Chadwicks & Henderson Families
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Issue Date: 20/03/2020.
Our Chadwick family came from Southern Ireland, probably originally
Cromwellian planters from Lancashire, who later emigrated to Ontario, Canada
in the mid 19th Century, some then moving on West to British Columbia. They
married into the Stewarts (of Tyrcallen, Donegal) who were related to the
Pakenhams of Langford Lodge, Antrim.
The family was extensively researched by Edward Marion Chadwick, a lawyer
from Toronto, who produced the definitive book on the history of the Canadian
Chadwicks. His book, referenced below, forms the backbone of the history in
the later volumes: I have added the later generations and some detail more
recently found in the Record Offices.
The earliest known Chadwick was William Chadwick of Ireland, born about 1636
(ref EMC). His son, Richard, born about 1662, owned Ballinard which became
the family home for many decades. The Irish family spread, with many
surviving lines.
The Canadian line starts with John Craven Chadwick (the
"immigrant") (1811-1889), who emigrated to Canada about 1830. He
married 3 times, and had children by his second wife, Louisa Bell (from a
London trading family): John Craven (1837-1890), Frederick Jasper (1838-1891),
Edward Marion (b 1840) and Austin Cooper (b 1842), all of whom had
Our line continues from Frederick Jasper, who lived in Guelph and married
Elizabeth Stewart (see below). They had 8 known children, Louise (1862-1901),
Charlotte (1864 - 1940/50), Jasper (b 1866), Edward (1868-68), Kathleen (b
1870), Frederick Austin Pakenham (1873-1950, John (1875- abt 1950) &
Frederick Austin Pakenham Chadwick married as his second wife Creina
Henderson and was a priest, first in Ontario and then in Victoria BC. His
grand-daughter Alice Kirk-Owen was the wife of Antony Maitland, the compiler
of this record.
Chadwicks in detail, working back from the
Canadian branch.
Related Chadwick background in given in the Chadwick
Elizabeth Agnes Chadwick, daughter of
FAP & Creina (Henderson) Chadwick, married, 2nd, Rex
Kirk-Owen. Their daughter, Alice, married Antony Maitland.
The Bell family, originally of Northern Ireland, became direct ancestors of
our Chadwicks by the marriage of Louisa Bell to John Craven Chadwick (b
1811). The main line is shown with the Chadwicks. A separate part contains much general information on this
Richard Vernon was Elizabeth Chadwick's 3rd
RS Thomas, the poet, was Elizabeth Chadwick's 4th
Edward Stewart, The father of Elizabeth Stewart (who married Frederick Jasper
Chadwick of Guelph) was of the family of Stewarts of Tyrcallen, Co Donegal,
who were prominent lawyers in the area. Edward was a priest and spawned
several more men of the cloth. Her paternal grandmother, Elizabeth Pakenham,
was the sister of Kitty, the wife of Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington. We
have some correspondence between Edward Stewart and his family covering the
time when he emigrated to North America.
Related Stewart background is included in the main Stewart volume.
A considerable amount of information is available about the Pakenham family, some of which is given in a
separate part to this volume. The lines go back to the early English
aristocratic and royal families.
There is a good collection of papers in the Northern Ireland Record Office,
including letters from the Peninsular by Edward Michael Pakenham as ADC to
Edward Marion Chadwick wrote an extensive (the
definitive?) history of the pre-WW1 Chadwicks. He was a Lawyer of Toronto,
descended from John Craven Chadwick. This volume also includes background
information on EM Chadwick and his businesses. His
1914 edition is here.
This family connects with ours: the connection is described in Edward Marion
Chadwick's history. There is additional information on their own file.
Topographical Notes contain miscellaneous notes
about the towns and areas relevant to this family.

Henderson Family
Creina, daughter of Ernest Henderson, married as his
second wife, Frederick Austin Pakenham Chadwick
The Henderson connection with our family descend from Henry Henderson of
Belfast, N Ireland, in the latter half of the 18thC. Several of the family
were eminent Church men, and others were owners of Newspapers in Northern
Ireland. Later generations spread widely around the world.
Our branch are the offspring of Ernest Henderson (son the
the Rev Henry Henderson) & Agnes Quinn who lived in Ontario in the late
19thC. Ernest emigrated to Canada in the 1870's and after a time as a railway
engineer, became the head of the Windsor Salt Works in Essex Co, Ontario.
Nothing is known of Agnes Quinn's family, and little of Ernest's mother,
Sarah Russell. The Hendersons and probably the Russells were Presbyterian
Irish. The Presbyterian records may reveal more when the opportunity to
examine them arises.
Our Hendersons in detail. This
includes The history of the remainder of his family

23/4/1999: Initial Issue
23/7/2002: expanded and edited.
19/5/2004: edited.
15/6/2007: edited
15/10/2015 Henderson family included & tabled
23/3/2019: edited and repaired links.
20/3/2020: edited links