Charles F. Stevenson and his wife Louise Mary Stevenson,
of Winnipeg.
Chadwick, Alexandrina Amelia - At her home, 538 Sherbourne Street, Toronto, on
Wednesday November 17th 1943, Alexandrina Amelia Chadwick, wife of the late
Jasper William Chadwick, mother of G.D. Chadwick and sister of Mrs W.J. McBride
and aunt of Miss Rita McBride. Resting at Bates and Maddocks Funeral Chapel,
124 Avenue Rd, (just south of Davenport. Service in the chapel Friday afternoon
at 2 o'clock.
Interment Mount Pleasant Cemetary.
2/1. William Frederick Chadwick, 21/2/1898-28/4/1898, Toronto
2/2. William Gustavus D'Arcy Chadwick, born 11th May, 1900.
Chadwick, William G. (Gus) - At
Toronto on Thursday Dec 6th 1936, William G. Chadwick (formerly of Royal
Canadian Dragoons). Resting at Yorke Bros Chapel 2337 Bloor St, W (Willard
Ave). Funeral Service at the chapel at 2 pm Interment Mount Pleasant Cemetary.
Married: Marjorie Williams
3/1. Carole Chadwick.
1/4. Edward Ernest Vaux Chadwick, b. Guelph 27 Feb. 1868
diedEMC,8: 4 Sept. 1868. Bur Woodlawn Cemy, Guelph. (IGI).
1/5. Kathleen Christiana Maria Chadwick, b. Christmas Day 1870. D 1957
This family was talked about by
Elisabeth (Chadwick) Kirk-Owen, hence of of some interest.
Married: 12th June, 1895, to William Herbert Pepler, M.D. (9/4/1863-30/4/1924,
JF, reg Q2 1863, Bristol, DC Toronto, of hypertension, parents James & Emma
Eyre) of Wiltshire?, son of James Pepler and his wife, Emma Eyres (who had 7
more children) [Arms: Silver, on a bend sable, between two bendlets dancettee
gules, three silver eagles displayed].
Note from Kim Johnstone, Australia, James Pepler and Emma Eyres, (b.3/9/1823,
Melkesham) married 8/1849, Melkesham.
(see Ontarian Families), and has issue:
1901 Census, Toronto West:
William H Pepler, (9 April 1863, 37, England, [Race/Nationality]English/Canadian,
Physician) Cathleen (Wife, 25 Dec 1870, 30, Ont, Irish, Candaian), Stewart H
(son, 30 Aug 1896, 4, Ont, English/Canadian) William A E (son, 2 Jan 1899, 2,
Ont., English/Candian), Kathleen (dau, 21 Feb 1901, 1/12, Ont., English/Canadian)
1911 Census’s, US, Canada & UK not found.
1921 Census, 600 Spadina, Toronto West
William Pepler (50, England, England, England, arr Canada 1894, 1000/430,
Physician), Kathleen (wife, 42, Ont, England, England), Stewart (24, Ont,
England, Ont, engineer), Arthur (22, ditto, Student) Kathleen (20, ditto,
student), Doris (15, ditto, student).
2/1. Stewart Herbert Pepler, born 30th August, 1896.
1914 photo shows him in the 9th Mississauga Horse, as Captain.
2/2. William Arthur Eyres Pepler, born 2nd January, 1899.
Married 28/6/1930, Toronto, Marion Joan Chadwick, see under Edward M.C.
2/3. Kathleen Gwladys Pepler, born Toronto 21/1/1901,
died Salisbury, Wilts, 8/5/1994.
Following from Christopher Hall, 13/1/2004:
She gave the Maitlands a sugar bowl for their wedding was and was a teacher of
physical education and dance, and through the YWCA was in the late 1920s and
1930s directing physical education and teacher training in India and Eqypt. She
was married on 22/4/1939 in Lindi, Tanganyika to H John Hall (b10/10/1909, d
24/5/1994). John was a Master Mariner and a Lt in the RNR, and he was called
up in 1939 for WWII, serving in Zanzibar, Russian Convoys, Atlantic,
Mediterranean and The Channel, and finishing as a Commander. After the war
J&K lived in East Africa (Dar-es-Salaam, Zanzibar and Mombasa) until J
retired to Salisbury in 1965. J subsequently served as Bursar to Salisbury
Cathedral School for 10 years. They were both very active in the Cathedral
Community (K continuing to run movement to music exercise classes for mature
ladies well into her 80s) up until J's failing eyesight and K's occasional loss
of short term memory forced them to be somewhat less active. K died aged 93
following a fall, and J aged 84 some two weeks later. Kitty's brothers and
sister were Stewart (Toronto), Arthur (Montreal) and Doris (Seneca Falls NY).
3/1. Christopher J Pepler Hall.
2/4. Doris Louise, born 27th
June, 1905, Seneca Falls, NY.
1/6. Frederick Austin Pakenham Chadwick, b. 9 June
1/7. John Craven Eade Chadwick,
b. Guelph 22 June 1875. (IGI/EMC)
Uncle Jack, died unm in Vancouver, 6/12/1954.
sometime of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, now (1914) of Vancouver, B.C.;
served as Lieutenant 21st Essex Fusiliers; unmarried.
Funeral Held For Banker J. Chadwick
Funeral was held today for retired
Mount Pleasant bank manager, John Craven Eade Chadwick, who died Monday.
Mr. Chadwick, who lived at 4026 West Thirteenth. was a brother of the late
Canon F. A. P Chadwick of Victoria, who was once at St. Paul’s Church here. Mr.
Chadwick leaves a sister, Mrs W. H. Pepler, in Seneca Falls, NY. and three
nicces and three nephews. Rev. Herbert Robinson conducted Services at noon in
Simmons and McBride Chapel.[31]
1/8. Gladys Chadwick
from Gerald P Stewart’s
genealogy, GPS3356, but no trace of her elsewhere.
Sources: EMC, IGI, Newspaper, Cemetery (ref Wellington Hist Soc)
BornEMC: 6/4/1811 IGI: has him born @ Cravendale.
Parents: fourth son of John Craven Chadwick of Ballinard & Elizabeth Cooper.
DiedEMC: 10 Nov. 1889. Buried Farnham Cemetery, Farnham, Wellington,
John & Louisa from EM Chadwick’s history.
.... came to Canada, in 1837 and settled at Cravendale near Ancaster, he
served as a justice of the peace and was active in the Church of England. The
extended Chadwick family were large landholders and very prominent in the
Guelph area. He served on the Niagara Frontier in the Rebellion of 1837-38 as a
Volunteer in Capt. Alexander Milne's Troop of Cavalry and was gazetted Lieut.
in the 1st Regt. of Gore Militia, 27 Novr. 1838. In 1851 he removed to Guelph
co Wellington. He was twice named in the Commission of the Peace for that
County. He was a Delegate in the Diocesan Synod of Toronto on several
occasions; and was nominated a member of the Corporation of Trinity College
Toronto by the Bishop of Niagara in 1875.
Probably 1st Battalion (Ancaster) Gore Militia, expanded and
reorganised 16/3/1838.
I had almost forgotten John Craven Chadwick, fourth son of John Craven Chadwick,
of Ballinard, Tipperary, who settled at "Cravendale," near Ancaster,
County Wentworth, in 1836, and removed thence to Guelph in 1851, where he still
resides. He served on the Niagara frontier during the rebellion of 1837-8, as a
volunteer, in Capt. Alexander Mill's troop of cavalry. Subsequently he held a
commission in 1st Regiment of Gore Militia. He has been twice named in the
Commission of the Peace for the County of Wellington. He served as a delegate
to the Diocesan Synod of Toronto, almost continuously, from 1853 until the
separation of the Diocese of Niagara from that of Toronto, when he was
appointed by the Bishop of Niagara as a member of the Corporation of Trinity
College, Toronto. He is a Vice President of Guelph St. Patrick's Society. He has
four sons, viz., John Craven Chadwick, residing near Guelph; Frederick Jasper
Chadwick, of Guelph, who has taken an active part in political and municipal
affairs for some years, and is Mayor of Guelph this present year, 1877. He also
has been President of Guelph St. Patrick's Society. Edward Marion Chadwick, of
Toronto, Barrister-at-Law, Honorary Major and Captain in the Queen's Own...[32]
He seems to have retained an interest (and income) from land in Ireland:
416A of land in Clanwilliam, Tipperary held in fee simple by the estate of one
Thomas Dowling was offered for sale 14 November 1882, producing a rental of
£105 pa. The lands which form part of the eastern boundary of Limerick and are
within 2 miles of Limerick junction and Oola Stations. They are prime pasture
lands and are sublet by the owners tenat and about £364/1/- pa. The purchaser
will be entitled to the receipt of this latter rental on the decease of Mr John
Craven Chadwick who attained his 71st year in April 1882, and who is
the only surviving life to the lease, dated 22 August 1822 from Lady Damer to
William Chadwick, subject to which the sale is made.
1867 Directory: concession 2e, lot 1b, freeholder.
1881 Census, Guelph, Gentleman, 68, Irish.
School Section No. 2 is situated South-East of Guelph Township, reaching about
three miles down the old Brock Road and comprising Concessions 7 and 8. In the
late '20's and early '30's this land was taken up, groups of settlers coming
from Ireland, England and Scotland, and a few from Germany.
The Robinson Family's "Blue Castle Gardens" is on Lot 12, Concession
7, fronting on the Highway. Lot 12, Concession 7, was taken in the early years
by a family of Kennedys who later sold to Chadwicks. The late Judge Chadwick of
the High Court at Guelph was one of this family ….
1847: John Craven Chadwick “pro tem secretary of Islington Cattle Market and
Abattoir co”[34].
– Perhaps this was him back in Britain for a period, and when he met his second
Married, 2ndEMC: 15 Decr. 1847 "Caroline Eade, daughter of
Joseph Eade of Newington, co. Middlesex, and Hitchin co. Hertford and his wife
Eliza, sister of Maria (KO07/20), daughter of Edward Vaux. Caroline (Eade)
Chadwick died 5 Sept. 1874.
At Battersea, John Craven Chadwick esq of Cravendale Gore District, Canada West
(married) Caroline, fifth dau of the late Joseph Eade esq of Hitchin Herts.[35]
Joseph had a brother, William (will of 1824, Appendix 7.16)
who married Mary Ann Vaux, the sister of Maria Vaux, the mother of Louisa Bell
by Jonathan Bell.
MarriedEMC: 3rd, 4 May 1876 Elizabeth Beatty, eldest daughter of
James Beatty, Merchant in Toronto, and his wife Anne, daughter of James McKowen
of Dublin:" (at St James Toronto). JCC, widower, age 61 EB, Spinster, age
Elizabeth's sister, Ellen Byrne Beatty was the wife of JCC's son, Edward Marion
Chadwick. They appear with a Beatty lineage on the internet (10/2002):, a family
from Co Tyrone in Ireland, See section later in this document.
Married 1st EMC: 1st, 3 January 1836, At Emly, Tipperary
At Emly, county Tipperary, John Craven Chadwick, jun. Esq. of Ballynard, to
Louisa, fifth daughter of Jonathan Bell, Esq., of Kensington.[37]
How on earth did they meet? Probably in Dublin, via the Quaker
Born: several sources have different birth dates (1808 & 1815), but PR has
born 18/10/1807, baptised Stoke Newington 11/12/1807.
DiedEMC: Ancaster, Canada West. 24 March 1845[38]
March 24 (1845), Near Ancaster, Canada West, aged 37, (died) Louisa, wife of
John Craven Chadwick esq, 5th dau of Jonathan Bell of Kensington[39]
Parents: 5th dau of Jonathan Bell of Kensington, co. Middlesex, a
London Merchant, & Maria Vaux. Her ancestry is shown in a separate section.
Note from Liz Agar, 25/3/2002:
Descended from Eliza Eade, sister of Caroline, through Agnes Henty
Had issueEMC of the 1st marriage only,
1/1EMC. John Craven Chadwick, born 12 February 1837 Ancaster:
see EMC. (Present in 1871 Census
age 35, farmer in Arthur).
Ancaster Settlement PR (Internet):
John Craven, son of John Craven and Louisa Chadwick, of the Jersey Settlement,
born 12th February, 1837; baptized in Ancaster Church, October 22nd, 1837, by
me, John Miller.
Ref Directory 1867, householder, concession 3, lot 15.
1881: Farmer Puslinch, Wellington, Ont.
Died 8/4/1890, bur Farnham Cemy, Puslinch, Co Wellington, Ont., of paralysis.
Issue by 1st wife, Elinor Tonee Battersby, born Guelph (IGI) D
2/1. Catherine Caroline Chadwick Born 5 Jun 1861.
2/2. Francis Henry Chadwick Born 11 Aug 1866.
Moved to Globe Az.
M. 12/9/1895, Rose Catherine Fiske, (30/3/1867-19/4/1906)
3/1. Theodore Ray Chadwick, married Sylvia Mildred Pearson
(1912-1978), dau of Robert A.
Pearson (1869) & Bertha Hickey, g/dau of Asa M. Pearson (1837-1907) &
Margaret Jane Brandon (1841-1913):
4/1. Susan Rose Chadwick (1942)
5/1. Pamela Ann Wolfe (1963)
5/2. Wendy Sue Wolfe (1970)
5/3. Craig Clare Wolfe (1974)
4/2. Douglas Ray Chadwick (1944)
4/3. John Craven Chadwick (1955)
3/2. Winnie Rose Chadwick, B 14/2/1901
3/3. Dorothy Dott Chadwick, B 12/1/1903
4/1. Robert Gordon ( contact 10/09).
2/3. Leslie Charles Edward
Chadwick Born 8 Jan 1865.
2/4. Craven Bell Chadwick Born 2 Apr 1863.
Ontario Marriage Register has:
Bell Joseph Chadwick, age 22 of Guelph, batchelor, son of JCC & EB M Jennie
Hinds, of Guelph, dau of Robert Hinds & Jane Ferguson. 26/10/1885 at Guelph,
piano finisher.
Issue by Flora Jennie Hinds (b 12/5/1863, Waterloo),
Born Guelph (IGI):
3/1. Isabella M Chadwick, b 24/12/1881, Ontario
3/1. Alexander Joseph Chadwick Born 12 Nov 1886, 30/12/1887.
3/2. William Francis Chadwick, b 9/1/1889, 16/9/1943, California.
EMC: of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan;
born 9th January, 1889; married 6th August, 1912; Gertrude Helen (who died in
1913), daughter of George Oliver Webster, of Vancouver, and his wife, Sarah
Charlotte Coulter, and had issue, George Craven Francis, who died in infancy
Married 2nd Mary Irene Donoghue.
Issue by Mary Donoghue:
4/1. Joseph Edward Chadwick b 13 Mar 1930 in Los Angeles.
5/1. Ann Chadwick of San Diego, married Mr Chance.[iii]
3/2. Marion Adelaide Chadwick, b.
24 Mar 1898, Ontario,
3/3. Florence Beatrice Chadwick, b. 9 Mar 1901, Galt, Ontario,
3/4. John Craven "Craven" Chadwick, b. 15 Sep 1902, Waterloo
Ontario, Canada d. 1976 (Age 73
CHADWICK—July 28, 1976-John Craven Chadwick, beloved husband of Catherine, late
of 403-4545 Rae St, passed away at the age of 73. Mr Chadwick was predeceased
by one brother and one sister. Besides his wife. he is survived by one son Rod,
Regina, two daughters Mrs. R. I. (Margaret) Stephens, Winnipeg, and Mrs
R.(Monica) Thompson, Campbell River, BC; 10 grandchildren. two great-grandchildren,
one brother Ted, North Battleford, and one sister Mrs. Marion Ferguson,
Vancouver. Funeral Mass on Sat, July 31, at 10 30 am in Sacred Heart Roman
Catholic Church, witlh Rev Fr E Schaffer the celebrant interment at Riverside
Memorial Park Prayers on Friday. July 30. at 8 00 pm in the Chapel of the Lee
Funeral Home. 3101 Dewdney Avenue. John Lipo. Funeral Director.[40]
Craven Roderick Chadwick (1935-2023)
Rod passed away peacefully at the Pasqua Hospital on Sunday, April 30, 2023
after a lengthy battle with COPD. Rod was born on November 19, 1935, in Regina,
SK, to the late John Craven Chadwick and Catherine McCormick. He was
predeceased by his loving wife Ester Chadwick; and his sisters, Monica Thompson
and Margaret Stephen. Rod is survived by his nephews and nieces; Douglas
Stephen, Lori Stephen-James, Therese Mitchell, Michelle Malcom, Kathryn
Stephen, and R. Bruce Thompson; and Ester's family, Primo and Gigi Go; and
children David, Steven and Zoe Go; and many caring friends. Rod lived in Regina
all his life and went to Sacred Heart School, Campion College, and University
of Regina where he graduated with a Social Work degree. He worked at the
General Hospital in the Personnel Department, as a Regina Realtor and was a
Security guard at SaskTel main office. He was a kind and thoughtful person.
Even at age 87, he kept up to date with the latest news and loved discussing
politics and religion. Rod had shown interest in the accomplishments of his
friends' children and was fond of playing mah-jong. He was a serious player and
always achieved to finish a winner. He will be greatly missed by family,
friends, colleagues, and neighbors. Funeral Service will be held on Saturday,
May 6, 2023, at 11:00 a.m. at Holy Cross Parish Church, 315 Douglas Avenue
East, Regina, Saskatchewan with Father Carlos Jimenez officiating. In lieu of
flowers donations may be given to Regina Food Bank at 445 Winnipeg St., Regina,
Sk. S4R 8P2.[41]
2/5. Leslie Charles Edward
Chadwick Born 8 Jan 1865.
Issue by Sybella Annie Mockler, born Guelph 4/1845, d. 22/2/1891:
daughter of William Mockler, 22
of Durham, County Grey, in Holy Orders, who came to Canada from Fermoy, County
Cork, Ireland, about 1850, and his wife, Anne Atkinson, of Huddersfield, County
York, England. (William Mockler, born 1810, was the son of James Mockler, in
Holy Orders, Rector of Castle Hyde). There were other possible siblings of
William Mockler - see Mocklers in the Appendix 7.2 in this volume.
The Mocklers were a pioneer family in the Durham area.
When the couple died early in Guelph area (1890's) the children came to Durham
to live with their aunts. The house was a very early Durham home - there was a
private school in it Mockler-Chadwicks were local teachers. (re Ralph Clark
email, 10/05).
Grey County 1870 Records (internet 4/2007):
John Craven Chadwick, 33, widower, gentleman, Ancaster Ont., Arthur, s/o John
Craven Chadwick & Louisa BELL, married Isabella Ann Mockler, 25, Eastville
- Lancaster England, Durham, d/o William Mockler & Ann Atkinson, witn:
Wilton Turner & Fanny Mockler, both of Durham village, 21 April 1870 at
Trinity Church, Durham
2/7. William Herbert Austin
Chadwick Born 27 Jan 1871.
2/8. Sybella Herbert Austin Chadwick, 19/9/1872
2/9. Richard Frederick Chadwick
Canada DC Born 18 Apr 1875, died
at Durham St, Hunter, Ont. Single, died 27/5/1945. In Canada 35 years, Toy
manufacturer worker retired March 35. Parents John Craven Chadwick and Sybella
Mockler. Informant Miss Eade Chadwick, sister.
DURHAM, May 29 - The death of Richard Frederick Chadwick occurr¬ed on Sunday
morning at the home of his sister. Miss Eade Chadwick, in upper town. He had
suffered a stroke a week previously from which he did not recover. His parents
were John Craven and Sybella Ann Mockler Chadwick and he was born near Arthur
over 70 years ago. He went with the family to Guelph, afterwards coming to
Durham when about 16 years of age after the death of his parents. He taught
school at S.S. No. 12, Egremont, and at a church school at Sault Ste. Marie.
He was a lay reader In the Anglican Church. For thirty-five years he lived in
Massachusetts, but returned to Durham eight years ago, Of a family of thirteen,
three brothers and one sister survive Reginald In Durham; Bell at Melville,
Sask.; Frank, Globe, Arizona, and Mockler in Los Angeles; Miss Eade in Durham. The
deceased are Leslie, John, Bert, Percy, Edward, Nora, Mrs. J. Roeddlng and
Katie. The Sun Times29 May 1945,
2/10. Ethelred James Mockler
Chadwick, 15/10/1875
2/11. Norah Annie Chadwick Born 2 Jan 1878.
Married: Justus Roedding
S of Justus John Roedding & Elizabeth Hayrock
Another son, Louis was grandfather of Russ Roedding, London Ont. (email
28/1/04, "Russ & Kathie"[iv]
3/1. Gerald Harold Roeding, b 28/2/1905
3/2. Mildred Sybella Roeding, 18/4/1906
3/4. Aileen Marion Roeding 20/8/1911
2/12. Edwin Percy Chadwick Born
18 Apr 1880.
2/13. Reginald Beatty Atckinson Chadwick, 10/1883
1/2EMC. Frederick Jasper Chadwick, born.
19 Novr. 1838: see above.
1/3EMC. Edward Marion Chadwick, born 22/9/1840: see EMCp.51.
Died 1921 (ref internet
reference). Wrote the definitive history.
Married (1), 28 June 1864, Ellen Byrne, dau of James Beatty, born 9/11/1843,
died suddenly, 10/2/1865. The family is well described in his histories of the
He was a barrister and KC.
Married 2nd: 2/1868, Maria Martha Fisher, d. of Alexander & Mary.
(IGI: Toronto, children born Toronto to Maria Martha Fisher).
2/1. Fanny Marion Chadwick Born 10 Jan 1873 (IGI Toronto).
2/2. Edward Alister Eade Chadwick B. 13/2/1871, M Florence Edith Kemp.
3/1. Edward Norman Loud Chadwick
4/1. Edward A.M. Chadwick[v].
Lives Toronto 2/2009. Has custody
of EMC papers.
5/1. Karen Olive Chadwick
5/2. Jo-Ann Victoria Chadwick
3/2. Austin Chadwick
3/3. (Edith) Marion Joan Chadwick b 16/03/1906.
m William Arthur Eyres Pepler 28/6/1930, Toronto.
2/3. George Darcy Austin Chadwick
Born 22 Feb 1880.
2/4. Richard Ellard Carden Chadwick Born 16 Feb 1885.
2/5. William Craven Vaux Chadwick Born 6 Dec 1868.
An architect in Toronto, died 1941[42].
2/6. Louisa Mary Caroline Chadwick Born 7 Dec 1876.
1/4EMC. Austin Cooper Chadwick, born 18 Novr. 1842 (IGI Guelph):
see EMC p.53. Cooper Chadwicks in
Vancouver area 1871.
Census 1871 aged 28 in St James, Barrister.
1900, was a Barrister at Law and County Judge of co. Wellington. M. 19/12/1867,
Caroline Christie dau of Ralph Charles Nicholson and his w. Elizabeth Roy, a
descendant of the famous Rob Roy (MacGregor): the said Ralph Chas Nicholson and
his w. Sarah Elizabeth Ellison, and grandson of Ralph Nicholson of
Pioneer - CHADWICK, Austin Cooper
Biographical Sketches of Early Settlers of Wellington County[43]
Information from: Historical Atlas of the County of Wellington, Ont.
Toronto: Historical Atlas Publishing Co., 1906.
CHADWICK, Austin Cooper. The subject of this sketch is the oldest member, save
one (Judge Ardagh), of the Ontario County Court Bench. He is the fourth son of
the late John Craven Chadwick of Guelph, Ont., formerly of Tipperary, Ire.,
where he was b. in 1811; d. at Guelph, in 1889. His wife was a dau. of Jonathan
Bell of London, Eng.
Judge Chadwick, was b. at "Cravendale," Ancaster, county of Wentworth,
Ont., Nov. 18, 1842. He was educated at the Guelph Grammar School, and at
Clapham, Eng. In 1858, he commenced the study of law, and was called to the bar
in 1864. He practiced his profession a short time at Mount Forest, and for
about seven years in Toronto. He was appointed Jr. Co. Ct., Judge of
Wellington, Jan. 10, 1873, Local Judge High Court of Justice, Mar. 14, 1882,
and Senior Judge of the County Court of Wellington, Dec. 8, 1891, which
position he has ably filled ever since. He m. Caroline Nicholson, dau. of Ralph
Charles Nicholson of Lewes, Sussex, Eng., afterwards of Galt, Ont[44].
Issue: Henry Austin, and Caroline Gladys May.
Judge Chadwick and family are members of the Church of England, and
fraternally, he is a member of the Masonic Order. He is a member of the Board
of County Judges for Ontario.
2/1. Henry Austin Chadwick, b. 15/4/1883.
2/2. Caroline Gladys May Chadwick, b. 30/11/1885.
5Gladys Chadwick
married Basil Chamberlain, relative of the 1930's Politician, Nevil. Her
daughter, Diana married Richard Partridge, son of a Bishop of Portsmouth (Nevil
sponsored Diana when she was presented at Court as a debutant). They live
(1993) in Carlisle Place, London. The Chamberlains were friends of Rex &
Elizabeth (Chadwick) Kirk-Owen and the Vernon family in England in Keevil,
Wilts, but lost touch after Rex's death.
This line from Patricia Pringle[vi],
Dec 2007:-
3/1. Diana Marjorie Chamberlain (1922-2006)
Married Michael Harry Partridge,
son of Frank Partridge, Bishop of Portsmouth, all live in Sussex.
4/1. Caroline Dorothy Patricia Partridge, (b.1950)
married John Stephen Pringle in
5/1. Caroline Rosemary Pringle, (b. 1984)
5/2. Juliet Jane Pringle (b. 1986).
4/2. Sarah Elizabeth Anne Partridge, (b. 1955)
married Colin Marsh in 1990, live
in Surrey.
5/1. Edward Basil Marsh (b. 1991)
5/2. Eleanor Sarah Marsh (b. 1992)
5/3. Neville Marsh (b. 1995)
4/3. Walter Michael James Partridge, (b. 1958).
married Sarah Mercy Page in 1983,
live in Sussex.
5/1. Georgiana Diana Partridge (b. 1987)
5/2. Harry James Partridge (b. 1989).
3/2. Caroline Daphne Chamberlain, (b.1924)
lives in Somerset - her husband was Stephen Carey Stedman Farmer (1921-1998).
4/1. Edward Stedman Farmer (b. 1960)
married another Sarah (can't
remember her name!) in 1991, live in London.
5/1. Georgina Farmer (b.1997).
4/2. Susan Caroline Farmer (b. 1962)
married John Hogarth in 1990, live
in Toronto.
5/1. Lauren Hogarth (b. 1991)
5/2. Richard Hogarth (b. 1992)
5/3. Jack Hogarth (b. 1995).
EMC 6/2 KO07/17
IGI born abt 17783,EMC
Parents: William & Christiana (Carden) Chadwick
of Ballinard, born 1778 (?),
DiedEMC: March, 1851, Ballinard, aged 73[45].
Griffiths Valuation, 1851: County Tipperary, Tipperary Poor Law Union
These are probably JCC’s brothers:
Clanwilliam Barony, Shronell Civil Parish 1851:
Chadwick Mrs Anne Ballyconry 148 3 Earl of Portarlington house, offices and
Chadwick, Esq Edward Ballinard 147 3 Wm Chadwick Esq land
Chadwick, Esq Edward Ballinglanna 147 11 Wm Chadwick Esq land
Chadwick, Esq Edward Ballinglanna 147 12A Wm Chadwick Esq land
Chadwick, Esq Edward Ballinglanna 147 12B Wm Chadwick Esq land
Chadwick, Esq Edward Ballycohy 148 30a Earl of Portarlington dairy ho., offs.,
& land
Chadwick, Esq William Ballinard 147 5 Earl of Portarlington house, offices and
Chadwick, Esq William Ballinard 147 6 Earl of Portarlington garden
Chadwick, Esq Wm Ballinglanna 147 8 Earl of Portarlington herd's ho., office
& land
1834 Tythe Shronell:
Chadwick, Esq S.C. Ballinard
1829 William Chadwick to register Freeholds at Tipperary Special Sessions, 12
June 1829. Ballynard & AC Chadwick at Ballycowree[46] (JCC’s father or son
1847: JCC temporary secretary of Islington Cattle Market and Abbatoir with an
architect James Bell – maybe him??
MarriedEMC: March 1799 Elizabeth Cooper
IGI: Born Abt 1778
FatherEMC: Samuel Cooper, Killenure, Tipperary, Ireland
only daughter of Samuel Cooper, then of Cashel, afterwards of Killenure Castle,
County Tipperary, and his wife Frances, daughter of David Butler, of
Garranleagh, County Tipperary. She had a marriage portion of £3,000 and an
annuity if left a widow of £250 secured on the mansion and 158 I.P.M. (or about
280) acres, of Ballinard, with Ballinglanna 45 acres.
DiedEMC: on Easter day 3rd April 1831.
see Cooper-Chadwicks for
more details of this branch.
IssueEMC of John Craven & Elizabeth (Cooper) Chadwick:
1/1EMC. William Chadwick, b. 1800, see EMC history. (IGI bth also)
m. Wilhelmina, dau of John
Seymour, in Holy Orders, Rector of Shronell, co Tipperary (who was a son of
John Seymour, in H.O. Rector of Palace, co. Limerick, a descendant of Sir
Henry Seymour, brother of K. Henry VIII's Queen Jane) and his wife, Catherine,
dau of ..... Millett and sister of Dr. Millett of Cove, co Cork (previously m.
to .... Jacob) Wilhelmina C d. December 1836.
William m. 2ndly, Charlotte, dau of John Bouchier of Bagotstown and Charlotte
Chadwick (see ante p.25) his wife. She d. 1874.
He had issue of the first marriage only - namely:
2/1. Catherine Chadwick, bapt'd 1 Feby 1833 and d. 12 Decr
1855. She was m. 6 Febr 1855 to
Richard son of Samuel Cooper of Killemure Castle (see p. 26) who assumed by
Royal License, the additional surname of Chadwick. They had issue,
Dublin Genealogical Office, MS108 p73:
Richard Cooper of Killenure Castle, Tipperary, and Catherine Chadwick dau &
co-heiress of William Chadwick of Ballinard co Tipperary allowed to use surname
Chadwick after their marriage: he became Richard Cooper Chadwick, 1855
Richard Cooper of Killenure Castle married Catherine Chadwick, dau of William
Chadwick of Ballinard 1855. Changed name to Cooper Chadwick.
3/1. William Cooper-Chadwick b. 14 November 1855. Captain
Tipperary Artillery Militia, m.
Annie dau of John Langley of Knockamure, co. Tipperary, J.P. (Anna Maria
Robertina Hepzibah Langley) d: NOV 1911
4/1. Francis Violet Cooper-Chadwick, died 1922,
married Allen Baker of Lismacue at
St Ann's Church, Dawson St, Dublin, 1910.
5/1. William Baker (+ 2 daughters), d.1977.
6/1.Katherine Baker, married Jim Nicholson, of
Lismacue House, Bansha,
(who gave this info 12/2000)
Richard Cooper Chadwick also married Charlotte Bouchier, dau of John & Sarah (Aher) Bourchier, who descended from Thomas Wilkinson & Marguerite de la Rive.
2/2. Elizabeth Chadwick, Bapt'd
31 Augt. 1834 d. April 1839.
2/3. Fanny Chadwick, Bapt'd 3 July 1836: d. Jan 1885 unm.
Irish Times 31 December 1885: Died 23 January at Ballinard, the residence of her brother in law, Richard Cooper Chadwick esq, Frances 3rd and last surviving daughter of the late William Chadwick esq of Ballinard.
1/2EMC. Samuel Cooper Chadwick, of Dunmore, co Waterford,
Born: Jany. 1801 (IGI also)
Married: Letitia, dau of Thomas Hall, of Tipperary, son of Rev. Leak Hall, of
Trim. She d. 1886 S.C.C. died 15th June 1890, s.p.
Letitia was a source of information for EM Chadwick.
1/3EMC. Austin Cooper Chadwick, of Damerville, co Tipperary,
an attorney: IGI born abt 1803.
Austin Cooper Chadwick, third son of John C. Chadwick, lived at Damerville in
the 1830s. In 1840 the Ordnance Survey Name Books describe it as "a modern
structure in good repair". By the time of Griffith's Valuation [his widow]
Mrs Anne Chadwick was resident. The house was valued at £10 and held from the
Earl of Portarlington. It is still extant.[47]
Damerville House.
The following is a combination of
EMC & Pat Brunker of Australia (EMC children’s names only, remaining info 1/2000,
Pat Brunker[vii]).
Married 1829: Anna Matilda, only dau of Dr Millett, of Cove, co. Cork. He d.
April 1846, leaving his widow surviving,
2/1. Frederick William Chadwick, settled in Australia.
b.1830, Ireland, seems to have
married a Kate O'Donovan before coming to Australia. Looks like they arrived
Melbourne on board the ship 'John Linn' in 1857. They had four children born in
3/1. William Frederick Chadwick, b.1858, died 1862 at Mount Blackwood.
3/2. Elizabeth Wilkel (presume Wilhelmina) Chadwick, b.1860 at MB.
3/3. Wilfred Henry Chadwick, b.1863 at Blackwood;
3/4. Edward Austin Chadwick, b.1865 at Blackwood
(must have just dropped the word
Mount from the township).
Have not found Frederick William or Kate's death yet.
3/5. Carden Craven Chadwick, m Louisa Mary Bastin @ Mt Blackwood.
8 children. The following names
may be somewhat confused.
...they farmed at meeniyen near leongatha sth gippsland (ref MB).
4/1. Frederick William Chadwick,
4/2. Craven Chadwick
4/3. Edward Thomas Chadwick,
4/4. Louisa Chadwick
4/5. Kathleen Chadwick
4/6. Jessie Carolinea Ada Sophia Chadwick
4/7. Annie Muriel Chadwick
4/8. Marjorie Grace Elizabeth May Chadwick
She died aged 26.
Myrna Brooks[viii],
who gave this line from 3/5 above.
2/2. John Craven Chadwick, in Australia, b.1834 - have not
found any information about him, except there was a John C Chadwick arrived in Melbourne September 1854 on the ship 'Star of the East'.
2/3. Edward Thomas Millett Chadwick b.1833, went to Australia
PB: died at Boolarra, Victoria
in 1892, 58 years old - no other information found.
A possible line from Angela Makin, 4/2007:
Married Frances Jones, - seems to have dropped the Chadwick.
3/1. Ethel Blanche Millett (one of eleven children).
Ethel a painter who claimed kin
to Jean Francois Millet.
Married to Herbert George Lusk, resided in New South Wales
4/1. Robert Alwyn Lusk was born NSW They moved to Victoria,
lived at 303 Tennyson Street,
Elwood whilst operating an engineering firm - H.G. Lusk and Co. Edward and
Herbert George Lusk are mentioned in the Australian Archives as registering
Married Mavis Joan Lusk and lived in Melbourne.
5/1. Angela Lusk[ix],
who gave this line from ETM Chadwick.
Married Mr Makin, five children,
Res: Lancefield, Victoria, property called Eldermere.
4/2. Hylda Marjorie Lusk. born NSW.
2/4. Austin Cooper Chadwick, formerly in Australia,
afterwards of Colman and
Damerville, co. Tipperary, b. 1836, was married twice, the second marriage
being to a German named Alberta[48];
died 1899 at Mennijan, Victoria, aged 55 years (Mennijan is not far from
Boolarra and looks like some of the family may have got together around this
3/1. Muriel Anna Rosalind Chadwick (abt 1907-2007)
married Thomas Peter Fitzpatrick in
From Brett Fitzpatrick[49],
grandson of Muriel.
2/5. Henry Carden Chadwick, b 1844, of Damerville[50],
2/2013: it looks unlikely that the following is correct as Henry Chadwick said
his at marriage he was born London, father was Henry, gentleman & mother
Fanny Webster[51].
Henry Cardin Chadwick possible married Hanna Ann Skinner in 1869 and they had 6
children all born at Bacchus Marsh:-
3/1. Henry Cable? Chadwick b.1872 and may have married
Frances Sarah Belcher (or Hatfield) in 1890;
3/2. Herbert William Chadwick, b.1874, died 1898 at Ballan.
3/3. Eva Lilian Chadwick b.1875;
3/4. Amy Louise Chadwick b.1877;
3/5. Laura Fannie Chadwick b.1879;
3/6. Adel Bertha Chadwick b.1881.
2/6. Anna Maria Chadwick, born 1834,
married 29th November, 1855, to
Robert Pratt, of Gawsworth, County Cork, and had issue five sons and eight
daughters; see Burke's Landed G., ed. 1912.
3/1. Anna Matilda PRATT b: 1857 M. Frederick F. JENNINGS
3/2. Sarah Fitton PRATT b: 1862 M. Charles Haines O'KEEFE
3/3. Maria Emma (Emily) PRATT b: 28 MAR 1866
M. Joseph William MCMULLEN
3/4. Eleanor Sophia Mary PRATT
b: 22 AUG 1864 d: 7 JUN 1892
3/5. Sophia Eliza PRATT b: 8 MAR 1869 d: 7 JUN 1892
3/6. Frances (Fanny) Louisa PRATT b: 25 APR 1873
M. William Henry BARTON b: 1869
3/7. Elizabeth PRATT b: 1876
3/8. John PRATT b: 26 JAN 1880
3/9. Robert PRATT b: 8 OCT 1860
3/10. Austin Cooper Chadwick PRATT b: 13 MAR 1859
M. Lillian Kathleen JENNINGS b: 1863
3/11. James Edward PRATT b: 22
JUL 1870
3/12. Henry PRATT b: 6 DEC 1857M. Annie HAMILTON b: 1867
3/13. Mary PRATT b: 18 OCT 1867
M. Richard Henderson FEATHERSTONHAUGH b: 1861 d: 15 OCT 1902
2/7. Elizabeth Wilhelmina Chadwick, b. 1837,
m. to Thomas Taylor in 1868,
Australia, afterwards living in England
3/1. Samuel Hulme Chadwick, b.1869 at Blackwood
2/8. Fanny Matilda Chadwick,
b.1839 (Ireland)
died 1901 Menniyan, Victoria aged 62 years.
1/4EMC. John Craven Chadwick, Born: 6
April 1811; see above.
(IGI confirms -but gives no parents)
1/5EMC. Richard Chadwick, Bap 8 April 1813, (IGI also). died. unm.
1/6EMC. Frederick Chadwick, of Foxboro' nr. Clonloughan, co Tipp.
Bapt 16/2/1815 Foxboro, nr
Clonloughlan, near Moneygall, Kings County.
MarriedEMC: Julia, daughter of Patrick Quinlisk, of Clonamohan, Kings
County (who d. 1880) and had issue, 6 children (from Brunker).
2/1. Edward born possible in the 1840s married Annie Kerr
(or could be Hallam) in 1899.
Information said he had two children William and Mary (EMC), only found one a
Mary Gladys born 1899 at Korumburra (other info).
This information differs in the marriage from that supplied by Ian Brownlee,
his information is backed up by civil records and therefore probably correct.
1. Edward Chadwick born c1859[4] in Kings County Ireland, van proprietor died 31 January 1905[5] of fractured skull after a collision between his van and a tram in Sydney. Married Elizabeth (Lizzie) Ralph, born c1861 in Tipperary, Ireland. Came to Australia c1887. Died 14 November 1901 at 168 Albion Street, Annandale, of Typhoid Fever[6]. Witnesses at her death were Edward Chadwick and J Dudley. Elizabeth was the daughter of Adam Ralph[7][8], farmer, and Mary Dudley[9][10]. Edward and Elizabeth were married at St Phillips Church of England, Sydney by Rev. H. Izod Richards on 20 August 1890[11].
They had issue:
1. William (Chilt) Edward Chadwick born 1891[12]. Died 1928 at Redfern[13].
2. Maria Bessie Chadwick born 19 April 1893, died 31 May 1981. Married at “The Parsonage”, Wellington Street, Bondi by the Reverend Eustace Coplin Thomas. Witnesses were Elisabeth Lang and Mabel Thomas[14]. Married to William Somerville Brownlee, born 12 June 1883 at Ravensbourne, New Zealand. Died 13 June 1960 at Leichhardt, NSW. Worked as Boot maker, worked on sheep stations, drove meat wagons for Riverstone Meat Works, worked on Glebe Island, worked for R. Brownlee & Co. Ltd. Sawmills at Ourimbah for 10 years (1917-1927) as a saw sharpener. Was the fifth child of James Brownlee and Catherine Bell Duncan.
They had Issue:
1. Edward James Brownlee, born 6 February 1915 at 178 View Street, Annandale[15]. Witnesses to birth were Dr Abernethy and Nurse Munro. Worked as a Cooper for Sunlight Cooperage, later known as General Cooperage. Died 21 January 1997 at Jamieson Private Hospital in Penrith NSW while having a knee reconstruction. Edward contracted Pneumonia but died from heart failure. Cremated at Leura Memorial Gardens in Leura NSW on 29 January 1997. Married 28 May 1949[16] at Presbyterian Church, Leichhardt, NSW to Caroline Sarah Harding, born 16 August 1914[17] at Gale Street, Mortlake, NSW Died 11th September 1993[18] at Blue Mountains Memorial Hospital in Katoomba NSW from Heart Failure. Cremated at Leura Memorial Gardens in Leura NSW. Daughter of Robert Andrew Harding, born c1881 at Gulgong NSW and Emily Austin Smith. Born 1883 at Balmain NSW (Robert Andrew Harding and Emily Austin Smith were married at Mortlake 28 July 1909) Edward played A-Grade tennis and was a champion Lawn Bowler at Gladstone Park Bowling Club in Balmain. Edward and Caroline’s name appears on the honour board.
2. Marie Elizabeth Brownlee, born 23 January 1917 at 32 Alfred Street, Annandale, N.S.W. Died (?). Marie was married on 12 May 1945 at Hunter Baillie Memorial Presbyterian Church, Annandale to Esbert Bradford Street, born 18 May 1917 son of (?) born (?) and (?) born (?).
3. Thelma Christina Brownlee, born 26 December 1918 at Ourimbah, N.S.W. Thelma was married at Annandale in 1948[70] to Robert Mowbray Gillett, born 1 October 1919 at Ashfield, N.S.W., died (?). Occupation Cooper. Robert was the son of Alexandia Mowbray Gillett born (?) and Eva Beatrice Alexanda born (?). Thelma passed away early afternoon on Monday, 21 August 2006 at Endeavour Nursing Home in Springwood. A service was held at Greenacre Baptist Church, 38 Shellcote Road Greenacre at 10 am on Friday, 25 August 2006.
4. Enid Gladys Brownlee, born 18 June 1931 at Annandale, N.S.W. Married 21 March 1953 at Hunter Baillie Memorial Presbyterian Church, Annandale, N.S.W. to Raymond Donald Harrison, born 19 January 1925 at Belmore, N.S.W. Died in hospital 12 January 2003. Ray is the son of Harry Donald Harrison and Alice Mary McMan. Ray and Enid built their first home at 19 Wilberforce Road, Revesby. Built three holiday units in Lakin Street, Bateau Bay. Enid is 79 years and is in good health (14/09/2010)
My father is Edward James
Brownlee above. There are many children, grandchildren and great grandchildren
from Edward, Marie, Thelma and Enid. I have good records of all of these
descendants and would be happy to pass them on to you. Go to: - Ian Edward
Brownlee born 27 March 1951.
2/2. John, of Foxhoro, married Mary Jane Mooney,
and has issue,
John Frederick; Charlotte Mary; Frances Victoria; Emily; Florence; Christina.
2/3. William, dec.
2/4. Charlotte, dec.
2/5. Maria Bessie, married to Ralph Hayes, and has issue,
John, Frederick, Ralph.
2/6. Caroline, dec.
1/7EMC. Edward Butler Chadwick, a Barrister at law.
IGI: Ch. 24 Oct 1817 Tipperary,
Baptd 24 October 1817: died unmarried 13th April, 1859.
1/8EMC. Fanny Chadwick,
IGI born abt 1805, Ballinard.
Died 1879.
MarriedEMC 1833 to Rev John Seymour (brother of Wilhelmina, wife of
William Chadwick), of Clonlougham, near Cloughjordan, co Tipperary, leaving
issueEMC(all unm):
2/1. John Herbert Seymour,
2/2. William Seymour,
2/3. Edward Seymour,
2/4. Frances Elizabeth Susan Seymour, living in 1914.
2/5. Catherine Mina, dec.
2/5. Rose Seymour,.
1/9EMC. Christiana Rosetta Chadwick,
Born: Abt 1807, (IGI)
MarriedEMC: 30 June 1832, to Richard Martin Forsayth M.D. and died
1871, IssueEMC:
2/1. Richard William, M.D., Surgeon Colonel in the Army,
married Harriet Margaret Baird and had issue,
2/2. Elizabeth Forsayth, married to Patrick, in Holy Orders,
of Mocollop Rectory, Lismore, in
1898, and had issue:-
3/1. William, District Inspector Royal Constabulary, 1898.
3/2. Livingstone, C.E.
3/3. Thomas.
3/4. Another son in King's Royal Rifles, 1897.
3/5. Eunice.
3/6. Christiana.
3/7. John, had issue.
3/8. Jane, married to Robert Tynan Huston, M.D.
2/3. Christiana,
2/4. John, - has issue,
2/5. Jane, m. to Heuston Tynam, M.D.
1/10EMC. Elizabeth Cooper Chadwick,
IGI: Born Abt 1809 Damerville,
Tipperary, Ireland
Married: 3 July 1827, to Rev William Bryan, of Gurteen, near Clonmel, County
Tipperary, son of Thomas Bryan and his wife Elizabeth Aldwell and had issue.
See EMC for more.
2/1. Thomas Chadwick, b 1828, Gurteen, d. 15 June 1880;
2/2. Elizabeth Mary Christiana m 8 April 1874 to John Barnes
of Ballyglasheen, co Tipperary; (she died December, 1905).
2/3. Mary Louisa Chadwick;
2/4. John Craven Chadwick, d. 12 Dec 1869;
2/5. Basil William Chadwick, d. March 1873;
2/6. Samuel Cooper Chadwick;
2/7. Caroline Damer Chadwick, m. 1868 to Patrick Barnes of
Graigue, co Tipperary; Issue: Joseph, William, Frances, Rosa, Caroline.
2/8. Edward Butler Chadwick in
2/9. Rosa Josephine Chadwick, m to John William Hughes of
Annsgift, co Tipperary, d. October 1887;
2/10. Frederick Austin Chadwick, of Gurteen;
2/11. Arthur Chadwick, of Priestown, co Tipperary, m. October
1889 Ann Kathleen, dau of Benjamin Barton of Kilkerran;
2/12. Charlotte Chadwick.
1/11EMC. Caroline Damer Chadwick, Baptd 29 June 1809
(IGI born abt 1809)
7/1838, Ballintemple Church, Tip., Rev Joseph Cooke Armstrong of Mealiffe
glebe, Tip., and d.s.p. about New Year's 1856. Her husband d. not long after.
See Stewart & Pakenham
file for full details.
dau of Edward Michael Pakenham, 2nd Baron of Longford, and Catherine Rowley, see
"Pakenhams". Her sister was the Duchess of Wellington, wife of the
Great Duke.
Issue of Henry & Elizabeth (Pakenham) Stewart:
1/1. Edward Michael Stewart KO06/11
of Ballinard3,
AF shows: (15BS-KXF) Born: 1756 Of, Ballinard, Limerick,
EMC P24: Nicknamed "Billy Snug", born: 1741
Parents: Richard & Rebecca (Ellard) Chadwick.
DiedEMC: March, 1825.
William, "Billy Snug," probably on his son John Craven becoming of
age, left Ballinard, and in 1799 was residing in Limerick. In 1807 he was
living at Willmount, County Tipperary. He seems to have maintained a greater
measure of social dignity than any of those who came after him have been
disposed to do.EMC
There was some connection with the Damer[53] family in that Lady
(Caroline?) Damer leased 416 acres in Shronell to William Chadwick in 1822 (see
newspaper extract under his son John Craven Chadwick).
In 1779, he was a signatory to a movement to use ony Irish produced goods to
alleviate the state of the economy[54].
In 1781, he let some land and a house[55].
In 1790, he was a magistrate[56].
Married 1stEMC: November, 1767 (IGI Nov 1767 Templemore, Tipperary)
AF shows: (15BS-KZM) Born: 1760 Of, Ballinard, Limerick,
Christiana Carden Born Abt 1745
Father: 2nd dau of John Carden & Elizabeth Craven @ Templemore.
...(sister of Sir John Craven Carden, Baronet), second daughter of John Carden,
of Templemore, County Tipperary, and his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Rev.
Robert Craven and his wife Rose Otway. She had a marriage portion of £2,500
secured on Ballinard, Illanemeene and another estate. She died February, 1782EMC.
William married 2ndEMC, in April 1783FMP: Sophia Carden,
only daughter of John Carden, of Barnane, and his wife, Anna Sophia Roe, a
cousin of his first wife; she survived her husband and had a marriage portion
of £1,000 and an annuity of £80 a year as a widow.
Sophia diedEMC: September 1825, aged 82.
Footnote to EMC P24:
There are some old silver cups at Ballinard on which are engraved the arms of
Rose Craven (nee Otway) arranged as those of a widow. A portrait in the
possession of the writer has been supposed to hers, but Mrs Bryan states that
it is a portrait of Mrs. John Carden (nee Roe) a house shown in the background
being Barnane, and that a portrait at Ballinard of a fair haired lady, dressed
in red, is that of Rose Craven.
He had issue of the 1st marriage only:-
1/1EMC. Richard Chadwick, (IGI born abt 1777 of Ballinard)
who seems to have died quite young as William describes John Craven in his Marriage Settlement as his "only son." He probably died under two years of
age because his name does not appear
in the Cullen Register now existing which dates from 1770 only, those prior to
that date having long ago disappeared.
Ref. Andrew Bols[xi]
on, 6/5/2004.
Married Miss Barclay.
2/1. William Barclay Chadwick b abt 1790, d 1861.
M. Abba Thule Sharpe
3/1. Richard Weller Chadwick (1812-11/1864)
M. Georgina Bourchier, dau of
Rev. Charles Spencer Bourchier & Eliza Harman, from whom descend Col
Legandre Charles Bourchier.
4/1. Georgiana Ludee Chadwick, b. abt 1852, d. 12/4/1891.
M. Robert mackay
4/2. John Barclay Chadwick, b. abt 1853
M. Helen Sophia Porter.
3/2. Fanny Chadwick, b abt 1813, d abt 1820.
1/2EMC. John Craven Chadwick, born: 1778:
of whom above. KO07/17
1/3EMC. Catherine Chadwick, (married to her cousin and had issue),
Elizabeth, Madeline.
1/4EMC. Rebecca Chadwick, married April, 1807, to Ussher Beere, of
Dublin, son of Thomas Beere, of Liskevoon, County Tipperary; died s.p.
1/5EMC. Clarinda Chadwick, (IGI born Ballinard abt 1771)
married 1828: to John Collins, a Major in the Army, and d.s.p.
1/6EMC. Elizabeth Chadwick, ECM: m. 15 Nov 1796, to Edmond Power
of Tipperary, eldest son of John
Power of Tipperary, and his wife, Mary Middleton, and had issue (IGI born abt
1773 of Ballinard)
2/1. Catherine Power, m. to her cousin, and had issue. ECM
2/2. Elizabeth Power, ECM
2/3. Madeline Power, ECM
2/4. William Power,
2/5. John Power, m Bridget Kelly, Tipperary 1819.
2/6. Edmond Power (jnr)
John Power M Mary Middleton
Possible issue:
1. Edmond Power snr. above,
2. John Power jnr, D 1811, will 1805.
3. Bridget Power, (1774-1864) m Maurice Barron 1808, poss GGG grandparents of
Christopher Barron, who supplied a lot of information..
See under Elizabeth Chadwick, dau of William Chadwick,
generation 11.
1/7EMC. Charlotte Chadwick, (IGI born abt 1775, Ballinard).
Married: 10 Aug 1797, to John
Bourchier of Baggotstown, eldest son of John James Bourchier, of Baggotstown,
County Limerick, and his wife Mary, daughter of Joseph Gubbins, of Killrush and
had issue: their daughter Charlotte was married to William Chadwick (infra),
and a grand-daughter, also Charlotte, was married to Richard Cooper-Chadwick.
(infra). See Below for Bourchier Descendants[57],[xii],[xiii]
AF shows: Charlotte Chadwick (15BS-L0S)
Born: Abt 1782 Of, Ballinard, Limerick, Ireland
sp-John Bourchier (15BS-KLC)
Born: Abt 1767 Of, Baggotstown, Limerick, Ireland
Issue3 (from AF) Of, Baggotstown, Limerick:
2/1. John Bourchier (15BS-L3F)
Born: Abt 1811, d 24/5/1885.
sp-Sarah Aher or Eyre, b 29/1/1809-1891 (15BS-LHW)
Born: 29 Jan 1809 Of, Castlecomer, Kilkenny, Ireland
3/1. John Bourchier (15BS-L5T) Born: Abt 1834
3/2. Charlotte Sophia Bourchier (15BS-MDG)
Born: 13 Apr 1837 Of,
Baggotstown, Limerick, Ireland
sp-Richard Austin Cooper Chadwick (15BS-MC8)
Born: 1833 Of, Baggotstown, Limerick, Ireland
sp-Richard Austin Cooper Chadwick (1818-FZ1)
Born: 15 Dec 1831, Tipperary, Ireland
Issue (B Tipperary):
4/1. John Cooper Chadwick
(1818-G06) Born: 13 May 1864.
4/2. Kate Louisa Cooper Chadwick (1818-G1D) Born: 1866.
4/3. Richard Austin Cooper Chadwick (1818-G2L) Born: 23 Dec 1866, d 6/9/1934.
4/4. Elizabeth Sarah Cooper Chadwick (1818-G3S) B. 1868, d 15/8/1956.
4/5. Austin Samuel Cooper Chadwick (1818-G41)
Born: 25/5/1871. M Florence Banks Harris.
4/6. Charlotte Sophia Cooper Chadwick (1818-G57) B. 1873.
4/7. Frances Anna Cooper Chadwick (1818-G6F) Born: 1875.
M Sutherland Matterson.
4/8. Ada Mary Cooper Chadwick (1818-G7M) B. 1877
M Ambrose Grattan Power (d. 7/12/1926)
3/3. Susan Bourchier
(15BS-L78)Born: Abt 1839.
3/4. Henry James Bourchier (15BS-LSR)
Born: 14 Aug 1842 Of,
Baggotstown, Limerick, Ireland
sp-Nina Darley Leech (15BS-MPB)
Born: 1842 Of, Mitchelstown, Meath, Ireland
4/1. John De Louvain Bourchier (15BS-LV6)
Born: 6 Sep 1868 Of, Baggotstown, Limerick, Ireland
4/2. Florence Mary Bourchier (15BS-MZ0)
Born: Abt 1870 Of, Monkstown,
York, Ireland
sp-Arthur Davis (15BS-MXR)
Born: 1866 Of, Monkstown, Cork, Ireland
4/3. Harriet Nina Bourchier (15BS-N1C)
Born: Abt 1872 Of, Monkstown,
York, Ireland
sp-Alexander Duff Moore (15BS-N05)
Born: 1868 Of, Monkstown, York, Ireland
4/4. Clara Farran Bourchier
Born: Abt 1874 Of, Monkstown, York, Ireland
4/5. Claud James Henry Saint John Bourchier (15BS-MQJ)
Born: 6 Aug 1875 Of, Baggotstown, Limerick, Ireland
4/6. Irene Sarah Bourchier (15BS-M16)
Born: Abt 1876 Of, Monkstown, York, Ireland
4/7. Cicely Charlotte Bourchier (15BS-M2D)
Born: Abt 1878, Monkstown, York, Ireland
4/8. Frances Chadwick Bourchier (15BS-M3L)
Born: Abt 1880 , Monkstown, York, Ireland
4/9. Wilfrid Larive Bourchier (15BS-MSX)
Born: 22 Mar 1884 Of, Monkstown, Cork, Ireland
3/5. Richard Eaton Bourchier (15BS-M51)
Born: 1846 Of, Baggotstown,
Limerick, Ireland
sp-Geraldine Amelia Beamish Townsend (15BS-MH3)
Born: Abt 1856 Of, Meath, Leinster, Ireland
Issue (Of, Baggotstown,):
4/1. John Somerset Townshend Bourchier (15BS-M7F)
Born: Jun 1877 Of, Baggotstown,
Limerick, Ireland
sp-Geraldine Townshend (1818-GG3)
Born: 1850 Ireland.
4/2. William Bourchier (15BS-LBV)
Born: Abt 1848
4/3. James David Bourchier (15BS-LC3) Born: Abt 1850
4/4. William Chadwick Bourchier (15BS-M8M)
B: 28/2/1852 Of, Knockaney, Limerick, Ireland
2/2. John James Stephen Bourchier
(15BS-KP0) Born: Abt 1813.
2/3. Christiana Bourchier (15BS-LKB) Born: Abt 1815
sp-Richard Eaton (15BS-LJ4)
Born: <1811 Of, Monkstown, York, Ireland
2/4. Marianne Bourchier (15BS-LMQ) Born: Abt 1817
sp-Thomas Grover Grady
Born: <1813 Of, Monkstown, York, Ireland
2/5. Charlotte Bourchier (15BS-LP5) Born: Abt 1819
sp-William Chadwick (15BS-LNX)
Born: <1815 Of, Monkstown, York, Ireland
2/6. Sophia Bourchier (15BS-KTS)
Born: Abt 1821
2/7. Elizabeth Bourchier (15BS-LRK)
Born: Abt 1823 Of, Baggotstown,
Limerick, Ireland
sp-Thomas Bourchier (15BS-LQC)
Born: 1819 Of, Baggotstown, Limerick, Ireland
2/8. Clarinda Bourchier (15BS-KW7) Born: Abt 1825
1/7EMC. Harriet Chadwick, (IGI born abt 1780,
died March 1782, unm.
1/8EMC. Isabella Chadwick, born. Febry 1782 (IGI also),
died shortly afterwards.
Unless otherwise indicated, all the
following is from EM Chadwick:
Parents: William & Jane (Greene) Chadwick
Died 1770 or 1771. By his will he gave to his son Thomas £1,000; to his son
Frederick, the lands of Gortnebarna and Ballyhenry; to his son, Capt. James,
£5,000, having already advanced him £2,000. Gave Gortnekilleen to his son
Michael, with remainder to his son Nicholas.
Directed certain lands to be sold for the benefit of his wife, and he left her
his household effects "except plate and family pictures." He had
Married, 1st, February 1738,
eldest dau of James Ellard of Newtown, County Limerick. She had a settlement
secured on Ballinard, Gortnekilleen and three other estates.
Married secondly, February, 1768, Jane, second daughter of Nicholas Sadleir of
Golden Garden, County Tipperary. She had a jointure of £1,000 if left a
widow. She survived him and was married, secondly, in 1772, to Rev Anthony
Armstrong, of Emly, and had several children, son Richard Armstrong.
EMC page 22: Of his first marriage:
1/1. William Chadwick, nicknamed "Billy Snug",
b. 1743 (or '41) of whom above. IGI born 1741 @ Ballinard. Limerick.
1/2. Richard Chadwick, nicknamed "Parson Dick" born 1752.
In Holy Orders, Rector of Doone,
co. Tipperary, and Kilvernon.
Married: Margaret Sadlier, dau of Nicholas Sadlier,
and had issue - see EMC page 37.
He died May 1817. Descendants of Richard Chadwick are mainly from EMC, but with
additions by Robert Scott[xiv]
Richard Chadwick, 2nd son of Richard C. of Gortakillen, Oola, Co. Limerick,
b.1751, entered Trinity College Dublin July 8, 1765, educated by Mr Jessop,
Lismore, went to Glasgow Univ.; ordained Deacon, Lismore July 19 1772, Priest
Cork April 4 1773; Curate Templeneiry (Cashel) 1773, Curate Toem & Doon
1781, Preb. Doon 1790 - 1811, Rector Kilvemon 1811 - 1814.
After 1782, he left Chadville and went to Doon and built the Glebe House in the
townland of Knocknacarriga in the east end of the parish of Donn. This
magnificent house was built around the year 1808 by Rev Dick Chadwick.
More on him is set out in the Appendix 7.8.
(ref Robert Scott[xv]
30/11/2002 & Feb 04, he may be descended from this line):
2/1. Eleanor Elmina Chadwick, m. Rev William Scott
(EMC shows Rev John Scott)
Kilvemnon Church, ref Clare Journal 7/9/1812.
William Scott died 11/5/1869, of Pallasgreen, Limerick.
Issue: (EMC & dates Parish Records at Bolton Library, Cashel.
3/1. John Scott, Rev. Died 21/3/1867
3/2. William Scott, Rev. (RLS: ch Cullen 16/11/1820)
3/3. Richard Scott
From Robert Scott, 2/2010
Kings Inn Admission Papers
SCOTT, RICHARD, 2nd s. of Rev. William, Rector of Pallas Grean, Co. Limerick,
and Ellen Chadwick; over 16; ed. Tipperary; afft. Robert Scott, wine merchant,
uncle. M 1836
3/4. Samuel Scott (RLS: ch
Cullen 12/7/1825)
3/5. Margaret Scott (RLS: ch Cullen 21/10/1814)
3/6. Rebecca Matilda Scott (RLS: ch Cullen 11/7/1822)
m. James Thomson Bryan 25/6/1846
3/7. Anne Scott (RLS: ch Cullen
10/2/1824 - Anna Rosetta)
3/8. Eleanor Alicia Scott m. Richard Winter
3/9. Nicholas Scott (RLS: ch Cullen 11/11/1826, Nicholas Edward)
3/10. Elizabeth Scott (RLS: ch Cullen 18/5/1819 - not on EMC)
2/2. Richard Chadwick b: 1774 d: JUL 1836,
married Margaret Odell.
3/1. Richard Chadwick, murdered, Jun 1827,(Appendix 7.9).
Richard Chadwick 1800-1827 a local magistrate as well as weight master in
Tipperary and land agent for Billy Sadlier of Sadliers Wells Tipperary, was a
man of some importance in social and property circles in West and Mid Tipperary
in 1827. His uncle, Billy Sadlier was landlord of considerable properties in
County Tipperary and an active supporter and promoter of the Orange Order in
Tipp Town. Chadwick resided at Reddins Walk, Tipperary, was about twenty-seven
years of age and as weightmaster of Tipperary Town and district as well as a
land agent, enjoyed a good income.
3/2. John Chadwick + Mary Anne Briscoe
4/1. Charles Chadwick, MD
3/3. Samuel Chadwick, died
3/4. Thomas Chadwick b: 1812 d: FEB 1838
3/5. William Chadwick d: 1874
4/1. Edward Chadwick, b 1850.
4/2. Charles Chadwick, b 1855.
3/6. Nicholas Chadwick, died
3/7. James Chadwick d: 1875 + Wilhelmina White, died 1910.
4/1. James Chadwick, born 10/7/1852.
3/8. Margaret Chadwick + Short
4/1. Stewart Short
4/2. Anne Short
4/3. Catherine Short
4/4. Jane Short
3/9. Catherine Chadwick + James Rae
4/1. George Rae
4/2. Kate Rae
3/10. Rebecca Chadwick
3/11. Alicia Chadwick b: Abt 1814 d: 22 JUN 1874
M. John Massy b: 18 JUL 1810 d:
4/1. Richard Albert Massy b: 22 FEB 1840
4/2. Frances Elizabeth Massy b: Abt 1842 + Baker
4/3. Margaret Alicia Massy b: Abt 1836
4/4. Melian Rebecca Massy b: Abt 1833
4/5. Charles Henry Massy b: Abt 1834
4/6. John Massy b: 30 JUN 1848
4/7. Alicia Victoria Massy b: Abt 1837
M. Margaret Odell b: Abt 1776 d: MAY 1854
2/3. James Chadwick + Isabella Markham
3/1. Edward Chadwick + Amy
Torkington + issue.
3/2. Richard Chadwick + Rachel + issue.
3/3. Josephine Chadwick
3/4. Margaret Chadwick + Sheppard + issue.
3/5. Ellen Chadwick + Heyton
3/6. Alicia Chadwick + Rogers
3/7. Isabella Chadwick
2/4. William Chadwick b: 1782 d:
JUN 1855
2/5. Thomas Chadwick b: 1788 d: DEC 1808
2/6. Nicholas Chadwick, died 1838.
2/7. Anne Chadwick + Joseph Braddish
3/1. Joseph Braddish b 1792
3/2. William Braddish b 1794
2/8. Elizabeth Chadwick + William Kissain
3/0. William Kissain, M Aphra
M. Robert Armstrong
3/1. Anthony Armstrong
3/2. Jane Armstrong + Austin Cooper Issue: Elizabeth, Renecca, Margaret, Jane.
3/3. Elizabeth Armstrong
2/9. Rebecca Chadwick
m. William Cooper of Killenure
Castle, Tipp.
She died 23/4/1859, he was born 19/7/1772 and died 9/4/1850.
This line continues as the Cooper-Chadwick family.
2/10. Alicia Chadwick d: 1835 +
William Sadlier
2/11. Margaret Chadwick b: Abt 1795 d: 5/1850
1/3. Thomas Chadwick, of Barnascounce, b. 1752, d. July 1812.
Married: Sarah Lockwood (who d.
February 1826) and had issue.
Sarah dau of Richard & Elizabeth (Carden) Lockwood.
IGI shows birth also. Issue, inter alia (ref Hugh Casement):-
2/1. Col. Thomas Chadwick in Bengal Engineers
(1789-1861 dates H. Casement)
2/2. Sophia Chadwick (b 1800)
m. Charles Hamilton Bell of the Bengal Army
2/3. Sarah (Sally) Chadwick, 1802-?,
Hugh Casemement[xvi] supplied more information
in Appendix 7.11.
m. 1st, George Casement who died in India 1/11/1822, and,
2nd, James Graham in Agra, 24/2/1823.
Inter alia:
3/1. Phoebe Graham, M as 3rd wife, Lt Gen Sir John Dingwall-Fordyce.
2/4. Arabella Chadwick, b 1796, m Gardiner Boyd, (1789-1829).
3 Nov 1812 in Bengal (internet).
Capt of the 25th rgt. N.I.
3/1. Mossom Boyd (1814-23/7/1883)
He was born in 1814 in India. He died on 23 Jul 1883 in Bobcaygeon Village,
Emily, ON, Canada. He married Caroline Dunsford in 1844 in Bobcaygeon Village,
Emily, ON, Canada.
Caroline Dunsford died in 1857. She married Mossom BOYD in 1844 in Bobcaygeon Village, Emily, ON, Canada.
They had the following children:
F i Carolina Augusta Boyd.
3/2. Anne Boyd (d 26/10/1880),
married 29/12/1835, Dacca Bengal
(Lt Gen) John MacDonald
4/1. Donald MacDonald, m Florence Bleecker Nichols.
Donald Macdonald, b 29/Jul/1851, m Florence Bleecker Nichols, dau of Alonzo Danvers Nichols, M.D., and Katharine-Achorn, his wife (see Note +++), and has issue: -
Note: +++ from U2/V2 – Mrs. Nichols, who was for some time a resident of Toronto with her younger children, was m. 2ndly to Robert Murray, merchant in New York anf Hayti, son of Robert Cunningham, who assumed the name of Murray in compliance with the desire of his grandfather David Murray (being the son of Margaret. Dau and eventual heiress of the said David Murray), who was a descendant of an officer of the garrison of Londonderry in 1668, and subsequently an original settler in Londonderry, New Hampshire, son, according to family tradition. Of Charles Murray, Col. In Cromwell’s Army, who, at the restoration went to reside near Londonderry, Ire., being, according to the family tradition referred to (apparently confirmed by a consistent statement in Burke’s Peerage), of the family of Tullibardine and Athol, but stated in an old narrative of the siege of Derry as of the family of Philiphaugh.
5/1. Donald Claude Macdonald 1900-1960.
Chief of Clan of Sanda, W
Expanded by Jean Casper 8/03, Appendix 7.15.
1/4. James Chadwick, an Officer in the Army.
Married: the dau of a Pennsylvanian Planter, and had issue - see EMC page 41. IGI: abt 1754 of Ballinard.
1/5. Frederick Chadwick, of Littleton and Cullen, (IGI abt 1756)
Married: Susannah Minchin and had
issue - see page 42.
Footnote to p22:
It is uncertain whether Richard or Thomas above was the elder.
Issue inter alia:
2/1. Alicia Chadwick, b abt 1800, married Rev John Bagnell,
3/1. Mary Elizabeth Bagnell,
married William Pellew Pownell.
(ref Pellew family history ( 10/2002) of Exmouth.
4/1. Edward Irving Pownell, 8th Viscount Exmouth,
b. 3 May 1868, at Plymouth, Died
19 Aug. 1951 at Lustleigh Manor, Lustleigh, Devon. Married 1902, Frances
Edwards b. 18_ d. 1963 and is buried in Pau, France, dau. of Alfred Wells.
5/1. Irving Edward Pownell, 9th Viscount Exmouth.
b. 28 May 1908, died 2 December
1970, (aged 62) at Canonteign, Devon. m. 2 Jan. 1938, Maria Luisa Urquijo y
Losada, Marquesa de Olías, (in Spain cr. 1652 by Philip IV; s. 1940) b. 12 July
1911 d. 28th December 1994 (aged 83) and was buried in the family vault at St
James' Parish Church, Christow, Devon, widow of Don Gonzalo Alvarez-Builla y
Alvera, (see Iddesleigh, Earl of ) and dau. of Luis de Urquijo y Ussia, Marqués
de Amurrio, and of María Teresa de Losada González de Villalaz, Fernández de
Liencres y Fernández de Velasco, Marquesa de Zarreal, of Madrid, Spain.
6/1. Paul Edward Pownell, 10th Viscount Exmouth,
Marqués de Olías, (in Spain cr. 1652 by Philip IV) b. Tue. 8 Oct.1940 Estoril, Portugal; educ. Ladycross & Downside, m. 1stly, 10 Dec.1964 (m. dis. 1974), Maria Krystina de Garay, only dau. of late Don Recaredo de Garay, of Madrid, Spain, and has issue.
1/6. Alice Chadwick, married December, 1765, to John Minchin,
of Busherstown, b. 1737, Bushertown,
Co. Offaly, son of Humphrey MINCHIN son of Humphrey Minchin and Rebecca Paul (KO11/267,
b. 1686, Castletown, Kings Co., Ireland; d. Feb. 1777, Bushertown, Co. Offaly,
Ireland. M. Catherine GREENE (internet);
and had issue, Richard, Captain of Dragoons, died unmarried; George; Rebecca,
married to William Minchin, of Greenhills.
And of the second marriage:
1/7. Nicholas Chadwick, nicknamed "Posy", b 1771: d. Jan 1854.
was sometime a merchant in Cork, and was living in Mitchelstown in 1749. Married in 1792 Anne Sadleir, who died May, 1826 (Marriage Settlement £1,200), and had issue, Clement, died 1809; Richard, bpt. 1798; Nicholas, bpt. 1802; Michael, bpt. 1804, died 1885; William, bpt. 1806; Nathaniel, bpt. 1808. None of these left issue, so far as the writer has been able to ascertain. Jane, bpt. 1797, d.v.p. (EMC).
1/8. Michael Chadwick, m. an heiress.
Lived in Wales and subsequently
in Jersey and had issue.
M. Amelia Margaret Dwyer (ref fay rawcliffe[xvii]
2/1. Richard Chadwick.
Footnote to EMCP23: The two lives of Richard and his son Nicholas, from the
birth of the former to the death of the latter stretched over a period of 140
years or more, and the grandson of a man born in 1714, or possibly earlier, was
still living in 1879 - 165 years - the latter has lived in the presence of
certainly five generations (of which the last has a number of adult members)
and probably of six, as it is likely that his grand mother was living when he
was born - some of her brothers and sisters certainly were.
Pat Brunker showed several more issue by the 2nd marriage:
3. Rudolphus settled in Cork and married Prudence Jealy in 1739.
4. Michael, a Quarter Master, married Anna Maria Connor of
Clonmel. He died about 1752-7.
5. Catherine married Perc? Hunt of Curragh, Co. Limerick.
6. Grace married a Bunbury.
7. Ann married in 1748 William Blood of Roxton, Co.Clare.
of Templemore (TPC):
Parents: John & Rebecca (Minchin) Carden.
Married, 1747: Elizabeth Craven @ Templemore.
Died: 1774. Will (dated 10 December 1766) was probated in 1774.
John Carden had brother:
Mr Carden of Barnane whose wife was Miss Roe. and daughter, Sophia was 2nd
husband of William Chadwick, KO08/33.
The Cardens - A New Dynasty in Templemore
The 18th and 19th Centuries saw a new family establish itself in Templemore,
the Cardens. Having arrived from Cheshire, John Carden, in 1698, leased land in
the lordship of Templemore from the Butlers, from whom he purchased the estate
in 1704. The castle that acted as their home stood in today's town park, but
they deserted it in the mid 18th Century after it was damaged by fire. What
became known as "The Abbey" was then built as the family home,
supposedly on the site of a long lost monastery, but by 1902 the family had
left the town. The Abbey then remained empty until the 1920s, when Auxiliaries
took up residence there. When the building was later vacated the local
Volunteers had the Abbey burned, thus destroying one of the most impressive
legacies of the Cardens in Templemore.
Source Walsh, "A History of Templemore and its Environs”
dau of Rev. Robert Craven and his wife Rose Olway.
Died: February 1782.
Issue of John Carden & Elizabeth Craven (IGI):
1/1. Sir John Craven Carden, 1st Bt. b. c 1758, d. 21 Nov 1820
Married: Mary Pomeroy b. 19 March 1757, d. 28 September 1778
Father Arthur Pomeroy, 1st Viscount of Harberton
b. before 1732, d. 9 April 1798
Mother Mary Colley b. before 1732
Arthur Pomeroy, 1st Viscount of Harberton, born before 1732.
He married Mary Colley, daughter of Henry Colley and Lady Mary Hamilton, on 20
October 1747. He died on 9 April 1798.
Arthur Pomeroy, 1st Viscount of Harberton gained the title of 1st Viscount of
Harberton [Ireland].
Henry Colley
b. before 1704, d. 1723, #106598
Father Henry Colley1 b. before 1674, d. 1700
Mother Mary Usher1 b. before 1674
He married Lady Mary Hamilton, b before 1704, daughter of James Hamilton, 6th
Earl of Abercorn and Hon. Elizabeth Reading, in 1719.1 He died in 1723.
Henry Colley was also known as Henry Cowley. He held the office of Member of
Parliament (M.P.) for Strabane. He lived in Castle Carbery, County Kildare,
2/1. John Carden b. April 1777, d. before 1811.
1/2. Christiana Carden, Templemore, Tipperary, 08/34
1/3. Henrietta Carden Born Abt 1752 Templemore, Tipperary,
1/4. Henrietta Carden Born Abt 1752 Templemore, Tipperary,
of John Carden & Elizabeth Disney, Barnane, Tipperary:
Elizabeth Carden Born 1766
Andrew Carden Born 1768
KO10/129 EMC 3/1
of Gortnekilleen and Ballinard
Parents: William & Elizabeth (Gabbett) Chadwick.
William died 1748
He inherited Ballinard from his uncle Richard.
By his will, dated 1748, proved 1750, he left his widow £300, with plate,
jewels and numerous articles of value, and "her chaise and best chaise
horse" and an annuity of £50. He bequeathed to his son Rodolphus £100; to
his son, Michael £10, he being "already provided for"; to his
grand-daughter, Jane Chadwick, £300; and to his daughters, Ann Blood, Grace
Bunbury, and Catherine Hunt, each £10 "to buy mourning."
Reference in “Governor Pownall on some Irish Antiquities”
A William Chadwick mentioned who rented lands about Cullen belonging to Lord
Thormond about 1750.
Married, October 1713: Jane Greene, daughter of Rodolphus Greene, of
Kilmanahan, County Waterford, and his wife Mary, daughter of Michael Carey;
with a portion of £300; she died September, 1779.
Issue as follows:-
1/1. Richard Chadwick, IGI: born abt 1713 Ballinard.
(living in 1720), of whom above.
1/2. William Chadwick, of Tipperary, (living in 1720) nicknamed
"Big Billy". M 1754
Mary Lockwood of Cashel and had issue - see EMC Page 32.
A tree on by Andrew Bols 6/5/04, the Richard Chadwick (2/1 below)
as below as the son of William & Christiana Carden, shown by EMC as having
no issue.
Mary Lockwood dau of Richard & Elizabeth Lockwood of Cashel and sister of
Richard whose dau Sarah married Thomas Chadwick, of Barnascounce (ref Roger
Jan 06)
Richard Lockwood appears to have been a rich farmer and brewer.
2/1. Richard Chadwick, barrister-at-law,
sometime of Limerick, of Dublin
in 1823, of London in 1824, afterwards of Berwick Hall, Shropshire, and in 1830
of Belvidere Place, County Surrey.
Married December, 1784 (or January, 1785), Bridget, (Her sister Anne was
married to Col. Muttlebury, of a family some of whom resided in Guelph when it
was a village. Some also in Toronto at a later date) eldest daughter of Thomas
Barclay, (Possibly a descendant of John Barclay, son of David Barclay, of Urie
(see Bell, infra), who settled in Ireland). of Ballyartney, County Clare (then
deceased) and Anne, his wife. She had a marriage portion of £1,000. She died
before 1830.
Marriage Settlement of Richard Chadwick of Dublin City, counsellor at law, and
BRIDGET BARCLAY, spinster, daughter of Thomas Barclay late of Ballyarney,
County Cläre, esquire, deceased, and Anne Barclay, his widow, now of Limerick
City. Dated January 5 and 6, 1785 (Transcript of Memorial, vol. 370, p. 559.
No. 253,601)[58].
3/1. Anne, married to Griffith, who was a widow living at
Bangor in Carnarvonshire, in 1830
3/2. William Barclay Chadwick, born about 1790,
died in London, 1861; of Brighton
in 1823 and of 15 Connaught Square, Hyde Park, London, in 1844. Was Captain in
2nd Royal Surrey Militia.
Married Ludee Elizabeth, daughter of Dr. Sharpe, who was an explorer and
visited islands in the South Seas named Ludee and Alba Thule and others, and
wrote a book of his travels; he was a friend of Sir Bartle Frere, noted in
South African history.
He had issue a daughter Fanny, who died young, and one son:-
4/1. Richard Weller Chadwick, born 1812, died in London,
November, 1864. When a young man he
saved a son of Lord Brougham from drowning at Boulogne, and through Lord
Brougham's influence obtained a commission in the army, which, however, he did
not long retain; he served in the Spanish army in the Carlist Rebellion; was
Manager of the Eastern Counties Railway, and Afterwards of the Eastern Bengal
Railway in India.
married in 1851 Georgiana Anne, daughter of the Rev. Charles Spencer Bourchier,
Rector of Great Hallingbury, County Essex, and Vicar of Sandridge, County
Hertford, and his wife Eliza, daughter of Samuel Harman, and had issue (besides
a daughter Georgiana Ludee Frere, married to Robert Balderston Mackay, son of
James Mackay, of Blair Castle, but d.s.p. 12th April, 1891) one son:-
5/1. John Barclay Bourchier Chadwick, of Hollywood,
California, born August 5th,
This line continues - see EMC original text.
30 Mar 2008
Charles Spencer Bourchier was the eldest son of Charles Bourchier and Eliza
Harman, this was Charles's second marriage. I am descended from Charles first
marriage to Elizabeth Preedy.[xix]
1/3. Rudolphus Chadwick, (living in 1720).
In a former account of the family his name appears with the simple note "of whom nothing is known," but we now know something of him, assuming the very unusual name to be evidence of his identity with Rudolphus Chadwick, who appears to have settled in Cork and to have been a merchant there, and to have married, in 1739, Prudence Healy, of the parish of St. Mary Shandon. The following persons whose names occur in Cork records are probably their descendants, and they seem to have gone down rather in the social scale. Charles Chadwick in 1765 had an interest in Rathmore, a small property in the suburbs of Cork. His eldest son, William, married Mary Rebecca White in 1776. And there were the following marriages also; 1767, Mary, of St. Mary Shandon, to Joseph Merrick; 1778, Mary Elizabeth to Thomas Cooke; 1797, Mary, of Cork, to Henry Duggan, son of John Duggan, with an annuity if left a widow of £50 charged on certain lands. The following also appear: Edward Chadwick, of 32nd Regiment, married, in 1780, Mary Ray, of Youghal, and Edward Chadwick, of Leitrim, revenue officer, perhaps the same man, married, in 1809, Margaret Homan. The Cork Directory of 1914 gives two or three persons of the name, of whom the writer has not obtained any particulars. (CGT)
1/4. Michael Chadwick,(living 1720) a Quarter Master in 1743,
married Anna Maria, daughter of William Connor, of Clonmel, who survived him; he died between 1752 and 1757; had a daughter Jane, married, 1759, to Francis, eldest son of George Davies, of Bunreagh, County Clare; and a daughter Mary, married to John Lackey, of Clonmmel and of Kilkenny, who had issue, viz: (besides others) a daughter Maria, married to Francis Despard, of Fethard, eldest son of William Despard, of Killaghy Castle, County Tipperary.
1/5. Katherine Chadwick, (supposed to have been a dau. of
William of Gurthkilleen, but not
certainly known as such) married to Vere Hunt of Curragh, co. Limerick, and had
issue, one son, who died infant.
She died prior to 1760, after which the said Vere Hunt re-married and had
issue. His son was created a Baronet. The name is now DeVere.
1/6. Grace, married to Bunbury.
1/7. Ann, married in 1748 to William Blood, of Roxton, (EMC)
b. 1720, Cahirnemoher, Co. Clare,
Ireland; d. 1791, Roxton, Co. Clare, Ireland, some time High Sheriff (1750).
She had a marriage portion of £1,000 and an annuity of £100 a year if left a
widow (EMC).
Data of Ann's descendants from a source other than EMC:
A note: Bindon Blood's book states: "My forefather is said to have fallen
very much in love with Miss Chadwick, but on approaching her father with a view
to matrimony, he met with a refusal, as Mr. Chadwick strongly objected to
County Clare and to Clare men. Thereupon my forefather assembled some friends
and followers, attacked the Chadwick house and carried off the young lady,
marrying her the next morning. Unfortunately, Mr. Chadwick, who defended his
house with resolution, was shot dead, either in the attack or in the pursuit
afterwards, during which it is said that a good deal of shooting took
William and Anne married in 1747 or 1748, and had issue:
2/1. Jane Blood, b. 1743, Roxton, Co. Clare; d. 1820
married: Edward William Burton,
b. abt. 1740, Clifden, Co. Clare, and had issue:
3/1. Ann Burton, b. abt 1780
m. Bindon Blood, son of William
Blood & Elizabeth Bindon.
b. 17 Mar 1775, Co. Clare, Ireland; d. 1855
Bindon and Ann were first cousins; Ann's mother, Jane, was Bindon's father
William's elder sister. William's ancestry, and their descendants, are listed
under Blood of Cranagher.
2/2. Col. William Blood,
AKA "Young Will of
Roxton" b. 1748, Roxton, Co. Clare.
d. 5 Nov 1784. m. Elizabeth Bindon,
daughter of Nicholas Bindon and Elizabeth French.
b. 1750, Ennis, Co. Clare; d. 1798, Dublin.
For the descendants of William and Elizabeth, see Blood of Cranagher.
2/3. Thomas Blood,
b. 1750, Roxton, Co. Clare,
d. 1790, in Algiers, while serving with the Spanish Forces. For Thomas'
descendants, see The Bloods of Essex
2/4. Neptune Blood, b. 1751, Roxton, Co. Clare, Ireland;
d. 9 Oct 1797. m. Marianne Davis, daughter of Thomas Davis and Mary Buckley. b. 1764, Newcastle, Co. Galway, Ireland; d. 1 Nov 1837. For their descendants, see The Bloods of Applevale.
2/5. Michael Blood,
b. 1755, Roxton, Co. Clare; d.
18 Oct 1812, Baskin Hill, Dublin. m. Cecilia Compton, daughter of Francis
Compton and Mary Widenham. b. 1770. Cecilia was sister to Katty Compton, who
married Michael's third cousin, William Blood. Cecilia was Michael's second
wife. His first is unknown. Michael and Cecilia married 6 Sep 1809, and had
Ref Mon, 15 Oct 2007 13:23:23 -0500
From: "Gerry Dobson[xx]"
I notice that in your genealogy you state that you do not know the name of
Michael Blood's first wife. She was Frances Widenham, only daughter of Walter
and Ann (Bindon) Widenham of Limerick. Walter was a merchant was a mayor of
Limerick. Michael and Frances were married, St. John, Limerick, 27 April, 1782
and were childless. She d. 22 August, 1808. Was Catherine Compton's nickname
"Katty"? I do Widenham research.
3/1. Frances Blood;
b. 1810-1812. m. James Tymons, of
Baskin Hill, Dublin.
b. est. 1810-1812 and had issue. Further information unknown.
2/6. Rev. Frederick Blood,
b. 1762, Roxton, Co. Clare,
Ireland; d. 1843
m. Susan Powell, b. abt. 1765 Died without issue.
2/7. Richard Blood, b. 1770, Roxton, Co. Clare.
d. Bannvale, Co. Down, m. Jane
Maria Shaw, daughter of Capt. Thomas Shaw. b. abt. 1770, Lurgan, Co. Armagh,
and had issue:
3/1. Lt. Frederick Blood,
b. est. 1790 - 1810; d.
Hermitage, Dublin, Ireland
m. Sarah Mary Morris, b. est. 1790 - 1810;
Frederick and Sarah had no issue.
3/2. Randal Blood, b. est 1790 -
1810; No issue; NFI.
3/3. Thomas Blood, b. est. 1790 - 1810; No issue; NFI.
3/4. Michael Blood, b. est. 1790 - 1810; No issue; NFI.
3/5. Maj. Gen. Clements Blood, b. est. 1790 - 1810; unm.
3/6. Maj. Gen. Richard Blood, b. est. 1790 - 1810;
d. 8 Jul 1877 Of Dromoher, Co. Clare, Ireland. unm.
3/7. Frances Ann Blood, b. 1790; d. 1884. m. Charles North,
b. est. 1780-1790 Further information unknown
3/8. Jane Blood, b. est. 1790 - 1810; No Further info.
Parents: John Carden & Priscilla Kent,
Lived Templemore, died 1728.
Married 1717:
Parents: Humphrey & Rebecca (Paul – ref Minchin of
Ballynakill, Wexford. HM son of Colonel Charles Minchin and Elizabeth Paulet.
RP dau of Joshua Paul.
Issue (TPC):
1/1. John Carden (M) d. 1774. 09/67
1/2. Paul Carden
1/3. Minchin Carden
Ancestor of Richard George Carden, of Fishmoyne.
He lived in Fishmoyne, County Tipperary, Ireland
Chaplain to the Earl of Chesterfield
Parent: Thomas Olway of Lissenhall, County Tipperary,
1/1. Elizabeth Craven
Parents: William & Grace (Goggin) Chadwick.
IGI Born Abt: 1664
of Ballinard, & Of Gortnekilleen.
This may be the William "of 1673" who is mentioned in an old letter,
and is stated to have been buried at Cullen in 1739.
EMC 2nd: will dated 1715, proved 1717. Was living in Gortnekilleen
in 1665. He purchased, on 17th January, 1684, by lease for lives renewable for
300 years (a tenure usual in Ireland and similar to ancient feudal custom in
England, but quite unknown in Canada) Gortnekilleen and the East Stanges alias
Stangesmore, 150 acres, I.P.M. (about equal to 243 English), part of the Manor
of Cullen in the parishes of Ulla and Cullen in Coies Tipperary and Limerick.
Gortnekilleen and East Stanges or Stangesmore were always united as one holding
as long as the Chadwicks held them, and Stangesmore will herein be understood
as included wherever Gortnekilleen is mentioned.
CGT:- brother of Richard, will dated 1715, proved 1717 . Was living in
Gortnekilleen in 1665. He purchased, on 17 th January, 1684, by lease for lives
renewable for 300 years (a tenure usual in Ireland and similar to ancient
feudal custom in England, but quite unknown in Canada) Gortnekilleen
and the East Stanges alias Stangesmore, 150 acres , I.P.M.
(about equal to 243 English) , part of the Manor of Cullen in the parishes of
Ulla and Cullen in Coies Tipperary and Limerick. Gortnekilleen and East Stanges
or Stangesmore we re always united as one holding as long as the Chadwicks held
them. and Stangesmore will herein be understood as included wherever Gortnekilleen
is mentioned.
Married: Elizabeth Gabbett.
daughter of William Gabbett (name originally Garbett) of Caherline co. Limerick
(he d. 1693) and Alicia his wife, dau. of Richard England of Lifford, co.
See end of this paper for Richard England line.
1/1. William Chadwick (named "Senior") of Gortnekilleen,
near Oola, co Limerick (on the SE border with Tipperary), of whom above.
1/2. Grace Chadwick,
(supposed dau of William, but it
is possible that she may have been the dau. of a brother)
Married, firstly, 1692, to Richard Ballard and had a son Richard, and secondly,
to Clement Sadlier, who died 1715, leaving sons, John Clement, William, Oliver,
Nicholas, and Ambrose.
represented in the female line by the family of Persse of co. Galway.
8/2001: Michael Sadlier[xxi]
says: "The most famous offspring from that marriage was John Sadlier, M.P.
(183-56) representing Carlow. He finally committed suicide on Hampstead Heath
after he had swindled from Scully's Bank Thurles. He was a founder member of
the first Irish Independence Party, which he also betrayed."
The current mayor of Limerick is also a descendant.
July 2002: contact from Ronnie Land, a Sadlier connection
FAX 01415700235. Gt Grandfather John Sadlier emigrated to Aus mid 19thC from
Tipperary. RL's mother born and raised in Patagonia.
1/3. EMC: "Elizabeth Chadwick, married to Hamersley,
and had two sons, John and
(?) another daughter married to Pires or Pierce Barron, who had a daughter
There follows a possible line supplied by Christopher Barron, the text of the
conversations on this line are shown in the endnotes.[59] 4/8/2007[xxii].
Daughter probably Margaret Hamersley, married Pierce Barron (son of Patrick
Barron of Tipperary Town & Emly and Patrick's father was Edward Barron of
Cullen. Edward was mentioned in the Hearth Money Rolls of 1667.)
See under William Chadwick dau Elizabeth, generation 8.
2/1. Edward Barron
2/2. John Barron
3/1. Edward Barron "The Soldier" of Tipperary Town.
4/1. Maurice Barron Snr,
Married, 1807, Bridget
Power (1777-1864)(Maurice maybe GGG Grandfather of Christopher Barron) She may
have been the sister of Edmond Power jnr, who married
Elizabeth Chadwick, daughter of William & Christiana Chadwick.
5/1. John Barron b. 1808
John Barron fled to NYC in 1867 along with the named leaders of the rebellion, Colonel Thomas Kelly of Tipperary Town and Captain Timothy Deasy of Cork, which was the exact same escape route of Thomas Addis Emmet in 1803!
4/2. William Barron
4/3. Patrick Barron
4/4. John Barron "the Soldier" b abt 1772
….British Army records confirm
that a John Barron joined the British Army in 1808 and served for 8 years….
b. circa 1613, d. 1728
John Carden was born circa 1613.
Parents: John Carden and Elizabeth Catherall.
He was born ca , mea 1673, Priscilla (will pr 9 Dec 1735), dau of John Kent, of
Poleran, Mooncoin, County Kilkenny, in 1623.3 He married Priscilla Kent. He
died in 1728.1 He died in 1728, (will prJ Sept), at alleged age of lOS issue.
Arran 1704 purchased from Earl of some 3,000 acres of land 'together with
a Mill and the profits of a fair.3 All being parcels of the Lordship of
Templemore.' Which land he had previously leased for some time. He lived circa
1650 at Templemore, County Tipperary, Ireland.
Children of John Carden:
1/1. John Carden+ d. 1747
1/2. Margery Carden
1/3. Anne Carden
1/4. Mary Carden
1/5. Abigail Carden
A dau Carden
A dau Carden 2
Children of John Carden and Priscilla Kent
1/6. Jonathan Carden+ b. 1674, d. 17034
1/7. William Carden+ b. 1675, d. 17604
1/1. John Carden 10/133
1/2. Jonathan Carden
1/3. William Carden
Born in December 1660[60].3
Parents: Colonel Charles Minchin and Elizabeth Paulet.
Married Rebecca Paul, daughter of Joshua Paul.
Died between September 1732 and April 1733.
Will was probated on 19 April 1733.
Humphrey Minchin held the office of High Sheriff of County Tipperary in
1686.4 He held the office of Member of Parliament (M.P.) for County Tipperary.
He built the Round Tower at Busherstown. He lived at Ballinakill Castle, County
Waterford, Ireland.1 He lived at Busherstown, County Tipperary, Ireland.4 His
last will was dated 30 September 1732.
Children of Humphrey Minchin and Rebecca Paul
1/1. Rebecca Minchin
1/2. Humphrey Minchin d. Feb 17773
Married Catherine Greene,
daughter of Godfrey Greene, on 11 June 1736.
He died in February 1777.1
Humphrey Minchin lived at Busherstown, King's County, Ireland.
Children of Humphrey Minchin and Catherine Greene
2/1. Reverend Duke Humphrey
2/2. Captain Joshua Paul Minchin
2/3. Major Paul Minchin+
2/4. George Minchin d. 17 Jun 17751
2/5. Rebecca Minchin
2/6. Abigail Minchin
2/7. Sarah Minchin
2/8. Elizabeth Minchin
2/9. Susanna Minchin
2/10. Henrietta Minchin
2/11. John Minchin b. 1737
Married, firstly, Alice
Chadwick, daughter of Richard Chadwick, in 1765.
Held the office of High Sheriff of King's County in 1768.
lived at Busherstown, King's County, Ireland.
Children of John Minchin and Alice Chadwick
3/1. Captain Richard Minchin
3/2. Rebecca Minchin+ d. Dec 1829
3/3. George Minchin+ b. 1784
1/3. Charles Minchin
1/4. Paul Minchin+ d. bt Jul 1764 - Aug 17644
1/5.Charles Minchin
1/6. William Minchin
1/7. Captain George Minchin+
1/5. John Minchin
1/6. Deborah Minchin
1/7. Anne Minchin
1/8. Sarah Minchin
1/9. Sophia Minchin
1/10. Jane Minchin
1/11. unknown daughter Minchin
1/12. Mary Minchin
IGI Born 1636, Grace abt 1640
EMC P 18 & Ontarian Families:
From Yorkshire, according to an old family tradition is said to have married a
ward on Chancery in England, named, Grace Goggin, without the permission of the
Court, and escaped out of the jurisdiction with his wife concealed in a sack.
Had issue two sons, vis:-(but it is not known if these were the only children).
1/1. Richard Chadwick, of Ballinard:-
born probably 1662 or 1664,
EMC:... was, about the middle or latter part of the Seventeenth Century, in
possession of Ballinard and Ballinglanna, which have been always held together
and are included herein under the one name Ballinard. The extent of this estate
was 434 acres Irish plantation measure, equal to about 700 acres English. By
his will, dated 18th February, 1720/21, proved 1722, he left Ballinard and
other lands to his nephew William (styled "Senior"), of Gortukilleen;
for life, then to his eldest son Richard in tail, with successive remainders to
his sons, William, Rodolph (or Rudolphus) and Michael. He left to his wife a
legacy of £590 and his plate and other articles; and a legacy of £10 to his
niece. Grace Sadleir, and £60 to her children; and £30 to Pires Baron and his
daughter Elizabeth. Also he gave a farm to his nephew, Richard Ballard1.
He died S.P. He married Mary Baker, who survived him, and lived with her
brother, Walter Baker, of Ballywire. By her will, proved 3rd January, 1729, she
left, besides other legacies, a legacy to her piece Mary, daughter of Barnaby
(?) Baker, provided she married with consent of William Baker of Lismacue, and
a legacy and also the residue to Walter Baker, son of William Baker of Lismacue.
Dublin National Library, 5/2/1998 Baker papers, found in Analecta Hibernica,
No15, 1944, P372:
contains lease (6/4/1685) by Edward Warter of Bilboe, Co Limerick, to
Richard Chadwick of Ballinamoght, Co Tipp., for a fine of £120 and a rent of £45
pa for 3 lives (viz William Bourk, 2nd son of Dr Ulises Bourk of Droum Keene,
Arthur Blenner Hassett of Ballinaganagh, Co Lim., and said Richard Chadwick) or
300 years the land of Castlelaughay, in parish of Kilcornane, Co Tipp.,
containing 300 acres of, plantation measure and lately enjoyed by Edward
Crease. Also: 2/1817, will of William Chadwick of Willmount, Co Tipp. and
codicil 1820.
....from a 1922 book on the Bakers of Tipperary by Sir Augustine m. Baker, M.A.
He states:
"In 1686 October 21 a Deed
of Release was executed and afterwards registered in the Palatinate Records by
which Richard Chadwick of Ballynamaght released Thomas [Baker - Mary's oldest
brother] from the legacy bequeathed by the latter's father [Walter Baker] to
his only sister Mary. (Martha [another sister] must have been then dead). This
payment was in consideration of her marriage with Richard Chadwick. There was
no issue of this marriage. She survived her husband and went to live with her
brother Walter at Ballywire. By her Will proved 3rd January 1729-30 she left a
legacy to Mary daughter of Baraby Baker and the residue to Walter son of
William Baker of Lismacue, a legatee who was called after her father."[xxiii]
1/2. William Chadwick KO11/257
of Cahiculla
This Richard England was the 1st Generation in a descendency of the
Englands in the Apprendix, which is is a combination of 2 downloaded from
Alyson Wormald's research August 2003. Richard England's 4th child,
Alicia, married William Gabbett, whose daughter, Elizabeth married William
Chadwick of Gortnekilleen.
A more complete descendacy from Richard is given later in this document.
The internet version does not contain the later generations, who might still be
General research on the England name in Ireland:
a) Elizabeth 1 pardoned Thomas Engient of Englanstown, also Oliver England.
b) Thomas England's son Philip was hanged for rebellion
c) 1586 survey of Ballyengland
Tuath of Askeaton
Thomas England held Ballyengland with castle and wood called Kyllmore-
inhabited. The Englands resided at what is now known as Castlehewson.
d) Englands present in Ireland from 13th and 14th century.
1/1. Richard England died in 1759.
Richard married Ann Davis in
Will 1759. of Rockmount, Co. Clare. C1712 the Earl of Thomond made leases in
perpetuity. Cahercallamore to Richard England for 20 pounds.
2/1. Diana England, married John Hinchey in 1750. or Kennedy?
1/2. David England. - see under Appendix 7.1 for his descendants.
1/3. Patrick England.
1/4. Alicia England. Alicia married William Gabbett.
Born post in 1598.1 He is the son of William Carden.2
Married Elizabeth Catherall.1
He lived Calcott.1
Children of John Carden and Elizabeth Catherall
1/1. William Carden+ d. 19122
2/1. Thomas Carden1
1/2.Mary Carden
1/3. John Carden+ b. c 1613, d. 17282
Colonel Charles Minchin was born circa 1628.
Parents: John Minchin and Mary Walcot.
Died between June 1681 and November 1681.
Will was probated on 18 November 1681.
Colonel Charles Minchin gained the rank of Colonel in the service of the
Parliamentary Army, as a '49' officer.1 In 1669 he bought the Annagh estate
from Major Solomon Cambie.2 In 1680 he bought the Ballinakill estate from Sir
Richard Stephens.2 He lived at Busherstown, Roscrea, County Offaly, Ireland.1
He lived at Ballinakill, County Tipperary, Ireland.3 His last will was dated 28
June 1681.
Married Elizabeth Paulet, dau of Joshua Paul of Bogh, County Carlow.
Children of Colonel Charles Minchin and Elizabeth Paulet
1/1. William Minchin+ d. b Feb 17211
1/2. Edward Minchin+ 4
1/3. Charles Minchin 2
1/4. John Minchin+ d. bt Jul 1733 - Dec 17342
1/5. Catherine Minchin+ 3
1/6. Anne Minchin 5
1/7. Thomas Minchin+ b. 1658, d. 16866
1/8. Humphrey Minchin+ b. Dec 1660, d. bt Sep 1732 - Apr 1733
M, #362835, b. 1577
Son of David Cawarden
Children of William Carden
1/1. Thomas Carden 2
1/2. John Carden+ b. 1598
John Minchin married Mary Walcot, 1
Children of John Minchin and Mary Walcot
1/1. Humphrey Minchin d. b 16711
1/2.Ambrose Minchin+ d. a 16851
1/3. Sarah Minchin 1
1/4.Colonel Charles Minchin+
This has been taken from The Peerage.Com
David Cawarden
Born in 1555.
Son of David Cawarden and Maud Westcote
Is believed to have moved back to Cheshire. Or CARDEN.
1/1. William Carden b. 1577
David Cawarden
Born between 1521 and 1528
Son of Thomas Cawarden and Elizabeth Purefoy.
Married Maud Westcote.
Died in 1556,, with two daus.
Mavesyn Ridware.
Children of David Cawarden and Maud Westcote
1/1. Thomas Cawarden b. 1551, d. 15922
1/2. David Cawarden b. 1555
Thomas Cawarden
Born in 1499.
Son of Robert De Cawarden and Eleanor Bagot.
Married Elizabeth Purefoy.
Died in 1547.
lived Mavesyn Ridware.
Children of Thomas Cawarden and Elizabeth Purefoy
1/1. Richard Cawarden
1/2. Thomas Cawarden
1/3. David Cawarden b. bt 1521 - 1528, d. 1556
Robert De Cawarden
Born in 1472
Son of John De Cawarden and Elizabeth Massey.
Married Eleanor Bagot.
He died in 1547.
lived Mavesyn Ridware.
Children of Robert De Cawarden and Eleanor Bagot
1/1. David Cawarden
1/2. Geoffrey Cawarden
1/3. Thomas Cawarden+ b. 1499, d. 1547
John De Cawarden
Born ante 1456.
Son of John Cawarden and Katherine Gresley.
Married Elizabeth Massey.
Died in 1485,, with two other sons and four daus.
lived Mavesyn Ridware.
Child of John De Cawarden and Elizabeth Massey
1/1. Robert De Cawarden b. 1472, d. 1547
John Cawarden
Son of Sir John de Cawarden and Elizabeth Malvoisine.
Married Katherine Gresley, daughter of Sir John Gresley.
He died in 1475,, with other issue.
lived Mavesyn Ridware.
Child of John Cawarden and Katherine Gresley
1/1. John De Cawarden+ b. 1456, d. 1485
Sir John de Cawarden
Born ca in 1375.
Married Elizabeth Malvoisine.
He died in 1447, He lived Cawarden.
Children of Sir John de Cawarden and Elizabeth Malvoisine (Heiress of Mavesyn
1/1. Randulf Cawarden+
1/2. David Cawarden+
1/3. John Cawarden+ d. 1475
This Bell family were Quakers, initially as farmers in Cumberland, but
moved to the commercial and industrial world of Southern England, and were well
connected with the merchants of London, and had some connections with Ireland,
and the Americas, particularly via their Barclay relatives: Louisa Bell’s
grandmother was Katherine Barclay, sister of one of the founders of the
emonymous bank, and her mother was the daughter of another very influential
commercial figure of London, Edward Vaux. They and the Barclays were examples
of the extensive commercial and social network of the Quakers, many of whom
became extremely rich and developed businesses both at home and in North
Our family sequence was:
John Bell of Hundith Hill, Cumberland – late 17thC.
Jonathan Bell of Hundith Hill (1654-1721)
Daniel Bell, Quaker Preacher of Tottenham (1685-1758)
Daniel Bell, of Tottenham (1726-1802), Married Catherine Barclay.
Jonathan Bell, of Kensington (1726-1855).
Louisa Bell, daughter of Jonathan, married John Craven Chadwick, jnr, and moved
with him to Canada.
How Louisa Bell from London met John Craven Chadwick from central Ireland
is a matter for conjecture.
An alternative explanation comes from the Barclay family in Dublin:
Catherine (Barclay) Forbes and John Barclay, brother and sister of David (of
Catherine (Barclay) Bell, grand mother of Louisa Bell who married John Craven
Chadwick), were both in merchants in Dublin.
David Barclay, father-in-law of Daniel Bell, jnr, was a linen draper: this
may have been the connection with the Northern Irish families of Wakefield etc.
Somewhere maybe this is the connection. There is not much indication of the
activities of the Chadwicks of Ballinard. Maybe they were linen growers??
There is another small indication in the records of a linen family of
northern Ireland, the Greers, who were connected in business with the
Wakefields of London, and there was a company of Greer, Wakefield & Bell; a
letter in the archives[61]
tells of a connection with the Bell family of Tottenham. The Greers were
Quakers, as were the Bells. A Bell history also shows an early Bell starting in
Dumfriesshire in the early 17thC, one of whom move to Cumberland and
then to Ireland in 1655. Through the Quaker connection, the familes seemed to
have retained contact.
Much of the following is from the Quaker records. Very often, men are
described as, for example, a “Citizen and Draper of London”. This must mean
that they were freemen of the City and a member of a Guild. More detail was
filled in from the memoir of Jonathan Bell (written early 1850’s when he was
80): his description of the family stretches into the latter part of the 18thC.
An archive of letters relating to the Bell family has alse been included[62]. They range from the early
18thC to the late 19thC. Early ones show the Bells with
trading and shipping interests to the Americas.
One of the daughters, of Daniel & Katherine (Barclay) Bell, Katherine, married
John Gurney of Norwich, whose progeny left a mark on the banking and philanthropic
life of the country. One of their daughters was Elizabeth Fry, a famous Quaker
Prison reform campaigner.
There is often a difference in the dates of births, marriages and deaths
because Quaker records until about 1750 used numbers for the months, but
changed year at the end of February, almost, but not the same as the
established church. Many transcriptons have missed this fact, and give the
month name 2 months early, and, as so often happens, confuse the year during
between January and March. In all the dates for the Quaker Bells, I have
transposed them to the format of month number from January.
A London merchant, like his father and grandfather, who were
both Quakers, but there is no indication that Jonathan followed this path.
Little has been found about him except for a transcript of a period of his
journals, 1848-53, which make interesting reading – they were transcribed by
his 4xgreat grandson, Timothy Egcumbe Ford in 2012.
Part 1, the journals, is 66 pages from July 1848-May 1853. Part 2, Aug 1851 –
March 1855) and includes “Jonathan Bell’s Memoirs”. Subsequent parts enlarge on
the various families. ..
The Bell family, like the Vaux’s were important merchants in the City of
London, and would have know each other, so his marriage may have been somewhat
of a dynastic event.
Jonathan Bell Maria (Vaux) Bell
From Jonathan Bell’s Journals, July 1848 – May 1853 (photograph of a daguerreotype
of a sketch.[xxiv]
EMC: of Hornsey and Kensington,
BornEMC: 9th November, 1769;
Parents: Daniel & Catherine (Barclay) Bell.
DiedEMC: 9th May, 1855;
27 Thornton Street, Kensington, London, retired merchant.
Death Duty Reg: IR27/312, Kensington, to Alfred Bell.
1851 Census: 27 Hornton St, Kensington;
Maria Bell (hd, unm, 53, teacher of English & French, Upper Clapton),
Jonathan (father, M 81, Retired merchant, Stamford Hill, middx), Maria (mother
M, 79 Fundholder, London), Emma J Gray (sister, wid, 49, small remittance from
India, Stamford Hill), Julia F Bell (sister, unm 36, small remittance from
India, Hornsey), Rosa E Dillon (niece, unm, 16, supported by the above,
Finchley), Alfred Bell (nephew, unm, 23. Clerk in Insurance, France, Brit Sub).
A transcript of Jonathan Bell’s diary July 1848-May 1853 was published by Timothy
Edgcumbe Ford, Jonathan’s 4xg Grandson. This also includes Jonathan Bell’s
memoirs up until just before his death in 1855.
A copy is held as a PDF: Jonathan Bell – shortened.
He lived for some years at Hornsey, and is often mentioned both by his sister
Priscilla, and by his Chapman nieces. He had two sons and several daughters.
The eldest son, Edward, was the father of Sir Francis Dillon Bell, for many
years Agent General for New Zealand.
The second son, Jasper, a Colonel in the Royal Engineers, was born in July,
1809, and died in 1895 at Bromley: where he had lived for some years with his
sister, Christiana, widow of Colonel Curphey, who died in 1894. It is to the
kindness of Colonel Jasper Bell that I owe most of this information I have been
able to gather with regard to the Bell family, as also photographs of pictures
of his Father and Mother and other relatives.JBM
1813: Jonathan Bell then of BattleBridge (Essex) was a promoter of a Bed cum
life preserver[63].
He had several partnerships with Jasper & Edward Vaux and others: 1807, as
merchants of Maiden Land, Battlebridge; 1810, no details; 1826, as a wine
merchant, although this may have been his son. There was also Jonathan Bell
bankrupt, wine merchant of Suffolk Lane, again may have been his son. He was at
a banquet of the Marine Society in 1832, when he donated 2 gns.
MarriedEMC: 3rd November, 1794, Bramfield, Hertford.
PR (FMP) shows Jonathan Bell, bachelor of Tottenham? Middlesex, and Maria Vaux
of this Parish, married 3 Nove 1794, witnesses Edward Vaux, Mary Vaux, Daniel
Bell, jnr, Jasper Vaux.
Daughter of Edward Vaux, and his wife Mary Johnson, of LondonEMC.
Ch 30/6/1771, St Bartholomew by the ExchangePR.
DiedEMC: 28th January, 1852[64],
For her husband Jonathan’s description of her, see Appendix 7.5.1
There is a collection of letters from Maria (Vaux) Bell to her daughter Maria
in Bordeaux December 1820 to June 1821.
From Jonathan Bell’s journal:
January 1852
This Month is the commencement of another year &, opened upon us with every comfort we could ask for — But it has closed in heaviness & bereavement
- My dear Wife shew suddenly Symptoms of decay in various ways & was severely attacked by Diarrhoea giving us all much anxiety - however, this passed off & she appeared recovered- but there is no doubt it was a relief of Nature for a time & most probably saved her & us from Sudden Visitation of death -
About the middle of the month however, as Fanny was reading
to her- she was attacked in a moment with Paralysis losing almost her speech her
limbs on her left side - she was immediately to bed – remaining in this state
till 28th Jan., when at 7.O. in the Evening she gave up her soul to God
- during - 7 or 8 days of us suffering - but remaining in a state almost of loss
of speech - under no irrisistability, altho’ restored in a certain comforting
degree to all who surrounded her bed &c. occasionally could make us understand
her thoughts & even wishes - she gradually sunk to a sleep which lasted
more than 12 hours - with out a struggle or even a spasm - her countenance
increasing in Inertness - her breathing becoming every hour shorter & shorter
till it ceased for Ever!
Issue of Jonathan & Maria (Vaux) Bell:
Jonathan Bell’s Memoir has an extensive descrption of the family of the 3 sons.
1/1. Louisa Bell b. 1807. KO06/10
1/2. Edward Matthew Bell, b 1/11/1796, M. Fanny Matthews.
EMC: Vice-Consul at Bordeaux,
mentioned in William Vaux’s will of 1824 as being in the wine trade in
Bordeaux. Edward Bell, was a merchant and the British consul at Bordeaux. His wife,
Frances, was the daughter of an Anglican clergyman, the Reverend J. Matthews.
This line from Charles Johnston, NZ (11/2002) - abbreviated, with additions
from 13/12/05. Family Tree maker AM file has full line.
2/1. Sir Francis Dillon Bell, b. 8/1/1822, Bordeaux, d. 15/7/1898
M. Margaret Joachim Hort, d.
Emigrated to NZ under influence of Edward Wakefield.
Wikipedia: Sir Francis Dillon Bell KCMG CB (8 October 1822 – 15 July 1898) was
a New Zealand politician of the late 19th century. He served as New Zealand's
third Minister of Finance (the first parliamentary finance minister), and later
as its third Speaker of the House. The town of Bell Block near New Plymouth –
on land Bell bought from the Puketapu iwi in 1849 – is named after him, as is
Bell Street, Whanganui. Bell's son, Francis Henry Dillon Bell, became the first
New Zealand born Prime Minister in 1925.
3/1. Francis Henry Dillon Bell, b. 31/3/1852,
M. Caroline Robinson
Lawyer and PM of New Zealand briefly in 1925. There are extensive books on his
life, such as:
The Life and Times ofThe Rt. Hon. Sir Francis H. D. Bell,P.C., G.C.M.G., K.C.
England: Butterworth & Co. (Publishers) Ltd.London: Bell Yard, Temple Bar.
Africa: Butterworth & Co. (Africa) Ltd. Durban: Lincoln's Court, Masonic
Grove. Australia: Butterworth & Co. (Aus.) Ltd.Sydney: 8 O'Connell
Street.Melbourne: 499 Little Collins Street. Canada: Butterworth & Co.
(Canada) Ltd.Toronto: 137-143 Wellington Street West. India: Butterworth &
Co. (India) Ltd.Calcutta: Avenue House, Chowringhee Square.Madras: 317 Linga
Chetty Street.Bombay: Bruce Street.
4/1. Margaret Sara Bell, b. 10/3/1879,
M. Harold Featherston Johnston, b.
5/1. Francis Nigel Featherston Johnston, b.
M. Marion Sykes, b. 13/12/1919.
6/1. Charles Johnston,[xxv]
who supplied this line 12/2002.
3/2. Jessie Adela Dillon-Bell b:
3/3. Alfred Dillon Bell
M. Gertrude Eliza Robinson.
4/1. Margaret Brenda Bell b: 18 Oct 1891 d: 10 Aug 1979
4/2. Francis Wirgman Dillon Bell b: 12 Jun 1896 d: 18 Aug 1987.
2/2. Henry Angelo Bell b.
16/8/1821. D. 10/3/1842 Nelson, NZ.
The following from
2/3. Edward William Wilbraham Bell b 13/9/1820, d 1854 issue.
2/4. Wilhelmina Isabel Bell born 1823, died in 1876.
2/5. Frances Catherine Bell was born in 1826.
2/6. Alfred Bell was born on 7 Sep 1828. - Issue.
2/7. Frederic Fitzedward Bell born 24 Sep 1830. died 1832.
2/8. Marie Adele Bell. - Issue.
2/9. Ferdinand Bell born 14 Dec 1833, died on 4 Oct 1854.
2/10. Julia Brenda Bell.
2/11. Ida Elisabeth Bell.
1/3. Elizabeth Bell, b 13/1/1800? m. Thomas Bolton,
lived in Ballykisteen, Ireland.
2/1. Elizabeth Bolton, m. Thomas Matthews, 22/4/1867.
Thomas Matthews. He was the Head
Master of the Abbey School in Tipperary and died in 1878 (*I think). Elizabeth
immigrated to the US in 1882 and first settled in LeMars, Iowa.
3/1. Emily Mary Bolton Mathews, B 14/2/1868, Tipp. M William Watkins
Payne, 10/9/1896, Iowa, D Washington State, 12/9/1951.
3/2. Henry de Vaux Matthews, b 14/3/1874
4/1. William L. Matthews
5/1. William F. Matthews, m. Cathi who emailed 10/05.
1/4. Katherine Bell was born on 1 Nov 1795.
M. Joseph Dillon,
of Tower St. 25 Apr 1821.
2/1. Edward Dillon was born on 16 Dec 1822.
2/2. Anna Maria Dillon was born on 30 Nov 1824.
2/3. Katherine Augusta Dillon born 6 Mar 1827, died Oct 1844.
2/4. Wentworth Joseph Dillon born 3 Aug 1829, died Jun 1850.
2/5. Logan Robert Dillon born 5 Oct 1831, died 1860 Australia.
2/6. Rose Elizabeth Dillon was born on 5 Aug 1834.
With Jonathan In Kensington in 1851.
2/7. Louisa Ellen Dillon born 29 Aug 1837, died 11 Jun 1869.
1/5. Maria Bell was born on 1 Jul 1798.
There is a collection of letters
from Maria (Vaux) Bell to her daughter in Bordeaux December 1820 to June 1821.
Maria was head of the household in the 1851 census.
1/6. Emma Jane Bell, born 27/11/1801, Stamford Hill, bap 22/12/1801
TottenhamPR. She married David Gray, 30/1/1828, a widow by 1851.
1/7. Jonathan Bell, born, 17/11/1803, ch 23/12/1803, St Peter the Poer,
Died suddenly on 22nd inst (Feb 1931) at his father's, church St
Kensington, Jonathan Bell jnr esq, formerly of Bordeaux, and lately of New York[65].
Probably the wine merchant who went bankrupt, June 1822 of Suffolk St[66].
Buried Kensington, 28/2/1831, aged 25, of Chursh StAC.
1/8. Jasper Higginson Bell was born on 9 Jul 1809PR.
Jasper, a Colonel in the Royal Engineers, was born in July, 1809, and died in 1895 at Bromley: where he had lived for some years with his sister Christiana, widow of Colonel Curphey, who died in 1894. It is to the kindness of Colonel Jasper Bell that I owe most of this information I have been able to gather with regard to the Bell familyJBM.
1/9. Julia Frances Bell, bap 30/4/1815PR, Hornsey of Jonathan, merchant.
d Q4 1873, Kensington. (re 1851 Census)
1/10. Christiana Bell, dau of Jonathan & Maria, b 28/8/1812ACi,
ch 27/9/1812, Hornsey.
Mar at Kensington, on the 2nd inst (3/1836) Major (William)
Curphey, of the Hon East India Company's service to Christiana dau of JB esq[67].
She died 1894, Q3 Bromley, a widowAC.
Lt Col William Curphey buried St Mary Abbots Kensington, 30/9/1856, aged 69.
Images from Roger Sharland, Findagrave.
From Jonathan Bell Papers:
It seems quite likely that the miniatures of Daniel and Catherine, mentioned by
Lady Chapman, were passed down through the family together with the original
memoirs. Three miniatures exist that are referred to as various Bells, and I
like to think that two may be Daniel and Catherine:
Daniel Bell was a Quaker, and coal merchant of Stamford
Hill, Tottenham, with his business at Tottenham Mills on the Old River Lea. The
Quaker contacts led to his children marrying spouses from rather further afield
than was usual in the area.
There are indications that he had an interest in a linen business in Dungannon,
Ulster.(see under daughter Priscilla and the Wakefield connection).
A slightly later view of Tottenham Mills.
They were a Quaker family. A grand daughter was Elizabeth Fry.
Born 21/8/1726, Tottenham, son of Daniel & Elizabeth Bell[68]. abt 1726EMC
Died: 19/10/1802, At his house in Stamford Hill, in his 77th year,
Mr Daniel Bell, and eminent coal merchant and one of the people called Quakers.
His remains were deposited in the Quakers’ burying ground at Winchmore Hill.[69]
Inherited Hundith Hill on the death of his brother Jonathan in 1791.
There is a suggestion that he may have been connected with a linen drapers
business in Ireland along with a Wakefield family, it is notable that his
daughter, Priscilla married a Wakefield[70].
From Jonathan Bell’s Memoir:-
Daniel Bell must have been a fine florid young man, as, in his latter years he
had a fresh ruddy complexion and rather a stately person, sinewy and active
he never carried flesh, making him altogether attractive in person, not
tall nor small nor short – this pleasing natural aspect was a picture of
his natural disposition, it was all cheerfulness, kindness, easy contented
temper, full of urbanity and extremely affectionate. He was quite a Quaker at
heart, altho’ not carrying out its extreme rigidities, either in dress or
habits, but he was temperate in indulgencies and always contented with his
progress in life. A great lover of Nature he enjoyed the beauties of the
Creation with an Ardent Spirit and whenever trials of climate occurred,
he always expressed himself in a term of satisfaction, that it was, whatever
happened, always for the best. His love of Nature naturally influenced
his taste, and he was through life, from a boy, a thorough sportsman, a
particular fine seat on horseback rendered him fond of hunting and he became an
eminent Fox Hunter in the early part of life. Shooting also was one of his
delights and he always alluded to as greatly skilful in this charming
diversion, and as a climax of tastes, he was a finished fly Fisher and I think
altogether was more a devotee to its various attractions than any other
pursuit. I am rather warm in these descriptions, but I feel such an interest in
its relation, from having, tho’ only a schoolboy been for many seasons a happy
attendant upon his relaxation from Business in these occupations.
My Father’s settlement in life was at Stamford Hill, between Newington and
Tottenham – a nice convenient residence, with about 70 acres of land, having
also an erected Wharf and Warehouse on the River Lea; - this property had been
purchased by some of the Barclay Family and my Father became the Tenant, and in
which, the whole of a long life he lived; having carried on the Business of a
Coal Merchant in a successful and respectable manner, altho’ much weighed upon
by a rapidly increasing family.
Thus commenced and continued for many years the Domicile of Stamford
Hill, well-known, and justly esteemed of all connections and friends in a
happy, united, hospitable, respectable Home – and now I must skip
or take a wide jump in this biography, bringing at once into notice the Ten
children as associated members, all living together in harmonious affection,
all living during the lifetime of Father and Mother, and I venture boldy to
assert a more united – a more loving, and closely connected, affectionate
family never existed. My sisters, one and all were highly talented, they were
not accomplished in worldly elegancies, but their natural affectionate Unities
led them to a wise cultivation of those Talents God had blessed them with, and
through life they were all estimated as a knot of clever women.
1787: Wednesday afternoon as a man in the service of Mr. Daniel Bell, of
Stamford-hill, was driving a Wagon loaded with malt by Shoreditch church, he
was crushed between the wheel of his own carriage and that of the cart loaded
with passengers for Edmonton statute. He was taken into Mr. Deard's, surgeon, a
few doors from the spot on which the accident happened, where he expired in
about ten minutes, The deceased had been married only twelve days[71].
Will Dated 21 July 1797, proved 27 Feb 1804[72]:
of Stamford, Middlesex, coal merchant
to Be buried at Winchmore Hill Quaker ground.
Near to late wife.
Messuage and hereditaments at Edmonton to son Daniel etc
Farm and lands at Hatfield hide? In Hertfordshire and all other real estate to sons
Daniel and Jonathan my executors upon trust to sell and dispose of same after
my decease and add the money to my personal estate to be applied in manner and
the sums to my sons.
and as to my leasehold and personal estate I give my leasehold messuage and
lands at Stamford Mills and my leasehold right of landing coals at Tottenham
Mills to my son Jonathan etc
I give to Jonathan my horses wagons carts barges stock and all other things
used in or connected with my trade of a coal merchant save and except the corn,
hay and coals which shall happen to be at my wharf etc at Stamford Mill to be
offered to Jonathan at a fair price...
To son Samuel £1000 and also 3 coins of Oliver Cromwell that is a crown half
crown and shilling piece and also 24 copper coins of the reformers and my
stuffed birds
I give my son Jonathan £1000 and my watch and I will that my plate china silver
and household goods and furniture be shared between mys sons Daniel and
Jonathan to divide between remaining live children
and my chair, chaise horse and nag horse and my dogs and ?? shall be equally
shared between my sons in order to make the sums of money I have already
advanced to my daughters Priscilla Wakefield and Elizabeth Hanbury and Rebecca
Chapman Christiana Hankin and Catherine Gurney dcd upon their marriages
equal to the sums which I have advanced to my other daughters Charlotte Hankin
Caroline Head and Lucy Bell
To Priscilla Wakefield £200 Elizabeth Hanbury £250 Rebecca Chapman £250
Christiana Hankin £250
Niece Susanna Champion, £100
Also small legacies to servants etc
Married 1st: Rebecca Havens of Tottenham, widow of Wm Havens, at
Enfield 31 Sept 1741 who died 20 Sept 1742.
Married 2nd: 17th February, 1750, The Friends Meeting House,
Winchmore Hill, Church Hill, Enfield, Middlesex[73]:
Born: Cheapside, London, June, 1727, (FindaGrave has her birth date as
Died 19 October, 1784, Bur 26 Oct, Tottenham.
Quaker Burial: died at Stamford Hill, Mrs Catherine Bell, wife of Mr Dan B.
Coal Merchant. Aged 57 and a half, of a fever.
Parents: David Barclay & Priscilla Freame (latter from Barclay-Bell GED)
She was of the family who became the eponymous bankers.
Issue of Daniel & Katherine (Barclay) Bell (inter alia, see EMC):
1/1. Daniel Bell,
of Wandle House, Wandsworth: he
was renting this property in 1834[74],
born 11th August, 1753, Stamford Hill, Tottenham High Cross, Middlesex,[75]
died 4th December, 1834, died Wandle House, aged 84[76].
Probably Death Duty Reg, 1835, 22, Birchin Lane (London City) IR27/44 to Daniel
He lived in Wandsworth and later in Putney.
1804: Daniel had in interest in a Colliery in Flintshire, of which 2/15th
was offered for sale, with optimistic claims of export to Ireland[77].
1828: United States six per cent stock 1814, reference to Daniel Bell &
Son, (American Stock Brokers). Offices at 22 Birchin Lane, Cornhill.[78]
1829, advertising to purchase Spanish Bonds as Daniel Bell & Son
From some letters, it seems that he went to Canada in about 1777 (see Appendix 7.3.2.
He wrote to his mother about his cousin, Agatha Gurney’s death: Appendix 7.3.3
Married, 16th April, 1789, Elinor, daughter of John Turner (a), of London. She
died 9th January, 1836, aged 67, of Wandle House. leaving issue (b).
Issue of Daniel & Elinor (a fuller listing is on Bell.pdf “The Descendants
of John Bell”)
2/1. Catherine Bell, bap St Andrew Holborn, 31/12/1790, of Bedford RowPR.
Died 9/10/1850, at Cockermouth,
Catherine, eldest daughter of the late Daniel Bell, esq of Wandle House,
Wandsworth, Surrey[79].
Prob D Q4, 1850, Cockermouth, 25 f55
2/2. Elinor Bell was baptised St Andrews Holborn of
Daniel & Elinor, of Bedford Row, 30/10/1792. She died in 1866
Mar at Putney, 2/7/1811, L.L.B. Marshall Waller Clifton, Esq of the Admiralty, dau of Daniel Bell, esq, of Highlands, Putney Heath[80].
2/3. Daniel Bell, bap 5/12/1793, Cheshunt, Herts,
Prob died Q4 1878, aged 85,
Prob son Daniel (ref Bell letters refer to grandmother Elinor Turner)
Perhaps bap 13/4/1816, St James Paddington, of Danel & Harriet.
3/1. Mary BellEMC
2/4. Lucy Bell, born 23/2/1798, bap All Hallows Tottenham, 21/3/1798PR,
married 25/3/1847, at the Friends Meeting House, Allonby, Jeremiah Spencer, of South Lodge, Cockermouth, dau of the late Daniel Bell of Wandle House, Surrey[81]. She died 1893JBM.
2/5. William Bell, son of Daniel & Elinor, b 30/12/1798,
bap All Hallows Tottenham, 23/1/1799.
2/6. Alexander Bell, born 24/3/1804 bap 13/61804 St Mary Putney,
Died 9/3/1805
2/7. Elizabeth Bell, born 20/3/1806,
bap All Saints, Wandsworth, 19/4/1806
Married at St James’s, dau of the late Daniel Bell, of Wandsworth John Fulling
Turner of the Albany, 8th March 1843[82]. No other information.
2/8. Priscilla Bell, b. 1/10/1810, bap Putney, 29/10/1810 PR, Died 1894JBM
1/2. Jonathan Bell (1769-1855)
1/3. Katherine Bell, b 1755, d 17/11/1792.
Married to John Gurney, of
Earlham, County Norfolk, and was mother of Elizabeth Fry, the philanthropist
also of Hannah, wife of Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton, Baronet, and grandmother of
Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton, lately Governor of South Australia, and of the Rt.
Hon. Sydney Charles Buxton, lately raised to the peerage as Baron Buxton, and
now Governor-General of South Africa.
Earlham Hall, 2019.
There are a number of Gurney portraits in the National Portrit Gallery, many of
them the descendants of John & Katherine Gurney.
Died (Nov 1792) at Earlham Hall, near Norwich, Mrs Catherine Gurney, wife of Mr
John Gurney, aged 37, and amiable mother of 11 children[83].
Quaker marriage, Tottenham. 26th March 1775:
John Gurney, of Norwich, merchant, son of John Gurney of the same place,
merchant, dcd, and Elizabeth, him Surviving, and Catherine daughter of Daniel
Bell of Stamford Hill, Middlesex, coal merchant and Catherine his wife...
relations Danl Bell, Catherine Bell, Richd Gurney, Agatha Gurney Edward
Wakefield Priscilla Wakefield etc.
John’s brother, Richard, married Agatha Barclay. A letter on her death from
Daniel Bell in the Appendix 7.3.3
John was baptised 10/1/1749, Norwich, died 27/10/1809, an obituary in the
Obit has him in the 50th year of his age, but this must be a
misprint for 60 – too young for marriage in 1775.
It seems as though there were 2 John & Elizabeth Gurneys in Norwich at this
time: in the Appendix 7.14 there are some notes
on this family, and the deaths of Johns do not fit in that our John’s father
was dead by 1775.
There were Gurney’s as early directors of the Norwich Assurance Co[85], Richard of Keswick,
Norfolk and John of Norwich.
2/1. Elizabeth Gurney (1780-1845), M Joseph Fry (1774-1861)
Born 17/5/1780, St Saviours,
Married Tuesday (19 Aug, 1800) (at the Quaker Meeting, Norwich, Mr Fry, and
eminent tea dealer of London, to Miss Eliza Gurney, 3rd dau of Mr
John Gurney of Earlham, Norwich[86]
For a memoire of her life and works, see the Appendix Volume, Section 5.
3/1. Hannah Fry (1812-1895) M William Streatfield (1810-1852)
Issue inter alia:
4/1. William Streatfield (Rev) (1839-1912)
M Selina Leveson-Gower (1840-1916)
5/1. Roland Streatfield (Rev) (1871-1952)
M Maud Watney (1875-1950)
6/1. Faith Streatfield (1915-2002)
M. Leonard Sharland (1904-1978)
3/2. John Gurney Fry: Married on the 4th inst (Aug 1825),
at the Meeting House, Westminster, John Gurney Fry, eldest son of Joseph Fry of Plashet House, Essex to Rachel, 3rd du of Jacob Foster Reynolds, of South Lambeth.[87]
2/2. John Gurney, b 6/6/1781, Bramerton Psh, Norfolk.
Died, of Earlham, Norwich, 8/9/1814NP. Aged 33, a banker of Earlham hamletQPR.
2/3. Richenda Gurney, b 5/8/1782, BramertonQPR
Bap 26/12/1810, Kings Lynn
2/4. Hannah Gurney b 15/10/1783QPR D.1872, married Sir Fowell Buxton,
MP, brewer, and abolitionist.
2/5. Louisa Gurney, b 25/9/1784,
Norwich St SavioursQPR.
2/6. Samuel Gurney (1786-1856), a banker[88].
Born at Earlham Hall near
Norwich on 18/10/1786QPR.
Married 7/4/1808, Elizabeth dau of James Sheppard, of Ham House, Essex. She
died 14/2/1855
Died Paris 5/6/1856
An older sister was Elizabeth Gurney (21 May 1780 - 12 October 1845) who became
Fry was born 21.5.1780. A younger brother was Joseph John Gurney (2.8.1788 -
4.1.1847) whose name is associated with the Quaker divisions in America[89].
3/1. John Gurney, died of Earlham, 28/9/1856.
8 more issue.
2/7. Joseph John Gurney – changed name to John-Gurney (1788-1847)[90]
Born 2/8/1788, Earlham wit
interalia Richenda SpringallQPR
Died 4/1/1847.
Married, 9/1817, at Wells, Joseph John Gurney, esq of Earlham, Norfolk to Jane
only dau of the late John Birkbeck, esq of Lynn Regis (now Kings Lynn)[91].
Married 2nd, Mary Fowler 1827
Married 3rd, Eliza P.Kirkbride, who survived him.
Died at Earlham Hall, on the 10th inst (June 1822), Mrs Joseph John
Gurney, dau of the late John Birkeck, of Lynn Regis, one of the society for
friends after a few days illness, the only dau of John Birkbeck late of Lynn,
Norfolk, banker, and formerly of Settle Yorkshire[92].
2/8. Daniel Gurney[93] b. 9/3/1791, Earlham,
d. 14/6/1880, North Runcton, Norfolk, banker.
2/9. Sophia Gurney, dau of the late John Gurney of Norwich,
mar Cpt Wm. Elwin of the West Norfolk Reg at Canterbury 1/7/1807[94]
2/10. Priscilla Gurney, b 27/11/1785, St Saviours NorwichQPR.
died at Cromer, 25th inst, (March 1821) aged 35 youngest dau of the late John Gurney esq, of Earlham Hall Norfolk[95].
2/11. Louisa Gurney married Mr Hoare.
The painting by Francis Wheatley c 1770 in Norwich Castle Museum shows Edward
Wakefield with his wife Priscilla seated on the right, and her sister Catherine
Bell (later wife of John Gurney of Earlham and mother of Elizabeth Fry)
re Charles Johnston[xxvi]
& Maria Suffolk[xxvii]
(nee Mary Elizabeth Logie) in January 2001. [96]
Wakefield [née Bell], Priscilla (1750–1832), author and philanthropist, was
born on 20 November 1750 in Tottenham, Middlesex, the eldest of six children of
Catherine Barclay (1727–1784) and Daniel Bell (1726–1802), coal merchant. She
was a great-granddaughter of the Quaker martyr Robert Barclay.[97]
She was educated at home near London and helped her mother educate her younger
sisters. In January 1771, she married Edward Wakefield, a merchant; they had
two surviving sons and one daughter. A Quaker, Wakefield was a noted
philanthropist, founding a maternity hospital and a “frugality bank” in which
the poor could save their money. She is best known as a children’s author; she
wrote only one book for adults, the feminist Reflections on the Present
Condition of the Female Sex (1798). Despite never leaving Britain, she wrote a
number of travel books, including Excursions in North America (1806) and The Traveller
in Africa(1814), basing them on extensive research. She died at her daughter’s
house in Ipswich on 12 September 1832. (D.L.M.)[98]
From her father, Jonathan Bell’s Memoir: her mother – not tall, fair and light hair, very expressive
countenance, not much animation, was preceptress, I may say, to her sisters,
which her fine talents warranted – her memory is stamped to the world
by her many valuable effusions, particularly addressed to the young people, now
become perhaps rather obsolete, but not less valuable. Her name, also indeed
fame , will never be forgotten for one of her charitable acts: - She was
the original Instigator and Establisher of the Saving Bank
system, carried into practical operation by herself and a lady (a neighbor) of
the name of Powell and these two are recorded in the History of the
Saving Bank.
I speak of her charity – her whole life was a devotion to benevolence!
..... She was a thorough Quaker in mind but (inconsistently) extremely
fond of general society and some worldly amusements, the theatre
she was fond of, but in those days it was an object of something like worthy
interest. Mrs Siddons, Ladys Derby, Kemble, Parsons, banister were attractions
to draw people. I never believe they were of evil intent. I have enjoyed many a
play with her! Her husband was of a Quaker Family (I believe) but he was of the
world and his wife therefore never put on Quaker habits
Microfilm copies of her diaries in the NZ Turnbull Library, she was quite
famous herself for work among deprived women in east end of London.
Her descendants included Edward Gibbon Wakefield.
Extract from: “A Sort of Conscience: The Wakefields, By Philip Temple” -
The family suffered from recurring financial problems, a direct practical
burden for Priscilla and the chronic prompt for many of her sons’ and
grandsons’ actions in future years. She found solace, fortitude and life
purpose in an enduring Quaker faith inherited from both her mother Catherine,
granddaughter of Robert Barclay of Ure, the seventeenth-century Quaker
apologist (and progenitor of the famous banking family), and from her father,
Daniel Bell. After their marriage at the meeting house in Tottenham High Road,
her parents had made a home at nearby Stamford Hill, 70 acres bordering the
River Lea where a wharf and warehouse served Bell’s lifelong coal business. By
1796, Priscilla saw it as ‘Once the place of all my domestic joys, but now,
alas! almost stript of all’ (22 July). As her widowed father neared the end of
his life, she wrote on 25 July, ‘Could but age feel the advantage of continuing
agreeable: what a delightful task to alleviate its miseries, as it is, it is an
incumbent duty.’
Priscilla Wakefield’s Quakerism was actively and pragmatically Philanthropic.
She was no admirer of orthodoxy. At a Friends’ meeting she ‘mixed with numbers
of those who think that extreme plainness of habit and address is essential to
rectitude. I admire the simplicity of their manners, and the purity of their
morals, but do they not sometimes deviate into mere formality and uniformity of
habit?’ (6 September 1796).
Priscilla had been brought up in an environment less restricted than that of
many Quaker families. Daniel had been fond of shooting, riding and fox-hunting,
which were not at all compatible with Quaker practice since Friends were
adjured ‘not to distress the creatures of God for our amusement’. Priscilla was
said to be ‘fond of general society and some worldly amusements':9 in December
1796, she went to London and ‘saw Macbeth. Delighted with the combined talent
of Mrs Siddons and Kemble.’ But her piety and sense of propriety intervened as
she added, ‘Why are these amusements polluted by dreadful intermixture of vice
and profaneness.’
Priscilla Bell M Edward Wakefield, 3/1/1771 at Tottenham: Edward Wakefield of
Lad Lane, London, merchant son of Edw Wakefield, of the same place, dcd and his
wife Isabella (Gibbon), him surviving and Priscilla Bell, dau of Daniel
of Stamford Hill, Middx, coal merchant and Catherine his wife... PRQuaker
Wakefields were involved in the linen trade in Northern Ireland. The PRoNI
website has:
“Linen Trade: “The letters to and from the second Thomas Greer form the bulk of
the collection. Greer was chiefly concerned with the linen business but was
also involved in the trade of general goods……. All through the letters the
Greer family appear to have been connected in business with the Wakefields of
London. The partnerships changed from time to time: the first was Wakefield,
Willet & Pratt, and the next, mentioned in 1770, was Wakefield, Pratt &
Miers and later the name was Wakefield and Bell.”
Daniel Bell of the firm writes to Thomas Greer II at Dungannon, 9 December
1778 (PRONI D/1044/525;
ditto 3 September 1779 (D/1044/556a)
ditto, from Stamford Hill- date?
Issue of Edward & Priscilla (Bell) Wakefield, outline only, see “The
Descendants of John Bell” file for a full descendancy:
2/1. Isabella Wakefield 1773-1841 married & 11 children
2/3. Barclay Wakefield, b 4/9/1775
2/4. Daniel Wakefield, 23/10/1776-20/7/1846, married no issue.
Maria Suffolk[xxviii]
sent much of this in about 2002:
2/2. Edward Wakefield, (1774-1854) M. Susannah Crash
3/1. Edward Gibbon Wakefield, M
Eliza Pattle, of India
3/2. Priscilla Susannah Wakefield
m. Henry Chapman (son of Abel Chapman) in India see below.
3/3. John Howard Wakefield, d. 1862.
M. Maria Suffolk, d. India 1852.
(an Indian aristocrat, converted).
4/1. Lucy Catherine Wakefield M. 1863 Count Hugo Radolinski,
a Prussian, in 1863. He later became Prince Radolin, working as Private Secretary to the Kaiser. She may have married from a Gurney household in London, her father having died the year before in London (her mother in India in 1852).
4/2. George Edward Wakefield, b India
M. 1. Eliza Bastard
M. 2. Ruth Adalaide Allsop
5/1. Violet Mary Wakefield (born in India)
m. Owen Chilton Goodenough
Hayter in India (maybe b Paddington 1877).
6/1. Janet Mary Wakefield Hayter (born in India)
m. John Duncan Logie in UK. She
later divorced, and deed-polled her name to Janet Mary Wakefield Holmes.
7/1. Mary Elizabeth Logie
m. Peter James Wildblood in UK.
She later divorced, and deed-polled her name to Maria Isabel Suffolk.
8/1. Sean Andrew Gavin Wildblood
8/2. Angus Jeremy Ross Wildblood
The following from and Daniel’s will.
1/5. Rebecca Bell born about 1754. She died on 17 May 1828,
married Abel Chapman, St Clement Danes 13/7/1784 (ref Daniel Bell will & ancestry).
2/1. Henry Chapman, married Priscilla Susannah Wakefield,
G/d of Priscilla (Bell) Wakefield.
1/6. Elizabeth Bell was born in 1756.
Quaker register, Tottenham: John
Hanbury of Whitecross Street, London, Brewer, son of Capt Hanbury, late of
London, merchant and Mary his wife surviving and Elizabeth Bell daughter of
Daniel Bell of Stamford Hill, Middlesex, coal merchant and Catherine his wife...
5 April 1781
present Lucy, Charlotte, Rebecca, Chris, Jonathan, Daniel, Catherine, Jonathan
Daniel jnr Bell, Susanna, Mary, David jnr, Robert, Rachel jnr Barclay, Edward
& Priscilla Wakefield, John & Catherine Gurney.
From her father, Jonathan Bell’s Memoir:
...a very remarkable person, elegant and stately, very handsome and
graceful, endowed with talents, energy and feeling eve taking the strongest
interest in every one’s affairs and pursuits, from the poor beggar at the door
to the most independent member of her family or acquaintances – her career in
life was a chequered one indeed, or rather unchequered, for its was ever a
painful struggle – the loss of a lovely daughter, 14 or 15, in measles, gave
such a turn to her heart that it might almost be said to have broken it,
and she never recovered the deprivation, tho’ living above 70 years, her
talents were not hid under a bushel, she wrote some novels, many efforts were
highly spoken of, but never published, except a work of much notoriety, the Good
a code of regulations for the conduct of a nurse in a sick room, highly
estimated by the Physicians of the day. She became greatly attached to my wife,
and always bore a most affectionate interest in her happiness.
Issue, probably died young.
2/1. William Hanbury.
2/2. Kitty Hanbury.
2/3. John Hanbury.
2/4. Capel Charles Hanbury.
2/5. George Hanbury, who died in the East Indies – a fine noble young man.
1/7. Lucy Bell was born in 1758, died 1796.
1/8. Charlotte Bell. Father’s will has Charlotte Hankin, but maybe in error.
possibly married Capel Hanbury,
of Bishops Stortford 1793.
Married Capel Hanbury, bachelor of Bishops Stortford, Charlotte Bell of
Tottenham, by licence, 26/4/1793, at All Hallows Tottenham.
2/1. Daniel Bell Hanbury, of Plough Court, Lombard St, son of Capel
Hanbury, married Oct 1824, at
Friends Meeting House, Wandsworth, Rachel eldest dau of Thomas Christy of
Gracechurch St[99].
Daniel diector of Eastern Counties Railway Company[100], 1849. Daniel Bell
Hanbury, born 1794, died 1882; he had four sons of whom the third is Sir Thomas
Hanbury of La MortolaJBM.
2/2. Cornelius Hanbury, born 1796, died 1869,
He had one son by his first
wife, Mary Allen and
married as his second wife:-
Elizabeth Sanderson, daughter of John Sanderson. This lady was born on June
9th, 1793 and lived to October 31st, 1901, thus reaching the great age of 108
years and 144 days. See JBM for more on her.
1/9. Christiana Bell was born in 1766.
Married 1st, David
Springall, of Lombard St, Insurance Broker[101],
son of Richenda (Barclay) SpringallJBM,
6/3/1787. No surviving issue.
Married 2nd, Thomas Hankin., Tower Hamlets, 1/12/1793, he a
bachelor, she a widow (Springall), by banns, Jonathan Bell witnessPR.
Many issue by him.
Christiana Hankin bur, Stanstead St Margaret, on 27 Jan 1809PR,
married Mr Hankin (DB Will, no trace).
Christina Carlin Hankin, bap 12/7/1801, Stanstead Abbotts, dau of Thomas &
Christiana Hankin. George & Danil Hankin bap same day.
1/10. Caroline Bell. Married 13/11/1764, John Head,
grocer of Ipswich, son of John Head late of Ipswich, dcd and Ann his wife. Caroline dau of Daniel Bell of Stamford Hill, coal merchant and Catherine his wife (Quaker Tottenham reg). She died 14/12/1795 – is this correct, mentioned in father’s will.
From Bill Jackson:
Ongoing research 10/2002:
(Jackson's Full text, not internet)
JS lists 4 siblings.
A detailed descrption of this family from Jonathan Bell, his son-in-law, in
given in Appendix 7.5
Born 1742, died 1803
St Mary Bromley St Leonard, Tower Hamlets: Edward, son of John & Sarah
Vaux, baptised 23/3/1741-2.
Buried St Peter le Poer
31/1/1803, aged 60.
His Father was married:
John Vaux of St Leonard Bromley, Middx, Bachelor, married St Clement Eastcheap,
Sarah Haggard of same parish, 24/4/1739.
Of Sarah Haggard, there is no further information (8/2019)
John Vaux, the first looks a bit young, but could be him.
Born 9/4/1721, bap 27/4/1721 of Josiah & Mary Vaux, St Gabriel Fenchurch
John Vaux bur St Clement, 28/12/1722, churchyard.
Jno Vaux, br 10/10/1728, St Ann Blackfriars
Bapt St Ann, Blackfriars, of William & Sarah, 14/7/1717, bur 13/8/1717, St
Edward Marion Chadwick wrote for Maria: “Daughter of Edward Vaux, in Holy
Orders, and his wife Mary Johnson, of London” – his ordination is almost
certainly incorrect.
There is no doubt from his will that this Edward Vaux was a
merchant and insurer, and probably not a clergyman – as Sharpe writes[102], there was an Edward Vaux
in Holy Orders who died in 1847 aged 44 (grandson to this one): it is very
possible that EMC confused this with the (much earlier) Edward in this section.
There are a number of references that show Edward Vaux (and later at least 2 of
his sons, Edward and Jasper) was an important member of the burgeoning London
Insurance world:
1. There is a brief reference in “Treatises on Average, and Adjustments of
Losses in Marine Insurance” (1833) to “ a gentleman of high and deserved eminence
in the commercial world (the late Edward Vaux, esq)” This must refer to Edward
senior as his son Edward was still alive.
2. An Edward Vaux was listed in 1800 s a member of the committee responsible
for the affairs of the “Society for the Registry of Shipping”, which was very
closely associated with the Lloyds market.
3. An Edward Vaux was shown as a director of Globe Insurance of London, est
1803, in 1844
4. There is a reference to “Edward Vaux of London and Edward Vaux the younger,
insurance brokers, 1795” on the internet, but with a broken link.
This reinforces the idea that Edward Vaux and his son were important members of
the Insurance world of London.
5. Referring to Lord Mansfield[103]
“Modern commercial lawyers may be surprised to find much in this historical
account that is familiar. Mansfield incorporated merchant customs and usage
into the common law. Prominent London merchants variously served as witnesses,
special jurors and arbitrators in commercial cases. Indeed, one merchant, Edward
Vaux, was said to have “almost as much authority as the Lord Chief Justice
himself” in such cases. Mansfield initiated procedural reforms to deal
expeditiously with his high volume case-load. He “was a decided friend to the
arbitration process as an efficacious means of concluding cases that presented
no question of law or need for jury deliberation, or that would be well served
by an arbitrator’s expertise.” Mansfield’s inclination to use “common sense to
get at the truth” made him a great modernising influence on procedure and commercial
Jonathan Sharpe transcribed Edward Vaux’s will:
This is the Last Will and Testament of me Edward Vaux of Austin Friars in the
City of London Merchant and Insurer Imprimis I direct that all my just debts my
Funeral and Testamentary Expenses be paid so soon as conveniently may be after
my Decease……
…..I give and bequeath to my Son in Law Mr Jonathan Bell of Bouchiers [?] Hall
in Ess’m [prob. Essex] from and after the death of my dear Wife Mary Vaux one
thousand Pounds Part of the Sum of fourteen hundred and seventy Pounds now due
to me on his and his Father Mr Daniel Bell’s joint Bond for three thousand
Pounds to myself……
….I give and bequeath to my Son in Law Mr William Eade of Clapton in Middlesex
from and after the Death of my dear Wife Mary Vaux …..
….I give and bequeath to my Daughter Eliza Vaux the Sum of one thousand
…I give and bequeath to my daughter Louisa Vaux the Sum of one thousand Pounds
to be invested……
…I give to my Son William Vaux the Sum of three thousand Pounds at his
attaining his Age of twenty one years and in the mean….
…..I also give to each and every of my Sons and Daughters to my Sons and
Daughters in Law to my Sisters Mary Gordon Sarah Vaux and Hannah Vaux to my
nephew Percival Edward Vaux to his Sister my Niece Sarah Vaux and to Mr James
Gordon of Charleston South Carolina or whoever of them shall be living at the
time of my Decease one Mourning Gold Ring…..
…..Government Securities in or upon which the same shall stand and shall have
been invested unto and amongst my Daughters Maria Wife of Jonathan Bell Emma
Wife of Reverend James Simpkinson Mary Ann Wife of William Eade Eliza Vaux and
Louisa Vaux the Issue of such of them as may then be dead…..
…..amongst all and every my said five Daughters Maria Bell Emma Simpkinson
Mary Ann Eade Eliza Vaux and Louisa Vaux equally to be divided between them the
Shares of my said Daughters Maria Bell Emma Simpkinson Mary Ann Eade and Eliza
Vaux to be assigned transferred or paid to them respectively immediately after
the Decease of my said dear Wife Mary Vaux and the Share of my Daughter Louisa
Vaux to be assigned transferred or paid to her when she shall have attained her
Age of twenty one…..
…And I constitute and appoint the said Mary Vaux my dear Wife and my said Sons
Jasper Vaux and Edward Vaux Executrix and Executors of this my Will And I
direct that my said Ex’ors ….
….Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and two./. Edward Vaux signed
sealed published and declared by the said Edward Vaux the Testator as and for
his last Will and Testament in the presence of us Edwin Dawes Thomas….
I have just discovered from info from your site that the will mentions
Elizabeth Fry's father:-
.......I give and bequeath to my Son in Law Mr Jonathon Bell of Bouchiers [?]
Hall in Ess'm [prob. Essex (Aldham)] from and after the death of my dear Wife
Mary Vaux one thousand Pounds Part of the Sum of fourteen hundred and seventy
Pounds now due to me on his and his Father Mr Daniel Bell's joint Bond for
three thousand Pounds to myself Mr John Gurney Mr Abel Chapman Mr Robert
Barclay Mr Feame[?] and Mr Capel Hanbury the Interest......
Married (Ref Jonathan Sharpe: 25/4/2005):
Banns between Edward Vaux OTP, bachelor and Mary Johnson of Barking in Essex
spinster published 3 Sunday in April 1765
Born about 1744, but there are several candidates in the London records:
without more information, It is not possible to narrow the list.
Bur St Peter le Poer, London, of Clapham Rise, Surrey, aged 85, 7/12/1829, she
was probably with her son Edward, who at one time lived in a (new) development
in Clapham Common West Side.
Children of Edward Vaux and Mary Johnson are:
1/1. Edward Vaux. - JS, also JS lists descendants.
Born 14/8/1768, bapt All Hallows,
Barking, 23/8/1768PR
“he was after a year or so invited to join a Cousin in Law, Mr Eade, of
Bordeaux where all his objects & interest soon became intensively centred.
The death of W. Eade (prob 1824) opened a wide field of action, which for many
years proved highly successful in result....” (Jonathan Bell memoirs).
Married Elizabeth EADE, 20 July 1802 (Age 34), St Mary, Stoke Newington
Died 25/5/1845, aged 77 Bloomsbury.
Issue, Inter alia:
2/1. Edward Vaux (rev)
b 25 June 1803 (Age 29 days) St Stephen Coleman Street, London
Maried Emily Newcombe, 7/5/1834.
Burial 13 May 1847 (Age 43), All Hallows, Tottenham
2/2. Caroline Vaux, 1811
2/3. Mary Vaux, 1813,
2/4. Harriet Emma Vaux, 1814
2/5. Margaret Elle Vaux, 1821.
1/2. Eliza Vaux, Born 10/1/1780, ch 23/1/1780 St Peter PPR,
married Joseph Eade October 17, 1805 in Old Church, Saint Pancras, London. JS lists descendants, among whom are:
2/1. Caroline Eade, who married
John Craven Chadwick (6-1) of Canada.
2/2. Louisa Eade 1808,
2/3. Margaret Ann Eade, 1812
2/4. Alice Eade 1813,
2/5. John Eade, 1816,
2/6. Mary Anne Eade, 1819,
2/7. Joseph Eade, 1820.
2/8. Eliza Eade (1810-1883), M. Robert Henty (1808-1904).
3/1. Agnes Henty, (1847-1930), M. Edward Larpent Agar,
4/1. Emily E Agar b abt 1880,
g/mother of Jonathan Sharpe.
1/3. Jasper Vaux, b 1767. – JS Bap 26/8/1767, St Katherine Coleman
M. Christian Combe, 7/9/1809,
Chobham, Surrey, dau of Harvey Christian Combe and Alice Christian Tree.
(source: download)
“ Mr. Jasper Vaux, elected member of the committee for managing the
affairs of Lloyd's, September, 1796,...”
1/4. Maria Vaux, b. 1771 (JS) died January 28, 1852;
married Jonathan Bell
1/5. John Vaux. (JS b 1773).
1/6. Emma Vaux, born May 30, 1775.
Wife of James (Simpkinson) King —
married July 1, 1802 in London,
Mother of Thomas King, James (Simpkinson) King, Elizabeth King, Frances King,
Margaret King, Mary King and Louisa Decima King. Died 1859 in Eaton House
London. Wikitree.
1/7. William Robert Vaux, born 15/3/1777, bapt 31/3/1777, St
Peter PPR
1/8. Mary Ann Vaux, Born 15/9/1777, bap 7/10/1777 Ts Peter PPR
Married William Eade
Issue, from William’s Will (Appendix 7.16):
2/1. William Eade
2/2. Margaret Eade
2/3. Mary Ann Eade
1/9. Henry Vaux, b 25/4/1780, bap 21/5/1780, St Peterle PoerPR
1/10. William Vaux, Bap St John Hackney, 12/8/1784 - JS, descendants listed.
1/11. Louisa Vaux, bap 20/7/1786, St John HackneyPR - JS,
This line was not continued from Daniel (1726) until the alternatives were
established (10/2003). Now continued 8/2019.
Born: 12/12/1685, Cockermouth, Cumbria
Parents: Jonathan & Rebecca Bell (Jonathan worked as a Governor of
Cockermouth Castle, Cumbria)
this birth date comes from the Quaker testimonial, but conflicts with a record
in tha Pardshaw Quaker meeting, covering Cockermouth etc of a son, John born to
John Bell of High Castle House 16th of the 12th month
1685 (ie 16th Feb 1686). However, another birth, Sarah in 1679,
looks to have been at Setmurthy, on the north end of Bathenthwaite Lake.
Died: aged 72 24/2/1758 Tottenham, bur 2/3/1758, Quaker Cemetery, Winchmore
Hill, Tottenham
The worthy and much esteemed friend, Daniel Bell, departed this life the 24th
2nd mth called February 1758 of an asmatic disorder and was buried
at Winchmorehill the 2nd day of the 3rd mth following
aged about 72 years see the testimony concerning him in the monthly meeting
From Jonathan Bell Memoir (Daniel’s son):
“Daniel was sent to Royston, to learn agriculture, at an early age – during his
residence there he became acquainted (but how I don’t know) with the family of
David Barclay, then living at Bush Hill, near Enfield (Mx), I shall just
mention that D.B. was a direct descendant of the famous Robert Barclay, well
known for his great work – an apology for Quakerism. David was an eminent
Merchant, possessor of a considerable Fortune, and lived in an expensive style,
had a numerous family and was in high standing of Society – a Strict Quaker, as
were all his children, but I shall stop here, as to him, tho’ I could fill a
volume with the history of the Barclay Blood. His youngest daughter was
Catherine, a lovely young woman, and had numerous admirers and lovers.
The young Farmer fell in love with her, and she with him, and after a long
courtship and through many difficulties, won her, with a good fortune,
Daniel was a long time minister of the Quaker friends, and travelled a
extensively round the various meetings, including Ireland. A 1760 publication:
“A collection of Testimonies concerning several ministers of the Gospel amongst
the people called Quakers Deceased” gives a good account of his life in the
Daniel inherited Hundith Hill from his brother, John, who died 10/1/1744.
In his will, he left to his son Jonathan property in Cumberland, at Hatfield
Hyde and White Hart Lane (London), and to his son Daniel shares in the (Quaker)
Lead Company (probably the Bristol Lead Company) and in the Bristol Wire and
Battery Company, which became the Saltford Brass Mill[106]. These were Quaker
connected enterprises, with, amongst others, Abraham Darby of Coalbrookdale as
a manager of the latter. He also mentions property in (New) Jersey and New
Hampshire in America.
His interests show the extent of the interconnections of the Quaker movements,
both at home and in America. There is no indication what his American interests
The Quaker record of the birth of his sons has his wife Elizabeth.
the Quaker Records has her as Elizabeth Sole, born about 1688 in Chipping
Norton, married 15 October 1717, Witney Quaker Meeting[107].
There seem to be no suitable recorded births of Elizabeth,
within the Oxfordshire area: she was probably Quaker, or at least
non-conformist, so the records may not have survived.
Elizabeth Bell, wife of Daniel Bell of Tottenham, aged about 52 years, who died
the 21st of the 6th Month called August, 1740 of a slow
fever and was buried at Winchmore Hill the 25th [108].
Daniel had issue, Jonathan & Daniel from Qaker & other records, the
remainder from a pedigree of Bell of Hundith Hill[109]:
1/1. John, born 1st August 1718, died 2nd June 1719
1/2. Jonathan Bell
Jonathan Bell, son of Daniel
& Elizabeth born Tottenham, 23/2/1719[110]
Inherited the paternal estate 1758, on the death of his father.
25 April 1791[111].
BELL. At his house at Hertford, in his 75th year, Mr. Jonathan Bell, one of the
people called Quakers, formerly an eminent shopkeeper in Tottenham, but retired
many years, and elder brother to Mr. Daniel Bell, coal merchant, at Stamford
Hill. Mr. Bell’s integrity, communicative and friendly disposition, will make
him remembered with esteem by all who knew him. Another entry has him about 72.
JBM: “.... one Brother (Jonathan) who lived as a retired gentleman from a
business which he carried on at Tottenham, with high credit and success, he was
highly respected by all ranks and altho’ a Plain Quaker visited by all the
Aristocracy of the County – a Bachelor, in a capital residence, constantly
employed in Charitable objects, was, as was natural much sought after. He was
intelligent, kind-hearted, particularly Polite and Courteous and esteemed, nay
beloved by all ranks.....”
Of Bailey Hall, Heilford. On 12th December 1746 he married Elizabeth Owen,
daughter of Frances Owen, who had married his uncle John Bell of Lombard
Street, she being the widow of Thomas Owen, brewer, of Southwark, and daughter
of Thomas Zachary of London. He was born 23rd December 1719 and died 23rd March
1780. They had children[112]:
2/1. Ann Bell, born in 1748, and died 24th April 1812.
She married, 25/5/1780, William
Dodgson of Likeside, in the parish of Kirklington, Cumberland, yeoman. He was a
son of John and Grissel (or Grace Routledge) Dodgson of Likeside. They had a
son William (the transcript must be in error – William looks to have been born
1749, a year after his mother’s birth)
William, who died aged 91 years on 15th July 1840, this must be William married
to Ann Bell.
He had children, these must be
of William & Elizabeth Bell:
4/1. John, born 10th March 1781. He married Deborah Graham.
4/2. Elizabeth, born 21st June 1763,
and died aged 88 years 13th August 1871.
4/3. Joseph, born 15th February
4/4. Robert, born 5th September 1790,
and died aged 65 years 14th June 1856 at Wigton.
4/5. Ann, born 19th September 1792.
On 24th October 1813 she married Joseph Saul.
2/2 Jonathan, born 12th August 1757, and who died young.
1/3. Elizabeth, born 23rd February 1722.
She married on 4th November Joseph Dimsdale, a son of John and Susanna Dimsdale of Epping.
1/4. Katharine, died unmarried
1/5. Lucy, died unmarried.
1/6. Daniel Bell, b 1726 KO08/37
Will of Daniel Bell, 1758[113]
of Tottenham High Cross
To be buried at our Friends burying ground at Winchmore Hill
To son Jonathan ... all my estate .. at ?? under the Hill in Cumberland
To son Jonathan ... messuages etc at Hatfield Hyde, Herts ... which I purchased
of Francis Jackson and his brothers yielding and paying out of the rents unto
Ruth Jackson for life £18pa with which lands were charged by James Jackson, her
late husband before I purchased the same
To son Jonathan the lease and rents etc of my two fields or closes in White
Hart Lane and adjoining the river
To Jonathan £200
Jonathan to execute the trusts reposed in me relating to the executorship of
John Fallowfield and James Lawrence
To son Daniel £300
To son Daniel the leasehold tenement in Tottenham High Cross now in the
possession of George Hart, Brewer
To son Daniel 3 messuages or houses in Silver st Edmonton which I purchased of
Thomas Hayes of Shoreditch
To son Daniel Ten? Shares in the Lead Company for smelting Lead with Pit coal
and two shares in the Bristol Brass Wire and Battery Company which cost me
about £380 with all the dividends etc
To G/dau Susannah Dinsdale £300 at 21 is she deceases the legacies to executors
To Jonathan & Daniel all estate in Jersey and New Hampshire or elsewhere in
America, share and share alike
Also rest & residue to Jonathan and Daniel
To brother Jacob Bell 5 guineas and my silver Tobacco box and to each of his
children 5 gns
To sister in law Matilda Shepherd £10
To brother-in-law William Clark 5 gns
To grandchildren Daniel, Priscilla and Catherine Bell each £100
To Mary Drummond £10 and £6pa for life
To John Bell of Bromley and Thomas Whitehead each 5gns
Legacies to the poor friends at Tottenham Monthly Meeting
Devonshire House Monthly Meeting
Romans? Meeting at Frare Church St
Friends Workhouse Clerkenwell
Execs Daniel & Jonathan
Dated 3 June 1755
Son Duinsdale
Sister Francis Bell
Sister Margaret Bell
Daughter in law Elizabeth Bell
Daughter in law Catherine Bell
Kinsman Isaac Fearon in Cumberland
Cozen Burton?
Grand Dau Priscilla Bell
Memo 8 Feb 1758.
The £100 to each of the 3 children of Daniel now to be held in trust by hime
for all his children
Legacy to children of late brother Jacob to their mother and them.
Proved 8 March 1758.
A Testimony from Tottenham Monthly Meeting, in the County of Middlesex,
concerning DANIEL BELL[114].
OUR eminent and worthy Friend Daniel Bell, was the Son of Jonathan and Rebecca Bell, of Cockermouth in Cumberland, both descended of reputable Parents, and well esteemed in the Society.
He was born the 12th Day of the Twelfth month 1685; and being soberly and religiously inclined from his Youth, was often favoured with the tendering and refreshing Influence of Divine Love; so that when very young, he was frequently drawn to solitary Places for Retirement and Prayer; and, as he has several times occasionally mentioned, renewed his resolutions to persevere in Obedience to those early Reaches of Divine Grace and Favour; and was often fully persuaded, that by continuing faithful therein, he should be conducted safely through the various occurrences that might attend him in this Life; frequently remembering the Importance of that solemn Advice of Christ to his Followers, Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his Righteousness, and all these Things shall be added unto you. And as he continued faithful in Obedience, he found it effectually verified in himself.
Soon after his coming to London, which was in the Year 1703, he entered into an Apprenticeship; and his circumspect and religious Deportment drew the Notice, and gained him the Affection, of solid Friends; and joining in an intimate Conversation with some of the most religious young Men, they had many precious Opportunities of Retirement together, to their mutual Edification and Growth in the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ; which hindered not, but promoted, their Success in what they engaged in of temporal Concerns.
He came forth in the Ministry about the Year 1705; and his Service, in that Capacity, was well approved by Friends and others. About the Year 1708, he had a Concern to visit his native Country; and having obtained Leave of his Master, and with the Concurrence of the Monthly-meeting he belonged to, he set out from London the 25th of the Second Month 1708, accompanied with some Friends from thence to Uxbridge, where there was a Burial, which occasioned a large Number of People, who were attentive to the Testimony born, and the Lord’s Power was in Dominion, to the tendering of many Souls. And one of the Friends accompanied him into visiting Meetings in the several Counties they passed through, where they had many tendering and comfortable Seasons. And being come to his Father’s Habitation : —Please to take his own Account of the Reception he met with there, viz.
“My dear Patents, said he, received me with such Gladness; and that Evening many Friends came to see me, and our Hearts were cemented together in the Enjoyment of Divine Love, which was largely shed abroad amongst us. Blessed be the God of Truth for ever, who remembers his breathing Seed. On the Third-day Morning I went to Pardsey-crag Meeting, and called to see our dear Friends James Dickinson and Wife, who went to Meeting, and a glorious Time we had, to the Joy and Satisfaction of many. And tarrying some Weeks in the County, I visited the Meetings in general, where we had many comfortable Seasons; and I accompanied several Friends, appointed to visit Families, and had good Satisfaction in our Visit; the Lord’s owning Power did attend us in a wonderful Manner; he was pleased to open the States of Friends Families very particularly, to the Edification of his People, in the Places where we came”
At the Quarterly-meeting for Cumberland, he met our Friend John Bell, and from thence they continued together till they returned to London, visiting Friends Meetings in the Counties through which they passed, where they had many satisfactory Times. In that Journey he had good Service, for the Comfort and Edification of the Faithful, and his Testimony had a great Reach on many of the Youth.
In 1710, he visited the Meetings twice in Kent, Sussex, Hampshire
and Surrey. In 1711, he entered upon a Visit to Friends Meetings in most Parts
of England, Scotland and Ireland, where several were convinced by his Ministry;
and he returned to London the 6th of the Fourth Month 1713: Soon after which, he
travelled in the adjacent Counties, and also in the Western, visiting Meetings.
In the Year 1713, he took a Journey in the Western and Northern Counties. In
1715 and 1718, he travelled in the South and West Parts: In 1744, in the North
and East. In 1745, 1746, and 1747, he travelled in the North and West Parts. In
1748, he made general Visit to the Northern and Midland Counties; and to the same
in 1750: And his last and concluding Visit to these Parts, was in the Year
1755. Since which time, he frequently travelled into the adjacent Counties, in
the Service of the Gospel.
He was sound and edifying in his Testimony, often drawn forth in Points of Doctrine with great Clearness, which tended to the Opening the Understanding into the Doctrine of the Christian Faith and Practice. He was very affectionate for the Youth, and often engaged, in his public Ministry, for their Good; his Counsel to them was weighty and, of great Importance, delivered in so tender and affectionate Manner, as made him truly amiable in their View : In short, we believe him to have been a sanctified Vessel for the Lord’s Use. And being often times favoured with the qualifying Influences of the Divine Spirit, his Doctrine dropt as the Dew, to the great Refreshment of the Heritage of God and there are many living Witnesses that can set Seal to his Ministry and Labours of endeared Love amongst us.
He was constant in attending Meetings, both for Worship and Discipline. His Conversation was exemplary, sincere, and courteous; not tenacious, but condescending. He was diligent and industrious in Business, when at liberty from religious Duties, and the Service of the Church. He was a loving Husband, a tender and affectionate Parent, a kind and gentle Master, well beloved by his Relations and Friends, and esteemed by his Neighbours.
The last Time he was at Meeting, he was remarkably favoured with Power from on high; which was so demonstrated by the Fullness and Clearness of his Testimony, as to be taken particular Notice of by divers Friends that were present.
In his last Illness he was attended with the Over-shadowings of Divine Goodness; and though the Prospect of losing so dear a Relation, and so worthy a Friend, could not but be Matter of Sorrow and Affliction; yet, in the Midst thereof, the sweet Frame of Mind in which he was, when confined to his Chamber and his Bed, has caused great Joy and Comfort to all about him, his Soul being filled with Prayer and Praises to the God of his Salvation, in whom he had believed; and he who had been his Morning Light, he found to be his Evening Song: Breaking out often in Heavenly Expressions, saying, Mercy and Peace, abounded to his great Consolation; and that he had done his Day’s work. On a Friend coming to pay him a Visit, a few Days before he died, he said to him, The Lord has been my Stay and my Staff, and has helped me along, and find him to be so now.
He departed this Life the 24th Day of the Second Month 1758, at his House at Tottenham in Middlesex, and was honourably buried, the 2d of the Third Month following, in Friends Burial Ground at WInchmore Hill, the Meeting being attended by many Friends from London and the adjacent Counties, and several ' weighty Testimonies born, to the Comfort and Edification of those present; and we have not the least Doubt, but this our worthy Friend is gone to that State of everlasting Rest and Peace, where the Wicked cease from troubling, and the Weary are at Rest.
Aged Seventy two, a Minister Fifty three Years.
An early Quaker from Cumbria, NW England.
Father of Daniel Bell, born 12/12/1685.
Inherited Paternal Estate.
From the Pardshaw Quaker records, covering Whitehaven, Cockermouth and
Broughton from 1578 onwards and Roger Sharland’s researches.
Born: 1/12/1654, Cockermouth, son of John & ElizabethRS.
Pardshaw Quakers:
Jonathan Bell of Castle departed this life 23rd of the 3rd
(May) 1721
Will at Lancashire Archives, of Cockermouth Castle.[115] Inventory £234.
There are several other wills of John Bell (snr?) in the area, held at
Lancashire Archives.
Inherited Paternal Estate. Sometime after birth of youngest Child being engaged
by the Duke of Somerset as his Steward he removed his family from Hundith Hill
to Cockermouth Castle when he was styled Governor. Still retaining his farm. He
died much respected and esteemed 23 March (3rd mth = May) 1721,
buried 25th at CockermouthJBM FMPi, of Castle
Hundith Hill was at the North end of the Vale of Lorton, towards Cockermouth:
An engraving by Joseph Wilkinson[116].
Married: Jonathan Bell of Hundeth Hill in Embleton took Rebecca Hall of Little
Broughton to wife in the house of Richard Ribtons of Great Broughton on the 23
March (May?) 1679, witnesses Henry & Peter Fearon (Pardshaw Quaker
There is only one known child of this Jonathan, Daniel Bell 1685, and this
comes from the Quaker Testimonial for Daniel. No issue of Jonathan &
Rebecca Bell do seem to be on the Pardshaw records.
However, Jonathan Bell’s Memoir has a number of other issue, with more detail[117]:
1/1. John 16/3/1680-10/1/1744, bacame a merchant in London
1/2. Sarah Bell, 7/10/1681-12/4/1732, Hurst in his will, but John Tope in
1/3. Rebecca Bell, b 25/12/1683, M. John Walker 14/11/1710FMPi, Pardshaw.
Isssue: Sarah, Elizabeth, Rebecca, Isaac & John. Rebecca & John died 1739.
1/4 & 5. Jacob & Isaac Bell, b 2/5/1688, died young.
1/6. Rachel Bell, b 13/5/1690, married, unreadable in will
1/7. Isaac Bell, b 16/4/1696
1/8. Jacob 1/9/1698,
Married 26 jan 1734 at Devonshire House Meeting to Margaret Collinson daughter of Peter & Elizabeth Collinson of Gracechurch Street to whom were born in Lombard Street five children...
1/9. Ruth Bell, ch 2/11/1792, M John Witted, 2/5/1721FMPi, Pardshaw.
She died 31/7/1731, he remarried Elizabeth Pearson, 22/11/1733, and died 14/12/1736.
Issue from PR:
1/1. Daniel Bell. 12/12/1685.
Daniel’s birth date of 12/12/1685, comes from the Quaker testimonial, but conflicts with a record in the Pardshaw Quaker meeting, of the son, John born to John Bell of High Castle House, 16th of the 12th month 1685 (ie 16th Feb 1686). However, another birth, Sarah in 1679, looks to have been at Setmurthy, on Bassenthwaite Lake.
There are issue of John Bell, High Backhouse, Setmurthy
who must be a different family from Daniel’s father, although they are recorded
in the Pardshaw Meeting:
Sarah Bell, dau of John Bell of High Backhouse, Setmurthy (Bassenthwaite Lake),
5th 10th 1679. She married William Woodvill 21/11/1706
Pardshaw Quakers.
John Bell, the eldest son of John Bell of the High Backhouse in Setmurthy was
born 9th of 8th 1681. Will of Jonathan Bell of Waterside,
Lowswater, 1712[118].
Isaac Bell, the second son of John Bell of High Backhouse born 16th
2nd 1684.
Jonathan Bell, the 3rd son of John Bell of High Castle House born 16th
12th 1685
Thomas & Mary Bell being two twins, Thomas being the eldest son and
daughters of John Bell of High Castle House, born 19th of 6th
of 1688.
A will of John Bell of 17 Oct 1693, Yeoman, of High Barkehouse, Seckmurthey,
Cockermouth is in the Lancashire Archives, R200A/24
On the 21st inst (May 1838), at Walton-on-the Hill, Ann,
second dau of Mrs Matthews of West Derby St, Edgehill to Daniel Bell esq, 3rd
son of the lat Joseph Bell, of the Hollins, near Whitehaven, Cumberland[119]
web site of the kinloch hotel, Argyl, in which there are several family tree
files. This refers back to a 1912 short book of Family Chroniclas, by Lillian
Clark for the descendacy from Jonathan Bell, b 1654.
From Roger Sharland, 8/2019:
The Bell family originate from the Cockermouth area of Cumberland. So far as the
history of the family has been traced, it begins with the marriage of John Bell
[1,648] on 2nd April 1651, to his wife Elizabeth [1,649], at Embleton, near
Cockermouth. This couple appear to have been Congregationalists, as the only
mention of them is found in the History of the Congregational Chapel at
Cockermouth. Cockermouth Independent (Congregationalist) church (now the United
Reformed Church) was established in 1651, meeting first in members’ houses,
then, from 1687, in a converted house on The Sands. It is there stated that in
1668 the congregation met their Minister, who had been expelled under the Five
Mile Act, at the house of John Bell at Embleton. At this time the congregation
was suffering serious losses owing to the numbers that had joined the Society
of Friends, including as seen below John and Elizabeth’s son.
Cockermouth is an ancient market town in the Borough of Allerdale in Cumbria. It is so named because it is at the confluence of the River Cocker as it flows into the River Derwent. By the 1670s, Sir Daniel Fleming could call Cockermouth ‘the best Market Towne in this part of the county’, with many fine buildings and ‘no small reputation’. Its weekly market, fortnightly cattle fairs and Whitsuntide and Martinmas hiring fairs drew custom from a wide hinterland. Water power provided by the rivers Cocker and Derwent and two major becks, drove corn and fulling mills from the 12th century. Much of the architectural core of the town remains unchanged since the basic medieval layout was filled in the 18th and 19th centuries. Embleton is a small village located east of Cockermouth, and now within the boundaries of the Lake District National Park.
John and Elizabeth had ten children. Their eldest son was
Jonathan Bell [824] who was born on 1st December 1654 in Cockermouth. He was a
member of the “Society of Friends” or Quakers. He married Rebecca Hall [825] of
Little Broughton on 23rd May 1679 in Pardshaw Monthly Meeting, Whitehaven,
Rebecca was probably the Rebekah Hall christened on 23rd February 1654 in
Bridekirk, Cumberland, daughter of Richard Hall. Bridekirk is only a few miles
from Cockermouth. Bridekirk church has been completely rebuilt, but the font
(right is very old and distinctive. A quote about her father in Bell records
reads, "he fought first for the King; then for the Commonwealth; and
finally turned Quaker and gave up fighting altogether." This was almost
certainly Richard Hall [1,650] of whom there is a more lengthy description in
the Hall family history. Richard’s wife was called Jane [1,651]. According to
an inscription on the fly-leaf of his Bible, Richard was at one time a trooper
in the King’s Guards. He then changed sides and became a Roundhead during the
Civil War, probably as a result of a change in his religious opinions. He was
said to be in the army that besieged Cockermouth Castle , and this had an
impact on his religious and political stance. He came under the influence of
the Friends and himself became a Quaker as a result. There were Quakers in the Cockermouth
area from early in the history of Quakerism. Richard withdrew from the
Parliamentary Army and settled in Broughton, and gave the land for the Meeting
House built there. The first Meeting House in Little Broughton however was not
built until about 1687. Richard died in 1673, and Jane died 19 years later, in
Jonathan was Governor of Cockermouth Castle, the same as his father-in-law had besieged in the Civil War. The coloured engraving by the artists Samuel and Nathaniel Buck is titled “The North-West View of Cockermouth Castle, in the County of Cumberland”. It appears in the publication titled “A Collection of Engravings of Castles, Abbeys and Towns in England and Wales Date published 26 March 1739”. It is therefore much as the castle was at the time of Jonathan.
They lived at Hundith Hill: now a counry house hotel just
south of Cockermouth (9/2019).
There is also a Hundith Hill Court (Rd) in Lorton, Virginia: this must have
been an area owend by the Bells.
Hundith Hill Tithe Map, the grey area being owned by Hundith Hill Farm, Mire
End showing where the hotel now stands.
Hundith Hill Farm on the 1867 OS map is simply Hundith Hill.
Jonathan died on 31st December 1721, recorded at Pardshaw Monthly Meeting[xxx]. The will of Jonathan Bell (1654-1721) of Hundith Hill, Embleton and Cockermouth Castle, is held at the Lancashire Records Office, Preston. Rebecca died on 18th September 1732, and was buried in Pardshaw. The photo on the right is the burial ground as it is today.
Jonathan and Rebecca had ten children amongst who was Daniel Bell [412] who was born on 12th December 1685 at Cockermouth. He moved to London in 1703, and soon afterwards entered into an apprenticeship. He was a prominent Minister in the “Society of Friends” , travelling to many parts of the country with the gospel. He married Elizabeth Sole [413] on 15th August 1717 in the Friends Meeting House, Witney.
Cockermouth Castle.
The Barclay-Bell descendancy file (from the LDS, but with no source info) has
Daniel (1686-1758) married to Mary Collinson (incorrect), son of Jonathan
(1654-1717) & Rebecca Hall (probably correct), son of John & Elizabeth.
Other Bells recorded in the Pardshaw Meeting.
Jonathan Bell, a young man of Lowercastle, buried 24 2nd 1717.
Jonathan Bell, son of Rich’d & Mary born 8/1/1673-4
Benjamin, son of John Bell of Great Broughton, born 11 5th mo 1731
John Bell children:
Joseph, son of John Bell of High Castle House, born 27th 12th
Jonathan, born 19th 9th 1721
Jonathan Bell, son of John Bell of High Castle House departed this life 31st
of 10th month (Dec) 1721 and was buried 25th same.
Sarah, born 15th 10th 1722
John 18th 1st 1724-5
Isaac born 1st 3rd 1727.
John son of John Bell of Great Brouhton, born 8th 10th
Hannah dau of John Bell born 6th 1715??
Jonathan Bell, son of John and Elizabeth died 22/4/1717, aged 8 days of
convulsions, at Lombard St. Who was this???
Also, Pardshaw Quakers:
Jonathan Bell, of Lowercastle, a young man bur 24/2/1712.
Jonathan Bell of Castle, departed this life 23rd 3rd Mo,
1721 & buried 25th same.
Jonath Bell his last will made 21 November 1720.
To be buried amongst my friends called quakers at there decent buyring place in
Cockermouth, yeoman.
Sons Daniel Bell Isaac Bell, Jacob Bell, Daughters Sarah Hurst, Rebecca Walker,
Rachel ??, Ruth Witter? All 10/-
Wife and son John executors
Proved 21/10/1721
Inventory 7/6/1721
Purse, House, ordering accouts 7/0/0 Wearing apparel 10/0/0
Beds other furniture 3/3/0 Table Linen 2/10/0
Arks, Cupboards & Chests 3/0/0 Tables Chairs &? 2/8/0
Clocks and Cases 1/10/0
Meal Mault Flesh and Stoves 3/10/0 Baro, Oats & hay 2/0/0
Bullock, Cow & Mare 13/0/0 Sheep & Wool 35/0/0
Brass & Pewter other Iron pots 2/0/0 Wood & Vessels 4/0/0
Husbandry Gear 2/5/0 Oak Wood & Boards 1/0/0
Poultry 0/6/0 Sack Bags & other 1/0/0
In Cash 50/0/0 Total 143
Adomon to Rebecca Bell
The history of the Bell family begins so far as I have been able to trace it,
on 2nd April 1651[120],
when John Bell was married to his wife Elizabeth of Embleton, near Cockermouth
in Cumberland.
Of the after life of this couple we know little, the only mention of them being in the ’History of the Congregational Chapel’ at Cockermouth’, in which it is stated that in 1668 the congregation met their Minister who had been exiled under the Five Mile Act on the 15th May at the house of John Bell, Embleton[121], hence we may conclude that at that date the Bells were Congregationalists.
John Bell’s house was a farm known as Hundith Hill, and is still standing being described as a very ordinary house, but evidently very old, the house and farm buildings being built in the form of an enclosed square for the purpose of defence.
John and Elizabeth Bell had a large family being as followsJBM:
1/1. Ann Bell, b. 25/12/1651
1/2. Jonathan Bell, b. 01/12/1654, inherited paternal estate.
1/3. Elizabeth Bell, b. 02/12/1656
1/4. John b. 20/02/1658, The first of the family who came to London.
Kept a Coal Shed in Westminster.
1/5. Mary Bell, b. 08/10/1661, Married a Fisher –
had some children of whom two were named Jonathan & John the last survived his Brother, he died in 1786 aged upwards of 92 years.
1/6. Rebecca Bell, b. 28/09/1663
1/7. Daniel Bell, b. 05/10/1665,
Was a tanner at Keswick. He had two sons, one John who married and settled in Lancashire, the other David who was a cabinet maker in St Martins lane Charing Cross where he died and was buried in St Martins Church, St Martins Lane.
1/8. Hannah Bell, b. 23/12/1667
In the history of the Congregational Church already referred to, mention is
made of the serious loss that befell the Congregation of the Chapel owing to
the numbers that joined the Society of Friends.
Among these seceders was apparently Jonathan Bell, eldest
son of John and Elizabeth, for we find that he married a lady who belonged to
that body.
These were the descendants of Col David Barlcay, the 1st of Urie
in Kinkardinshire.
A direct descendant was Katherine Barclay, who married Daniel Bell and
whose grand daughter, Louisa married John Craven Chadwick, the first of the
Canadian Chadwicks. Our line includes Priscilla Freame, another Quaker banking
and commercial family, one of whom joined to form the first iteration of the
The dynasty of bankers begun by John Barclay was reinforced by several
alliances with other banking families, John's grandson Robert marrying
Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph Gurney, another Quaker banker. The line continued
through their second son, Joseph Gurney Barclay, of Knott's Green, who married
Mary, daughter of William Leatham, another banker, and then through Robert
Barclay, of High Leigh, who merged twenty banks into Barclay & Company
Limited, and who married Elizabeth Ellen Buxton, whose mother was a Gurney.
Their eldest son, Robert Leatham Barclay, married Dorothy, daughter of Sir
Robert Williams, 1st Bt, another banker. After the death of Robert Leatham
Barclay in 1939, the representation of this branch of the family passed to his
nephew, Theodore David Barclay, of Higham, Bury St Edmunds, and thence to his
son, David William Barclay.
A fuller history of the origins of the bank was written by Margaret
Ackrill & Leslie Hannah in 2001: “Barclays, the Business of Banking
1690-1996”. The outline of this family came from “The Barclays of New York -
who they are and who they are not - and some other Barclays”, 1912, New York.
Much is available in the Quaker records, which give a varied amount of detail.
The Quaker Dublin wills has several relevant ones printed.
John Barclay, brother of David (1682), became a merchant in Dublin, with
issue there.
Much of the following is from the Quaker records. Very often, men are
described as, for example, a “Citizen and Draper of London”. This must mean
that they were freemen of the City and a member of a Guild.
Born September 17, 1682 in Urie, Fetterose, Kincardineshire;
Parents: Robert Barclay the Apologist & Christian Mollison.
Died March 18, 1769 in Bush Hill, Winchmore Hill, Middlesex.
David Barclay of Bush Hill in the parish of Edmonton, Middlesex, aged about 87
years died the 18th day of the 3r month 1769 neighbours report of a
Strangury (stranuary?) and was buried 23rd day of the same month in
the Friends burying ground at Winchmore Hill.
A Cheapside linen draper, and became one of the richest merchants in London
when he died.
The father of the founder of Barclay's Bank. History of the Bank sent by
Charles Johnston, Nov 2003.
Settled in London,
18 March, “Mr. David Barclay, in the 88th year of his age. He was the only
surviving son of Mr. Robert Barclay, author of the famous apology for the Quakers,
and had the singular honour of receiving at his house in Cheapside three
successive kings, when at their accession they favoured the city with their
royal presence” (p. 168).
David Barclay left a long will of 10 pages, with extensive family details, as
many of whom are in the descendacy below: some were not immediately identified,
mostly nephews and nieces, probably from his wives’s sides. There were many
prvisions to cover the cases of legatees dying, and many smaller bequests to
other pidviduals and to various charities and Quaker meetings; a summary is in
the endnotes.[123]
As summarised by the Bank of England: Will of David Barclay senior of Cheapside
Linnen Draper, died possessed of Four Thousand Pounds Consolidated 4%
Annuities, and by has last will and testament, dated December 2nd
1767 (with a codicil) appointed his sons David Barclay & John Barclay
executors and on the 15th April 1769, probate was granted to them at
Doctors Commons therefore they may dispose of the said £4000. Registered April
22nd 1769.[124]
His estate comprised a great deal mpre than the £4000 mentioned by the Bank of
England, nearer £50,000 (about £10M 2019 on prices, £25M on wages).
He was a merchant of London, and entertained at his house in Cheapside, Queen
Anne, George I, George II and George III, when they visited th city on Lord
Mayor’s Day[125].
Anne Barclay, late wife of David Barclay of the parish of All Hallows, Honey
lane, Cheapside, linen draper, aged about 31 years died 3rd day of
December 1720, searchers report in child bed, and was buried near Bunhill Fields
the 7th of same month. A stillborn female child buried the 24th
Sept? 1720.
A Male infant of David Barclay of Cheapside died 14 June 1719, and buried[126]
Married 1st, Bull and Mouth, 23/4/1707, David Barclay of Cheapside,
citizen and Draper of London, son of Robert Barclay late of Ury, in the shire
of Merns, in the Northern part of Britain formerly called Scotland, gent dcd
and Anne Taylor daughter of James Taylor of Cheapside, linen draper, but by
company citizen and glover of London.
Children of David Barclay and Anne Taylor are (b Cheapside or other):
1/1. James Barclay, born 1708, died 1766.
He was the first Barclay who
joined his brother-in-law, Joseph Freame in what became Barclay's Bank. Married
Sarah Freame, sister of Priscilla.
Died 20/2/1766, James Barclay, of Bush Hill, Edmonton, aged about 58 years
Bur Winchmore Hill.QPR
2/1. Alexander Barclay, born 21/1/1734-5, Philpot Lane St Dionis,
Backchurch Bull & MouthPR.
2/2. Joseph Barclay (DB Will),
MarPR Margaret
Thornton St Andrew Holborn, 26/10/1758, he of St Dionys Backchurch, London,
Bachelor, She OTP, spinster.
Died, 26/2/1797, Lancaster, Joseph Barclay, aged abt 60, bur Winchmore Hill
Quaker but not a member of a meeting.
1/2. Robert Barclay, London; Born: Son of Robert & Ann in Watling St,
St Mary Aldermary 5th August 1709PR, died Young.
1/3. Christian Barclay, born 25/8/1710PR Bow Lane
St Mary le Bow; D. Young.
1/4. Alexander Barclay, born 10/3/1711, All HallowsPR; died January
12, 1771
in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania;
married Anne Hickman?.
Findagrave has spouse Rebecca (Evans), child Patience Keen Barclay.
2/1. Robert Barclay (DB Will)
2/2. Patience Barclay (DB Will)
1/5. Robert Barclay, b. November 11, 1711; All Hallows Honey Lane
Died November 17, 1712.
1/6. Elizabeth Barclay, born June 21, 1714, All Hallows, Honey LanePR.
Married at the Bull & Mouth,
9/11/1735. Timothy Bevan, citizen and apothecary of London, son of Silvany
Bevan, late of Swansea, Wales, merchant dcd, & Elizabeth Barclay, daughter
of David Barclay citizen and draper of London...QPR.
Died, wife of Timothy Bevan,, of Plough Court Lombard St, aged about 32,
20/8/1745, of Consumption, bur near Bunhill Fields.
2/1. Sylvanus Bevan (DB will)
2/2. Timothy Paul Bevan (DB will)
2/3. Priscilla Bevan, married Edmund Gurney
1/7. Christiana Barclay, born August 02, 1715, Cheapside, All Hallows,
Honey LanePR; linen draper, died 24/7/1731, Cheapside, of fits. Unmarried.
1/8. Anne Barclay, born Jan. 24, 1716-7, Honey La. Cheapside
All HallowsPR.
1/9. Patience Barclay, born November 29, 1718, All HallowsPR.
Married 1st: John
Stedman, 9/5/1745, (FMP, Faculty Office mar Lics)
Dutch records have Johan Stedman bur Rotterdam 5/8/1754.
Married 2nd: Tottenham, 11/8/1757, Thomas Weston, of Coleman St,
London & Clayhill in the parish of Endfield, Middx, son of John Weston,
late of Dublin, and Sarah, his wife, they bring both deceased and Patience
Stedman of Tanners End, Edmonton, relict of John Stedman, late of Rotterdam
& daughter of David Barclay of Bushill and Ann his wife, she being
deceased... appeared at the meeting house in Tottenham. Many Barclays, Bells,
Springalls presentQPR).
Died 6/6/1781, of an apoplexy, Patience, wife of Thomas Weston, merchant of
Coleman St, St Stephen, bur Winchmore Hill.
Married, 2nd: 8/6/1723, Devonshire House, London. David Barclay, citizen and
draper of London, son of Robert Barclay late of Ury, Gent, and Priscilla
Freame, daughter of John Freame, Citizen and grocer of London.QPR.
Born: dau of John Freame, grocer of London, and Priscilla his wife, born
19/4/1702, Lombard StQPR.
Died October 09, 1769.
Priscilla Barclay relict of David Barclay of Bush Hill aged about 67 years died
the 9th day of the 10th month 1769. neighbours report of
a mortification and was buried the 27th day of the same month in the
friends burying ground at Winchmore hill.
Parent: John Freame.
Issue of David Barclay & Priscilla Freame (b Cheapside or other):
1/10. Priscilla Barclay6, born 1726, d. March 11, 1780, Unm
Died Edgbaston, aged about 54 bur Bull St Burial Ground (Quaker)PR..
1/11. Catherine Barclay, born 1727; died 1784; m.
Daniel Bell (re CF will)
1/12. John Barclay6, born 1728 in Cambridge Heath, London;
Died December 18, 1787 aged 59,
of Cambridge Heath, Hackney, London;
Married, Devonshire House, 2/2/1756, a merchant of London, son of David,
merchant of same place, and Priscilla his wife, Susanna Willet, daughter of
late John Willet of Sad Lane, London, merchantQPR.
Banker in London.
2/1. Robert Barclay, Banker in London, b. 1758
Married, Lancaster meeting, 21/5/1783, a banker of Lomberd st, london, son of John Barclay, of hackney, merchant Ann Ford, of lancaster daughter of Isaac Ford, of Manchester, and Elizabeth, both dcdQPR, a lineal descendant of the ancient family of Ford of Ford Green, in Staffordshire.
He died 25/1/1816, aged 58 of
Clapham, banker.
3/1. Robert Barclay, bur Winchmore Hill, died 1/3/1785, aged 7 months, of
convulsions, son of Robert Barclay, banker.
3/2. John Barclay, died aged 5, 2/1/1796, res Tottenham, son of Robert &
1/13. David Barclay, born 1729 in Walthamstow, London;
died May 30, 1809, Walthamstow,
late merchant of London, bur WinchmoreQPR.
Married, Endfield, 6/7/1749, Quaker: David Barclay of Cheapside London, Draper,
son of David Barclay of Cheapside, London, Draper, and of Bushill in Edmonton,
and of Priscilla his wife, to Martha Hudson, dau of John Hudson of London,
Kess? Merchant, citizen and grocer, and of Bushill afsd, and of Martha his
wife, she being dcd.
Died Martha Barclay of Watling St, London, aged about 39 years, 20/4/1763,
suddenly, bur Winchmore Hill 28th.
2/1. Martha Barclay, b 6/5/1751 St Austin, LondonLDS, Dau of David
jnr, Linen Daper & Martha.
Priscilla & Priscilla jnr at birth.
Died, Martha B dau of David jnr of Hackney, 6/7/1766 of a fever and sore
throat, and bur 11th at Winchmore Hill
2/2. Agatha Barclay, b 13/10/1753, Watling St, St Austin Parish, Quaker,
Married at Gracechurch St,
4/8/1773 (Quaker): Richard Gurney, of Norwich, Merchant, son of John Gurney, of
the same place, merchant and Elizabeth his wife, and Agatha Barclay, dau of
David Barclay, of Cheapside, merchant and his wife Martha, she being dcd. Gurneys,
Barclay, Wagstaffs etc relations. Brother of John Gurney who married Katherine
Died Agatha Gurney, wife of Richard Gurney of the city of Norwich, 31st March
1776, in the 23rd year of her age, buried 5th April.
“Her amiable disposition renders her loss a public as well as a private one”.
See Letter relating to her death in the Appendix 7.3.3.
3/1. Agatha Gurney, married 16/11/1795, Miss Agatha Gurney,
da of Mr Richard Gurney, banker of Norwich, at Quaker Meeting Norwich to Mr Sampson Hanbury of London[127].
1/14. Caroline Barclay, born 1734, Cheapside, London;
Married, 4/6/1757, Tottenham,
John Lindoe, of Norwich, son of Thomas Lindoe, of Same Place and Sarah his
wife, and Carolie, dau of David Barclay, of Bush Hill, and London, Merchant and
D. 22/10/1769, aged 35 wife of John Lindoe, Norwich Meeting.
2/1. Robert Lindoe, b 21st Jan 1766, Norwich.
2/2. Caroline Lindoe, born 10/2/1763 (reg 1768)
at St Michaels Cosling, Norwich. died 20/12/1770, dau of John & Caro, Norwich.
2/3. Margaret Lindoe, b 26/4/1769, ST Michael Norwich
1/15. Richenda Barclay, born 1735, Cheapside, London;
Married, Endfield & Tottenham, 13/3/1755 Nathaniel Springall, of Norwich, Weaver, son of Nathaniel Springall, late of Norwich, weaver, and Rachell his wife, both dcd, RB dau of David Barclay of Cheapside, merchant and Priscilla EndfieldQPR. Nathaniel b 20/6/1732QPR. (An earlier Nataniel b. 1730). Nathaniel D 15/1/1803, bur 20th Norwich Meeting, widowerQPR.
D. 07/1/1800, of White Heart
Court, Lombard St, Middlesex, aged about 65PR.
2/1. Richenda Springall, born 10/7/1758, Augustus Parish, Norwich.
Richenda m John Baptist Baller,
17/7/1791, St Saviours Norwich, by banns both OTP. No sign of his death.
Richenda M John Jaggard 5/5/1793, St Savour
2/2. David Sprinall, son of Nathanial & Richenda Springall,
born 26 March 1757, St
Augustines Parich, Norwich wit Hannah GurneyQPR. Prob married
6/3/1787, by licence, bachelor of Lombard St, Christiana Bell, of this parish
spinster, as her first husband. She was the daughter of Daniel BellJBM.
DS died Bathford (of London), N Somerset, 24/2/1791.
No surviving issue.
2/3. Priscilla Springall, died Norwich, 25/2/1772, in 10th year of life.
1/16. Lucy Barclay, born 1737 in Cheapside, London;
Married, Winchmore Hill,
3/6/1756, Robert Barclay of Urie, North Britain, son of Robert Barclay of same
place and Une his wife; Lucy daughter of David Barclay of Bush Hill, Edmonton,
merchant and Priscilla,QPR.
died March 23, 1757.
Quaker Record: Lucy Barclay, wife of Robert Barclay the younger, of Urie in
North Britain and daughter of David Barclay of Bush Hill aged about... died the
23rd day of the 3rd month 1757 and was buried the 29th
day of same month near Winchmore Hill.
1/17. Christiana Barclay6,
born 1738 in Cheapside, London.
Married 1st, 2/9/1755, EndfieldPR Joseph Gurney, of
Norwich, merchant, son of Joseph Gurney and Hannah his wife, he being deceased,
and Christiana Barclay daughter of David of Bush Hill, Edmonton, merchant and
Priscilla his wife. Many relatives at the ceremony.
Died, Joseph Gurney 7/7/1761,
Norwich, in 32nd year,QPR.
Married 2nd: June 10 1767, Great Yarmouth, John Freame, widower of
St. Edmund King London, and she a widow, of the parish (gt Yarmouth?).
Marriage, at Devonshire House 4/2/1762, of Warren Henderson
of Montmellick, Ireland, merchant, son of Patrick Henderson, late of the same
place & trade and Hannah his wife him surviving
Ann Barclay of the parish of St Botolph, A(l)dgate daughter of Jno Barclay,
late of Dublin, merchant, dcd and Ann his wife surviving....
Present, inter alia, Da: Barclay, Priscilla B, Dan Barclay, jnr, Martha Barclay
Monthly Meeting held in Philadelphia 26 9th 1766:
...The meeting being informed that our friend David Barclay, son of our worthy
friend Robert Barclay of London, has lately sent over to this meeting a new
edition of the Apology, well printed and bound, his donation id kindly accepted
and the book directed to be deposited in the Library of the meeting, under the
care of John Todd....
David Barclay as a correspondent for the province (Philadalphia 16/8/1770).
(the Apologist),
2nd of Urie, the celebrated Apologist of the Quakers, who
wrote the famous Apology for the Quakers.
JBM: “...It is however chiefly as the Apologist of the Quakers that Robert
Barclay is remembered. His chief work, “An Apology for the true Christian
Divinity, as the same is hold forth and preached, by the people called in
Scorn, Quakers, being a Full Explanation and Vindication of their Principles
and Doctrines” was first published in Latin, in the beginning of 1676 and in
English a couple of years later....” Jonathan Bells memoir contains a fuller
description of him.
From LDS.
Born December 23, 1648 in Gordonstoun, Morayshire;
Died October 03, 1690 in Urie, Fetterose, Kincardineshire.
Parents (ref EMC): Col David Barclay of Urie, co. Kincardine, Catherine Gordon,
married in 1648. (a history of Barclay's Bank gives most of the family line of
the Freames and Barclays).
The Governor of East Jersey, New Jersey and Quaker Apologist
Married February 01, 1669/70 in Bailie Molyson's House, Aberdeen, her Father’s
house, Christian, daughter of Gilbert Molleson, Baillie of Aberdeen and
Margaret, his wife, and grand-daughter of Thomas Molleson of LauchintullyJBM.
Born 1647 in Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire;
Died February 14, 1722/23 in Urie, Kincardine.
Parent: Gilbert & Margaret Mollison.
Much of this comes fom “The Barclays of New York : who they are and who they are
not, and some other Barclays”: it seems to agree with the parish recods, except
that the earlier dates are adrift by 2 months: the Quaker records change the
year at the end of February. Some have the month in brackets, but others just
the month number.
JBM: “...This lady is said to have been a Member of the Society of Friends
before her marriage, and was in every way a worthy helpmeet for her husband. A
friend, writing of her in 1694 says: “I observed that when her children were up
in the morning and dressed, she sat down with them before breakfast, and in a
religious manner waited upon the Lord: which pious care and motherly
instruction of her children, when young, doubtless had its desired effect upon
them; for as they grew in years, they also grew in knowledge of the blessed
Truth; and since that time some of them have become public preachers thereof.”
“According to Testimony of the Monthly Meeting of Ury, “she was a well
accomplished woman every way, and of singular virtues, which she improved to
the praise of the Lord. She was an excellent Mother, a kind and helpful friend
to the poor and sick among her neighbours, and was universally lamented when
she died on the 14th day of the 12th month, 1723, in the 76th year of her age.”
Children of Robert Barclay & Christian Mollison (b & d in Urie,
Fetterose, Kincardineshire).
CF Will: Catherine (Barclay) Forbes, 1758.
Some information from “a Genealogical Account of the Barclays of Urie”, 1812
1/1. Robert Barclay6, born March 25, 1672 died March 27, 1747.
As the eldest succeeded to the
property of Urie.
Married Elizabeth Brain, dau of John Brain, merchant of London.
2/1. Robert Barclay of Ury (re CF will), born 1699.
Married Une Cameron, dau of Sir
Euen Cameron of Locheill
3/1. Robert Barclay, born Urie, 1731-2.
Married, 1st, the
daughter of David Barclay of Cheapside: they had an only daughter, called Lucy
after her mother, who married Samuel Galton
Married, 2nd, Sarah Anne Allardyce[128], and left a son also
named Robert, who assumed the name of Allardyce after that of Barclay. He
succeeded to Ury on his father’s death in 1797 and was widely known for his
extraordinary powers of walking. On his death in 1854 the direct line of the
Barclays od Ury came to an end: and the property
passed out of the family which had held it for two hundred years.[129]
BARCLAY ALLARDICE, Robert (1732-97), of Urie, Kincardine[130]
19 June 1788 - 8 Apr. 1797
Family and Education
b. 1732, 1st s. of Robert Barclay of Urie by Une, da. of Sir Ewen Cameron of
Lochiel. m. (1) June 1756, his cos. Lucy (d. Mar. 1757), da. of David Barclay,
linen draper, of Cheapside, London, 1da; (2) Dec. 1776, Sarah Anne, da. and h.
of James Allardice of Allardice, Kincardine (div. Sept. 1793), 3s. 5da.1 suc.
fa. 1760.
This Member was the great-grandson of Robert Barclay, the Quaker ‘Apologist’
and colonizer of East New Jersey, and was connected by kinship and marriage
with a number of wealthy London merchant families including Barclays the
brewers. By his second marriage he acquired large estates and additional interest
in Kincardineshire and Aberdeen Burghs,2 and thereafter was known as Barclay
Allardice of Urie and Allardice. ‘Possessed of an enterprising spirit and
extensive knowledge in agriculture, which he acquired by reading ... and by his
own observations in the different tours which he made on foot in his younger
years through Scotland and a great part of England’, he was a pioneer of the
new farming methods in the county. A popular and philanthropic landlord, he
laid out a new village adjoining Stonehaven, and during the famine of 1783
organized ‘a benevolent society for purchasing meal and grain to be retailed at
an underprice’. In 1785 his wife’s claim for recognition as heir of line to her
ancestor the Earl of Airth and Menteith, was successful and thereafter
Barclay’s ‘great object’ was to secure the peerage for his family.
In 1788 Barclay was returned with the support of Henry Dundas, and voted with
Pitt on the Regency bill. He is not known to have spoken in the House.
Barclay Allardice, who used his influence in Aberdeen Burghs to help oust the
Whig sitting Member in 1790, retained his own seat for Kincardineshire without
opposition until his death. He continued to give apparently silent support to
government and voted, as predicted, against the relief of Scotsmen from the
Test Act, 10 May 1791, and against the abolition of the slave trade, 15 Mar.
1796. He was a defaulter ordered to attend the House, 24 Nov. 1795.
His consuming interest was in the development and application of scientific
agricultural techniques: he was described as ‘the first, the most extensive,
and judicious systematic improver of land in the north of Scotland’. In his
domestic life he preserved the Quaker traditions of his ancestors. His
granddaughter recalled him as very cheerful, orderly, active, acute as a man of
business, and most kindly in his consideration and thought for the welfare and
happiness of all about him. He gave his charity in a benevolent, considerate
and business way ... and supplied the want kindly, beneficently yet not
lavishly, with a completeness that showed his pleasure in giving, yet with an
orderly economy.
Barclay Allardice, who founded the town of Stonehaven, died 8 Apr. 1797.
3/2. David Barclay
3/3. Euen Barclay
3/4. Jean Barclay
2/2. David Barclay of merchant of London (re CF will)
Married Mary Pardoe, dau of John Pardoe, merchant of Worcester
2/3. Katherine Barclay (re CF
2/4. Mollison Barclay, Married John Doubleday, son of John of Alnwick.
2/5. Elizabeth Barclay, married Sir William Ogilvie.
1/2. Patience Barclay, born b. 25/11/1675-6, d 22/6/1757[131]
Will dated 27/4/1754, proved
london, 26/7/1757 & Dublin, 17/8/1757 (not in Quaker Wills).
Marriage settlement 2/6/1707
Brother David, London,
Nephew Robert B of Ury
Gt nephews sons of Robert of ury
Nephew John Barclay jnr, of Dublin, merchant
Patience B, sister to said John B,
Elizabeth Forbes, wife of Timothy Forbes of London, merchant,
Sister Jean, wife of Alexander Forbes
Ref to son–in-law (or Step son) James Forbes as exec of her husband’s will.
Execs brother David, merchant of London, nephew Robert of Ury, and nephew John,
jnr of Dublin, merchant
Married 8/4/1707, Timothy Forbes, d 1743[132]
Timothy Forbes left a will dated 30/4/1741[133]:
Wife Patience, brother in law John Barclay, merchant of Dublin.
Eldest son Alexander, 2nd son Timothy, in London.
There is a confusion here: Who was this?? Must be a daughter of Robert the
Apologist as his son Robert of Ury was still alive in 1727, but 1727 is much
too late for this Patience to have had issue as in the will of 1741.
Perhaps this was a mistaken transcription of the earlier marriage?
Married, 4/6/1727, Patience Barclay, at Winchmore Hill, Quaker, as daughter of
Robert Barclay, late of Ury, gent, Timothy Forbes of Dublin, merchant,
son of Alexander Forbes, late of Aquarthes, north Britain, gent, dcd – there is
no indication that this might have been a 2nd marriagePR.
There is a (PCC) will of Alexander Forbes of London, merchant, dated 13 May
1729, proved 4/6/1740. Son of John Frobes of Aquorthies & Colyhill,
Aberdeenshire. Wife Jane, children (all <21): Jane, Alexander (eldest son)
Chrstian, eldest daughter who married William Penn, grandson of founder, Barbar
Forbes, Ann, Forbes, Katherine Forbes, Margrat Forbes, Will proved by James
Barclay of St Dionis, London.
1/3. Son Barclay6, born Abt. 1676.
1/4. Catharine Barclay6, born Abt. 1677
1/5. Catherine Barclay6, born June 26, 1678 died November 09,
Married 17/6/1703, James Forbes,
d 1734[134]
Will dated 15/2/1758, proved Dublin 18/12/1758.
Alexander, nephew, son of B-in-L Alexander
Sister Jane,
Nephew Robert Barclay, of Ury, eldest son of brother Robert.
Nephew David of London, merchant, 2nd son of brother Robert,
niece Katherine B, dau of brother Robert,
David, brother of London, linen draper,
Alexander Barclay, 2nd son of David, now in Pennsylvania,
Katherine Barclay, his daughter, now wife of Daniel Bell, jnr of Tottenham,
nephew John Barclay, son of late brother John Barclay, Dublin,
Niece Experience Clibborn, wife of James, eldest dau of brother James
Clibborn children,
Ann Barclay, dau of late brother John
Niece Patience, another daughter of John,
niece Jane ditto,
Niece Lydia, wife of Ben Alloway, sons Rob, John, William,
Ann, widow of late brother John
Niece Elizabeth, another daughter
of John.
nephews & nieces Jaffray. Several.
1/6. Christian Barclay6,6, born 15/5/1680, Mar 4/1700, Alexander Jaffray,
And died 1751.
1/7. Jean (Jane) Barclay6, born 27/12/1683, mar 12/4/1707,
Alexander Forbes & died 1740.[135]
2/1. Alexander Forbes (DB Will)
2/2. Ann Forbes (DB Will)
1/8. David Barclay, born September 17, 1682
(re CF will)
Died March 18, 1769 in Bush Hill, Winchmore Hill, Middlesex;
Married (1) Anne Taylor 1709 in At, London, Middlesex, England;
Married (2) Priscilla Freame August 08, 1723 in London.
1/9. Daughter Barclay6, born Abt. 1685
1/10. John Barclay6, born 20/8/1687; died April 08, 1751 in
Some of his descendants may have
gone to America
Married, 2nd, Anne Strettell, 19/3/1713, of DublinBNY.
She may have been the daughter of Abell Strettell of Dublin, who names Jonhn
Barclay, a merchant of Eustace St, Dublin, as a legatee of lands in Co Meath.[136]
Will of John Barclay, merchant of Dublin, dated 6/3/1750[137].
Wife Ann,
son John,
Daughters Ann, Patience, Elizabeth, Jane and Lydia (<21)
Brother David.
2/1. John Barclay (re CF will)
2/2. Ann Barclay, (re CF will)
2/3. Patience Barclay (re CF will)
2/4 Jane Barclay, (re CF will)
2/5. Lydia Barclay (re CF will), married Benjamin Alloway
2/6. Elizabth Barclay, (re CF will)
2/7. Experience Barclay, M Clibborn (DB Will)
Married Richard Chadwick, son of “Big Billie Chadwick, son of of Gortnekilleen
and Ballinard) Bridget Barclay, (Her sister Anne was married to Col.
Muttlebury, of a family some of whom resided in Guelph when it was a village.
Some also in Toronto at a later date) eldest daughter of Thomas Barclay,
(Possibly a descendant of John Barclay, son of David Barclay, of Urie (see
Bell, infra), who settled in Ireland)
David Barclay, 1st of Urie (b 1610)[138]
Parents: David & Elizabeth (Livingstone) Barclay
m, 26/1/1648, Katherine Gordon, b 11/1/1621, d 3/1663 (dau of Sir Robert
Gordon, 1st Bart of Gordonstoun)
Buried: 12/10/1686.[139]
Col. David Barclay was the son of David Barclay (1580–1660), 11th of Mathers,
of Kincardineshire, Scotland and Elizabeth Livingstone, daughter of John
Livingston of Dunipace.
Colonel David Barclay, who served with distinction under Gustavus Adolphus,
King of Sweden, and, on his return home, attained the rank of Colonel during
the great civil war. went to Germany in 1626 to make his fortune as a soldier.
He rose to the rank of Major in the army of the King of Sweden, during the
Thirty Years War. However, in 1636 he returned to Scotland to fight in the
covenanting army, “ got a regiment of horse, became colonel, dislodged and
routed Montrose 1646, relieved Inverness, made governor of Strathbogie ; after
the battle of Preston he was deprived of all employments by Cromwell,
represented Forfarshire and Kincardineshire (Angus and Meam) 1654-6, 1656-8,
imprisoned in Edinburgh Castle about 1664, joined the Society of Friends, then
called Quakers, in 1666, imprisoned in Aberdeen 21 March, 1676, “ for going to
worship contrary to law,” and again the year following[140].
In 1647 he purchased the lands and barony of Urie from William, 7th Earl
Originally the estate belonged to the Frasers, then the Hays starting in 1413,
but eventually became the property of the Earl Marischal.
Ury House is a large ruined mansion in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, built in the
Elizabethan style in 1885 by Sir Alexander Baird, 1st Baronet. It is situated
on the north-east coast about 1 mile (1.6 km) north of Stonehaven in the former
county of Kincardineshire.
Colonel David Barclay purchased Urie in a lengthy process in the late 1660s and
his descendants owned it through 1854 when the estate was purchased by the
Baird family.(source Clan Barclay and newspaper archives Stonehaven). The
second laird was his son, Robert Barclay the Quaker apologist. It descended to
Robert Barclay Allardice (MP) (1732-1797) and then to his son Captain Barclay,
the celebrated pedestrian.
On 26 January 1648, he married Katherine Gordon (1621–1663), daughter of Sir
Robert Gordon, 1st Baronet, MP (1580–1656), founder of the Gordonstoun estate,
and Louisa Gordon of London, on December 24, 1647 in Kincardine. Katherine was
a third cousin of Charles I.[2]
By Katherine he had two daughters, Lucy and Jean, and three sons, Robert, John,
and David.
1/1. Robert Barclay, 2nd of Urie (b 28.12.1648, d 03.10.1690)
m. (02.1669-70) Christian Mollison (dau of Gilbert Mollison of Aberdeenshire), who became celebrated as the apologist for the Quakers.
1/2. Lucy died unmarried.
1/3. Jean: married Sir Ewan Cameron, of Lochiel, and had a son
and seven daughters, who all married; one of them, Una, marrying her cousin, Robert Barclay.
1/4. John, the second son, settled in East Jersey in America, where he
married and left issue, died intestate, April 1731BNY.
1/5. David died at sea 1684, unmarried.
David Barclay, 11th of Mathers
(b 1580, d c1660)
m 1st. Elizabeth Livingstone (dau of Sir John Livingstone, 4th of
Dunipace and sister of Jean who was beheaded 5 July 1600 for having consented
to the murder of her husband, John Kincaid of Warristoun,)
1/1. John Barclay (b 1607, a 23.02.1643)
1/2. Alexander Barclay (b 1608, dsp before 1652)
m. (before 1631) Anna Ross (dau of Matthew Ross)
1/3. David Barclay, 1st of Urie (b 1610, Colonel)
m. Katherine Gordon (dau of Sir Robert Gordon, 1st Bart of Gordonstoun)
Barclay, Robert (1611/12–1682), Roman Catholic priest and college head, was
born probably in Kincardineshire, the youngest of the four sons of David
Barclay (1580–1660) of Mathers and Elizabeth Livingston, daughter of Sir John
Livingston of Dunnipace. He graduated MA from Aberdeen University in 1633.
After conversion to Roman Catholicism, ...ODNB.
Thomas Barclay, m Janet, dtr of Straiton of Lauriston and dvp leaving issue
1/1. David Barclay, 11th of Mathers, b 1580, d ca 1660. KO12/595
George Barclay, 10th of Mathers, m 1st Mary, dtr of Sir Thomas Erskine,
Lord Brechin, Tutor of Dun, and d 1607 #11
David Barclay, 9th of Mathers, m 1st Mary, dtr of Rait of Halgreen, and had
issue. He was one of the jury which found Janet Douglas, widow of the 10th Lord
Glamis and daughter-in-law of the 2nd Earl of Argyll, guilty of treason and
witchcraft, whereupon she was burnt alive, 17 July 1537. He d 1560, having had
issue of his 1st wife: #12.
George Barclay, 8th of Mathers, m Marjory, dtr of Sir James Auchterlony of that
Ilk. He had Letters of Respite for various slaughters 1526, and d ante 1535,
having had issue #13
Alexander Barclay, succeeded his grandfather as 7th of Mathers. He mMarjory,
dtr of James Auchinleck of Glenbervie, and d ante 1520, having had issue #14.
David Barclay, m 1478, Janet, dtr of Alexander Irvine, 6th of Drum, and dvp
leaving issue one son #15.
Alexander Barclay, 6th of Mathers, a scholar and poet, (perhaps the first to
have the name of Barclay spelt in the modern style) m Catherine, dtr of Wishart
of Pitarrow, in Fife, and d ca 1497. One of his poems is shown on the second
page of this chapter. His son #16.
George Berclay, 5th of Mathers, who, with his uncles Patrick and John, was
concerned in the murder and boiling of John Melville of Glenbervie, the
arrogant and unpopular Sheriff of the Mearns 1421. The 5th Laird had Letters of
Remission for his share in the affair, 1 Sep 1421, and d ca 1458, leaving
issue: #17.
David Berclay, 4th of Mathers, m Elizabeth, dtr of Strachan of Thornton, and d
ca 1448, having had issue: #18.
Alexander Berclay, 3rd of Mathers, m Helen, dtr of Gilbert Graham, 1st of
Morphie, and d ca 1416, leaving issue: #19.
David de Berclay, 2nd of Mathers and of Durn (d ca 1411), whose son #20.
2...Alexander de Berkeley, 1st of Mathers 1351, m Katherine, dtr of Sir Edward
Keith of Sinton, ancestor of the Earls Marischal, and had issue: #21.
1... Sir John, 10th of Gartley, ancestor of the later Gartley line and of the
Barclays of Kynnaroquhy and Cairness, m Margaret, widow of Hugh, Earl of Ross
(who by her had a dtr Euphemia, wife of King Robert II), and dtr of Sir John
Graham of Old Montrose. In 1321 he witnessed, as John de Berkeley of Grantoly,
the grant by Sir William Keith, Marischal of Scotland, of the lands of Mathers
to his brother.
Andrew, 9th of Gartley, who supported King Robert I, and was executed by the
English after a raid into Yorkshire in Oct 1322. He left issue two sons: #22/1
& 2.
Sir Walter de Berkeley, 8th of Gartley, who also signed the Ragman Roll, did
homage at Berwick 28 Aug 1296, was appointed Sheriff of Banff by King Edward I
of England, Sep 1305, and had issue, a son #23.
Sir John, 7th Laird, who signed the Ragman Roll, 1296, and whose son #24.
Sir Robert, 6th of Gartley, who was father of #25.
According to family tradition, Roger, mentioned in Doomsday Book as Provost of
the Manor of Berkeley under Earl William fitz Osborn, had a son, John, who went
to Scotland in the train of Queen Margaret, ca 1069, and became Laird of Towie
(in the Parish of Turriff, Aberdeenshire). He had two sons, Walter, who m the
heiress of Gartley, and Alexander, ancestor of the line of Towie (and the
Barclays of Crawfordjohn, Kilburnie, Brechin and Collairnie). The descent can
be proved from Sir Walter, said to have been 3rd of Gartley, grandson of Walter
and the heiress of Gartley. He was Chamberlain of Scotland, 1165-1189, and was
succeeded by his brother Theobald's sons, Humphrey (dspm 1225) and John as 4th
and 5th of Gartley. The son of John, 5th of Gartley was Sir Robert, 6th of
Gartley, #26.
The Freame family of Gloucestershire were were local land owners (Manor of
Nether Lypiatt) and in the cloth trade in the 17thC and 18thC,
and owned mills in the Stroud area, which are described in The Origins of the
Cloth Mills of the Stroud Valley[141].
Bigland’s MI of Gloucestershire has a number on inscriptionsFMP. An
early member would have been Thomas Freame, esq of Lypiatt, buried Bisley,
January 1659[142].
A summary mainly comes from a life of Francis Galton, a Freame descendant.[143]
The Freames spring from Robert Freame of Cirencester[xxxi]. The pedigree
illustrates the three stages, yeomanry, town traders, and ultimately mercantile
houses. Thus the brothers Robert and John of Aldgate were grocers, but John was
a goldsmith as well. John Freame of Bushhill, Edmonton, married Priscilla
Gould, and his sister Hannah married Thomas Gould, probably her brother. Of
Robert Freame's children by his first wife the most interesting is Thomas, who
went to Philadelphia. He married in 1725 Margaret Penn-daughter of William Penn
by his second wife Hannah Callowhill of Bristol-and their daughter,
Philadelphia Hannah Freame, became Viscountess Cremorne. It was into the
business of the Freames, and' indeed into their very household, that David
Barclay of Ury came, when he walked up to London. Like the apprentice of
romance, but at a much later age, he married his master’s daughter Priscilla.
In conjunction with his brother-in-law, Joseph Freame, the business was
developed into a large banking and mercantile firm[xxxii]. Lucy Barclay, the
great-grandmother of Sir Francis Galton, was a child of this marriage.
But the Freame and Barclay intermarriages are by no means thus exhausted.
Sarah Freame, Priscilla’s sister, married David Barclay’s son James, by his
first wife, Ann Taylor. James Barclay and Sarah Freame had three children, two
sons who left no issue and a daughter Anne, who married James Allardyce. Their
daughter, Sarah Anne Allardyce, was the second wife of Robert Barclay (1731—1797)
and mother of Captain Robert Barclay Allardyce (the pedestrian, and last Robert
Barclay of Ury) and of Margaret Barclay, Mrs Hudson Gurney, the great-aunt, and
kind hostess to Francis Galtons sisters and himself. Robert, Margaret and Lucy
Barclay, who married Samuel Galton, were thus directly half brothers and
sisters, but in addition their mothers were granddaughter and
great-granddaughter of David Barclay of Cheapside, and granddaughter and
great-granddaughter of John Freame of Lombard Street! Captain Barclay, the
pedestrian, and Mrs Hudson Gurney were thus much closer in blood than great -
uncle and great-aunt to Francis Galton[xxxiii].
Lastly another sister of Priscilla Freame, Mary, married Thomas Plumstead of
London, and their daughter Priscilla married James Farmer of Bingley, the partner
ln Birmingham of Samuel Galton, the first. Their daughter in turn became the
wife of Charles Lloyd, who was the managing partner of a large Birmingham bank.
Thus Priscilla Farmer and Lucy Barclay were cousins, and this no doubt brought
Lucy Barclay the second into touch with Samuel Galton, and led to their
marriage. According to a memorandum of Samuel Galton, he met Lucy Barclay at
Hertford in 1776 for the first time, and married her in Oct. 1777, shortly
after his mother, Mary Farmers death. The pedigree (Plate C at the end of this
volume), in which a very large number of collaterals are omitted, will serve to
elucidate the complex relations of Freames, Barclays, Farmers and Galtons. Thus
Samuel Tertius Galton was second cousin to Hudson Gurney, and Sir Francis
himself great-nephew to Mrs Hudson Gurney, Margaret Barclay, the sister of the
pedestrian! It will be seen how the Freames, if not among the persecuted
Quakers, were associated with some of the most industrious, zealous and
noteworthy of the Quaker Stocks.
Footnote to an earlier paragraph:
On the other hand David Barclay of Youngsbury, Tertius Galton's great-uncle,
who had come into the possession of £10,000 of slaves for a business debt,
carried them to New York, taught them crafts and then, when they could maintain
themselves, emancipated them. This David Barclay (see Plate XXII) was one of
the finest characters of his time, a true humanitarian And a worthy descendant
of the Apologist.
There are mentions of Freames in some early wills “CIRENCESTER AREA WILLS 1591
– 1603”.
The records of the supposed time of his birth are few – probably the civil war
Bap Cirencester: 11/11/1666, John Freame, son of Robert FreamePR.
(Barclays History has 1669).
Parents: Robert Freame and Ann.
Died: 1745 aged 80[144]:
John Freame, of Bush Hill, aged ?, died 28/9/1745, bur 6/10, Winchmore Hill, of
a general decay of natureQPR.
Apprenticed goldsmith, became a banker (later Barclay's Bank).
Priscilla Gould, brother of John’s first banking partner, Thomas Gould (the
Goulds had 6 children).
Married: John Freame of London, grocer, and Priscilla Gould, married Devonshire
House, 19/8/1697, John of Lombard St, Citizen and grocer of London, son of
Robert Freame, late of Cirencester, clothier, dcd and Priscilla Gould of
Enfield, daughter of Thomas Gould, late of London, merchant, dcdQPR.
Priscilla Gound, b abt 1674, of Thomas Gould (& Hannah, one unattributed
Died Priscilla Freame, aged abt 53, 1/4/1727, late wife of John Freams, citzen
and grocer of London, at Bush Hill, Endfield, Bur Winchmore HillQPR.
Bigland’s MI on Findmypast[145]
John Freame was born in Cirencester the son of Robert Freame. In 1683 he was
apprenticed to Job Bolton, a quaker goldsmith based in Lombard Street. Upon completion
of his apprenticeship he went into partnership with Thomas Gould, a fellow
quaker. Located in a part of the city where 25% of the population were Quakers
they were able to build up their reputation - and their business particularly
amongst their co-religionists. The partners soon became more connected as John
married Priscilla, Thomas' sister, while Thomas married Hannah, John's sister.
At 21 he had completed his rigorous seven year apprenticeship and earned his
spurs as a 'freeman' of the city of London. He had a trusted partner Thomas
Gould, also a Quaker and freeman of the city. This famed partnership predated
the 1694 launch of the Bank of England and lasted in various forms until 1896.
In 1728, Freame moved to the present site in Lombard Street at the sign of the
Black Spread Eagle. The business expanded over the years and other properties
in Lombard Street were acquired. The banking partnership chose 54 Lombard
Street as their official address, but the sign of that house - the bible - was
thought to be inappropriate as a sign for a Quaker business, so they adopted
the Spread Eagle sign over the extended premises.
Issue of John & Priscilla Freame is (of a total of 7):
1/1. Priscilla Freame, b 1702, quaker, who married David Barclay.
1/2. Joseph Freame, who carried on the banking business
Born, Joseph Freame, son of John
Freame, goldsmith, and his wife Priscilla, in Lombard St, 3/5/1701.
Joseph brought his nephew, James, son of David & Priscilla Barclay into the
banking business.
Married, Devonshire House, London, 9/7/1728, of Lombard St, Banker, son of John
Freame, citizen and grocer of London, and Ann Osgood, dau of Salem Osgood, late
of London merchant dcd, and Anna his wife surviving, now the wife of Joshua Gee
citizen and grocer of london..QPR.
Died of Bush Hill, Edmonton aged about 63, 9/11/1766, bur 20th, of a
She died abt 1730.
1/3. Thomas Freame, son of John Frreame, citizen and grocer,
of London and Priscilla his wife born 8/12/1712, Lombard St, parish of Edmond the King.
1/4. Sarah Freame, dau of John of Lombard St, goldsmith, and Priscilla,
born 11/1/1703-4. Death not found.
1/5. Sarah Freame, dau of John Freame, citizen and Grocer, of London, and
Priscilla his wife, born
3/5/1708, Lombard St
Married James Barclay, son of David the elder.
Married, at the Bull and Mouth, 17/8/1721, Thomas Jackson, of London,vintner,
son of Thomas Jackson, late of Hale, Westmoreland, feltmaker dcd and Sarah
Freame, dau of Robert Freame, of Aldersgate, citizen and Grocer of London.
5.2 ROBERT FREAME – D bef 1695
A prosperous Cirencester Quaker textile merchant, but little else directly
known, but the grandfather of Priscilla Freame, who married David Barclay.
Died bef 1695, late of Cirencester. No marriage found for him, but a note in
the records stated that many marriage records lost, presumably die to the Civil
A Robert Freame was buried at Bisley, Glos, 11/7/1683PR (between
Cirencester and Stroud)
Issue of Robert Freame, Cirencester, probably of this Robert:
Izard 29/11/1664 of Robert
Mary 12/4/1661 of Robert
Robert 9/8/1635 of Robert.
John 11/11/1666.
A Thomas Freame, of Avon, Gloucestershire, England, made his will September
5th, 1682, and it was proved at Philadelphia, Eighth Month 10th, 1682, being
the first will recorded in Philadelphia. No children are mentioned. Robert
Freame, of London, “late of Cirencester,” Gloucestershire, who was concerned in
early land ventures in Pennsylvania, was the father of Robert Freame, a Friend,
of London, grocer, and grandfather of Thomas Freame, who was married in 1727 to
Margaret, daughter of William Penn.— ALBERT COOK MYERS, Moylan, Penna., U.S.A.
1/1. John Freame
1/2. Robert Freame abt 1676, a citizen and grocer of London.
Married 1st: Bull and
Mouth, Quaker, 21/1/1694, of St Buttelphs, Aldersgate, son of Robert Freame
clothier, late of Cirencester, dcd to Ann Vice, dau of Thomas Vice, of
Smithfield, cordwainer, (she aged 24)
Married. 2nd, at Devonshire House, 9/3rd (May) 1719:
Robert Freame, citizen and grocer of London, of the parish of St Botolphs,
Aldersgate, son of Robert Freame, late of Cirencester, Clothier, dcd and
Elizabeth Ruddle dau of Robert Ruddle, late of London, merchant, dcd and Ann
his wife him surviving, declared at meetings at Barking.
Buried: Robert Freame, late of St Botolphs, Aldergate, died 2/11/1730, aged
abot 60, of an apoplexy, bur Bunhill fields. 6th of same.
AN UNPUBLISHED MANUSCRIPT OF A QUAKER PREACHER, FRIEND OF WILLIAM PENN, FOUNDING FATHER OF PENNSYLVANIA, WHOSE SON MARRIED PENN'S DAUGHTER, MARGARET. 57 pages. Bound in Contemporary full calf, gilt, with red title label to spine. An interesting and poignant memorial written by her widower Robert Freame, of Cirencester stock but lately of London, for their five children "that you may retain a lively and sensible remembrance of her virtuous and religious life". Robert first gives a short account of Anne's life, that she was devout from the age of twelve and began preaching at the age of fifteen, encouraged by eminent Quaker friends such as William Penn, Charles Marshall and Francis Stamper. She travelled the country preaching, visiting almost all of the English counties as well as Wales, and was well received. At the age of 24, she married Robert and together they had nine children, of which five survived. She appears to have been a quite remarkable woman who successfully balanced a family life with preaching and travelling............ "As she was earnest and diligent in this her spiritual service, she was mindful and willing to return home when her service was over". Anne had been a sickly child, and she contracted cold from laying in damp sheets whilst on a trip to the north of England. Robert then gives a detailed account of her death-bed scene and sayings. She is visited by William Penn, who she refers to as "the General and his Wife, whom I have often thought on with Pity for his Affliction:- The Lord comfort him, and give him patience. And I pray God, who has bl … [Click Below for Full Description]
A volume written approximately 1712 by Robert Freame (1676?-)
documenting the life of his wife Anne Vice Freame (1670?-1712) as a
remembrance for their children.
Ann Freame, wife of Robert of St Bottolphs Aldersgate, died 27/12/1712, of
2/1. Robert Freame, b. 7/2/1696, St Botolphs, Aldersgate of Robert & Ann.
2/2. Thomas Freame, son of Robert, grocer of Aldersgate,
died 12/12/1699, of fits aged abt 8 months, bur Chequer Alley.
2/3. Thomas Freame, son of Robert, of Aldersgate & Ann, born 6/11/1701.
Mar. at Hammersmith, 6/6/1727, Grocer of London, son of Robert of the same, Margaret Penn dau of William Penn, late of Ruscombe, Berks, and Hannah his wife, then surviving, now late of Aldersgate St, now dcd.
2/4. Ann Freame, born 20/11/1707, St Botolphs, dau of Robert & Ann.
died dau of Robert of Bottolphs, Aldersgate, 2/6/1704, aged about 7
2/5. Sarah Freame,
Married, at the Bull and Mouth, 17/8/1721, Thomas Jackson, of London, vintner, son of Thomas Jackson, late of Hale, Westmoreland, feltmaker dcd and Sarah Freame, dau of Robert Freame, of Aldersgate, citizen and Grocer of London.
7.1 David England - his descendants
1/2. Son of Richard England above
1697: Freeman of Ennis. Petitioner 1700 in court of co. Clare.
Will 1728 registered, Probate Jul 1751
Mentioned in will of Sir Donat O'Brien for "faithful services"
From the large number of petitions to the Court of Claims to which the
signatures of Englands are attached as witnesses, it would appear that they
were attorneys in Ennis. The news of Sir Donat's death was conveyed to Mrs
Catherine O'Brien in a letter from the Dromoland factor, David England 1717
David married Ann.
2/1. Patrick Richard England
born in Lifford, Co. Clare. He
died in 1785 in Ennis, Co. Clare. He was buried in Drumcliffe, Clare.
Address: Lifford, Co. Clare
JP 1737
High Sheriff of Co. Clare 1747
Convert Rolls 1703-89
England, Patrick, Dublin 28 Jan 1731
England, Joseph Michael of Cahirculla, Co. Clare 5 Jun 1761
Patrick married Margaret Hickman daughter of Poole Hickman and Mary Westropp on
6 Mar 1738. Margaret was born in 1719 in Doonagaroge, Kilmore, Clare. She died
on 28 Oct 1786 in Ennis, Co. Clare.
3/1. Lt-Gen Richard James England "Great Britain"
born in 1745 in Ennis, Co. Clare.
Christened on 10 Nov 1745. He died on 7 Nov 1812 in London. Entered the Britsh
Army on 20 Nov 1765 as an ensign in the 47th Foot. Captain in 1770. Went to
North America in 1773 with brother Poole, fought in the Revolutionary War and
were both wounded at Bunker Hill, Mass. He took part in the relief of Quebec
in 1776 and accompanied Burgoyne's expedition in 1777 and was taken prisoner at
Saratoga (with George Preston Vallancey) On his release he was promoted to
Lieutenant Colonel of the 24th Reg. of Foot to command the British forces in
the garrison at Detroit, Upper Canada. He surrendered Detroit to the Americans
in 1795.
He was six foot six inches tall, and of large dimensions. A 'cheerful, open
countenanced, masculine soldier and fond of good living. His nickname in the
army was "Great Britain".
He commanded the British Garrison at Plymouth, England until his death in 1812.
Richard and his family were taken prisoner and sent to France. Richard was
allowed to escort his wife and son back to England if he promised to return to
France. He did.
Lieutenant Governor of Plymouth
Married Anne O'Brien daughter of James O'Brien MP Mary Patterson in 1787/1788.
Anne born 1762. & died in 1848.
4/1. Sir Richard England born on 13 May 1793 in Detroit,
Upper Canada. He died on 19 Jan
1883 in Dover, Eng. He entered the army as an ensign in the 14th Reg. of Foot
on 25 Feb 1808. He was promoted to lieutenant on 1 Jun 1809, and served in
that year in the expedition to the Walcheren and in the attack on Flushing.
Adjutant-general's department in Sicily in 1810-11
Captain of the 60th Reg. on 11 July 1811 and exchanged into the 12th on 1 Jan
1812. He went on leave to join his father in Canada in 1812 and after father's
death, he returned to England.
He married Anna Maria Anderson, sister of Sir J.C. Anderson in 1814 and in 1815
he joined his regiment after the battle of Waterloo. He served as adc to Major
General Sir Colquhoun Grant, commanding at Dublin from 1821 to 1823. Promoted
to Major in the 75th Reg. in 1825 and went to the Cape in 1833.
Son of Lieutenant-General Richard England of Lifford County Clare, Colonel of
5th Regiment. by Anne, daughter of James O"Brien, a cadet of the family of
the Marquis of Thomond.
1836: Made Knight of the Guelphs, a Hanoverian order
1838: 41st Regiment of Foot (The Welsh) Lt Colonel
1840 Brig. General Madras
1854-55 Commanded third division during Crimean War and at the battle of Alma.
1856 Grand Officer of the Legion of Honour.
1877 Retired list.
Residences: 10 Chester St, Belgrave Square and St. Margarets, Titchfield,
"A man of meagre talent and reputation"
Married (1) Anna Maria Anderson . Anna died in 1839.
5/1. Henry England was born in 1806.
He died in 1847. Henry married Sophia Osbaldeston.
5/2. Nancy England.
5/3. Richard England was born in 1831.
Married (2) Theodosia Fountayne Wilson in 1844. Theodosia died on 4 Jul 1880.
5/4.Theodosia England was born in 1846. D 1890.
4/2. Annella England died in
1814. M. Richard Pullson.
4/3. Mary Anne England
D. Oct 1814 in Whittingham House, Worcs. Mary married William Millen on 5 Jan 1806.
3/2. David England, b.1749 Lifford House, Ennis, Co. Clare.
He died on 6 Jul 1791 in Ennis,
Co. Clare.
1769 Freeman of Ennis
Married Abigail Green daughter of Robert Greene and Abigail Blood on 2 Nov
1767. Abigail died in 1808.
4/1. Patrick Richard England. Died in infancy
4/2. Richard England .
4/3. Abigail England died in Jan 1808.
See below for her descendancy.
3/3. Capt. Poole Hickman England born in 1754.
Died on 10 Oct 1813 in Kingston,
Upper Canada.
Served in the 47th Reg. with his brother Richard and wounded at Bunker Hill.
Settled in Kingston, Canada. on half pay.
1793 Clerk of the Peace
Married Ann Sargeant daughter of Samuel Sargeant on 1 Sep 1774. Ann was born in
4/1. Margaret Hickman England
born on 21 Oct 1777 in Toronto,
Married (1) Herchmer .
Married (2) Maj. Gen. Aeneas Shaw . Aeneas died in 1815 in York, Upper Canada.
Married (3) Leeming .
4/2. Gen. Poole Vallancey England B. 1787, New Jersey,
He died in 1884 in Dover, Eng.
2nd Lieutenant Royal Artillery 1805
Colonel 1854, General 1873
Married Mary Lutwyche.
5/1. Edward Lutwyche England. 21 Mar 1839 - 1910.
Major-General. Col. of Prince
Albert's (Somerset) Light Infantry Educ. Cheltenham College. Joined 13th Light
Infantry (Prince Albert's)1855. Served in Indian Mutiny, South African
Campaigns of 1878-9.
Edward married Mary Reid .
5/2. Catherine Frances England.
5/3. Mary England.
4/3. Charlotte England.
4/4. Frances England "Fanny".
4/5. Mary O'Brien England.
3/4. Ann England died in 1796.
3/5. Margaret England
Born 1760 Ennis, Co. Clare. Died
3 Mar 1789 in Dublin.
Married George Preston Vallencey son of Gen. Charles Vallencey and Mary Virgin
in 1786. George was born in 1747 in New Windsor, Berks. He died on 20 Dec 1809
in Windsor, Berks.
4/1. Charles Vallencey, born in 1786. He died in 1818.
4/2. Frances Vallencey born in 1788. She died in 1862.
4/3. Richard Vallencey, born in 1788. He died in 1867.
5/1. Isabella Eliza Vallencey. Arrived Australia 1852
Isabella married Richard Kelly.
3/6. Mary England died in 1811 Limerick, Ire.
Married James O'Brien MP son of
Christopher O'Brien and Mary MacDonnell on 2 Jun 1769.
4/1. Maj. Gen. Edward James O'Brien, 1772-1855.
He joined the 24th (the 2nd
Warwick) Reg. as an ensign in 1788. The regiment was stationed in Ireland and
commanded by his brother-in-law, Lt. Colonel Richard England, the husband of
Edward's half-sister, Anne. In April 1789 the regiment was posted to Canada on
garrison duties and to protect the settlers in the Detroit district from Indian
attack. He returned to England in 1801 and his wife Charlotte was burned to
death in Exeter that year. He returned to Ireland on half-pay whilst serving as
a recruiting officer.
Edward married (1) Charlotte Frobisher on 1 Apr 1797 in Quebec, Canada.
Charlotte died in 1801 in Exeter,
Edward married (2) Frances Ann Willan in 1804.
4/2. Patrick Richard O'Brien.
3/7. ?Christina England .
c/- Ennis Post Office in Slaters 1856 National Directory?
2/2. Joseph England (David, Richard).
of Cahercalla. High Sheriff
1752. Will 1794
Joseph married Margaret McMahon daughter of Thomas McMahon.
Margaret died on 14 Nov 1807 in Cahirculla.
Joseph and Margaret had the following children:
3/1. David Arthur England died on 7 Apr 1796.
Probably had a son of the same name who owned Cahirculla, valued at £50 in 1829.
Property of Caherculla, Ennis was
in the hands of David Arthur England in 1814. Claremen in favour of the Union
1799. Grand Juror 1815
Married Alicia Scott on 5 Feb 1796, St. Thomas, Dublin.
Alicia was born in 1775. She died on 20 Mar 1834. She was buried in Killone
2/3. Michael England.
of Cahirculla. Convert from Popery 1761
2/4. Mary Anne England died in 1781.
Mary married Henry McMahon.
2/5. Theophilus? England.
Abigail married William Young son of Robert Young on 30 Apr
1792 in Ballykilty, Clare, Ireland. William died in 1813. Address in 1801:
Annsbrook, Co. Tipp.
Clare Journal 3 May 1792 Monday last were married Wm Young Esq. Attorney to
Miss England, daughter of the late David England of this town Esq.
Ennis Chronicle 3 May 1792 Last Tuesday. at Ballykilty, Quin, Co. Clare, the
seat of Robert Young Esq., William Young of Dublin to Miss England, daughter of
the late David England of Lifford and niece of Col. England of the 24th Regt.
of Foot.
Clare Journal Mon 9 Oct William Young, married at Belcamp Co. Dublin. Wm Young
Esq. of Annbrook to Miss Ball sister to Sergeant Ball.
Limerick Chronicle. 6 Feb 1813 Advert. To be let, the lands of Ballygibbon
(150 acres) within 2 miles of Cloghjordan, and the house at Annbrook adjoining
the town of Nenagh, part of the lands of Shallee, and 14 acres at Cranagh, all
the property of William Young of Annbrook deceased.
5/1. David England Young was born in 1793.
married Jane Nelligan.
6/1. Frederick N. Young
Clare Freeman 28 Feb 1853
At the Church of Killraine in the Diocese of Killaloe, Frederick N Young Esq.,
son of David E.Young Esq., of Ballygibbon, Tipp to Bessie, daughter of Rev.
William Fry of Highlands
5/2. William England Young was born in 1795.
Griffiths Valuation 1854:
Townland of Tullig: Wm England Young: House office, orchard and land. 24
acres. Rates 23 pounds.
Ennis Chronicle 26th Aug.1826: 'On Saturday at St. Johns Church Limerick, Wm
England Young Esq of Nenagh, to Gertrude, eldest daughter of the late Richard
Taylor Esq. of Rock Abbey, Co. Limerick.'
Ennis Chronicle 7 May 1828: William England Young, a daughter, at Strand Lodge,
William married Gertrude Ann Taylor daughter of Richard Taylor and Anne Hunt on
19 Aug 1826 in Limerick, Ire. Gertrude was born in 1805.
6/1. ? Young born May 1828, Strand Lodge, Lim.
6/2. Ann Young born 20 Dec 1832 in Kerry.
She was christened on 30 Dec
1832 in Ballymacelligot Church.
Sponsors at baptism: Robert Hunt, Inchivorock, Misses Eliza and Frances Hunt
6/3. William England Young, b. 3/4/1835 Kerry.
He was christened on 16 Apr 1835
in Ballymacelligot Church. He died on 30 Oct 1879 in Mount Rivers, Kerry.
Sponsors at baptism: Lieut. Henry Young and Mary Taylor
William married Margaret Clementia.
6/4. Richard England Young – from Alyson Wormald[xxxiv]
See below for his descendants.
Born on 17 Oct 1837 in Castleisland, Kerry. He died on 14 Jul 1888 in Lake
Cudgellico, NSW.
6/5. Robert Young was born on 12 Nov 1840 in Kerry.
He was christened on 24 Nov 1840 in Ballymacelligot Church.
6/6. Vere Hunt Young was born on 12 Dec 1844 in Kerry.
He was christened on 24 Dec 1844
in Ballymacelligot Church. Clare Journal, 19 Dec 1844 Birth
At Mt Prospect, Co. Kerry, the lady of William England Young Esq. of a son
6/7. Gertrude Young.
6/8. Jane Young.
5/3. Robert Arthur Young was born in 1797.
5/4. Francis England Young was born in 1799.
5/5. Richard Young was born in 1801. Died 1832.
5/6. Thomas Young was born in 1803.
More on Richard England Young:
Arrived Melbourne Jul 1863 on "Star of India" out of Liverpool
Address at marriage: Hay. Occupation: Horsebreaker.
Address at death: Lake Cudgellico Occupation Chemist
Burial. Lake Cudgellico
Richard married Isabella Scott Balharrie daughter of James Balharrie and
Margaret Scott on 22 Dec 1867 in Deniliquin, NSW. Isabella was born on 14 Dec
1840 in Blairgowrie, SCOT. She died on 25 Jun 1911 in Maitland, NSW, Aust.
Isabella arrived on board "Arabian" 12 mar 1865. Her occupation was
cook, religion, Presbyterian and she could read and write. She was accompanied
by her sister and engaged by Mrs. J.Hood of South Melbourne
Address at marriage: Deniliquin
" at death: High St East Maitland Burial Sandgate.
7/1. Gertrude Annie Young
Born 9 Aug 1868 in Hay, NSW.
She died on 22 Feb 1946.
Married (1) William Davis in 1890 in Lake Cargellico, NSW. William was born on
25 Mar.
8/1. William England Davis born on 31 Aug 1890.
8/2. Richard England Young Davis born on 13 Feb 1893.
8/3. Annie Isabel Alice Davis born on 26 Jul 1895.
She died on 20 Oct 1973. Called
Daisy. After working for 10 years for a solicitor in Fiji, returned to Sydney
and was qualified as a solicitor. Dad says she only ever had one case!
Annie married Lionel Barnard .
Gertrude married (2) Charles Fax
in 1909.
8/4. Vera Thelma Fax .
7/2. William England Young born on 6 Nov 1870 in Hay, NSW.
He died on 8 Jun 1957 in
Married Sarah Sophia Cameron in 1908 in Mayfield, NSW.
Sarah born 9 Nov 1868, died on 10 Aug 1961 in Maitland.
8/1. James Cameron Young, b. 28 Aug 1909 in E. Maitland.
died on 28 Aug 1940. He was
buried in Sandgate.
Married Gladys MacDonald in 1935 in East Maitland.
From Ancestry, 10/2009:
Subject: James Cameron Young
Hello, I have just been looking at your records for James Cameron Young and
marriage to Gladys McDonald - my wife's family are related to Gladys. You have
shown James' death in 1940. I have just received a transcript of their marriage
certificate, which shows the marriage being 'dissolved' on 11th February 1978.
I'm therefore not sure of your death source. Cheers, Doug.
8/2. William England Young, born 1918 in Randwick, NSW.
7/3. Mary Young, born 2 Feb 1873 in Hay, NSW.
She died on 29 Sep 1955 in
Croydon, NSW.
Married William George Payne son of George Goodman Payne and Hannah Elliott on
18 Apr 1901 in Lake Cudgellico, NSW. William was born on 4 Aug 1865 Poplar,
London, Eng
Died 11/4/1936, Croydon, NSW. Born 23 Bath St. Poplar.
Door knocker obtained in 1957 by Mabel Payne.
8/1. Mabel Isabel Payne, born 3/10/1902 Euabalong, NSW.
She died on 1 Aug 1990 in Beecroft, NSW.
8/2. William Goodman Payne.
Born on 13 Mar 1904 in Woodburn,
NSW. He died in 1983 in Wollongong, NSW.
Married Cora A Simpson. Cora was born on 18 Feb.
She died on 25 Oct 1970.
9/1. Philip Eric Payne, born 10 Oct 1939 Sydney.
Married Sally Margaret Milligan. Sally was born on 16 Jan 1944 in Nairobi, Kenya. 1945 moved to S.A then to UK where she met Philip
8/3. Noel Richmond Payne born 16 Aug 1905
Woodburn, NSW. He died on 24 Oct
1984 in Concord.
Married Dorothy Boughton . Dorothy b 4 Nov 1907.
9/1. Elizabeth Michie Payne
b 12 Sep 1936 in Inverell, NSW. Married Peter Hook in 1956 in Cooma, NSW.
9/2. Barbara Eury Payne b 16/2/1940 Burwood, NSW.
Barbara married Peter O'Brien .
9/3. Ian Richard Payne was born on 21 Apr 1946.
Ian married Denise Wyard in 1976.
8/4. de Vere Clarence Payne
born on 24 May 1907 in Ulmarra,
NSW. He died on 20 Mar 1996 in Killara, NSW, Buried on 23 Mar 1996 in Killara,
NSW. Educated at Fort St High School Sydney
Pharmacy at Sydney University.
Ashes interred at All Saints' Church Parramatta
Married Evelyn Lobb daughter of John Francis Lobb and Catherine Springall on 22
Apr 1933 in Croydon, NSW. Evelyn was born on 11 Aug 1907 in Ipswich, Qld. She
died on 6 Sep 1997 in Killara, NSW, Aust. She was buried in Killara, NSW, Aust.
9/1. Colin de Vere Payne,
born 29 Sep 1935 in Bingara, NSW. He died on 29 Sep 1935 in Bingara, NSW.
9/2. Francis William Payne
born 27 Nov 1936 Bingara,
Married Patricia Anne Young. Patricia was born on 2 Apr 1936 in Sydney.
9/3. Kathryn Payne
born 2 Oct 1939 in Bingara, NSW. She died on 3 Oct 1939 in Bingara, NSW.
9/4. Alyson Vivienne Payne "Aly"
born on 2 Dec 1940 in Sydney.
Alyson attended The Presbyterian Ladies College, Croydon for 12 years where she
Matriculated and went to the University of Sydney where she graduated as a
Pharmaceutical Chemist and became a Member of the Pharmaceutical Society of New
South Wales.
Alyson married Peter John Wormald son of Challenger Francis
Wormald and Ina Daphne Kelso Douglas on 27 Sep 1968 in Killara, NSW. Peter was
born on 8 Sep 1937 in Burwood, NSW.
8/5. Kelsey Abigail Payne b. 5 Jul 1909 Ulmarra, NSW.
She died on 5 Mar 1985 in Wahroonga, NSW.
8/6. George Elliott Payne b. 23 Apr 1912 Ulmarra NSW.
He died on 25 Sep 1980 in Gosford, NSW.
7/4. Jane Abigelle Young born on 2 Feb 1873 in Hay.
She died on 23 Nov 1955 in
Petersham, NSW. Jane married John Henry Gray son of John Gray and Barbara
Thompson on 5 Jul 1903 in Condoblin, NSW. John was born on 5 Jun 1873 in
Condoblin, NSW. He died on 23 Nov 1939 in Marrickville, NSW.
8/1. John Keith Gray b 7 May 1904 Lake Cudgellico.
He died on 5 Apr 1977 in
Bankstown, NSW. John married Mavis Lavarack on 22 Aug 1936 in Surrey Hills,
NSW. Mavis was born on 29 May 1908 in Glebe, NSW. She died on 26 May 1996 in
Burwood, NSW.
9/1. Donald Keith Gray b. 4 Sep 1937 Paddington,
NSW. Married (1) Janice Olga
Criticos on 18 Jan 1964 in Marrickville, NSW. The marriage ended in divorce.
Janice was born on 13 Feb 1943 in Waverly, NSW.
Donald married (2) Catherine Clara Ladwig on 8 Sep 1989 in Punchbowl, NSW.
Catherine was born on 3 Dec 1941 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
9/2. Beverly Anne Gray b. 18 Dec
1940 Paddington.
9/3. Heather Barbara Gray b. 27 Feb 1944 Sydney.
Heather married Malcolm John
MaCabe on 27 Jul 1974.
Malcolm died on 11 May 1980.
8/2. Mabel Isabella Gray b. 2 Jun 1907 Lake
Cudgellico, NSW. She died on 22 Aug 1990 in Killarney Vale, NSW. Mabel married Arthur Albert Isbester on 9 May 1953 in Marrickville, NSW. Arthur was born on 27 Mar 1897 in Mudgee, NSW. He died 29 Nov 1974 in Long Jetty, NSW.
7/5. Richard England Young born 6 Mar 1875 Cudgellico.
He died on 9 Jun 1942 in Liverpool.
7/6. de Vere England Young
born 4 Jun 1877 Cudgellico, NSW.
He died in 1957.
Married (1) Benie Bell in 1908 in Condoblin.
8/1. William deVere Young born 1 Dec 1910 Condoblin.
8/2. Madelaine Young.
8/3. Isabell Young born 1914 Parkes, NSW.
Died in 1915 in Condoblin.
8/4. Mabel Young born on 22 Sep 1917 in Condoblin.
Mabel married Lawrence.
de Vere married (2) Olive Jacobs in 1924 Condoblin.
7/7. Mabel Margaret Young born 6 May 1880 Cudgellico.
She died on 1 Sep 1943. Mabel
married Leslie Badford in 1906. Leslie was born on 21 Jan 1880.
8/1. Phyllis Bedford born 16 Nov 1908.
died in 1979. Phyllis married Fraser .
8/2. Mabsie Bedford.
8/3. John Bedford was born on 16 Feb 1914.
The above info is from Extract from Website of the Canadian
Bank Of Commerce
Edward Cecil William Mockler was born on June 24, 1893 in Ireland. He entered the service of The Canadian Bank of Commerce in August 1912. Enlisting
in August 1914 from the Humbolt, Saskatchewan branch, he joined the 9th
Canadian Battalion and was later transferred to the 1st Canadian Battalion. Mockler
fought at Langemarck and the Second Battle of Ypres in 1915. He was severely
wounded during the first German gas attack at Ypres and succumbed to those
wounds on May 7, 1915.
Excerpt from his obituary:
With sincere sorrow we chronicle the sad death of this promising young soldier
who died in the military hospital, Cambridge, on 7th (May) from wounds received
in battle in France on 23rd of April. He belonged to the first Canadian
From the particulars we have been able to obtain it appears that, on account of
his knowledge of the French language, he was taken by his commanding officer on
a special mission in the carrying out of which they had to cross the enemy's
line of fire, and had only covered about five hundred yards when the Major fell
mortally wounded. The gallant young soldier, immediately in the face of a storm
of shot and shell, went to the assistance of his officer, who on point of
death, ordered him to go on.
In obedience he resumed his perilous journey, but had not gone far when he
received what turned out to be his death wound - a shrapnel charge in the back,
which penetrated a lung. To avoid further injuries, he threw himself down on
the ground but did not escape other wounds of a more or less serious character,
as well as the gas which had been directed against the French lines which he
was trying to reach, and which caused the French to break away.
After crawling inch by inch for about six hours he succeeded in reaching his
own lines, and although suffering awful agony he got into the ambulance
unassisted, and was conveyed to the base. Passing through four hospitals,
always on a stretcher, he eventually arrived at Cambridge at midnight on the
1st [of May]. Here he lingered until Friday last when he passed away, having
received every care and attention from the hospital staff.
Baptism Details as Recorded in Magheragall Parish Church Co Antrim, Northern Ireland
Name Edward Cecil William Mockler
Parents Edward & Alice
Address Parish of Ballinderry
Occupation Gentleman
Date of Birth 24th June 1893
Date of Baptism 15 August 1893
Minister Revd Mockler Rector of Magheragall
Extract from Clergy of Magheragall Parish by (Canon Dundas 1907-1940)
Revd Edward Mockler, B.A. – 1863-1894
Rev. Edward Mockler graduated in T.C.D. in 1836. His grandfather had been Archdeacon of Cloyne. Before coming to Magheragall he had been curate in Ballinderry in 1839, in Skerry and Rathcavan (1840), and in Killead from 1841. After 31 years of ministry he resigned the parish in 1894, and died on 10th October, 1894., aged 82 years. He also is buried in the N.W. portion of the graveyard, where a monument is erected. There is also a mural tablet in the church.
Friends School Lisburn Presents Archive World War One
MOCKLER, Lance Corporal Edward Cecil William. Born in
Ballinderry on the 24.6.1893 he was educated at the local school. At the aged
of 13 he won an Incorporated Society’s exhibition which entitled him to three
years free education at Dundalk Institution. A second exhibition gave him two
more years and residence at Mountjoy School in Dublin. On completing his
education he emigrated to Canada, against the advice of his principal who
wanted him to go to Trinity. Having secured a post with the Canadian Bank of
Commerce he sailed for Montreal in July 1912 and lived in Humboldt,
Saskatchewan for two years before joining up at Valcartier Camp, Quebec on the
22.9.14 aged 21 years and 3 months. A single man, he had no previous military
experience, was 5’ 8½” inches tall, of a dark complexion with blue eyes and
dark hair, he had a scar on the left side of his head. After training at
Valcartier he served in 1 CI WOR (I8822) being posted first to Salisbury and then to the Western Front in late march or early April 1915. He died in the
military hospital in Cambridge on the 7.5.15 age 21 from wounds received at
Langemarck near Ypres on the 22 or 23 April. Because of his knowledge of
French, he had been asked by Major Kimmins to accompany him to the French
lines. On their way there Kimmins was killed and Mockler hit in the back by
shrapnel which punctured his lung. Although he took cover, he was hit several
more times as well as being exposed to the gas which the Germans had released
on the French. It took him six hours to crawl back to his own lines from where
he was taken back to base, eventually arriving in hospital in Cambridge late on
the 1 May. His father was able to visit him in hospital before his death and
had his remains brought home on Sunday the 9th for burial on Tuesday 11th. The
son of Edward Mockler of Fruithill, Rose Lane Ends, Ballinderry, Co. Antrim who
sat on the Lisburn Board of Guardians, he is buried in the family plot in
Ballinderry Middle Church Cemetery, Ballinderry. According to a report of the
funeral in the Standard, “There was a large number present and it was evident
from the tear-brimmed eyes seen on all sides that the deceased was held in very
high esteem in the neighbourhood in which he was born and reared. Numerous
wreaths were sent by relatives and friends.” There is no headstone inscription.
A separate headstone records the death of Alice Maud Mockler on the 28.4.1895
and Thomas McCleavy Mockler on the 26.10.1922. A Miss Mockler of Ballinderry is
also recorded in the Belfast News Letter of 4.7.16 as a contributor to comforts
sent out to soldiers in 11 RIR in the first half of 1916.
The events in which Mockler was involved were described by John McCleland a
Dunmurry man who was also serving in the CEF. In a letter home to a friend in
the village he wrote, “I expect you have heard all about our heavy casualty
list. We got it good and hard while it lasted, but I might tell you we gave
quite as much as we got until the Germans started shelling with the poison gas
fumes. I could fill quite a few sheets of writing paper with what I came
through from April 22nd up until the morning of the 24th when I got hit and
half poisoned as well. We made two charges with fixed bayonets. I came through
the two charges without a scratch, but three hours later I was giving a wounded
comrade a drink and I got it good with a large chunk of shrapnel in the
shoulder fracturing some of the bones; but the gas is worse than their biggest
shells. The Germans did their best to break through our lines, but all efforts
failed. They even drove the French Algerians out of their position, and that’s
where we lost so many in recapturing the lost ground. We lost very heavily but
we saved the situation. To tell you proper, if they had got through and crossed
safely over the Yser canal there would have been nothing to prevent them being
in Calais”. It is not clear whether John McClelland survived the war or not.
There are a number of casualties with that name in the Commonwealth War Graves
Commission register but it is impossible to say whether he is one of them. As
for Major A. E. Kimmins, the CWGC records that he died on the 24 April 1915. He
has no known grave and is commemorated on the Menin Gate Memorial.
Headstone in Magheragall Grave Yard
Erected to
The Memory
Of John Mockler
Late of Kingstown
Born 27th November 1813
Died 21st July 1882
Rev Edward Mockler died 1894
His wife Gracilia 1893
Their daughters
Alice Lucinda 1885
Eleanor Jane 1906
Gracilia 1921
Charlotte Sophia March 1943
John Mockler of the Rectory Moneybroom Buried July 25th 1882 Died
July 21st 1882 Aged 68 Ceremony preformed by Robert Lindsay
Alice Lucinda Mockler of the Rectory Moneybroom Buried 23rd
September 1885 Died 19th September Aged 37 Ceremony preformed by Robert
Lindsay Lisburn.
Gracilia Mockler of the Rectory Magheragall Buried 23 December 1893 Died 20th
December 1893 Aged 76 Ceremony preformed by Robert Lindsay
Revd Ed. Mockler of Green Hall Ballinderry buried 13 October 1894 Aged 82
Ceremony preformed by Robert Lindsay
Eleanor J. Mockler Ballinderry Aged 45 Sept 1st 1906 Ceremony
preformed by Joseph.William Minchin (Rector of Ballinderry 1903-1940)
Gracilia Mockler of Ballinderry Aged 80 Sept 27th 1921 Ceremony
preformed by Joseph.William Minchin (Rector of Ballinderry 1903-1940) Revd
Charlotte Sophia Mockler of Greenhall Ballinderry Aged 96 Funeral 15th
March 1943 Ceremony preformed by John Bethel Lowe (Rector of Ballinderry
1940-1972) Revd McAallin
Name, Position in Household, Marital Status, Age, Occupation, Birth Place
1851 Census Return Fragments For Killead, County Antrim, Ireland
13 British Townland , Killead County Antrim (1851)
Edward Mockler, Head, M, 38, Curate church of englnd, Limerick,
Gracilia Mockler, Wife, M, 33, None, County Antrim,
Emily Mockler, Daughter, U, 8, At School, County Antrim,
Elizabeth Mockler, Daughter, U, 7, At School, County Antrim,
Gracilia Mockler, Daughter, U, 5, At School, County Antrim,
Charlotte Mockler, Daughter, U, 4, None, County Antrim,
Alice Mockler, Daughter, U, 2, None, County Antrim,
James Mockler, Son, U, 5, None, County Antrim,
Ann Mullen, Servant, U, 16, House Servant, County Antrim,
Rose Hadden, Servant, U, 13, House Servant, County Antrim,
Name, Position in Household, Marital Status, Age, Occupation, Birth Place. (Mrs
Mockler family home)
1851 Census Return Fragments For Ballinderry County Antrim, Ireland
31 BRACKENHILL TOWNLAND , Ballinderry County Antrim (1851)
Name, Position in Household, Marital Status, Age, Occupation, Birth Place
1851 Census Return Fragments For Killead, County Antrim, Ireland
1.Edward Mockler, Head of house, Married, Aged 38, Curate Church of England
& Ireland, Born in Limerick,
Revd Ed. Mockler of Green Hall Ballinderry buried 13 October 1894 Aged 82
Ceremony preformed by Robert Lindsay
2. Gracilia Mockler, Wife, M, 33, None, County Antrim,
Gracilia Mockler of the Rectory Magheragall Buried 23 December 1893 Died 20th
December 1893 Aged 76 Ceremony preformed by Robert Lindsay
3.Emily Mockler, Daughter, U, 8, At School, County Antrim,
4.Elizabeth Mockler, Daughter, U, 7, At School, County Antrim,
Married on the 8th October 1873 at Magheragall Revd John William M. Marshall
Incumbent Painstown and St Anne’s (Leigh)
5.Gracilia Mockler, Daughter, U, 5, At School, County Antrim,
Gracilia Mockler of Ballinderry Aged 80 Sept 27th 1921 Ceremony preformed by
Joseph.William Minchin (Rector of Ballinderry 1903-1940) Revd Dundas
6. Charlotte Mockler, Daughter, U, 4, None, County Antrim,
Charlotte Sophia Mockler of Greenhall Ballinderry Aged 96 Funeral 15th March
1943 Ceremony preformed by John Bethel Lowe (Rector of Ballinderry 1940-1972)
Revd McAallin
7. Alice Mockler, Daughter, U, 2, None, County Antrim,
Alice Lucinda Mockler of the Rectory Moneybroom Buried 23rd September 1885 Died
19th September Aged 37 Ceremony preformed by Robert Lindsay Lisburn.
8. James Mockler, Son, U, 5, None, County Antrim,
Ann Mullen, Servant, U, 16, House Servant, County Antrim,
Rose Hadden, Servant, U, 13, House Servant, County Antrim,
1813 |
4 |
2 |
E |
Lt-Col |
The freedom of the city of Cork was conferred of Lt-Col E MOCKLER, of the 102d Foot, and Mr CROKER, Secretary to the Admiralty |
Limerick General Advertiser or Gazette
NPS = news story
year, month, day
7.3 Daniel Bell and Other Letters 1720-1885
7.3.1 Letters to Jonathan Bell, b 1658
att the three Anchors in Lombard Street.
Dated Cockermouth Castel, 22nd of 7th mo 1720.
Dear Brother Jacob,
Offer my kind love to thee hopeing these few lines will find thee in good hilth as throu mercy with father and mother att the wrtieing hear of Dear Brother I am very soery that thee shod go shuch a longe voyage before thee come to see us for we shud a been very glad to a seen thee but since thou cannot I heartly wish the well an desirers thee to be good and care full aboute thy business anit will be for thy own advantage an credit Dear Brother I am obligged to thee for thy kind present that thou intends to send me and for thy well wishes John and I am not marryed yet nor I cannot very well tell when thow I think it will be our long cosen gude is maryed above four weeks ago an is very harty an give her kind love to thee my mother gives her dear love to thee an deliver thy well for an begg of thee to be good an mind thy self and what ever thee dost not to go into bad companion So my Dear brother not haveing any thing more at present but my very Dear love to thee an I hartely (wish- added) prosperity every way an safer return so grest thy Loveing and affectionate sister Ruth Bell.
Dear Brother Jacob,
haveing this opportunity was willing to give thee few lines by which thou may knou know that wee are in difrant well church Mary tho I have been very unwell but am beter I hope my husband is well but he is not at home Dear Brother wee should a been glad to a seen thee hear befere thou had gone but since we cannot I hartily Desier thy preservation every way and desiers that thou may keep near to the Lord and he is able to preserve thee throon all exercises that thou may meat with so must conclud with very Dear Love to thee I rest thy ever Lo Sister Rebekah Walker.
Son Jacob,
I had thy letter on second day last but post was gone ere received itt soe send these few lines this post to thee in expectation they may reach thee ere gone ---- Coast may know we are well but tis — been by at to thy mother to part with though better content then she was but with all desires thou may be a good and hardfull lad study to improve thy loving in God dooing will be thy own happy- ness and of more valleu then all the world or the riches oft thy mother and I Joynes in our Dear Love and hartly affection to thee with earnest prayers and suplications to the Lord that thou may be every way preferred and kept out of the Enemies hands inwardly and outwardly and mayest thou ffriends safe att home again ffind and relations generally well with Love to thee wishing thee a prosporous voyage lett us hear from thee as ( often as — added ) opertunity serves I shall observe to pay R.W. that thou speeks of I conelude my selfe thy loveing and affectionate ffather,
Jonathan Bell
Letter from D. Horner to Daniel Bell (prob 1685-1758)
Dated Leeds, 20th August 1744
Dear and Worthy ffrd. D. Bell,
Thy acceptable Letter I recd. in course and was very glad to Bear of thy Getting well Home and found all to thy satisfaction perticularly Reflection upon thy late journey gave thee so much Peace, the Result of Discharging our Dutys Faithfully in our Great and Good Masters Service. And as I am satisfied it will remain Comfortable and Incouraging to thyself, so I am persuaded it is to many more and that thy affectionate visitt and labours of Love will not be Easely forgotten, For indeed and sweetly revived the days of our youth and the love of our Espousalls which in a good degree ( I hope ) United to our Cheifest Beloved, the Lord our God, and one unto another, and may we not say of a truth that Love waxeth not old, May I am in my smal measure a Witness of that flowings of it in many oppertunitys we had together, and at this present time makes me willing to take pen in Hand and scribble a little though Im but poorly in Health at psent, I am my ffrd really sorry for ye acct thou gives abt Rombelone and ye two poor women I wish some means could be found out to keep such at Home. I find theyr Quite weary of Betty Smith in Ireland, and have agreed to appoint her no more Meetings. I suppose thou hast heard that Jno haslara is returned Home from His American journey and in pretty good Health. His acots of his travills and remarks was highly acceptable to us in our last 2rly meeting, Sam Hopwwood came with Him and is on his way for London. As thou requested I must give thee some acot of ye meeting at Armley which often thou wast gone gave the a great deall of pain of mind, for I heard the People were much disappointed so I ventured to let ffrds give them notioe that Bro Longmire and self wd be there at a meet: on first Day afternoon following, which we did wth our ffrds on that side And Abundance of Sober tender people attended the ffrds thought above 500, and mostly Methodists it was ( I think ) a solled open time, and we came home very easey and left them Inquiring wn we wd goe again , that indeed It was sorry my ffrds thou missed so much satisfaction as I believe thou would have found amongst yrs. What will be the consequence of things I can't tell, But Certainly there is a Devine Hand at Work amongst the people, and many are seeking Savation to yr souls - Amongst ye Externalls of Worship who I humbly Hope will in time be Brought to find it at Home and be made to Retire to ys Gifts of God in themselves. I must confess I find my love and good desires Increase towards these peoples and I never meet wth ‘em ( as we frequently did at one opportunity or other ) But I find a degree of ye Gospell spring to roll towards them.
The Young woman thou mentions is gone to Robt Bells to live.
I am oblidged to ye, for thy readiness to serve me abt ye Cloth in R. Bells Hand,
And as thou hasst ( I presume ) An Interest in S. Fledger I wish could persuade
Him to goe buy then theyr good Goods and Cheaps and tho‘ find He can dispose of
them I doubt not to advantage If he pleases; Bros and Sister Longmire are not
got home from Kendall where they have been some weeks. Mr Dear Mother and
Sister are thro‘ mercy pretty well And Join with me in the sallutation of Dear
Love to thy self and thine all.
I am thy affect Sr
D. Horner
Godhouse 8th mo, 6th, 1744
Daniel Bell
My dear friend, I hope by this time thou art got well home with the fruit of
true peace in thy Bosom, a return sufficient for thy labours of love in the
Gospel which were considerable to the comfort and satisfaction of many, an I am
sure of my self in particular I thought it a seasonable visit & at a time
of renewing our old acquaintance & receiving our unity as also refreshing
our spirits once more – I was very glad I met with thee at Newcastle to take
our solemn leave of each other for it is some question with me whether we shall
meet again till we meet in Clear Triumphant where the weary tested and
afflicted travellers rest from their labours, & I shall rejoice in peace
for ever which happy end I do at times hope. For to my great R?? ?? this hope
has helped my over many mountains an through divers straits difficulties and
hard test.....
I have walked in the shadow of death for several days...
Lydia Lancaster.
Letter from Lydia Lancaster to Daniel Bell.
Lydia was a famous 18thC Quaker preacher.
Colhouse, ye 24th, 6th mo, 1745
My Dear Ffriend,
Since I wrote to thee have been favoured with two from thee both which were truely acceptable. the (first-added) containing some account of thy travels and safe arrival home, the latter a comfortable Relation of our national meeting and indeed I am refreshed that thou should remember poor Remott Lydia who tho absent in Person yet a lover of Sions prosperity and according to my measure a traveler for it that her light might yet break fourth in Brightness and which I can at times hope for tho the present face of things Look Dull in many places which ocations mourning yet methinks I see through it with an Eye of faith and do beleive God will raise himself witnessis, Judges and counslers, as at the beginning but oh my dear friend, our lott of labours is fallen in a barron age yet let us not be discourraged but serve out our Generation faithfully knowing that the work we are Engaged in is ye Lords who is all suficient to carry it out, surely that truth which our antiants bought at so dear a rate must never be extinguished again tho through the worthy mindedness of its professers clouds may seem to vail its beauty for a time and the prosperity thereof be stoped in many enquiries after it which is too much the case in our day yet it is my secrit hope that the sum of Rightiousness will breake fourth in Luster again to the drawing many into love therewith now as to things----it remorse I think then when thou wert here I thought of the good time thou had among us when I was at our Quarter meeting in Lancaster last month which was large and indeed pretty Good tho we had no straingers yet truth favoured the meeting - thou willi probably hear of the marriage we lately had betwixt Thomas Hyam and my niece Rawlinson where we had the Company of our ffrd. James Wilson Anne Hyam and her daughters with Eliz. Holliwell all very acceptable to us the London freinds were Good Examples and has left a sweet Savour behind them. I hope the young cupple are right joined together in the fear of God who that Day seemed to own them with a Visitation of his tendering bowing power, may they keep under it is my Disir, Dear Daniel through mercy I am in health I hope both as to the inward and outward man tho not without constant execises yet do hope it will all work together for Good in the End. I shall be Glad if thou hast freedom to receive a line from thee now and then as leasure will permitt while we stay in this frail state of life. and let me know how thou faires and how things are among you and whether thou willt Endeavour to find out another meet help to comfort thee in thy age. pray strive not for money but a virtueous woman of a sweet friendly Disposition and Good natural temper. I am thy friend in Dear Love and all well wishing,
Lydia Lancaster.
Letter from M. Slater to Danniel Bell at Totnam
Dated at Carlton, 15th September 1745
My Dear Sir,
I have intended thee a few Lines ever since I got home of my long and Trying Jurney both of Body and Mind, which through the favour of Providence I was mercifully help to Gett safe horne and founding family well which was cause of humble thank- fullness to him the giver of all good and indeed when I Recolect and lookes back over my Long and trying Jurney - it is with humble thankfullness to him who is the only helper of bis poor Servents who are treuly Injeyed for his Cause - and my beloved frd, I often looke back with pleasure that ny Lott was cast with thee in that Citty of Bristoll - for to be suer thou was agreat strenth to my Mind in standing ageunze that Spiret that wod apose the treu disapline of the church and Ley waist the good order that treuth established in the beginen, May we be mercifully preserved to keep Cloce to that which first Inlightened our Souls, tho it was but Like the dauning of the day or the day star arising yeat blessed be the Name of the god, (hope-added) we oan say the never setting Sun has Risen upon our hearts - and my humble prayer to the Lord is that nothing may ever Cloud or dim that Glory in our hearts - but that we may ever cloud or dim that Glory in our hearts — but that we may be presond in that Just mans path which will Cause it to Shine brighter and brighter, is what my Spiret is earnestly Concerned for on my own acount and acording to my sin all Mesure for all the Lovers of Christ.
My Bear Frd., it is wiith a heart full of treu Love I (indite(?)- added) these few lines to thee; thou being often in my Dear Remembrance, as I humbly hope I shall be fevard to have a place in thine, when thou art in the injoyment of the Spring of Emortal Comfort whear in we are fevard with access to that throne that we oan begg one for another which I am sure I have great need of - and I often think times looks very threatning without may our looking be only and singly to him who has all power in his hand and will devide afflictions for them who trust in him - I sencerly desire our trust may bein that arme which never failed the Righteous - My Dear Frd, I should be Glad I might be fevard with a few lines from thee soon after thou Recd this that I might hear how thou and thine fairs it will be very acceptable to my dear Husband who Greets thee with much Love unfeigned for thy acceptable viset Lives in his Remembrance and mine with my children ( or childes ) - So I shall oonclud with true love to thee and thine and Remains thy sencer and Much
obliged Frd.
M. Slater
Pleas to give my kind Love to thy Sister in Law or any other Frd., in thy Freedom -
my dear Love to Frd Lawrence if thou pleas.
Dr & Worthy Friend Bristol, 10 mo 7th
Danl Bell
I salute thee with unfeigned love, thine of the 3 inst also of 15th
6mo past – came in course. I was out of Town when the former came to
hand.. and have been pretty much so since...the contents of both I have
seriously considered much to my satisfaction ... a line from thee will at all
times be very acceptable.
My family much as usual... I have had a troublesome cold attended by a
hoarsness some time past... but I hope is wearing off.
I suppose thee hast heard of he removal of our friends Dnl Kilb... Jos James
and the widow Husdy.
We have been favoured with the company of several friends within three months
past but now no strangers in Town... Richard Hepsley of Somersetshire, is
lately landed safe from a visit to Ireland where his service was vey acceptable
to Friends and much to his satisfaction, he had a very tempestous and hazardous
I have heard and hope it is true that a fresh visitation has of late appeared
amongst many people and the love of Truth and Regard to its Life and Power increases
... ay it continue and a much farther improvement be experienced is my sincere
desire... yet I doubt there are too may that hath more regard to the Forme than
the substance...where that is the case, its to be feared the Forme will
decrease also in those that are strangers to the Life and Power.
I have has some conversation with Kinswoman Eliz Hanbury relating thy son, but
as affairs now stand, it donot appear with so likely a prospect as where is now
is if anything farther accurs, I intend to advise it communicated the love as
desired... although absent in person, I am near in that love that distance of
place cannot separate.
My sons and many others join me with Dr love aso full and family,
Thy assured friend Rich Chamming?
A letter to daniell bell from john bell, dated 1750 at Bromley, Kent.
to daniell bell, to be left with roger shackleton,
in york.
daniell bell, dear friend,
in the love of truth my spouse joyning wlth me we clearly salute thee, fervently desiring, as we have often done since we parted with thee, that our great and good master in whom all sufficiency is, may preserve thee, and grant a suitable degree of strength of body and fortitude of mind, to go through that servise thou art engaged in, to the glory of god, thy own peace, and the Edification and comfort of the churches where thou myst come, but thy long Experience of the Goodness of God to his own faithfull Servants renders it unnecessary to say much in that Head -
I did think it would not he unacceptable to give thee some Account of the yearly Meeting. - it was very large, and continued so to the end,- and the Affairs of the churches were carryed on and managed, in solidity and meekness, without Jarr or Contention, and much to the Satisfaction and Comfort of the Brethren, that I think it may be truly send the great and good Master of our Assemblies precendent in that Meeting, which occasioned many to Rejoyce in His loving kindness. -
through the mercy of providence i was enabled to attend constantly from the beginning of the Meeting to the end and according to the accounts we had the Publick Meetings were generaly large, and pretty weil conducted; since the Meetings were generaly large, and pretty weil conducted, since the Meeting ended, which was on sixth day Evening and a Publiok appointed next morning i have been surely afflicted with my Old Distemper the Cholick, ever since that time, and not yet got clear of it, which has weakened me much, other Friends here are generaly well; We have now no Strangers in London except Elizabeth Marriot and jane huskins, the latter intends to leave us nent week. her companion is gone alone to kent; the last time I see thy son jonathan they were well at tottenham; so with dear love from me and mine i conclude, and an, Thy Old truly loving Friend, John bell.
ps before i had sealed up this thy acceptuble letter from scarborough came to my hand, and i was glad to find thou was invoured with heulth and Strength to go on in thy Service, which i hope will be continued. the few lines when york Quarterly Meeting is over would be very empty my dear love to R. Shackleton and, his, jonathan white and his, any other Friends that may enquire of me - the ollives, loves is to thee farewell. -
bishopTs mark;
Letter from D.A. Barclay to Daniel Bell
The identity of this Barclay is not clear
Dated Urie 17th July 1750
Dear Bro B*Bi
Thy kind favr of the 7th came to my hand late night one my Arrivall hear threw mercy prity well, my wife was very ill att Alenwick wher we stayed a nighte and day one the whole been mending Ever since and I hope after a few days rest will be better then when she set only the child and Roben very well Robert next my one the road and me find them all in the usuall health, only sister Patence Forby from Irland is hear; and I aprehend not far from her end, which I hope when it hapens will be well, we are much pleased to hear thou art better in thy health of which wee desire the take Espicial Care, and as this may be —— —— ( as well as —— ) be the last jurney we will undertake to our native Cuntry, dont hurry butt render thy visit Easy and agreable to thy Selfe and to thy ffds. and relations - I find this Countrey —- in many respects our folds are pleased wth it beyond ther Expectation. - my wife and all our relations hear joyn in true Love to thee and all relations and ffds. that may think of us thy real
Loving Brother D.A. Barclay
Letter from Iydia Lancaster to Daniel Bell
Dated Lancaster 6th November 1756.
Dear Friend,
Thine last week I received which was very acceptable and the more so as it was wrote with thy own hand, that indeed is more than a little admirable that a person of thy age should recover such strength after having lost it so many yrs but we see all things are possible with God who gives and takes as he pleatheth for his own glory and the increase of our faith and trust in him, who hath all Power. I am glad thou art favoured with good health and strength to travel about as in the morning of thy day to be sure it must afford both thee and thy ffriends gt joy and satisfaction. yet those who oannot do so (are-added) attended with ye heart warming influence of divine virtue at Home, and truely acceptable to their ffriends there.
Have also much Reason to be both content and thankful. through mercy I must enjoy a good degree of health which can scarce be enough valued but I (--) not much to say of traveling abroad not being required thereto, nor free to move much without a degree of necessity, friends here of thy acquaintance are all as well as ussuial for ought I know thy niece direy beging to look brgith(sic) upon us again but they are all well as can be expected. I delivered thyn love to them and many more who all acknowledge with the return of theirs, which I disir thee to aceept in the Wholesale way. and may say that upon the whole I hope truth gains ground among us in our meeting which dos not only much increase in number but in a religous concern As I think does our love one to another. I am much joined in Heart to friends here as I also have reason to believe thy are to me in every general way. I am sorry to hear Mr. Putts is but poorly, if he should be removed it will seemingly be a great loss. But we have need to be a resigned people in all things to ye Divine will. my heart is often heavy in the remembrance of London, Heaven only knows how things will turn out there and everywhere.
I sincerely wish we may all be prepared steady on such abuttance as will stand all tryals. I notte thy kind request of seing me once more there but I also hope and disir with submission to the divine will that I never shall be seen there any more, being for ought I know clear yea fully clear there labouring at and about home appears to be my proper work yet the spreadings of Gospel love is many times as open free and extensive as ever in my heart. but thou knows that every one has but their time and season to every purposs and for ought I find the little erants alotted me to run abt was done in their season for which I do not want my reward. I have been long in writing - for which I have thought to drop that part except when found it matter of duty being old and bad at it. also my acquaintance is so large it would (be-added) almost impossible for me to answer all the letters I receive, so hope thou and others will excuse me for that deficencey and take the will for the deed my dear Love salutes thy sister Bell and thy children also my beloved friends D. and G. Barclay and with much regard to thyself remains thy real and rauch obliged friend,
Lydia Lancaster
(Frances Owen married Jonathan Bell, son of Jonathan)
Dated at Balby 11th of the 12th mo 1740-1
I cannot express to the full the satisfaction thy last kind
letter afforded me especially to see thy dear Fathers hand in it wch I esteem
an additional favr that merits my most gratefull acknowlegmt, and I can‘t well
omit telling thee how thankfull I am to Providence that I was Directed to thy
Fathers House wch was a place of true Freedom and openness to me in every
respect and renderd my stay in London very Agreeable and Satisfactory to me,
and he assured dr Friend the great Esteem I bear thy good Father and Thee
together vth the Benefit I reapd from the Agreeable Company and Eddif and
Conversation of yu both wd be a great Inducermt apprehend it my place again to visit
my frds in Londo wch I must acknowledge seems sometimes to be brot into my view
and I survey wth pleasure ye Scituation of Some in that Place who are as a City
set upon an Hill, may ye Almighty encrease ye number of Such, that others
behold and their good works may by their pious Example he prevails upon to
Glorify God by a Life of Purity and Holiness and a Conversation Coupled with
his Fear.
My Journey into the West was pretty Satisfactory to me and I helieve it was so
to my compan M: Pace whom I parted with in Somersetshire and did not see again
till she had visited Wales after wch she came to Shrewsbury where I then was
and had ye pleasure of seeing her tho‘ her stay was short she being desireous
on her mothers accot to get home as soon as she well cou‘d this is I think ahot
two months agoe, since wch time I had not heard of Molly till I recd thine. Im
concernd to hear she has been so ill, I thot I had never seen her look better
than wn she return‘d out of Wales.
Eliz Marriot has been very ill since she came home Occasiond ‘tis tho by a
great Cold she got in ye Journey. I was favour!d wth a good share of
health ‘till I came into Shropshire where I was for some time much out of Ordr
of a Cold and Swelling in my face wch afer taking some Medicens went away and I
have since thro Mercy been as well as usal. I‘m much concernd to hear of poor
May Drummonds Indispossition, when thou seest her please to remember my very
kind love to her and tell her I sincerely desire it may please Providence to
Bless every state to her and if he see meet to give her a perfect Recovery. I
shd much rejoyce to hear of it, heartily wishing her Welfare in every Respect.
I‘m truly glad to hear you have been favour‘d at London wth the Company of so
many Worthy Friends and greatly desire their Visits may have the intended
Effect that their Labour of Love may be answered and the great Cause of
Religion maintained and promoted in the Earth, that God in Allthings may be
Glorified who over all is Worthy to be prais‘d Adored and Magnified for Ever -
I hope to be favour‘d wth a letter from thee in a liitle time. I‘m glad to hear
so good an Accot of Patty Phillips; poor P. Barclay, she meets wth many
Probations but I hope they‘ll all work together for good wn thou seest her
please to remeber my very dr Love to her, also to thy Cous Wragg and the Frds
thou mentions. be assured dr Frd a large Share attends thy good Fa and thee
together wth the whole Family also that I am wth the utmost Esteem and
sincerity Thy very Affectionate and much Oblig'd Frd
Frans Kenshall
Letter from Frances Dodshan to Frances Bell
Dated Durham 4th November 1760
My Dear Friend,
I’m much afraid my long silence since I rec'd thy last truly acceptable letter should give thee some uneasy apprehensions on my acct. for indeed I’ve oft been displeased with my self when I’ve recollected how long I've been silent to thee and my worthy Friend P. Barclay, but realy such has been the case with me of late that notwithstanding I’ve several times attempted to write my mind has been so uncommonly restricted in that respect that I found I Could not write with satisfaction; but least my dear Frd. shd be uneasy on my accot. ( as above hinted)
I was resolved to set Pen to Paper tho’ it were but just to let thee know how. I fare; I am thro’ mercy considering my circumstance full as well as I could expect tho’ since I grew Big frequently attended with a pain and weakness in my right hip and thigh wch sometimes renders me incapable of Walking over the Room without help yet have been hitherto enabled to get to Meetings tho’ with considerable difficulty; but thro the goodness of Providence my mind is made in a good degree heayy and reconciled to my present Situation as well as resigned to the future disposal of the Divine Will Concerning me wch I esteem a great favour and hope am truly thankfull for it as well as for the many Blessings I and mine are favoured with I was much concerned to hear of the Death of Robt. Plumstead as well as that of thy Cousin Oxley, they both being likely to be very serviceable in their Stationes but providence knows best how to effect the purpose of his unerring Will, nor is it fit for us poor short sighted mortals to call in question his Dispensations usward or so muoh as to say, What doest thou! I can assure my dr. ffrd it is no small Probation with me to be tried as I’ve been of late and am likely still to be, if my life be spared; yet far be it from me to Reprove He who has hitherto been my Ebenezer and helped thro’ many Tribulations is still all sufficient; in whom I trust come life or come Death.
I was much pleased to hear thou had been favoured with the Company of our dear and worthy frd. Sophia Hume to whom please to remember my very dear Love and tell her I much regrett the long silence that has subsisted between her and me and have several times thot of writing to renew so eduifying and desirable a correspondence but did not certainly know how to direct to her; shd therefore be very glad of a letter from her. I wish thou may be able to read this I would have transcribed it over again but am grown so bad at stooping that writing is become at psent a sort of painfull exercise to me.
My Dear Husband and Children are thro’ mercy pretty well he joins with me in the renwed sallutation of ünfeigned Love to thee thy son and Daughter in wch I am,
Thy truly Affectionate Friend,
Frances Dodshon
7.3.2 Daniel Bell in North America
Letter from Daniel Bell junior to his father Daniel Bell
Dated June 1777
My Dear Father,
Being convinced of the Satisfaction it will afford my Friends in general and my own Family in particular to hear of my Arrival in America I am unwilling to omit any opportunity by which they can possibly reoeive that Intelligence and shall therefore forward this letter by Capt. Millyin to NewYork as there may probably be a conveyance to England from that port earlier than Quebec; I sent a few Lines by a Vessel that we met on the Banks of Newfoundland giving you an account of the very disagreeable Passage we had so far; since that time the Weather has been more favourable and we are now in the River St. Lawrence abt 20 Legs from the Isle of Bic ( he place for destination) on our arrival there we must go on board another Ship to reach Quebec wch is abt 50 Leags distant (the Blonde being ordered to New York to join Ld Howe instead of going to Quebec) - Till within these few days we have had one continued severe Gale of Wind from the Time of our departure from England, which has made our passage more disagreeable than a person who has never been at Sea can possibly conceive, our Style of Life has been thoroughly uncomfortable, in the morning we would attempt to Breakfast perhaps as soon as we were seated the Cups and Saucers would be all thrown into our Laps, from that to dinner we endeavour to read, walk the Deck and employ ourselves in recovering from our Fall, of wch we have had some very bad ones, at Dinner our meat was frequently in our Laps as in our Mouthes till we contrived to make the servants set to Seeward and hold their dishes instead of placing them on a table : One day Mrs. Caldwell and myself were thrown over the Backs of our Chairs on our Heads,
Mrs. C fortunately fell on a Bed wch was spread on the
Floor, and therefore received no Injury. I fell on the Gun but without any
bust, indeed I was lucky in meeting with no great Injury once I broke a small
piece of a Tooth another time as I was pouring out a Glass of Wine I was thrown
with the Bottle and Glass out of my Chair agt the Bayonets wch hang upon the
Side of the Ship and cut my hand in 2 or 3 places. - the good Company of Col
Caldwell’s Family and the Civility of Capt Hillyes have so much at abates(?)
the Rigor of this Confinement and unpleasant Situation. Our passage has been so
remarkably rough and boisterous, our Ship so sickly and many occurences so
thoroughly distressing and disagreeable that if we get safe back to our native
land I am sure it must be a great Temptation that will induce sny of our Party
to venture a second time to cross the Atlantic; on Saturday 31st May two
Strange Ships were seen, when Signal was made to chase, the Drum beat to Arms
and every Man ordered to Quarters, it being 4 oclock in the Morning wee
suddenly changed the pleasure of Tranquility and Sleep to the preparation for
engageing but on coming up with the vessells they proved to be our Friends;
they having mistaken to make the proper Signal gave us every reason to expect a
different Tirmination to this Affair; we had another Alarm a few days since, by
hearing a continued Canonading and having great Reason to suppose one of our own
Fleet was engaged with a privateer but on our bearing down to them we had the
Mortification to find they were celebrating the King’s Birth day; the Alacrity
of the people and the Expertness of stowing every Thing away when a Ship
The musquitoes ( a kind of fly ) are a horrid Tax upon travelling in this Country. they sting thro leather and they are so venemous that the wound they make swells surprisingly, there was a man so stung the other day that he was blind and kept his Bed a week. They are thousand (times - added) more venemous than the Flies are at Stamford Hill in the Middle of July; I have hitherto been very fortunate as they have taken an antipathy to me and keep away from me wch is a very uncommon thing for a stranger.
I am stopped in my career of writing by a letter I have just received from Quebec wch informs me that some Ships are going to England. I must forward my letters immediately as several vessels sail together. I have only time by the others to write a line to say that I arrived safe and am well lest the vessell wch carries this should fall into hands of the provincials.
Adieu, Accept a large share of affection. give my Dear love to my Father, Betsey Lucy, Charlotte Becky, Chrissy Jonathan and Caroline and believe me wth every sentiment of Regard and Affection.
Yr dutyfull son,
D. Bell.
I dsire my Father to give my last remembrance to any of my Friends he may see, but particularly to Mr. and Mrs. Kendall Mr. and Mrs Townsend Mr. Grindall Mr. Wyburd I shall soon write to him Mr. and Mrs. Headington the Gentlemen of the Club the Dickenson Mr. and Mrs. Smith ( ?) Mrs. Bevan (-------------------------------------------------------- ?)
Montreal Ist July 1777
To Bell from her son Daniel Bell
Dated 14th June 1777
My Dear Mother,
On my arrival at the Isle of Bic[xxxv] I wrote to my father and sent my letter by New York which I dare say will reach you before this, as there is no ship at present going to England. I arrived at this place after a very disagreeable passage of 2 months on Wednesday 11th June, and have since been introduced to almost all the Families of any Consequence in the place and have met with great Civility and Respect.
I find that when a ship is going away for England I shall be so much hurried that it will not be in my power to write to many of my friends, I shall therefore make a kind of Journal of this letter and remark in it any occurence that happens to me wch is worth notice, as I think it will convey a better Idea to my Frs of my Situation than a few lines written in a hurry; almost immediately after my coming to Shore I took a walk round this town wch is so famous for the Signal Victory gained by Genl Wolfe ( over the French - added ) and the attack made on it last year by the american Rebels.
It is situate on a point of Land wch is formed by the Rivers St, Lawrence and St. Charles, the Country around it very romantic and pleasing. The Town itself dirty and disagreeable, Here are still remains of the attack made by Genl Wolfe on the plains of Abraham and too many dreadful marks of the late attempt by the Rebels.
I have been too short a time to form any accurate Idea of the disposition or manner of the Canadians, tho they differ much from the English; as the Inhabitants were originally French they now retain the Language and customs of that Country; of late years several English and Scotish merchants have settled here and as they increase it is probable the French Customs will gradually wear away.
I live with my Frd Mr. Davison who has introduced me to everybody here, I am just returned from dining with a large party at the Lt. Governors where there was every Elegance and Luxury that this Country affords.
I was always too much attached to my own family and home to be equally happy in a Country where I no scarcely any body, but now look upon myself as a Citizen of the World and must endeavour to reconcile myself to any Situation and to pass my time happily in any place that my lot may be cast in; the present uncertain State of political matters makes it impossible for me at present to form any judgement of the time of my return tho’ it is probable that I shall be able to determine on this matter before I should have an opportunity of sending this letter.
Letter from Daniel Bell to his father Daniel Bell
Dated at Quebec 7th August 1777
My Dear Father
After an Absence of near 4 Months from my Friends, I had on Sunday the Pleasure of receiving a packet of Letters from home, amongst them was your Favor from the May, that, wch contained an account of little Occurences from our parting at Portsmouth, wth letters from my sisters and has not reached me.
Your Journal has been very entertaining to me and I should follow yr plan, but being now engaged in an entire new Set of Acquaintance, an account of the manner of passing my time would not be very interesting, as you are quite unacquainted with the Company with whom I associate, the Civility and Attention I receive from People in general here, makes my time pass as pleasantly as I can expect it at so great a distance from all my old Friends and Acquaintances —
Last Week I went out with a Gentleman an hour or two Cock Shooting, on the 24th July (strange time of year for this Diversion) we killed 3 couple - They are much smaller than ours, The plumage on the Back and Head the same, but their Breast are nearly as red as our robins - tomorrow I am going to look a parcel of Whistling Plover wch I have heard of for the first this Year, they are very plenty in the Fall - I believe there are few Countries in wch a Sportsman cannot find Entertainment.
I am glad to find that you took notice of our Cosn Jaffrays and altho’ I spent some weeks at their House I brought my heart safely away — I fancy to their great astonishment; they seemed surprised and perhaps I may say, without Vanity, mistified, that Dawson Street had more Charms to me than their house - but so it was — Their Good Sense had more Effect on my Judgement and their Civilities on my Gratitude than their Beauty or Charms on my heart - in the other Place I had Good Sense - Civility and every Thing than can render a woman pleasing to struggle againts and therefore it is not much to be wondered at, that much possessions and Accomplishments get the better of a Resolution, wch wanted the Aid of Inclination for its Support.
In answer to my Mother’s letter I have wrote my Mind very fully in this subject to wch I refer you, as I am sure you are interested in my Feelings on a Matter wch affects me so nearly - I am still quite at a loss to think when I shall return, but from what I can gather,
I begin to doubt the possibility of getting to the Southuran eiiher by Land or Water; in wch Case I shall very probably eat my Xmas Dinner at Stamford Hill - altho the immense Atlandtic Ocean is between us.-
I have wrote to you very frequently lately and therefore as I am now much hurried I shall new (sic) finish — Remember me to all my Friends and believe me wth most affectionate Regard to all the Family.
Your dutiful son D.B.
Gen Burgoyn is proceeding fast on his way to Albany and does not at present expect to meet much resistance from the Rebels.
7.3.3 Agatha (Barclay) Gurney Death
Mrs Bell at Mr John Gurney, jnr Norwich
Prob eldest son of Daniel & Katherine Bell.
London, 2nd April 1776
My dear mother,
Thy own feelings on the melancholy events of the dissolution of my dear Cozn
Agatha (Gurney) will enable thee to judge of those friends she has left
here – If to a husband the removal of the best of wives, to a father that of
the best of children & to a friend, the best of friends is distressing,
what must not these near relatives have suffered in this dispensation of
Providence; that the ways of the Almighty are just we can never doubt &
that whatever is to him is right we may rest assured, yet nevertheless we at a
loss to account for what valuable purpose a person of such eminent virtue &
so many most excellent qualities can have been taken from us, one who might
have lived a bright example to lead other in the same paths of rectitude &
purity which doubtless have conducted her to endless felicity
I hope that the same power which has been pleased to deprive them of this most
valuable blessing will enable her friends to support with becoming resignation
& fortitude this severe and afflicting stroke.
I am full of apprehension on account of my dear sister Gurney, this effect that
a knowledge of this calamitous circumstance once may have on her on her present
critical situation may be of the most material consequence What a loss must she
I am very anxious to hear how she goes on.
Pray give my dear love to my brother John, tell him I would write to him but as
I can afford him no particular consolation, I think it better to avoid
enlarging on a subject so replete with the most distressing circumstances to
all our connections as he will know my anxiety on account of Kitty?? & hope
he will relieve it by writing frequently
We are all well, - give my dear love to Kity, Beccy, Jonathan & Caroline
& believe me with sincere affection,
Your dutiful son
D Bell jnr?
Refers to Agatha Barclay, married John Gurney, died 31/3/1776
7.3.4 Daniel Bell, later generations, Letters
Addressed Mrs Bell, Stamford Hill, London.
Dublin Wednesday 2nd 17?
My Dear Mother,
I am so well convinced that it will add to your pleasure to hear of my safe
arrival on this side, that I gladly embrace the first opportunity to
We arrived this day after a pleasant journey and passage
The pain of leaving my friends was not a little increased by the consideration
of the indisposition in which I left you, I most anxiously hope to receive
accounts of your continuing to mend & I flatter myself with the pleasing
expectation of meeting you again in a few weeks in perfect health. I have only
time to add that I am with most affect regard to my father the friends of
Jonathan my dear mother.
Your most affect and dutiful son, D Bell.
A letter to mr William beeston from daniell bell, dated 8th february 1836.
Dear William,
I am very sorry to hear that you were poorly on Saturday which prevented my
having the pleasure of seeing you. I am happy (this word added later) to hear
from my dear papa that you are better today.
I am dear William your affectionate friend, daniell Bell
letter from daniell bell to his parents dated 1836:-
Wandsworth school
June Ist 1836
my dear parents,
it is with pleasure that i inform you that our- Vacation will begin on the 22nd inst when. i trust you will find i have made much progress in my studies.
school will reopen on Monday Ist august,. With love to my sisters, I remiain, my dear parents, your dutiful son, daniell bell
Wandsworth 13 of 8th 1765
Fond Mamma
My Papa who came to see me some time ago having told me thou was gone to
Norwich for thy health; I which with all my heart that this journey may have
the desired effect & that thou mayest receive as much benefit from it as
may be expected, to hear which will give me the greatest joy. Please therefore
my Dear Mamma to favour me with a few lines informing me of thy present state
of health and that of my sister, Though my intention in writing be not to beg
any favour, but that of hearing of they welfare, yet give me leave to add I should
take it very kind if my Dear Mamma would send me a Norwich Cake as the eating
of it among my school fellows will certainly be attended with warmest wishes
from us for ling life and happiness to the Dear Person that sent it. Shall be
glad also to hear that all my worthy relatives & especially those you are
with are partakers of the Blessing of health.
In which with Duty to thyself and to them & love to Sister
These leave Thy most Dutiful & affectionate son
Daniel Bell
PS Master & Mistresses desire their respects to you.
Letter from Susan Shaw to Daniel Bell, dated 25th April 1885.
136, Abbey Road, Kilburn,
Dear dan,
I can only give you the date of your grandmother elinor turners birth, The 3rd September 1768 - and the date of my brother fulliness death was 1st October 1874.
I have no record of his marriage with aunt elizabeth bell but I have no doubt priscilla will be able to give you the Information I cannot about it all,
Yours sincerely Susan Shaw,
letter dated 8th december 1884 from susan shaw to daniell bell
136, Abbey Rd,
dear daniell, louisa (sic) demierres the address is:-
richmond hill
42 rua de golgotha
yours sincerely susan shaw
the letter is black—edged
Envelope, dated London, august 18th 1827 and addressed to:-
mrs mount
Gloucestsr lodge
Tunbridge wells.
signed: lord rypon
A form of prayer to be used in all Churches and Chapels thoughout those parts of the U.K. called England and Ireland, on Wednesday 26th day of April 1854...
London, printed by George E. Eyre and William Spottiswoode, Printers to the Queens most Excellent Majesty 1854. 8 pages
A form of be used on the 24 th of March 1847 ....
London, printed by George E. Ayre + co 8 pages
the Duke’s funeral
printed by the relgious tract society, instituted 1799; 58 parta nosta, row and 164 piccadilly.
on the funeral of the Duke of Wellington.
8 leaves
letter to daniell hell esquire from Joseph c dimdale, dated 4th decenber 1885.*
56 cornhill london. ec
dear sir,
I have been, very remiss ln not writing before.
I enclose an old paper I have found bearing upon the matter I had the pleasure of seeing you upon sometime back and from it I see John dimdale who married susana roger-was 'the eldest son of robert dimdale-who i believe accompanied “Penn“ to pennsylvania and whose portrait in the celebrated print which doubtless you have-bearing upon long stick behind “Penn“.
i am sorry I cannot find a tree going further back than this which is only a Generation further,
in haste i am, Joseph c dimdale.
D.bell esquire
7.4 Letters from Maria Bell to her daughter Maria in Bordeaux
(Dec 1820 to June 1821)
Hornsey Sunday 10th Decer: 1820
My dearest Maria,
You will think it strange that I have
found nothing to say since the date of my last letter which you have received
now about. However, I assure you, much as you are in my thoughts, our way of
life is so very monotonous that it affords at present little scope for remark.
How different are your delightful journals to us! You can guess the routine of
every day with us but we can know nothing of you except from what you tell us
& the complete satisfaction your
charming letters bestow can be better conceived than described. Last night we
were gratified by one to Kate, by which I am most happy to find you are
becoming more …. & accustomed to a way of life ….. & in some respects
so trying. I have no longer any fears for your happiness, my dear Maria, nor
any doubt that you will derive great advantages in many ways from the exertions
you are obliged to make. By the way, we have not yet seen the promised letter
to Emma, containing many things we want to know, but we conclude it is coming
by the Ambassador’s Bag.
We never had our time so much to ourselves as now since the year 1814. Since
the Gaussis left Hornsey, we have not had a single engagement I think at home
or abroad. Last Friday however deserves notice. I went to town to shop, &
met Mrs Trimbey in Watling Street. That house is often now the …. Of assignations
of one sort or other. She gave me a very good account of all the Bathamites,
but a letter lately from James speaks of a severe bilious attack he has had, in
consequence of which he writes in rather low spirits, & no wonder, poor
fellow, at such a distance from his home. He has been very unlucky in missing
several important letters from his family about the recent occurrences, which
is very vexatious to them here. I do not find any movements making towards
towards a conclusion of the matrimonial affairs, but I fancy Mr H is growing
very important as the courting interferes very much with his business. I think
this should induce them to shorten his probation. I returned by the coach,
& went to tea to Mrs Cornthwaite’s with Kate & Emma, quite en famille
& spent a very pleasant evening. I had not been there since the 6th Septer:
when you, dear Maria, were of the party. Mrs T. told me she
heard Mrs Hankin had been very poorly, we have seen or heard nothing of Chrissy
or the young man.
Friday 15th: I have just had the great
delight of hearing good part of dear Maryanne’s letter to Eliza read. It has
made me feel so happy & thankful! I am always fancying my dear Maria in
some of the situations described in your various letters: & always my heart
dilates with the belief that she will act worthy of her principles, & make
the most & best of every thing with a cordial reliance on Devine support
& protection. While I think of it I must beg you to furnish yourself as
opportunity & funds will allow, with a good stock of cambric hanks, as many
as you can bring over made & washed without risk, as they will be most
useful & acceptable. I suppose you might bring two dozen without
suspicion, as the French I believe keep generally a good stock of linen. If
you are obliged to mark them put only a B. J. Trimbey is much better.
Sunday 17th: This is the second Sunday we have been detained at home
by weather. Papa has been looking over the Port folios, & has selected
your sketch of boy’s to hang up in his room, & we have also determined to
decorate the parlour with Reston & the Feeling Drawing. You cannot imagine
dear Maria how pleased your father has been! He said “I will bet a wager Maria
will bring home some capital drawings from France”!
Thursday 21st: Our Xmas gaieties began on Tuesday eveg.
my dear Maria, by a very agreeable party at the Johnston’s, abt 40 persons
assembled to what was a called & appeared in their large
rooms, a small party. The greater part were young, & danced Quadrilles; we
knew almost every Lady. The St Johns took us in their coach. Papa self, Kate
& Emma. Dramatis Personae. Davis’s, Rhodes, Prescots, Barons (to whom I
made apologies which were graciously received) & Miss Henderson of
Newington, Hayters, Misses Watrrd, Mr Shaw, & other beaux whose
names I could not learn, & pour comble de bonheur, the Gillmans &
who was in high tune. He talked of Animal Magnetism, the Magnetic Pole, the
Queen, the progress of civilizations, etc. Poor Miss Johnston can only speak
in a whisper, but was very cheerful & agreeable as usual, they mean to keep
her entirely at home thro’ the winter, but hope their friends will go to see
them, which, of course, we shall not object to. I am truly grieved
to tack to this cheerful scene a circumstance of real concern to us all: but
thus it must be in journal writing, for, as we have often observed,
every day has its vicissitudes of joy & grief, pleasure & pain. Our
amiable & promising friends the Cauries are on the list of sufferers by the
late dreadful failures in the mercantile world, of which I dare say, the report
has reached Bordeaux. I have heard no particulars yet. Also the Mr
Lasue whom we met at Trimbey’s at a dance long ago, has failed.- Tomorrow, my
dearest Maria, we shall become more at liberty, & I wish I must not listen
to voices in my heart: that only beloved girl could be transported here just
for one month: Instead of indulging such thoughts, I must dwell with delight on
the conviction that you are well & happy, & in the path of duty, &
let me add, that nearly three tedious months are elapsed of your absence.
Christmas day. I have thought so much of you, my dearest Maria, this day, that
I cannot be satisfied without telling you so. We have just left the dinner
room & the young ones are looking over their money boxes. Dillon & his
cousin Robert made us just a dayson. The Boardalais were drank in Claret. I
long to know how you spend this festive day. Last Friday we had a grand
musical treat. Mr Horn & his son Chat & a pupil of his who
played the violin delightfully. They played almost missantly from 4 o’clock to
one in the morning & from 9 to 12 the next day & then left us. Arpold
near here, & highly pleased. This reminds me of Kate’s Dahlias which are
finished & beautiful. Their children were later than usual this time. The
day of breaking up was the 22d, but the Pryors, Bolston &
Carston staid till the 23rd. You swill be glad to hear their
Exercises in general were capital: quite as much improved as could be
expected. Miss Lees made two excellent translations into French &
Italian. Minnie & Louisa transposed extremely well: the former Cowper’s poor
family in the winter evening: the latter, the Introduction of the Last
Minstrel. EK worked very hard to finish her mass, which she did except a few
words. They have all been perfectly well, thro’ the half-year, which is a
blessing for which we can never be thankful enough. Farewell dearest.
Sunday 31st: I have been from home, my dearest girl, since Xmas-day: On Tuesday I went to my Mother’s, & staid till the next day. She & Louisa & Aunt Hannah are quite weak. On Wednesday I met Mrs Trimbey at Clapham Church, & had the unexpected pleasure of a sermon from Mr Deattry, 16th verse 3d Ch: 1 Epis: Timothy. I spent three most happy days with them & retd home yesterday. As Maria sent you a letter on Friday, I shall add nothing but that they are all remarkably well. I saw your account of the S. family in your letter to her. Did I not mention to you that I had seen Mr Harrison? He is a very agreeable looking man I think, & I was sorry to see so little of him. It is droll enough he should think I scrutinised him so much, but indeed I could not help looking at him. I heard there that Dan, George & Chrissy Hankin had all been very ill of a fever of some kind, & the former still continues so. Kate Holdsworth is in the same situation, but was rather better before I came away. Emma Danvers & Jane Hamilton are also seriously ill, & Mrs Mason still confined to the house. Here is a formidable sick list, but it is to be hoped, before this reaches you, they will all be convalescent. I am happy to tell you that the Gaweirs’ affairs are not so bad as was at first represented. They have however lost a large sum of money & will probably be obliged to make some retrenchments. Who knows but they may come back to Hornsey? Tuesday we are all going to Mr Oliphants, & shall call in Tupel Square. I am not going to my Mother’s till the latter end of the holidays, but Kate & Emma are to pay her a visit, & also to Balham – I must now, dear, turn to your delightful letter received yesterday with one to Eliza & one from M. to the same, all of which contained matter highly interesting. I am afraid you will think you wait a long while for another letter, but there are so many to write that we are obliged to take turns. On the whole, I think you have, with those to your cousins, a letter a week, & that is a good deal. I have not yet had any application about a scholar, not a word of Mr Crawley Wards or of Miss M. Browne. But the Xmas account is not of such a nature as to make me dread a discontinuance of our present happy plan of united industry. The terms of E.S. are not quite settled: but of course I shall make them as moderate as I can. While on this subject, my dear Maria, I wish to ask you how you think we should proceed with the mass. A good many are done, but not looked over. I think to do this; & make the girls learn them after their return, the younger ones are going thro’ the disputed mass. Julia gets on rapidly now, you would like to see her trudging up to her Papa every morning, with her bible under her arm, to read a few verses, with such an important air! I am almost afraid, my beloved girl, to enter on your next subject. The prospect of your return seems involved in obscurity. Edward never writes a letter to any of us, which, I must own, surprises me: Kate is expecting to hear from him every post, but I suppose he cannot yet form his plans with any decision. I sincerely hope his rise – consulship will not stand in the way of our seeing him, as to the time, I certainly would not wish you to come over till you may reasonably expect good weather, that is, after the Equinox, & if your Uncle wishes very much that you should accompany the girls to the Pyrenees, I should be concerned to prevent your taking such a beautiful tour: & I think you would also regret having missed it, merely for the sake of shortening your absence a month, which I suppose would be the outside. However you must not take this as a positive permission. While Kate is with us, we can spare you pretty much, especially if there should be no great accession of scholars: but I should be sorry to put any obstacle in the way of that conclusion which I knst will give satisfaction to us all. Thus, dear, you see I can say nothing: we must be guided by circumstances as they arise, but you will not fail to acquaint me with your uncle’s plans & wishes, & with all the probable chances there may be of a safe & proper conveyance for you, if Edward is obliged to disappoint us. I hope, at least, you will now enjoy his company uninterrupted during the rest of your stay, & may the next three months pass, on the whole, as well as the three last, & we may be well contented.
Hobbes lost Miss Vaux by neglect before they went to Brighton. He is elected to the Naemonists instead of Edward. I am grieved to say E. Vaux is again very poorly, & Barclay Head has sunk under an attack of consumption – Indeed, my dearest Maria, I dare not think of parting with your darling sister: but I believe the thought of her happiness will reconcile me to it: & it seems quite Dillon’s wish as much as ours, to find a house in our road at least. It must be near town, as he has always a great deal of walking, but not in town. He hopes to find a house about the City Road. I did not think this event would come so near without disturbing my tranquility more than it does: but her prospects, with a man of such persevering affection, appears so comfortable that I own the agreeable feelings predominate. A Thans and Thanks, my dear girl, for your dutiful & affectionate expressions on this subject. What a happy Mother am I, who in parting with a daughter like Kate, can yet feel assured that her place will be amply supported! – I have lately finished Butler’s Analogy, which I admire more than ever. At present, my studies are at a stand-still, as is usually the case when I seem to have most leisure: but visiting & needle-work then claim their dues. I have begun a beautiful piece of lace-work to Miss Rees’s pattern, which I enjoy very much. It is three yards long, & I have done a quarter.
There has been no news of Ellen Browne since Emma wrote you. All your friends here are constant in their enquiries after you. Eliza is at this moment writing to you, but you must not expect the letter immediately. She desires one to express her warmest thanks for the two received yesterday. We are all perfectly well thank God! I think the riding lesson must be very serviceable to you, as walking exercise seems hard to obtain. How very kind of Uncle! But no generosity of his can ever surprise me. Pray remember me affectionately to him, & also the dear girls & Edward. Tell the latter he must write. I am happy to hear a good account of Fanny & the children. I am glad to find you like Miss Trent, & that Annie improves. You are so many people it would be hard to find them all frivolous or inspired: but we are rather spoiled for general society. We are perpetually talking of, & wishing for you: the holy days seem wrong without you, but they, like the months of school, will soon pass away. Believe me my dearest Maria, your most affectionate Mother Maria Bell.
Kate sends her love aux belles jumelles. & Papa, & all the boys & girls theirs to you. I have just recollected I have not wished you all a happy new-year, which I now do with all fervency. May the Great Disposer guide, protect, and lead you into all good, & keep you from all evil Amen!
Mrs Brett in her last, Desires me to reserve a little corner for her kindest love.
She is well, & so is Emily & her two fine boys. The Lloyds are now in town, but Mrs B. says nothing of the affair at Midhurst.
Hornsey 27th Jany 1821.
To my greatest delight, my dearest Maria, I am once more at home; & seated at my own desk, intend to begin a letter which I hope to dispatch on Tuesday next, just four weeks since my last. I will give you a sketch of the party in the dining room, which is but small. Tea being dismissed, Papa & Mr Martin are chatting. Jonny & Louisa at draughts, Jasper looking on, & Emma Simpkinson at work. I brought her up from Kingston this morning, & having put her with Nomrey work, I went to meet Mrs Trimbey in Watling Street & walked about with her paying bills, etc. On returning to Suffolk Lane to go home, I saw uncle Bell & was glad to hear a very good account of them all, particularly Lucy. I will answer now your enquiries after the sick list in yours to Emma, (which I found here, & accounted to read, as she will not be at home till the middle of next week: but Edward’s to Kate, & those to Eliza are under lock & key till their return.) Jane Hamilton is convalescent tho’ so weak as only to lifted from one bed to another. E Danvers sometimes better, sometimes worse, still very ill. D. Handin recovering but very weak. Poor Kate Holesworth in a very critical & dangerous state, as Mr Pryor says, the fever not subdued. What reason we have to be thankful for our happy exemption from these trials! I am most happy to hear your account of your own health & that of the dears with you, & we here are equally flourishing, granering blowing, all alive! As your last letter my dear girl is in my trunk, which I cannot get at to-night, I will employ the present in giving you some account of my proceedings, tho it is likely you will have a tried-told tale, as the girls are not here to refer to. But first, methinks you exclaim all & Ma “Where are they”? Well then Kate is at my Mother’s since Thursday, & El & Em are gone to Baldack to celebrate the majority of Mr John Pryor. You are quite right in your speculations for twelth day, which was kept in due form on the Friday preceding at Mr Cornthwaites . All went but Jonny & Julia. The former had a young friend with him for a few days, named Lawrence, who did not like dancing: the latter was invited, but, for various reasons, I did not like her to go, so she drank tea, played at Posse with the aforesaid, & kept her eyes wide open till 11 o’clock. The next Tuesday Louisa was asked to a similar party at Mrs Misage’s where she slept, & we all dined that day at Higginson’s. Met the Carnthwaites & Pages, & spent a pleasant day. Mrs H. in good spirits. Wednesday, the 10th W Eade came, & Thursday the little Co. 3 Tioays & Juke Trimbey, with Messrs Jones & Dillon made up a grand Inadrille at our house which they all seemed to enjoy. W. Eade left us the next day, & Louisa went to pay a London visit to Miss Greenhill, Emma to Clapham Rise & I to Mrs Brett, whom I found pretty well. I staid till Saturday, when Edward came to see us & staid till Tuesday. I found him better than I had expected from the account we had heard, but he is far from well. The complaint has now taken a different turn & affects his spirits in a sad way. It appears a sort of hypochondria, which is often the result of a deranged stomach. Poor fellow! He has been & is a great sufferer, & he is so truly amiable, one cannot but feel greatly interested about him. I must not, however, pass over dear Wm without a word of remark. He is indeed a charming youth, & I do not wonder his sisters are so fond of him. I do not recollect any-thing worth particular mention during this time except our [Papa] reading the play of the Rivals at last, which made us laugh quite as much as we expected, & Edward was much amused. Also Mr Lingee read prayers on the 14th & preached in the afternoon, but I was not much struck with him. He preached again a very fine sermon last Sunday, but that I lost. Thursday the 18th Jonny & Jasper went to a child’s dance at St John’s & on Friday I went to Clapham Rise, having called in my way at Balham Hill where I found all well. Aunt Louisa was in bed with a bad headache, & could not go to a dance at Mr Joseph Bonds: but Miss Bond was so kind as to insist on Emma’s going & to continue the manner of it, & as she met the Lavenhills/bride & all/ & the Newington Moncey she passed a very pleasant evening. The next day she returned to Hornsey, & Aunt, having applied six leeches by Mr Pryor’s order, was quite recovered, & I enjoyed my short visit there very much. I am sorry to say, however, that Grand Mama was several times teaged with her spasms, but P. says they are not alarming tho’ very painful. Papa Th. Ed, Jonny went on that Friday to a grand party at Johnstons. On the 24th my Mother took me to Kingston/ Kate went to Balham the 22d/. They were all well except colds, but uncle was gone to see after his uncle, who had been seriously indisposed, but I believe the good gentleman will hold a good fight yet. I called on the hetelier & was sorry to find Elizabeth with a constant little cough & stooping very much. I never think of her without regretting that she did not return to School for another year, for I feel confident that Gillman would have set her up in health, & she would have been a different creature now. Caroline I think much improved in appearance & manners, but their way of life is almost too retired. I called at Ruvislidly they were out walking, but finding my card on their return, Mrs R ordered the carriage & came to see me; which gave me great pleasure, for I have not seen them for a twelvemonth. I assure you, my Dear Maria, I feel, as you will think, that I have had enough of engagements & long to return to a course of useful employment. However I believe there accession all dissipations are beneficial, & I could not be happy without sometimes seeing my friends. I flatter myself E. Surite be lucky to us. One or two others are on the tapis, but I cannot speak with certainty, therefore will not name them. I will not attempt a description of my new scholar till I have seen more of her, for three years make a great difference in a child, & she appears much improved in person & manners. Good night my dearest! May you rest well beneath the wings of our Heavenly Guardian!
Tuesday morn: 30th: This, my dearest Maria, is the day appointed for assembling our little flock & I cannot help wishing you were by my side to share our labours, tho’ I can truly say, I have more & more earnestly wished for you to share our holy day pleasures, but of amusement you do not seem to stand in need just now. I am very sorry that not the least glimmering of certainty yet appears about your return. I wish, my dear girl, you would write to me confidentially, what you really prefer yourself, by which I mean whether you would choose to come home if possible with Capt Baxter in April or May, or whether you could be willing to remain a few months longer if I could make up my mind to spare you, on thinking of Edwd bringing you over in the Autumn. Also if you can discover what are your Uncle’s real wishes on the subject, as to the girls there can be no doubt. I do not say that I could without detriment to the School, do without your assistance so long: but the knowledge of your own inclinations might assist me in deciding, for if you were not perfectly happy, nay, desirous to prolong your stay, it would not be worth while to make any sacrifice for it. As to Kate’s affair, I have no idea of the precise period when it is likely to terminate, but I will not throw any impediment in the way of that. She returned home yesterday as Edwad letter contains not a syllable on your subject, which has disappointed me, but I shall write to him shortly. We had a dinner party. The Gillman’s Coleridge, Hilary, Mrs & Miss Reynolds, a pleasant day. I have not yet noticed your dear long letters. I was much entertained by the debate on Geaneology & required to find Eds ideas so worthy of the subject of immortality, tho’ not perfectly congenial with my own, I believe I said something about it, in a little note sent in a parcel thro’ a friend of Dillons to the Ambassador ….. from hence, which we hope will arrive safe & free & It’s very horrid to lose letters, ûnstant comme les nôtres. I think M.J. has had the one you mention, as she showed me a passage in one from you concerning the Scotts. Your account of Xmas-day is very amusing, as well as Le jour des Etrennes, in fact, nothing can be more delightful than to engage this free communication which so completely brings you before our eyes. I think you do not mention what books you get to read. I should like much to know: & what Signre Bellvere recommends to you. Have you read Ceonelle or Jacine? Or any of Voltaires? The Hornade for example. I should think his prose words unfit for you. I shall think of my dear girl with peculiar interest next Sunday, when I hope to receive the sacrament. I ….. that you had the gratification of communicating with dear Edward. I suppose you will only have it administered on the great festivals, as I believe most foreign churches think it right to use that solemn ordinance sparingly, I mean of course, the Reformed Churches. And as you have but a small congregation, perhaps your English clergymen may find it often enough. I am glad, my dearest Maria, you are beginning to flow out a little towards your present society, as it will make your stay with them much more agreeable. Do the girls pursue their dancing with you, or have they a Master? Edward does not mention his wife or children. He seems to think you female writers leave him nothing to say: but that is a little mistake, as I wish to hear his opinions on various points, which I can hear only from himself. However I shall write him soon & then I suppose he will answer not. Kate brings account that B. Holesworth is rather better, so I trust she will have no relapses. I called on Mrs Magan Sunday, but she was too weak & poorly to admit me, having had a bad night.
I hope the paper we use is thin enough, for it shows all the writing through.
Miss Clark of Park lane has lost her Mother & is going to be married. I think Mrs Oliphant mentioned that Mrs Tiller would not go to Bordeaux.
I think dear, this is a strange medley, but I am scribbling while expecting Mrs & Miss ? to make their appearance at the breakfast table, which is a great bar to fancy or elegant writing: but I am determined this shall go to-day. Jonny & Jasper go to school tomorrow. Louisa is highly delighted with her letter & sends her kindest love with the rest. Papa has one on the stacks to you & Kate says she shall write immediately both to you & Edward. She heard of three from you to M.T.L.V. & Mrs Hankin. Assure my dear nieces of my constant & most affectionate remembrance. Also my dear Edward; & give my very kind love to Mr Eade, & to Fanny when you write, & above all, assure yourself, my beloved child, that you occupy with the tenderest sentiments of maternal love, the heart of you affectionate Mother
Maria Bell
I must squeeze in that dear Julia is reading French, & makes it out very well. Your plan of giving her a book to herself has wrought wonders. I think she will be fit to begin French after Mid.
7th: June 1821 Bailach
I have been looking forward, my dearest Maria, with some impatience to this afternoon of leisure to devote it to you, for from various causes, it is now a matter of some difficulty to obtain even a quiet half-hour. In preparation, I was reading over again your sweet letter of the 17th May (last date) in the garden before dinner, & felt a little alarm on the possibility of this not reaching Bordeaux till you have set forward towards the Pyrenees, which I am sensible would occasion you a grave disappointment. However, I will not fear this as it will but just be the middle of the month when this arrives, for whether I am able to fill my sheet or not, I will send it off tomorrow. This first thing that occurs to remark is the difference between the present & this time & day last year. How much I longed for your dear salutation this morning, I will not attempt to express; but it is some consolation to think that your heart is with us & your wish equal for my affectionate embrace. Ah how much we shall have to make up when we meet again! My two dear nieces too, I doubt not, have bestowed on me their good wishes, as well as my dear Edward tho’ to him the day is not so especially marked for celebration. I have now accomplished half a century, & in taking but a slight view of so long a course of years, I cannot but be deeply impressed with the unceasing mercy & protection of God, & of my own great unworthiness. It seems to me that my sins of omission only have been almost infinite; like the hairs of my head in number, & that nothing short of infinite compassion could pardon such continual deviations. Ah, my dearest Maria! How can any mortal feel pride in self-examination. Yet from the praises given to humility in the Holy Scripture, one must conclude it a grace of difficult attainment. But to proceed – yesterday morning we had a nice musical practice with Mr Dorn & Mr Dyer, Kate & Dillon. The latter staid just long enough to usher in the morning with congratulations. This evening we expect the Ds. Mrs Cornthwaite, M Tivazz Misses dsJohn. We have had so many engagements lately that I have really not had a moment to myself. Since Emma dispatched her letter (last Friday) we went a second party to the Exhibition and saw also Mr West’s Gallery at his former house in Newman Street which was a great treat. Christ rejected & Death on the pale horse are there, with a number of grand pictures, chiefly scriptural subjects. This was Saturday. On sunday our dinner party was six including the two Rivages: what a falling off! On Monday I took Ekee & Miss Burr & Jonny to a Confirmation at Bishopsgate Church. We met Aunt Emma & her two eldest girls at No 20 Broad Strt, & went with Simpkinsons Parish, which was very agreeable. I was myself confirmed at B. Church. The same coach conveyed Papa, Kate & Eliza to a very different scene, the rehearsal of the Messiah at the Hanover Square Rooms by the ancient Music band, which they enjoyed highly: & after the Confon: we went to fetch them home. Last Monday week Mrs Trimbey came & staid one night, & told us all the particulars of dear MTs wedding,[148] which took place as intended on the 19th: that day was made remarkable three years ago, by their coming down the 18 to Hornsey, the first time after quitting it, to see Mrs Sergeant, & the 19th: I went to breakfast with Mrs T. & Maria joined your party. I find Maria behaved with great steadiness thro the ceremony; they breakfasted in Watling Street & the happy pair set off for Windsor: but retd to Balham on Monday, where they staid till Saturday. Last Saturday Mrs T. went down to Hoddesdon to accompany her daughter to church, & assist in receiving the callers, which, of course, were numerous. I had a few lines from her to-day. She says Maria looks happy, & I dare say she feels so, for had not W Harrison found the way to her heart, I think she never could have resolved on leaving a home where she was so completely idolized. It is indeed very lucky that blind Cupid comes in the way sometimes, or else the best daughters, who may be expected to make the best wives, would never be married at all, which would be public loss. Julia King says if her sister Eliza loved her Mama as much as she always said, she is sure she never could think of marrying. She was at the rehearsal with her swain(I must not call him beau) looking so shy! Has anyone told you that the Cauries are at Newington Green? We hope to find our way thither during the Holydays which begin the 22d. I shall now refer to your letter my dear Maria, which affords abundance of interesting topics. I am glad you like the cambric, etc, but was vexed to hear that the sharks had seized three yards of beautiful book muslin, I gave to Edward for you have worked. As to the poor blue gowns, the blame, I believe, must rest with him, as he went with Kate to the purchase, & declared it just the thing for France. However it may do to make a present of to your honne when you come away. How truly kind & considerate of uncle to give you another! I am very happy to hear you have a new clergyman whom you approve. That is a pleasure to come for us. It is seldom that I can fix my attention on our present pastor, but not seldom that his monotonous voice lulls me into a half-daze, in spite of every effort. You wish to hear about Miss Tees: The chief of her time is now devoted to Music, Drawing, & she seldom takes part in the classes: of course I see but little of her, but her conduct is very sweet & amiable as head of the school, & I doubt not her example tends very much to promote the peace & harmony & general good conduct that prevails with us. Minnie improves very much in all but holding in her chin which I fear will never be acquired. I hear the Mass twice a week, consisting of LB.SP.JH.AB & Burr, the two first usually the best, but all very fair. I think Miss Pryor a good deal improved in temper & manners. Canston as tiresome & giddy as ever, except in answering questions after reading, which is quite her forte. All the rest making gradual & sufficient progress, considering their various talents & dispositions. Chrissy has translated “Pline le jeune” in a capital style, it being her own request to do a holyday exercise. I hope dear Maria, you will find them all in good order when you return. I dare not trust myself with figuring that happy moment, at least, not till it is nearer. There is still the journey to be taken, which appears to occupy all the space my short vision can command. I therefore use my efforts to jog on contentedly till that bright reversion yet in store is within my grasp, satisfied to know it will be mine in due time. Were I to allow my thoughts much range on this subject, I know I should become impatient, & the ensuing three months would be an intolerable burthen. When I was aware, however, of the severe trials to which my permission for an extended stay had exposed you, I could not help wishing for your sake that it had not been granted: but I knot that now, my darling girl, you have nothing more to dread of that kind, but that your dear brothers presence has set all to rights. I will not dwell on this most painful subject, because I quite approve of your ideas respecting the propriety of silence & oblivion as far as it can be obtained. We never mention it among ourselves; & so far from thinking the former part of your letter too reserved, I am very glad you spared yourself the pain of relating particulars till you had seen Edward, & now I quite think they are better left untold. But should any fresh course of uneasiness arise, you would be justified in confiding it to me, since we know already too much to be kept in the dark on a point so deeply interesting. Pray tell me how my beloved Edward looks & is in health & spirits. His great anxiety about his family made him often very far from well during his stay here; & the great interest he took in all our concerns did not tend to relieve his mind. In fact, his visit, sweet & welcome as it was involved many moments of heartache from various causes, but I am truly to say that my mind is much more at ease than it was in what regards your father’s affairs. I dare say Edward has told you that he has been in a critical situation, but he has been thro’ so many of the same complexion before, that I should not have thought much of it, had not his spirits sunk extremely. But thank God! he is now in much better plight, & I suppose we shall sub on as usual another six months, which is quite as much as I can expect from former experience. Perhaps Edward has not thought it right to communicate what I have now hinted at, especially if your father has written him in better spirits: in which care you may make yourself quite easy. None of your dear sisters know any-thing of his perplexities; […] of course you will be silent to them: in fact, I should not have wished you to […]be made acquainted with them, had I not, at the time of Edwards departure […]entertained fears of a public disclosure by the breaking up of the business, […]would very likely have reached Bordeaux. I am sorry indeed for your disappointment respecting Miss Trant: it was truly provoking. Have you paid your visit to Alad Merman? We were highly amused by your account of the braggart Mr Grove. What an animal Indeed your whole letter was truly delightful my dear girl. I was so joyful to hear of dear Edward’s safe arrival only a fortnight after he left; for we received it on Thursday the 24th: We were also most happy to hear a good account of Fanny & the little ones: I hope the air of Talence will prove beneficial to them. I was sadly disappointed at not seeing them. Now it may be many years before I have that pleasure. Give my kind love to Fanny & Edward. Mary and Mary …. & Mr Eade. I hope we shall soon have a letter from someone? I had a letter from Mrs Brett yesterday. Her sister Mrs Drake is gone to Tours to spend a year with her husband & his sister. We have yet firmed no plans for the Holydays, but I believe I shall go to Hitchin for a week, & I do not like to be longer from home. I hope also to pass a day at Navlands & one at Hadham, & of course a few days with Mrs Brett & Mrs Trimbey. My Mother too claims her share. She has been very much troubled with spasms, but I think they have found a medicine which lessons their effect. Aunt Louisa is well. She sees her friend Miss Hilton pretty moften since her sister is married. We have very unsettled weather lately. Papa & I dined with the new married couplem for the first time last tuesday & Emma joined to tea, but a heavy rain came on, thro which we were obliged to trudge home, except Emma, who, having a cold, staid the night there. I fear the same course will disappoint me of my party this evening. I must now dress, & close this tomorrow.
Friday. Sailach. All our friends came but the St Johns my dear Maria, & their place was most unexpectedly supplied by Frederic & Ellen Chapman, who came over to call on Mrs Dillon, & being detained there two hours by the rain, proceeded with her to my house, & the weather still continuing bad, we prevailed on them to pass the night. They were both very agreeable. I like Frederic better than most of his brothers. He is not so very grand, but more like William with whom he resides, paying an annual visit to his Parents. Young Edward is just sailed with his brother Alfred, who is captn of an Indiaman, & making a rapid fortune. Our evening passed very pleasantly. The children enjoyed their dance extremely. The four class have made me a present of a handsome parasol, which was very acceptable, & Kate gave me a pair of washed muslin cuffs which are much worn. How beautiful the French work is! I suppose your sister has expressed her admiration of that you & your cousins sent her. You will be delighted but not surprised to hear that she seems perfectly happy in her new state; & conducts à merveille, & every body thinks her carasposa much improved in exterior by matrimony. His inhinne worth was well known before. Kate comes here regularly tuesday & friday, & gives her music & french lesson. Of course the grammar is done on wednesday & saturday. We are in a sad dilemma about poor Nobbes. He has not shown his face here since the 19th May, having got into a scrape with our friend G. by borrowing £50 of him. It must end in my getting another master, but not before the holydays. They say he has behaved shockingly bad in this business, but that is easily said by the rich of the poor, as the former cannot judge of the difficulties of the latter. However, be it as it may, I cannot again subject my school to such repeated disappointments. Mrs & Miss Johnson called here Wednesday. The latter has at last recovered her voice. We have two invitations there, on the 13th & 19th, but the first is the recitation. I think it will be put off to the 14th. because Santagnello comes so late, in which case we shall go to Johnstons as it is to meet the Gillmans. We are all well except a cold or two. I hope your’s is gone long ago. You will not fail to inform us how our epistolary intercourse is to be kept up during your absence from Bordeaux. I need hardly add that you are always the subject of kind enquiry among our friends. Your sisters say they have no message but kindest love to the whole circle. I have hardly left room to say … truly I am my dearest Maria’s affectionate…..Mother
Maria Bell.
7.5 Vaux Family by Jonathan Bell, 1850’s
There follows some extracts from Jontahn Bell’s Memoir
relating to the family of Maria, his wife family and her father, Edward Vaux
and others. These extracts were transcribed by Timothy Edgcumbe Ford.
P86 ff:
It is now my intention to sketch a short record of my wife’s family, which I
know will give her much pleasure, for what I shall have to say of them is
nothing but full of high respect & must convey to every one who will peruse
it’s a conviction of their excellency of their characters---
Maria was the eldest of 5 daughters & the second child there being 4 sons of
Edward Vaux Esq a Merchant & extensive Insurance Broker-I became acquainted
with the family through the intimacy I held with the elder son Jasper, accidentally occurring, I found them a particularly united family-most respectable in their Establishment, & conducted under regulations of strict order & regularity & boundless in liberality & hospitality - & have said this much of Stamford Hill Home, but there never was a happier home or a more closely untied one than the Vaux! Then living at Hackney – Their Measure of life was rather a confined one, they had not extensive family connections- but as the children advanced-they became more open to friends & they cultivated their associations with a numerous class of family acquaintance of the first respectability.
One of the uniting Chords of family attachment was that of Music-Father &
Daughters & Sons were all so.
Mr Vaux was no mean amateur on the Violin – his son Jasper played the Bass
& his daughters accompanied with the Piano & the love of singing was
equally prevalent in the son Jack it was conspicuously in fine tone
& is so now in his old days – my Wife had a great voice and
was generally admired for her taste & feeling – there was a great dramatic
charm in this – particularly serviceable to young men - I feel much interested
in the recollection of Mr Vaux, he was a most engaging, delightful man – very
striking handsome in person & with a fine capacity he united a most
cheerful animated temperament – generous – frank, high minded & noble in
principle he was more than commonly popular & admired – He was eminently
considered a first rate man of Business & his own particular sphere was
always referred to for sound opinion & judgment – he was constantly
employed as an Arbitrator – his decisions were always approved of & even
the Judicial Bench often bore witness to his talents &upright conclusions-
They were altogether a talented family – the son William became a Clergyman
& was highly esteemed for his knowledge & conduct - & was spoken of
in a flattering manner for the productions of his pen- The second daughter
Emma, married a Clergyman The Revd Simpkinson & it was her cleverness &
literary accomplishments that won his love-he was a very clever person, &
knew how to appreciate her.
Two other daughters-Eliza & Mary were married respectably two Brothers the Mr Eades – one had a melancholy result - the other was a happy one in abilities;
The youngest daughter Louisa must not be forgotten by me-she did not marry – nor is it likely now – her life was devoted to attend when her brother long confined with a lingering breakout – her character is stamped upon my mind as one of the sweetest most affectionate, engaging young women I ever knew-sensible & most earnest in everything worthy & amiable – she was a mere child when I married – devoted to my wife & even attached to me. The two eldest sons Jasper & Edward were gentlemen of excellent character & conduct-my friend was rather imperious in tempers-but most worthy-Edward the kindest friend possible both highly respected & now for my excellent friend the Mother----she was rather remarkable – the love of Order was her ruling passion-education-dress-habits-company-domestic affairs of every sort were always to be mathematically conducted & pursued – this principle governed her on the arrangement of her family & she brought them into life as remarkable persons in this principle-to her high honor. I record this of her but & where is there not a but - she was such a chairman of particularity as to make her be considered rather a fidgety person – another weakness prevailed too. The constant fear of other peoples opinion of her management---
Mrs Vaux reverenced her husband & I really am of
opinion she never held her head up after his death, tho’ she lived some years –
I have said a word or so of Maria in other memoirs-what can I say now –
I awakened an ardent affection in her to the surprise of all the family
for they all thought she nor any of them could ever love anyone but one another
– but I carried off the Jewel.
February 1852 (P89)
The following Relation or memoirs, having been collected & recorded from time to time soon after the decease of my dear & lamented wife I think it cannot be better formally registered than by following the Biographical sketch of my own family, in which she appears rather a striking object; In this recital – my memory has called forth – many most interesting circumstances to myself & daughters – to others more distantly connected they may prove perhaps too personal for them – but my wish has been to display in truthful detail the character of the beloved object in all her walks & habits which in a long life reflect such valuable characteristics & leave to her descendents such a beautiful instance & example of excellence & conspicuous devotional Piety. ---
The heavy bereavement I have sustained has naturally called forth so many dormant reminiscences in my mind and so strongly produced a sensitive feeling of the fleeting yet lengthened days and years that have passed since the Union with my dear lamented wife, that I feel it justly due to the memory of her to collect the recollections and endeavor to depict them in recital, to do her character just honor and to show forth her loveliness and excellence to both young and old of her own close connections. I became acquainted with Maria Vaux very early in life, the eldest daughter of parents with a numerous family, living in a highly respectable sphere, but excluded as to society and the world – closely united in most affectionate chords, each & every one doting upon the others. The Mother was a remarkable person, very strict in discipline very orderly in her domestic procurement; discourse, propriety, submissiveness, accompanied with religious observances were her constant care and observance over her family. And as the oldest Maria became, as it were, the depositor and instrument of dispensing these to her sister.
In person neither slim nor full, not strictly & uniformally handsome – clear and rather bronze like complexion with most expressive full eyes, beaming with softness
and intelligence. Her temper was placidness itself, her understanding strong. God had blessed her too with an ardency for knowledge, and fine talents, not strikingly brilliant but sound and deep, and ardor in the improvement of them, which through her long life, were constantly in increasing energy- With these ornaments of mind; with the sweetness of disposition, with simple and commanding powers, it was no wonder she became an adored object of her sisters, and became an object of respect as well as love, having them to receive her command, and even to look up to her for advice and instruction. These are the words of a sister now 90 years old, in a letter to me of condolence – a very talented person as were indeed all the family. But they held her in just estimation, and so far from creating a comparison, or tincture of jealousy; it was a continued accession of the most ardent admiration and affection. How I won this gem; how I awakened affection, nay, love is to me, as I see her in those youthful days most extraordinary- I cannot go into characteristics of myself. I appear now, as I recall the opening of my heart for her as scarcely a worthy object of her. I feel at times as if I never defended her. I am writing this emblem in my 83 year – and I relate that accd. tablet of peace at the Brompton Cemetery you can read 81 to be her attainment in years. What a period of time to trace through – but as my pen moves on, I have found such uncompromising interest, as to make me think I ought not to omit any circumstance that can tend to develop her character, and to exhibit how she was beloved, admired, respected by everyone, rich and poor, young and old-domestics! Her children! Her husband! At 23 years of age I paid a visit as companion to her brother to the family at Ludgate and I found her at a zenith of happiness and enjoyment. She was an enthusiastic lover of nature (in this we were truly alike) the Ocean, the romantic scenery of the neighbourhood- the high towering cliffs of Dover-the moonlight nights-the richness of the autumn crops were delight to her ardent mind and refined aspirations-and I, ardent as herself, became entranced; not knowing what deep entrancement it was, how far I had engendered love-but love it was, and tho’ time was required for development it kindled at this delightful intercourse, almost unknown to myself, how far, or whether at all at this period her own feelings became agitated or warmed, I cannot say, for I did not receive the happy arrival for two or three years afterwards. I was there in pursuit of all kinds of pleasure-I was in extensive society- I even became united to a very affectionate interest with a charming Lady; carrying on a very intimate association-almost to a love, and I fear, I say I fear, touched her heart never to experience a response-Why? because a latent spark had been struck in my soul, always like a load-stone drawing towards another attraction. I must not indulge myself in these pleasing, gratifying recollections, by tracing the progress of my attachment for a long period; or endeavour to discover when she experienced the like impulse-but at once delineate her as my Wife,-and develop, by open to view and appreciation her character during scenes and times, and occurrences of wonderous vicissitude
She was quite unknown to my family-I had six or seven sisters, most affectionately attached to me; particularly clever, cultivated women; of warm enthusiastic natures, greatly interested to see and know my choice, and when they did see and know her, and found her a simple-minded, rather reserved, chosy of her thoughts, unexcitable, quiet in demeanour all her natural attractions under a regulated control-they called her amiable-they called her inexperienced-they called her more wanting in energy and cold-hearted, and wondered at my being caught by such an apparently quiet untried person, so entirely unlike themselves-Such was the darling of my heart when I brought her to an intimate intercourse with my family; or rather what she was supposed to be by them. The first of these dear sisters, was my quiet intimate Lucy. She had only a short time before become a plain Quaker in the plainest of garbs with an ardent, enthusiastic, most sensitive nature underneath- Maria had never known a Quaker; hardly seen one - & therefore was more than commonly anxious how they could even opinionate – or cultivate an intimacy. Lucy was several years older than Maria and I therefore expected she would have proved a kind of Mentor – but her change had dissipated that hope and I greatly feared would have prevented a union friendship, much hoped for. The warm heartedness, the gentleness-good sense of Lucy soon drew forth congeniality, and opened the heart of my wife: and I had the unsurpassable happiness to observe the closest friendship and intimacy created. This was almost enough for me, but with this arose spontaneously; the early above confidence, the same connection, the same close intimacy with all my sisters: (Catherine, Mrs Gurney was gone & Mrs Wakefield particularly took her to her affections, and it was no mean merit to obtain her approbation.
Very soon after our marriage, we received an invitation to Earlham, the Gurney’s home, then with all the family in full flow of happiness and youth. They were then all under quaker rule and habits – brilliant in capacity, in high exhibition, with natural open-heartedness, so that my Maria was received with the warmest feelings; and, as I continued to anticipate, became her object of sincere affection with complete confidential intimacy, and high value- These impressions and connections never had suspense or relaxation this year and years afterwards – Now, even now, in a letter of one of the number, a Brethren, he terms her his honored Aunt. This juncture is sufficient to convince how she was beloved by all my connections. It now becomes a duty, both to her memory, and my own satisfaction to display her characteristic, natural and accomplished fable as my abilities are to do her justice. Nature had been immeasurably lavish in her gifts, sweetness of temper, cheerfulness of disposition, playful, even humorous; never irascible, but sensitive of wrong and quick in correction.
How often have poor I received her words of admonition and advices. “Now, husband, I will give it you’re well.” “I gave it rather well this morning, stupid, forgetful.”! There was no ill-humour, it was momentary warmth vanishing as quickly as it formed utterances. Her mind appeared to be composed of wonderful stability; there were no bursts of feeling; never increasingly high, nor despairingly low; deeply conversant with all kinds of literature, most extensively read on all subjects, her conversation was rather valuable with her intimates, and always entertaining, enthusiastic, and attractive to strangers. The love of Music shewed itself from a child; she had a sweet, soft voice, and tho’ not a highly finished performer, her concert ear and refined taste gave to her performances a most pleasing affect – She was a great acquisition to her family circle on this account, they were all musical, and got up delightful domestic concerts. She was a great admirer of theatrical talents, and enjoyed very much what she all her life liked to talk over with me, the fine acting of Mrs Siddons[xxxvi], Miss Farren, Mrs Crouch, Mrs Jordan in their high walks, and the humour of Banister, Edwin, Suet and Parsons. She entered with great glee into the mimicry her brothers used so irresistibly to amuse the family with. This was fine unsophisticated taste, not the love of pleasure. She possessed great activity of mind; there was no apathy, fine feelings, acute sensitivity, but always under associated Influence. This characteristic was remarkable in her visit to Ireland, where we passed nearly 12 months with her beloved daughter, Eliza Bolton. The vivacity, the uncontrolled exuberance, the apparent open sincerity of the Irish ladies never discomposed her evenness, her composure; and she made impressions on the society of respect and regard. I shall now look at her in a far different sphere indeed. Previous to the Irish town, and for many years she had occupied her talents and the spirit of her mind, when she had 15 or 16 pupils under her care and tuition along with her daughters. Most successful indeed was this trying career, not only in temporals but in returning these young ladies secondly educated; their minds brought to impressions, and reflections; pressured from vanity and outward show. There was a laudable emulation produced without exciting envy. Thus her fine temper and sweetness of disposition had their full effects in gaining the highest respect and affection, not only during the period of education, but in after life. I cannot recollect an instance of any of them who did not, and now do not show their attachment, fondness, and high respect for their instructoress. This has continued for years, exhibited by presents, correspondence and visits whenever opportunity occurred. These recollections naturally lead me to say a few words of her as a Mother and my pen becomes almost suspended as in a superfluous destiny. They who have seen the fruits of her care, tenderness, wisdom, love of order (which refined minds can alone understand) feel the happy beneficial results of her maternal affection- and I have only to ask, as justly due to them, of numerous connections, and a host of valuable friends if they do not all of them reflect in shining characters the value of their dearest Mother and Friend. Take her now in the sphere of friendships. It may be easily imagined from what I have portrayed, that she had a glowing heart for its sacred impulses, and it shows forth in a striking manner thro’ her life. Her girlish attachments, her womanly attachments were many, lasting, and strong. For many years these feelings were hosted with unshaken constancy, to the closest intimacy with two ladies, unknown to each other and different in character, but both votaries of the same attraction. A constant cover – prudence was unremittingly cultivated for years and years, even to a few days before her attack. There was an agreement existing, that this correspondence should be returned upon the departure of either. One lady has desired that hers may be burnt. The others remain undecided now. She always smiled at me when I gave these letters to her: ”ah dear! Never mind, tho’ you know they are my sweet-hearts.
She was greatly beloved by her servants during some 40 years she had raly there, besides her valuable attendant upon her death-bed; who never hardly left the room, & who understood her imperfect words. She, as she said herself, could scold them, but the more she did so in (no scalding) the more they loved her. They retired, not sent away; one more than 15 years ago, is now in deep sorrow & appreciation in this case. No birthday, or wedding day ever passed over without a beautiful cake, or something nice from her (a fine cook & confectioner) ( to return to her friendships.) In one of her early attachments (tho’ after our marriage, my wife received a severe shock in the death of a lady in child-bed – Mrs Sampson was a neighbour in Clapton terrace, a lovely, most delightful, engaging person-she and Maria became closely intimate and attached. Two years only passed over their intercourse, but it was constant, and tended to the happiness of both. This dear lady almost died in my arms; my wife was in her confinement, or I am sure she would have expired in hers.
Her youthful attachments were equally strong and lasting, fixed and powerful. Miss Payars, afterwards Mrs Higginson, was her very early intimate & valuable friend-Susan Neave, afterwards Mrs Batt, devoted to her as a sister in her younger days, and for a great many years afterwards. These appreciations came before my interest took part – Another affectionate union of feeling was strikingly alive with Agatha[xxxvii], the elegant, accomplished, generally accomplished grand-daughter of David Barclay, and the wife of Samson Hanbury. She doated on my wife, always held her in first estimation, and left her a legacy. Another name I cannot forget or omit – Mrs Masterman, a near relation of mine, became, soon after my marriage, very intimate, & closely attached. Many many happy days we used to pass under her roof. One other my pen must not refuse to speak of. There was no one who loved her more, or showed more affectionate interest and esteem than Elizabeth Fry. David Barclay himself the aged Head of Quakers, and an extensive family, and one looked upon as almost unapproachable, soon after we were married had her to his house, became communicative, and familiar and even flattered me with the acquisition I had made. His picture has called forth these recollections.
I now take leave of connections, and I just touch upon common casual acquaintances, an extensive field; whether as a farmer’s wife in Essex; whether as a Schoolmistress at Hornsey and Kensington; whether as a Lady in the chamber of a 14 years confinement, these were numerous, enchained to her society, attracted by her abilities, and affectionate demeanour-And those who have for years cultivated an intimacy, by visiting at Kensington, are in their grief at her loss, affording a true proof of their high regard.
In this class, my own friends must not be forgotten. (Clergymen, sportsmen, business gentlemen; who loved her more than my old friend Jacob? Who revered her more than Dillin, regenerate and unregenerate Enough, Enough – however! I hardly know how to touch my most heavy trials and afflictions; but I must do so, but only to display another proof of her submission to the will of God in every one of his dispensations. [two lines then heavily crossed out]
In various attitudes I have endeavoured to exhibit how much my wife was beloved, esteemed, respected, even looked up to, both in youth and full maturity. It behoves me now therefore to describe (if I can) the kind of character combining these attributes. There was no exuberance of mind-it was all simplicity; there was no want of ardency, or of feeling – there was a stability of mind, rarely equalled whether arising from nature, or from early taught self-procurement, it was never shaken off its centre. Her thirst after knowledge; & extensive reading, carried on from time to time, established a consistency of character; with such a soundness of thought, and depth of solid, quiet connection of general principles of right, it was no wonder her society; her instructive, experienced observations, joined as they were to a cheerful, animated, entertaining manner of imparting knowledge, led to the general respect and admiration she obtained. I have said she had friends and connections loving her, and I can say, with one exception however, that universal love was warmly returned. That exception was Self; there was never any devotion to that-She lived for others. Her aim, & the object of her thoughts were alone inspired by the desire of doing benefits to all around her. Her charity towards the faults and errors of others, without satire or search for censure, was the fruit of her true, generous, Christian convictions. And this conclusion leads me at once to delineate (again if I can) her religious aspirations, her constant unwavering devotedness to sacred truths. Her bible was her Back to rest upon, and as the development of its truth and sacred records warmed her soul, so it governed all her conclusions and actions. Indeed it became the source of that steadiness, that remarkable quiet “melody of heart,” which influenced the whole of her chequered career. She had been brought up, educated, nourished in strict Church of England principles and doctrines; and its discipline ever established a Rule in her heart, & she never swerved from its influence. Yet there never was a prejudiced feeling established – she was a liberal in her religious connections, and could, and did enjoy devotions from those strictly contained devotedness to church principles, exhibited by her own family. Still nothing could shake her constancy, in the duty of inculcating the true value of Church discipline on all her children. In her long life, and during her seclusions, she had in association, all kinds of Professions; High Church, Low Church, Quakers, Baptists, Independents, Converted Jews, even Catholics, & the extreme of divergence Plymouth Brethren, everyone in turn. She heard them, read of them, could take up a doctrine, or doubtful opinion, and ably argue its principles, or tendencies; but it never for a moment disturbed her steadfast convictions. Her religion was the main spring of her engaging character. It was “the keystone of the arch.” It made her contented, cheerful, wise, clear-headed; and was the express cause of all that was lovely and engaging. I am, and do feel warm in this delineation, & perhaps I may be said to have made use of strong expressions, somewhat too glowing perhaps; but I ask her daughters, whither truth does not authorize my energy; & I ask as her Biographer, her husband Jonathan Bell whether he can value her worth, her excellence, her devotedness enough, & he says “No:” “much as he did value them.” I do not mean that I was too warm in depicting her religious impressions – My language could not reach their true value. Perhaps I ought to go further, and show her daily abstraction, her daily simple means of devotion; but it wants no illustration. It was a perfect walk with God, I may say, thro’ life. However I cannot explain what I mean better than in these words
“I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my Soul shall be joyful
in my God, for he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation; he has
covered me with the Robe of Righteousness.” (Isiah 61:10)
(This text is engraved on the Tombstone)
I cannot close this tribute to my wife’s memory in any way so well, as to describe her in the ….. dispensation of 14 years confinement to her two Rooms – arising from an affliction in the limbs – supposed to be a kind of Parallysis of the Muscles – at times, rendering much suffering – still, capable of relief from Medical treatment, particularly in the last 7 or 8 years under the skill of Dr. Bachelour, practising in the late administration of Homopathy.
The delineation of my wife’s character which I have attempted, tho’ faintly to exhibit is more fully realized in this visitation-the Resignation to the trial – the cheerfulness of her natural disposition never at any time losing its spirit- the entire absence of complaint, the perfect good humour & contentedness with her attendants & comforts – the pleasure she experienced in the society of her Relations & numerous friends by whom she was constantly visited greatly subdued the natural anxiety of myself & daughters-it almost dispelled the affect of such serious depreciation of her activity of both mind & body; to us appearing quite a wonder – only to be thankfully acknowledged to the merciful influence of glorious Providence-this was also remarkably displayed in her sight being preserved to her great comfort- reading without any external aid (atho’ one eye was almost dim) – her power of working was continued to her – both, to the very last day before her attack.
7.6 “Battersby & Others, Deed of Release”
Registered 4th February, 1857
Registry of Deeds, Henrietta St, Dublin, Ireland
To the Registrar appointed by Act of Parliament for registering deeds wills and
so forth in Ireland.
referred to below was a remarkable character described in a
recorded elsewhere in this history.
“A Memorial of a Deed of Release dated tenth January 1857 made Between John
Long Battersby of Bobsville in the County of Meath Esq. of the first part
William Chadwick of Ballinard in the County of Tipperary Esq. and the Reverend
Robert Battersby of Bobsville aforesaid of the second part Richard Long of
Douglas in the Isle of Man Esq. of the third part and Charles Bianconi of
Longfield Park in the County of Tipperary Esq. of the fourth part Whereby after
reciting that by Indenture dated tenth March 1790 being the Settlement executed
previous to the Marriage of Richard Long and Charity Moore the lands therein
and herein after mentioned were settled to the use of Henry Jesse Lloyd and
Henry Langley their exors admors and assigns for the term of 500 years and
subject thereunto and to the jointure for said Charity To the use of the first
son of the said Richard and Charity with remainders over and the trusts of the
said term were declared to be to raise 5,000 Pounds for younger children
payable to them in default of appointment by said Richard Long share & share
alike And reciting the death of said Richard Long without making such
appointment secured by the said Charity and leaving issue by her the said
Richard Long party to the Deed of which this is a Memorial the eldest son and
five younger children and that Louisa Long then Louisa Cooper as one of the
said younger children became entitled to one fifth share of said 5,000 Pounds
And reciting the Settlement dated twenty fifth February 1829 by which after
reciting the Marriage then intended between Samuel Cooper and said Louisa Long
and that said Louisa was entitled to said 1,000 Pounds late currency making in
present currency 923 Pounds one shilling and six pence half penny and that it
has been agreed that the sum together with seventy six pounds eighteen shillings
and five pence half penny to be secured by the Bond of the said Richard Long
making together the sum of One Thousand Pounds present currency should be
vested in Trustees It was amongst others things therein witnessed that the said
Louisa Long did assign and make over unto said William Chadwick and Robert
Battersby parties to the deed of which this is a Memorial their heirs exors
admors and assigns said sum of 1,000 pounds late currency together with said
sum of seventy six pounds eighteen shillings and five pence half penny upon
trust amongst others to the use of all and every the younger children of said
intended marriage in such shares and proportions as the said Samuel Cooper the
younger should by any deed or writing under his hand and seal with or without
power of revocation attested as therein direct or appoint And reciting that
there was issue of said Marriage Samuel Cooper the eldest son and the seven
persons therein after named who were all then living and no other younger
children except Ambrose Cooper who had died several years ago under the age of
twenty one years And reciting that the lands upon which said sums were so
charged were formerly the Estate of the said Richard Long party to the Deed of
which this is a Memorial and that same had been since sold to the said Charles
Bianconi party thereto subject to the said charge and said sum And reciting
that by Deed of appointment dated tenth January 1855 under the hand and seal of
the said Samuel Cooper and duly attested after reciting the said Indenture of
twenty fifth February 1829 the said Samuel Cooper in execution of the power of
appointment thereby given to him and of every other power him thereunto
entitling did direct limit and appoint that from and immediately after the
execution of that Deed said two principal sums making together said 1,000
Pounds sterling should rest in and become the property of his said several
younger children and their respective exors admors and assigns for ever in the
following shares that was to say nine hundred & ninety nine pounds fourteen
shillings to the use of Charity Cooper her exors admors and assigns one
shilling to Richard Cooper now Richard Cooper-Chadwick his exors admors and
assigns one shilling to William Cooper his exors admors and assigns one shilling
to Austin Cooper his exors admors and assigns one shilling to Edward Cooper his
exors admors and assigns one shilling to Maria Louisa Cooper her exors admors
and assigns and one shilling sterling the residue thereof to Astley Robert
Cooper his exors admors and assigns and the said Samuel Cooper did thereby
direct that the said sum of 999 pounds fourteen shillings thereby appointed to
the said Charity Cooper should consist of the aforesaid sum of seventy six
pounds eighteen shillings and five pence half penny and nine hundred and twenty
two pounds fifteen shillings and six pence half penny and that the several sums
appointed to his other younger children should be composed of the residue of
said principal sum of nine hundred and twenty three pounds one shilling and six
pence half penny And reciting that said Charity Cooper had at the date of said
deed of appointment attained her age of twenty one years And reciting the!
Settlement dated thirteenth February 1855 previous to the Marriage of said John
Long Battersby and said Charity Cooper and that in pursuance of the appointment
therein they the said Samuel Cooper and Charity Cooper and each of them
according to his and her right title and interest therein did grant assign and
make over unto the said John Long Battersby his exors admors and assigns the
aforesaid sum of 999 pounds fourteen shillings sterling and all Interest to
accrue due thereon from thenceforth as and for his and their own proper goods
and chattels for ever And reciting that said John Long Battersby having applied
to the said Charles Bianconi agreed to pay the same upon having the said lands
properly released and discharged as well there from as from the sum of six
shillings the residue of said charge”
He survived 'mutiny' on HMCS Uganda to command destroyers in
the Cold War.
A senior officer aboard Canada's biggest ship during the Second World War, he
watched the crew make military history by voting itself out of the conflict. In
retirement he became a marine artist.
Just 17 days before Japan surrendered to the Allies on Aug. 14. 1945, HMCS
Uganda slipped away from the fighting in the Pacific and headed home to the
naval base at Esquimalt B.C.
It was not a happy voyage, to say the least. Six weeks earlier, (600 sailors
out of Uganda's crew of 900 had voted not to volunteer to continue the war
against the Japanese, even though they'd spent five months fighting the enemy
as part of the 4th Cruiser Squadron of the British Pacific Fleet.
Astonishingly, the RCN's most powerful ship of the Second World War was
"the only ship in recorded naval history whose own company had actually
voted her out of a war." wrote Tony German in his 1990 book The Sea is at
Our Gates.- A History of the Canadian Navy.
Uganda's executive officer, L.Cdr Ernest (Chad) Chadwick was mortified. After spending
almost all of the war at sea fighting the Germans and the Japanese, he felt he
deserved to be present at the end to help finish the job.
The trouble started when Prime Minister Mackenzie King, mindful that a federal
election would be held in June of 1945, decreed that only volunteers would be
sent to the Pacific theatre of operations. He arrived at his decision against
all military advice. When the news reached Uganda, there was general
incredulity and the crew immediately took sides in a bitter difference of
Mr. Chadwick, the ship's second-in-command, tried his best to convince his
shipmates to sign on the dotted line and stay m the war, but many sailors were
fed up for a variety of reasons.
Uganda had been built for northern climates and was badly ventilated, which
made living difficult in the heat of the Far East. Fresh water was always In
short supply and the food, provided by the Royal Navy, was poor.
"Canadian sailors weren't alone in their discomfort. Most had endured
tough years at sea, growled and got on with it. They'd signed on to fight. If
they were told to go somewhere they'd go. But give anyone in any fleet the
choice of the Pacific war or going home, wrote Mr. German.
Naval headquarters in Ottawa didn't know what to do. How could they quickly
replace 600 men? What about the 300 who wanted to stay? Suddenly, they were
entitled to 30 days leave back home before shipping out to the Pacific again.
The controversy was an administrative disaster, so the brass decided to take
the easy way out and recall Uganda.
The son of an Anglican clergyman who wanted him to study medicine, Chad
Chadwick grew up in Victoria. The call of the sea proved too strong, and he
spent most of his free time sailing his open sloop in the waters off Vancouver
Island. By then, he had also started producing accomplished watercolours and
Al 17, he decided he wanted to be a naval officer and passed the entrance examination
for the Royal Navy's Vindictive program, which trained young men from the
dominions for a career in the "Senior Service." There were no
opportunities for him in the RCN of that era, since it boasted less than a
dozen ships.
After graduating, he was posted to HMS Revenge, a battleship sporting 15-inch
guns. In August of 1939, he and Revenge took part in the reserve fleet review,
where King George VI inspected the ships preparing for war. "I was
midshipman of [Revenge's] launch at the time and distinctly recall lying to and
saluting as the Royal Barge steamed down the lines, and meeting King George's
eyes as he passed a few yards away," wrote Mr. Chadwick.
The Second World War erupted the following month and by 1941 Mr Chadwick had
transferred to the RCN. His first ship was HMCS Skeena, where he earned a
"mention in dispatches" for his part in the sinking of U-588 in the
North Atlantic on July 31, 1942. "This officer displayed great coolness
and skill during the long period of attacks under difficult conditions."
the citation read "He proved himself to be capable of rapid and accurate
After Skeena, Mr. Chadwick served on Gatineau, a River-class destroyer he got
to command for 39 glorious days at the end of 1943. He was just 22, and was at
that time the RCN's youngest commanding officer. His tender age didn't prevent
him from growing a luxurious beard, though. He kept it for the rest of his
And then came HMCS Uganda, 11,700-tonne cruiser originally commissioned by the
Royal Navy in 1942 and acquired by the RCN two years later. With the latest
steam turbines and nine six inch guns, the Uganda should have been the
hardest-hitting ship In the fleet. Instead, after the so-called
"mutiny," the cruiser meekly set a course for home.
What should have been a triumphant return became a sad and pathetic voyage.
Stopping in Pearl Harbour to refuel, Uganda was ignored by the U.S. Navy, wrote
Marc Milner in his 1999 book Canada's Navy: The First Century. "No
admirals paid their respects, no bands played, and no ceremony was
For Mr. Chadwick, the whole sorry episode left an unpleasant taste in his
mouth. "With our tails between our legs and wounded pride we slunk back to
Esquimalt," he wrote decades later in an unpublished memoir. "The
salt was real, rubbed in our wounds when we were greeted in Esquimalt by bands
playing and cheering crowds "welcome back, you heroes!' I, and I am sure,
most of my shipmates, had great difficulty in looking anyone in the eye."
Even so, he decided to make the navy his post-war career. On Sept. 27. 1947,
assumed command of HMCS St. Stephen. A sailor's sailor who led by example, his
orders were to take the river-class frigate to the Labrador Sea and provide
weather forecasts for the International Civil Aviation Organization. The
airlines had started flying over the Atlantic and needed accurate weather
Transmitting every three hours and assisting aircraft with radar fixes - when
the radar actually worked, Mr. Chadwick noted acidly in a memoir he and his
crew coped with the atrocious weather on Station Baker usually encountered
between Greenland and Labrador. He loved it, though, because it was an
independent command and no one was looking over his shoulder.
For the next two years, he recorded his daily battle with the elements."22
Dec. 1947: Wind still rising from NW up to 85. Heaviest seas yet during morning
and forenoon, Every rivet shrieking with strain ... frequently rolling over 49
degrees to leeward with frightful buffets - like driving into a brick wall."
During the Cold War Mr. Chadwick filled several staff positions but got plenty
of sea time commanding two modern destroyers, Nootka and Sagnenay. It was the
golden age of the post-war RCN, with the fleet boasting 20000 men and 50 ships.
Captains like Mr. Chadwick were a vital part the fleet.
Immensely proud of sailor father, Nick Chadwick remembers him as a "bit of
a martinet who wanted things done properly. He represents a link to an earlier
age when service came first [and] being a gentleman was important. He
epitomized an age when God and country meant some thing."
In 1968, Mr. Chadwick retired with the rank of commander after just 30 years of
service. He was only 47 but the unification wars of the sixties, where Ottawa
melded the three fighting services against enormous opposition, had left him
depressed and he wanted out.
That might have been a mistake, said Nick Chadwick. “We got the impression that
he regretted retiring. A couple of his friends made admiral and perhaps he could
have achieved greater things.” The old Uganda, meanwhile had been sold for
scrap though not before being re-commissioned HMCS Quebec.
Settling in Victoria, Mr. Chadwick returned to his paints and built a
reputation as a marine artist. "His paintings captured the mystery of the
sea, the beauty of birds of prey, sea buds and wildlife keenly observed."
said his son Michael Chadwick. Over the years, he produced hundreds of works
depicting birds and ships at sea in water-colour, oils and acrylics.
![]() |
Ernest Maurice Chadwick was born in Victoria B.C. on May 6, 1921. He died there
of natural causes on May 19, 2008. He was 87. He leaves daughters Diann and
Creina and sons Michael, Richard and Nicholas. He was predeceased by his wife,
2nd son of Richard Chadwick & Rebecca Allard
Extracts received from John Kelly, Hillview, Chadville, Cappawhite Co. Tipperary Ireland: J Kelly[xxxviii] 9/2002.
Extract from Toemverig by Áine Ryan 1992 ie history of Toem in the
parish of Cappawhite Co Tipperary
In 1781, Richard Chadwick was appointed curate to the Civil parish of Toem and
Donohill in the Cashel Diocese Co. Tipperary Ireland until 1792. He was then
appointed Prebendary of Doon Co Limerick an adjoining parish.
The earliest allusion that we can find to the church that stood at Toem is in
the Down Survey (1657), when it was stated to be in ruins. It was rebuilt after
the Restoration, as appears from a church‑list of 1667‑70. From the
middle of the 18th century Toem allusions are fairly numerous in the Visitation
Books. It was in repair in 1744 and 1753.
In 1780 it was reported that the church, churchyard, books and vestments were
in very bad order, while in the following year there was said to be "no
church." However, some repairs were effected., from 1782 it was described
as been in excellent order. In 1784 the Rural Dean complained that boys played
handball against the church, “which is indecent . We can hardly blame them for
utilizing such a tempting surface of bare wall. This practice went on with respect
to other churches in the diocese, but in one instance at least a stop was put
to this by the simple expedient of ploughing up the ground where the ball
hopped. In 1788 it was reported that the pulpit and the pew belonging to
the Rev. R. Chadwick (who resided at Chadville) were in good order, but
that the remaining pews were in decay as the parishioners would not take the
trouble to get them mended. In 1777 and 1797 the outside was being repaired,
while the interior was in a very bad way; however, in 1805 matters were
improved in this respect. Yet, in 1834 the church is described as ruinous,
impossible to repair, and inconveniently situated, and it was then proposed
that a new one should be erected on the townland of Cappawhite; this proposal
was not carried out. Nothing was done immediately, for Lewis, writing three
years later, says: "The Church is a small dilapidated building, and it is
in contemplation to erect another; in the meantime service is performed in
Cappagh House." The latest church must have been erected shortly after
this, though we have not been able to find out the exact date. Subsequently to
the erection of Donohill church in 1856 (Aghacrew) service was held in the two
simultaneously, but Toem gradually fell into disuse, and for some years before
1880 was only used for occasional services. A baptism was administered there as
late as 1886. It was taken down about 1890 as in the Vestry Book a resolution
stands under that year to the effect that the bell which formerly hung in the
tower should be sold to the Rev. W.H. Lindesay, L.L.D., for four pounds while
three years later portion of the money realised by the sale of the materials
was used to repair the roof of Donohill church. The tower still remains, a
conspicuous object in the landscape.
Rev Richard Chadwick : extract from the “Dún Bleisce ~ a History “1990 ie History of Doon Co. Limerick Ireland
Accordingly to the Succession of the prelates & Members of the Cathedral bodies of Ireland for the Diocese of Cashel 1790.
Richard Chadwick MA collated July 20tth. Installed August 4th.. He resigned on 29th January 1811 for the parish of Doon Co Limerick
In 1781 Richard Chadwick was curate of Doon Union
From the 4th Ecclesiastical Commission Report for Ireland in 1838:"Doone Glebe House and offices in excellent order, built under the old acts in 1800 at the cost of six hundred and forty six pounds, three shillings and one penny. But of which sum ninety two pounds six shillings and two pennies was granted in way of a gift by the late Board of First Fruits, and the residue of five hundred and fifty three pounds, sixteen shillings and 11 pennies was supplied out of the private funds of the builder (Rev Richard Chadwick) to whom the present incumbent (Rev Charles Coote) is second in succession, and having paid his predecessor four hundred and fifteen pounds seven shillings and eight and a half pennies on account of the sum last named and since expended £1,053 British in improvements under certificate, he will be entitled to receive £1,066 thirteen shillings and five and a half pennies from his successor, on account of the building and improvement changes. Incumbent is constantly resident in the glebe‑house."
This house was two storeys over a basement with a southerly aspect. The main entrance was from the Knocknacarriga side with a sweeping drive through the lawn on which still stands many beautiful mature trees. There is a completely enclosed court‑yard directly at the back of the house, one side of this is taken up by a protruding wing from the back of the house, with the other two wings taken up by stables and staff quarters. Because the house is built on a steep north sloping hill there are fine brick vaulted out‑houses and cellars under the left hand wing of the courtyard, these are connected by an unusual passageway to the house itself. 30 metres to the east is a fine kitchen‑garden much intact. The outline of a large conservatory to the right of the house when facing it can still be traced. It also had tennis courts and a billiard room and tradition has it that there was a Mass Path through the yard during the Penal Times.
The house was maliciously burnt down during the 'troubles' and is beyond repair, but as is usual with a lot of these country houses, the stables and outbuildings are in remarkably good condition.
7.9 Murder of Richard Chadwick (1800-1827)
Son of Richard (1774-1836), son of Richard (Parson Dick, 1742-1817), son of
Richard Chadwick & Rebecca Ellard
An internet source has this in 1826:
BOHERLAHAN – DUALLA Historical Journal 1999.
The Betrayal and Execution of Paddy Grace
By John J. Hassett
Richard Chadwick 1800-1827 a local magistrate as well as weight master in
Tipperary and land agent for Billy Sadlier of Sadliers Wells, Tipperary, was a
man of some importance in social and property circles in West and Mid Tipperary
in 1827. His uncle, Billy Sadlier was landlord of considerable properties in
County Tipperary and an active supporter and promoter of the Orange Order in
Tipp Town. Chadwick resided at Reddins Walk, Tipperary, was about twenty-seven
years of age and as weightmaster of Tipperary Town and district as well as a
land agent, enjoyed a good income.
As a land agent he was firm by the standards of the time. He was in his second
year in that capacity when he began to experience difficulty with some tenants
on the Sadlier lands at Rathcannon. Evictions followed which led to unrest and
the burning of a house and a few lots of hay. As a magistrate, Chadwick had the
power to transfer police to the area. In May 1827 he had permission to erect a
police barrack at Rathcannon, to curb and monitor the activities of secret
societies operating in the area. On the last day of June 1827 he was in
Rathcannon, to supervise the marking out of the foundations for the building to
house the police, where the Balicourt in that townland now stands on the road
linking Bohernacrusha to Clogher and Clonoulty. Having completed some rent
collections the previous day and earlier on that Saturday morning of June 30th
1827, he arrived on the site at Rathcannon, about 1 1.20 am. The foreman on the
site was Philip Mara, who with two of his brothers and nine locals were part of
the building team present and ready to start work. At noon the first sod of the
site was dug. Philip Mara the foreman was a tenant of Sadlier's, had difficulty
meeting his rent, and was under pressure from Chadwick around December of 1826.
After the usual deliberations in the wake of the cutting of the first sod,
Chadwick, accompanied by Mara and a Malachy Neale proceeded towards Holycross;
another worker, Gleeson, was also with them.
Feehan and Ryan were left in charge of the other six workers. After about eighty
yards Gleeson turned and went back to the building site. When Chadwick had
proceeded a further hundred yards he looked back and saw the men idling and
sent Malachy Neale to put them to work. It was the last order he was to give on
earth. Their business in travelling to Holycross was to purchase culm. When
midway between where Rathcannon Balicourt is and Bohernacrusha, Chadwick
leading his horse and Mara walking beside him were accosted by a gunman who
demanded they give themselves up. Turning to Chadwick the gunman said
"give yourself up you rascal!" Mara pleaded with the gunman not to
shoot Chadwick when suddenly a second gunman shot Chadwick who then said,
"Oh Mara I'm shot", he went on to say "I am killed". Mara
ran from the scene to Bohernacrusha Page 89about 400 yards away, glancing back
only after hearing a second shot. Mara proceeded to inform Mr. Lloyd and
Captain Wilson who called the police. Chadwick's body was brought to Ned
Carey's house. On examination of the body three wounds were visible to the
head, hip and breast; any one of them would have been fatal. The drama of early
afternoon ending in the death of Richard Chadwick at about 12.50p.m. resulted
in a murder hunt starting about 4 pm the same day. No one of about forty people
in Bohernacrusha village responded to Mara's alarming news immediately after
the shooting except to retreat indoors. The building site to which Mara, one
would consider, should have gone first, and from which the shots could easily
be heard was close by, but this did not result in workers rushing to the scene
to offer help. The alleged two gunmen left the scene of the crime and calmly
faded into the high-hedged fields of the countryside. The police from Thurles
arrived in Bohernacrusha around 4 pm. Chadwick's body had been moved to Ned
Carey's house and a medical examination of it took place and a murder hunt was
initiated. Mara was put under close examination by Lloyd and Wilson as well as
the police. Realising he was a prime suspect, he identified Paddy Grace as one
of the two alleged gunmen, and went on to give a dramatic account of Chadwick's
killing. When it became apparent after a few days that Mara was an informer he
was given police protection. On Mara's information twenty-six year old Paddy
Grace was arrested on Sunday morning July 1st 1827 at about 4 am by
the police on suspicion of involvement in the murder of Richard Chadwick. Grace
was the eldest of four brothers and three sisters all residing in their parents
home at Ballytarsna. They farmed forty acres of quality land at Old Road, Ballytarsna, close to Ballytarsna Castle, Their dwelling was almost opposite the
current residence of Owen Bennett. Grace was a noted foe of landlord oppression
and would be known as such to the police. His family were good farmers and by
the standards of the time were better educated and financially stronger than
the average tenant farmer. Paddy, as the eldest son, had marked out a site for
a new house beside Ballytarsna Castle a few days prior to Chadwick's death. On
the morning of Chadwick's killing, according to his brother John in court
evidence, Paddy and he were shovelling clay up to potatoes, known as 'earthing'
them. Tradition has it that Grace was about to get married and the site where
his new home was to be, is still visible today one hundred and seventy two
years later. As suspicion grew that Philip Mara had turned informer a fury and
hatred of great intensity grew towards him and his family. Grace on arrest was
conveyed to Thurles and on Monday July 2nd brought to the Bridewell in Cashel.
As a highly popular, respected, and in some places, a feared man, his arrest
was a cause of excitement and anger among the people.
They were volatile times in County Tipperary especially mid-Tipperary, as
campaigns against the payments of tithes to the established Protestant Church
and for further
Page 90
reform of the law restricting Catholics' involvement in certain State
activities were under way. On Wednesday June 17th 1827 at 6 pm a party of men
attacked James and William Scott of Ballagh on their return from valuing tithes
for Rev. Pobert Carew Armstrong, Rector of Ballintemple. They seized their
valuation books.
James Scott was severely beaten, though an old man, and William, who ran away,
was shot at and seriously wounded. On Saturday 30th as Chadwick was being
killed at Rathcannon two men named Davern and Ryan, also tithe valuers, were
attacked by another party of men near Knockaville. Both men were on the anti
tithe group's list as enemies of their cause. On Monday July 2nd close to
Tipperary town a man conveying a load of potatoes was accosted and his potatoes
taken from, him by a mob. On Friday August ]7th the trial of Paddy Grace was
held in the Criminal Court at Clonmel. The Solicitor General, Mr. Doherty, and
a high powered legal team acted for the Crown. judge Burton and a jury
comprised of Orangemen presided. Mr. Hatchell K.C. an able barrister, defended
Grace. Philip Mara was the key witness for the prosecution. He knew Grace, was
a member, with his brothers, of the secret society which Grace controlled. Mara
probably supplied Grace with the information on Chadwick's presence in
Rathcannon and knew that a plan to kill Chadwick as a result of his actions
against tenants was in place. The remarkable return of Gleeson and Malachy
Neale to the building site after accompanying Chadwick and Mara a short
distance two minutes before Chadwick was accosted was suspicious also. Mara was
in protective custody from early July and maintained firmly his account of
events, and his identification of Grace as the man who accosted them. The
Holycross stone mason became the object of ridicule, scorn and hatred
immediately. Edmund Kelly for the defence stated that Mara in his presence
stated at Christmas 1826 that Chadwick should be met and killed, to ease the
woe of the Rathcannon tenants. William Burke and Michael Ryan who were cutting
soil, possibly turf, close to the Rathcannon river the day Chadwick was shot,
saw two gunmen who warned them not to tell the police they passed that way;
neither of them was Grace. The judge in a careful summing up to the jury
outlined the legal issues and highlighted the aspects of the case they had to
address. Within fifteen minutes of retiring they returned a guilty verdict.
Sentence of death was passed by the judge to which Grace replied in a firm
voice, "welcome be the grace of God." He was immediately moved under
a massive military guard to the local jail. On Monday August 20th 1827 under a
heavy military escort he was moved from Clonmel jail at 5 am bound to a common
car for conveyance to Rathcannon for execution. The convoy comprised of the
police in a circle around the car to which Grace was bound, and a company of
the 58th regiment then in Clonmel. Ahead of them were two vehicles containing
the scaffold on which Grace was to be executed and at the rear the hangman
surrounded by a party of police. Despite the early
Page 91
hour, 5.30 am, from Clonmel to Rathcannon people gathered in vast numbers to
witness the final trip of Paddy Grace to his place of execution. At ten o'clock
the convoy reached Cashel where fresh military reinforcements comprised of a
company of rifles and a troop of Scots Greys from Cahir relieved the Clonmel
At Cashel, Grace was led into the Bridewell by Captain Wilcox who was attentive
and kind to the prisoner. Grace took some refreshments including bread, wine
and water offered him by the Captain. just before noon the procession left
Cashel. All along the route to Rathcannon huge crowds joined the convoy. At
Tubberadora the convoy halted to let Grace have a final look at Ballytarsna. At
2.45 pm they reached Rathcannon. While the scaffold was being erected Grace met
his family and spoke to them for about ten minutes. With the prison chaplain he
spent several minutes in prayer before ascending the scaffold. In a brief
address delivered in a firm voice he advised against drunkenness, vice and
crime, which were contrary to the laws of God. He also, according to tradition,
condemned the system that made people act in the manner which he had done. In a
veiled hint, he said, "before 1 am twelve months in my grave, things will
happen over which we will have no control." His words were to prove
prophetic. After Grace concluded, the prison chaplain as if surprised at his
words, uttered a firm warning to all and sundry against involvement in Secret
Societies. Within seconds of the Rev. Brennan concluding, the hangman did his
job and Grace was dropped to his death. His brothers prayed beneath the
scaffold and were granted permission to take down his body. They embraced his
remains and requested that they be allowed to bury it in Ballytarsna at little
Church. This was refused and the body was returned to Cashel Fever Hospital for
dissection. Tradition has it that members of the secret society with the
co-operation of some medical staff removed Grace's body from the hospital for
burial in Boytonrath. Within weeks of Grace being laid to rest things began to
happen over which he had no control, a story that must await for another year
to tell. Paddy Grace was the last person to be executed in Ireland at the
location of the crime. He was a defender of his people against a cruel system
who paid the supreme sacrifice for his actions on behalf of an impoverished
downtrodden community.
7.10Beatty Family: EMC's wife's family
1 William Beatty - 180 d: Abt. October 1685 in Ireland - Co Tyrone - Diocese of
Armagh - Cookstown
. +Margaret Russell d: Abt. 1691 in Ireland - Co Tyrone - Diocese of Armagh - Cookstown
... 2 Jenett Beatty
... 2 Mary Beatty
... 2 Margaret Beatty
... 2 William (Capt.) Beatty b: Abt. 1671 d: Abt. February 12, 1774
.... 3 James Beatty d: Bet. 1780 - 1784 in Ireland
...... +Margaret
.... 3 William Beatty d: December 13, 1735 in Ireland - Dublin
...... +Mary
....... 4 Robert Beatty b: Abt. 1723 in Ireland - Newry
......... +Ellen Butler
.......... 5 Robert (Dean of Ardagh) Beatty b: Abt. 1774 d: September 04, 1821
in Ireland - Co Longford - Moydew
.......... +Eliza Beatty d: Bef. January 31, 1820 in Ireland
............ 6 Eliza Beatty b: 1810 d: January 18, 1889 in Ireland
.............. +William Carlisle Henderson
.......... 5 James Beatty d: Bet. November 18, 1806 - January 30, 1807 in
Ireland - Dublin
....... 4 William Beatty b: Bef. 1735 d: Abt. 1805 in Ireland - Co Tyrone -
Diocese of Armagh - Cookstown
......... +Ann Creighton
.......... 5 James Beatty b: May 10, 1792 d: May 03, 1865 in Canada
.......... +Anne McKowen b: 1806 in IRE-DUBLIN? d: May 08, 1879 in
............ 6 William Henry Beatty b: December 10, 1833 in CAN-ONTARIO-TORONTO
.............. +Charlotte Louisa Worts
............ 6 James Beatty b: in CAN-ONTARIO-TORONTO d: in childhood.
............ 6 Joseph Walker Beatty b: March 29, 1846 in CAN-ONTARIO-TORONTO
.............. +Charlotte Elizabeth Boomer
............ 6 Elizabeth Beatty b: in CAN-ONTARIO-TORONTO
.............. +John Craven Chadwick
............ 6 Jane Louisa Beatty b: in CAN-ONTARIO-TORONTO
............ 6 Annie Beatty b: in CAN-ONTARIO-TORONTO d: March 19, 1910
............ 6 Ellen Byrne Beatty b: in CAN-ONTARIO-TORONTO d: 1864
.............. +Edward Marion Chadwick
............ 6 Diana Mary Beatty b: in CAN-ONTARIO-TORONTO
.............. +Alexander Campbell
.......... 5 Jane Beatty b: Bef. 1792
.......... 5 Isabella Beatty b: Bef. 1792
.......... 5 Joseph Beatty b: Bef. 1792
.......... 5 William Beatty b: Bef. 1792
....... 4 Palmer Beatty b: Bef. 1735
......... +Jane Richardson d: Bet. December 13, 1773 - April 07, 1777 in
Ireland - Armagh
.......... 5 William Beatty
.......... 5 Archibald Beatty
.......... 5 Mary Beatty b: Abt. 1744
.......... +Nicholas West
.......... 5 Isabella Beatty
....... 4 Joseph Beatty b: Bef. 1735 d: Aft. 1773
....... 4 Adam Beatty b: Bef. 1735
....... 4 Vincent Beatty b: Bef. 1735 d: Bet. April 03, 1781 - June 19, 1783 in
Ireland - Co Down - Downpatrick
.......... 5 William Beatty b: Bef. 1781
.......... 5 James Beatty b: Bef. 1760
.......... +Anne Smyth
............ 6 William (Sir) Beatty d: March 25, 1842
............ 6 Vincent Beatty b: Bef. 1792
.............. +Belinda Butler
............ 6 George Beatty
............ 6 James Beatty b: 1784
............ 6 Anna Beatty b: 1782
.............. +John Popham (Capt.) Baker
............ 6 Eliza Beatty b: Abt. 1788
.............. +Robert (Rev.) Beatty
.......... 5 John Beatty b: Bef. 1781
.......... 5 Ross Beatty b: Abt. 1752 d: Bet. May 04, 1804 - January 26, 1805
in Ireland - Co Monaghan - Clones
.......... +Anne Graham d: Bef. May 04, 1804
............ 6 Margaret Beatty d: Aft. 1804
............ 6 Vincent (Capt.) Beatty b: Bet. 1773 - 1803
.......... 5 Thomas Beatty b: Bef. 1781
.......... +Elinor
............ 6 John Beatty d: Aft. 1781
............ 6 Mary Anne Beatty d: Aft. 1781
............ 6 Elizabeth Beatty d: Aft. 1781
.......... 5 Vincent Beatty b: Bef. 1781
.......... 5 Annie Beatty b: Bef. 1781
.......... +Baker
............ 6 Frederick Walter (Rev.) Baker
....... 4 Henry Beatty b: Bef. 1735
.......... 5 James Beatty d: Aft. 1780
.......... 5 Child Beatty
.......... 5 Child Beatty
....... 4 Thomas Beatty b: Bef. 1736 d: Aft. 1736
....... 4 Ralph Beatty b: Bef. 1735
mailto:RCBDJR@aol.comRay Beaty
Daughter of Thomas of Barnascounce, son of Richard & Rebecca (Allard)
From Hugh Casement March 2003.
Sally Chadwick and George Casement:-
he was the 4th and youngest son of George Casement, naval surgeon, of Larne,
Co. Antrim, younger son by his 2nd wife Martha Montgomery. He was thus a
half-brother of Maj.Gen. Sir William Casement of the supreme council of India.
He was b. in Larne 1 May 1788 and d. at Mhow, Indore, 1 Nov. 1822; they m. at
Bareilly 16 Apr. 1821. George was in the 21st Native Infantry.
She m. James Graham at Agra 24 Feb. 1823, less than 4 months after
George's death. An indecently short period of mourning by our standards, but
women of a marriageable age were in great demand in India and under
considerable pressure.
I came across a story of a sergeant who proposed to a widow when she got
home from burying her husband. She burst into tears, and he apologized for his
undue haste. Turned out that the reason for her distress was that she'd
already accepted an offer at the graveside -- from a mere corporal!
I believe James Graham came from Drumbo, Co. Down.
From Hugh Casement, 29/3/2003:
I've been sent the following details of Surgeon James Graham:
b. 28.1.1797. MD Edinbgh. Ass. Sgn 1.20; Sgn. 9.30; killed by mutineers
Sialkot 9.7.57.
In actions: Gwalior 43-4 (battle of Panier); 1st Sikh 45-6 Sobraon and
Fierozeshahar; 2nd Sikh 48-9 siege of Multan.
Some posting refs: 22 Sappers & Miners; 29 civil station Mahidpore; 36
Artillery; 42 Horse Arty; 50 and 52 leave; 56 supervisory sgn Transravee.
I don't know where my correspondent got it from, and presume it refers to the
one who m. Sally Casement, née Chadwick. Apparently he was the son of William
Graham of Drumbo, Co. Down (about 10 km S. of Belfast, near Lisburn).
Do you happen to know the date of the marriage? I was told that the card index
at the India Office says it took place in Agra on 24 Feb. 1823. According to
Hodson's List of Officers of the Bengal Army, George Casement d. 1 Nov. 1823.
Hodson could have mistaken the year, but there's further evidence: in the East
India Directory for 1825 is a rather belated announcement of the birth of a son
to the lady of Capt. G. Casement on 15 Mar. 1823. Even if it was a posthumous
child (and Graham wasn't claiming paternity) I doubt she'd have been described
like that if she'd already remarried. I conclude that George must really have
d. in late 1823, and Sally remarried in 1824 (or even 1825).
Admittedly, there were other G. Casements alive in 1823, but this particular
George was the only one both in India and of an age to be fathering children.
Do you know anything about that son? It was news to me; either d. in infancy
or was adopted by Graham, I would think. Unfortunately E.M.C. doesn't give
dates of birth for the Graham children.
Where I think E.M.C. may have made a mistake is in the date of Phoebe's
marriage, which I copied from your web site as 1841. I believe they m. at
Meerut on 14 Apr. 1847. He's in the Dictionary of Indian Biography and his
family in Burke's Landed Gentry under Dingwall-Fordyce.
Also in Hodson is Col. Thomas Chadwick (1789-1861), 2nd son of Thomas of
Barnascounce. His sister m. Charles Hamilton Bell of the Bengal Army.
Presumably that means Bell is also listed -- unfortunately I don't have the
Issue Date: 31/5/2015
Home Page
Transcript from Burkes Irish Family Records.
With additions (for which I am grateful!) supplied by Richard
Butterhill and Beyond: Illustrated History of the Cooper Family of Byfleet,
Killenure Castle, Co. Tipperary, and Abbeville House, Co. Dublin.
and by Mary Cooper[149]
who distilled her line from the above.
Lineage The known records of this family (see Genealogical Notes on the
(Austin) Cooper Family in Ireland 1660-1960, by Richard A. Cooper, FRSAI, in
The Irish Genealogist) begin with Samuel Cooper at the end of this paper.
Arms-Sa, a chevron wavy erm between three lions rampant or.
Crest-On a chapeau gu turned up erm a bull passant ppr collared' and hoofed or.
Motto: Love, serve.
Seat Killenure Castle, Dundrum, co Tipperary; Abbeville, co Dublin; Drumnigh
House, co Dublin; Ballinard House, Emly, co Tipperary.
with Southern Nat Bus Co, Yeovil, late RAF (Starlight, Charlton Adam, Somerton,
b 17 Jan 1935, m 3 Oct 1959, Audrey May Grace, eldest dau of Felix Jubilee
Bennett, of Charlton Marshall, Blandford, Dorset,
and has issue,
1/1. Trevor Cooper-Chadwick, b 2 Nov 1960, educ Elmhurst Grm Sch,
and Crispin Comp School, Street.
1/2. Linda Cooper-Chadwick, b 15 March 1963.
1/3. Wendy Cooper-Chadwick, b 12 April 1969.
Elder Son of William Cooper – 1772
of Killenure Castle, co Tipperary, JP, sometime commn'd 2nd (Queen's) Regt, b
21 April 1800, m. bef 7th March 1829, Louise Salisbury, dau of Col
Richard Long, of Longfield, co Tipperary, by his wife Charity More, and d 9 Jan
1861, leaving issue,
MOORE is my Gt-Gt-Gt-Gt-Grandmother. She was born in 1760 at Barne Park,
Clonmel, Tipperary, the 5th surviving daughter of Richard Moore (d 1771), of
Barne, Clonmel, Tipperary, by his wife Henrietta Taylor (d 1783), daughter of
Sir Thomas Taylor, 2nd Baronet, of Headfort, Kells, Meath, Ireland, by his
wife, Sarah Graham of Platten Hall, Drogheda, Meath. On March 8th, 1790, at the
Dublin residence of her uncle, Sir Thomas Taylor, the 1st Earl of Bective,
Charity Moore married COLONEL RICHARD HUTCHINSON LONG [younger son of Edward
Long, of Lacken & Cahir Abbey, Tipperary, by his wife, Elizabeth Mauzee] (b
1740, Lacken, Ardfinnan, Tipperary; d July 4, 1814, at Longfield House), of
Longfield House, Ardmayle, Cashel, Tipperary; & they had issue: Richard
Long II, b ca 1791-95, d 1860, m. Ellen Maher; 2. Edward Thomas Long, b 1799, d
1875, m. 1822, Mary Crozier Clarke (daur of Rev Marshal Clarke of Abbey,
Tipperary); 3. Harriet Long, b 1792, d 1889, m. 1821, Capt James Denis O'Kelly
(son of Count John James O'Kelly of Montauban, Tarn et Garonne, France; 4.
Charity Maria Long, b 1796, d 1874, m. 1821, William Jacob Pennefather of
Lakefield, Fethard, Tipperary; 5. Caroline Anna Long, b 1797, d 1875, m. 1823,
Samuel Phillips of Gaile, Holycross, Tipperary; & 6. Louisa Salisbury Long,
b 1800, d 1892, m. 1829, Samuel Cooper of Killenure Castle, Tipperary. I am descended
from the 2nd son, Edward Thomas Long.
Richard Long & Charity Moore were married March 8, 1790, in the Dublin
residence of Charity's maternal uncle, Sir Thomas Taylour [or Taylor], 1st Earl
of Bective (1724-1795), who married Jane Rowley in 1754
Charity (Moore) Long died 5 October 1842 at Longfield (newspaper).
MEMORIAL NO. 566859, VOL. 846, PAGE 359, 1829 A.D.
To the Register appointed by Act of Parliament for
Registering Deeds and Soforth
A MEMORIAL of a certain Indenture bearing [date] the twenty fifth day of
February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty nine and
made between Samuel Cooper of Killenure Castle in the County of Tipperary
Esquire of the first part Samuel Cooper eldest son of William Cooper of Kilmore
in said County of Tipperary Esquire of the second part Charity Long of
Longfield in said County (widow of Richard Long late of Longfield aforesaid
Esquire deceased and Guardian of the Daughters of said Richard and Charity
Long) and Louisa Long one of said Daughters of the third part Richard Long of
Longfield aforesaid and Austin Cooper of Kilmore aforesaid Esquires of the
fourth part William Chadwick of Ballinard in said County of Tipperary Esquire
and Reverend Robert Battersby of Bobsville in the County of Meath Clerk of the
fifth part Reciting that a marriage was agreed on between the said Samuel
Cooper the younger and the said Louisa Long and reciting that the said Samuel
Cooper the younger was under the marriage Settlement of his Father the said
William Cooper bearing date the twenty second day of April one thousand seven
hundred and ninety eight Seized of a vested remainder in tail Mail expectant
upon the decease of his said Father of and in all That and those the Towns and
Lands of Ing otherwise Ingua also west Ing and Ingmana also Coolysallagh with
the appurtenances Situate in the Barony of Bunratty in the County of Clare
Subject as in said Settlement mentioned and that the said Samuel Cooper the
elder for the Considerations therein mentioned agreed to grant and Convey all
That and those the Town and Lands of Inatty East Situate in the Barony of Tulla
and County of Clare aforesaid with the appurtenances containing two hundred and
thirteen acres Irish plantation measure or thereabouts and also all That and
those the town and Lands of Lackencomb Situate in the Barony of Kilnemanagh and
County of Tipperary aforesaid containing two hundred and ten acres like measure
or thereabouts to for and upon the several uses trusts intents and purposes
therein particularily mentioned And reciting that the said Louisa Long was
seized possessed of and entitled unto one fifth share or proportion of an
Estate and Interest in the town and Lands of Cahir abbey otherwise Cottage and
in the Lands of Miltown and was also entitled to a sum of one thousand pounds
late currency the one fifth share or proportion of a charge for younger
Children on the Estate of the said Richard Long and also to one fifth Share or
proportion of the profit rents of Ballycomusk and to a sum of three hundred
pounds late currency in the hands of Stephen Moore Esquire and to the Interest
of one hundred pounds late currency as therein particularly mentioned said Deed
Witnessed that the said Samuel Cooper the elder for the considerations therein
mentioned did Grant and Convey to the said Richard Long and Austin Cooper their
heirs and assigns all That the said Lands of Inutty East and Lackencomb therein
before particularily mentioned To Hold to them the said Richard Long and Austin
Cooper to for and upon several uses trusts intents and purposes therein
particularily mentioned and in said Deed is contained a covenant for good Title
and peaceable enjoyment and said Indenture Witnessed that the said Richard Long
for the Considerations therein did perfect his Bond with warrant of Attorney
for confessing Judgment thereon to the said William Chadwick and Robert
Battersby in the penal sum of one hundred and fifty three pounds Sixteen
shillings and Eleven pence conditioned for the payment of Seventy six pounds
eighteen shillings and five pence halfpenny with interest on the first May next
and said Indenture Witnessed that the said Louisa Long for the considerations
therein mentioned did Give grant assign transfer and make over unto the said
Samuel Cooper the younger in his active possession then being by virtue of the
Bargain and Sale therein recited his heirs and assigns All That and those the
said Louisa Long’s aforesaid one fifth share or proportion of an Estate and
Interest in the lands of Ballycomusk Situate in the Baronies of Eliogarty and
Middlethird and County of Tipperary and also all That the sum of two hundred
pounds of the sum in the hands of the said Stephen Moore and also the interest
of said one humdered pounds To hold to them the said Samuel Cooper the younger
and his heirs and assigns for ever and said Indenture also Witnessed that the
said Louisa Long for the Considerations therein mentioned did Grant bargain
sell assign transfer and make over release and Confirm unto the said Richard
Long and Austin Cooper in their possession being by virtue of the Bargain and
Sale therein recited all That and those the said Louisa Long’s aforesaid one
fifth share or proportion of an Estate and Interest of and In the Town and
Lands of Cahirabbey otherwise Cottage Situate in the Barony of Iffa and Offa
and County of Tipperary and also of and in the Lands of Miltown Situate in the
Barony of Middlethird and County of Tipperary aforesaid To hold to them the
said Richard Long and Austin Cooper their heirs and assigns to for and upon the
several uses trusts intents and purposes therein mentioned and said Indenture
further Witnessed that the said Louisa Long for the Considerations therein
mentioned did grant assign transfer and make over unto the said William
Chadwick and Robert Battersby their heirs Executors Administrators and assigns
All That the said sum of one thousand pounds late currency making nine hundred
and twenty three pounds one shilling and six pence halfpenny present Currency
her share or proportion of the sum charged for younger Children on the Estate
of the said Richard Long together with the said sum of seventy six pounds
eighteen shillings and five pence halfpenny present Currency secured by the
Bond of the said Richard Long as aforesaid making together the sum of one
thousand pounds present Currency together with an Interest to accrue due on
said sums To hold to them the said William Chadwick and Robert Battersby their
heirs Executors Administrators and assigns to for and upon the several uses
trusts intents and purposes therein mentioned and said deed also contains other
Covenants clauses provisios and agreements which said Deed as to the execution
thereof by the said Samuel Cooper the elder Samuel Cooper the younger Charity
Long Louisa Long Richard Long Austin Cooper William Chadwick and Robert
Battersby respectively is respectively witnessed by Samuel C. Chadwick of
Ballinard and Austin Cooper Chadwick of Damerville both in said County Esquires
and as to the Execution of this Memorial by the said Samuel Cooper the younger
is witnessed by the said Samuel C. Chadwick and Austin Cooper Chadwick
Signed sealed and delivered in presence of
Samuel C. Chadwick and Austin Cooper Chadwick
The above mentioned Austin Cooper Chadwick aged upward of twenty years maketh Oath and saith that he is a subscribing witness to the Deed of which the above writing is a Memorial and also to said Memorial and saith he saw said deed duly Executed by all said Parties and this Memorial duly Executed by the said Samuel Cooper the younger the name Austin Cooper Chadwick Subscribed as a witness to said deed and Memorial respectively is this Deponents proper name and handwriting
Sworn before me at Tipperary in the County of Tipperary this 2nd day of May one thousand eight hundred and twenty nine
A Master Extraordinary of his Majestys high Court of Chancery for taking Affidavits in said County and I know the Deponent
The Taylor connection appears under Hercules Langford Rowley & Elizabeth
Ormsby Upton.
1/1. Samuel Cooper, of Killenure Castle, co Tipperary, JP,
sometime 44th Regt, served in Eastern Expdn 1854, b 1829; dunm 21 July 1877.
Emly, co Tipperary, assumed addl
surname and arms of Chadwick
By R Sign Manual 15 Jan 1855, b 15 Dec 1831, educ R Sch, Armagh, m. 1st 6 Feb
1855, Katherine (d 12 Dec 1855), eldest dau of William Chadwick, of Ballinard,
co Tipperary (see that family, 1912 Edn), and had issue,
An entry in the Irish Times of 19 Dec 1870 gives the meets for Mr Chadwick’s
Harriers, including at Ballinard Tuesday 27th.
This family originally settled in county Meath in the 17th century but
following the appointment of William Cooper as Registrar of the Diocese of
Cashel, one branch settled at Killenure Castle, county Tipperary in the mid
18th century. William Cooper by his wife Jane Wayland had two sons Samuel of
Killenure, agent to the Maude, Damer and Erasmus Smith Schools estates and
Austin, an antiquarian and agent to a number of landlords including the 2nd
Earl of Leitrim, Baron Milton and Viscount Hawarden. In the mid 19th century
Samuel Cooper held land in the parishes of Kilmaleery and Kilnasoolagh, barony
of Bunratty Lower, and Kilseily, barony of Tulla Lower, county Clare. The main
part of the Cooper estate was in county Tipperary, in the parishes of St
Johnbaptist, barony of Middlethird, Cullen and Solloghodbeg, barony of
Clanwilliam, Donohill and Oughterleague, barony of Kilnamanagh Lower. In
November 1854 the interest of Patrick J. O'Kearney and others in the lands of
Ballywalter was advertised for sale, Samuel Cooper was the tenant. He held on a
lease dated 28 December 1852. In the 1870s Samuel Cooper of Killenure, Cashel,
county Tipperary, owned 826 acres in county Tipperary and 344 acres in county
Clare. His brother was Richard Austin Cooper Chadwick. [Another brother William
L. Cooper of England owned 727 acres in county Tipperary].
2/1. William, of Ballinard House, Emly, co Tipperary, Col in
the Army, b. 14 Nov 1855, educ R
Sch Armagh, m. Anna (d 24 Nov 1895) dau of John Langley, of Knockanure, Co
Tipperary, and had issue,
3/1. Frances Violet, m. 10 July 1910, as his 1st wife,
Allen Baker, MRCVS, of Lismacue, Co Tipperary, and d 10 June 1922, leaving issue (see that family). He d 19 Dec 1969.
3/2. a dau.
Mr R. A. Cooper-Chadwick m. 2ndly
Aug 1863, Charlotte Sophia (d 6 Oct 1912), only dau of John Bourchier, BA, JP,
of Baggotstown, Co Limerick (see that family, 1958 Edn), and d 19 Jan 1892,
having by her had issue, his mother's family were, amongst others, the
Wilkinsons, well researched by others. Entries in the Irish Times of 19/1/1908
refer to a bomb being detonated at Ballinard by an aggrieved tenant (?). Mrs
Cooper Chadwick would seem to have been a redoubtable lady in the reports.
2/2. John Cooper-Chadwick, of Ballinard House, Co Tipperary,
served with Sir Charles Warren's
Expdn in S Africa 1878-81, with Bechuanaland Border Police 1885, and with
Rhode's Pioneers in Mashonaland 1888, author of "Three Years with
Lobengula" (which he wrote with a pen tied to his elbow joints as a result
of losing his forearms in a shooting accident), b 13 May 1864, in 17 Oct 1896,
Wilhelmina (Ina) (d 20 Feb 1929), 2nd dau of Samuel Heuston, JP, of Barrowstown,
Co Tipperary, and d 5 June 1948, leaving issue,
3/1. John Lionel Cooper-Chadwick, of Broad Acres, Charlton
Adam, Somerset, 2nd Lieut
unattached 1917, Lieut IA 1918, served on Afghan Frontier 1919, and in World
War II (wounded), b 16 Feb 1899, educ R Sch Armagh, m. 8 Aug 1931, Beatrix (d
12 April 1965), yst dau of Capt William Robert Penrose, of Seaville, Tramore,
Co Waterford, and d 2 May 1968, leaving issue,
4/1. Robert John Cooper-Chadwick, of whom we treat.
3/2. Samuel Victor Cooper-Chadwick, b 1 Nov 1902, m. 10
March 1931, Eileen Mann, and has
4/1. Stephanie Ina Mary Cooper-Chadwick, b 14 March 1941.
2/3. Richard Austin
Cooper-Chadwick, b 23 Dec 1866; d 6/9/1934.
2/4. Austin Samuel Cooper-Chadwick, b 25 May 1871,
m. 30 March 1910, Florence Banks, dau of Joseph Harris, of Richmond, Surrey, and d 6 Sept 1934.
2/5. Kate Louise Cooper-Chadwick,
dunm. 1 March 1947
2/6. Elizabeth Sarah Cooper-Chadwick, dunm 16 Aug 1956.
2/7. Charlotte Sophia Cooper-Chadwick, dunm. 6 Feb 1959.
2/8. Frances Anna Cooper-Chadwick, m. 12 April 1898, Sutherland Matterson,
eldest son of Joseph Matterson, of Castle Troy, Co Limerick, and d 19 April 1942.
2/9. Ada Mary Cooper-Chadwick, m. 2l July 1908, Major Ambrose Grattan
Power, R Munster Fus of Glencairn Abbey, Lismore, only son of Ambrose William Bushe Power, DL, JP, of Barrettstown, co Tipperary, and d 16 Nov 1967, leaving issue (see BURKE'S Peerage, Power, Bt of Kilfane) He d 7 Dec 1926. (also entry in Irish Times 23/7/1908)
GG Grandfather of Charlotte Sophie Bourchier:
(From the internet)
1. Thomas Wilkinson, b. 1720 in Corballis, Meath, (son of James Wilkinson and
Mary Magdalen Myre) occupation Minister of Religion. He married Marguerit
Susanne Maret de la Rive, married c 1745 in Dublin, b. 2 Oct 1726 in Dublin,
(daughter of John Maret de la Rive and Anne Collot D'Escury) d. 1809. Thomas
died 29 April 1831.
2/1. Anne Magdalene Wilkinson, b. 1747 in Castle Comer.
She married Roger Garraway. Anne died 16 Dec. 1818 in Birmingham, England.
2/2. (Sir) Henry Wilkinson b.
2/3. William Cumberland Wilkinson, b. 1752 in Corballis, Meath.
He married (1) Sarah Donaldson,
married 31 Dec. 1781 to Belfast, Antrim., b. c 1767 in County Down, (daughter
of Hugh DonaldsonError! Bookmark not defined.)
d. 24 Jun 1798. He married (2) Eliza Netterville, married 1799 in Cruisebath,
Meath. William died 6 Jan.1802.
G/grandfather of Charlotte Sophia Bourchier
2/4. John Wilkinson, b. 1754 in Madras, India.
He married Anne Carleton, married c 1780 in New York. John died in In India.
1/3. William Cooper, m and d in Australia, leaving issue.
1/4. Edward Cooper, Capt Mercantile Marine, d at sea.
1/5. Austin Samuel, of Killenure Castle, Co Tipperary ,DL, JP
High Sheriff 1893, Lieut RNR,
Capt Mercantile Marine, Master of S.S. Carlisle Castle, b 1835, m. 1st Sept
1868, Anne Wilhelmina (d Nov 1870), dau of Very Rev Ogle William Moore, Dean of
Clogher and formerly of Cashel, and had issue,
Rebecca Moore[151],
Charleville, Queensland, Australia
I have just come across your website while undertaking some of my own family
tree research. I was searching using ‘George Ogle Moore’ and came across this
section of your site;
I believe the Rev Ogle William Moore you mentioned, may be one of the sons of
George Ogle Moore. Another son, John emigrated to Australia and is my g/g/great
grandfather. George himself was MP for Dublin 1826-1831. He married Elizabeth
Armstrong. Does this sound like your Rev Ogle Moore?
2/1. Austin Samuel Cooper, of Killenure Castle, Co Tipperary,
JP, served in S African War with
22nd Cheshire Regt, joined 3rd Bn Cheshire Regr 1905, served as Major in World
War I, 8 Nov 1870, educ Charterhouse, m. 16 Jan 1907, Evelyn Ethel (d 16 June
1974), eldest dau of John Leahy, of South Hill Killarney, and Pasadena,
California, USA, and d 4 Oct 1926:
Leaving issue:
3/1. Austin Francis Cooper, of Killenure Castle, co Tipperary
(sold to Irish Land Commn 1963),
served in World War II with 4th KOR Regt (Lancaster), Cav Regt Transjordan
Frontier Force, 9th Army, Provost Branch 8th Army, Actg Supt Agric to HM Govt
of Cyprus 1944, Capt 1945, Chm of Cashel Branch and Vice-Chm of Tipperary
Branch, Brit Legion Ireland (S) Area, author of "Eritrean Livestock
Survey", b 20 Jan 1909, educ Shrewsbury, m. 1st 5 Aug 1937, Isabel Gloria
(d 22 Aug 1939), only dau of Col. Jose Manuel Delgado, of Cuba and New York,
and had issue,
4/1. Anthony Austin Cooper (Coachman's Cottage, Stanwell, Staines,
Middx), b 20 May 1938, educ St
Columba's, m. 24 Aug 1970, Patricia Melanie, only dau of Alan Robert Jones,
MRCVS, of Lengraigne, Prior Park Road, Clonmel, Co Tipperary, by his wife
(Aileen) Dorothy, only dau of Freeman Crofts Wills Gason (see that family), and
has issue,
5/1. David Austin Cooper, b 16 May 1971.
5/2. Richard Anthony Cooper, b 28 April 1972.
4/2. Deirdre Isabel Cooper, b 20 May 1938 (twin with her brother),
m. 17 Oct 1962, Revell Nott de
Valda (727 Remuera Road, Auckland 5, NZ), son of Frederick F. de Valda, of
Bournemouth, and has issue,
5/1. Peter Revell de Valda, b 22 July 1966.
5/2. Wendy Ruth de Valda, b 15 May 1964.
Capt A. F. Cooper m 2ndly 9 June 1949, Violet Jessica (Atlantic House, Myrtleville, Crosshaven, co Cork), eldest dau of Thomas William Priestley, of Clonmel, co Tipperary, and Mallow, co Cork, and d 2 April 1972.
3/2. Astley John, AFC (1943), 22nd Cheshire Regt 1930, served in World
War II with Glider Pilot Regt, 1st Airborne Divn, b 25 Sept 1911, educ Nautical Coll. Pangbourne, and RMC Sandhurst, ka at Catania, Sicily 14 July 1943.
3/3. Doreen Eleanora Anna Cooper, served in World War II as Subaltern
ATS, b 4 Nov 1908, m 1st 1 Sept
1926 (m diss by div 1940), Simon Francis Low, of Kilahane, co Tipperary, only
son of Francis Simon Low, DL, of Kilahane, co Tipperary (see that family, 1912
Edn), and has issue,
4/1. Francis Anthony Low, Mgr Purnell Pubg Co, Johannesburg,
S Africa, b 20 April 1931, educ Bradfield, m. Roseanna Mary Stevens, and has issue, two sons and one dau.
4/2. Sheila Anne Low, b 1 July 1927, m 1948, Edward Parkinson (RR2,
The Coldstream, Vernon, BC, Canada), and has issue, one son and three daus. Mrs Low m. 2ndly 21 Aug 1942, Lt-Col Cyril Harrison-Cooper, MC, Northumberland Fus. (25 Beam-leigh Mansions, Stellenberg Avenue, Kenilworth, Cape Town, S Africa). Capt A. S. Cooper m. 2ndly l4 Aug 1878, Emma Harriet (d 19 Nov 1941), 2nd dau of Major-Gen William Armstrong, 22nd Cheshire Regt, and d 7 June 1897.
1/6. Astley Cooper, Cmdr RN, b 31 July 1843; dunm 1872.
1/7. Charity Cooper, b 1830, m 1854, John Battersby, of Bobsville, co Meath.
1/8. Maria Louise Cooper, b 1837, m. 12 Sept 1866, Edward Rotheram,
of Sallymount, co Weatmeath, and d 26 Aug 1919, leaving issue (see that family). He d 4 June 1909.
of Killenure Castle, co Tipperary, JP, b 19 July 1772, m. 27 April 1798,
Rebecca (d 23 April 1859), dau of Rev Richard Chadwick, of Perryville, co
Tipperary, and d 9 April 1850, having had issue,
1/1. Samuel Cooper, of whom presently.
1/2. Austin Cooper, of Camas, Cashel, co Tipperary, b 1802,
educ Trin Coll. Dublin (BA 1824,
MA 1832), m. Jane Armstrong, and was murdered 5 April 1838, leaving issue,
2/1. Elizabeth Cooper, m. 2 Dec 1857, Col Alfred Wright,
and dsp 13 March 1902.
2/2. Rebecca Wilhelmina, m.
Sydney Darling, and dsp.
2/3. Margaret Cooper, b 1828, m. 3 July 1866, Col Daniel James Mansergh,
JP, of Grallagh Castle, Thurles, co Tipperary, elder son of Rev James Wentworth Mansergh, Rector of Kilmore (see that family), and d 9 Nov 1911. He d 27 April 1907.
2/4. Jane Cooper, m. her cousin, John Lane, son of Major Ambrose Lane,
by his wife Margaret, eldest dau of William Cooper, JP, of Killenure Castle (see below), and d 23 Nov 1924.
1/3. Margaret Cooper, m. Major Ambrose Lane, and had issue,
two sons.
1/4. Anne Cooper, m. Rev Edward G. Carr, Incumbent of St Helen's, co Wexford,
and had issue, one son and two daus.
1/5. Rosetta Louise Cooper, m. 17 Jan 1845, Very Rev John Sisson Cooper,
Dean of Ferns, son of Jonathan Cooper of Barn Hall, co Kildare, and had issue (see above). He d 18 Feb 1898.
1/6. Margaret Cooper, dunm.
1/7. Elizabeth Cooper, d dunm.
1/8. Caroline Damer, dunm.
1/9. Eleanor Wilhelmina Cooper, m. Richard Ralph William Sadleir, JP,
of Sadleir's Wells, co Tipperary,
and had issue (see TRENCH). He d 1906. Ref Colin Salter, 16/10/2002:
2/1. Eleanor Wilhelmina Cooper, M Richard Ralph William Sadlier, JP
3/1. Eleanor Wilhelmina Sadlier M. William Henry Castle
4/1. Eleanor May Castle M. Frederick Gurney Salter, the Gurney
connection being the inventor of a
system of shorthand.
5/1. Charles Henry Salter M. Moira Scott Tough.6/1. Colin
Salter (b abt 1958) (a touring stage manager 10/2002 from Glasgow, living Cumbria)
1/10. Alicia Cooper, dunm.
1/11. Frances Cooper, m. 1835, Rev Alfred Thomas Armstrong,
of Ashton-on-Ribble, Lancs, Rector of Aston, Manchester, yst son of Rev William Carew Armstrong, of Mealiffe, co Tipperary, and had issue (see KEMMIS). He d 1887.
of Killenure Castle, co Tipperary, b 14 June 1750, educ Drogheda Sch, m. 1st
1769, Frances, dau of David Butler, of Garranleagh, co Tipperary; and 2ndly,
Elizabeth Chadwick, and d 3 April 1831, having by her had issue,
1/1. William Cooper, of Killenure Castle, co Tipperary, JP,
b 19 July 1772, m. 27 April 1798, See above
of Killenure Castle, Dundrum, co Tipperary (purchased from Coppinger family,
1746), Dioc Registrar to Archbp Price at Cashel 1745-46, b 1721, m May 1747,
Jane (d 9 Sept 1780), dau of Henry Wayland, of Kilmore House, co Tipperary, and
d 15 Nov 1769, having had issue,
1/1. SAMUEL Cooper (1750), of whom presently.
1/2. John Cooper, b 14 Sept 1756; d 30 Aug 1759.
1/3. Austin Cooper, FSA (1830), MRIA, of Merrion Square, Dublin,
Abbeville House (purchased from
Rt Hon J.C. Beresford 1815) and Kinsaley, co Dublin, entd Treas Office, Dublin
1774, Paymr Pensions on Civil and Mil Estabs, Dep Constable Dublin Castle
1796-1830, sometime land agent, a devoted antiquarian, his sketches, notes and
diaries were published under title "An Eighteenth Century Antiquary
1759-1830" (1939), b 26 Feb 1759, educ Cashel, m 17 July 1786, Sarah
Mauvillieu (d 7 June 1830), 2nd dau of Timothy Turner, of 6 Clare Street,
Dublin, by his wife Catherine Sisson (sister of Hannah, who m John Cooper, of
Barn Hall - see above), and d as the result of a carriage a Accident 30 Aug
1830 (bur in family vault in ruins of St Nicholas's Church, Kinsaley, co
Dublin), leaving issue,
2/1. William John, of Abbeville and Kinsaley, co Dublin, and of Merrion
Square, Dublin, Lieut Donegal Militia, b 25 Jan 1791, m 1st, - Foy; and 2ndly, - Twiney, and d 2 June 1861, having had issue, four sons.
2/2. John Turner Cooper, mem of Dublin Soc 1818, b20 Nov 1793,
educ Trin Coil Dublin (BA 1814), dunm 31 March 1860.
2/3. Samuel Cooper, of Merrion Square, Dublin, and Kinsaley, Co
Dublin, lived in Brussels until
1857, b 19 Jan 1802, m 1st, Lydia (dsp), dau of Laurence Clutterbuck, by his
wife Dorothea, 4th dau of William George Cooper, of Killenure Castle, Co
Tipperary (see below); and 2ndly, Frances Ann (nee Armstrong), widow of Dr
Thomas Arthure, and by her had issue,
3/1. Austin Cooper, of Kinasley, Rly Mgr at Roscommon,
b. 1825, m Mary (d. 1849), dau of
Anthony Irwin, of Cummeston, Co Westmeath, and d 11 July 1874, leaving issue.
4/1. Austin Irwin Cooper, b 1849, a 2nd Lieut. in the Royal City of
Dublin Infantry (inherited part of N. Kinsaley). d. 10 Apr 1891
Mr. Austin Cooper m 2ndly
Elizabeth Gibson, 1851, having by her had issue:
4/1. Henry Cooper, b. 12 April 1852 d. 1883.
4/2. Alexander Sisson Cooper, b. 1854, m 1875 Laura Jane Boyd
(daughter of William Boyd. of
Scotland), in Dublin and died in New York, 27 Mar, 1927 and had issue:
5/1. Laura Jane Cooper, b. 29 Jan 1876, N. Dublin,
m. Alexander Dawes of Ireland in New York 1908, having two sons.
5/2. Elizabeth Cooper, b. 4 Apr
1878, Dublin.
5/3. Austin Sisson Cooper, b. 27 Apr 1879, Dublin.
5/4. John Carrick Cooper, b. 5 Nov 1886, Dublin,
m. 1916 Sophie Pina in New
York, d. 15 July 1969.Emigrated to US 1906.
6/1. Stanley Gibson Cooper
7/1. Mary Cooper, who supplied this information.
5/5. Edwin Irwin Cooper, b. 1888, m. Bertha Raiso and having
issue. 2ndly m. Edith Richter 13 Apr 1917, in New York, and d. 1935 in California.
5/6. Alexander Sisson Cooper, Jr., (Alec) b. 1890,
m. May Harvey in New York, no issue and d. 1933.
4/3. Arthur Lincoln Cooper, b. 20
Jan. 1856.
4/4. Edwin Ashley Cooper, b. 22 Mar. 1860.
4/5. Samuel Cooper, b. 2 May 1861.
4/6. John Turner Cooper, b. 8 Oct. 1862.
4/7. Walter Ernest Cooper,
b. 13/8/1866 at Moate, co Westmeath
4/8. Ashley Joseph Cooper, b. 22
Aug. 1868 at Roscommon.
4/9. James Austin Cooper, b. 10 May 1870 and
d. 13 May 1872, Sligo.
4/10. Mary Elizabeth Cooper, b.
1854, d. 1885.
4/11. Elizabeth (Bessie) Cooper, b. 31 May 1857,
m. John David Pearson and d. Wittington, Manchester 1937.
4/12. Jane Mauvillian Cooper, b.
Oct. 9, 1864.
4/13. Marion Frances Cooper, b. 6 Nov. 1871.
4/14. Jenny Cooper.
Mr Samuel Cooper m. 3rdly,
Henrietta, dau of Capt Thomas Barnewall, Longford Militia, who claimed the
title of Viscount Kingsland (see BURKE'S Dormant and Extinct Peerages), and d
11 July 1874, having by her had issue,
3/2. William Samuel Cooper, of Peckham, chemical mfr, b 1833,
m Amelia Elizabeth Gill (d 10
April 1894), and d 31 March 1885, leaving issue,
4/1. William Samuel Cooper, b 1865.
4/2. Clementine Emily Cooper.
3/3. John Thomas Adolphus Cooper, of Constantinople,
Ch Telegraph Engr and Surveyor to
HIM Sultan Abdul Hamid of Turkey, responsible for irrigation of whole of Asia
Minor s of Konya, Imp Commr Roumelian Rlvs, with E India Telegraph Co, had
Turkish Order of the Medjidie. b 15 Jan 1836, m 8 Aug l864, Adelaide (d at
Smyrna), dau of Marius Lombardo, and d at Adrianople l4 Novl897, leaving issue,
4/1. Arthur Augustus Cooper, of Chios,
proprietor of citrus fruit
export business and Actg Brit Consul Messina, Sicily, b 3 July 1866, m 1st 25
Jan 1895 (m diss by div), Eugenie Eleonore Lacandella, and had issue,
5/l. Wilfred Jerome Delmaine (assumed surname in lieu of his
patronymic), estate agent, b 23 Feb 1897; d 15 March 1958.
5/2. Adolphus Richard Cooper, joined French Foreign
Legion at age of 15 (first
Legionnaire to win Croix de Guerre), served in French, Italian and British
Armies, served in World War II as Capt SOE (pow, escaped), Sr Civil Servant
with Brit Continental Telephone Exchange, lectr and broadcaster, author of
"The Man who Liked Hell, Adventures of a Secret Agent, Born to Fight,
March or Bust", and other works (Special Forces Club),b 28 Feb 1899, educ
Salesian Coll. Istanbul, Monkhams Coll. Lond, and Xaverian Coll. Brighton, m
1931, Doris Wallen, and has issue,
6/1. Richard Arthur AUSTIN-COOPER, hon LLD
Extracted from Debretts on line
served RA 1950-52 and TAVR in the RA, Intelligence Corps, 21 SAS Regt (Artists'
Rifles), Essex ACF 1952-69 and the Hon Artillery Co 1978-79 (cmmnd 2 Lt TAVR
1968), OC ACF Canvey Island; with Barclays Bank 1948-60; head cashier: Bank of
Baroda 1960-63, Lloyd's Bank 1963-69; dep head Stocks & Shares Dept Banque
de Paris et des Pays Bas 1969-74, asst mangr Banking Div Brook St Bureau of
Mayfair Ltd 1974-75, chief custodian and London registrar Canadian Imperial
Bank of Commerce and registrar in London for Angostura Bitters Ltd 1975-78,
personnel offr Deutsche Bank AG London Branch 1978-85, sr mangr and head of HR
Deutsche Bank Capital Markets Ltd 1985-90, ptnr Charsby Associates recruitment
conslts London 1989-91, ret; memb London Banks Personnel Mgmnt Gp 1989-90; fndr
fell Inst of Heraldic and Genealogical Studies; memb Ct of Common Cncl City of
London for Cripplegate Ward 1978-81; memb Bd of Mgmnt: Barbican YMCA, City of
London Central Markets (Leadenhall Market, Billingsgate Market); memb: City of
London TAVR Assoc, Coal Corn and Rates Ctee, Mgmnt Ctee Barbican Sch of Music
and Drama (and mature student (tenor)), Irish Peers Assoc 1964-; govr: City of
London Sch for Girls 1979-80, Lansbury Adult Educn Inst 1979-82, City of London
Freemen's Sch 1980-81; life govr Sheriffs' and Recorder's Fund at the Old
Bailey 1979-; represented the City of London Corp on the Gtr London Arts Cncl
1979-80, final tstee City of London Imperial Vols 1980-81; parish cncllr
Wansford 1989-90; chm: Stamford Arthritis Care 1994-95, Eastbourne Branch Br
Cardiac Patients Assoc 2003-07; vice-chm and tstee Friends of Eastbourne Hosps
2003-07, hosp visitor Royal Br Legion Eastbourne 2007-; pres Royal Artillery
Assoc Eastbourne 2006-; govr American Coll in Oxford 1965-68; prizes for:
athletics (including winning Barclays Bank Cross-Country Championships),
operatic singing (tenor); Freeman City of London 1964; Hon LLD, Hon MA (USA);
FHG 1965, FRSA 1974, FRSAIre 1980, FCIB 1987
assumed addl surname of AUSTIN by Deed Poll 1963 (Shetlocks Farm, Matching Tye,
Harlow, Essex; Special Forces Club), b 21 Feb 1932, educ Wellingborough and
Tottenham Grm Schs, m lst 28 March 1953 (m diss by div 1963), Anne Shirley
Berringer. He m 2ndly 28 Sept 1963, Valerie Georgina, dau of Henry Drage, of
Tottenham, London, and by her has iss:
7/1. Matthew Richard b 10 May 1969.
7/3. Samantha Jane, b 2 Jan 1967.
6/2. Patricia Anne Cooper, b 11 April 1938,
m John James Hews, and has
7/1. Scott Jonathan Hews, b 20 Oct 1966.
7/2. Todd Damian Hews , b 20 June 1969.
7/3. Lori Daniella Hews, b 21 July 1963.
5/3. Daisy Adeline Cooper, b 7 Dec 1895, m lst 22 Nov 1918,
Raoul Devaurieux. He d 17 Feb 1937. She m 2ndly, Fernand Diou. He d 1972.
Mr A. A. Cooper m 2ndly, Marie Varteliti, of Messina, Sicily (d 1962), and d at
Messina 13 Oct 1929.
4/2. Richard Henry Cooper, b 1868.
4/3. Alfred Cooper, b 1875; d as a pow in Turkey.
4/4. William Cooper, b 4 April 1886; dunm 17 May 1941.
4/5. Henrietta Cooper, m Giovanni Flaccommio, of Messina,
Sicily. He d 16 May 1964.
4/6. Kathleen Cooper.
4/7. Ida Cooper.
2/4. Austin Cooper (Rev), Curate of Pallasgreen, co Limerick 1829-35,
of Rathdrum 1835-40, of Rathgar
1840-44, and of Kilbixy, co Westmeath from 1844, b 18 Fe 1804, educ Trin Coll.
Dublin (BA 1826, MA 1832), m 10 Sept 1829, Margaret (d 3 Dec 1861), dau of
James Armstrong, Solicitor, and niece of Rt Hon John Hatchell, and d 3 Dec
1871, having had issue,
3/1. Austin Damer Cooper, of Drumnigh House, co Dublin, JP, Commr
of Peace co Dublin, b 2 Jan 1831
educ Trin Coll. Dublin (matric 1848), m 1st 17 Jan 1853: Caroline Anne Maria (d
30 Sept 1884), dau of Rev Mark Bloxham, of Glenmore Glebe, co Antrim, and
grand-dau of Mark Bloxham, JP, Lord Mayor of Dublin, and had issue,
4/l. Austin Nathaniel Cooper, MD, Burg Gt S Rlys, b 9 Dec 1853,
educ R Coll. of Surgs Dublin, m 6 Oct 1893, Mary Thorn, of Tamworth, and d 11 July 1898, having had issue, a dau, d an inf 20 Nov 1895.
4/2. Mark Bloxham Cooper, KC, of Fitzwilliam Street, Dublin,
Barrister-at-law, King's Inns
1885, apptd Jr Counsel for Crown Nenagh 1897, and Clonmel 1903, mem Leinster
Circuit 1890-l9I9, Crown Counsel Winter Assizes 1900, 1904, 1913 and 1915,
Senior Crown Counsel, Wexford 1916, Counsel to Attorney-Gen 1918, apptd Divnl
Justice, Dublin 1919, S to Ch Magistracy on apptment as Justice of Dist Court
l924, b 18 Sept 1855, m 3 April 1888, Susan Westropp (d 1929), dau of Major
Matthew Pennefather Lloyd, 59th Regt, and d 4 Nov 1929, leaving issue,
5/1. Matthew Pennefather Lloyd Cooper, of Drumnigh House,
co Dublin, and Breckland House,
Garboldisham, Norfolk, served in World War I in Flanders with R Inniskilling
Fus, Garrison Adjt Colchester 1932-37 (ret as Capt), re-empd in World War II as
Major (Staff), Bursar Dauntsey's Sch 1937-58, b 19 March 1892, educ Wesley
Coll. Dublin, m 22 Jan 1916, Katherine Mary (Breckland House, Garboldisham,
Diss, Norfolk), eldest dau of John Burtteas, of Finnoe House, Borrisokane, co
Tipperary, and d 2 June 1969, leaving issue,
6/1. Austin Eric Lloyd Cooper, Major E Surrey Regt (ret),
served in World War II with 4th
Divn and IA, Staff Capt Rhine Army, personnel mgr (The Old Vicarage, Hayton, Nr
Retford, Notts), b 1918, educ ISC, and RMC Sandhurst, m Margaret J. C. French,
and has issue,
7/l. John Godfrey Cooper, b 1951.
7/2. Robert Sebastian Cooper, b 1962.
7/3. Celia Margaret Cooper, b 1947.
7/4. Catherine Sophia Cooper, b 1948.
7/5. Lucy Mary Clare Cooper, b 1953.
6/2. Anthony Matthew Cooper, Lt-Col RA (ret 1968), Corporate
Engr, served in World War II
with Combined Ops in Algeria, Middle East and Sicily, served with Regt in
Malaya and Singapore 1948- 50, Hong Kong 1956-57, Ordnance Bd 1963-66, joined
Rolls-Royce Ltd, Internat Computers Ltd 1971, Gov Letchworth Coll. of
Technology from 1974 (Summerfield House, Station Road, Whittlesford, Cambs), b
1 Feb 1921, educ Framlingham, RMA Woolwich, and RMC of Sc, m. 4 April 1945,
Tatiana Margaret, dau of Major Thomas Pollok-Shields, of Park Mount,
Pollokshields, Glasgow, and has issue,
7/1. Helen Sheila Cooper, b 24 March 1946.
7/2. Cathryn Julia Cooper, b 24 March 1946
(twin with sister Helen Sheila).
7/3. Anna Mary Cooper, b 3 Oct 1956.
5/2. Austin Owen Cooper,
served in World War I as Capt
MGC (wounded, pow), and in World War II with RAPC, W Cmd 1940-49, salaried
official Lond Stock Exchange (11 Southwood Court, Hampstead Garden Suburb,
London NW11), b 1 May 1894, educ Wesley Coll. Dublin, and Cleobury Mortimer
Coll., m 25 Aug 1920, Mary Ita, yr dau of Frederick A. England, Ch Cashier
Hibernian Bank Ltd, Dublin, and has issue,
6/1. Austin Ashley Cooper, b 11 June 1923,
educ De la Salle Sch, Cardiff.
6/2. Frederick Owen Cooper,
served with RAF in India and
Burma, Communications Technician for News Internat (381 Pinner Rood, Harrow,
Middx), b 8 June 1926, educ St Iltyd's Cardiff, m 1959, Barbara Davis, and has
7/l. Christine Lilly Cooper, b 5 Oct 1960.
7/2. Mary Alice Cooper, b 27 July 1962.
7/3. Frances Patricia Cooper, b. 12 March 1965.
6/3. Joan Maureen Cooper, b26 May1921, m 4 Jan 1943,
S/Ldr Eric Cawdery, RAF, and has issue, two sons and two daus.
5/3. Mark Cyril Cooper, b 1896, educ Wesley Coll. Dublin,
m Olive, yr dau of John
Burgess, of Finnoe House, Borrisoksne, co Tipperary, and has issue,
6/1. Pamela Cooper.
5/4. Anna Hickman Susie Cooper, b
10 April 1898; d 2 Oct 1899.
5/5. Caroline Anne Cooper, m. Frank Round, of Gloucester.
4/3. William Reginald Cooper, FRCSI, b July 1857,
m. 1888, Cherry Jane, dau of Rev -
Champion, and had issue,
5/1. William Cherry Cooper, b 1890; drowned at sea 1914.
4/4. John Anthony Ashley Cooper, of Cooper Hill (which he inherited
from his aunts Sophia and
Clamina), JP Kimberley, S Africa, b 22 April 1860, m. 1885, Lettie Caroline van
Breda de Jongh (dl4Sept 1938),dau of H. C. van Breda, of Cape Town, S Africa,
and d 1936, leaving issue,
5/l. Austin Henry Ashley-Cooper, of Cape Town, S Africa,
b 21 Oct 1892, m. Helena Sampson, and had issue.
5/2. Cecil Charles Cooper, b 20
July 1896.
5/3. Eileen Edith Adelaide Cooper, b 23 March 1889,
m. William Hawley, and had issue.
4/5. Alfred James Sisson Cooper, MD, of Birkenhead, Cheshire,
b 3 Sept 1866, m. Marion Glynn, and d May 1909, leaving issue, one dau.
4/6. Albert Damer Cooper, of Drumnigh House, Kinsaley, co Dublin,
left funds for publn of diaries of Austin Cooper, FSA (see above), b 27 March 1868; d 10 Dec 1939.
4/7. Margaret Sarah Cooper, b 1
May 1862; d 4 Jan 1864.
4/8. Caroline Anne Cooper, b 11 Sept 1864,
m. John Haines, and d 1958.
4/8. Marcia Sarah Cooper, b 12 Feb 1874, m. Major Edward Neville
Townsend, DSO (see TOWNSHEND), and dsp.
Mr. A.D. Cooper m 2ndly 29 April 1886, Jane Adelaide, yr dau of Francis Massy, of Suir Castle, co Tipperary (see BURKE'S Peerage, MASSY, B), and d 2 Jan 1900.
3/2. James Sisson Cooper, of Pallasgreen, co Limerick,
sometime Ensign R North Lincoln Militia, served in Crimean War and Indian Mutiny, b 17 Oct 1832, m. Ann Parks, and d 5 April 1898, having had issue,
4/1. James Sisson Ashley Cooper,
b 20 May 1874; lost at sea.
4/2. Austin Damer Cooper, b 21 June 1878.
4/3. Charles John Cooper, b 10 Nov 1881.
4/4. Annie Margaret Kathleen Cooper, b 5 Sept 1875.
4/4. Mary Amelia Josephine Cooper, b 5 March 1877.
4/3. Annita Victoria Cooper, b 14 April 1879,
m. 1909, C. D. Jenkin, and had issue, one son.
4/4. Evelyn Frances Armstrong Cooper, b 12 Dec 1883.
3/3. John Hatchell Cooper, b 13 Jan 1836, m. Adelaide (d 24 July)
dau of Rev William Henry
Stanford, of Rincurran, co Cork, and had issue,
4/1. Henry Samuel Austin Cooper, b 27 Aug 1875, m. Edith Mary,
dau of Edward Clarke, of Kingstown.
3/4. George William Cooper, of Clonskeagh, co Dublin, b 18 Feb 1839,
m. 1st 30 July 1862, Emily
Esther, dau of Rev Mathew Daniel Peter, of Janeville, and had issue,
4/1. Austin Edwin Cooper, m. Mary Hunter.
Mr G. W. Cooper m. 2ndly, -, and d 1889.
3/5. Samuel Cooper, b 28 June 1844, m. Virginia Stanford,
and d 20 March 1892.
3/6. Sarah Josephine Cooper, b
18 Jan 1834; dunm 10 May 1854.
3/7. Margaret Jane Amelia Cooper, b 30 Aug 1840,
m. 28 Nov 1872, Charles William Baylee, of Mount Baylee, co Clare, and had issue, one dau.
2/5. Jane Rebecca Cooper, b 28
Nov 1789; dunm.18 June 1813.
2/6. Catherine Clements Cooper, b 11 July 1792, m. Bernard Shaw,
and d 1874.
2/7. Elizabeth Cooper, b 19 March
1795; d 27 Jan 1801.
2/8. Sarah Cooper, b 29 Aug 1799,
m. William Shaw, of St Doughlough's House (now Rodhomer), co Dublin, and d 21 Oct 1869, leaving issue, one son.
1/4. Jane Cooper, b 30 April 1748, d young
1/5. Jane Cooper, b 29 June 1749, d young.
1/6. Anne Cooper, b 28 June 1751; d 7 Feb l828.
1/7. Dorothea Cooper, b 28 Oct 1752,
m. 20 Nov 1776, Laurence Clutterbuck, and had issue.
1/8. Elizabeth Cooper, b 26 Jan 1754; dunm.
1/9. Jane Cooper, b 9 Jan 1755, m. Thomas Dixon, Councillor-at-law.
1/10. Susanna Cooper, b 10 Sept 1757; dunm. 1832.
1/11. Sarah Cooper, b 16 Sept 1761, m. Thomas Haffield, and d 1821.
1/12. Martha Cooper, b 13 June 1762, m. Edward Purdue.
1/12. Rebecca Cooper, b 15 Jan 1763.
of Beamore and Calligatown, co Meath, and Butterhill, co Wicklow, b 1686, m
Dorothea (d 12 April 1750), dau of William Harrison, of Carlisle, and d 26 Dec
1761, having had issue,
1/1. John Cooper, of Cooper Hill, co Meath, Ch Clerk to Dep Vice- Treas
1742-93 (where he was s. by his
nephew Austin - see below), known as "John of the Treasury", b 12 Oct
1719, educ Custom House, Drogheda, m 18 Sept 1753, Mary Anne (d 14 July 1777),
dau and co-heiress of Thomas Paget, and d 1808, having had issue,
2/1. Thomas Cooper, b 13 Aug 1754; d Dec 1754.
2/2. John Cooper, b 20 April 1758; d 24 April 1759.
2/3. Nathaniel Cooper, of Cooper Hill, Capt 68th Regt, b 1761,
m 24 April 1795, Elizabeth, 2nd
dau of Hugh Montgomery Lyons (see Lyons-Montgomery), and d 3 April 1818,
leaving issue,
3/1. Nathaniel Cooper, of Cooper Hill, b 1802, m Anne,
dau of Col Jones William Irwin,
of Streamstown, co Sligo, by his wife Georgina, eldest dau of Hugh Montgomery
Lyons (see LYONS-MONTGOMERY), and d 1852, having had issue,
4/l. Hugh Cooper, bapt 19 July 1829; k in an accident.
4/2. Henry Alexander Cooper, of Cooper Hill, JP co Meath,
dunm 2 Jan 1896.
4/3. Nathaniel Cooper.
4/4. Georgina Cooper, dunm.
4/5. Anne Cooper, dunm.
3/2. Hugh Cooper, m Catherine, dau of Col Jones William Irwin,
of Streamstown, co Sligo, by his
wife Georgina, eldest dau of Hugh Montgomery Lyons (see LYONS-MONTGOMERY), and
d 1844, having had issue,
4/l. John Cooper, MD, went to America.
4/2. Hugh Cooper.
4/3. Elizabeth Cooper, dunm.
4/4. Sophia Cooper, m - Smith, and d 1918.
4/5. Clamina Cooper, dunm 1907.
3/3. Alexander Cooper.
3/4. John Cooper, d of cholera 1849, unm.
3/5. William Cooper, dunm.
3/6. Bess Cooper, dunm.
3/7. Kate Cooper, dunm.
2/4. Mary Anne Cooper, b 9 Jan 1757, m 12 June 1779, Capt John Greene,
of Millbrook, co Kildare, and 11 Lower Leeson Street, Dublin, and d 20 July 1819, leaving issue (see that family).
2/5. Elizabeth Cooper, b 6 Sept 1760, m Alexander Marsden, MRIA.
1/2. Thomas Cooper, d an inf.
1/3. William George Cooper, of whom presently.
1/4. Thomas Cooper, d an inf.
1/5. Samuel Cooper, of Beamore, Co Meath, b May 1729, m 18 July 1766,
Elizabeth Nugent, and d 15 May 1797, having had issue, with one dau, 2/1. Samuel Cooper, b 25 April 1771, m, and d of spotted fever
3 Nov 1797, leaving issue,
3/1. John Cooper, of Beamore, and Mount Granville,
co Meath, dunm 1 Aug 1895.
3/2. John Cooper.
1/6. Austin Cooper, of Brittam Street, Dublin, and Rockbellew, Co Meath,
m Sarah (d 2 Nov 1771), dau of
Ald Ogle, of Drogheda,and d 28 Oct 1771, leaving issue,
2/1. William Cooper, b 5 March 1760; d a lunatic 7 June 1808.
of Beamore, nr Drogheda, co Meath (1709), and Butterhill, co Wicklow, b at
Hampton Court 1653, m 15 July 1683, Susanna, dau of Ephraim Rainsford, of.
Butterhill, co Wicklow, and d 17 Oct 1743 (bur with his wife at St Mary's
Church, Drogheda), having had issue,
1/1. Samuel Cooper, of whom presently.
1/2. John Cooper, will pr 22 May 1747.
1/3. Joseph Cooper, of Barn Hall, Castletown, co Kildare,
bapt 4 May 1702, m 29 March 1748,
Hannah, dau of Sir Henry Delamain, of Dublin, and d 2 July 1786, having had
2/1. John Cooper, of Barn Hall, b 4 Sept 1749,
m 12 Aug 1775, Hannah, dau of
Jonathan Sisson, of Milltown and Lucan, and d 24 Dec 1785, having had issue,
3/1. Joseph Cooper, of 9 Clare Street, Dublin, Solicitor,
b 14 May 1776, m 3 June 1799,
Sarah Battersby, and d 2 April 1814, having had issue,
4/l. John Cooper, dunm 1809.
4/2. William Cooper, of 9 Clare Street, Dublin,
m 1828, Anna James, of Ballychnatal, co Wesford, and d 1889, leaving issue, two sons and three daus.
4/3. Penelope Cooper.
4/4. Anne Cooper.
4/5. Sarah Cooper.
4/6. Kate Cooper.
3/2. Jonathan Cooper, of Barn Hall, b 5 July 1777,
m 13 July 1799, Anna Maria, dau
of Francis Kirchhoffer, by his wife Sarah Brooke, and d 18 Nov 1850, having had
issue (with ten other children),
4/l. John Joseph Cooper.
4/2. Jonathan Sisson Cooper (Very Rev), of Barn Hall,
Dean of Ferns, b 1820, educ Trin
Coll. Dublin (BA 1841, MA 1891), m 17 Jan 1845, Rosetta Louise, 3rd dau of
William Cooper, JP, of Killenure (see below), and d 18 Feb 1898, having had
5/l. Frederick Douglas Cooper, of Barn Hall, m, and
d ca 1931, leaving issue,
6/1. Sisson Douglas Beresford Cooper, of Barn Hall,
Gen Mgr Cape Argus Gp of
Newspapers, Cape Town, S Africa, b 24 April 1888, m 1925, Muriel Whiley, and
had issue,
7/1. Jonathan Sisson Cooper
(Killane, Queens Road,
Bryanstown, Transvaal, S Africa), b 27 Jan 1927, m, and has issue,
8/1.Jonathan Sisson Cooper.
8/2. Robert Cooper.
8/3. Clare Cooper.
7/2. Anne Virginia Cooper, b 16 Dec1931,
m Mr Bell, and has issue, three sons and one dau.
6/2. Austin Clare Cooper,
poster and abstract artist,
served in World War I with Canadian Black Watch, b 6 March 1890, m, and d Aug
1964, leaving issue,
7/1. Jonathan Austin Litchfield Cooper,
printing offr with HMSO and FO
(267 Norcot Road, Tilehurst, Reading, Berks), b 9 Feb 1926, m 5 Dec 1959, Mary
Home, and has issue,
8/1. Nicholas Cooper, b 14 March 1965.
7/1. Chloe Cooper, b 21 May1923, m Geoffrey Salter
(33 Bark Place, Bayswater, London W2), and has issue, one dau.
6/3. Honoria Fairbridge Cooper, b 24 Sept 1883,
m William Gouinlock Benson, and d 1955, leaving issue, two sons and two daus.
6/4. Dorothea Lucinda Cooper, b 20 April 1885;
dunm 4 July 1939.
5/2. Henry Massey Cooper.
5/3. Alfred William Cooper (Ven), Archdeacon of Calgary,
b 28 March 1848; d 14 Nov 1920.
5/4. Jonathan Sisson Cooper (Rev), Rector of Coolock,
Co Dublin, b Sept 1851, educ
Rathmines Sch, m Lina Nainee, authoress of "Charity Moore, We Wives, The
Cathedral Cave", etc, dau of Major Charles Edward Orman, 29th Bengal NI,
and d 5 Feb 1896, leaving issue,
6/l. John Sisson Orman Cooper, b 6 Dec 1885;
dunm 26 July 1922.
6/2. Nora Cooper, d young.
6/3. Theodora Cooper, b 7 July 1895,
m 19 Dec 1916, Major Charles Ernest Farran, JP, MICE, MIWE (20 South Parade, Doncaster, Yorks), and has issue, three sons (see BURKE'S LG, 1952 Edn).
5/5. Eleanor Violet Cooper.
5/6. Rosamund Rebecca Cooper.
5/7. Anna Maria Lucinda Cooper.
4/3. Frances Agnes Cooper,
m 1827, Lt-Gen Sir Thomas Simson Pratt, KCB, of Camden Crescent, Bath, son of Capt James Pratt, and had issue, 4 sons and one dau.
4/4. Sarah Honoria Cooper, m 29 Jan 1828, Capt William
Hurt Sitwell, of Barmoor Castle, Northumberland, and d 13 April 1892, having had issue (see BURKE'S LGiii). He d 17 Jan 1865.
4/5. Lucinda Brooke Cooper, dunm.
4/6. Elizabeth Frances Cooper,
m. Brooke Francis Norris, and had issue, one son.
3/3. John Cooper, b 1780; d
3/4. Robert Cooper, m, and had issue,
4/1. Austin Cooper.
4/2. Robert Cooper.
3/5. Hannah Cooper.
3/6. Sarah Cooper, b 1778, m 1805,
Daniel Simmonds, of Collinstown, co Kildare, and d 1863. He d 1860.
3/7. Catherine Cooper, b 1779,
m Edward Simmonds, Solicitor, and d 1806, leaving issue, one son and one dau.
3/8. Maria Cooper.
3/9. Jane Cooper.
2/2. Joseph Cooper, b 24 Se Pt
1750; d an inf.
2/3. George Cooper, b 27 aug 1752,
m 18 July 1787, Caroline
Symmonds, and d 19 Feb 1818.
A possible son:
George Cooper b1791 in county Kildare (we believe), m Emily Buck. George left
Ireland and went to New South Wales, Australia, thence to New Zealand where he
held the position of the first Treasurer of New Zealand, returned to Australia
and dying in Victoria 17Apr1867.[152]
2/4. Henry Cooper, b 27 Dec 1753;
d 17 Nov 1773.
2/5. Michael Cooper, b 16 Sept 1757.
2/6. William Cooper.
2/7. Thomas Cooper.
2/8. Sarah Cooper, dumn
2/9. Susanna dunm.
2/10. Catherine Cooper, dunm
1/4 Mary Cooper, died youg.
1/5. Sarah Cooper, b. 1703, m William Rainsford, and d Feb 1764.
1/6. Susanna Cooper, dunm.
1/7. Esther Cooper , dunm
1/8. Rebecca Cooper, m - Gordon, had issue, one son and one dau.
(whose father held an apptment at Court of King Charles I), inherited paternal
ppty at Byfleet, Surrey, and there purchased lands from Col Thomas Hammond, a
Cromwellian soldier (see Close Rolls ref C54/3712 1653), but, although
Royalist, was obliged to forfeit them, whereupon he sold all his possessions in
England for £1,500 and went to Blessington, co Wicklow, in 1661 before the
passing of the Act of Oblivion and was empd by Primate Boyle in laying out the
gardens there ("These gardens were laid down by an English gentleman who
abandoned his estate at Byfleet, Sussex (sic) to escape the persecution of
Cromwell" - Historical Memoirs of the Irish Bards, by Joseph Cooper
Walker). "Austin the Settler", famed for his feats of strength
("taking two men, one in each hand, slapping them together and throwing
them on a dunghill") was b ca 1620, m at Hampton Court, Mary, dau of Henry
Dodson, of Kingston-on-Thames, and niece of Erasmus Smith (who left large
estates for the endowment of schs in Ireland), and d ante l690,
having had issue,
1/1. Thomas Cooper, of Aughfarrell, co Wicklow,
bapt 26 Feb 1651/2, m -, dau of
Brettridge Badham, of Cork, and had issue,
2/1. John Cooper.
2/2. Rebecca Cooper,
m Thomas Walker, of Coventry, and had issue.
2/3 a dau.
2/4. Martha Cooper.
1/2. George Cooper, dunm in England.
1/3. John Dodson Cooper, bur 30 Oct 1661.
1/4. John Cooper, dunm at Ballykinlar, Lecale, co Down 1702.
1/5. Austin Cooper, of whom presently.
1/6. William Cooper, d as the result of a fall from his horse.
1/7. Joseph Cooper, Keeper of New Park (Richmond Park), b 1674,
m Elizabeth Slade ("lived 50
years in the Park-was married to the keeper, and was prior to her marriage Lord
Rochester's dairy-maid", at 7l years appeared as a prosecution witness in
the Richmond Park trial), and d 7 Feb 1735 (bur with his wife at Petersham), leaving
2/1. Augustine Cooper, of East Sheen, and Claygate, Surrey,
bapt 15 Oct 1712; d 5 July 1775.
2/2. Susan Cooper.
2/3 Mary Cooper, m - Cairncross, and had issue, two sons.
2/4 Sarah Cooper, m - Neill, and had issue, two daus.
2/5. Elizabeth Cooper.
7.13The Ancient History of the Surname Chidwick
found on this site 4/2007.
The chronicles of England, shrouded by the mists of time, reveal the early
records of the name Chidwick as a Norman surname which ranks as one of the
oldest. The history of the name is interwoven in the colourful fabric which is
part of the history of Britain.
Careful research by professional analysts using such ancient manuscripts as the
Domesday Book (compiled in 1086 by William the Conqueror), the Ragman Rolls,
the Wace poem, the Honour Roll of the Battle Abbey, The Curia Regis, Pipe
Rolls, the Falaise Roll, tax records, baptismal records, family genealogies and
local parish records shows the first record of the name Chidwick was found in
Staffordshire where they were seated from very early times and were granted
lands by the Duke William of Normandy their liege lord, for their distinguished
assistance at the Battle of Hastings in 1066 A.D.
Many alternate spellings were found. They were typically linked to a common
root, usually one of the Norman nobles at the Battle of Hastings. The name
Chidwick occurred in many references, and from time to time, the surname
included the spellings Chadwick, Chadwicks, Chadwicke, Chadwyck, Chaddick,
Chadwich, Chedwick, and many more. Scribes recorded and spelled the name as it
sounded. It was not unlikely that a person would be born with one spelling,
married with another, and buried with a headstone which shown yet another. All
three spellings related to the same person. Sometimes preferences for
difference spelling variations either came from a division of the family or for
religious reasons or sometimes for patriotic reasons.
The family name Chidwick is believed to be descended from the Norman race.
They were commonly believed to be of French origin but were more accurately of
Viking origin. The Vikings landed in the Orkneys and Northern Scotland about
the year 870 A.D., under their Chief Stirgud the Stout. Later, under their
Jarl, Thorfinn Rollo, they invaded France about 940 A.D. After they laid siege
to Paris, the French king Charles the Simple finally conceded defeat and
granted northern France to Rollo. Rollo became the first Duke of Normandy, the
territory of the north men. Duke William who invaded and defeated England in
1066 was descended from the first Duke Rollo of Normandy.
Duke William took a census of most of England in 1086, and recorded it in the
Doomsday Book. A family name capable of being traced back to this document or
to Hastings, was a signal of honour and for most families during the middle
ages and even to this day.
The surname Chidwick emerged as a notable English family name in the county of
Staffordshire where they were recorded as a family of great antiquity seated at
Rideware with manor and estates in that shire. They were descendant from the
Archbishop of Rheims through the renowned Sir Guy Mauvoisin surnamed le Barbu
living in 1080 at Rosny in Nantes in Normandy. They moved to Lancashire
settling in Chadwick in Spotland. Adam Bamford, Lord of the manor of Chadwick,
rented lands to William Chadwick of Chadwick in 1335. They continued to hold
property in Healy in Lancashire and Marvesyn (Mauvoisin) and Rideware in
Staffordshire. By the 16th century they had acquired Switon Hall in Lancashire
which became the main branch of the family. This branch in turn acquired
Puddleston Court in the county of Hereford. Notable amounst the family at this
time was Chadwick of Swinton Hall.
The surname Chidwick contributed much to the local politics and in the affairs
of England or Scotland. During the 12th century, many of these Norman families
moved north to Scotland following Earl David of Huntingdon who would be become
King of Scotland. Later, in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries, England and
Scotland ware ravaged by religious and political conflict. The Monarchy, the
church and parliament fought for supremacy. The unrest caused many to think of
distant lands. Settlers in Ireland became known as "adventurers for land
in Ireland". They "undertook" to keep the protestant faith and
were granted lands previously owned by the Irish. In Ireland they settled in
Ballinard in the county of Limeric, and Killenure Castle in county Tipperary.
The attractions of the New World spread like wildfire. Many sailed abroad the
fleet of sailing ships known as the "White Sails".
In North America, migrants which could be considered a kinsman of the family
name Chidwick, or variable spellings of the name, included Charles Chadwick who
settled in Salem Mass. in 1630, and an important branch of the family settled
in Toronto, Canada. Elizabeth Chadwick settled in Potomac Maryland in 1728.
Elles, George, James, John, Joseph, Mathias, Nathaniel, Robert, Samuel, Thomas
and William all arrived in Philadelphia between 1775 and 1850. From the port of
arrival many settlers joined the wagon trains westward. During the War of
Independence, some declare their loyalty to the Crown and moved northward into
Canada and became known as the United Empire Loyalists.
Meanwhile, the family name was active in the social stream. There were many
notables of this name, including
Sir Albert Chadwick
Very Rev. Henry Chadwick, Dean of Christ Church, Oxford.
Sir John Chadwick,
Lynn Chadwick, sculptor
Sir Burton Chadwick
Sir James Chadwick, F.R.S. physicist, collaborator in Atomic research, who
discovered the neutron in 1932 which led to the production of the atomic bomb.
In the process of researching the Chidwick name, we also traced the most
ancient grant of Coat of Arms from the branches which developed their own
Arms, which was "red with a small silver shield surrounded by eight
silver birds".
The crest is a lily.
The ancient family motto is "In Candore Decus".
This line is deduced mainly from the Dictionary of National Biography: however,
it doe not seem to fit the John Gurney born 1718 as he died in 1779. When our
John Gurney who married Katherine Bell in 1775, his father was already dead,
though his mother Elizabeth was still alive.
John Gurney, 1655-1721, mar Elizabeth Swanton, snr 1721
Died 12th 10th(Dec) 1721, John Gurney
snr, Norwich in 55th year
1/1. John Gurney, 1688-1741[153],
jnr 1721
Mar 9/8/1709, Elizabeth Hadduck,
dau of Joseph
John Gurney of Gregory’s parish, Norwich, Weaver, son of John Gurney, &
Elizabeth Hadduck of Andrews parish, Norwich, dau of Joseph Hadduck, dcd, mar 9
Aug 1709. Wits, John, Eliz, Joseph & Benj Gurney and others.
Elizabeth Hadduck, b Woodbridge Suffolk Quaker, 28/3/1691, of Ipswich, Joseph
& Elizabeth.
Elizabeth Gurney, widow died Norwich, 10th 4th 1757, aged
Died Norwich, John Gurney 28/1/1740-1 in 53rd year.
2/1. John Gurney, b 3/8/1718
John, the son of John Gurney and
Elizabeth, his wife, was born 3/8/1718 in Augustine Parish, Norwich City. Wit
Sarah Gurney.
John Gurney the elder, banker died 2/8/1779, Norwich. Aged 61
2/2. Henry Gurney 1721-1777
Henry, the son of John Gurney,
jnr & Elizabeth his wife was born on the 23rd 5th mo
June 1721 Augustine Parish, Norwich wit Hannah Gurney etc.
Died 4/7/1777 Henry Gurney, banker of city of Norwich aged 56.
Joseph Gurney, born 24/3/1691 of John & Elizabeth of
He died 7/2/1750, in his 59th year having been an eminent Quaker
Mar, John Gurney & Elizabeth Dickson, Westminster, 27/8/1746, the only
suitable one found.
Died Samuel Gurney, Norwich, Quaker, 30th 3rd 1770, 47th
This John does not work as his wife Elizabeth was still alive when John &
Katherine were married.
Born John Gurney, Norwich Quaker, 8/3/1715-6 of Joseph & Hannah.
On Tuesday (15/3/1755) last, Mr John Gurney, a manufacturer in this city well
known in the mercantile world, was married to Mrs Anne Kendall, a Lady of fine
Accomplshments and unblemished character.[155]
Died John Gurney 22 4th mo 1770 55th year of life,
Norwich, Quaker.
Last Week (May 1770) died at Norwich, Mr John Gurney, one of the people called
Quakers; a gentleman of immense fortune, and the largest dealer in Irish
worsted in the kingdom[156].
Died Ann dau of John & Ann Gurney 19th 1st mo 1772,
in 15th year, Norwich.
Robert Barclay of the city of London, merchant, son of Alexander Barclay, late
of Philadelphia and Ann his wife, both deceased and Rachel Gurney, daughter of
John Gurney, late of Norwich, merchant and Elizabeth his wife, him surviving,
2/10/1775, at the Meeting House Norwich...married.
Monday (2/10/1775) married at the Quakers Meeting House, Norwich, Mr Robert
Barclay of cheapside, London to Miss Rachael Gurney, dau of the late Mr John
Gurney of this city[157].
Ispwich, 27/9/1788, died in St Giles, Mrs Elizabth Gurney, relict of Mr John
1/4/1803, Mrs Ann Gurney, relict of the late Mr John Gurney of Norwich, banker[158],
A Richard Gurney bur Hownslow, 10/2/1828, aged 73.
A Richard Gurney of Keswick, Norfolk died abt 27/7/1811: he had also been a
Trustee of the Norwich Insurance Co.
Thursday last (Jun 1825), died at Keswick (Norfolk) aged 66, Mrs Gurney, relict
of the late Richard Gurney esq[159].
Jean Casper (about August 2003)
I realize that I should have sent you the obit so that you could see why
I believe we are concerned with the same family.
Toronto Daily News
Thursday, Oct. 13, 1960
Page 9
C. Macdonald
Funeral services will be held tomorrow at 1:30 p.m. in St.
James the Less chapel for Claude Macdonald, 60, of Bernard Ave., chieftain of a
Scottish Highland clan, who died Monday. Mr. Macdonald worked for Dominion
Securities Corp. Ltd. here for 40 years.
Born in Flushing, N.Y., he was educated at St. Andrew’s College here. His title
was chieftain of the House of Macdonald of Sanda, an island off the west coast
of Scotland. He was recognized in 1957 as 16th in succession to the title.
Mr. Macdonald was a member of the Royal Canadian Yacht club and an ardent
bowler. He is survived by two sisters, Carolyn Macdonald and Mrs. Edward
Toronto Daily Star 12 Oct 1960
Donald Claude 16th Chieftan of Sanda d Tuesday Oct 11, 1960. 93 Bernard Ave.
Son of late Donald and Florence Macdonald, brother of Carolyn and Margorie.
Interment at St. James Cemetery. Died at Wellesley Hospital, Toronto.
Globe has the same as above.
As I said, I have been working on this family (Macdonald of Sanda) and would
like to fit Donald Claude into the family tree. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Jean Casper
7.16William Eade Will – proved 1824
From PRO Canterbury Wills
Son of Jonathan Eade, and uncle of Caroline Eade, 2nd wife of John
Craven Chadwick, jnr.
The Last Will and Testament of me William Eade of Bordeaux in the kingdom of France
now at Hitchin in the County of Hertford esquire
I appoint my brother in law Doctor Samuel Pitt my brother Joseph Eade and my
friend Benjamin Aislabie of the ?? wine merchant Executors of my will and
Guardians of my children during their respective minorities
I give each of them the sum of ten pounds for a ring and the sum of ten pounds
to my mother in law Mrs Vaux my uncle Bowles and Aunt Roberts each for a ring
I give mourning rings to each of my friends as my executors may think proper
I give to my son William my Gold Watch Chain and seals and my books
And to my daughters Margaret and Mary Ann such of the trinkets or other
valuables of that sort which I may die possessed of as my executors may think
proper to divide between them
I give to my said Brother Joseph five hundred pounds and the choice of a
picture from the collection I may possess at my decease
I devise to my said Brother Joseph and his heirs my freehold cottage with the
Appurtenances at Stoke Newington in the County of Middlesex in the occupation
of William Crawslay esquire subject to the payment of my debts funeral expenses
and the aforesaid legacies
I give and bequeath to my said executors all my personal estate whatsoever and
wheresoever upon trust to convert into money each part thereof as shall not
consist of money and to invest the same in their names upon Government or real
securities and out of the dividends and interest
I direct them to pay to my honoured mother during her life annuity of fifty
pounds half yearly to commence from my decease
And I authorise and direct my said trustees and executors to apply so much as
shall think fit of the remainder of such interest and dividends in the
maintenance support education and advancement in the world of my three children
William Margaret and Mary Ann during their respective minorities giving to my
said trustees and executors in this respect the power of a parent and directing
that shall not be liable to any amount for the application of such profits and
And I desire that the net surplus of such interest /if any/ may accumulate
during the minorities of my children and for that purpose be from time to time
invested in the names of my said Trustees and Executors or of the survivors or
survivor of them upon Government or real securities
I give and bequeath to each of my said daughters Margaret and Mary Ann two
seventh parts of the residue of my personal estate to be paid to them
respectively at the age of twenty one years or on the day of their marriage
respectively with the consent of their Guardians or the survivor of them which
shall first happen
And I bequeath the remaining 3 seventh part of my personal estate to my said
son William to be paid to him at his age of twenty one years
And in case of the death of either of them my said daughters before the time of
payment I give the share of her so dying equally between her surviving sister
and my said son William
And in case my said son shall die under the age of twenty one years and without
leaving issue I give and bequeath his share unto and equally between my said
daughters to be paid with their original legacies
And so in like manner in case of the death of any other of them I give the
while to the survivor to be paid with his or her original share
And in case of the death of my said son under the age of twenty one years and
without leaving issue and of both of my daughters under the age of twenty one
years and without having been married /with such consent as aforesaid/ I give
to my said brother Joseph All my personal estate subject to the payment of one
third part thereof between such of my sisters or to an only sister or the
children of any or any out of my sisters who in his judgement shall most stand
in need of it leaving the distribution thereof entirely to his discretion and without
liability to account for the same
I hereby expressly authorise and empower
my said Trustees and Executors and the survivor or survivors of them to advance
to or for my said son and daughters respectively during their minorities for
his or her advancement in the world and any part of his or her legacy or share
not exceeding in one third part thereof
I declare that it shall be lawful for my said trustees and executors and each
of them out of the money which shall come to them or his hands to deduct and
retain and each to pay the other all such costs charges damages and expenses as
they or either of them shall sustain or be put unto in or about the execution
of this my will or the trusts thereof and that one of them shall not be
answerable or accountable for the other of them or for the acts of the other of
them but each of them only for his own acts receipts ??? or defaults and that
neither of them shall be answerable or accountable for any loss which may
happen in placing the trust money in any such bank or bankers hands or
otherwise in the execution of the trusts of my will save only such loss as may
happen by this wilful neglect of default
In virtue whereof I have to each sheet of this my will contained in three
sheets of paper set my hand this second day of August one thousand eight
hundred and eighteen.
Witnessed John Hawkins Francis Pett R Dimsey
Codicil to my Will
Whereas I have by my within will bequeathed two seventh parts of the residue of
my personal estate to each of my daughters & the remaining three seventh
parts to my son now I do hereby revoke such bequest as far as it relates to the
division thereof & do in lieu bequeath such residue equally between me said
children at the same time in such manner & form & with such benefit of
survivorship as I have by said will expressed with regard to the bequest of the
residue & I confirm my within will in all other respects dated 21st
day of July one thousand eight hundred & twenty two
A codicil to the will of William Eade
I appoint in addition to the execturs named in my last will & testament my
son William Aislabie to be one of my executors
I give to my nephew Edward Bell residing here in Bordeaux one thousand francs
to my friend Henry Willson my silver and steels Russian Snuff Box & the
Alabaster Ornament representing the nape of a Sabine Woman To my Cook Cadette
one hundred francs
I direct that my Colthes may be disposed of or given away as my executors may
I recommend that my business here may be brought to a close as soon as possible
consistently with due advantage to my heirs that my stock of wine fit for the
London ?? may be offered to my English Correspondents & it will be for my
executors to judge upon consulting with my nephew Ed Bell how far it may be
advisable to keep my young wines till they be fit fo ship to London or
I recommend that my private stock of wine here should be sent to London to be
sold with my private stock of wine there unless it can be disposed of to
advantage in France
I authorise my executors to continue my wine business in Bordeaux till such
time as my stock of wine there can be turned to a good account & to make
any remuneration they mmay think fit to Mr Ed Bell for his attention &
trouble beyond his share of the profits of the business & also to facilitate
in any way they may think fit towards the winding up of my concerns the views
of Ed Bell may have in forming a connection in the Bordeaux wine trade by
lending him any sum not exceeding fifty thousand francs
signed this third day of December one thousand eight hundred and twenty three.
Whereas Dr Pett one of my within named executors is lately dead
Now I do by this codicil to my said will appoint my son William Aislabie Eade
to be an Executor in his place
and whereas under the will of my late honoured mother I am entitled to a moiety
of a Copyhold house at Stoke Newington in the County of Midx and my brother
Joseph having agreed to sell me the other moiety thereof I devise to my said
son and his heirs the said Copyhold house with the appurtenances he accounting
to each of his sisters for the sum of four hundred pounds
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand the twelfth day of February 1824
Appeared John Vaux of Hyde in the Isle of White Gentleman etc
18 Sept 1824 (proved 25 September 1824).
PHOTOS in FOLDER from Tim Ford[xxxix]
Its been a few years, but I thought the attached find would interest you. Just returned from the UK (from my Mother's 90th birthday) and a quick rummage in her basement produced an album with a couple of penciled names. #1 in the album was just labeled "Chadwick", and the studio had sites in Montreal, Ottawa and Halifax.
#2-#5 (later in the album) were labeled "Fred Chadwick", "his wife", "their" and "children." The last two on adjacent pages with the final one also dated April 69. #2-4 were taken at the same studio in Dublin, and #5 (dated) at a studio in Guelph.
#2 & 3 must be Frederick Jasper and Elizabeth Chadwick. #4 & 5 might be the two girls, Louisa Caroline and Charlotte Rose taken at different times, first in Dublin then in Guelph, but the Dublin picture could also suggest a boy (from the hair, they used to wear dresses when very young), possibly Jasper William? There was also Edward Ernest, but he only lived for six months, and the baby looks more like a one-year old (not that I'm a good judge of children).
I'd be interested in your thoughts. Many other unidentified pictures in the album, with a few labels, including some Bostocks (from the Dillon/Bell connection) and Boltons.
In 1799 John Craven Chadwick married Elizabeth, daughter of Samuel Cooper of Killenure Castle, county Tipperary. They had seven sons and four daughters.
MONEY- FROM £400 TO £500 to be Disposed of, or an Annuity on the Life of a Middling Person.
—Apply to AUSTIN C. CHADWICK., Esq. Ballinard, Tipperary.
Clonmel Herald - Saturday 30 August 1828
MARRIED At Cove, on the 22d inst., Anna Matilda, daughter of Dr. E. Millet, to Austin C. Chadwick of Damerville, Esq. After the ceremony, the happy pair set off for the family mansion at Ballinard, County Tipperary, to spend the holidays.
Cork Constitution - Thursday 24 December 1829
MARRIAGES On Thursday, at the Cathedral of Emly, William, eldest son of John Craven Chadwick, Esq. of Ballinard, to Wilhelmina Augusta, daughter of the late Rev. John Seymour, of Tipperary, and niece to Sir M. Seymour, Bart.
Limerick Chronicle - Saturday 25 February 1832
On the 30th ult. [ie June], Richard Martin Forsayeth, Esq., M. D.. of Templemore, to Miss Catherine Chadwick, of Ballinard, near Tipperary.
Warder and Dublin Weekly Mail - Wednesday 04 July 1832
MARRIED. On Saturday, the 4th inst., at Doon church, by the Rev. Mr. Atkinson, Letitia, fourth daughter of the late Thomas Hall, of Tipperary, Esq., to Samuel C. Chadwick, of Ballinard, in the same county, Esq.
Waterford Mail - Wednesday 08 August 1832
At the Cathedral of Emly, by the Rev. Robert Armstrong, the Rev. John Seymour, nephew of Sir Michael Seymour, Bart., to Frances Butler Chadwick, eldest daughter of John Craven Chadwick, Esq., of Ballinard, County Tipperary.
Warder and Dublin Weekly Mail - Wednesday 01 May 1833
‘On Sunday, the 11th Dec. instant, Wilhelmina, wife of William Chadwick, of Ballinard, county Tipperary, Esq. The endearing qualities of this most excellent woman were many, and truly might we say she possessed that precious gift "charity” so beautifully explained by Saint Paul in the 13th chapter of his first Epistle to the Corinthians.’
Limerick Chronicle - Wednesday 14 December 1836
This ode to Wilhemina’s memory appeared in the Limerick Chronicle of 7 January 1837:
MARRIED, At Ballintemple Church, the Rev. J. C. Armstrong, of Mealiffe Glebe, county Tipperary, to Caroline Darner, youngest daughter of John C. Chadwick, Ballinard, Esq. Dublin Evening Post - Tuesday 24 July 1838
December 22, at St Peter’s Church, by the Rev. Joseph Armstrong, and immediately after, at 14, Pembroke-place, by the Rev. Gregory Lynch, R.C.C. of Westland Row, William Chadwick, of Ballinard. county Tipperary, Esq., to Charlotte, third daughter of the late John Bourchier, of Baggotstown, County Limerick. Esq.
Dublin Evening Mail - Friday 24 December 1847
[Gregory Lynch was a prominent Catholic parish priest in Dublin so this was a mixed marriage. Joseph Armstrong was William Chadwick’s brother-in-law, as per next entry. I did wonder if this was a source of scandal but the Bourchier entry in Burke’s Landed Gentry of Ireland and The Plantagent Roll of the Blood Royal: The Mortimer-Percy Volume (Heritage Books, 2013), available via Google Books, shows the Bourchiers of Baggotstown and the Chadwicks were related multiple times since the 18th century so I do not think there is anything untoward here …].
Edward Chadwick of Ballinard recorded as a juror at the trail of Thomas Francis Meagher in 1848. He was the Young Ireland leader and future governor of Montana.
The National Library of Ireland holds a copy of a grant of arms to Richard Cooper of Killenure Castle, Co. Tipperary and Catherine, elder daughter and co-heir of William Chadwick of Ballinard, Co. Tipperary on their assuming at marriage and under Royal Licence the name and arms of Cooper Chadwick, March 10, 1855.
‘January 2 [1856], at Ballinard, Tipperary, the residence of her brother, Wm. Chadwicke, Esq., Caroline, the beloved wife of the Rev. Joseph Armstrong, Incumbent of Rathronan, Clonmel.’ (The Cork Examiner, 9 January 1856)
William Chadwick involved in court case with Lady Caroline Damer over felling of trees at Ballinard as per The Irish Jurist, Volume 9 (E.J. Milliken, 1857), p. 494,
The National Library of Ireland holds a copy of confirmation of arms to the descendants of John Craven Chadwick of Ballinard, Co. Limerick (amended to Co. Tipperary) and to his grandson, Edward Marion Chadwick of Toronto, Canada, Dec. 10, 1873.
William Chadwick, had three daughters and when he died in 1876 he was succeeded by his son-in-law, Richard Austin Cooper, who assumed the additional name of Chadwick.
A universal feeling of regret has been called forth by the sad announcement of the death of Richard Austin Cooper-Chadwick, Esq, which took place at his residence, Ballinard, on Thursday last after a protracted illness. The deceased was one of the most popular gentlemen in Tipperary, and held in deserved esteem by all who knew him. His kindly and genial manner, and his highly honourable character in all the relations of life, won for him a host of friends, whose regard he retained to the last. His love of field sports while in health was of the keenest description, and his efficient mastership of the excellent pack of harriers, which he hunted will not soon be forgotten. To the last he also took the warmest interest in the agricultural affairs and welfare of Tipperary. A favourite with all classes, and most affectionately endeared to his family, with whom the sincerest sympathy is evinced his loss will be long felt and deeply mourned.
Waterford Chronicle - Wednesday 25 January 1893
CHADWICK—Aug 15, 1893, at 115 Lower Baggot Street, the wife of Major Cooper Chadwick, Ballinard, of a daughter. Dublin Evening Telegraph - Wednesday 16 August 1893
The outrage which was committed at the residence of Mrs. Cooper Chadwick. Ballinard, near Tipperary, on the 7th inst., when a formidable explosive was discharged at the lady’s hall door, is still enveloped in mystery. The missile was composed of a massive iron tube used in an axle-box for the wheel of dray cart, and was substantially secured by a bolt that ran through it from end to end. The explosion created consternation amongst the household, all of whom were in the house the time. The police are busily engaged inquiring into the matter. Belfast News-Letter - Friday 10 January 1908
RIC Summary -
Born circa 1844 County Cavan. Father was Henry Chadwick.
Married 5 Dec 1879 Rebecca Stevenson, in Donegal Town.
Died 20 Nov 1907 aged 63 at 23 westland Ave L'derry. Sone William Henry Chadwick prsent at death.
Attested 13 Feb 1862
Served in Donegal (certainly in Donegal Town), Antrim (certainly in Ballycastle) and Meath (Slane).
Head Constable 1 July 1886 (Slane, Meath)
Pensioned 20 Oct 1892
Service record and RIC death notice attached
There are some references to him in newspapers concerning trials, arrests etc. Nothing particularly exciting. A Henry Chadwick 31063, also a Protestant from Cavan, joined the RIC in 1865. Possibly a brother?
The young ages at which both men joined suggest the father may have been in an earlier manifestation of the police, or a militia.
DEATH OF MR. WILLIAM CHADWICK. The death took place yesterday of Mr. William Chadwick, alter a long and painful illness. Mr. Chadwick will be remembered as a faithful and efficient Corporation official. In 1896 be was appointed superintendent of the municipal slaughterhouse, and it is doing the barest justice to his memory say that he revolutionised the former methods in connection with the place. He was respected by all for his firmness, impartiality, and conscientiousness. Some months ago he resigned the position owing to ill-health. A native of county Cavan, Mr. Chadwick forty-five years ago joined the Royal irish Constabulary, from which he retired as a head constable. He served in counties Donegal, Antrim, sad Meath The funeral takes place to-morrow at 2.30p.m.
Londonderry Sentinel - Thursday 21 November 1907
[The RIC records state that this William Chadwick was born in 1844 in Cavan and married in 1879 in Donegal, so he may be the wrong person.]
Summary from RIC Papers-
Born circa 1835 in England, but joined the police from Tipperary. Possibly father William Shadwick was in Army?
Married 24 Aug 1869 in Roscommon, Mary Padin, who was from Leitrim. Charles father stated as 'Clerk' and her father 'Gaol Guard'.
Died 24 March 1881 whilst in service. 3 known children. Thomas William (1872), Charles (1874), Mary Kate (1877).
Attested 15 Nov 1857
Served briefly in the Reserve (Dublin) then Roscommon until his death. Was certainly in Roscommon Town for a period.
Head Constable 16 July 1877 (Castlerea)
Died in service at Castlerea of apoplexy.
Service Record and confirmation of HC posting attached.
Born in England, Charles Shadwick (as he spelled it) was father to Grace’s grandfather. Linda White gave me a birth year of 1829 for him but the RIC records suggest 1835 with a question mark. He later joined the North Tipperary RIC. He was in Roscommon on 15 November 1851. His RIC records state he was married in Leitrim in 1869. He died suddenly in his 50s, early 50s maybe. The RIC records give his date of death as 1881.
Linda Notes: His wife died soon afterwards and their three children Tom, Charles and (Mary) Kate were placed under the guardianship of their uncle William in Dublin. He gave them a good education. Young Charles was put into the Hibernian Bank, probably by William, with a small private income. Unfortunately, Charles was a gambler and horse racing enthusiast, so William ‘washed his hands off him’. Charles married twice. He was a widower when he met his second wife, Linda’s granny. He lost his sight and became blind in later years.
Rather a disturbing one here Linda, sorry …
ROOSKEY PETTY SESSION'S A case attracting no little public attention was tried on Wednesday last, before Captain Hanly and Mr. Curran, R.M.. in which Constable Melia and Sub-Constable Shadwick. of the Tarmon station, summoned two men name Michael Cox and Edward Dooly, the latter for assaulting them and endeavouring to rescue the former whom they had arrested. Mr. Stritch appeared for the police and Mr. Harrison for the defendants. There was also a cross case in which the constables were charged by Dooly, with having dragged him off his cart while, as he alleged, peaceably on his way home. His wife also preferred a charge against Constable Shadwick for beating her, from the effects of which, she stated, she was delivered of a still born child about three weeks after. The constable in return charged Dooly, and his wife and sifter, with striking him and breaking a bonnet case (a band boa?) on his head. The case against the police was dismissed while their opponents were bound over to appear at quarter sessions, Cox was fixed 1s and discharged.
Roscommon Messenger - Saturday 24 December 1859
Charles Shadwick, Effects £394. 28 February 1881 - Letters
of Administration of the personal estate of Charles Shadwick late of
Castlerea County Roscommon Head Con- stable R.I.C. deceased who died 24
March 1881 at same place were granted at Limerick to Mary
Shadwick of Roscommon the widow.
Mr Charles Chadwick, nephew of Mr Patrick Padin, J P, Ballyview Cottage, Wicklow, took first place at the recent examination for Clerkship in the Hibernian Bank. He was prepared by Mr Moriarty, Principal, National School, Wicklow. Mr Chadwick scored twenty-three marks higher than the second candidate.
Wicklow People - Saturday 09 February 1895
As a mark of their kindly feeling for Mr Charles Shadwick, Hibernian Bank, who has been promoted to an important position in the Cork branch, a number of his friends, chiefly belonging to the Town and County Club, entertained him to dinner in Dooly's Hotel on Thursday evening, the chair being occupied by Mr H.V. Goldon. Owing to the short notification of his transfer a large number were not aware of it, otherwise they would have joined very heartily in the compliment. The catering was carried out in his best style by the proprietor, Mr Clavin. After the cloth had been removed, a number of congratulatory speeches were delivered, and the guest of the evening replied expressing regret at his departure, and thanking them all for their kindness during his stay amongst them. A number of vocal selections were given at intervals, those of Mr H. J. Bergin evoking well deserved encore's. Before separating all joining in bidding Mr Shadwick farewell.
Leinster Reporter - Saturday 04 March 1899
The 1895 record for Charles Chadwick mentioned an uncle, Patrick Padin.
OBITUARY. MR. PATRICK PADIN, J.P., WICKLOW. An old and very respected citizen of Wicklow in the person of Mr. Patrick Padin, J.P., Summerhill, passed away to his reward on Sunday at the age of79 years. The deceased gentleman came to Wicklow many years ago and occupied the position of excise official in the town for a number of years. After his retirement he was made a Justice of the Peace and was elected a representative of the urban council and harbour boards, the duties of which positions he discharged with ability and skill. Of a courteous and obliging nature he was held in general affection by all classes and the news of his death was received with universal expressions of regret. He was in failing health for some time prior to his demise, and for the last two months he was altogether confined to his house. He leaves one daughter to mourn his loss, Sister Margaret Mary, a member of the Community of the Convent of Perpetual Adoration, Wexford, to whom we offer our condolence in her bereavement. Interment took place in Rathnew Cemetery on Tuesday afternoon, the funeral being large and representative of all classes in the town. Very Rev. John Canon Staples, P.P., V.F.,. assisted by Rev. William, Byrnes, P.P., officiated at the graveside. R.I.P.
Wicklow People - Saturday 29 August 1914
Headstones No.837: WICKLOW, Rathnew Cemetery, Part 6, Co. Wicklow
Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Contributor: Joyce Tunstead <
In Loving Memory of | PATRICK PADIN Wicklow | who departed this life | on August the 23rd 1914 | aged 79 years | R.I.P.
On the base: - Most Sacred Heart of Jesus | have mercy on him.
My hunch is that Patrick Padin came from Roscommon where Edward Padin of Martyr lived, as per Edward’s creditors notice of Irish Times - Tuesday 08 December 1874 ... Could this explain the Roscommon link to Charles?
‘Patrick John Waldron, of Ballybrack, Co Dublin, and Charles Chadwick, Esq, of Arravale, Tipperary, have been appointed Lieutenants of the Tipperary Artillery, and not of the Tipperary fight Light Infantry, as erroneously stated.’
The Munster Express, or, Weekly Commercial & Agricultural Gazette, 6 May 1871]
Account of death of William Chadwick of Arravale in Cork Constitution - Friday 10 April 1874, with Charles and Edward present, as per
The following extract is from a book called ‘My Hennessy Family History and Memoir’ by Sister Lucy Hennessy SMG (iUniverse, 2018), and gives an account of the family. This seems to be largely derived from the lineage of the Chadwicks of Ballinard as given in ‘A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain & Ireland, Volume 1’ by Bernard Burke (Harrison, 1879). Both accounts state that William only had two wives, aka Wilhelmina Seymour and Charlotte Bourchier.
5/12/2000: children of Richard Chadwick (b1952).
25/12/2000: Lismacue Branch.
14/1/2001: added misc from USA & Australia.
1/2/2001: added ref to Cooper-Chadwicks (p7).
5/3/2001: extra dates added.
13/6/2001: resaved HTML from Word
26/8/2001: info re Sadlier family. Modern Chadwick detail changes.
24/9/2001: detail changes from rootsweb.
29/10/2001: extra EAC details. More on Richard Chadwick, b 1752.
12/12/2001: amended details from EMC printed text 1914 & edited FAPC.
18/12/2001: source details.
10/2/2002: Priscilla Bell descendants.
15/5/2002: edited.
6/9/2002: added some Parson Dick descendants, edited.
23/10/2002: Jackson & Suffolk email data; Richard England link.
12/11/2002: editing and minor additions, links arranged & listed.
30/11/2002: line from Jonathan Bell to Charles Johnston of NZ.
19/3/2003: Sally/Sarah Chadwick story.
2/4/2003: Removed Appendices 1-4 to ChadApdx
6/5/2003: Bell/Jackson Links
22/9/2003: corrections by Julia Chadwick
6/11/2003: added Barclay line from LDS, corrected from Barclay's Bank history.
16/1/2004: Pepler story.
26/3/2004: links
10/5/2004: more on Parson Dick Issue.
3/7/2004: Tree Inserted
1/6/2005: Edward Vaux Info from Jonathan Sharpe
23/6/2005: 1st marriage of FJ Chadwick and Jasper William
Chadwick descendants.
1/12/2005: misc extra info re Vaux & MacDonald.
4/4/2006: remove emails
6/6/2007: reformatted. & internet additions
17/7/2007: Richard England.
21/6/2008: edited, footnotes
1/1/09: Maurice C Obit.
9/8/2009: Added Carden & Minchin families from
14/9/2009: Richard England Young descendants removed.
18/9/2010: Ian Brownlee info added
7/7/2012: Many small changes
1/9/2012: Betty’s death
24/9/2015: various – California family additions.
21/3/2019: added Cooper Chadwicks.
30/9/2019: extensively edited, added much Bell & Barclay information.
22/11/2019: newspaper reports added: S4, S6P1-2, S7-1 &
7, Pt3 3-2 to 7, & 14 pps 3.3-3.5, 3.7, 3.14. Changes, Endnotes in toto
(section 18). Relevant setions reprinted
20/3/2020: links edited
23/7/2020: Tutle Bunbury Notes – newspaper extracts.
19/3/21: Notes on Olga & Maurice Chadwick.
29/12/2021: added Faulkner G/dau
12/2/2022: extra para to Intro P1-6.
12/10/2022: small correction to desc from EMC
27/11/2023: Carolyne (Chadwick) Porter death
[ii][ii] Kim Tate
[iii] Ann (Chadwick) Chance. 6/2012
[v] 1/2009
[vi] ( Dec 2007
[viii] Myrna Brooks email 5/2010
[ix] "Angela Makin" <>
[xii] 18 Jul 2002 "Cara Stewart" <>
[xiii] Julie Bouchier Perry, 9/09
[xiv] <>
Hugh Casement <> March 2003
[xvii], Nov 2011
[xviii] Roger Depper
Reply-To: Raymer10<
[xx] 10/2007
[xxii] Christopher Barron 11/07
[xxiii] msg: Katsbaan Oct 9 9:10 PM GMT (2011??)
[xxiv] 2012-2015.
[xxvi] Charles Johnston (
[xxvii] Maria Suffolk Sun 20 Jan 2002
Maria Suffolk
Sun 20 Jan 2002
[xxix] 86 Elizabeth Bell Hanbury. The good nurse, or, hints on the management of the sick and lying-in chamber, and the nursery. Printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green, by Richard Taylor, 1828 - 387 pages.
[xxx] This not correct – that death was a son of John Bell, the correct date was 23rd May 1721 as John of Castle.
[xxxi] I (Peason) think this Robert may be the son of Richard Freame, mayor of Gloucester, whose pedigree can be followed on Harleian Publications Vol XXI
[xxxii] It should be noted that the goldsmiths were largely bankers in the 17th Century. The firm was Freame and Gould in 1698, and Freame and Barclay in 1736; the business seems to have been a continuation of that of Pepys' goldsmith Stokes: see Hilton Price, Handbook of London Bankers, pp. 10—12.
[xxxiii] Another daughter of David Barclay married a Gurney, and his famous daughter, Elizabeth Fry, a worthy niece to David Barclay of Youngsbury, was second cousin of Tertius Galton and also a feature of Francis Galton’s boyhood.
[xxxv] About 50 miles downstream from Quebec, in New Brunswick
[xxxvi] Mrs Siddons, Miss Farren, Mrs Crouch, Mrs Jordan, (John) Bannister, (John) Edwin, (Richard) Suett and (William) Parsons all mentioned in "Some account of the English stage, from the restoration in 1600 to 1830” Vol 7, Genest, John, Bath, 1832. Also see “Life of Mrs Siddons” Thomas Campell, Harper, New York, 1834.
[xxxvii] Agatha Gurney (b1776)
[xxxviii] : John Kelly
[xxxix] 29/5/15
[3] A Chadwick Tree is available on "World Connect" on the Internet (12/2000), but this appears to be a copy of EMC's history.
[4] Referred to in “An Armorial Mystery”.
The Origin and History of the Armorial Achievement of the City of Guelph, Ontario, used by the City Corporation before 1978. DARREL E. KENNEDY B.Math. (Wat.), B.Ed. (Queen’s), L.R.H.S.C., F.R.H.S.C., F.S.A. Scot., Hon. F.H.S. Assiniboine Herald of Arms, Canadian Heraldic Authority
It was one of my great grandmothers who was the
Chadwick. Her name was Bridget and she was christened in Nenagh, Co.
Tipperary, Ireland, on 28 Jun 1833. Her parents were George Chadwick and Sara
Quinn who were married on 12 Feb 1831 in Nenagh. Bridget's brothers and
sisters were - Anne chr.7 Dec
1831; Richard chr.12 Sep 1835; Thomas chr.14 Jul 1838; Eliza chr.28 May 1841
and George chr.20 Dec 1847. (There is possibly another male child born around
Bridget, an assisted immigrant, arrived in Sydney, Australia, aboard the ship
"Matoaka" on 17 May 1855. The immigration lists show her religion as
Roman Catholic and that her father was still living in Nenagh, but her mother
was deceased. Listed on her marriage certificate she was shown working as a
domestic servant and lived in Ryde (a suburb of Sydney).
Bridget married William Newton, a farmer and a widower. The marriage took
place on 9 Jan 1860 at 'Villa Maria', Hunters Hill, Sydney. Bridget and
William lived Berry Park/Morpeth (just near Maitland) New South Wales and had
4 children - (1) George William b.11 Nov 1860; (2) Sarah Jane b. 2 Jul
1863; (3) Richard Henry b.12 May 1871; and (4) (my grandmother) Catherine Lucy
b.1 Mar 1874. Bridget died in Newcastle from a 'cerebral softening' on 4 Jul
1904. Her husband, William, had predeceased her on 23 Jul 1881 from 'heart
Their daughter Catherine Lucy (my grandmother) married Ernest Septimus Brunker,
an auctioneer, at Maitland on 20 May 1893. They had 5 children all born in
Maitland - (1) my father, Edgar Ernest b.25 Jul 1893; (2) Ellie Blanche b.10
Mar 1896; (3) Enid Florence b.9 Jul 1900; (4) Evelyn Sherbon b.6 Sep 1906; (5)
Elaine Sylvia b. 9 Sep 1909.
Edgar Ernest married Frances Borgia Costello in Maitland on 26 Jan 1916 and
they had 2 children both born in Maitland - (1) Edgar b.10 Oct 1920; (2)
Patricia b.15 Aug 1932.
I think the Nenagh Chadwicks moved a bit north in Ireland. Must admit I have
not gone into them in great detail.
I do not know the work you mentioned by Edward Marion Chadwick. The old
photocopy I have is one done by the Canadian branch with a few other pieces
jotted down on it. The list of Chadwicks I was referring to was what I had
extracted from the Australian Convict Indents and Shipping Lists also from some
of the Birth, Marriage and Death indexes. I had sent a copy to the Chadwick
Association in England for their information. I did not follow through on any
of the indexes as it was meant to be a starting point for anyone who may have
'misplaced' a relative around those early years.
Regards Pat Brunker
[6] The_Province_Mon__Jul_11__1910
[7] Times Colonist (Victoria BC) 22 Dec 1952)
[8] Newspaper clipping undated, recd ex Maurice Chadwick. (about 1898)
[9] Times Colonist (Victoria, BC), 2 Jan 1959.
[10] Times_Colonist_Mon__Nov_14__1977
[11] Times Colonist Sat Aug 21 1948
[12] Times Colonist Sun Oct 7 2012
[13] Times Colonist Fri Oct 29 2004
[14] Times Colonist Wed Jul 4 1928
[15] The Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, California)31 Dec 1954
[16] Mr. David Nesbit Moody passed away on Thursday, November 4, 2010 at Annapolis-Oakwood Hospital. He was born February 14, 1929 in San Raphael, CA a son of Benard Nesbit and Anne (Vegetes) Moody. Mr. Moody was a long time resident of the Belleville area having moved here in 1966 from California. Mr. Moody proudly served his country from 1950 - 1952 as a Sergeant in the U.S. Army. While in California Mr. Moody was a police officer for 12 years. He worked as a Motor Training Officer with the CHIPS. He was also was a Juvenile Detective with the Monrovia Police Department. Mr. Moody was also a Special Agent with the Santa Fe Railroad. In Michigan he worked as a Master Finish Carpenter until his retirement. Mr. Moody was very well known and loved in the community. He will be missed by his favorite waitresses in the area. Mr. Moody was the loving father of four children; Karen Moody, JoAnne (Rod) Sparks of Beaverton, MI, Craig (Barbara) Moody of Sumpter Twp., and Lynda (Mike) Schwartz of Belleville. He was the fond grandfather of 15 grandchildren, 25 great grandchildren and three great great grandchildren. Mr. Moody was the brother of one brother and three sisters. Visitation will be held on Sunday, November 7, 2010 from 1-6 p.m. at the Higgerson & Neal Funeral Home, 209 Main St., Belleville (734-697-9400). Funeral services will be held on Monday, November 8, 2010 at 11 a.m. at the funeral home. Burial will follow at the Union-Udell Cemetery, Sumpter Twp. Findagrave/Ancestry.
[17] The Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, California)19 Apr 1956,
[18] Marriage Reg Canada. Copy held.
[19] The_Windsor_Star_Sat__Oct_8__1966
[20] For further information regarding Samuel Dice please see "Milton Area Biographies, Vol. I" by Alex Cooke. This photograph was taken from "Milton Semi-Centennial, 1857-1907".
Death Records:
Sarah Georgiana Dice, 10/10/1872, aged 10 mts 5 days, tp of Nelson, Co Halton,
Ont, Diarrhoea & dysentery 8 mths, informant Jasper Martin, Farmer of
Milton. Parents George & Margaret
Sarah Dice,
Samuel Dice, Irish race, 87 yr 4m, 3 day, b 14/1/1837, Farmer & Insurance
agent last 40 years, resident at place of death 36 years, arterio sclerosis,
Born Ontario, Parents born Ireland, George & Agnes (Anderson) Dice, died
Abigail Dorothy Dice, of Milton, Ont, died 10/10/1939, Canadian Nat, Penn.
Dutch origin, aged 85/6/25, born Palermo, Ont, 16/3/1855, parents Nelson Shuert
(b St George, Ont), & Louisa Burtoh (b Palerme, Ont). Chronic thrombosis,
chronic rheumatism and endocarditis.
[22] Canada BMD records.
[23] a photo exists of her (DiceMg1H)
[24] The Canada Gazette (14/2/1857)
Extract from (found on internet):
A Thesis Presented to The Faculty of Graduate Studies of The University of
Ontario Genealogical Society 9/1998:
History of Guelph 1827-1927, Leo Johnson:
[28] Canada Gazette, 13 March 1869
[29] Wellington Museum & Archives Archive Record. Accession # A2017.95. Title: Miller family of Eramosa Township, correspondence and family records, 1839-2017.
Berliner Journal 1856 marriages. This marriage is not recorded elsewhere by EMC. No
death was found in the Berliner Journal for 1857-1860.
[31] The Province (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada)09 Dec 1954, Thu
[32] THE IRISHMAN IN CANADA. Nicholas Flood Davin 1877
[33] Freemans journal, 30/9/1882.
[34] The Morning Chronicle (London)20 Feb 1847
[35] Gents Mag Jan-June 1848. Also Civil Reg: 1847, Q4, Wandsworth IV 546
[36] (internet, Ontario marriages).
[37] Clare Journal, 14 January, 1836:
[38] American Vital Records from the Gentleman's Magazine, 1731-1868
[39] Gents Magazine 1845, June.
[40] The Leader-Post (Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada)29 Jul 1976, Thu
[41] Regina Post 4 May 2023
[43] (Download 3/10/2002)
[44] Historical Atlas of the County of Wellington, Ontario. Toronto: Historical Atlas Publishing Co., 1906.
[45] Freeman’s Journal, Dublin 20/3/1851
[46] Clonmel Herald - Wednesday 27 May 1829
[48] EMC to here.
My name is Brett Fitzpatrick
My Grandmother was Muriel Anna Rosalind Chadwick (maiden name).
She had a lot of the same information you have as a result of a family tree she
had done many years ago. She passed away two years ago aged 100 and we have not
been able to find her documents. My Grandmother married Thomas Peter
Fitzpatrick here in Australia. Her sister had the ships log from the Chadwick
that was a Captain which I can no longer track down unfortunately but I have
not given up. My father also had photos of the Rev and other relatives. I
remember as a very young boy my Grandmother being able to inherit a substantial
land holding in Ireland but there was an issue on back taxes and the need to
sail out to Ireland to sort it. At the time they did not have the money to do
anything about it and nothing came of it. There is a lot of history that my
Aunty Daughter of my Grand mother) could share with you I am sure so if you are
interested I can get you her email.
[50] EMC P28
[51] & Liz Richmond 2/2013
[52] Freeman’s Journal, Dublin 24/7/1838
[53] Wikipedia: Joseph Damer, (1630–1720), an officer in Oliver Cromwell's New Model Army was granted lands in Shronell in 1662.[2] There were concerted efforts made by the Damer family to introduce Protestant workers from the northern counties, and by 1766 there were eighty-two Protestant families in Shronell.[3] In 1837, the parish, (sometimes spelled Shronehill) in the barony of Clanwilliam, contained a total of 1006 inhabitants and encompassed the townlands of Ballinglanna, Ballycohy, Ballyconry, Barronstown (Ormond), Shronell Beg and Shronell More. It consisted of 2,747 statute acres (1,113 hectares), some of which was cultivated but mostly in pasture. 'Ballinard' was the residence of W. Chadwick.. Other notable residents were Clement Sadler, 'Damerville', Austin Cooper 'Chadwickand' and Rev. M. Clarkethe of the glebe house. The Protestant Parish was in the diocese of Cashel.
Dublin Evening Post - Thursday 10 June
"At a Meeting held at CASHEL, the 10th May, 1779, Sir CORNWALLIS MAUDE,
Bart, in the Chair.
WE, the Gentlemen, Clergy, and Inhabitants of the County of Tipperary, whose Names are hereunto subscribed, taking into Consideration the present ruinous State of the Trade and Manufactures of this Kingdom in general, the Distress, Misery, and Disappointment arising from the great Decline in the Value of the staple Commodities of this County in particular, and the almost total Annihilation of private Credit, with Grief contemplate these Calamities, and anxiously wish to stop their progressive Influence.
To remove these Distresses, we think it our indispensible Duty to encourage and promote the Use and Consumption of the Manufactures of Ireland.
Therefore, Resolved, that We, our Families, and those whom we can influence, shall from this Day make use of the Manufactures of this kingdom only.
Resolved, that we do expect the several Dealers and Manufacturers, (whose Relief is our immediate Object) shall virtuously unite with us in Support of the common Interests of this impoverished Country, by an Exertion of Industry, Diligence, and Attention, in the several Branches of Arts and Manufactures, and of Integrity in the Sale and Disposal of them:- Actuated by such principals, we doubt not our distressed Fellow-subjects of this Kingdom will speedily and effectually obtain the much willed-for Relief;—and we consider ourselves solemnly engaged to adhere to these our Resolutions, as long as a strict Observance on their Part shall entitle them to our Countenance and Support.
Resolved, That any Person or Persons -who shall, after the Date of these Resolutions, sell or import any Foreign Goods or Manufactures for Irish, shall be considered Enemies to the Interest of this Kingdom; and that we never will, after such Discovery, deal with such Person or Persons in the Purchase of any Article whatsoever.
Resolved, That the above Resolutions be Published in the CLONMEL GAZETTE, and DUBLIN EVENING POST.
Dublin Evening Post - Tuesday 24 July
1781 :
"To be LET, From the 29th September next, for Years or Lives, as may he
agreed on,
THE HOUSE and DEMESNE of BALLYMACKEY, containing Ninety-Six Acres of choice Ground, on which is plenty of Meadowing, and a good Garden, most of which is walled in: There is a good Parlour and Drawing-Room, each twenty feet square—six good Bed-Rooms—a good Kitchen—choice Cellars—excellent Offices, and a good Dog Kennel: Great plenty of Fire and Water very contiguous;—is within three miles of Nenagh, in a fine sporting country, and good neighbourhood as any in Ireland. Any Person who may take it now, shall have the benefit of the Meadows and Garden, and not commence Rent till September next.
Proposals to he made to James Otway, Esq; Nenagh, and William Chadwick, Esq; Ballynard, near Tipperary.—Roger Hodor, that keeps the House, will shew it and the Demesne. Nenagh, June 15 1781."
[56] Dublin Evening Post - Thursday 28 January 1790
18 Jul 2002 "Cara Stewart"
Stumbled across your web site and discovered my husband's family on it. His
grandfather is Wilfrid La Rive Bourchier who is a descendent of Charlotte
Chadwick and John Bourchier.
In case you're interested, we have a miniature portrait of Sara Aher's mother
Suzanna Wilkinson and Sara's grandfather William Cumberland Wilkinson as well
as a sister of Sara's. Kate Aher died when she was about 14. There is a very
good possibility we have some small bits of Chadwick silver. Several years ago I
was told by an elderly aunt that the family crest on the silver was
Chadwick. I've checked the marks on the pieces and think these might date to
the late 18th century which could mean they came into the family with
Charlotte. However, until more research has been done this is only
In case your're interested a book was published in the 19th about the Aher's
and other branches. My husband, Simon Dalby, son of Nina Marion La Rive
Bourchier, is now living in Ottawa, Canada. Given the number of your ancestors
who ended up in Ontario I am tempted to say that "all roads lead to
Ontario". (My family also arrived in Canada in the 1830s via Ontario.)
I was impressed with the amount of work that you've put into your family
8 Sep 2002:-
My husband family connects with the Chadwicks when Charlotte Chadwick marries
John Bouchier in 1797. Their eldest son, John, marries Sarah Aher (I have
miniature portraits of her, her father, and her daughter Kate) and a handful of
generations later my husband, Simon Dalby, comes along. This particular
Bourchier line seemed to suffer due to the consequences of WW1 so that despite
a huge number of brothers and sisters only one of them produced children and
these were girls. You might be interested to know that these Bourchiers are
descended from the Bourchier regicide who signed King Charles 1 death warrant.
I'm still trying to figure out precisely how they ended up in Ireland but so
far it doesn't seem to have anything to do with Cromwell or the need to flee.
To the best of my knowledge I believe that Charlotte and John lived at
Baggotstown in Co. Limerick. The house/estate was confiscated by the Irish in
1905 so it is no longer owned by Bourchiers but the house is still standing.
It looks a bit tired but still seems to exude a degree of charm. My Stewarts
came from Banff, Scotland and first arrived in Canada East in the 1830s.
Julie Bouchier Perry on September 19, 2009 from Orinda, California
I come from the Bourchier/Bouchier family from Kilcullane and Baggotstown in
Limerick from my father, Henry Bouchier. Earlier, they spelled it Bourchier,
and I have a copy of my GGrandfather's Marriage Certificate from the Hall of
Records in Dublin, wherein he signed it, Thomas Bourchier, his father signed it
as Henry Bourchier, and his brother, as John Bourchier. That was in 1862.
They left Ireland in a few years after my Grandfather, Henry Bouchier was born
in 1864 for Toronto, Canada. Eventually they moved to Chicago and then to Los
Angeles, where my father, Henry Bouchier was born in 1906.
I see where some of my relatives married into the families which you
discussed. I have a family letter written in 1948, suggesting that our family
came from the Beningbrough Bourchiers of York, or the Bourchiers, Earls of
Bath. I have reserached this, knowing that the Earls of Bath came earlier, and
that Sir George Bourchier, of that group, was given much acreage in what is now
Limerick, and that part of that grant from QEI, was given to our relatives by
Oliver Cromwell, whose Aunt had married into the Barrington family. He had
married an Elizabeth Bourchier, who does seem to be also connected to the
Beningbrough family in some fashion. They all came from John Bourchier, Lord
Berners, originally, who came from the marriage of Anne Plantagenet and William
Bourchier in the 1400s.
If you may have any information about just who in the Beningbrough group was
the father of John Bourchier, 1664, of Baggotstown, my relative, I would so
appreciate knowing it. I think it was the son of the regicide, Sir John
Bourchier of Beningbrough, or a very close relation of his.
[58] The Barclays of New York - who they are and who they are not - and some other Barclays
Re: William Chadwick
Date: Sat, 4 Aug 2007 18:01:43 -0700 (PDT)
From: Christopher Barron[59]
I enclosed below part of your website and am 100% certain that my connection to
the Chadwicks is via the "unnamed" daughter of Elizabeth Chadwick
Margaret Chadwick and her husband, Mr. Hammersly, are both mentioned in the
will of Pierce Barron of Cullen, who was definitely buried in the Cullen Church
graveyard (1724). Elizabeth's mother was Elizabeth Gabbett and her father was
William Chadwick. At any rate, I am certain via Pierce Barron's will in Dublin
that this daughter's name was Margaret Chadwick Barron, wife of Pierce Barron
of Cullen. I am 'not' certain about exactly how I connect to this clan because
there are two possibilities for the father of my great-great-great grandfather,
Maurice Barron Sr. of Bohercrowe. Maurice's father may have been Edward Barron
"the Soldier" of Tipperary Town, but it also could have been Daniel
Barron of Clerkstown near Lattin. I don't want to get into my own intuition too
much, but I'd say there are far better odds that Edward Barron the 20 year
Veteran of the British Army was the father of Maurice Sr. I'd say the facts
also corroborate this intuition (the names all fit for this descent) because
the records and mentions about Maurice Sr.'s farm in Bohercrowe in the 1820's
to 1830's were all kept in the now defunct Protestant Church of Cullen--NOT in
Tipperary Town! Keeping it short concerning intuition, all the FIRST names in
what is known from parish registers about my family in Bohercrowe over 4
generations says that my family descended from Pierce Barron and Margaret
Chadwick of Cullen, which means that Edward Barron "the Soldier" was
the father of Maurice Sr.--not this Daniel Barron fellow of Clerkstown. My
genealogist deeply investigated this Daniel Barron fellow and tried to sell me
a bill of goods that Daniel's father was James Barron, the illegitimate son of
Patrick Barron of Tipperary Town, Emly and probably also from Cullen and the
son of Edward Barron (mentioned 1667). This genealogist also found interesting
legal records on another Barron family of Stradbally in Co. Waterford, which
seems to clearly connect to Lattin in Tipperary and this is next door to
Clerkstown. Therefore, I think this genealogist's conclusions were wrong in
even saying that Daniel Barron of Clerkstown was the son of James Barron
because it seems far more likely Daniel's father was from the Stradbally
Barrons, who also held lands in Lattin. Therefore, the father of Daniel was
probably born and raised in Co. Waterford, not in Tipperary Town.
At any rate, sorry the above is so long, but this stuff is certainly most
complex! Nonetheless, I'm fairly certain that your wife is my cousin.
Unfortunately, at some time the British Government ordered that all Church of
Ireland records be sent for safekeeping to the National Archives in Dublin and
there was an explosion during the rebellions around 1920. Therefore, the parish
registers definitively naming the father of Maurice Sr. are now gone and the
only way I will be able to put this puzzle together is if I can find
corroborating evidence via the graveyards in the Barony of Clanwilliam in
Tipperary. Nevertheless, I still think all the facts point to Edward "the
Soldier" being Maurice Sr.'s father because Maurice Sr. also had younger
brothers named William and Patrick (definite) and British Army records confirm
that a John Barron joined the British Army in 1808 and served for 8 years and
1808 was the year that Maurice Sr.'s eldest son was born, John Barron. It seems
that John "the Soldier" was probably the youngest brother of Maurice
Sr. (born about 1772). There were also two known sons of Margaret Chadwick
Barron: 1. Edward (no issue) and 2. John. This is why I'm fairly certain that
Maurice Sr.'s father was Edward, Edward's father was John, John's father was
Pierce, (Mother Margaret Chadwick) Pierce's father was Patrick Barron of
Tipperary Town & Emly and Patrick's father was Edward Barron of Cullen.
Edward was mentioned in the Hearth Money Rolls of 1667.
Parents: William & Grace (Coggin) Chadwick.
IGI Born Abt: 1664
of Ballinard, & Of Gortnekilleen.
1/3. Elizabeth Chadwick, married to Hamersley,
and had two sons, John and Richard.
(?) another daughter married to Pires or Pierce Barron, who had a daughter
Wed, 8 Aug 2007 17:33:42 -0700 (PDT)
I was looking over the two reports that Dublin genealogist sent me and he
writes in a confusing manner at times. Therefore, I had to add that due to
those reports I had mistakenly thought that Margaret's maiden name was Chadwick,
whereas I can now clearly state that is/was wrong. Margaret's maiden name was
Hammersly, while her mother's maiden name was Elizabeth Chadwick. A minor
difference, but I think an important one. Sorry I confused the facts, but it
took a re-reading of the report, then also re-reading Pierce Barron's will
whereby he named Richard Chadwick as being some sort of surety for Margaret
Hammersly (his niece?). Pierce does 'not' specify Margaret's maiden name at
all, but it was clearly Hammersly. The will also does not specify the first
name of Mr. Hammersly, who was his father-in-law.
William Chadwick
Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2007 07:43:22 -0700 (PDT)
From: Christopher Barron
I think we may be related. I hired a genealogist in Dublin to help me find my
direct ancestors in Ireland and it seems my great-grandfather, Patrick Barron,
was originally from Bohercrowe near Tipperary Town. Patrick left Tipperary at
some time with his mother and 3 younger siblings and perhaps even their father,
Barron, around 1867. NYC records steadfastly reported that John and family left
Ireland in 1863, but I think that is wrong because my John Barron was
definitely living in Bohercrowe in 1866 (the genealogist found proof). It seems
that John was probably involved in the Fenian Rebellion of 1867 in Tipperary
and may have
needed to leave Ireland immediately in order to evade arrest. I know that
Rebellion failed and later on the Fenians freed the leaders of that rebellion
in Manchester, Engand and accidentally killed a policeman in the process of
freeing Colonel Kelly and Captain Deasy. These Fenian leaders were the
forerunners of the
movement eventually leading to the Irish Republic in 1922. I don't know how you
feel about that movement, or any of that political stuff, but I'm neutral
myself--I'm American.
At any rate, I just looked at your website under the Chadwicks and it says
William Chadwick was from Gurthakilleen. Where is Gurthakilleen? This William
Chadwick may have been the brother of Margaret Chadwick. I know that Margaret
Chadwick married Pierce Barron of Cullen in 1702. This means that William
Chadwick and Elizabeth Gabbett may have been the parents of Margaret Chadwick
too. Do you know anything about these Chadwick families of Cullen? Are they
related to you? I noticed you called them the Chadwicks of Ballinard and my
genealogist in Dublin said my Chadwicks were from Ballinard too. Thank you.
PS: Do you know that there are two wealthy Chadwick Lawyers living in Shronell
today? I'm hoping to meet them later this summer to ask them if they know
anything about my Margaret Chadwick. I am not positive yet that Margaret
Chadwick Barron was my great-grandmother 5 times removed, but I do know that my
Maurice Barron Sr. was born around 1772 and was married to Bridget Power in
1807. I also know that Maurice Sr. was from Bohercrowe, (a few miles East of
Ballinard & Cullen) but was also named 4 times in the Protestant Church of
Ireland in Cullen. I underlined Protestant because Maurice Sr. and Bridget Power
were married in the Catholic Church in Tipperary Town. Therefore, I suspect
Margaret Chadwick Barron was Maurice Sr.'s paternal great-grandmother.
Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2007 17:04:43 -0800 (PST)
From: Christopher Barron
Thanks for the email! I'm just about to look at an email I just received today
from a woman in England, who is an expert regarding the pre-Cromwellian history
of my family. Of course, this is well before my family's move from Inistiogue
in Co. Kilkenny before the invasion of Cromwell. The Dublin genealogist (and I
agree with him) says he thinks that the patrilineal ancestors of my family in
Bohercrowe, Tipperary Town and Cullen were from Inistiogue. There is a lot of
compelling evidence to draw this conclusion, but not nearly enough for me to be
certain that this is correct. At any rate, I wrote her a snail-mail last
Friday, so let me look at it before I finish this email.
I just read the email from the woman in England; who knows a lot about the
Barrons of Brownsford & Cloone in Inistiogue; and she sent me a long
attachment (too long, can't read now) with it so I want to send a short email
and also send you one, so this will have to be brief...a little shorter than
War and Peace, but brief for me, LOL!! At any rate, I may have just hit paydirt
with this woman because her maiden name seems to have been Barron and she's
like me in being able to trace her roots back to her Catholic ancestors in the
Inistiogue & Thomastown area with another Edward Barron like what looks to
be my great-great-great-great grandfather, who was born in 1750 and served in
the 32nd Foot (Duke of Cornwall) from 1771 to 1791. I find this interesting too
because Edward served in England, Ireland (Cork City, Dungarven, Waterford
& Dublin) and the defense of Gibraltar in 1784. In addition, my Maurice Sr.
may have lived in Gibraltar at this time because there were a lot of wives and
children living at Gibraltar with the soldiers in 1784. I had thought (a
British Army historian got me the facts) that Edward and the 32nd Foot served
in America along with Richard England of Inis/Ennis because another regiment of
foot attached to the 32nd did serve in America along with Richard England et
al. The other interesting thing about the text in this English woman's email
was that she knows that her people are still farmers in Thomastown and other
villages nearby and were Catholic. However, it seems nearly certain that you
yourself are much closer kin (via Eliabeth Chadwick Hammersly) to me than this
Ms. Barron because I'd say I am nearly 100% certain that this British soldier
(Edward) was Maurice Sr.'s father and not this other Daniel Barron (only other
Barron at the time in this part of Clanwilliam Barony). In addition, if Edward
indeed was Maurice Sr.'s father, then I have a feeling I will be able to locate
both burial places, get the inscriptions (I found the technique that will work
and have seen the hundred or so probable headstones and one will be ours) and
be able to prove that Edward was his father. I also suspect that Maurice Sr.'s
wife will be the key to proving the rest of the descent back to Cullen as early
as at least 1667. Maurice Sr.'s daughter-in-law from Monard/Moanmore, (many
miles from Bohercrowe, but abutting the road to Cullen) Bridget Cosgrove,
daughter of Timothy Cosgrove, told me that Edward must have been Maurice Sr.'s
father and likewise Edward's daughter-in-law will probably unlock all the
records to prove that Edward's father was John Barron of Cullen and his uncle
was Edward Barron of Cullen, which will unequivocally prove that Pierce Barron
of Cullen and Margaret Hammersly Barron were their parents and of course from
Cullen. If all the above is true (very strong probability) then my family were
Protestants from the time of Edward Barron of Cullen dating back to at least
1667. I find this new, definite information that Ms. Barron's family was always
Catholic in Inistiogue most interesting because it seems nearly certain to me
at this time that my family converted to the Church of Ireland just a few years
after Cromwell's conquest of Ireland from 1641 to 1653 and my family remained
that way up until what looked to be my great-great-great grandparents, Maurice
Sr. and his wife, Bridget Power Barron. By the way, I sent an concerned letter
to that Dublin genealogist because he had a knack of constantly coming to bad
conclusions, constantly making insinuations and insults about my ancestors
(wrong ones I might add according to the locals in Tipperary town today that
knew our descendents, the O'Neills, a short time ago, that male-line died out
in the early 1900's) and not doing diligent research on my behalf, so now he
refuses to continue doing research for me, which probably just saved me $600
and a lot of headaches and malarky masking itself as real research. I can
finish the research myself at St. Mary's Church (Richard Cooper-Chadwick) and
up at the various archives in Dublin and do a proper job. An example of this
genealogist's insults against my family is assuming that James Power and his
son Edmund Power of Tipperary Town could 'not' have been my ancestors because
1. they were Protestant and 2. they seemed to be quite wealthy. This man did
not furnish any other information (only the short quips) on these Power
families because I was paying him to search only for the Barrons way back to
our probable roots in Co. Kilkenny. Simultaneously, this man tells me my Barron
ancestors were Protestant and from Tipperary Town, Bohercrowe & Cullen and
Mr. Ryan, the proprietor of TC Ryans in Tipp town actually 'knew' Mr. O'Neill a
few years back (20 years back I gather). These sorts of conclusions make no
sense because there is no reason to think that Bridget Power Barron's father
was Catholic just because her mother was Catholic and she was married in a
Catholic church in Tipp Town. In fact, in the late 1700's I know that it was
common for Protestant men to marry Catholic women merely because of a shortage
of eligible Protestant women to marry in Tipp town. The other thing is that I
know there was an Edmund Power living on a farm in Bohercrowe at the same time
that Bridget Power Barron and her husband Maurice were living in Bohercrowe and
I suspect Edmund was Bridget's brother, their father was Edmund Power and their
grandfather was James Power of Tipperary Town. It also would not surprise me in
the least if my Maurice Sr. was actually baptized in the Protestant Church in
Cullen around 1772 because there was no Protestant church in Tipp town back
then and Cullen was the closest church to Edward the Soldier's farm in
Bohercrowe. I also know that all the land records on Maurice Sr.'s farm in
Bohercrowe were actually kept in that Protestant Cullen church until the UK
Government ordered them sent to Dublin before the rebellion. Yes indeed I think
James Power will be the key to connecting my Maurice Sr. to Edward of Cullen.
Then, it is only a matter of finding out where Edward of Cullen came from
before the arrival of Cromwell and I suspect it was either in Bansha with
Walter Butler and his wife from Inistiogue, and/or also Brownsford in
Inistiogue. Edmund's daughter, Joan, married Sir Richard Butler's, Baron of
Knocktopher, son, Walter Butler. Walter was also the commander of the Fethard
garrison of 250 men and surrendered to Cromwell. Walter, the Earl of Ormond and
the Earl of Thomond (owner of lands in Bohercrowe, Cullen etc.) seem to be how
Edward ended up farming in Cullen and Edward actually may have lived in Tipp
town because it is known that Patrick Barron lived in Tipperary Town and farmed
lands in Emly, Damerville etc. in league with Joseph Damer, the Chadwicks etc.
Patrick Barron was also the name of my great grandfather and many other
Patricks in our known clan, which is an unusual first name for any Geraldine,
but not for the Barrons of Inistiogue! The reason for this unusual first name seems
to be because in the early 1300's the Lord of Iverk's youngest brother was Lord
of Ballygurrim, (now Ferrybank across the Suir River from Waterford City)
Slieverue and Rathpatrick and their male-line descendents were the Barons of
Brownsford & Cloone.
Finally, it looks like I will only need a little luck from Bohercrowe (a John
Barron lives across the street from our old farm and is probably be descended
from the Barrons of Cullen in the mid-1800's) on sorting out which headstone
was for Maurice Sr., Bridget Power B., James Power, Edmund Power and finally
Edward Barron the Soldier. After that a few days of serious study of the
Brownsford Barron and the landlords for properties in Cullen (Milltown,
Rathduff etc. owned by Barron cousins--3rd cousins--in the mid 1800's) from say
1600 to 1640 (I know the owners in 1640) should turn up some clues on where
Edward Barron of Cullen came from before 1667. Again, I say I already know the
answers are in Bansha and Inisitiogue and perhaps also somewhere in Connaght where
I know sometime between 1649 and 1653 up to 1660 Edmund Barron of Brownsford
and Cloone spent some years in exile, but did his sons, grandsons etc. go with
them? I say Edward of Cullen was probably given to his aunt Joan of Bansha for
upbringing from 1649 to 1660, when his uncle Walter got him the leases in
Cullen and perhaps a house in Tipperary town too.
Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2007 19:58:22 -0800 (PST) From: Christopher Barron[59]
I am sending two small fees to Tipperary Excel and the Gloucestershire Museum
because I was studying my genealogist's two reports and think I have finally
found the key to solving exactly how my family arrived in Cullen by 1667 and
exactly how we got to Tipperary Town and Bohercrowe from Cullen. It seems the
key to solving the puzzle lies in my great-great-great grandmother, Bridget
Power Barron (b. 1774, d. 1864). Bridget's great aunt was probably Grace Power
Emmet, who probably lived in Tipperary town (those genealogists are vague about
other families allied to the family they are searching). Grace Power probably
married a younger brother of Dr. Robert Emmet, Sr. of Cork City and Dublin. It
seems to me that the Emmet family could have been from Scotland (or
England--one son went to school in Edinburgh) and according to published
reports they came to Tipperary Town back in 1642, which is really before
Cromwell had true power in Ireland and England--even though the rebellions and
invasion started in 1641.
At any rate, I am searching for the wife and children of Edmond Power, Jr. of
Bohercrowe, who lived next to our family farm about a 10 minute walk outside of
Tipperary Town and was probably a brother of Bridget Power Barron from
Bohercrowe. My genealogist said that Edmond Power Sr. (mentioned in two deeds
from 1811 and 1812 and his younger brother's will dated in 1804 and probated in
1811) was the eldest brother of Captain William Middleton Power of the 28th
Foot from Gloucester and the other brother (will in 1804) was John Power, Jr.,
and their parents were John Power Sr. and Mary Middleton. Edmond Power Sr. was
from Tipperary Town and it seems to me that his younger brother must have been
a contemporary of my Edward Barron of the 32nd Foot for the Duke of Cornwall,
who was born in Tipperary town (1750) and served from 1771 to 1791. My
genealogist said these Powers did 'not' seem like my Powers because they were
rich and Protestant, but I think he made that conclusion simply because my
Bridget Power was married at Tipperary Parish (Catholic) in 1808 and was
probably baptized a Catholic. However, he seems to forget that 1. there were a
shortage of Protestant eligible women to marry in this area during this time
and 2. it seems likely that these Powers and Barrons were allied by blood and
business ties to the Emet family ever since 1642 and during this time frame
(1770 to 1810) there was the rebellion in Dublin of 1798 and 1803 and that both
of these rebellions were led by Robert Emmet Jr. and Thomas Addis Emmet, whose
family ties were both in Tipperary Town! Therefore, even though it looks like
the Emmet, Power and Barron families of this area were all Protestant from the
1640's up to 1798, it seems likely that all 3 families were re-thinking their
political and religious ties during these tumultuous days of 1798 to 1803! In addition,
this same genealogist also told me that my great-great grandfather (John Barron
of Tipperary Town and Bohercrowe) probably had to flee Ireland in 1867 due to
the failed Fenian Rebellion of 1867 in Tipperary Town! John Barron fled to NYC
in 1867 along with the named leaders of the rebellion, Colonel Thomas Kelly of
Tipperary Town and Captain Timothy Deasy of Cork, which was the exact same
escape route of Thomas Addis Emmet in 1803!
The other thing is that the odds are that my Edward Barron of Cullen (ca: 1667)
was probably the son of Redmond or Maurice Barron of Clonpet, (2 miles south of
Tipp town) Roland Baron of Kilfeacle, (3 miles east of Tipp town) or William
Barron of Rathkany near Peppardstown (6 miles east of Tipp town near Cashel).
William Barron died in 1680 and definitely had a son named Edward Barron.
Therefore, I think I'm closing in on exactly which Barron family is mine in
Tipperary Town and Cullen and exactly where these families originated in, but
it looks like either an earlier named Redmond and Maurice Barron of Tipperary
named in the Fiants of 1588, who lived near the border of Co. Kilkenny.
Maurice's father was James FitzGerald, son and brother of two Barons of
Burnchurch. The other possible origin is a Richard Baron of Clonmel, (a
merchant) whose father was the Baron of Brownsford in Inistiogue. At any rate,
I think all the above is traceable with definite records, but the links and
clarifying records will probably be in legal records about the Power and Emmet
families of Tipperary Town and also in St. Mary's graveyard, whose origin does
'not' begin with the building of St. Mary's church in 1831 (Richard
Austin-Cooper Chadwick was a prominent member of this church) because I've seen
the burial places of Dr. Christopher Emmet (d. 1743), his grandson, Christopher
Temple Emmet the lawyer (eldest brother of Thomas Addis and Robert the
patriots) and also Mr. McCarthy, who died in 1740 and all were buried almost
100 years before St. Mary's church was built! Dr. Christopher Emmet was definitely
a prominent citizen in Tipperary Town because the Emmet family vault lies right
next to the current St. Mary's church and the legal records all point to the
Power and Barron vaults being within a few feet of the Emmet family vault and
as I remember those inscriptions are weathered, but there's enough left of the
old inscriptions that a cleaning and rubbing of the inscriptions on these
vaults will tell the names of the family owners and with land deeds dating from
1717 mentioning a business alliance between another man named John Power and a
William Barron, I think we have old alliances with both the Power and Emmet
families of Tipperary Town, not to mention the Chadwicks of Ballinard between
Cullen and Lattin! This is starting to make some sense and it seems that John
Barron of Cullen was probably the son of Pierce Barron and Maggie Hammersly
that moved to Tipperary Town and had a son named Edward Barron "the
Soldier"! I hope you are doing well!
PS: I forgot to mention that my John Barron (b. 1808) alleged in all official
records in NYC that he came to NYC from Ireland in 1863, not 1867, and it was
not until this genealogist provided me proof via land records on our old family
farm in Bohercrowe for John being the stated tenant living there in 1867! It
seems to me that John, his wife and all his children maintained a false
emigration date of 1863 for specific reasons, to confuse American authorities,
who back then and today have definite--and friendly--political relations with
the UK government. This also seems to connect my family to the Emmet family of
Tipperary Town because that Thomas Addis Emmet certainly got himself into a
load of trouble with the UK government in 1798 and also in 1803, but not as bad
as his younger brother, Robert Jr., who was hanged for treason by the UK
government in 1803.
[60] TPC
A letter in the Greer archives at the PRONI to
Thomas Greer "II", as he is known to NI historians and genealogists,
in Dungannon, Co. Tyrone. It was written on 9 December 1778. The PRONI indexer,
who gave it the reference D/1044/525, added that there is a "Note by TG at
bottom". This note reads as follows:
"This letter was from the father of Mrs Gurney of Earlham, mother of
Elizabeth Fry and Lady Thomas F Buxton. Daniel Bell was my great-grandfather's partner
in the linen business at Tullylagan."
‘Mrs Gurney of Earlham’ proved indeed to have been born K/Catherine Bell,
daughter of Daniel Bell.
London Courier and Evening
Gazette - Wednesday 09 June 1813:
A GENTLEMAN at Gibraltar has within these few month, brought to effect an
Invention of great national importance, for which the King’s Letters Patent
have lately been obtained. The proprietors are now, therefore, enabled to
announce to the public in general, and particularly to those whose professions
and pursuits require their going to sea, that they can offer them the
extraordinary advantage of possessing, in the simple character of a common Bed,
a complete and perfect LIFE PRESERVER.—It has in every respect the same
appearance, and affords the same comfort as an ordinary mattress, but being
stuffed with a composition which has an undoubted principle of buoyancy, that
no length of time in the water lessens, it becomes in consequence the certain
means of preserving life In cases of shipwreck. The simplicity of its
construction renders it capable of being firmly fixed on the body in less than
two minutes, and when on, it does not obstruct a seaman from performing his
duty; on deck or in boats; it is also a great protector from external violence,
both for the head and body. The certificates from the following professional
characters, equally distinguished by rank and judgment of experiment, which
have been made in their presence, and in some instances, by themselves,
demonstrate beyond a possibility of doubt, the certainty of its effects, as
well as possessing no quality deleterious to health, viz.....
These Certificates are in the possession of Mr. Jonathan Bell of Battle Bridge where the Beds are manufactured, and may be on the moderate terms of Two Guineas and Three Guineas each, at well as at Messrs Thompson and Co.’s, Long-acre; and Robt. Graham and Co. 304, Wapping. N. B. Seamen’s Beds supplied at 25s.each.
[64] Civil Reg 1852, Q1, Kensington 1aP30
[65] Morning Post - Friday 25 February 1831
[66] Public Ledger and Daily Advertiser - Monday 17 June 1822
[67] London Courier and Evening Gazette - Thursday 03 March 1836
& Findmypast.
[68] Quaker births image, via Findmypast. Monthly Meeting of Tottenham: Hampstead End, Winchmore Hill, Barnet, and South Mimms
[69] Gents Magazine Nov 1802 & Quaker PR.
see Bill Jackson’s work on the Irish family:
Towards the end of the 18th century, yet others of the family may have played a
part in producing linen on a large scale: certainly they were linked with it by
marriage. We saw in the last chapter that in 1716 Alexander Bell’s daughter
Elizabeth (b. c.1697) married the linen draper Thomas Greer, known to researchers
of the extensive Greer archive in PRONI as ‘Thomas Greer ‘I’. Greeves tells us
that Daniel Bell (b. c.1700), Elizabeth’s brother, was ‘witness to his
br./law’s Will’; Frederick Greer, writing c.1908, confirms this.
Here is where genealogy can be as frustrating as angling: one catches minnows,
but much larger fish may get away. In PRONI’s Greer archive of, inter alia,
more than a thousand letters, no. 525 has a note penned on the reverse,
initialled ‘TG’. The note says ‘Daniel Bell was my great-grandfather’s
partner in the linen business at Tullylagan’. And Frederick Greer refers to
Daniel as ‘junior partner’. So that it at first appeared to me that Daniel, a grandson
of Archibald, had been partner to a Greer of the chronologically arranged
archive letters to have been specifically addressed to his son Thomas Greer
‘III’, no. 525 was clearly not written by the son. Rather, it seems certain
that the note was written later, whether by Thomas Greer ‘III’, or possibly by
Thomas Greer JP MP of Sea Park, Carrickfergus who in the 1880s took an interest
in the history of his family.
By then Elizabeth Fry’s work was very widely known.
There had indeed been a Bell business partnership with Thomas ‘II’. All through
the letters, the Greer family appear to have been connected with the Wakefields
of London. Thomas II had a bleach green at New Hamborough, alias Tullylagan, near
Dungannon, first mentioned in 1775. In 1776 it belonged to the firm of Wakefield,
Pratt & Meirs. After the dissolution of that partnership, Thomas’s offer of
£2,000 for ‘New Hambro’ was accepted. Later that year Messrs Wakefield &
Bell entered into a partnership with him and they ran it as Greer,Wakefield and
Bell until 1796 when Thomas proposed buying Wakefield & Co’s share. Not
only did there seem to be a link with our Bells, but another correspondent with
the firm was Joseph Wakefield – of Moyallon. Had the Wakefields and our Bells established
the firm in London?
‘Mrs Gurney of Earlham’ proved indeed to have been born K/Catherine Bell, daughter of Daniel Bell, and he a son of a Daniel Bell. But when eventually a pedigree of ‘Bell of London’ came to light, again done by the resourceful Greeves, it showed that they were a separate family, originating near Cockermouth in Cumbria. The above-mentioned Thomas Greer of Sea Park hazarded that that family’s paterfamilias, a John Bell of Embleton and later of Hundith Hill near Cockermouth, who had been ‘convinced of Friends principles by Geo Fox in 1653’, was related to and possibly even a brother of our Archibald. There being no firm evidence for this, we must suspend judgment. Yet the involvement of Bells – Daniel Bells at that – and Wakefields on both sides of the Irish Sea seems more than coincidence. Would that we could ask Greeves and Thomas Greer of Sea Park just why they researched those ‘Bells of London’. It would have been nice for our family to bask in the reflected glory of a link with Elizabeth Fry! Perhaps DNA profiling of contemporary descendants of all concerned may yet prove one incontrovertibly.
[71] Sheffield Register, Yorkshire, Derbyshire, & Nottinghamshire Universal Advertiser - Saturday 22 September 1787
[72] Dell, Daniel, 1804 PROB-11-1404-344
[73] Quaker records via Findmypast
The Morning Post (London, Greater London,
England)21 Apr 1834, Mon
Mr.W.W. SIMPSON has received directions from the assignees of Messrs. Duckett,
Morland, and Bernard, to SELL by Auction, at the Mart, London, on WEDNESDAY,
May 7, at Twelve o’clock, in One Lot, WANDLE HOUSE, a substantally brick-built
residence, pleasantly situated in front of the high road leading from
Wandsworth to Tooting, and posessing adequate accommodation for a respectable
familly, with domestic offices of the most convenient description, coachhouse,
three stalled stable, and various useful outbuildings, extensive lawn, pleasure
grounds, and well stocked kitchen and fruit garden,, nearly surrounded by
gravel walks, shaded with lofty trees, and a small pightle, comprising
altogother about seven acres ; also four enclosures of rich meadow land
immediately contiguous, containing fourteen acres or thereabouts. The entire
property is freehold and Iet on lease, which will expire in 1841, at a rent of
only £88. per annum, but which rent will be doubled on the expiration of the
present lease.
The propery can only be viewed by permission of Daniel Bell, Esq., the tenant. Particulars may be had of Messrs. Walford and Sons, Solicitors, No. 10, Southampton-street, Strand ; Thomas Biggs, ESQ., Solicitor, No. 50, Lincoln’s Inn Fields at the Mart; and of Mr. W. W. Simpson, Bucklerbury.
[75] Web site on Silk Weavers and Stay Makers,
[76] The Observer (London)15 Dec 1834
[77] Dublin Evening Post - Tuesday 28 February 1804
[78] The Times (London, Greater London, England)29 May 1828, Thu
[79] The Observer (London, Greater London, England)14 Oct 1850, Mon
[80] The Morning Post (London)04 Jul 1811,
[81] The Guardian (London)10 Mar 1847.
[82] The Standard (London)13 Mar 1843,
[83] The Bath Chronicle (Bath, Avon)29 Nov 1792, Thu
The Bury and Norwich Post (Bury, Suffolk,
England)01 Nov 1809, Wed
On Saturday morning, after a short but painful illness, supported with manly
fortitude, departed this life in the 50th year of his age, John Gurney, Esq. of
Earlham-hall, near this city, one of the Society of Friends, and of the firrn
of the Norwich, Yartmouth, Lynn, and other Banks. From an early period of his
life, this gentleman distinguished himse!f by a close application to business
and to the aquisition of general knowledge, and on all public occasions, when
the welfare of his fellow-citizens and the prosperity of his country were the
topics of debate, he ever shewed himwself a warm advocate for the rights of the
people, and proved his ardent attachment to his native land. His natural
urbanity of manners, and his munificent hospitahty, were rarely equalled, and
not to be surpassed. ln the fulfillment of his various duties of a husband, a
father, a brother, and a friend, his conduct was highly worthy imitation, and
the recollection of his virtues will endear his memory to all who who had the
pleasure cf his acquaintance. Eleven children (who long ago buried an amiable
mother) must with greater poignancy of grief lament the death of such a father
! Great and severe as it is to them, and to other numerous and afflicted
relatives their Ioss, how much more severe will it prove to those many persons
who were the constant objects of his benevolence! a bcnevolence which was
proportioned to his ample means of bestowirg it, and which, in accordancc with
the pure doctrine. of Christianity, was extended without any regard to sect or
[85] Bury and Norwich Post (Bury, Suffolk)29 Jun 1808,
[86] The Ipswich Journal (Ipswich, Suffolk, England)23 Aug 1800, Sat
[87] The Morning Post (London, Greater London, England)06 Aug 1825, Sat
GURNEY, SAMUEL (1786-1856),. Bill discounter and
philanthropist, second son of John Gurney, banker, Norwich, who died 28 Oct,
1809, by Catherine, daughter of John Bell, merchant, London, was born at
Earlham Hall, near Norwich, 18 Oct; 1786, and educated at Wandsworth, Surrey,
and at Hingham, Norfolk. His brothers, Joseph John and Daniel, and his sister,
Elizabeth Fry, are noticed separately, At the age of fourteen Samuel was placed
in the counting- house of his brother-in-law, Joseph Fry, tea merchant and
banker, St. Mildred's Court, Poultry, London. On 7 April 1808 he married
Elizabeth, daughter of James Sheppard of Ham House, Essex, a handsome residence
that descended in 1812 to the young couple, and was their place of abode during
nearly the whole of their married life. The wealth that came to Gurney from his
father-in-law, as well as that bequeathed to him by his father, helped him to
rapid progress as a partner in Richardson & Overend, with which firm he had
become connected in 1807. Very soon after his entering this business it began
to assume gigantic proportions, and it was for about forty years the greatest
discounting house in the world, and the parent of all the other establishments
in London and elsewhere. At first only discounting bills, it soon came to
lending money on all sorts of securities. In the panic of 1825 the firm, which
had then become Overend, Gurney, & Co. were able to lend money to many
houses to tide over their difficulties; this brought them into favour, Gurney
became known as the bankers' banker, and many firms who had previously dealt
with the Bank of England now commenced depositing their surplus cash in his
hands. In 1856 it was calculated that his house held deposits amounting to
eight millions of money. Gurney took a part in the efforts of J. J. Gurney,
Fowell Buxton, and Elizabeth Fry for the improvement of prison discipline and
the reform of the criminal code. He refused to prosecute a man who had forged
his name, knowing well that death was the punishment for such an offence. He
also interested himself in the Niger expedition, and in March 1841 entertained
Captain H. D. Trotter, Commander W. Allen, and a large number of the officers
of the expedition at a farewell dinner at Upton. In 1849 he undertook a tour
of Ireland, where he made considerable gifts to poor people still suffering
from the effects of the famine. He became treasurer of the British and Foreign
School Society in 1843, and held that post till his decease. He was a very
liberal patron of the infant colony of Liberia, kept up a correspondence with
President Roberts, and for his many gifts was rewarded by his name being given
to a town of Gallenas in 1851. In 1853 he accompanied a deputation sent to Napoleon
III to express a desire for a long continuance of peace and amity between
England and France. His wife died at Ham House, Essex, 14 Feb. 1855, and in the
autumn of that year, his own health being much broken, he took up his residence
at Nice. Getting worse in the spring of 1856, he hurried homewards, desiring
to end his days in his own country among his kindred. He reached Paris, but
could go no further, and died in an hotel in that city on 5 dune 1856. He was
buried in the Friends’ cemetery at Barking on 19 June, when an immense
concourse of people attended the funeral. He left nine children and upwards of
forty grandchildren, but his eldest son, John Gurney of Earlham Hall, did not
long survive, dying 28 Sept. 1856. Gurney was the author of a pamphlet “To the
Electors of South Essex” 1852, in which he recommended the election of Sir E.
N. Buxton.
The great commercial establishment, which Gurney had brought to a position of
unexampled wealth and influence, after passing into less competent hands, was
reorganised as a joint-stock company in August 1865, and failed on 10 May 1866,
when the liabilities amounted to eleven millions.
Geldart’s Memorials of Samuel Gurney, 1857, with portrait; Bourne’s English
Merchants, 1886, pp. 467-81; Annual Monitor, 1856, No. 15, pp. 71- 79; Illustr.
London, News, 5 July 1856, p. 16, with portrait; Finlason’s Report of the Case
of the Queen v. Gurnev and others. 1870.1 G n R
[89] Internet: Quakers around Shoreditch.
[90] GURNEY, JOSEPH JOHN (1788-1847),
Philanthropist and religious writer, born at Earlham Hall, near Norwich on 2 Aug. 1788, was the tenth child and third son of John Gurney, a member of a well-known Quaker family, and a successful banker in Norwich, who was descended from Joseph, younger brother of John Gurney (1689-1741) q.v.;
Joseph John was therefore a brother of Samuel Gurney [q. v.] and Daniel Gurney [q. v.] Of his sisters, Elizabeth, the third, became Mrs. Fry [q. v.], and Hannah became the wife of Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton [q.v]. The mother of Gurney died while he was an infant, so that his domestic training fell to a large extent to his elder sisters, and especially to Mrs. Fry. Of a tall and manly figure, a handsome face, and a very affectionate disposition, Gurney was a favourite both with young and old. In his boyhood he was sent to study at Oxford under a tutor, though being a Quaker he never became a member of the university. He was greatly and permanently attracted by classical study, and found that its discipline harmonised well with the discipline of self-control so characteristic of the Friends. His first literary effort was a contribution to the ‘Classical Journal’ in the form of a review of Sir William Drummond’s ‘Dissertations on Herculaneum.’ The learning shown in the paper was remarkable,*and he was able to correct many of the author’s statements. Gurney also studied Hebrew. From an early period he had many serious thoughts. His Quaker views, at first rather lax, came to be held with great strength of conviction. Self-inspection became a ruling habit of his life; once a quarter, in what he called his ‘quarterly reviews’ and every night in ‘quaestiones nocturntae’ he examined the actions and spirit of each day.
In 1818 he felt himself called to be a minister of the Society of Friends, and from that time he was much engaged in work appropriate to his calling. In addition to such work, he was attracted strongly by philanthropic, enterprises, and other, especially educational, movements for the benefit of the community, In conjunction with Mrs. Fry, he took a great interest in prison reform, thoroughly sharing her views on that subject. He was intimately associated with Clarkson, Wilberforce, Buxton, and others in the cause of slave emancipation. In politics, he was a liberal, and an energetic and hearty supporter of free trade. In the Bible Society he took a very special interest, the day of the celebration of the society at Norwich being always a festival day with him. He made many tours to the United States, partly for religious services in connection with the Society of Friends, and partly to promote such public objects as the abolition of slavery, the abolition of capital punishment, and the restraint of war. Ireland, Scotland, the United States, Holland, Belgium, Denmark, Hanover, Prussia, and other parts of Germany he visited in this way. In July 1837 he sailed for America. He extended his journey to Canada and the West India islands, and did not return till August 1840. At Washington he invited the officers of the government and the members of congress to a religious meeting on a Sunday morning. The speaker of the lower house granted him the use of Legislation Hall; the chaplain of the house surrendered his usual morning service, and the room was crowded by the president and members of congress, their ladies, and many other persons. At the close of a powerful address upon Christian duty he was warmly greeted by Henry Clay, John Quincy Adams, and many other distinguished members.
Gurney’s labours through the press were numerous and considerable. In 1824 he published ‘Observations on the distinguishing Views and Practices of the Society of Friends’ intended chiefly for the younger members of the society. In the same year he published ‘A Letter to a Friend on the Authority of Christianity’ In 1825, under the title of ‘Essays on the Evidences, Doctrines, and Practical Operation of Christianity’ he embodied the result of the meditation and research of many years. Southey wrote (4 Jan. 1826): ‘I have gone through your volume with wonder as well as satisfaction. . , .It would have been a surprising book for one who was bred to the profession of divinity, and pursued the study with ardour during a long life.’ In 1827, after a long residence and inquiry, he published ‘A Report on the State of Ireland, made to the Lord-Lieutenant.’ In 1830 ‘Biblical Notes and Dissertations, chiefly on the Doctrine of the Deity of Christ.’ In reference to this work Dr. Tregelles remarked: ‘Thoroughly as the field of criticism has since changed, the value of that book remains.’ In 1832 ‘An Essay on the Moral Character of our Lord Jesus Christ.’ In the same year he published ‘Terms of Union’ and ‘A Sketch of the Portable Evidence of Christianity’ the result of a suggestion made to him by Dr. Chalmers. In 1834 his ‘Essays on the Habitual Exercise of Love to God’ appeared, and the hook was reissued at Philadelphia in 1840, and in a French (1839) and a German (1843) translation, On his return from America in 1840 he published his ‘Winter in the West Indies’ in similar letters to Henry Clay of Kentucky. In 1843, anonymously at first, ‘The Papal and Hierarchical System compared with the Religion of the New Testament’ This was reissued with his name, under the title ‘Purseyism traced to its Root, in a View of the Papal and Hierarchical System compared with the Religion of the New Testament.’ Several other works were printed privately, including ‘Letters to Mrs Opie’ and an ‘Autobiography’. After his death was published ‘Chalmeriana, or Colloquies with Dr. Chalmers’ (1853), and several little brochures selected from his works.
Gurney declined overtures made to him to enter parliament. He was conspicuous for the largeness of his gifts to philanthropic objects, his generosity being facilitated by simplicity and economy in the ordinary ordering or his life. He was married three times: first in 1817 to Jane Birkbeck, who died in 1822 ; secondly, in 1827, to Mary Fowler, who died in 1886, and thirdly, in 1841, to Eliza P. Kirkbride, who survived him. He died, after a few days’ illness, on 4 Jan. 1847, in his fifty-ninth year.
[Memoirs of Joseph John Gurney, edited by Joseph Bevan Braithwaite, 2 vols. Norwich, 1854, Memoir of, by John Alexander, 1847; Memorial of, by Bernard Barton, 1847; .Reminiscences of a Good Man’s Life by Mrs. Thomas Geldart, 1853.] W. G. B.
[91] The Morning Chronicle (London)11 Sep 1817, Thu
[92] The Bury and Norwich Post (Bury, Suffolk)12 Jun 1822, Wed, and Lancs Gazette 22 June
GURNEY, DANIEL (1791-1880), (DNB via Ancestry)
banker and antiquary, was born at Earlham Hall near Norwich, on 9 March 1791 He
was youngest son of John Gurney (d. 1809) of Earlham, Norfolk, and brother of
Mrs. Elizabeth Fry, the philanthropist, and of Joseph John and Samuel Gurney,
who are separately noticed. His mother, Catherine, daughter of Daniel Bell,
died in 1792. He descended from the ancient family of Gurney or Gournay, a
younger branch of which held certain manors in Norfolk, (temp. Henry II).
Daniel was a direct descendant of this branch of the family, After completing
his education, Gurney entered. the Gurnhey & Co., of which he was
afterwards the head, and for more than sixty years a partner. He wrote several
essays On banking, which, were printed for private circulation only. As the
head of one of the first banks in the provinces, he had much influence, both
socially and politically. His amiability, courtesy, and generosity greatly
endeared him to his contemporaries. Gurney was mainly instrumentall in
establishing the West Nor¬folk and Lynn Hospital.
One of Gurney’s favourite pursuits was archaeology, and he was a prominent
fellow of the Society of Antiquaries. He took great interest in genealogy. In
1848 he printed in two volumes for private circulation an elaborate work
entitled “The Record of the House of Gournay” to which he afterwards (1858)
added a Supplement. This book is highly valued for its varied antiquarian
Information and research. Gurney, who was a conservative in politics, was a
justice of the peace and deputy-lieutenant for the county of Norfolk, and
filled the oifice of high sheriff in 1853. He married in 1822 the Lady Harriet
Jernima Hay, daughter of William, fifteenth earl of Erroll, by whom he had a
numerous issue.
[94] The Bury and Norwich Post (Bury, Suffolk, England)08 Jul 1807, Wed
[95] The Morning Post (London, Greater London, England)31 Mar 1821, Sat
[96] Maria Suffolk Sun 20 Jan 2002
Dear Antony Maitland,
An internet friend, Hugh Casement in Germany, sent me your website details regarding the fascinating account you've posted reg. Chadwick families, including Bell, Gurney, Fry and Wakefield. Everything in it is interesting, thank you so much for sharing this.
I'd like to ask whether you ever came across any mention of the Wakefield brother, John Howard, who went to India for East India Company in the army ? The relevant passage in your website is above (66).
Priscilla, married to Edward Wakefield and had issue, one of whom was Edward Gibbon Wakefield, founder of the Colony of New Zealand;
Katherine, married to John Gurney, of Earlham, County Norfolk, and was mother of Elizabeth Fry, the philanthropist also of Hannah, wife of Sir Thomas Powell Buxton, Baronet.
Actually, and it probably isn't terribly important with regard to your website, Priscilla Wakefield (nee Bell) and Edward Wakefield had children, one of whom was named Edward Wakefield again. This Edward married Susannah Crash, and it was they who sired Edward Gibbon Wakefield & siblings, one of whom was John Howard Wakefield, my own I'm only mentioning it for clarity's sake. So, Priscilla Wakefield was the grandmother of Edward Gibbon Wakefield and of Arthur, of John Howard, and others.
Priscilla's sister Katherine Gurney and she were very close. I've borrowed from the NZ Turnbull Library the microfilms of copied diaries of Priscilla Wakefield, quite famous herself for work among deprived women in east end of London.
I myself live in a tiny village in Australia, so most of my research is done via the internet and libraries, and the help of a very good friend in UK who has beavered in the India Office, London.
What I found absolutely fascinating was to read the account of the visit of the King of Prussia, with a Mr Bunsen present. The Bunsens were in the diplomatic service for Prussia.
Elizabeth Fry was a cousin to Edward Wakefield and his wife Susannah Crash. The daughter of Elizabeth Fry, Katherine who looked after the house, would have been a second cousin to JHW, my
You see, the daughter of John Howard Wakefield, born in India to him and an Indian aristocrat who took the name of Maria Suffolk on baptism, was called Lucy Catherine Wakefield.
Lucy Catherine Wakefield married Count Hugo Radolinski, Prussian, in 1863. He later became Prince Radolin, working as Private Secretary to the Kaiser. I have read somewhere that she married from a Gurney household in London, her father having died the year before in London (her mother in India in 1852).
I've always wondered why Lucy connected with a Prussian - your website does offer an explanation. I would welcome hearing from you.
My own line of research at present concentrates on finding the background to John Howard's wife, who unusually took Suffolk as part of her name. Descendants of theirs Germany have a photocopy of a portrait, showing clearly Maria Suffolk Wakefield as a full name, and this is also given on her burial certificate (obtained from India Office in London).
It has been Hugh Casement who put me in touch with these relatives, who descend from Lucy Catherine (nee Wakefield) and Hugo Radolin.
You might also be interested to know that a son of :
Rebecca, married to Abel Chapman (c).
given in your website was called Henry Chapman. He became an Assistant Surgeon to the East India Company and, further, married in 1836 (in India) the sister of John Howard Wakefield above, one Priscilla Susannah Wakefield who had gone to India to teach.
Well, I do hope you don't mind my approaching you on this matter and very much look forward to hearing any ideas you may have regarding my "quest".
With kind regards, Maria Suffolk
p.s. I took my's name by deed poll many years ago.
[97] Oxford Dictionary of National Biography
[98] The Broadview Anthology of Literature of the Revolutionary Period 1770-1832
[99] The Observer (London)18 Oct 1824,
[100] The Morning Post (London)29 Jun 1849,
[101] Norfolk Chronicle - Saturday 10 March 1787
[102] Jonathan Sharpe wrote (May 2005):
Dear Mr Maitland. I have been researching Edward Vaux d.1803, in relation to a painting, that our family inherited, which I believe to be of him. I have been puzzled by many internet references to him having been Ordained. I know his son William, son in law James Simkinson and grandson Edward Vaux were. He could just have been earlier in his life but I have seen several entries in London directories over the last three or four decades of the eighteenth century showing him in business but no reference to him as Reverent (family marriage announcements) but there is still quite a bit to find about him. If there has been an error which has been promulgated I would like to know. I notice that your site refers to Edward Vaux being in Holy Orders, as well as; his daughter Emma Vaux marrying James King, rather than Rev. James Simkinson. I include extracts from Boyd's Marriage index and a transcription of the probate copy of Edward Vaux's will (a longish one). ------------
I am only to happy for you to include this on your site. I am still wondering about where the idea of holy orders comes from as it was Maria's Father. There is usually some seed for an idea. I know I have had leave off cross-examining an elderly relative over inconsistencies in facts as I was causing real distress. Edward obviously had dealings with Quakers but since I have found Christening references for all but one of his children I don't think he would a Quaker preacher. Edward's father might have been or indeed an Anglican clergyman either in the Uk or South Carolina. He is a mystery which I would dearly like To Solve. I realise also have used information from the Chadwick Source and since that side has not been a central interest I have not checked it out but can be pretty certain that Maria Vaux married Jonathan Bell.
[103] William Murray, 1st Earl of Mansfield, PC, SL (2 March 1705 – 20 March 1793) was a British barrister, politician and judge noted for his reform of English law. Born to Scottish nobility, he was educated in Perth, Scotland, before moving to London at the age of 13 to take up a place at Westminster School. He was accepted into Christ Church, Oxford, in May 1723, and graduated four years later. Returning to London from Oxford, he was called to the Bar by Lincoln's Inn on 23 November 1730, and quickly gained a reputation as an excellent barrister.
[105] Quaker record image on Findmypast
[106] Saltford Brass Mill was one of a series of mills working in brass in the Avon Valley during the eighteenth century. Many of these mills, as at Saltford, employed waterwheels to power processes used by the company. Abraham Darby started making brass at Baptist Mills on the Frome in Bristol (near the start of the M32) in 1702. Brassmaking was much later transferred to Keynsham's Avon Mill, because of its better water supply. River transport was used to deliver brass ingots and coal up to Saltford; Weston Mill, Bath and other mills of the company.
The earliest main process involved the shaping of brass sheet into hollow-ware vessels, such as pans, bowls, and vats. Large water-powered hammers were used originally, to beat the brass ingots into sheet, and then faster hammers shaped the sheet into hollow-ware. This beating process was known as 'battery', so Saltford Mill was known as a brass battery mill.
Rolling mills (pairs of heavy rolls working like an old fashioned mangle) were soon introduced by the company, which produced brass sheets more evenly than hammers. Saltford Mill also became a rolling mill but hammers continued to be used for the production of hollow-ware.
The brass was malleable enough to be worked cold, but rolling and hammering could continue only for a limited period as the brass would 'work-harden', causing cracking. To prevent this, partially worked brass was periodically softened by heating, or 'annealing' it.
When this work originally started, individual pieces were heated over charcoal. Soon the Bristol industry devised bulk annealing in large furnaces heated with local coal. The brass goods were protected from damaging coal fumes by an inner sealed arch, introducing a new type of large-scale `muffle' furnace. The remaining Saltford annealing furnace, one of four once working at the mill, is the best surviving example of this important local innovation. The only other examples are at Kelston Mills, where only the outer walls remain.
Skilled immigrant craftsmen came from traditional brass making areas of the Continent bringing their valuable expertise. The skills of these men partly account for the growing success of the industry throughout the eighteenth century. Many of their descendants stayed at the local mills and several of their families continue to live in the Avon Valley today, with names such as Buck, Crinks, Craymer, Fray, Frankham, Ollis, Racker and Steger.
From Roger Sharland post on Ancestry.
At the monthly meeting at Witney the 9th of ye
7th 1717
Daniel Bell of Tottenham and Elizabeth Sole of Chipping Norton declared their intentions of taking each other in marriage. The young man brought a certificate from his Father and Mother signifying their contents and also a certificate from the monthly meeting whereunto he belongs signifying that he is clear from all others in respect to marriage, and has been serviceable to them and of our exemplary conversation ever since his dwelling among them.
At ye monthly meeting at Witney ye 15th 8mo 1717 ‘ Daniel Bell and Elizabeth Sole having declared the second time their intentions of taking each other in marriage they appearing clear of all others in that respect also are exemplary in Life and Conversation therefore this Meeting do approve of their Proseedings and gives them Free Consent to consummate the sauve???same
[108] Quaker record image on Findmypast
[110] Quaker record image on Findmypast
[111] Hertfordshire 1731-1800 as Recorded in the Gentleman's Magazine
[113] Bell, Daniel 1758 PROB-11-836-228
[114] A collection of Testimonies concerning several ministers of the Gospel amongst the people called Quakers Deceased. London 1760, P342
[115] R203A/34
contains all of Rev. Joseph Wilkinson's sketches that accompanied the rare 1810
first edition of the Guide, then entitled Select Views in Cumberland,
Westmoreland, and Lancashire.
[117] Page 154 of Tim Ford’s transcription.
Jonathan Bell of Waterside in the parish of
Lowswater, Cumberland, singleman
Brother Isaac Bell
Brother William Woodvill & 2 daughters
Brother Thomas Bell
Brother in law John Penson
Unlce William Bell
Uncle Joseph Bewley & Aunt Bridget both of Heskett
Brother John Bell of High Bark House
dated 17 April 1712.
Inventory £93/5, mostly 2 loans.
[119] The Weekly Standard and Express (Blackburn, Lancashire)30 May 1838,
[120] Notebooks of the family tree prepared by the family of Daniel bell in the late 1800s take the family back to ~1500, with “William Bell, of Brackynwhat, probably Brackenthwaite. Cumberland. Mylner,” see Part 5, Tim Ford’s History.
[121] History of The Congregational Church Cockermouth
[122] U.S., Quaker Periodicals, 1828-1929 for David Barclay
Journal of the Friends Historical Society 1912 - 1917 (Vol 9 - 14)
[123] Will, dated 2 Dec 1767, Codicil 27 Feb 1769, proved 15 April 1769:
Barclay, David 1769
of Bush Hill, Middx (10 sheets, notes only transcribed)
Ref purchase of copy hold estate at Tottenham from heirs of Radburn, for £8400
to son David
Wife an annuity of £800 pa
Sons David & John Barclay £20,000 upon trust to pay wife annuity
Son David
Dau Catherine
Dau Caroline Lindoe,
Dau Richenda Springhall
Dau Christiana Freame
Grandson Silvanus Bevan & Timothy Paul Bevan
Granddau Lucy Barclay when 21,
Dau Priscilla Barclay
D-in L Sarah Barclay, relict of late son James £200 Pa
G/son Joseph Barclay £2000 at interest, and then to his wife Margaret and any
G/son Robert Barclay, son of my son Alexander
Grandson Alexander Barclay, son of Sarah Barclay
g/dau Sarah Ann Allardice
Son Alexander Barclay £5000
G/son Robert son of my son Alexander Barclay £1000
G/dau Patience Barclay, dau of said son Alexander £1000 at 21
Dau Patience Weston £4000
£3500 to dau Catherine Bell
to Dau Catherine Lindoe, £3000
Dau Richenda Springall, £3000
To Dau Christian Freame £1500
G/sons Silvanus And Timothy Paul Bevan £2500 between them.
G/dau Priscilla Gurney £1000, her husband Edmund Gurney (sister of the Bevans)
G/dau Lucy Barclay £2000 at 21 (dau of Robert?)
Timothy Bevan & Thomas Weston, John Freame, Daniel Bell, John Lindoe,
Nathaniel Springall, & James Collison £200 each
Nephew David Barclay of Caterton Sheet(?) £500
Children of nephew John Barclay of Dublin £500
Nephew Alexander Forbes £300
Niece Ann Forbes £100
Niece Priscilla Freame 20gns
B-in-L Robert Taylor
B-in-L Abjohn Taylor
Sisters in Law Margaret Perkover?, Elizabeth Pryor, Hilary Harford
Nephew Robert Jaffray of Dublin
Nephew Gilbert Jaffray of Kingswell
Nephew Robert Barclay of Urie £500
Nephew Evan Barclay £200
Nephew Robert Doubleday £50
Nephew John Ogilvie 20 gns
Nieces Experience Clibborn, Elizabeth Scriven?, Lydia Alloway, Ann Barclay,
Patience Barclay and Jane Barclay, daus of my late brother John Barclay, £100
Niece Catherine Barclay of Springall £100
Niece Elizabeth Doubleday dau of Mollison Shottall £50
William Quiller, who married my niece Prudence Doubleday £50
Sarah Bodley
Margaret Bell
William Massey
John Gurney, son of Joseph Gurney
Another 4 pages of bequests etc to Quakers etc.
[124] Benk of England Will extracts. PCC Prob 11/947/233 of Bush Hill
[125] Foster’s Royal Lineage.
[126] Quaker meeting of London & Middlesex
[127] Ipswich Journal (Ipswich, Suffolk) 21 Nov 1795,
[128] See Burke’s Colonial Gentry for a descendency of Allardice.
[129] Lady Georgina Chapman, Jonathan Bell – shortened, from Tim Ford.
[131] North America, Family Histories, 1500-2000, Ancestry
[132] North America, Family Histories, 1500-2000, Ancestry
[133] Quaker Dublin Wills, ancestry
[134] North America, Family Histories, 1500-2000, Ancestry
[135] North America, Family Histories, 1500-2000, Ancestry
191 STRETTELL, ABEL, Dublin, merchant.
My son Abel Strettell intermarried with Sarah Strettell alias Cooper. Deed conceming house in Meath Street in which Thomas Strettell, merchant, then dwelt. To my wife Elizabeth Strettell house or annuity of £20 and a further annuity of £20 out of my lands of inheritance near Kells in Co. Meath, which I purchased from James Stopford, Esq., said lands to go to my son Jonathan and after the determination of that estate in the lifetime of the said Jonathan to the use and behoof of John Barclay and Thomas Strettell, junior, both of Eustace Street, Dublin, merchants, as trustees. The lands at Kells to go to the heirs male of the said Jonathan Strettell, and failing such issue to the eldest son Abel and his heirs. And failing such issue the lands to go to Abigail Strettell and Experience Cooper and their heirs.
To Jonathan Strettell £1,000 and all my houses from the corner house of Meath Street and Elbow Lane down to my stable in Elbow Lane, the said corner house set by me to Abraham Yeats; also the house in Elbow Lane joyning my stable now in possession of James Davis. Bernard Brown to be paid £6 per annum for the plot of ground I hold from hira in Hanover Square. Thomas Thompson in possession of tenement streetwards in Meath Street.
To Abigail Strettell £1,000 and two houses in Cork Street, one in the possession of John Howard, the other in possession of Jonathan Sharpe. To my daughter Experience Cooper alias Strettell £500 and two houses in Cork Street held by lease from Bernard Brown, Esq., one in possession of Thomas Gamble and one in possession of John Guster. Reciting marriage between my daughter Mary Strettell and Joseph Piper, mariner, when two houses in Eustace Street were settled on her. One of the said houses now held by Thomas Strettell, junior. Said Joseph Piper to be discharged from debt contracted by him for use on his first journey to Pensylvania.
Legacies to Mary Mason, Lydia Fuller, John Stoddard, the poor of Men’s Meeting of Dublin, the poor of St. Katherine’s Parish and Charity School of St. Katherine’s Parish. My niece Lydia Strettell daughter of my brother Amos Strettell. To John Barclay, Experience Barclay, Ann Barclay, Patience Barclay, Elizabeth Barclay and Jane Barclay, all children of my kinsman the said John Barclay £5 each. Amos, Thomas and Elizabeth Strettell, all children of said nephew Thomas Strettell, junior, of Eustace Street. £5 each to George Rooke, Amos Rooke, Robert Rooke, Thomas Rooke, Abel Rooke, Elizabeth Rooke, and Johanna Rooke, all children of George Rooke by his late wife Elizabeth Rooke alias Strettell. Francis Strettell, Amos Strettell, Ann Strettell, John Strettell, Thomas Strettell, all children of my nephew Robert Strettell of London. To my granddaughter Susannah Strettell £10. Trustees my two sons Abel and Jonathan Strettell, John Barclay and Thomas Strettell, junior, of Eustace Street. All lands and residue including lands in Pensylvania etc. to my four children Abel Strettell, Jonathan Strettell, Abigail Strettell and Experience Cooper.
Dated 17 Feb. 1730. Proved in Preorogative Court, 17. 9. 1732.
Witnesses: John Kathrens, Joseph Sanders, Henry Buckley, notary public. D. 5. 56
Ambrose Barcroft and my second son Thomas Strettell trustees. To my wife Elizabeth Strettell £100 and the use of my house and warehouses in Fleet Street, and the fumiture thereof, she paying the rent, with reversion to our eldest son Amos Strettell with whom his mother may decide to continue in trade and partnership, £1,200 already paid and share of residue. Elizabeth Strettell’s portion to include all demands made at time of marriage setrlement, dated about 5th day of May 1725, between Thomas Strettell, junior and James Forbes, both of Dublin, and Elizabeth Willcocks, spinster, one of the daughters of Thomas Willcocks, merchant, of same city, deceased. My son Thomas Strettell settled in Cork. My other children to wit Edward Strettell, Experience Strettell, Ann Strettell, Elizabeth Strettell, Abigail Strettell. Fortunes of these younger children to be paid at 21 or in case of girls at marriage, whichever occurs first. Executors Ambrose Barcroft, Thomas Strettell, junior.
Dated 22 Feb. 1750.
Witnesses: James Lane, Edward Sterling, Benj. Higgins, public notary.
D. 5. 252
193 SUTTON, JOHN, Dublin, merchant.
My wife Mary Sutton. My daughter Mary Sutton. Executors my wife, Joseph Gill and Daniel Bewley.
Dated 20 April, 1730. Proved in Consistorial Court.
[137] 13 BARCLAY, JOHN, merchant. (From Dublin Quaker Wills)
To my wife Ann Barclay silver to value £25, excluding punch bowl and rim belonging to it and large silver cup. “To my son John Barclay the large Bible given me by my brother David Barclay.” My grandson Barclay Clibborn, son of my daughter Experience Clibborn. My wife’s niece Joanna Rooke. Son-in- law James Clibborn. My five daughters Ann, Patience, Elizabeth, Jane and Lydia Barclay, (Lydia not yet of age). My friend Ambrose Barcroft, of Dublin, timber merchant. “The trade or business which I now follow, to be carried on by my wife and son John by the name of Ann Barclay and Son in trust for themselves and the rest of my children,” viz. 5 daughters named, they being at liberty to withdraw from business if so desired. House, warehouses and estate in Eustace Street to be disposed of at discretion of executors. Executors wife Ann Barclay, son John Barclay and son-in-law James Clibborn of the Moate.
Dated 6 March, 1750.
Witnesses: Edward Sterling, public notary, James White, Daniel Delaney. Codicil dated 26 May 1751, adding the name of Robert Clibborn, the elder of Meath Street, Dublin, to the names of the executors. Witnessed by Richard Eyres and Robert Jaffray.
D. 5. 246
[139] The Barclays of New York - who they are and who they are not - and some other Barclays
[140] Foster’s Royal Lineage, 1887
[141] The Origins, Development, Decline and Reuse of the Cloth Mills of the Stroud Valleys of Gloucestershire. A Study in Industrial Archaeology. By Stephen Mills. A thesis submitted for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy The University of Leicester November 1997. Refers to Bigland’s MI etc. Some diagrams of early machines are interesting.
Other MI’s: Robert Freame of Lypeat esq, had 4th
dau Alice (d 16/8/1632) who married Joseph Baynam of Westbury, esq abt 1600MI
Cirencester: Mary, relict of William Freame of Bisley, Gent dep 5 April 1699
aged 67.
Bisley: Here lies the Body of Thomas Freame esq of Lypite who departed this
life 5th day of January 1659.
Newent: John Freame butcher, died 22/4/1778 aged 83, Hannah his wife 14/9/1776
aged 74, John Jnr died 10/11/1774 aged 47, Jasper F Baker 11/7/1727.
Stroud: Richard Freame, N Aisle, 1709, Thomas 1664, Chancel, Ann 1810, Chancel.
Life and Letters and Labours of Francis Gallon,
by Karl Peason, University of London, Vol 1 Birth 1822 to marriage 1853, 1914.
Sir Francis Galton, FRS; (16 February 1822 – 17 January 1911) was an English
Victorian era statistician, polymath, sociologist, psychologist,
anthropologist, eugenicist, tropical explorer, geographer, inventor,
meteorologist, proto-geneticist, and psychometrician. He was knighted in 1909.
[144] Barclay’s History – Ackrill & Hannah, Quaker records
[145] Gloucestershire, Bigland's Monumental Inscriptions.
“In April 1816 Coleridge's friend and physician,
Joseph Adams, put him in touch with a Highgate doctor named James Gillman with
the intention of placing Coleridge in his full-time care and effect a cure to
his addiction problems. Although Gillman initially had no intention of taking
this stranger into his household, he was so charmed by the poet on their first
meeting that he agreed to take him in and attempt a cure. Coleridge spent most
of the rest of his life in the Gillman house with only brief periods away.
James Gillman was ahead of his time as a physician of addiction and although he
was never able to entirely stop Coleridge’s intake of opium, he managed to
bring it under greater control for many years. It is surely to Gillman’s
treatment and friendship that we owe much of Coleridge’s later prose works,
particularly his Biographia Literaria, Lay Sermons, and Opus Maximum.
Coleridge virtually became a member of the Gillman family and even accompanied
them on annual vacations. On a number of occasions when Coleridge was away from
the Gillman household, he fell back into excessive opium use. Each time Gillman
managed to step in and return Coleridge to his home and to controlled, less
harmful opium dosages. The pharmacy where the poet obtained his prescribed
supply (and sometimes, an illicit addition to it) still exists in the High
Street, though moved a few dozen yards from the original premises. Gillman
later became one of the great champions of Coleridge’s reputation and commonly
defended his friend in polite society and in print with one of the earliest
biographies of Coleridge. Coleridge’s reputation was somewhat restored during
his years at Highgate and in his lucid periods he became a kind of
elder-statesman of the literary establishment and was visited by many of the
period’s most important writers and thinkers. Despite Gillman’s care, however,
Coleridge was overcome with respiratory problems and enlargement of the heart.
Coleridge died at the age of 61.” (From
[148] In 1821, a Maria Felicity Trimbey married Lawrence William Harrison at St Antholin, London (; parish records collection)
[149] "Mary Cooper" <>
[150] 10 Dec 2005. Name: Count Caragata: Email: countcaragata
[152], Chris JA Cooper, 3/2009
[153] GURNEY, JOHN (1688-1741), Quaker, was the son of John Gurney (1655-1721), a merchant of Norwich, and a Friend, who had been imprisoned from 1683 to 1685 for re¬fusing the oath of allegiance, and who brought up his family strictly in his own faith. He married Elizabeth Swanton and had four sons. John, the eldest, was born in St, Gregory’s parish, Norwich, 16 July 1688, was educated at Norwich, and followed mercantile pursuits. Early in his life he became an active Quaker, and when twenty-two was accepted as a mi¬nister. He devoted himself chiefly to the discipline of the society. In 1719 he attended the yearly meeting in London to propose to the government a further modification in the form of legal affirmation for the relief of con¬scientious friends, which was granted in 1721. He appears to have travelled with Thomas Story, but his ministrations were chiefly con¬fined to the neighbourhood of Norwich. In 1720 he defended the Norwich wool trade be¬fore a committee of parliament from proposed encroachment with such success and ability that Sir Robert Walpole, his personal friend, offered him a government borough. He held, however, that as the law then stood a Quaker could not conscientiously sit in parliament. In 1733 he visited London, and preached be¬fore the Gracechurch Street meeting. He died, after a long and painful illness, on 23 Jan. 1741 (O.S.), aged 52, and was buried at Norwich. He married, 9 Aug. 1709, Eliza¬beth, daughter of Joseph Hadduck of Little Barningham; she died 4 Jan. 1757. His two sons, John and Henry, were the founders of Gurney’s bank; his descendants in the male line became extinct on the death of Bartlett Gurney of Cottishall in 1802; his brother Joseph was ancestor of the Gurneys of Kes¬wick. Story describes him as a man of fine natural parts and of considerable eloquence. He was particularly esteemed as an arbitrator in cases of dispute owing to his impartiality and acuteness. His only, writings are: 1. “A .Sermon preached at Gracechurch Meeting” 1733. 2. ‘Sermons preached by Thomas Story and John Gurney in the Meetings of the People called Quakers” 1785. The popularity gained by his defence of the wool trade caused his portrait to be engraved in 1720 in a broad- side; underneath the portrait are verses to the ‘Norwich Quaker’. It is reproduced in the ‘Record of the House of Gournay.’
[Story’s Journal, ed. 1747 ; Collection of Tes¬timonies (London), 1760 ; J. B. Braithwaite’s Memoirs of J. J. Gurney, 1854; Smith’s Cat. of "Friends’ Books; Gough’s Hist., of Quakers, iv. 217; Hist, of Norfolk (anon.), 1829, ii. 1264; Gurney’s Record of the House of Gurney, pp, 551-5; Burke’s Landed Gentry.] A. 0. B.
[154] A collection of Quaker Testimonials P 238 & Quaker PR.
[155] The Ipswich Journal (Ipswich, Suffolk, England) 20 Mar 1756, Sat
[156] The Leeds Intelligencer and Yorkshire General Advertiser 08 May 1770
[157] The Ipswich Journal 07 Oct 1775, Sat
[158] The Newcastle Weekly Courant (Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear, England)09 Apr 1803, Sat
[159] Bury and Norwich Post (Bury, Suffolk) 08 Jun 1825,